/* $Id: TRPM.cpp 69111 2017-10-17 14:26:02Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * TRPM - The Trap Monitor. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /** @page pg_trpm TRPM - The Trap Monitor * * The Trap Monitor (TRPM) is responsible for all trap and interrupt handling in * the VMM. It plays a major role in raw-mode execution and a lesser one in the * hardware assisted mode. * * Note first, the following will use trap as a collective term for faults, * aborts and traps. * * @see grp_trpm * * * @section sec_trpm_rc Raw-Mode Context * * When executing in the raw-mode context, TRPM will be managing the IDT and * processing all traps and interrupts. It will also monitor the guest IDT * because CSAM wishes to know about changes to it (trap/interrupt/syscall * handler patching) and TRPM needs to keep the \#BP gate in sync (ring-3 * considerations). See TRPMR3SyncIDT and CSAMR3CheckGates. * * External interrupts will be forwarded to the host context by the quickest * possible route where they will be reasserted. The other events will be * categorized into virtualization traps, genuine guest traps and hypervisor * traps. The latter group may be recoverable depending on when they happen and * whether there is a handler for it, otherwise it will cause a guru meditation. * * TRPM distinguishes the between the first two (virt and guest traps) and the * latter (hyper) by checking the CPL of the trapping code, if CPL == 0 then * it's a hyper trap otherwise it's a virt/guest trap. There are three trap * dispatcher tables, one ad-hoc for one time traps registered via * TRPMGCSetTempHandler(), one for hyper traps and one for virt/guest traps. * The latter two live in TRPMGCHandlersA.asm, the former in the VM structure. * * The raw-mode context trap handlers found in TRPMGCHandlers.cpp (for the most * part), will call up the other VMM sub-systems depending on what it things * happens. The two most busy traps are page faults (\#PF) and general * protection fault/trap (\#GP). * * Before resuming guest code after having taken a virtualization trap or * injected a guest trap, TRPM will check for pending forced action and * every now and again let TM check for timed out timers. This allows code that * is being executed as part of virtualization traps to signal ring-3 exits, * page table resyncs and similar without necessarily using the status code. It * also make sure we're more responsive to timers and requests from other * threads (necessarily running on some different core/cpu in most cases). * * * @section sec_trpm_all All Contexts * * TRPM will also dispatch / inject interrupts and traps to the guest, both when * in raw-mode and when in hardware assisted mode. See TRPMInject(). * */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_TRPM #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TRPMInternal.h" #include #include #ifdef VBOX_WITH_REM # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Trap handler function. * @todo need to specialize this as we go along. */ typedef enum TRPMHANDLER { /** Generic Interrupt handler. */ TRPM_HANDLER_INT = 0, /** Generic Trap handler. */ TRPM_HANDLER_TRAP, /** Trap 8 (\#DF) handler. */ TRPM_HANDLER_TRAP_08, /** Trap 12 (\#MC) handler. */ TRPM_HANDLER_TRAP_12, /** Max. */ TRPM_HANDLER_MAX } TRPMHANDLER, *PTRPMHANDLER; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Preinitialized IDT. * The u16OffsetLow is a value of the TRPMHANDLER enum which TRPMR3Relocate() * will use to pick the right address. The u16SegSel is always VMM CS. */ static VBOXIDTE_GENERIC g_aIdt[256] = { /* special trap handler - still, this is an interrupt gate not a trap gate... */ #define IDTE_TRAP(enm) { (unsigned)enm, 0, 0, VBOX_IDTE_TYPE1, VBOX_IDTE_TYPE2_INT_32, 0, 1, 0 } /* generic trap handler. */ #define IDTE_TRAP_GEN() IDTE_TRAP(TRPM_HANDLER_TRAP) /* special interrupt handler. */ #define IDTE_INT(enm) { (unsigned)enm, 0, 0, VBOX_IDTE_TYPE1, VBOX_IDTE_TYPE2_INT_32, 0, 1, 0 } /* generic interrupt handler. */ #define IDTE_INT_GEN() IDTE_INT(TRPM_HANDLER_INT) /* special task gate IDT entry (for critical exceptions like #DF). */ #define IDTE_TASK(enm) { (unsigned)enm, 0, 0, VBOX_IDTE_TYPE1, VBOX_IDTE_TYPE2_TASK, 0, 1, 0 } /* draft, fixme later when the handler is written. */ #define IDTE_RESERVED() { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } /* N - M M - T - C - D i */ /* o - n o - y - o - e p */ /* - e n - p - d - s t */ /* - i - e - e - c . */ /* - c - - - r */ /* ============================================================= */ IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* 0 - #DE - F - N - Divide error */ IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* 1 - #DB - F/T - N - Single step, INT 1 instruction */ #ifdef VBOX_WITH_NMI IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* 2 - - I - N - Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) */ #else IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 2 - - I - N - Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) */ #endif IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* 3 - #BP - T - N - Breakpoint, INT 3 instruction. */ IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* 4 - #OF - T - N - Overflow, INTO instruction. */ IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* 5 - #BR - F - N - BOUND Range Exceeded, BOUND instruction. */ IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* 6 - #UD - F - N - Undefined(/Invalid) Opcode. */ IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* 7 - #NM - F - N - Device not available, FP or (F)WAIT instruction. */ IDTE_TASK(TRPM_HANDLER_TRAP_08), /* 8 - #DF - A - 0 - Double fault. */ IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* 9 - - F - N - Coprocessor Segment Overrun (obsolete). */ IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* a - #TS - F - Y - Invalid TSS, Taskswitch or TSS access. */ IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* b - #NP - F - Y - Segment not present. */ IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* c - #SS - F - Y - Stack-Segment fault. */ IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* d - #GP - F - Y - General protection fault. */ IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* e - #PF - F - Y - Page fault. - interrupt gate!!! */ IDTE_RESERVED(), /* f - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. */ IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* 10 - #MF - F - N - x86 FPU Floating-Point Error (Math fault), FP or (F)WAIT instruction. */ IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* 11 - #AC - F - 0 - Alignment Check. */ IDTE_TRAP(TRPM_HANDLER_TRAP_12), /* 12 - #MC - A - N - Machine Check. */ IDTE_TRAP_GEN(), /* 13 - #XF - F - N - SIMD Floating-Point Exception. */ IDTE_RESERVED(), /* 14 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. */ IDTE_RESERVED(), /* 15 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. */ IDTE_RESERVED(), /* 16 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. */ IDTE_RESERVED(), /* 17 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. */ IDTE_RESERVED(), /* 18 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. */ IDTE_RESERVED(), /* 19 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. */ IDTE_RESERVED(), /* 1a - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. */ IDTE_RESERVED(), /* 1b - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. */ IDTE_RESERVED(), /* 1c - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. */ IDTE_RESERVED(), /* 1d - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. */ IDTE_RESERVED(), /* 1e - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. */ IDTE_RESERVED(), /* 1f - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 20 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 21 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 22 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 23 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 24 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 