/* $Id: DBGFR3SampleReport.cpp 90549 2021-08-06 13:57:29Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * DBGF - Debugger Facility, Sample report creation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2021 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /** @page pg_dbgf_sample_report DBGFR3SampleReport - Sample Report Interface * * @todo */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DBGF #include #include "DBGFInternal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Maximum stack frame depth. */ #define DBGF_SAMPLE_REPORT_FRAME_DEPTH_MAX 64 /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Sample report state. */ typedef enum DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE { /** Invalid state do not use. */ DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_INVALID = 0, /** The sample report is ready to run. */ DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_READY, /** The sampple process is running currently. */ DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_RUNNING, /** The sample process is about to stop. */ DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_STOPPING, /** 32bit hack. */ DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE; /** Pointer to a single sample frame. */ typedef struct DBGFSAMPLEFRAME *PDBGFSAMPLEFRAME; /** * Frame information. */ typedef struct DBGFSAMPLEFRAME { /** Frame address. */ DBGFADDRESS AddrFrame; /** Number of times this frame was encountered. */ uint64_t cSamples; /** Pointer to the array of frames below in the call stack. */ PDBGFSAMPLEFRAME paFrames; /** Number of valid entries in the frams array. */ uint64_t cFramesValid; /** Maximum number of entries in the frames array. */ uint64_t cFramesMax; } DBGFSAMPLEFRAME; typedef const DBGFSAMPLEFRAME *PCDBGFSAMPLEFRAME; /** * Per VCPU sample report data. */ typedef struct DBGFSAMPLEREPORTVCPU { /** The root frame. */ DBGFSAMPLEFRAME FrameRoot; } DBGFSAMPLEREPORTVCPU; /** Pointer to the per VCPU sample report data. */ typedef DBGFSAMPLEREPORTVCPU *PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTVCPU; /** Pointer to const per VCPU sample report data. */ typedef const DBGFSAMPLEREPORTVCPU *PCDBGFSAMPLEREPORTVCPU; /** * Internal sample report instance data. */ typedef struct DBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT { /** References hold for this trace module. */ volatile uint32_t cRefs; /** The user mode VM handle. */ PUVM pUVM; /** State the sample report is currently in. */ volatile DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE enmState; /** Flags passed during report creation. */ uint32_t fFlags; /** The timer handle for the sample report collector. */ PRTTIMER hTimer; /** The sample interval in microseconds. */ uint32_t cSampleIntervalUs; /** THe progress callback if set. */ PFNDBGFPROGRESS pfnProgress; /** Opaque user data passed with the progress callback. */ void *pvProgressUser; /** Number of microseconds left for sampling. */ uint64_t cSampleUsLeft; /** The report created after sampling was stopped. */ char *pszReport; /** Number of EMTs having a guest sample operation queued. */ volatile uint32_t cEmtsActive; /** Array of per VCPU samples collected. */ DBGFSAMPLEREPORTVCPU aCpus[1]; } DBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT; /** Pointer to a const internal trace module instance data. */ typedef DBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT *PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT; /** Pointer to a const internal trace module instance data. */ typedef const DBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT *PCDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT; /** * Structure to pass to DBGFR3Info() and for doing all other * output during fatal dump. */ typedef struct DBGFSAMPLEREPORTINFOHLP { /** The helper core. */ DBGFINFOHLP Core; /** Pointer to the allocated character buffer. */ char *pachBuf; /** Number of bytes allocated for the character buffer. */ size_t cbBuf; /** Offset into the character buffer. */ size_t offBuf; } DBGFSAMPLEREPORTINFOHLP, *PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINFOHLP; /** Pointer to a DBGFSAMPLEREPORTINFOHLP structure. */ typedef const DBGFSAMPLEREPORTINFOHLP *PCDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINFOHLP; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Print formatted string. * * @param pHlp Pointer to this structure. * @param pszFormat The format string. * @param ... Arguments. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) dbgfR3SampleReportInfoHlp_pfnPrintf(PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp, const char *pszFormat, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, pszFormat); pHlp->pfnPrintfV(pHlp, pszFormat, args); va_end(args); } /** * Print formatted string. * * @param pHlp Pointer to this structure. * @param pszFormat The format string. * @param args Argument list. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) dbgfR3SampleReportInfoHlp_pfnPrintfV(PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp, const char *pszFormat, va_list args) { PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINFOHLP pMyHlp = (PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINFOHLP)pHlp; va_list args2; va_copy(args2, args); ssize_t cch = RTStrPrintf2V(&pMyHlp->pachBuf[pMyHlp->offBuf], pMyHlp->cbBuf - pMyHlp->offBuf, pszFormat, args2); if (cch < 0) { /* Try increase the buffer. */ char *pachBufNew = (char *)RTMemRealloc(pMyHlp->pachBuf, pMyHlp->cbBuf + RT_MAX(_4K, -cch)); if (pachBufNew) { pMyHlp->pachBuf = pachBufNew; pMyHlp->cbBuf += RT_MAX(_4K, -cch); cch = RTStrPrintf2V(&pMyHlp->pachBuf[pMyHlp->offBuf], pMyHlp->cbBuf - pMyHlp->offBuf, pszFormat, args2); Assert(cch > 0); pMyHlp->offBuf += cch; } } else pMyHlp->offBuf += cch; va_end(args2); } /** * Initializes the sample report output helper. * * @param pHlp The structure to initialize. */ static void dbgfR3SampleReportInfoHlpInit(PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINFOHLP pHlp) { RT_BZERO(pHlp, sizeof(*pHlp)); pHlp->Core.pfnPrintf = dbgfR3SampleReportInfoHlp_pfnPrintf; pHlp->Core.pfnPrintfV = dbgfR3SampleReportInfoHlp_pfnPrintfV; pHlp->Core.pfnGetOptError = DBGFR3InfoGenericGetOptError; pHlp->pachBuf = (char *)RTMemAllocZ(_4K); if (pHlp->pachBuf) pHlp->cbBuf = _4K; } /** * Deletes the sample report output helper. * * @param pHlp The structure to delete. */ static void dbgfR3SampleReportInfoHlpDelete(PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINFOHLP pHlp) { if (pHlp->pachBuf) RTMemFree(pHlp->pachBuf); } /** * Frees the given frame and all its descendants. * * @returns nothing. * @param pFrame The frame to free. */ static void dbgfR3SampleReportFrameFree(PDBGFSAMPLEFRAME pFrame) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pFrame->cFramesValid; i++) dbgfR3SampleReportFrameFree(&pFrame->paFrames[i]); /** @todo Recursion... */ MMR3HeapFree(pFrame->paFrames); memset(pFrame, 0, sizeof(*pFrame)); } /** * Destroys the given sample report freeing all allocated resources. * * @returns nothing. * @param pThis The sample report instance data. */ static void dbgfR3SampleReportDestroy(PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT pThis) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pThis->pUVM->cCpus; i++) dbgfR3SampleReportFrameFree(&pThis->aCpus[i].FrameRoot); MMR3HeapFree(pThis); } /** * Returns the frame belonging to the given address or NULL if not found. * * @returns Pointer to the descendant frame or NULL if not found. * @param pFrame The frame to look for descendants with the matching address. * @param pAddr The guest address