/* $Id: VMMInternal.h 90829 2021-08-24 10:26:07Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VMM - Internal header file. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef VMM_INCLUDED_SRC_include_VMMInternal_h #define VMM_INCLUDED_SRC_include_VMMInternal_h #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE # pragma once #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined(IN_VMM_R3) && !defined(IN_VMM_R0) && !defined(IN_VMM_RC) # error "Not in VMM! This is an internal header!" #endif #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 # error "32-bit hosts are no longer supported. Go back to 6.0 or earlier!" #endif /** @defgroup grp_vmm_int Internals * @ingroup grp_vmm * @internal * @{ */ /** @def VBOX_WITH_RC_RELEASE_LOGGING * Enables RC release logging. */ #define VBOX_WITH_RC_RELEASE_LOGGING /** @def VBOX_WITH_R0_LOGGING * Enables Ring-0 logging (non-release). * * Ring-0 logging isn't 100% safe yet (thread id reuse / process exit cleanup), * so you have to sign up here by adding your defined(DEBUG_) to the * \#if, or by adding VBOX_WITH_R0_LOGGING to your LocalConfig.kmk. */ #if defined(DEBUG_sandervl) || defined(DEBUG_frank) || defined(DEBUG_ramshankar) || defined(DOXYGEN_RUNNING) # define VBOX_WITH_R0_LOGGING #endif /** @def VBOX_STRICT_VMM_STACK * Enables VMM stack guard pages to catch stack over- and underruns. */ #if defined(VBOX_STRICT) || defined(DOXYGEN_RUNNING) # define VBOX_STRICT_VMM_STACK #endif /** * R0 logger data (ring-0 only data). */ typedef struct VMMR0PERVCPULOGGER { /** Pointer to the logger instance. * The RTLOGGER::u32UserValue1 member is used for flags and magic, while the * RTLOGGER::u64UserValue2 member is the corresponding PGVMCPU value. * RTLOGGER::u64UserValue3 is currently and set to the PGVMCPU value too. */ R0PTRTYPE(PRTLOGGER) pLogger; /** Log buffer descriptor. * The buffer is allocated in a common block for all VCpus, see VMMR0PERVM. */ RTLOGBUFFERDESC BufDesc; /** Flag indicating whether we've registered the instance already. */ bool fRegistered; bool afPadding[7]; } VMMR0PERVCPULOGGER; /** Pointer to the R0 logger data (ring-0 only). */ typedef VMMR0PERVCPULOGGER *PVMMR0PERVCPULOGGER; /** * R0 logger data shared with ring-3 (per CPU). */ typedef struct VMMR3CPULOGGER { /** Auxiliary buffer descriptor. */ RTLOGBUFFERAUXDESC AuxDesc; /** Ring-3 mapping of the logging buffer. */ R3PTRTYPE(char *) pchBufR3; /** The buffer size. */ uint32_t cbBuf; uint32_t uReserved; } VMMR3CPULOGGER; /** Pointer to r0 logger data shared with ring-3. */ typedef VMMR3CPULOGGER *PVMMR3CPULOGGER; /** * Jump buffer for the setjmp/longjmp like constructs used to * quickly 'call' back into Ring-3. */ typedef struct VMMR0JMPBUF { /** Traditional jmp_buf stuff * @{ */ #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 uint32_t ebx; uint32_t esi; uint32_t edi; uint32_t ebp; uint32_t esp; uint32_t eip; uint32_t eflags; #endif #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64 uint64_t rbx; # ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS uint64_t rsi; uint64_t rdi; # endif uint64_t rbp; uint64_t r12; uint64_t r13; uint64_t r14; uint64_t r15; uint64_t rsp; uint64_t rip; # ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS uint128_t xmm6; uint128_t xmm7; uint128_t xmm8; uint128_t xmm9; uint128_t xmm10; uint128_t xmm11; uint128_t xmm12; uint128_t xmm13; uint128_t xmm14; uint128_t xmm15; # endif uint64_t rflags; #endif /** @} */ /** Flag that indicates that we've done a ring-3 call. */ bool fInRing3Call; /** The number of bytes we've saved. */ uint32_t cbSavedStack; /** Pointer to the buffer used to save the stack. * This is assumed to be 8KB. */ RTR0PTR pvSavedStack; /** Esp we we match against esp on resume to make sure the stack wasn't relocated. */ RTHCUINTREG SpCheck; /** The esp we should resume execution with after the restore. */ RTHCUINTREG SpResume; /** ESP/RSP at the time of the jump to ring 3. */ RTHCUINTREG SavedEsp; /** EBP/RBP at the time of the jump to ring 3. */ RTHCUINTREG SavedEbp; /** EIP/RIP within vmmR0CallRing3LongJmp for assisting unwinding. */ RTHCUINTREG SavedEipForUnwind; /** Unwind: The vmmR0CallRing3SetJmp return address value. */ RTHCUINTREG