25 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 26 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 27 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 28 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 29 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 2a - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 2b - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 2c - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 2d - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 2e - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 2f - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 30 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 31 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 32 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 33 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 34 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 35 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 36 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 37 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 38 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 39 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 3a - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 3b - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 3c - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 3d - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 3e - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 3f - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 40 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 41 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 42 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 43 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 44 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 45 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 46 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 47 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 48 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 49 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 4a - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 4b - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 4c - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 4d - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 4e - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 4f - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 50 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 51 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 52 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 53 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 54 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 55 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 56 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 57 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 58 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 59 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 5a - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 5b - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 5c - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 5d - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 5e - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 5f - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 60 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 61 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 62 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 63 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 64 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 65 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 66 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 67 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 68 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 69 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 6a - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 6b - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 6c - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 6d - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 6e - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 6f - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 70 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 71 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 72 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 73 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 74 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 75 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 76 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 77 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 78 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 79 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 7a - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 7b - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 7c - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 7d - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 7e - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 7f - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 80 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 81 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 82 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 83 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 84 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 85 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 86 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 87 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 88 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 89 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 8a - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 8b - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 8c - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 8d - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 8e - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 8f - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 90 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 91 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 92 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 93 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 94 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 95 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 96 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 97 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 98 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 99 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 9a - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 9b - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 9c - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 9d - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 9e - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* 9f - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* a0 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* a1 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* a2 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* a3 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* a4 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* a5 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* a6 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* a7 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* a8 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* a9 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* aa - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* ab - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* ac - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* ad - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* ae - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* af - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* b0 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* b1 