1 | ; $Id: CPUMInternal.mac 80064 2019-07-31 10:31:36Z vboxsync $
2 | ;; @file
3 | ; CPUM - Internal header file (asm).
4 | ;
5 |
6 | ;
7 | ; Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Oracle Corporation
8 | ;
9 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | ;
17 |
18 | %include "VBox/asmdefs.mac"
19 | %include "VBox/vmm/cpum.mac"
20 |
21 | ;; Check sanity.
23 | %ifndef IN_RING0
24 | %error "What? We've got code assuming VBOX_WITH_KERNEL_USING_XMM is only defined in ring-0!"
25 | %endif
26 | %endif
27 |
28 | ;; For numeric expressions
29 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
30 | %define CPUM_IS_AMD64 1
31 | %else
32 | %define CPUM_IS_AMD64 0
33 | %endif
34 |
35 |
36 | ;;
37 | ; CPU info
38 | struc CPUMINFO
39 | .cMsrRanges resd 1 ; uint32_t
40 | .fMsrMask resd 1 ; uint32_t
41 | .fMxCsrMask resd 1 ; uint32_t
42 | .cCpuIdLeaves resd 1 ; uint32_t
43 | .iFirstExtCpuIdLeaf resd 1 ; uint32_t
44 | .enmUnknownCpuIdMethod resd 1 ; CPUMUNKNOWNCPUID
45 | .DefCpuId resb CPUMCPUID_size ; CPUMCPUID
46 | .uScalableBusFreq resq 1 ; uint64_t
51 | endstruc
52 |
53 |
54 | %define CPUM_USED_FPU_HOST RT_BIT(0)
55 | %define CPUM_USED_FPU_GUEST RT_BIT(10)
58 | %define CPUM_USE_SYSENTER RT_BIT(3)
59 | %define CPUM_USE_SYSCALL RT_BIT(4)
65 | %define CPUM_SYNC_FPU_STATE RT_BIT(16)
68 | %define CPUM_USE_FFXSR_LEAKY RT_BIT(19)
70 |
71 | %define CPUM_HANDLER_DS 1
72 | %define CPUM_HANDLER_ES 2
73 | %define CPUM_HANDLER_FS 3
74 | %define CPUM_HANDLER_GS 4
75 | %define CPUM_HANDLER_IRET 5
76 | %define CPUM_HANDLER_TYPEMASK 0ffh
78 |
79 |
80 | struc CPUM
81 | ;...
82 | .offCPUMCPU0 resd 1
83 | .fHostUseFlags resd 1
84 |
85 | ; CR4 masks
86 | .CR4.AndMask resd 1
87 | .CR4.OrMask resd 1
88 | .u8PortableCpuIdLevel resb 1
89 | .fPendingRestore resb 1
90 |
91 | alignb 8
92 | .fXStateGuestMask resq 1
93 | .fXStateHostMask resq 1
94 |
95 | alignb 64
96 | .HostFeatures resb 48
97 | .GuestFeatures resb 48
98 | .GuestInfo resb RTHCPTR_CB*4 + 4*12
99 |
100 | ; Patch manager saved state compatability CPUID leaf arrays
101 | .aGuestCpuIdPatmStd resb 16*6
102 | .aGuestCpuIdPatmExt resb 16*10
103 | .aGuestCpuIdPatmCentaur resb 16*4
104 |
105 | alignb 8
106 | .cMsrWrites resq 1
107 | .cMsrWritesToIgnoredBits resq 1
108 | .cMsrWritesRaiseGp resq 1
109 | .cMsrWritesUnknown resq 1
110 | .cMsrReads resq 1
111 | .cMsrReadsRaiseGp resq 1
112 | .cMsrReadsUnknown resq 1
113 | endstruc
114 |
115 | struc CPUMCPU
116 | ;
117 | ; Guest context state
118 | ; (Identical to the .Hyper chunk below and to CPUMCTX in cpum.mac.)
