1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 | # $Id: bs3-cpu-generated-1-data.py 66976 2017-05-19 12:23:32Z vboxsync $
4 | # pylint: disable=invalid-name
5 |
6 | """
7 | Generates testcases from @optest specifications in IEM.
8 | """
9 |
10 | from __future__ import print_function;
11 |
12 | __copyright__ = \
13 | """
14 | Copyright (C) 2017 Oracle Corporation
15 |
16 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
17 | available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
18 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
19 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
20 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
21 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
22 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
23 |
24 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
25 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
26 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
27 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
28 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
29 |
30 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
31 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
32 | """
33 | __version__ = "$Revision: 66976 $"
34 |
35 | # Standard python imports.
36 | import os;
37 | import sys;
38 |
39 | # Only the main script needs to modify the path.
40 | g_ksValidationKitDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)));
41 | g_ksVmmAllDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(g_ksValidationKitDir), 'VMM', 'VMMAll')
42 | sys.path.append(g_ksVmmAllDir);
43 |
44 | import IEMAllInstructionsPython as iai; # pylint: disable=import-error
45 |
46 |
47 | # Python 3 hacks:
48 | if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
49 | long = int; # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
50 |
51 |
52 | class Bs3Cg1TestEncoder(object):
53 | """
54 | Does the encoding of a single test.
55 | """
56 |
57 | def __init__(self, fLast):
58 | self.fLast = fLast;
59 | # Each list member (in all lists) are C expression of a byte.
60 | self.asHdr = [];
61 | self.asSelectors = [];
62 | self.asInputs = [];
63 | self.asOutputs = [];
64 |
65 | @staticmethod
66 | def _compileSelectors(aoSelectors): # (list(iai.TestSelector)) -> list(str)
67 | """
68 | Compiles a list of iai.TestSelector predicate checks.
69 | Returns C byte expression strings.
70 | """
71 | asRet = [];
72 | for oSelector in aoSelectors:
73 | sConstant = oSelector.kdVariables[oSelector.sVariable][oSelector.sValue];
74 | sConstant = sConstant.upper().replace('.', '_');
75 | if oSelector.sOp == '==':
76 | sByte = '(BS3CG1PRED_%s << BS3CG1SEL_OP_PRED_SHIFT) | BS3CG1SEL_OP_IS_TRUE' % (sConstant,);
77 | elif oSelector.sOp == '!=':
78 | sByte = '(BS3CG1PRED_%s << BS3CG1SEL_OP_PRED_SHIFT) | BS3CG1SEL_OP_IS_FALSE' % (sConstant,);
79 | else:
80 | raise Exception('Unknown selector operator: %s' % (oSelector.sOp,));
81 | asRet.append(sByte);
82 | return asRet;
83 |
84 | kdSmallFields = {
85 | 'op1': 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_OP1',
86 | 'op2': 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_OP2',
87 | 'efl': 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_EFL',
88 | };
89 | kdOperators = {
90 | '=': 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_ASSIGN',
91 | '|=': 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_OR',
92 | '&=': 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_AND',
93 | '&~=': 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_AND_INV',
94 | };
95 | kdSmallSizes = {
96 | 1: 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_1_BYTE',
97 | 2: 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_2_BYTES',
98 | 4: 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_4_BYTES',
99 | 8: 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_8_BYTES',
100 | 16: 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_16_BYTES',
101 | 32: 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_32_BYTES',
102 | 12: 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_12_BYTES',
103 | };
104 |
105 | @staticmethod
106 | def _amendOutputs(aoOutputs, oInstr): # type: (list(iai.TestInOut), iai.Instruction) -> list(iai.TestInOut)
107 | """
108 | Amends aoOutputs for instructions with special flag behaviour (undefined,
109 | always set, always clear).
110 |
111 | Undefined flags are copied from the result context as the very first
112 | operation so they can be set to CPU vendor specific values later if
113 | desired.
114 |
115 | Always set or cleared flags are applied at the very end of the
116 | modification operations so that we spot incorrect specifications.