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* b2 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* b3 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* b4 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* b5 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* b6 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* b7 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* b8 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* b9 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* ba - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* bb - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* bc - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* bd - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* be - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* bf - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* c0 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* c1 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* c2 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* c3 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* c4 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* c5 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* c6 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* c7 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* c8 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* c9 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* ca - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* cb - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* cc - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* cd - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* ce - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* cf - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* d0 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* d1 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* d2 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* d3 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* d4 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* d5 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* d6 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* d7 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* d8 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* d9 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* da - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* db - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* dc - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* dd - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* de - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* df - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* e0 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* e1 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* e2 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* e3 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* e4 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* e5 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* e6 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* e7 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* e8 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* e9 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* ea - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* eb - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* ec - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* ed - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* ee - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* ef - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* f0 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* f1 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* f2 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* f3 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* f4 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* f5 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* f6 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* f7 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* f8 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* f9 - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* fa - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* fb - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* fc - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* fd - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* fe - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ IDTE_INT_GEN(), /* ff - - I - - User defined Interrupts, external of INT n. */ #undef IDTE_TRAP #undef IDTE_TRAP_GEN #undef IDTE_INT #undef IDTE_INT_GEN #undef IDTE_TASK #undef IDTE_UNUSED #undef IDTE_RESERVED }; /** TRPM saved state version. */ #define TRPM_SAVED_STATE_VERSION 9 #define TRPM_SAVED_STATE_VERSION_UNI 8 /* SMP support bumped the version */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ static DECLCALLBACK(int) trpmR3Save(PVM pVM, PSSMHANDLE pSSM); static DECLCALLBACK(int) trpmR3Load(PVM pVM, PSSMHANDLE pSSM, uint32_t uVersion, uint32_t uPass); static DECLCALLBACK(void) trpmR3InfoEvent(PVM pVM, PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp, const char *pszArgs); /** * Initializes the Trap Manager * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. */ VMMR3DECL(int) TRPMR3Init(PVM pVM) { LogFlow(("TRPMR3Init\n")); int rc; /* * Assert sizes and alignments. */ AssertRelease(!(RT_OFFSETOF(VM, trpm.s) & 31)); AssertRelease(!(RT_OFFSETOF(VM, trpm.s.aIdt) & 15)); AssertRelease(sizeof(pVM->trpm.s) <= sizeof(pVM->trpm.padding)); AssertRelease(RT_ELEMENTS(pVM->trpm.s.aGuestTrapHandler) == sizeof(pVM->trpm.s.au32IdtPatched)*8); /* * Initialize members. */ pVM->trpm.s.offVM = RT_OFFSETOF(VM, trpm); pVM->trpm.s.offTRPMCPU = RT_OFFSETOF(VM, aCpus[0].trpm) - RT_OFFSETOF(VM, trpm); for (VMCPUID i = 0; i < pVM->cCpus; i++) { PVMCPU pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[i]; pVCpu->trpm.s.offVM = RT_OFFSETOF(VM, aCpus[i].trpm); pVCpu->trpm.s.offVMCpu = RT_OFFSETOF(VMCPU, trpm); pVCpu->trpm.s.uActiveVector = ~0U; } pVM->trpm.s.GuestIdtr.pIdt = RTRCPTR_MAX; pVM->trpm.s.pvMonShwIdtRC = RTRCPTR_MAX; pVM->trpm.s.fSafeToDropGuestIDTMonitoring = false; /* * Read the configuration (if any). */ PCFGMNODE pTRPMNode = CFGMR3GetChild(CFGMR3GetRoot(pVM), "TRPM"); if (pTRPMNode) { bool f; rc = CFGMR3QueryBool(pTRPMNode, "SafeToDropGuestIDTMonitoring", &f); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) pVM->trpm.s.fSafeToDropGuestIDTMonitoring = f; } /* write config summary to log */ if (pVM->trpm.s.fSafeToDropGuestIDTMonitoring) LogRel(("TRPM: Dropping Guest IDT Monitoring\n")); /* * Initialize the IDT. * The handler addresses will be set in the TRPMR3Relocate() function. */ Assert(sizeof(pVM->trpm.s.aIdt) == sizeof(g_aIdt)); memcpy(&pVM->trpm.s.aIdt[0], &g_aIdt[0], sizeof(pVM->trpm.s.aIdt)); /* * Register virtual access handlers. */ pVM->trpm.s.hShadowIdtWriteHandlerType = NIL_PGMVIRTHANDLERTYPE; pVM->trpm.s.hGuestIdtWriteHandlerType = NIL_PGMVIRTHANDLERTYPE; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE if (!HMIsEnabled(pVM)) { # ifdef TRPM_TRACK_SHADOW_IDT_CHANGES rc = PGMR3HandlerVirtualTypeRegister(pVM, PGMVIRTHANDLERKIND_HYPERVISOR, false /*fRelocUserRC*/, NULL /*pfnInvalidateR3*/, NULL /*pfnHandlerR3*/, NULL /*pszHandlerRC*/, "trpmRCShadowIDTWritePfHandler", "Shadow IDT write access handler", &pVM->trpm.s.hShadowIdtWriteHandlerType); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); # endif rc = PGMR3HandlerVirtualTypeRegister(pVM, PGMVIRTHANDLERKIND_WRITE, false /*fRelocUserRC*/, NULL /*pfnInvalidateR3*/, trpmGuestIDTWriteHandler, "trpmGuestIDTWriteHandler", "trpmRCGuestIDTWritePfHandler", "Guest IDT write access handler", &pVM->trpm.s.hGuestIdtWriteHandlerType); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE */ /* * Register the saved state data unit. */ rc = SSMR3RegisterInternal(pVM, "trpm", 1, TRPM_SAVED_STATE_VERSION, sizeof(TRPM), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, trpmR3Save, NULL, NULL, trpmR3Load, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; /* * Register info handlers. */ rc = DBGFR3InfoRegisterInternalEx(pVM, "trpmevent", "Dumps TRPM pending event.", trpmR3InfoEvent, DBGFINFO_FLAGS_ALL_EMTS); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); /* * Statistics. */ #ifdef VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE if (!HMIsEnabled(pVM)) { STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.StatRCWriteGuestIDTFault, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/TRPM/RC/IDTWritesFault", STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, "Guest IDT writes the we returned to R3 to handle."