119 | ;
120 | .Guest resq 0
121 | .Guest.eax resq 1
122 | .Guest.ecx resq 1
123 | .Guest.edx resq 1
124 | .Guest.ebx resq 1
125 | .Guest.esp resq 1
126 | .Guest.ebp resq 1
127 | .Guest.esi resq 1
128 | .Guest.edi resq 1
129 | .Guest.r8 resq 1
130 | .Guest.r9 resq 1
131 | .Guest.r10 resq 1
132 | .Guest.r11 resq 1
133 | .Guest.r12 resq 1
134 | .Guest.r13 resq 1
135 | .Guest.r14 resq 1
136 | .Guest.r15 resq 1
137 | .Guest.es.Sel resw 1
138 | .Guest.es.PaddingSel resw 1
139 | .Guest.es.ValidSel resw 1
140 | .Guest.es.fFlags resw 1
141 | .Guest.es.u64Base resq 1
142 | .Guest.es.u32Limit resd 1
143 | .Guest.es.Attr resd 1
144 | .Guest.cs.Sel resw 1
145 | .Guest.cs.PaddingSel resw 1
146 | .Guest.cs.ValidSel resw 1
147 | .Guest.cs.fFlags resw 1
148 | .Guest.cs.u64Base resq 1
149 | .Guest.cs.u32Limit resd 1
150 | .Guest.cs.Attr resd 1
151 | .Guest.ss.Sel resw 1
152 | .Guest.ss.PaddingSel resw 1
153 | .Guest.ss.ValidSel resw 1
154 | .Guest.ss.fFlags resw 1
155 | .Guest.ss.u64Base resq 1
156 | .Guest.ss.u32Limit resd 1
157 | .Guest.ss.Attr resd 1
158 | .Guest.ds.Sel resw 1
159 | .Guest.ds.PaddingSel resw 1
160 | .Guest.ds.ValidSel resw 1
161 | .Guest.ds.fFlags resw 1
162 | .Guest.ds.u64Base resq 1
163 | .Guest.ds.u32Limit resd 1
164 | .Guest.ds.Attr resd 1
165 | .Guest.fs.Sel resw 1
166 | .Guest.fs.PaddingSel resw 1
167 | .Guest.fs.ValidSel resw 1
168 | .Guest.fs.fFlags resw 1
169 | .Guest.fs.u64Base resq 1
170 | .Guest.fs.u32Limit resd 1
171 | .Guest.fs.Attr resd 1
172 | .Guest.gs.Sel resw 1
173 | .Guest.gs.PaddingSel resw 1
174 | .Guest.gs.ValidSel resw 1
175 | .Guest.gs.fFlags resw 1
176 | .Guest.gs.u64Base resq 1
177 | .Guest.gs.u32Limit resd 1
178 | .Guest.gs.Attr resd 1
179 | .Guest.eip resq 1
180 | .Guest.eflags resq 1
181 | .Guest.cr0 resq 1
182 | .Guest.cr2 resq 1
183 | .Guest.cr3 resq 1
184 | .Guest.cr4 resq 1
185 | .Guest.dr resq 8
186 | .Guest.gdtrPadding resw 3
187 | .Guest.gdtr resw 0
188 | .Guest.gdtr.cbGdt resw 1
189 | .Guest.gdtr.pGdt resq 1
190 | .Guest.idtrPadding resw 3
191 | .Guest.idtr resw 0
192 | .Guest.idtr.cbIdt resw 1
193 | .Guest.idtr.pIdt resq 1
194 | .Guest.ldtr.Sel resw 1
195 | .Guest.ldtr.PaddingSel resw 1
196 | .Guest.ldtr.ValidSel resw 1
197 | .Guest.ldtr.fFlags resw 1
198 | .Guest.ldtr.u64Base resq 1
199 | .Guest.ldtr.u32Limit resd 1
200 | .Guest.ldtr.Attr resd 1
201 | .Guest.tr.Sel resw 1
202 | .Guest.tr.PaddingSel resw 1
203 | .Guest.tr.ValidSel resw 1
204 | .Guest.tr.fFlags resw 1
205 | .Guest.tr.u64Base resq 1
206 | .Guest.tr.u32Limit resd 1
207 | .Guest.tr.Attr resd 1
208 | .Guest.SysEnter.cs resb 8
209 | .Guest.SysEnter.eip resb 8
210 | .Guest.SysEnter.esp resb 8
211 | .Guest.msrEFER resb 8