117 | """
118 | if oInstr.asFlUndefined or oInstr.asFlClear or oInstr.asFlSet:
119 | aoOutputs = list(aoOutputs);
120 |
121 | if oInstr.asFlUndefined:
122 | fFlags = oInstr.getUndefinedFlagsMask();
123 | assert fFlags != 0;
124 | aoOutputs.insert(0, iai.TestInOut('efl_undef', '=', str(fFlags), 'uint'));
125 |
126 | if oInstr.asFlClear:
127 | fFlags = oInstr.getClearedFlagsMask();
128 | assert fFlags != 0;
129 | aoOutputs.append(iai.TestInOut('efl', '&~=', str(fFlags), 'uint'));
130 |
131 | if oInstr.asFlSet:
132 | fFlags = oInstr.getSetFlagsMask();
133 | assert fFlags != 0;
134 | aoOutputs.append(iai.TestInOut('efl', '|=', str(fFlags), 'uint'));
135 |
136 | return aoOutputs;
137 |
138 | @staticmethod
139 | def _compileContextModifers(aoOperations): # (list(iai.TestInOut))
140 | """
141 | Compile a list of iai.TestInOut context modifiers.
142 | """
143 | asRet = [];
144 | for oOperation in aoOperations:
145 | oType = iai.TestInOut.kdTypes[oOperation.sType];
146 | aaoValues = oType.get(oOperation.sValue);
147 | assert len(aaoValues) == 1 or len(aaoValues) == 2;
148 |
149 | sOp = oOperation.sOp;
150 | if sOp == '&|=':
151 | sOp = '|=' if len(aaoValues) == 1 else '&~=';
152 |
153 | for fSignExtend, abValue in aaoValues:
154 | cbValue = len(abValue);
155 |
156 | # The opcode byte.
157 | sOpcode = Bs3Cg1TestEncoder.kdOperators[sOp];
158 | sOpcode += ' | ';
159 | if oOperation.sField in Bs3Cg1TestEncoder.kdSmallFields:
160 | sOpcode += Bs3Cg1TestEncoder.kdSmallFields[oOperation.sField];
161 | else:
162 | sOpcode += 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_DST_ESC';
163 | sOpcode += ' | ';
164 | if cbValue in Bs3Cg1TestEncoder.kdSmallSizes:
165 | sOpcode += Bs3Cg1TestEncoder.kdSmallSizes[cbValue];
166 | else:
167 | sOpcode += 'BS3CG1_CTXOP_SIZE_ESC';
168 | if fSignExtend:
169 | sOpcode += ' | BS3CG1_CTXOP_SIGN_EXT';
170 | asRet.append(sOpcode);
171 |
172 | # Escaped field identifier.
173 | if oOperation.sField not in Bs3Cg1TestEncoder.kdSmallFields:
174 | asRet.append('BS3CG1DST_%s' % (oOperation.sField.upper().replace('.', '_'),));
175 |
176 | # Escaped size byte?
177 | if cbValue not in Bs3Cg1TestEncoder.kdSmallSizes:
178 | if cbValue >= 256 or cbValue not in [ 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 32, 64, 128, ]:
179 | raise Exception('Invalid value size: %s' % (cbValue,));
180 | asRet.append('0x%02x' % (cbValue,));
181 |
182 | # The value bytes.
183 | for b in abValue:
184 | asRet.append('0x%02x' % (b,));
185 |
186 | sOp = '|=';
187 |
188 | return asRet;
189 |
190 | def _constructHeader(self):
191 | """
192 | Returns C byte expression strings for BS3CG1TESTHDR.
193 | """
194 | cbSelectors = len(self.asSelectors);
195 | if cbSelectors >= 256:
196 | raise Exception('Too many selectors: %s bytes, max 255 bytes' % (cbSelectors,))
197 |
198 | cbInputs = len(self.asInputs);
199 | if cbInputs >= 4096:
200 | raise Exception('Too many input context modifiers: %s bytes, max 4095 bytes' % (cbInputs,))
201 |
202 | cbOutputs = len(self.asOutputs);
203 | if cbOutputs >= 2048:
204 | raise Exception('Too many output context modifiers: %s bytes, max 2047 bytes' % (cbOutputs,))
205 |
206 | return [
207 | '%#04x' % (cbSelectors,), # 8-bit
208 | '%#05x & 0xff' % (cbInputs,), # first 8 bits of cbInputs
209 | '(%#05x >> 8) | ((%#05x & 0xf) << 4)' % (cbInputs, cbOutputs,), # last 4 bits of cbInputs, lower 4 bits of cbOutputs.