UnwindRetPcValue; /** Unwind: The vmmR0CallRing3SetJmp return address stack location. */ RTHCUINTREG UnwindRetPcLocation; /** The function last being executed here. */ RTHCUINTREG pfn; /** The first argument to the function. */ RTHCUINTREG pvUser1; /** The second argument to the function. */ RTHCUINTREG pvUser2; #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 /** Alignment padding. */ uint32_t uPadding; #endif /** Stats: Max amount of stack used. */ uint32_t cbUsedMax; /** Stats: Average stack usage. (Avg = cbUsedTotal / cUsedTotal) */ uint32_t cbUsedAvg; /** Stats: Total amount of stack used. */ uint64_t cbUsedTotal; /** Stats: Number of stack usages. */ uint64_t cUsedTotal; } VMMR0JMPBUF; /** Pointer to a ring-0 jump buffer. */ typedef VMMR0JMPBUF *PVMMR0JMPBUF; /** * VMM Data (part of VM) */ typedef struct VMM { /** Whether we should use the periodic preemption timers. */ bool fUsePeriodicPreemptionTimers; /** Alignment padding. */ bool afPadding0[7]; #if 0 /* pointless when timers doesn't run on EMT */ /** The EMT yield timer. */ TMTIMERHANDLE hYieldTimer; /** The period to the next timeout when suspended or stopped. * This is 0 when running. */ uint32_t cYieldResumeMillies; /** The EMT yield timer interval (milliseconds). */ uint32_t cYieldEveryMillies; /** The timestamp of the previous yield. (nano) */ uint64_t u64LastYield; #endif /** @name EMT Rendezvous * @{ */ /** Semaphore to wait on upon entering ordered execution. */ R3PTRTYPE(PRTSEMEVENT) pahEvtRendezvousEnterOrdered; /** Semaphore to wait on upon entering for one-by-one execution. */ RTSEMEVENT hEvtRendezvousEnterOneByOne; /** Semaphore to wait on upon entering for all-at-once execution. */ RTSEMEVENTMULTI hEvtMulRendezvousEnterAllAtOnce; /** Semaphore to wait on when done. */ RTSEMEVENTMULTI hEvtMulRendezvousDone; /** Semaphore the VMMR3EmtRendezvous caller waits on at the end. */ RTSEMEVENT hEvtRendezvousDoneCaller; /** Semaphore to wait on upon recursing. */ RTSEMEVENTMULTI hEvtMulRendezvousRecursionPush; /** Semaphore to wait on after done with recursion (caller restoring state). */ RTSEMEVENTMULTI hEvtMulRendezvousRecursionPop; /** Semaphore the initiator waits on while the EMTs are getting into position * on hEvtMulRendezvousRecursionPush. */ RTSEMEVENT hEvtRendezvousRecursionPushCaller; /** Semaphore the initiator waits on while the EMTs sitting on * hEvtMulRendezvousRecursionPop wakes up and leave. */ RTSEMEVENT hEvtRendezvousRecursionPopCaller; /** Callback. */ R3PTRTYPE(PFNVMMEMTRENDEZVOUS) volatile pfnRendezvous; /** The user argument for the callback. */ RTR3PTR volatile pvRendezvousUser; /** Flags. */ volatile uint32_t fRendezvousFlags; /** The number of EMTs that has entered. */ volatile uint32_t cRendezvousEmtsEntered; /** The number of EMTs that has done their job. */ volatile uint32_t cRendezvousEmtsDone; /** The number of EMTs that has returned. */ volatile uint32_t cRendezvousEmtsReturned; /** The status code. */ volatile int32_t i32RendezvousStatus; /** Spin lock. */ volatile uint32_t u32RendezvousLock; /** The recursion depth. */ volatile uint32_t cRendezvousRecursions; /** The number of EMTs that have entered the recursion routine. */ volatile uint32_t cRendezvousEmtsRecursingPush; /** The number of EMTs that have leaft the recursion routine. */ volatile uint32_t cRendezvousEmtsRecursingPop; /** Triggers rendezvous recursion in the other threads. */ volatile bool fRendezvousRecursion; /** @} */ /** RTThreadPreemptIsPendingTrusty() result, set by vmmR0InitVM() for * release logging purposes. */ bool fIsPreemptPendingApiTrusty : 1; /** The RTThreadPreemptIsPossible() result, set by vmmR0InitVM() for * release logging purposes. */ bool fIsPreemptPossible : 1; /** Set if ring-0 uses context hooks. */ bool fIsUsingContextHooks : 1; bool afAlignment2[2]; /**< Alignment padding. */ /** Buffer for storing the standard assertion message for a ring-0 assertion. * Used for saving the assertion message text for the release log and guru * meditation dump. */ char szRing0AssertMsg1[512]; /** Buffer for storing the custom message for a ring-0 assertion. */ char szRing0AssertMsg2[256]; /** Number of VMMR0_DO_HM_RUN or VMMR0_DO_NEM_RUN calls. */ STAMCOUNTER StatRunGC; /** Statistics for each of the RC/R0 return codes. * @{ */ STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetNormal; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetInterrupt; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetInterruptHyper; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetGuestTrap; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetRingSwitch; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetRingSwitchInt; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetStaleSelector; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetIRETTrap; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetEmulate; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetPatchEmulate; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetIORead; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetIOWrite; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetIOCommitWrite; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetMMIORead; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetMMIOWrite; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetMMIOCommitWrite; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetMMIOPatchRead; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetMMIOPatchWrite; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetMMIOReadWrite; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetMSRRead; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetMSRWrite; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetLDTFault; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetGDTFault; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetIDTFault; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetTSSFault; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetCSAMTask; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetSyncCR3; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetMisc; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetPatchInt3; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetPatchPF; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetPatchGP; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetPatchIretIRQ; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetRescheduleREM; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetToR3Total; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetToR3FF; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetToR3Unknown; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetToR3TMVirt; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetToR3HandyPages; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetToR3PDMQueues; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetToR3Rendezvous; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetToR3Timer; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetToR3DMA; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetToR3CritSect; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetToR3Iem; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetToR3Iom; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetTimerPending; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetInterruptPending; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetCallRing3; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetPATMDuplicateFn; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetPGMChangeMode; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetPendingRequest; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetPGMFlushPending; STAMCOUNTER StatRZRetPatchTPR; STAMCOUNTER StatRZCallPDMCritSectEnter; STAMCOUNTER StatRZCallPDMLock; STAMCOUNTER StatRZCallLogFlush; STAMCOUNTER StatRZCallPGMPoolGrow; STAMCOUNTER StatRZCallPGMMapChunk; STAMCOUNTER StatRZCallPGMAllocHandy; STAMCOUNTER StatRZCallVMSetError; STAMCOUNTER StatRZCallVMSetRuntimeError; STAMCOUNTER StatRZCallPGMLock; /** @} */ } VMM; /** Pointer to VMM. */ typedef VMM *PVMM; /** * VMMCPU Data (part of VMCPU) */ typedef struct VMMCPU { /** The last RC/R0 return code. */ int32_t iLastGZRc; /** Alignment padding. */ uint32_t u32Padding0; /** VMM stack, pointer to the top of the stack in R3. * Stack is allocated from the hypervisor heap and is page