212 | .Guest.msrSTAR resb 8
213 | .Guest.msrPAT resb 8
214 | .Guest.msrLSTAR resb 8
215 | .Guest.msrCSTAR resb 8
216 | .Guest.msrSFMASK resb 8
217 | .Guest.msrKERNELGSBASE resb 8
218 | .Guest.uMsrPadding0 resb 8
219 | alignb 8
220 | .Guest.aXcr resq 2
221 | .Guest.fXStateMask resq 1
222 | .Guest.pXStateR0 RTR0PTR_RES 1
223 | alignb 8
224 | .Guest.pXStateR3 RTR3PTR_RES 1
225 | alignb 8
226 | .Guest.aoffXState resw 64
227 | .Guest.fWorldSwitcher resd 1
228 | alignb 8
229 | .Guest.fExtrn resq 1
230 | alignb 8
231 | .Guest.hwvirt.svm.uMsrHSavePa resq 1
232 | .Guest.hwvirt.svm.GCPhysVmcb resq 1
233 | .Guest.hwvirt.svm.pVmcbR0 RTR0PTR_RES 1
234 | alignb 8
235 | .Guest.hwvirt.svm.pVmcbR3 RTR3PTR_RES 1
236 | alignb 8
237 | .Guest.hwvirt.svm.HostState resb 184
238 | .Guest.hwvirt.svm.uPrevPauseTick resq 1
239 | .Guest.hwvirt.svm.cPauseFilter resw 1
240 | .Guest.hwvirt.svm.cPauseFilterThreshold resw 1
241 | .Guest.hwvirt.svm.fInterceptEvents resb 1
242 | alignb 8
243 | .Guest.hwvirt.svm.pvMsrBitmapR0 RTR0PTR_RES 1
244 | alignb 8
245 | .Guest.hwvirt.svm.pvMsrBitmapR3 RTR3PTR_RES 1
246 | alignb 8
247 | .Guest.hwvirt.svm.pvIoBitmapR0 RTR0PTR_RES 1
248 | alignb 8
249 | .Guest.hwvirt.svm.pvIoBitmapR3 RTR3PTR_RES 1
250 | alignb 8
251 | .Guest.hwvirt.svm.HCPhysVmcb RTHCPHYS_RES 1
252 | .Guest.hwvirt.svm.abPadding0 resb 272
253 | .Guest.hwvirt.enmHwvirt resd 1
254 | .Guest.hwvirt.fGif resb 1
255 | alignb 8
256 | .Guest.hwvirt.fLocalForcedActions resd 1
257 | alignb 64
258 |
259 | .GuestMsrs resq 0
260 | .GuestMsrs.au64 resq 64
261 |
262 | ;
263 | ; Other stuff.
264 | ;
265 | .fUseFlags resd 1
266 | .fChanged resd 1
267 | .offCPUM resd 1
268 | .u32RetCode resd 1
269 |
271 | .pvApicBase RTR0PTR_RES 1
272 | .fApicDisVectors resd 1
273 | .fX2Apic resb 1
274 | %else
275 | .abPadding3 resb (RTR0PTR_CB + 4 + 1)
276 | %endif
277 |
278 | .fRemEntered resb 1
279 | .fCpuIdApicFeatureVisible resb 1
280 |
281 | .abPadding2 resb (64 - 16 - RTR0PTR_CB - 4 - 1 - 2)
282 |
283 | ;
284 | ; Host context state
285 | ;
286 | alignb 64
287 | .Host resb 0
288 | ;.Host.rax resq 1 - scratch
289 | .Host.rbx resq 1
290 | ;.Host.rcx resq 1 - scratch
291 | ;.Host.rdx resq 1 - scratch
292 | .Host.rdi resq 1
293 | .Host.rsi resq 1
294 | .Host.rbp resq 1
295 | .Host.rsp resq 1
296 | ;.Host.r8 resq 1 - scratch
297 | ;.Host.r9 resq 1 - scratch
298 | .Host.r10 resq 1
299 | .Host.r11 resq 1
300 | .Host.r12 resq 1
301 | .Host.r13 resq 1
302 | .Host.r14 resq 1
303 | .Host.r15 resq 1
304 | ;.Host.rip resd 1 - scratch
305 | .Host.rflags resq 1
306 | .Host.ss resw 1
307 | .Host.ssPadding resw 1
308 | .Host.gs resw 1
309 | .Host.gsPadding resw 1
310 | .Host.fs resw 1
311 | .Host.fsPadding resw 1