210 | '(%#05x >> 4) | (%#05x << 7)' % (cbOutputs, self.fLast), # last 7 bits of cbOutputs and 1 bit fLast.
211 | ];
212 |
213 | def encodeTest(self, oTest): # type: (iai.InstructionTest)
214 | """
215 | Does the encoding.
216 | """
217 | self.asSelectors = self._compileSelectors(oTest.aoSelectors);
218 | self.asInputs = self._compileContextModifers(oTest.aoInputs);
219 | self.asOutputs = self._compileContextModifers(self._amendOutputs(oTest.aoOutputs, oTest.oInstr));
220 | self.asHdr = self._constructHeader();
221 |
222 |
223 | class Bs3Cg1EncodedTests(object):
224 | """
225 | Encodes the tests for an instruction.
226 | """
227 |
228 | def __init__(self, oInstr):
229 | self.offTests = -1;
230 | self.cbTests = 0;
231 | self.asLines = []; # type: list(str)
232 | self.aoInstructions = []; # type: list(iai.Instruction)
233 |
234 | # Encode the tests.
235 | for iTest, oTest in enumerate(oInstr.aoTests):
236 | oEncodedTest = Bs3Cg1TestEncoder(iTest + 1 == len(oInstr.aoTests));
237 | oEncodedTest.encodeTest(oTest);
238 |
239 | self.cbTests += len(oEncodedTest.asHdr) + len(oEncodedTest.asSelectors) \
240 | + len(oEncodedTest.asInputs) + len(oEncodedTest.asOutputs);
241 |
242 | self.asLines.append(' /* test #%s: %s */' % (iTest, oTest,));
243 | self.asLines += self.bytesToLines(' ', oEncodedTest.asHdr);
244 | if oEncodedTest.asSelectors:
245 | self.asLines += self.bytesToLines(' /*sel:*/ ', oEncodedTest.asSelectors);
246 | if oEncodedTest.asInputs:
247 | self.asLines += self.bytesToLines(' /* in:*/ ', oEncodedTest.asInputs);
248 | if oEncodedTest.asOutputs:
249 | self.asLines += self.bytesToLines(' /*out:*/ ', oEncodedTest.asOutputs);
250 |
251 | @staticmethod
252 | def bytesToLines(sPrefix, asBytes):
253 | """
254 | Formats a series of bytes into one or more lines.
255 | A byte ending with a newline indicates that we should start a new line,
256 | and prefix it by len(sPrefix) spaces.
257 |
258 | Returns list of lines.
259 | """
260 | asRet = [];
261 | sLine = sPrefix;
262 | for sByte in asBytes:
263 | if sByte[-1] == '\n':
264 | sLine += sByte[:-1] + ',';
265 | asRet.append(sLine);
266 | sLine = ' ' * len(sPrefix);
267 | else:
268 | if len(sLine) + 2 + len(sByte) > 132 and len(sLine) > len(sPrefix):
269 | asRet.append(sLine[:-1]);
270 | sLine = ' ' * len(sPrefix);
271 | sLine += sByte + ', ';
272 |
273 |
274 | if len(sLine) > len(sPrefix):
275 | asRet.append(sLine);
276 | return asRet;
277 |
278 |
279 | def isEqual(self, oOther):
280 | """ Compares two encoded tests. """
281 | if self.cbTests != oOther.cbTests:
282 | return False;
283 | if len(self.asLines) != len(oOther.asLines):
284 | return False;
285 | for iLine, sLines in enumerate(self.asLines):
286 | if sLines != oOther.asLines[iLine]:
287 | return False;
288 | return True;
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 | class Bs3Cg1Instruction(object):
293 | """
294 | An instruction with tests.