aligned * and always writable in RC. */ R3PTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pbEMTStackR3; /** @name Rendezvous * @{ */ /** Whether the EMT is executing a rendezvous right now. For detecting * attempts at recursive rendezvous. */ bool volatile fInRendezvous; bool afPadding1[2]; /** @} */ /** Whether we can HLT in VMMR0 rather than having to return to EM. * Updated by vmR3SetHaltMethodU(). */ bool fMayHaltInRing0; /** The minimum delta for which we can HLT in ring-0 for. * The deadlines we can calculate are from TM, so, if it's too close * we should just return to ring-3 and run the timer wheel, no point * in spinning in ring-0. * Updated by vmR3SetHaltMethodU(). */ uint32_t cNsSpinBlockThreshold; /** Number of ring-0 halts (used for depreciating following values). */ uint32_t cR0Halts; /** Number of ring-0 halts succeeding (VINF_SUCCESS) recently. */ uint32_t cR0HaltsSucceeded; /** Number of ring-0 halts failing (VINF_EM_HALT) recently. */ uint32_t cR0HaltsToRing3; /** Padding */ uint32_t u32Padding2; /** @name Raw-mode context tracing data. * @{ */ SUPDRVTRACERUSRCTX TracerCtx; /** @} */ /** Alignment padding, making sure u64CallRing3Arg and CallRing3JmpBufR0 are nicely aligned. */ uint32_t au32Padding3[1]; /** @name Call Ring-3 * Formerly known as host calls. * @{ */ /** The disable counter. */ uint32_t cCallRing3Disabled; /** The pending operation. */ VMMCALLRING3 enmCallRing3Operation; /** The result of the last operation. */ int32_t rcCallRing3; /** The argument to the operation. */ uint64_t u64CallRing3Arg; /** The Ring-0 notification callback. */ R0PTRTYPE(PFNVMMR0CALLRING3NOTIFICATION) pfnCallRing3CallbackR0; /** The Ring-0 notification callback user argument. */ R0PTRTYPE(void *) pvCallRing3CallbackUserR0; /** The Ring-0 jmp buffer. * @remarks The size of this type isn't stable in assembly, so don't put * anything that needs to be accessed from assembly after it. */ VMMR0JMPBUF CallRing3JmpBufR0; /** @} */ /** @name Logging * @{ */ /** The R0 logger data shared with ring-3. */ VMMR3CPULOGGER Logger; /** The R0 release logger data shared with ring-3. */ VMMR3CPULOGGER RelLogger; /** @} */ STAMPROFILE StatR0HaltBlock; STAMPROFILE StatR0HaltBlockOnTime; STAMPROFILE StatR0HaltBlockOverslept; STAMPROFILE StatR0HaltBlockInsomnia; STAMCOUNTER StatR0HaltExec; STAMCOUNTER StatR0HaltExecFromBlock; STAMCOUNTER StatR0HaltExecFromSpin; STAMCOUNTER StatR0HaltToR3; STAMCOUNTER StatR0HaltToR3FromSpin; STAMCOUNTER StatR0HaltToR3Other; STAMCOUNTER StatR0HaltToR3PendingFF; STAMCOUNTER StatR0HaltToR3SmallDelta; STAMCOUNTER StatR0HaltToR3PostNoInt; STAMCOUNTER StatR0HaltToR3PostPendingFF; } VMMCPU; AssertCompileMemberAlignment(VMMCPU, TracerCtx, 8); /** Pointer to VMMCPU. */ typedef VMMCPU *PVMMCPU; /** * VMM per-VCpu ring-0 only instance data. */ typedef struct VMMR0PERVCPU { /** Set if we've entered HM context. */ bool volatile fInHmContext; /** Flag indicating whether we've disabled flushing (world switch) or not. */ bool fLogFlushingDisabled; /** The EMT hash table index. */ uint16_t idxEmtHash; /** Pointer to the VMMR0EntryFast preemption state structure. * This is used to temporarily restore preemption before blocking. */ R0PTRTYPE(PRTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE) pPreemptState; /** Thread context switching hook (ring-0). */ RTTHREADCTXHOOK hCtxHook; /** @name Arguments passed by VMMR0EntryEx via vmmR0CallRing3SetJmpEx. * @note Cannot be put on the stack as the location may change and upset the * validation of resume-after-ring-3-call logic. * @{ */ PGVM pGVM; VMCPUID idCpu; VMMR0OPERATION enmOperation; PSUPVMMR0REQHDR pReq; uint64_t u64Arg; PSUPDRVSESSION pSession; /** @} */ /** @name Loggers * @{ */ /** The R0 logger data. */ VMMR0PERVCPULOGGER Logger; /** The R0 release logger data. */ VMMR0PERVCPULOGGER RelLogger; /** @} */ } VMMR0PERVCPU; /** Pointer to VMM ring-0 VMCPU instance data. */ typedef VMMR0PERVCPU *PVMMR0PERVCPU; /** @name RTLOGGER::u32UserValue1 Flags * @{ */ /** The magic value. */ #define VMMR0_LOGGER_FLAGS_MAGIC_VALUE UINT32_C(0x7d297f05) /** Part of the flags value used for the magic. */ #define VMMR0_LOGGER_FLAGS_MAGIC_MASK UINT32_C(0xffffff0f) /** Set if flushing