312 | .Host.es resw 1
313 | .Host.esPadding resw 1
314 | .Host.ds resw 1
315 | .Host.dsPadding resw 1
316 | .Host.cs resw 1
317 | .Host.csPadding resw 1
318 |
319 | .Host.cr0Fpu:
320 | .Host.cr0 resq 1
321 | ;.Host.cr2 resq 1 - scratch
322 | .Host.cr3 resq 1
323 | .Host.cr4 resq 1
324 | .Host.cr8 resq 1
325 |
326 | .Host.dr0 resq 1
327 | .Host.dr1 resq 1
328 | .Host.dr2 resq 1
329 | .Host.dr3 resq 1
330 | .Host.dr6 resq 1
331 | .Host.dr7 resq 1
332 |
333 | .Host.gdtr resb 10 ; GDT limit + linear address
334 | .Host.gdtrPadding resw 1
335 | .Host.idtr resb 10 ; IDT limit + linear address
336 | .Host.idtrPadding resw 1
337 | .Host.ldtr resw 1
338 | .Host.ldtrPadding resw 1
339 | .Host.tr resw 1
340 | .Host.trPadding resw 1
341 |
342 | .Host.SysEnter.cs resq 1
343 | .Host.SysEnter.eip resq 1
344 | .Host.SysEnter.esp resq 1
345 | .Host.FSbase resq 1
346 | .Host.GSbase resq 1
347 | .Host.efer resq 1
348 | .Host.auPadding resb 4
349 | alignb RTR0PTR_CB
350 | .Host.pXStateR0 RTR0PTR_RES 1
351 | .Host.pXStateR3 RTR3PTR_RES 1
352 | alignb 8
353 | .Host.xcr0 resq 1
354 | .Host.fXStateMask resq 1
355 |
356 | ;
357 | ; Hypervisor Context.
358 | ;
359 | alignb 64
360 | .Hyper resq 0
361 | .Hyper.dr resq 8
362 | .Hyper.cr3 resq 1
363 | alignb 64
364 |
366 | .aMagic resb 56
367 | .uMagic resq 1
368 | %endif
369 | endstruc
370 |
371 |
372 | ;;
373 | ; Converts the CPUM pointer to CPUMCPU
374 | ; @param %1 register name
375 | %macro CPUMCPU_FROM_CPUM 1
376 | add %1, dword [%1 + CPUM.offCPUMCPU0]
377 | %endmacro
378 |
379 | ;;
380 | ; Converts the CPUM pointer to CPUMCPU
381 | ; @param %1 register name (CPUM)
382 | ; @param %2 register name (CPUMCPU offset)
384 | add %1, %2
385 | %endmacro
386 |
387 | ;;
388 | ; Converts the CPUMCPU pointer to CPUM
389 | ; @param %1 register name
390 | %macro CPUM_FROM_CPUMCPU 1
391 | sub %1, dword [%1 + CPUMCPU.offCPUM]
392 | %endmacro
393 |
394 | ;;
395 | ; Converts the CPUMCPU pointer to CPUM
396 | ; @param %1 register name (CPUM)
397 | ; @param %2 register name (CPUMCPU offset)
399 | sub %1, %2
400 | %endmacro
401 |
402 |
403 |
404 | %if 0 ; Currently not used anywhere.
405 | ;;
406 | ; Macro for FXSAVE/FXRSTOR leaky behaviour on AMD CPUs, see cpumR3CheckLeakyFpu().
407 | ;
408 | ; Cleans the FPU state, if necessary, before restoring the FPU.
409 | ;
410 | ; This macro ASSUMES CR0.TS is not set!
411 | ;
412 | ; @param xDX Pointer to CPUMCPU.
413 | ; @uses xAX, EFLAGS
414 | ;
415 | ; Changes here should also be reflected in CPUMRCA.asm's copy!
416 | ;
417 | %macro CLEANFPU 0
418 | test dword [xDX + CPUMCPU.fUseFlags], CPUM_USE_FFXSR_LEAKY
419 | jz .nothing_to_clean
420 |
421 | xor eax, eax
422 | fnstsw ax ; FSW -> AX.