to search for. */ static PDBGFSAMPLEFRAME dbgfR3SampleReportFrameFindByAddr(PCDBGFSAMPLEFRAME pFrame, PCDBGFADDRESS pAddr) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pFrame->cFramesValid; i++) if (!memcmp(pAddr, &pFrame->paFrames[i].AddrFrame, sizeof(*pAddr))) return &pFrame->paFrames[i]; return NULL; } /** * Adds the given address to as a descendant to the given frame. * * @returns Pointer to the newly inserted frame identified by the given address. * @param pUVM The usermode VM handle. * @param pFrame The frame to add the new one to as a descendant. * @param pAddr The guest address to add. */ static PDBGFSAMPLEFRAME dbgfR3SampleReportAddFrameByAddr(PUVM pUVM, PDBGFSAMPLEFRAME pFrame, PCDBGFADDRESS pAddr) { if (pFrame->cFramesValid == pFrame->cFramesMax) { uint32_t cFramesMaxNew = pFrame->cFramesMax + 10; PDBGFSAMPLEFRAME paFramesNew = NULL; if (pFrame->paFrames) paFramesNew = (PDBGFSAMPLEFRAME)MMR3HeapRealloc(pFrame->paFrames, sizeof(*pFrame->paFrames) * cFramesMaxNew); else paFramesNew = (PDBGFSAMPLEFRAME)MMR3HeapAllocZU(pUVM, MM_TAG_DBGF, sizeof(*pFrame->paFrames) * cFramesMaxNew); if (!paFramesNew) return NULL; pFrame->cFramesMax = cFramesMaxNew; pFrame->paFrames = paFramesNew; } PDBGFSAMPLEFRAME pFrameNew = &pFrame->paFrames[pFrame->cFramesValid++]; pFrameNew->AddrFrame = *pAddr; pFrameNew->cSamples = 1; pFrameNew->paFrames = NULL; pFrameNew->cFramesMax = 0; pFrameNew->cFramesValid = 0; return pFrameNew; } /** * @copydoc FNRTSORTCMP */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgfR3SampleReportFrameSortCmp(void const *pvElement1, void const *pvElement2, void *pvUser) { RT_NOREF(pvUser); PCDBGFSAMPLEFRAME pFrame1 = (PCDBGFSAMPLEFRAME)pvElement1; PCDBGFSAMPLEFRAME pFrame2 = (PCDBGFSAMPLEFRAME)pvElement2; if (pFrame1->cSamples < pFrame2->cSamples) return 1; if (pFrame1->cSamples > pFrame2->cSamples) return -1; return 0; } /** * Dumps a single given frame to the release log. * * @returns nothing. * @param pHlp The debug info helper used for printing. * @param pUVM The usermode VM handle. * @param pFrame The frame to dump. * @param idxFrame The frame number. */ static void dbgfR3SampleReportDumpFrame(PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp, PUVM pUVM, PCDBGFSAMPLEFRAME pFrame, uint32_t idxFrame) { RTGCINTPTR offDisp; RTDBGMOD hMod; RTDBGSYMBOL SymPC; if (DBGFR3AddrIsValid(pUVM, &pFrame->AddrFrame)) { int rc = DBGFR3AsSymbolByAddr(pUVM, DBGF_AS_GLOBAL, &pFrame->AddrFrame, RTDBGSYMADDR_FLAGS_LESS_OR_EQUAL | RTDBGSYMADDR_FLAGS_SKIP_ABS_IN_DEFERRED, &offDisp, &SymPC, &hMod); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { const char *pszModName = hMod != NIL_RTDBGMOD ? RTDbgModName(hMod) : NULL; pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "%*s%RU64 %s+%llx (%s) [%RGv]\n", idxFrame * 4, " ", pFrame->cSamples, SymPC.szName, offDisp, hMod ? pszModName : "", pFrame->AddrFrame.FlatPtr); RTDbgModRelease(hMod); } else pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "%*s%RU64 %RGv\n", idxFrame * 4, " ", pFrame->cSamples, pFrame->AddrFrame.FlatPtr); } else pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "%*s%RU64 %RGv\n", idxFrame * 4, " ", pFrame->cSamples, pFrame->AddrFrame.FlatPtr); /* Sort by sample count. */ RTSortShell(pFrame->paFrames, pFrame->cFramesValid, sizeof(*pFrame->paFrames), dbgfR3SampleReportFrameSortCmp, NULL); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pFrame->cFramesValid; i++) dbgfR3SampleReportDumpFrame(pHlp, pUVM, &pFrame->paFrames[i], idxFrame + 1); } /** * Worker for dbgfR3SampleReportTakeSample(), doing the work in an EMT rendezvous point on * each VCPU. * * @returns nothing. * @param pThis Pointer to the sample report instance. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) dbgfR3SampleReportSample(PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT pThis) { PVM pVM = pThis->pUVM->pVM; PVMCPU pVCpu = VMMGetCpu(pVM); PCDBGFSTACKFRAME pFrameFirst; int rc = DBGFR3StackWalkBegin(pThis->pUVM, pVCpu->idCpu, DBGFCODETYPE_GUEST, &pFrameFirst); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { DBGFADDRESS aFrameAddresses[DBGF_SAMPLE_REPORT_FRAME_DEPTH_MAX]; uint32_t idxFrame = 0; PDBGFSAMPLEFRAME pFrame = &pThis->aCpus[pVCpu->idCpu].FrameRoot; pFrame->cSamples++; for (PCDBGFSTACKFRAME pStackFrame = pFrameFirst; pStackFrame && idxFrame < RT_ELEMENTS(aFrameAddresses); pStackFrame = DBGFR3StackWalkNext(pStackFrame)) { if (pThis->fFlags & DBGF_SAMPLE_REPORT_F_STACK_REVERSE) { PDBGFSAMPLEFRAME pFrameNext = dbgfR3SampleReportFrameFindByAddr(pFrame, &pStackFrame->AddrPC); if (!pFrameNext) pFrameNext = dbgfR3SampleReportAddFrameByAddr(pThis->pUVM, pFrame, &pStackFrame->AddrPC); else pFrameNext->cSamples++; pFrame = pFrameNext; } else aFrameAddresses[idxFrame] = pStackFrame->AddrPC; idxFrame++; } DBGFR3StackWalkEnd(pFrameFirst); if (!(pThis->fFlags & DBGF_SAMPLE_REPORT_F_STACK_REVERSE)) { /* Walk the frame stack backwards and construct the call stack. */ while (idxFrame--) { PDBGFSAMPLEFRAME pFrameNext = dbgfR3SampleReportFrameFindByAddr(pFrame, &aFrameAddresses[idxFrame]); if (!pFrameNext) pFrameNext = dbgfR3SampleReportAddFrameByAddr(pThis->pUVM, pFrame, &aFrameAddresses[idxFrame]); else pFrameNext->cSamples++; pFrame = pFrameNext; } } } else LogRelMax(10, ("Sampling guest stack on VCPU %u failed with rc=%Rrc\n", pVCpu->idCpu, rc)); /* Last EMT finishes the report when sampling was stopped. */ uint32_t cEmtsActive = ASMAtomicDecU32(&pThis->cEmtsActive); if ( ASMAtomicReadU32((volatile uint32_t *)&pThis->enmState) == DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_STOPPING && !cEmtsActive) { rc = RTTimerDestroy(pThis->hTimer); AssertRC(rc); RT_NOREF(rc); pThis->hTimer = NULL; DBGFSAMPLEREPORTINFOHLP Hlp; PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp = &Hlp.Core; dbgfR3SampleReportInfoHlpInit(&Hlp); /* Some early dump code. */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pThis->pUVM->cCpus; i++) { PCDBGFSAMPLEREPORTVCPU pSampleVCpu = &pThis->aCpus[i]; pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "Sample report for vCPU %u:\n", i); dbgfR3SampleReportDumpFrame(pHlp, pThis->pUVM, &pSampleVCpu->FrameRoot, 0); } /* Shameless copy from VMMGuruMeditation.cpp */ static struct { const char *pszInfo; const char *pszArgs; } const aInfo[] = { { "mappings", NULL }, { "mode", "all" }, { "handlers", "phys virt hyper stats" }, { "timers", NULL }, { "activetimers", NULL }, }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(aInfo); i++) { pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "!!\n" "!! {%s, %s}\n" "!!\n", aInfo[i].pszInfo, aInfo[i].pszArgs); DBGFR3Info(pVM->pUVM, aInfo[i].pszInfo, aInfo[i].pszArgs, pHlp); } /* All other info items */ DBGFR3InfoMulti(pVM, "*", "mappings|hma|cpum|cpumguest|cpumguesthwvirt|cpumguestinstr|cpumhyper|cpumhost|cpumvmxfeat|mode|cpuid" "|pgmpd|pgmcr3|timers|activetimers|handlers|help|cfgm", "!!\n" "!! {%s}\n" "!!\n", pHlp); /* done */ pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); if (pThis->pszReport) RTMemFree(pThis->pszReport); pThis->pszReport = Hlp.pachBuf; Hlp.pachBuf = NULL; dbgfR3SampleReportInfoHlpDelete(&Hlp); ASMAtomicXchgU32((volatile uint32_t *)&pThis->enmState, DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_READY); if (pThis->pfnProgress) { pThis->pfnProgress(pThis->pvProgressUser, 100); pThis->pfnProgress = NULL; pThis->pvProgressUser = NULL; } DBGFR3SampleReportRelease(pThis); } } /** * @copydoc FNRTTIMER */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) dbgfR3SampleReportTakeSample(PRTTIMER pTimer, void *pvUser, uint64_t iTick) { PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT pThis = (PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT)pvUser; if (pThis->cSampleUsLeft != UINT32_MAX) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; uint64_t cUsSampled = iTick * pThis->cSampleIntervalUs; /** @todo Wrong if the timer resolution is different from what we've requested. */ /* Update progress. */ if (pThis->pfnProgress) rc = pThis->pfnProgress(pThis->pvProgressUser, cUsSampled * 99 / pThis->cSampleUsLeft); if ( cUsSampled >= pThis->cSampleUsLeft || rc == VERR_DBGF_CANCELLED) { /* * Let the EMTs do one last round in order to be able to destroy the timer (can't do this on the timer thread) * and gather information from the devices. */ ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32((volatile uint32_t *)&pThis->enmState, DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_STOPPING, DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_RUNNING); rc = RTTimerStop(pTimer); AssertRC(rc); RT_NOREF(rc); } } ASMAtomicAddU32(&pThis->cEmtsActive, pThis->pUVM->cCpus); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pThis->pUVM->cCpus; i++) { int rc = VMR3ReqCallVoidNoWait(pThis->pUVM->pVM, i, (PFNRT)dbgfR3SampleReportSample, 1, pThis); AssertRC(rc); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) ASMAtomicDecU32(&pThis->cEmtsActive); } } /** * Creates a new sample report instance for the specified VM. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pUVM The usermode VM handle. * @param cSampleIntervalUs The sample interval in micro seconds. * @param fFlags Combination of DBGF_SAMPLE_REPORT_F_XXX. * @param phSample Where to return the handle to the sample report on success. */ VMMR3DECL(int) DBGFR3SampleReportCreate(PUVM pUVM, uint32_t cSampleIntervalUs, uint32_t fFlags, PDBGFSAMPLEREPORT phSample) { UVM_ASSERT_VALID_EXT_RETURN(pUVM, VERR_INVALID_VM_HANDLE); AssertReturn(!(fFlags & ~DBGF_SAMPLE_REPORT_F_VALID_MASK), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(phSample, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT pThis = (PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT)MMR3HeapAllocZU(pUVM, MM_TAG_DBGF, RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(DBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT, aCpus[pUVM->cCpus])); if (RT_LIKELY(pThis)) { pThis->cRefs = 1; pThis->pUVM = pUVM; pThis->fFlags = fFlags; pThis->cSampleIntervalUs = cSampleIntervalUs; pThis->enmState = DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_READY; pThis->cEmtsActive = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pUVM->cCpus; i++) { pThis->aCpus[i].FrameRoot.paFrames = NULL; pThis->aCpus[i].FrameRoot.cSamples = 0; pThis->aCpus[i].FrameRoot.cFramesValid = 0; pThis->aCpus[i].FrameRoot.cFramesMax = 0; } *phSample = pThis; return VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; return rc; } /** * Retains a reference to the given sample report handle. * * @returns New reference count. * @param hSample Sample report handle. */ VMMR3DECL(uint32_t) DBGFR3SampleReportRetain(DBGFSAMPLEREPORT hSample) { PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT pThis = hSample; AssertPtrReturn(pThis, UINT32_MAX); uint32_t cRefs = ASMAtomicIncU32(&pThis->cRefs); AssertMsg(cRefs > 1 && cRefs < _1M, ("%#x %p\n", cRefs, pThis)); return cRefs; } /** * Release a given sample report handle reference. * * @returns New reference count, on 0 the sample report instance is destroyed. * @param hSample Sample report handle. */ VMMR3DECL(uint32_t) DBGFR3SampleReportRelease(DBGFSAMPLEREPORT hSample) { PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT pThis = hSample; if (!pThis) return 0; AssertPtrReturn(pThis, UINT32_MAX); AssertReturn(ASMAtomicReadU32((volatile uint32_t *)&pThis->enmState) == DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_READY, 0); uint32_t cRefs = ASMAtomicDecU32(&pThis->cRefs); AssertMsg(cRefs < _1M, ("%#x %p\n", cRefs, pThis)); if (cRefs == 0) dbgfR3SampleReportDestroy(pThis); return cRefs; } /** * Starts collecting samples for the given sample report. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param hSample Sample report handle. * @param cSampleUs Number of microseconds to sample at the interval given during creation. * Use UINT32_MAX to sample for an indefinite amount of time. * @param pfnProgress Optional progress callback. * @param pvUser Opaque user data to pass to the progress callback. */ VMMR3DECL(int) DBGFR3SampleReportStart(DBGFSAMPLEREPORT hSample, uint64_t cSampleUs, PFNDBGFPROGRESS pfnProgress, void *pvUser) { PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT pThis = hSample; AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32((volatile uint32_t *)&pThis->enmState, DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_RUNNING, DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_READY), VERR_INVALID_STATE); pThis->pfnProgress = pfnProgress; pThis->pvProgressUser = pvUser; pThis->cSampleUsLeft = cSampleUs; /* Try to detect the guest OS first so we can get more accurate symbols and addressing. */ char szName[64]; int rc = DBGFR3OSDetect(pThis->pUVM, &szName[0], sizeof(szName)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel(("DBGF/SampleReport: Detected guest OS \"%s\"\n", szName)); char szVersion[512]; int rc2 = DBGFR3OSQueryNameAndVersion(pThis->pUVM, NULL, 0, szVersion, sizeof(szVersion)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) LogRel(("DBGF/SampleReport: Version : \"%s\"\n", szVersion)); } else LogRel(("DBGF/SampleReport: Couldn't detect guest operating system rc=%Rcr\n", rc)); /* * We keep an additional reference to ensure that the sample report stays alive, * it will be dropped when the sample process is stopped. */ DBGFR3SampleReportRetain(pThis); rc = RTTimerCreateEx(&pThis->hTimer, pThis->cSampleIntervalUs * 1000, RTTIMER_FLAGS_CPU_ANY | RTTIMER_FLAGS_HIGH_RES, dbgfR3SampleReportTakeSample, pThis); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTTimerStart(pThis->hTimer, 0 /*u64First*/); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if (pThis->hTimer) { int rc2 = RTTimerDestroy(pThis->hTimer); AssertRC(rc2); RT_NOREF(rc2); pThis->hTimer = NULL; } bool fXchg = ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32((volatile uint32_t *)&pThis->enmState, DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_READY, DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_RUNNING); Assert(fXchg); RT_NOREF(fXchg); DBGFR3SampleReportRelease(pThis); } return rc; } /** * Stops collecting samples for the given sample report. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param hSample Sample report handle. */ VMMR3DECL(int) DBGFR3SampleReportStop(DBGFSAMPLEREPORT hSample) { PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT pThis = hSample; AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32((volatile uint32_t *)&pThis->enmState, DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_STOPPING, DBGFSAMPLEREPORTSTATE_RUNNING), VERR_INVALID_STATE); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Dumps the current sample report to the given file. * * @returns VBox status code. * @retval VERR_INVALID_STATE if nothing was sampled so far for reporting. * @param hSample Sample report handle. * @param pszFilename The filename to dump the report to. */ VMMR3DECL(int) DBGFR3SampleReportDumpToFile(DBGFSAMPLEREPORT hSample, const char *pszFilename) { PDBGFSAMPLEREPORTINT pThis = hSample; AssertReturn(pThis->pszReport, VERR_INVALID_STATE); PRTSTREAM hStream; int rc = RTStrmOpen(pszFilename, "w", &hStream); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTStrmPutStr(hStream, pThis->pszReport); RTStrmClose(hStream); } return rc; }