is disabled (copy of fLogFlushingDisabled). */ #define VMMR0_LOGGER_FLAGS_FLUSHING_DISABLED UINT32_C(0x00000010) /** @} */ /** * VMM data kept in the ring-0 GVM. */ typedef struct VMMR0PERVM { /** Logger (debug) buffer allocation. * This covers all CPUs. */ RTR0MEMOBJ hMemObjLogger; /** The ring-3 mapping object for hMemObjLogger. */ RTR0MEMOBJ hMapObjLogger; /** Release logger buffer allocation. * This covers all CPUs. */ RTR0MEMOBJ hMemObjReleaseLogger; /** The ring-3 mapping object for hMemObjReleaseLogger. */ RTR0MEMOBJ hMapObjReleaseLogger; /** Set if vmmR0InitVM has been called. */ bool fCalledInitVm; } VMMR0PERVM; RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN int vmmInitFormatTypes(void); void vmmTermFormatTypes(void); uint32_t vmmGetBuildType(void); #ifdef IN_RING3 int vmmR3SwitcherInit(PVM pVM); void vmmR3SwitcherRelocate(PVM pVM, RTGCINTPTR offDelta); #endif /* IN_RING3 */ #ifdef IN_RING0 /** * World switcher assembly routine. * It will call VMMRCEntry(). * * @returns return code from VMMRCEntry(). * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param uArg See VMMRCEntry(). * @internal */ DECLASM(int) vmmR0WorldSwitch(PVM pVM, unsigned uArg); /** * Callback function for vmmR0CallRing3SetJmp. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. */ typedef DECLCALLBACKTYPE(int, FNVMMR0SETJMP,(PVMCC pVM, PVMCPUCC pVCpu)); /** Pointer to FNVMMR0SETJMP(). */ typedef FNVMMR0SETJMP *PFNVMMR0SETJMP; /** * The setjmp variant used for calling Ring-3. * * This differs from the normal setjmp in that it will resume VMMRZCallRing3 if we're * in the middle of a ring-3 call. Another differences is the function pointer and * argument. This has to do with resuming code and the stack frame of the caller. * * @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success or whatever is passed to vmmR0CallRing3LongJmp. * @param pJmpBuf The jmp_buf to set. * @param pfn The function to be called when not resuming. * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param pVCpu The cross context virtual CPU structure of the calling EMT. */ DECLASM(int) vmmR0CallRing3SetJmp(PVMMR0JMPBUF pJmpBuf, PFNVMMR0SETJMP pfn, PVM pVM, PVMCPU pVCpu); /** * Callback function for vmmR0CallRing3SetJmp2. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pvUser The user argument. */ typedef DECLCALLBACKTYPE(int, FNVMMR0SETJMP2,(PGVM pGVM, VMCPUID idCpu)); /** Pointer to FNVMMR0SETJMP2(). */ typedef FNVMMR0SETJMP2 *PFNVMMR0SETJMP2; /** * Same as vmmR0CallRing3SetJmp except for the function signature. * * @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success or whatever is passed to vmmR0CallRing3LongJmp. * @param pJmpBuf The jmp_buf to set. * @param pfn The function to be called when not resuming. * @param pGVM The ring-0 VM structure. * @param idCpu The ID of the calling EMT. */ DECLASM(int) vmmR0CallRing3SetJmp2(PVMMR0JMPBUF pJmpBuf, PFNVMMR0SETJMP2 pfn, PGVM pGVM, VMCPUID idCpu); /** * Callback function for vmmR0CallRing3SetJmpEx. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pvUser The user argument. */ typedef DECLCALLBACKTYPE(int, FNVMMR0SETJMPEX,(void *pvUser)); /** Pointer to FNVMMR0SETJMPEX(). */ typedef FNVMMR0SETJMPEX *PFNVMMR0SETJMPEX; /** * Same as vmmR0CallRing3SetJmp except for the function signature. * * @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success or whatever is passed to vmmR0CallRing3LongJmp. * @param pJmpBuf The jmp_buf to set. * @param pfn The function to be called when not resuming. * @param pvUser The argument of that function. * @param uCallKey Unused call parameter that should be used to help * uniquely identify the call. */ DECLASM(int) vmmR0CallRing3SetJmpEx(PVMMR0JMPBUF pJmpBuf, PFNVMMR0SETJMPEX pfn, void *pvUser, uintptr_t uCallKey); /** * Worker for VMMRZCallRing3. * This will save the stack and registers. * * @returns rc. * @param pJmpBuf Pointer to the jump buffer. * @param rc The return code. */ DECLASM(int) vmmR0CallRing3LongJmp(PVMMR0JMPBUF pJmpBuf, int rc); # ifdef VBOX_WITH_TRIPLE_FAULT_HACK int vmmR0TripleFaultHackInit(void); void vmmR0TripleFaultHackTerm(void); # endif #endif /* IN_RING0 */ RT_C_DECLS_END /** @} */ #endif /* !VMM_INCLUDED_SRC_include_VMMInternal_h */