423 | test eax, RT_BIT(7) ; If FSW.ES (bit 7) is set, clear it to not cause FPU exceptions
424 | ; while clearing & loading the FPU bits in 'clean_fpu' below.
425 | jz .clean_fpu
426 | fnclex
427 |
428 | .clean_fpu:
429 | ffree st7 ; Clear FPU stack register(7)'s tag entry to prevent overflow if a wraparound occurs.
430 | ; for the upcoming push (load)
431 | fild dword [g_r32_Zero xWrtRIP] ; Explicit FPU load to overwrite FIP, FOP, FDP registers in the FPU.
432 | .nothing_to_clean:
433 | %endmacro
434 | %endif ; Unused.
435 |
436 |
437 | ;;
438 | ; Makes sure we don't trap (#NM) accessing the FPU.
439 | ;
440 | ; In ring-0 this is a bit of work since we may have try convince the host kernel
441 | ; to do the work for us, also, we must report any CR0 changes back to HMR0VMX
442 | ; via the VINF_CPUM_HOST_CR0_MODIFIED status code.
443 | ;
444 | ; If we end up clearing CR0.TS/EM ourselves in ring-0, we'll save the original
445 | ; value in CPUMCPU.Host.cr0Fpu. If we don't, we'll store zero there. (See also
447 | ;
448 | ; In raw-mode we will always have to clear TS and it will be recalculated
449 | ; elsewhere and thus needs no saving.
450 | ;
451 | ; @param %1 Register to return the return status code in.
452 | ; @param %2 Temporary scratch register.
453 | ; @param %3 Ring-0 only, register pointing to the CPUMCPU structure
454 | ; of the EMT we're on.
455 | ; @uses EFLAGS, CR0, %1, %2
456 | ;
458 | ;
459 | ; ring-0 - slightly complicated (than old raw-mode).
460 | ;
461 | xor %1, %1 ; 0 / VINF_SUCCESS. Wishing for no CR0 changes.
462 | mov [%3 + CPUMCPU.Host.cr0Fpu], %1
463 |
464 | mov %2, cr0
465 | test %2, X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_EM ; Make sure its safe to access the FPU state.
466 | jz %%no_cr0_change
467 |
468 | %ifdef VMM_R0_TOUCH_FPU
469 | ; Touch the state and check that the kernel updated CR0 for us.
470 | movdqa xmm0, xmm0
471 | mov %2, cr0
472 | test %2, X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_EM
473 | jz %%cr0_changed
474 | %endif
475 |
476 | ; Save CR0 and clear them flags ourselves.
477 | mov [%3 + CPUMCPU.Host.cr0Fpu], %2
478 | and %2, ~(X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_EM)
479 | mov cr0, %2
480 |
481 | %%cr0_changed:
483 | %%no_cr0_change:
484 | %endmacro
485 |
486 |
487 | ;;
488 | ; Restore CR0 if CR0.TS or CR0.EM were non-zero in the original state.
489 | ;
490 | ; @param %1 The original state to restore (or zero).
491 | ;
493 | test %1, X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_EM
494 | jz %%skip_cr0_restore
495 | mov cr0, %1
496 | %%skip_cr0_restore:
497 | %endmacro
498 |
499 |
500 | ;;
501 | ; Saves the host state.
502 | ;
503 | ; @uses rax, rdx
504 | ; @param pCpumCpu Define for the register containing the CPUMCPU pointer.
505 | ; @param pXState Define for the register containing the extended state pointer.
506 | ;
507 | %macro CPUMR0_SAVE_HOST 0
508 | ;
509 | ; Load a couple of registers we'll use later in all branches.
510 | ;
511 | %ifdef IN_RING0
512 | mov pXState, [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.Host.pXStateR0]
513 | %else
514 | %error "Unsupported context!"
515 | %endif
516 | mov eax, [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.Host.fXStateMask]
517 |
518 | ;
519 | ; XSAVE or FXSAVE?