295 | """
296 |
297 | def __init__(self, oMap, oInstr, oTests):
298 | self.oMap = oMap; # type: iai.InstructionMap
299 | self.oInstr = oInstr; # type: iai.Instruction
300 | self.oTests = oTests; # type: Bs3Cg1EncodedTests
301 |
302 | self.asOpcodes = oMap.asLeadOpcodes + [ '0x%02x' % (oInstr.getOpcodeByte(),) ];
303 | self.sEncoding = iai.g_kdEncodings[oInstr.sEncoding][0];
304 |
305 | for oOp in oInstr.aoOperands:
306 | self.sEncoding += '_' + oOp.sType;
307 | if oInstr.fUnused:
308 | if oInstr.sInvalidStyle == 'immediate' and oInstr.sSubOpcode:
309 | self.sEncoding += '_MOD_EQ_3' if oInstr.sSubOpcode == '11 mr/reg' else '_MOD_NE_3';
310 | elif oInstr.sInvalidStyle == 'intel-modrm':
311 | if oInstr.sSubOpcode is None:
312 | self.sEncoding = 'BS3CG1ENC_MODRM_Gv_Ev';
313 | elif oInstr.sSubOpcode == '11 mr/reg':
314 | self.sEncoding = 'BS3CG1ENC_MODRM_MOD_EQ_3';
315 | elif oInstr.sSubOpcode == '!11 mr/reg':
316 | self.sEncoding = 'BS3CG1ENC_MODRM_MOD_NE_3';
317 | else:
318 | raise Exception('Unhandled sSubOpcode=%s for sInvalidStyle=%s' % (oInstr.sSubOpcode, oInstr.sInvalidStyle));
319 | elif oInstr.sInvalidStyle == 'vex.modrm':
320 | self.sEncoding = 'BS3CG1ENC_VEX_MODRM';
321 |
322 | self.asFlags = [];
323 | if 'invalid_64' in oInstr.dHints:
324 | self.asFlags.append('BS3CG1INSTR_F_INVALID_64BIT');
325 | if oInstr.fUnused:
326 | self.asFlags.append('BS3CG1INSTR_F_UNUSED');
327 | elif oInstr.fInvalid:
328 | self.asFlags.append('BS3CG1INSTR_F_INVALID');
329 | if oInstr.sInvalidStyle and oInstr.sInvalidStyle.startswith('intel-'):
330 | self.asFlags.append('BS3CG1INSTR_F_INTEL_DECODES_INVALID');
331 | if 'vex_l_zero' in oInstr.dHints:
332 | self.asFlags.append('BS3CG1INSTR_F_VEX_L_ZERO');
333 |
334 | self.fAdvanceMnemonic = True; ##< Set by the caller.
335 | if oInstr.sPrefix:
336 | if oInstr.sPrefix == 'none':
337 | self.sPfxKind = 'BS3CG1PFXKIND_NO_F2_F3_66';
338 | else:
339 | self.sPfxKind = 'BS3CG1PFXKIND_REQ_' + oInstr.sPrefix[-2:].upper();
340 | elif oInstr.sEncoding == 'ModR/M':
341 | if 'ignores_op_size' not in oInstr.dHints:
342 | self.sPfxKind = 'BS3CG1PFXKIND_MODRM';
343 | else:
344 | self.sPfxKind = 'BS3CG1PFXKIND_MODRM_NO_OP_SIZES';
345 | else:
346 | self.sPfxKind = '0';
347 |
348 | self.sCpu = 'BS3CG1CPU_';
349 | assert len(oInstr.asCpuIds) in [0, 1], str(oInstr);
350 | if oInstr.asCpuIds:
351 | self.sCpu += oInstr.asCpuIds[0].upper();
352 | elif oInstr.sMinCpu:
353 | self.sCpu += 'GE_' + oInstr.sMinCpu;
354 | else:
355 | self.sCpu += 'ANY';
356 |
357 | if oInstr.sXcptType:
358 | self.sXcptType = 'BS3CG1XCPTTYPE_' + oInstr.sXcptType.upper();
359 | else:
360 | self.sXcptType = 'BS3CG1XCPTTYPE_NONE';
361 |
362 | def getOperands(self):
363 | """ Returns comma separated string of operand values for g_abBs3Cg1Operands. """
364 | return ', '.join(['(uint8_t)BS3CG1OP_%s' % (oOp.sType,) for oOp in self.oInstr.aoOperands]);
365 |
366 | def getInstructionEntry(self):
367 | """ Returns an array of BS3CG1INSTR member initializers. """
368 | sOperands = ', '.join([oOp.sType for oOp in self.oInstr.aoOperands]);