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.StatRCWriteGuestIDTHandled, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/TRPM/RC/IDTWritesHandled", STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, "Guest IDT writes that we handled successfully."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.StatSyncIDT, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, "/PROF/TRPM/SyncIDT", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling of TRPMR3SyncIDT()."); /* traps */ STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x00], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/00", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#DE - Divide error."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x01], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/01", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#DB - Debug (single step and more)."); //STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x02], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/02", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "NMI"); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x03], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/03", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#BP - Breakpoint."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x04], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/04", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#OF - Overflow."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x05], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/05", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#BR - Bound range exceeded."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x06], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/06", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#UD - Undefined opcode."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x07], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/07", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#NM - Device not available (FPU)."); //STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x08], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/08", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#DF - Double fault."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x09], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/09", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#?? - Coprocessor segment overrun (obsolete)."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x0a], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/0a", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#TS - Task switch fault."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x0b], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/0b", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#NP - Segment not present."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x0c], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/0c", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#SS - Stack segment fault."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x0d], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/0d", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#GP - General protection fault."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x0e], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/0e", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#PF - Page fault."); //STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x0f], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/0f", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Reserved."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x10], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/10", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#MF - Math fault.."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x11], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/11", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#AC - Alignment check."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x12], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/12", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#MC - Machine check."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aStatGCTraps[0x13], STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/GC/Traps/13", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "#XF - SIMD Floating-Point Exception."); } #endif # ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS rc = MMHyperAlloc(pVM, sizeof(STAMCOUNTER) * 256, sizeof(STAMCOUNTER), MM_TAG_TRPM, (void **)&pVM->trpm.s.paStatForwardedIRQR3); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); pVM->trpm.s.paStatForwardedIRQRC = MMHyperR3ToRC(pVM, pVM->trpm.s.paStatForwardedIRQR3); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 256; i++) STAMR3RegisterF(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.paStatForwardedIRQR3[i], STAMTYPE_COUNTER, STAMVISIBILITY_USED, STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, "Forwarded interrupts.", i < 0x20 ? "/TRPM/ForwardRaw/TRAP/%02X" : "/TRPM/ForwardRaw/IRQ/%02X", i); # ifdef VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE if (!HMIsEnabled(pVM)) { rc = MMHyperAlloc(pVM, sizeof(STAMCOUNTER) * 256, sizeof(STAMCOUNTER), MM_TAG_TRPM, (void **)&pVM->trpm.s.paStatHostIrqR3); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); pVM->trpm.s.paStatHostIrqRC = MMHyperR3ToRC(pVM, pVM->trpm.s.paStatHostIrqR3); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 256; i++) STAMR3RegisterF(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.paStatHostIrqR3[i], STAMTYPE_COUNTER, STAMVISIBILITY_USED, STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, "Host interrupts.", "/TRPM/HostIRQs/%02x", i); } # endif # endif #ifdef VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE if (!HMIsEnabled(pVM)) { STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.StatForwardProfR3, STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/ForwardRaw/ProfR3", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling TRPMForwardTrap."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.StatForwardProfRZ, STAMTYPE_PROFILE_ADV, "/TRPM/ForwardRaw/ProfRZ", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling TRPMForwardTrap."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.StatForwardFailNoHandler, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/TRPM/ForwardRaw/FailNoHandler", STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES,"Failure to forward interrupt in raw mode."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.StatForwardFailPatchAddr, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/TRPM/ForwardRaw/FailPatchAddr", STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES,"Failure to forward interrupt in raw mode."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.StatForwardFailR3, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/TRPM/ForwardRaw/FailR3", STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, "Failure to forward interrupt in raw mode."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.StatForwardFailRZ, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/TRPM/ForwardRaw/FailRZ", STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, "Failure to forward interrupt in raw mode."