520 | ;
521 | or eax, eax
522 | jz %%host_fxsave
523 |
524 | ; XSAVE
525 | mov edx, [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.Host.fXStateMask + 4]
526 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
527 | o64 xsave [pXState]
528 | %else
529 | xsave [pXState]
530 | %endif
531 | jmp %%host_done
532 |
533 | ; FXSAVE
534 | %%host_fxsave:
535 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
536 | o64 fxsave [pXState] ; Use explicit REX prefix. See @bugref{6398}.
537 | %else
538 | fxsave [pXState]
539 | %endif
540 |
541 | %%host_done:
542 | %endmacro ; CPUMR0_SAVE_HOST
543 |
544 |
545 | ;;
546 | ; Loads the host state.
547 | ;
548 | ; @uses rax, rdx
549 | ; @param pCpumCpu Define for the register containing the CPUMCPU pointer.
550 | ; @param pXState Define for the register containing the extended state pointer.
551 | ;
552 | %macro CPUMR0_LOAD_HOST 0
553 | ;
554 | ; Load a couple of registers we'll use later in all branches.
555 | ;
556 | %ifdef IN_RING0
557 | mov pXState, [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.Host.pXStateR0]
558 | %else
559 | %error "Unsupported context!"
560 | %endif
561 | mov eax, [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.Host.fXStateMask]
562 |
563 | ;
564 | ; XRSTOR or FXRSTOR?
565 | ;
566 | or eax, eax
567 | jz %%host_fxrstor
568 |
569 | ; XRSTOR
570 | mov edx, [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.Host.fXStateMask + 4]
571 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
572 | o64 xrstor [pXState]
573 | %else
574 | xrstor [pXState]
575 | %endif
576 | jmp %%host_done
577 |
578 | ; FXRSTOR
579 | %%host_fxrstor:
580 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
581 | o64 fxrstor [pXState] ; Use explicit REX prefix. See @bugref{6398}.
582 | %else
583 | fxrstor [pXState]
584 | %endif
585 |
586 | %%host_done:
587 | %endmacro ; CPUMR0_LOAD_HOST
588 |
589 |
590 |
591 | ;; Macro for XSAVE/FXSAVE for the guest FPU but tries to figure out whether to
592 | ; save the 32-bit FPU state or 64-bit FPU state.
593 | ;
594 | ; @param %1 Pointer to CPUMCPU.
595 | ; @param %2 Pointer to XState.
596 | ; @param %3 Force AMD64
597 | ; @param %4 The instruction to use (xsave or fxsave)
598 | ; @uses xAX, xDX, EFLAGS, 20h of stack.
599 | ;
600 | %macro SAVE_32_OR_64_FPU 4
601 | %if CPUM_IS_AMD64 || %3
602 | ; Save the guest FPU (32-bit or 64-bit), preserves existing broken state. See @bugref{7138}.
603 | test dword [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.fUseFlags], CPUM_USE_SUPPORTS_LONGMODE
604 | jnz short %%save_long_mode_guest
605 | %endif
606 | %4 [pXState]
607 | %if CPUM_IS_AMD64 || %3
608 | jmp %%save_done_32bit_cs_ds
609 |
610 | %%save_long_mode_guest:
611 | o64 %4 [pXState]
612 |
613 | xor edx, edx
614 | cmp dword [pXState + X86FXSTATE.FPUCS], 0
615 | jne short %%save_done
616 |
617 | sub rsp, 20h ; Only need 1ch bytes but keep stack aligned otherwise we #GP(0).
618 | fnstenv [rsp]
619 | movzx eax, word [rsp + 10h]
620 | mov [pXState + X86FXSTATE.FPUCS], eax
621 | movzx eax, word [rsp + 18h]
622 | add rsp, 20h
623 | mov [pXState + X86FXSTATE.FPUDS], eax
624 | %endif
625 | %%save_done_32bit_cs_ds:
626 | mov edx, X86_FXSTATE_RSVD_32BIT_MAGIC
627 | %%save_done:
628 | mov dword [pXState + X86_OFF_FXSTATE_RSVD], edx
629 | %endmacro ; SAVE_32_OR_64_FPU
630 |
631 |
632 | ;;
633 | ; Save the guest state.
634 | ;
635 | ; @uses rax, rdx
636 | ; @param pCpumCpu Define for the register containing the CPUMCPU pointer.
637 | ; @param pXState Define for the register containing the extended state pointer.