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.StatTrap0dDisasm, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, "/TRPM/RC/Traps/0d/Disasm", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling disassembly part of trpmGCTrap0dHandler."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.StatTrap0dRdTsc, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/TRPM/RC/Traps/0d/RdTsc", STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, "Number of RDTSC #GPs."); } #endif #ifdef VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE /* * Default action when entering raw mode for the first time */ if (!HMIsEnabled(pVM)) { PVMCPU pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[0]; /* raw mode implies on VCPU */ VMCPU_FF_SET(pVCpu, VMCPU_FF_TRPM_SYNC_IDT); } #endif return 0; } /** * Applies relocations to data and code managed by this component. * * This function will be called at init and whenever the VMM need * to relocate itself inside the GC. * * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param offDelta Relocation delta relative to old location. */ VMMR3DECL(void) TRPMR3Relocate(PVM pVM, RTGCINTPTR offDelta) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE if (HMIsEnabled(pVM)) return; /* Only applies to raw mode which supports only 1 VCPU. */ PVMCPU pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[0]; LogFlow(("TRPMR3Relocate\n")); /* * Get the trap handler addresses. * * If VMMRC.rc is screwed, so are we. We'll assert here since it elsewise * would make init order impossible if we should assert the presence of these * exports in TRPMR3Init(). */ RTRCPTR aRCPtrs[TRPM_HANDLER_MAX]; RT_ZERO(aRCPtrs); int rc = PDMR3LdrGetSymbolRC(pVM, VMMRC_MAIN_MODULE_NAME, "TRPMGCHandlerInterupt", &aRCPtrs[TRPM_HANDLER_INT]); AssertReleaseMsgRC(rc, ("Couldn't find TRPMGCHandlerInterupt in VMMRC.rc!\n")); rc = PDMR3LdrGetSymbolRC(pVM, VMMRC_MAIN_MODULE_NAME, "TRPMGCHandlerGeneric", &aRCPtrs[TRPM_HANDLER_TRAP]); AssertReleaseMsgRC(rc, ("Couldn't find TRPMGCHandlerGeneric in VMMRC.rc!\n")); rc = PDMR3LdrGetSymbolRC(pVM, VMMRC_MAIN_MODULE_NAME, "TRPMGCHandlerTrap08", &aRCPtrs[TRPM_HANDLER_TRAP_08]); AssertReleaseMsgRC(rc, ("Couldn't find TRPMGCHandlerTrap08 in VMMRC.rc!\n")); rc = PDMR3LdrGetSymbolRC(pVM, VMMRC_MAIN_MODULE_NAME, "TRPMGCHandlerTrap12", &aRCPtrs[TRPM_HANDLER_TRAP_12]); AssertReleaseMsgRC(rc, ("Couldn't find TRPMGCHandlerTrap12 in VMMRC.rc!\n")); RTSEL SelCS = CPUMGetHyperCS(pVCpu); /* * Iterate the idt and set the addresses. */ PVBOXIDTE pIdte = &pVM->trpm.s.aIdt[0]; PVBOXIDTE_GENERIC pIdteTemplate = &g_aIdt[0]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pVM->trpm.s.aIdt); i++, pIdte++, pIdteTemplate++) { if ( pIdte->Gen.u1Present && !ASMBitTest(&pVM->trpm.s.au32IdtPatched[0], i) ) { Assert(pIdteTemplate->u16OffsetLow < TRPM_HANDLER_MAX); RTGCPTR Offset = aRCPtrs[pIdteTemplate->u16OffsetLow]; switch (pIdteTemplate->u16OffsetLow) { /* * Generic handlers have different entrypoints for each possible * vector number. These entrypoints makes a sort of an array with * 8 byte entries where the vector number is the index. * See TRPMGCHandlersA.asm for details. */ case TRPM_HANDLER_INT: case TRPM_HANDLER_TRAP: Offset += i * 8; break; case TRPM_HANDLER_TRAP_12: break; case TRPM_HANDLER_TRAP_08: /* Handle #DF Task Gate in special way. */ pIdte->Gen.u16SegSel = SELMGetTrap8Selector(pVM); pIdte->Gen.u16OffsetLow = 0; pIdte->Gen.u16OffsetHigh = 0; SELMSetTrap8EIP(pVM, Offset); continue; } /* (non-task gates only ) */ pIdte->Gen.u16OffsetLow = Offset & 0xffff; pIdte->Gen.u16OffsetHigh = Offset >> 16; pIdte->Gen.u16SegSel = SelCS; } } /* * Update IDTR (limit is including!). */ CPUMSetHyperIDTR(pVCpu, VM_RC_ADDR(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aIdt[0]), sizeof(pVM->trpm.s.aIdt)-1); # ifdef TRPM_TRACK_SHADOW_IDT_CHANGES if (pVM->trpm.s.pvMonShwIdtRC != RTRCPTR_MAX) { rc = PGMHandlerVirtualDeregister(pVM, pVCpu, pVM->trpm.s.pvMonShwIdtRC, true /*fHypervisor*/); AssertRC(rc); } pVM->trpm.s.pvMonShwIdtRC = VM_RC_ADDR(pVM, &pVM->trpm.s.aIdt[0]); rc = PGMR3HandlerVirtualRegister(pVM, pVCpu, pVM->trpm.s.hShadowIdtWriteHandlerType, pVM->trpm.s.pvMonShwIdtRC, pVM->trpm.s.pvMonShwIdtRC + sizeof(pVM->trpm.s.aIdt) - 1, NULL /*pvUserR3*/, NIL_RTR0PTR /*pvUserRC*/, NULL /*pszDesc*/); AssertRC(rc); # endif /* Relocate IDT handlers for forwarding guest traps/interrupts. */ for (uint32_t iTrap = 0; iTrap < RT_ELEMENTS(pVM->trpm.s.aGuestTrapHandler); iTrap++) { if (pVM->trpm.s.aGuestTrapHandler[iTrap] != TRPM_INVALID_HANDLER) { Log(("TRPMR3Relocate: iGate=%2X Handler %RRv -> %RRv\n", iTrap, pVM->trpm.s.aGuestTrapHandler[iTrap], pVM->trpm.s.aGuestTrapHandler[iTrap] + offDelta)); pVM->trpm.s.aGuestTrapHandler[iTrap] += offDelta; } if (ASMBitTest(&pVM->trpm.s.au32IdtPatched[0], iTrap)) { PVBOXIDTE pIdteCur = &pVM->trpm.s.aIdt[iTrap]; RTGCPTR pHandler = VBOXIDTE_OFFSET(*pIdteCur); Log(("TRPMR3Relocate: *iGate=%2X Handler %RGv -> %RGv\n", iTrap, pHandler, pHandler + offDelta)); pHandler += offDelta; pIdteCur->Gen.u16OffsetHigh = pHandler >> 16; pIdteCur->Gen.u16OffsetLow = pHandler & 0xFFFF; } } # ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS pVM->trpm.s.paStatForwardedIRQRC += offDelta; pVM->trpm.s.paStatHostIrqRC += offDelta; # endif #else /* !VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE */ RT_NOREF(pVM, offDelta); #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE */ } /** * Terminates the Trap Manager * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. */ VMMR3DECL(int) TRPMR3Term(PVM pVM) { NOREF(pVM); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Resets a virtual CPU. * * Used by TRPMR3Reset and CPU hot plugging. * * @param pVCpu The cross context virtual CPU structure. */ VMMR3DECL(void) TRPMR3ResetCpu(PVMCPU pVCpu) { pVCpu->trpm.s.uActiveVector = ~0U; } /** * The VM is being reset. * * For the TRPM component this means that any IDT write monitors * needs to be removed, any pending trap cleared, and the IDT reset. * * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. */ VMMR3DECL(void) TRPMR3Reset(PVM pVM) { /* * Deregister any virtual handlers. */ #ifdef TRPM_TRACK_GUEST_IDT_CHANGES if (pVM->trpm.s.GuestIdtr.pIdt != RTRCPTR_MAX) { if (!pVM->trpm.s.fSafeToDropGuestIDTMonitoring) { int rc = PGMHandlerVirtualDeregister(pVM, VMMGetCpu(pVM), pVM->trpm.s.GuestIdtr.pIdt, false /*fHypervisor*/); AssertRC(rc); } pVM->trpm.s.GuestIdtr.pIdt = RTRCPTR_MAX; } pVM->trpm.s.GuestIdtr.cbIdt = 0; #endif /* * Reinitialize other members calling the relocator to get things right. */ for (VMCPUID i = 0; i < pVM->cCpus; i++) TRPMR3ResetCpu(&pVM->aCpus[i]); memcpy(&pVM->trpm.s.aIdt[0], &g_aIdt[0], sizeof(pVM->trpm.s.aIdt)); memset(pVM->trpm.s.aGuestTrapHandler, 0, sizeof(pVM->trpm.s.aGuestTrapHandler)); TRPMR3Relocate(pVM, 0); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE /* * Default action when entering raw mode for the first time */ if (!HMIsEnabled(pVM)) { PVMCPU pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[0]; /* raw mode implies on VCPU */ VMCPU_FF_SET(pVCpu, VMCPU_FF_TRPM_SYNC_IDT); } #endif } # ifdef VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE /** * Resolve a builtin RC symbol. * * Called by PDM when loading or relocating RC modules. * * @returns VBox status * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param pszSymbol Symbol to resolv * @param pRCPtrValue Where to store the symbol value. * * @remark This has to work before VMMR3Relocate() is called. */ VMMR3_INT_DECL(int) TRPMR3GetImportRC(PVM pVM, const char *pszSymbol, PRTRCPTR pRCPtrValue) { if (!strcmp(pszSymbol, "g_TRPM")) *pRCPtrValue = VM_RC_ADDR(pVM, &pVM->trpm); else if (!strcmp(pszSymbol, "g_TRPMCPU")) *pRCPtrValue = VM_RC_ADDR(pVM, &pVM->aCpus[0].trpm); else if (!strcmp(pszSymbol, "g_trpmGuestCtx")) { PCPUMCTX pCtx = CPUMQueryGuestCtxPtr(VMMGetCpuById(pVM, 0)); *pRCPtrValue = VM_RC_ADDR(pVM, pCtx); } else if (!strcmp(pszSymbol, "g_trpmHyperCtx")) { PCPUMCTX pCtx = CPUMGetHyperCtxPtr(VMMGetCpuById(pVM, 0)); *pRCPtrValue = VM_RC_ADDR(pVM, pCtx); } else if (!strcmp(pszSymbol, "g_trpmGuestCtxCore")) { PCPUMCTX pCtx = CPUMQueryGuestCtxPtr(VMMGetCpuById(pVM, 0)); *pRCPtrValue = VM_RC_ADDR(pVM, CPUMCTX2CORE(pCtx)); } else if (!strcmp(pszSymbol, "g_trpmHyperCtxCore")) { PCPUMCTX pCtx = CPUMGetHyperCtxPtr(VMMGetCpuById(pVM, 0)); *pRCPtrValue = VM_RC_ADDR(pVM, CPUMCTX2CORE(pCtx)); } else return VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND; return VINF_SUCCESS; } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE */ /** * Execute state save operation. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param pSSM SSM operation handle. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) trpmR3Save(PVM pVM, PSSMHANDLE pSSM) { PTRPM pTrpm = &pVM->trpm.s; LogFlow(("trpmR3Save:\n")); /* * Active and saved traps. */ for (VMCPUID i = 0; i < pVM->cCpus; i++) { PTRPMCPU pTrpmCpu = &pVM->aCpus[i].trpm.s; SSMR3PutUInt(pSSM, pTrpmCpu->uActiveVector); SSMR3PutUInt(pSSM, pTrpmCpu->enmActiveType); SSMR3PutGCUInt(pSSM, pTrpmCpu->uActiveErrorCode); SSMR3PutGCUIntPtr(pSSM, pTrpmCpu->uActiveCR2); SSMR3PutGCUInt(pSSM, pTrpmCpu->uSavedVector); SSMR3PutUInt(pSSM, pTrpmCpu->enmSavedType); SSMR3PutGCUInt(pSSM, pTrpmCpu->uSavedErrorCode); SSMR3PutGCUIntPtr(pSSM, pTrpmCpu->uSavedCR2); SSMR3PutGCUInt(pSSM, pTrpmCpu->uPrevVector); } SSMR3PutBool(pSSM, HMIsEnabled(pVM)); PVMCPU pVCpu0 = &pVM->aCpus[0]; NOREF(pVCpu0); /* raw mode implies 1 VCPU */ SSMR3PutUInt(pSSM, VM_WHEN_RAW_MODE(VMCPU_FF_IS_SET(pVCpu0, VMCPU_FF_TRPM_SYNC_IDT), 0)); SSMR3PutMem(pSSM, &pTrpm->au32IdtPatched[0], sizeof(pTrpm->au32IdtPatched)); SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, UINT32_MAX); /* separator. */ /* * Save any trampoline gates. */ for (uint32_t iTrap = 0; iTrap < RT_ELEMENTS(pTrpm->aGuestTrapHandler); iTrap++) { if (pTrpm->aGuestTrapHandler[iTrap]) { SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, iTrap); SSMR3PutGCPtr(pSSM, pTrpm->aGuestTrapHandler[iTrap]); SSMR3PutMem(pSSM, &pTrpm->aIdt[iTrap], sizeof(pTrpm->aIdt[iTrap])); } } return SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, UINT32_MAX); /* terminator */ } /** * Execute state load operation. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param pSSM SSM operation handle. * @param uVersion Data layout version. * @param uPass The data pass. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) trpmR3Load(PVM pVM, PSSMHANDLE pSSM, uint32_t uVersion, uint32_t uPass) { LogFlow(("trpmR3Load:\n")); Assert(uPass == SSM_PASS_FINAL); NOREF(uPass); /* * Validate version. */ if ( uVersion != TRPM_SAVED_STATE_VERSION && uVersion != TRPM_SAVED_STATE_VERSION_UNI) { AssertMsgFailed(("trpmR3Load: Invalid version uVersion=%d!\n", uVersion)); return VERR_SSM_UNSUPPORTED_DATA_UNIT_VERSION; } /* * Call the reset function to kick out any handled gates and other potential trouble. */ TRPMR3Reset(pVM); /* * Active and saved traps. */ PTRPM pTrpm = &pVM->trpm.s; if (uVersion == TRPM_SAVED_STATE_VERSION) { for (VMCPUID i = 0; i < pVM->cCpus; i++) { PTRPMCPU pTrpmCpu = &pVM->aCpus[i].trpm.s; SSMR3GetUInt(pSSM, &pTrpmCpu->uActiveVector); SSMR3GetUInt(pSSM, (uint32_t *)&pTrpmCpu->enmActiveType); SSMR3GetGCUInt(pSSM, &pTrpmCpu->uActiveErrorCode); SSMR3GetGCUIntPtr(pSSM, &pTrpmCpu->uActiveCR2); SSMR3GetGCUInt(pSSM, &pTrpmCpu->uSavedVector); SSMR3GetUInt(pSSM, (uint32_t *)&pTrpmCpu->enmSavedType); SSMR3GetGCUInt(pSSM, &pTrpmCpu->uSavedErrorCode); SSMR3GetGCUIntPtr(pSSM, &pTrpmCpu->uSavedCR2); SSMR3GetGCUInt(pSSM, &pTrpmCpu->uPrevVector); } bool fIgnored; SSMR3GetBool(pSSM, &fIgnored); } else { PTRPMCPU pTrpmCpu = &pVM->aCpus[0].trpm.s; SSMR3GetUInt(pSSM, &pTrpmCpu->uActiveVector); SSMR3GetUInt(pSSM, (uint32_t *)&pTrpmCpu->enmActiveType); SSMR3GetGCUInt(pSSM, &pTrpmCpu->uActiveErrorCode); SSMR3GetGCUIntPtr(pSSM, &pTrpmCpu->uActiveCR2); SSMR3GetGCUInt(pSSM, &pTrpmCpu->uSavedVector); SSMR3GetUInt(pSSM, (uint32_t *)&pTrpmCpu->enmSavedType); SSMR3GetGCUInt(pSSM, &pTrpmCpu->uSavedErrorCode); SSMR3GetGCUIntPtr(pSSM, &pTrpmCpu->uSavedCR2); SSMR3GetGCUInt(pSSM, &pTrpmCpu->uPrevVector); RTGCUINT fIgnored; SSMR3GetGCUInt(pSSM, &fIgnored); } RTUINT fSyncIDT; int rc = SSMR3GetUInt(pSSM, &fSyncIDT); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; if (fSyncIDT & ~1) { AssertMsgFailed(("fSyncIDT=%#x\n", fSyncIDT)); return VERR_SSM_DATA_UNIT_FORMAT_CHANGED; } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE if (fSyncIDT) { PVMCPU pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[0]; /* raw mode implies 1 VCPU */ VMCPU_FF_SET(pVCpu, VMCPU_FF_TRPM_SYNC_IDT); } /* else: cleared by reset call above. */ #endif SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, &pTrpm->au32IdtPatched[0], sizeof(pTrpm->au32IdtPatched)); /* check the separator */ uint32_t u32Sep; rc = SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &u32Sep); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; if (u32Sep != (uint32_t)~0) { AssertMsgFailed(("u32Sep=%#x (first)\n", u32Sep)); return VERR_SSM_DATA_UNIT_FORMAT_CHANGED; } /* * Restore any trampoline gates. */ for (;;) { /* gate number / terminator */ uint32_t iTrap; rc = SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &iTrap); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; if (iTrap == (uint32_t)~0) break; if ( iTrap >= RT_ELEMENTS(pTrpm->aIdt) || pTrpm->aGuestTrapHandler[iTrap]) { AssertMsgFailed(("iTrap=%#x\n", iTrap)); return VERR_SSM_DATA_UNIT_FORMAT_CHANGED; } /* restore the IDT entry. */ RTGCPTR GCPtrHandler; SSMR3GetGCPtr(pSSM, &GCPtrHandler); VBOXIDTE Idte; rc = SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, &Idte, sizeof(Idte)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; Assert(GCPtrHandler); pTrpm->aIdt[iTrap] = Idte; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE /** * Check if gate handlers were updated * (callback for the VMCPU_FF_TRPM_SYNC_IDT forced action). * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param pVCpu The cross context virtual CPU structure. */ VMMR3DECL(int) TRPMR3SyncIDT(PVM pVM, PVMCPU pVCpu) { STAM_PROFILE_START(&pVM->trpm.s.StatSyncIDT, a); const bool fRawRing0 = EMIsRawRing0Enabled(pVM); int rc; AssertReturn(!HMIsEnabled(pVM), VERR_TRPM_HM_IPE); if (fRawRing0 && CSAMIsEnabled(pVM)) { /* Clear all handlers */ Log(("TRPMR3SyncIDT: Clear all trap handlers.\n")); /** @todo inefficient, but simple */ for (unsigned iGate = 0; iGate < 256; iGate++) trpmClearGuestTrapHandler(pVM, iGate); /* Scan them all (only the first time) */ CSAMR3CheckGates(pVM, 0, 256); } /* * Get the IDTR. */ VBOXIDTR IDTR; IDTR.pIdt = CPUMGetGuestIDTR(pVCpu, &IDTR.cbIdt); if (!IDTR.cbIdt) { Log(("No IDT entries...\n")); return DBGFSTOP(pVM); } # ifdef TRPM_TRACK_GUEST_IDT_CHANGES /* * Check if Guest's IDTR has changed. */ if ( IDTR.pIdt != pVM->trpm.s.GuestIdtr.pIdt || IDTR.cbIdt != pVM->trpm.s.GuestIdtr.cbIdt) { Log(("TRPMR3UpdateFromCPUM: Guest's IDT is changed to pIdt=%08X cbIdt=%08X\n", IDTR.pIdt, IDTR.cbIdt)); if (!pVM->trpm.s.fSafeToDropGuestIDTMonitoring) { /* * [Re]Register write virtual handler for guest's IDT. */ if (pVM->trpm.s.GuestIdtr.pIdt != RTRCPTR_MAX) { rc = PGMHandlerVirtualDeregister(pVM, pVCpu, pVM->trpm.s.GuestIdtr.pIdt, false /*fHypervisor*/); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); } /* limit is including */ rc = PGMR3HandlerVirtualRegister(pVM, pVCpu, pVM->trpm.s.hGuestIdtWriteHandlerType, IDTR.pIdt, IDTR.pIdt + IDTR.cbIdt /* already inclusive */, NULL /*pvUserR3*/, NIL_RTR0PTR /*pvUserRC*/, NULL /*pszDesc*/); if (rc == VERR_PGM_HANDLER_VIRTUAL_CONFLICT) { /* Could be a conflict with CSAM */ CSAMR3RemovePage(pVM, IDTR.pIdt); if (PAGE_ADDRESS(IDTR.pIdt) != PAGE_ADDRESS(IDTR.pIdt + IDTR.cbIdt)) CSAMR3RemovePage(pVM, IDTR.pIdt + IDTR.cbIdt); rc = PGMR3HandlerVirtualRegister(pVM, pVCpu, pVM->trpm.s.hGuestIdtWriteHandlerType, IDTR.pIdt, IDTR.pIdt + IDTR.cbIdt /* already inclusive */, NULL /*pvUserR3*/, NIL_RTR0PTR /*pvUserRC*/, NULL /*pszDesc*/); } AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); } /* Update saved Guest IDTR. */ pVM->trpm.s.GuestIdtr = IDTR; } # endif /* * Sync the interrupt gate. * Should probably check/sync the others too, but for now we'll handle that in #GP. */ X86DESC Idte3; rc = PGMPhysSimpleReadGCPtr(pVCpu, &Idte3, IDTR.pIdt + sizeof(Idte3) * 3, sizeof(Idte3)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { AssertMsgRC(rc, ("Failed to read IDT[3]! rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return DBGFSTOP(pVM); } AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); if (fRawRing0) pVM->trpm.s.aIdt[3].Gen.u2DPL = RT_MAX(Idte3.Gen.u2Dpl, 1); else pVM->trpm.s.aIdt[3].Gen.u2DPL = Idte3.Gen.u2Dpl; /* * Clear the FF and we're done. */ VMCPU_FF_CLEAR(pVCpu, VMCPU_FF_TRPM_SYNC_IDT); STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVM->trpm.s.StatSyncIDT, a); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Clear passthrough interrupt gate handler (reset to default handler) * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param iTrap Trap/interrupt gate number. */ int trpmR3ClearPassThroughHandler(PVM pVM, unsigned iTrap) { /* Only applies to raw mode which supports only 1 VCPU. */ PVMCPU pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[0]; Assert(!HMIsEnabled(pVM)); /** @todo cleanup trpmR3ClearPassThroughHandler()! */ RTRCPTR aGCPtrs[TRPM_HANDLER_MAX]; int rc; memset(aGCPtrs, 0, sizeof(aGCPtrs)); rc = PDMR3LdrGetSymbolRC(pVM, VMMRC_MAIN_MODULE_NAME, "TRPMGCHandlerInterupt", &aGCPtrs[TRPM_HANDLER_INT]); AssertReleaseMsgRC(rc, ("Couldn't find TRPMGCHandlerInterupt in VMMRC.rc!\n")); if ( iTrap < TRPM_HANDLER_INT_BASE || iTrap >= RT_ELEMENTS(pVM->trpm.s.aIdt)) { AssertMsg(iTrap < TRPM_HANDLER_INT_BASE, ("Illegal gate number %#x!\n", iTrap)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } memcpy(&pVM->trpm.s.aIdt[iTrap], &g_aIdt[iTrap], sizeof(pVM->trpm.s.aIdt[0])); /* Unmark it for relocation purposes. */ ASMBitClear(&pVM->trpm.s.au32IdtPatched[0], iTrap); RTSEL SelCS = CPUMGetHyperCS(pVCpu); PVBOXIDTE pIdte = &pVM->trpm.s.aIdt[iTrap]; PVBOXIDTE_GENERIC pIdteTemplate = &g_aIdt[iTrap]; if (pIdte->Gen.u1Present) { Assert(pIdteTemplate->u16OffsetLow == TRPM_HANDLER_INT); Assert(sizeof(RTRCPTR) == sizeof(aGCPtrs[0])); RTRCPTR Offset = (RTRCPTR)aGCPtrs[pIdteTemplate->u16OffsetLow]; /* * Generic handlers have different entrypoints for each possible * vector number. These entrypoints make a sort of an array with * 8 byte entries where the vector number is the index. * See TRPMGCHandlersA.asm for details. */ Offset += iTrap * 8; if (pIdte->Gen.u5Type2 != VBOX_IDTE_TYPE2_TASK) { pIdte->Gen.u16OffsetLow = Offset & 0xffff; pIdte->Gen.u16OffsetHigh = Offset >> 16; pIdte->Gen.u16SegSel = SelCS; } } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Check if address is a gate handler (interrupt or trap). * * @returns gate nr or UINT32_MAX is not found * * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param GCPtr GC address to check. */ VMMR3DECL(uint32_t) TRPMR3QueryGateByHandler(PVM pVM, RTRCPTR GCPtr) { AssertReturn(!HMIsEnabled(pVM), ~0U); for (uint32_t iTrap = 0; iTrap < RT_ELEMENTS(pVM->trpm.s.aGuestTrapHandler); iTrap++) { if (pVM->trpm.s.aGuestTrapHandler[iTrap] == GCPtr) return iTrap; /* redundant */ if (ASMBitTest(&pVM->trpm.s.au32IdtPatched[0], iTrap)) { PVBOXIDTE pIdte = &pVM->trpm.s.aIdt[iTrap]; RTGCPTR pHandler = VBOXIDTE_OFFSET(*pIdte); if (pHandler == GCPtr) return iTrap; } } return UINT32_MAX; } /** * Get guest trap/interrupt gate handler * * @returns Guest trap handler address or TRPM_INVALID_HANDLER if none installed * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param iTrap Interrupt/trap number. */ VMMR3DECL(RTRCPTR) TRPMR3GetGuestTrapHandler(PVM pVM, unsigned iTrap) { AssertReturn(iTrap < RT_ELEMENTS(pVM->trpm.s.aIdt), TRPM_INVALID_HANDLER); AssertReturn(!HMIsEnabled(pVM), TRPM_INVALID_HANDLER); return pVM->trpm.s.aGuestTrapHandler[iTrap]; } /** * Set guest trap/interrupt gate handler * Used for setting up trap gates used for kernel calls. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param iTrap Interrupt/trap number. * @param pHandler GC handler pointer */ VMMR3DECL(int) TRPMR3SetGuestTrapHandler(PVM pVM, unsigned iTrap, RTRCPTR pHandler) { /* Only valid in raw mode which implies 1 VCPU */ Assert(PATMIsEnabled(pVM) && pVM->cCpus == 1); AssertReturn(!HMIsEnabled(pVM), VERR_TRPM_HM_IPE); PVMCPU pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[0]; /* * Validate. */ if (iTrap >= RT_ELEMENTS(pVM->trpm.s.aIdt)) { AssertMsg(iTrap < TRPM_HANDLER_INT_BASE, ("Illegal gate number %d!\n", iTrap)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } AssertReturn(pHandler == TRPM_INVALID_HANDLER || PATMIsPatchGCAddr(pVM, pHandler), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); uint16_t cbIDT; RTGCPTR GCPtrIDT = CPUMGetGuestIDTR(pVCpu, &cbIDT); if (iTrap * sizeof(VBOXIDTE) >= cbIDT) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Silently ignore out of range requests. */ if (pHandler == TRPM_INVALID_HANDLER) { /* clear trap handler */ Log(("TRPMR3SetGuestTrapHandler: clear handler %x\n", iTrap)); return trpmClearGuestTrapHandler(pVM, iTrap); } /* * Read the guest IDT entry. */ VBOXIDTE GuestIdte; int rc = PGMPhysSimpleReadGCPtr(pVCpu, &GuestIdte, GCPtrIDT + iTrap * sizeof(GuestIdte), sizeof(GuestIdte)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { AssertMsgRC(rc, ("Failed to read IDTE! rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } if ( EMIsRawRing0Enabled(pVM) && !EMIsRawRing1Enabled(pVM)) /* can't deal with the ambiguity of ring 1 & 2 in the patch code. */ { /* * Only replace handlers for which we are 100% certain there won't be * any host interrupts. * * 0x2E is safe on Windows because it's the system service interrupt gate. Not * quite certain if this is safe or not on 64-bit Vista, it probably is. * * 0x80 is safe on Linux because it's the syscall vector and is part of the * 32-bit usermode ABI. 64-bit Linux (usually) supports 32-bit processes * and will therefor never assign hardware interrupts to 0x80. * * Exactly why 0x80 is safe on 32-bit Windows is a bit hazy, but it seems * to work ok... However on 64-bit Vista (SMP?) is doesn't work reliably. * Booting Linux/BSD guest will cause system lockups on most of the computers. * -> Update: It seems gate 0x80 is not safe on 32-bits Windows either. See * @bugref{3604}. * * PORTME - Check if your host keeps any of these gates free from hw ints. * * Note! SELMR3SyncTSS also has code related to this interrupt handler replacing. */ /** @todo handle those dependencies better! */ /** @todo Solve this in a proper manner. see @bugref{1186} */ #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && defined(RT_ARCH_X86) if (iTrap == 0x2E) #elif defined(RT_OS_LINUX) if (iTrap == 0x80) #else if (0) #endif { if ( GuestIdte.Gen.u1Present && ( GuestIdte.Gen.u5Type2 == VBOX_IDTE_TYPE2_TRAP_32 || GuestIdte.Gen.u5Type2 == VBOX_IDTE_TYPE2_INT_32) && GuestIdte.Gen.u2DPL == 3) { PVBOXIDTE pIdte = &pVM->trpm.s.aIdt[iTrap]; GuestIdte.Gen.u5Type2 = VBOX_IDTE_TYPE2_TRAP_32; GuestIdte.Gen.u16OffsetHigh = pHandler >> 16; GuestIdte.Gen.u16OffsetLow = pHandler & 0xFFFF; GuestIdte.Gen.u16SegSel |= 1; //ring 1 *pIdte = GuestIdte; /* Mark it for relocation purposes. */ ASMBitSet(&pVM->trpm.s.au32IdtPatched[0], iTrap); /* Also store it in our guest trap array. */ pVM->trpm.s.aGuestTrapHandler[iTrap] = pHandler; Log(("Setting trap handler %x to %08X (direct)\n", iTrap, pHandler)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* ok, let's try to install a trampoline handler then. */ } } if ( GuestIdte.Gen.u1Present && ( GuestIdte.Gen.u5Type2 == VBOX_IDTE_TYPE2_TRAP_32 || GuestIdte.Gen.u5Type2 == VBOX_IDTE_TYPE2_INT_32) && (GuestIdte.Gen.u2DPL == 3 || GuestIdte.Gen.u2DPL == 0)) { /* * Save handler which can be used for a trampoline call inside the GC */ Log(("Setting trap handler %x to %08X\n", iTrap, pHandler)); pVM->trpm.s.aGuestTrapHandler[iTrap] = pHandler; return VINF_SUCCESS; } return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /** * Check if address is a gate handler (interrupt/trap/task/anything). * * @returns True is gate handler, false if not. * * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param GCPtr GC address to check. */ VMMR3DECL(bool) TRPMR3IsGateHandler(PVM pVM, RTRCPTR GCPtr) { /* Only valid in raw mode which implies 1 VCPU */ Assert(PATMIsEnabled(pVM) && pVM->cCpus == 1); PVMCPU pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[0]; /* * Read IDTR and calc last entry. */ uint16_t cbIDT; RTGCPTR GCPtrIDTE = CPUMGetGuestIDTR(pVCpu, &cbIDT); unsigned cEntries = (cbIDT + 1) / sizeof(VBOXIDTE); if (!cEntries) return false; RTGCPTR GCPtrIDTELast = GCPtrIDTE + (cEntries - 1) * sizeof(VBOXIDTE); /* * Outer loop: iterate pages. */ while (GCPtrIDTE <= GCPtrIDTELast) { /* * Convert this page to a HC address. * (This function checks for not-present pages.) */ PCVBOXIDTE pIDTE; PGMPAGEMAPLOCK Lock; int rc = PGMPhysGCPtr2CCPtrReadOnly(pVCpu, GCPtrIDTE, (const void **)&pIDTE, &Lock); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Inner Loop: Iterate the data on this page looking for an entry equal to GCPtr. * N.B. Member of the Flat Earth Society... */ while (GCPtrIDTE <= GCPtrIDTELast) { if (pIDTE->Gen.u1Present) { RTRCPTR GCPtrHandler = VBOXIDTE_OFFSET(*pIDTE); if (GCPtr == GCPtrHandler) { PGMPhysReleasePageMappingLock(pVM, &Lock); return true; } } /* next entry */ if ((GCPtrIDTE & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK) + sizeof(VBOXIDTE) >= PAGE_SIZE) { AssertMsg(!(GCPtrIDTE & (sizeof(VBOXIDTE) - 1)), ("IDT is crossing pages and it's not aligned! GCPtrIDTE=%#x cbIDT=%#x\n", GCPtrIDTE, cbIDT)); GCPtrIDTE += sizeof(VBOXIDTE); break; } GCPtrIDTE += sizeof(VBOXIDTE); pIDTE++; } PGMPhysReleasePageMappingLock(pVM, &Lock); } else { /* Skip to the next page (if any). Take care not to wrap around the address space. */ if ((GCPtrIDTELast >> PAGE_SHIFT) == (GCPtrIDTE >> PAGE_SHIFT)) return false; GCPtrIDTE = RT_ALIGN_T(GCPtrIDTE, PAGE_SIZE, RTGCPTR) + PAGE_SIZE + (GCPtrIDTE & (sizeof(VBOXIDTE) - 1)); } } return false; } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE */ /** * Inject event (such as external irq or trap) * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param pVCpu The cross context virtual CPU structure. * @param enmEvent Trpm event type */ VMMR3DECL(int) TRPMR3InjectEvent(PVM pVM, PVMCPU pVCpu, TRPMEVENT enmEvent) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_RAW_MODE PCPUMCTX pCtx = CPUMQueryGuestCtxPtr(pVCpu); Assert(!PATMIsPatchGCAddr(pVM, pCtx->eip)); #endif Assert(!VMCPU_FF_IS_SET(pVCpu, VMCPU_FF_INHIBIT_INTERRUPTS)); /* Currently only useful for external hardware interrupts. */ Assert(enmEvent == TRPM_HARDWARE_INT); #if defined(TRPM_FORWARD_TRAPS_IN_GC) && !defined(IEM_VERIFICATION_MODE) # ifdef LOG_ENABLED DBGFR3_INFO_LOG(pVM, pVCpu, "cpumguest", "TRPMInject"); DBGFR3_DISAS_INSTR_CUR_LOG(pVCpu, "TRPMInject"); # endif uint8_t u8Interrupt = 0; int rc = PDMGetInterrupt(pVCpu, &u8Interrupt); Log(("TRPMR3InjectEvent: CPU%d u8Interrupt=%d (%#x) rc=%Rrc\n", pVCpu->idCpu, u8Interrupt, u8Interrupt, rc)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (HMIsEnabled(pVM) || EMIsSupervisorCodeRecompiled(pVM)) { rc = TRPMAssertTrap(pVCpu, u8Interrupt, enmEvent); AssertRC(rc); STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->trpm.s.paStatForwardedIRQR3[u8Interrupt]); return HMR3IsActive(pVCpu) ? VINF_EM_RESCHEDULE_HM : VINF_EM_RESCHEDULE_REM; } /* If the guest gate is not patched, then we will check (again) if we can patch it. */ if (pVM->trpm.s.aGuestTrapHandler[u8Interrupt] == TRPM_INVALID_HANDLER) { CSAMR3CheckGates(pVM, u8Interrupt, 1); Log(("TRPMR3InjectEvent: recheck gate %x -> valid=%d\n", u8Interrupt, TRPMR3GetGuestTrapHandler(pVM, u8Interrupt) != TRPM_INVALID_HANDLER)); } if (pVM->trpm.s.aGuestTrapHandler[u8Interrupt] != TRPM_INVALID_HANDLER) { /* Must check pending forced actions as our IDT or GDT might be out of sync */ rc = EMR3CheckRawForcedActions(pVM, pVCpu); if (rc == VINF_SUCCESS) { /* There's a handler -> let's execute it in raw mode */ rc = TRPMForwardTrap(pVCpu, CPUMCTX2CORE(pCtx), u8Interrupt, 0, TRPM_TRAP_NO_ERRORCODE, enmEvent, -1); if (rc == VINF_SUCCESS /* Don't use RT_SUCCESS */) { Assert(!VMCPU_FF_IS_PENDING(pVCpu, VMCPU_FF_SELM_SYNC_GDT | VMCPU_FF_SELM_SYNC_LDT | VMCPU_FF_TRPM_SYNC_IDT | VMCPU_FF_SELM_SYNC_TSS)); STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->trpm.s.paStatForwardedIRQR3[u8Interrupt]); return VINF_EM_RESCHEDULE_RAW; } } } else STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->trpm.s.StatForwardFailNoHandler); rc = TRPMAssertTrap(pVCpu, u8Interrupt, enmEvent); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); } else { /* Can happen if the interrupt is masked by TPR or APIC is disabled. */ AssertMsg(rc == VERR_APIC_INTR_MASKED_BY_TPR || rc == VERR_NO_DATA, ("PDMGetInterrupt failed. rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return HMR3IsActive(pVCpu) ? VINF_EM_RESCHEDULE_HM : VINF_EM_RESCHEDULE_REM; /* (Heed the halted state if this is changed!) */ } /** @todo check if it's safe to translate the patch address to the original guest address. * this implies a safe state in translated instructions and should take sti successors into account (instruction fusing) */ /* Note: if it's a PATM address, then we'll go back to raw mode regardless of the return codes below. */ /* Fall back to the recompiler */ return VINF_EM_RESCHEDULE_REM; /* (Heed the halted state if this is changed!) */ #else /* !TRPM_FORWARD_TRAPS_IN_GC || IEM_VERIFICATION_MODE */ RT_NOREF(pVM, enmEvent); uint8_t u8Interrupt = 0; int rc = PDMGetInterrupt(pVCpu, &u8Interrupt); Log(("TRPMR3InjectEvent: u8Interrupt=%d (%#x) rc=%Rrc\n", u8Interrupt, u8Interrupt, rc)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = TRPMAssertTrap(pVCpu, u8Interrupt, TRPM_HARDWARE_INT); AssertRC(rc); STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->trpm.s.paStatForwardedIRQR3[u8Interrupt]); } else { /* Can happen if the interrupt is masked by TPR or APIC is disabled. */ AssertMsg(rc == VERR_APIC_INTR_MASKED_BY_TPR || rc == VERR_NO_DATA, ("PDMGetInterrupt failed. rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); } return HMR3IsActive(pVCpu) ? VINF_EM_RESCHEDULE_HM : VINF_EM_RESCHEDULE_REM; /* (Heed the halted state if this is changed!) */ #endif /* !TRPM_FORWARD_TRAPS_IN_GC || IEM_VERIFICATION_MODE */ } /** * Displays the pending TRPM event. * * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param pHlp The info helper functions. * @param pszArgs Arguments, ignored. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) trpmR3InfoEvent(PVM pVM, PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp, const char *pszArgs) { NOREF(pszArgs); PVMCPU pVCpu = VMMGetCpu(pVM); if (!pVCpu) pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[0]; uint8_t uVector; uint8_t cbInstr; TRPMEVENT enmTrapEvent; RTGCUINT uErrorCode; RTGCUINTPTR uCR2; int rc = TRPMQueryTrapAll(pVCpu, &uVector, &enmTrapEvent, &uErrorCode, &uCR2, &cbInstr); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "CPU[%u]: TRPM event\n", pVCpu->idCpu); static const char * const s_apszTrpmEventType[] = { "Trap", "Hardware Int", "Software Int" }; if (RT_LIKELY((size_t)enmTrapEvent < RT_ELEMENTS(s_apszTrpmEventType))) { pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, " Type = %s\n", s_apszTrpmEventType[enmTrapEvent]); pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, " uVector = %#x\n", uVector); pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, " uErrorCode = %#RGu\n", uErrorCode); pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, " uCR2 = %#RGp\n", uCR2); pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, " cbInstr = %u bytes\n", cbInstr); } else pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, " Type = %#x (Invalid!)\n", enmTrapEvent); } else if (rc == VERR_TRPM_NO_ACTIVE_TRAP) pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "CPU[%u]: TRPM event (None)\n", pVCpu->idCpu); else pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "CPU[%u]: TRPM event - Query failed! rc=%Rrc\n", pVCpu->idCpu, rc); }