638 | ;
639 | %macro CPUMR0_SAVE_GUEST 0
640 | ;
641 | ; Load a couple of registers we'll use later in all branches.
642 | ;
643 | %ifdef IN_RING0
644 | mov pXState, [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.Guest.pXStateR0]
645 | %else
646 | %error "Unsupported context!"
647 | %endif
648 | mov eax, [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.Guest.fXStateMask]
649 |
650 | ;
651 | ; XSAVE or FXSAVE?
652 | ;
653 | or eax, eax
654 | jz %%guest_fxsave
655 |
656 | ; XSAVE
657 | mov edx, [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.Guest.fXStateMask + 4]
659 | and eax, ~CPUM_VOLATILE_XSAVE_GUEST_COMPONENTS ; Already saved in HMR0A.asm.
660 | %endif
661 | SAVE_32_OR_64_FPU pCpumCpu, pXState, 0, xsave
662 | jmp %%guest_done
663 |
664 | ; FXSAVE
665 | %%guest_fxsave:
666 | SAVE_32_OR_64_FPU pCpumCpu, pXState, 0, fxsave
667 |
668 | %%guest_done:
669 | %endmacro ; CPUMR0_SAVE_GUEST
670 |
671 |
672 | ;;
673 | ; Wrapper for selecting 32-bit or 64-bit XRSTOR/FXRSTOR according to what SAVE_32_OR_64_FPU did.
674 | ;
675 | ; @param %1 Pointer to CPUMCPU.
676 | ; @param %2 Pointer to XState.
677 | ; @param %3 Force AMD64.
678 | ; @param %4 The instruction to use (xrstor or fxrstor).
679 | ; @uses xAX, xDX, EFLAGS
680 | ;
681 | %macro RESTORE_32_OR_64_FPU 4
682 | %if CPUM_IS_AMD64 || %3
683 | ; Restore the guest FPU (32-bit or 64-bit), preserves existing broken state. See @bugref{7138}.
684 | test dword [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.fUseFlags], CPUM_USE_SUPPORTS_LONGMODE
685 | jz %%restore_32bit_fpu
686 | cmp dword [pXState + X86_OFF_FXSTATE_RSVD], X86_FXSTATE_RSVD_32BIT_MAGIC
687 | jne short %%restore_64bit_fpu
688 | %%restore_32bit_fpu:
689 | %endif
690 | %4 [pXState]
691 | %if CPUM_IS_AMD64 || %3
692 | ; TODO: Restore XMM8-XMM15!
693 | jmp short %%restore_fpu_done
694 | %%restore_64bit_fpu:
695 | o64 %4 [pXState]
696 | %%restore_fpu_done:
697 | %endif
698 | %endmacro ; RESTORE_32_OR_64_FPU
699 |
700 |
701 | ;;
702 | ; Loads the guest state.
703 | ;
704 | ; @uses rax, rdx
705 | ; @param pCpumCpu Define for the register containing the CPUMCPU pointer.
706 | ; @param pXState Define for the register containing the extended state pointer.
707 | ;
708 | %macro CPUMR0_LOAD_GUEST 0
709 | ;
710 | ; Load a couple of registers we'll use later in all branches.
711 | ;
712 | %ifdef IN_RING0
713 | mov pXState, [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.Guest.pXStateR0]
714 | %else
715 | %error "Unsupported context!"
716 | %endif
717 | mov eax, [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.Guest.fXStateMask]
718 |
719 | ;
720 | ; XRSTOR or FXRSTOR?
721 | ;
722 | or eax, eax
723 | jz %%guest_fxrstor
724 |
725 | ; XRSTOR
726 | mov edx, [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.Guest.fXStateMask + 4]
728 | and eax, ~CPUM_VOLATILE_XSAVE_GUEST_COMPONENTS ; Will be loaded by HMR0A.asm.
729 | %endif
730 | RESTORE_32_OR_64_FPU pCpumCpu, pXState, 0, xrstor
731 | jmp %%guest_done
732 |
733 | ; FXRSTOR
734 | %%guest_fxrstor:
735 | RESTORE_32_OR_64_FPU pCpumCpu, pXState, 0, fxrstor
736 |
737 | %%guest_done:
738 | %endmacro ; CPUMR0_LOAD_GUEST
739 |