369 | if sOperands:
370 | sOperands = ' /* ' + sOperands + ' */';
371 | return [
372 | ' /* cbOpcodes = */ %s, /* %s */' % (len(self.asOpcodes), ' '.join(self.asOpcodes),),
373 | ' /* cOperands = */ %s,%s' % (len(self.oInstr.aoOperands), sOperands,),
374 | ' /* cchMnemonic = */ %s, /* %s */' % (len(self.oInstr.sMnemonic), self.oInstr.sMnemonic,),
375 | ' /* fAdvanceMnemonic = */ %s,' % ('true' if self.fAdvanceMnemonic else 'false',),
376 | ' /* offTests = */ %s,' % (self.oTests.offTests,),
377 | ' /* enmEncoding = */ (unsigned)%s,' % (self.sEncoding,),
378 | ' /* enmPrefixKind = */ (unsigned)%s,' % (self.sPfxKind,),
379 | ' /* enmCpuTest = */ (unsigned)%s,' % (self.sCpu,),
380 | ' /* enmXcptType = */ (unsigned)%s,' % (self.sXcptType,),
381 | ' /* uUnused = */ 0,',
382 | ' /* fFlags = */ %s' % (' | '.join(self.asFlags) if self.asFlags else '0'),
383 | ];
384 |
385 |
386 | class Bs3CpuGenerated1Generator(object):
387 | """
388 | The generator code for bs3-cpu-generated-1.
389 | """
390 |
391 | def __init__(self):
392 | self.aoInstructions = []; # type: Bs3Cg1Instruction
393 | self.aoTests = []; # type: Bs3Cg1EncodedTests
394 | self.cbTests = 0;
395 |
396 | def addTests(self, oTests, oInstr): # type: (Bs3Cg1EncodedTests, iai.Instruction) -> Bs3Cg1EncodedTests
397 | """
398 | Adds oTests to self.aoTests, setting the oTests.offTests member.
399 | Checks for and eliminates duplicates.
400 | Returns the tests to use.
401 | """
402 | # Check for duplicates.
403 | for oExisting in self.aoTests:
404 | if oTests.isEqual(oExisting):
405 | oExisting.aoInstructions.append(oInstr);
406 | return oExisting;
407 |
408 | # New test, so add it.
409 | oTests.offTests = self.cbTests;
410 | self.aoTests.append(oTests);
411 | self.cbTests += oTests.cbTests;
412 |
413 | assert not oTests.aoInstructions;
414 | oTests.aoInstructions.append(oInstr);
415 |
416 | return oTests;
417 |
418 | def processInstruction(self):
419 | """
420 | Processes the IEM specified instructions.
421 | Returns success indicator.
422 | """
423 |
424 | #
425 | # Group instructions by mnemonic to reduce the number of sub-tests.
426 | #
427 | for oInstr in sorted(iai.g_aoAllInstructions,
428 | key = lambda oInstr: oInstr.sMnemonic + ''.join([oOp.sType for oOp in oInstr.aoOperands])
429 | + (oInstr.sOpcode if oInstr.sOpcode else 'zz')):
430 | if oInstr.aoTests:
431 | oTests = Bs3Cg1EncodedTests(oInstr);
432 | oTests = self.addTests(oTests, oInstr);
433 |
434 | for oMap in oInstr.aoMaps:
435 | self.aoInstructions.append(Bs3Cg1Instruction(oMap, oInstr, oTests));
436 |
437 | # Set fAdvanceMnemonic.
438 | for iInstr, oInstr in enumerate(self.aoInstructions):
439 | oInstr.fAdvanceMnemonic = iInstr + 1 >= len(self.aoInstructions) \
440 | or oInstr.oInstr.sMnemonic != self.aoInstructions[iInstr + 1].oInstr.sMnemonic;
441 |
442 | return True;
443 |
444 | def generateCode(self, oOut):
445 | """
446 | Generates the C code.
447 | Returns success indicator.
448 | """
449 |
450 | # First, a file header.
451 | asLines = [
452 | '/*',
453 | ' * Autogenerated by $Id: bs3-cpu-generated-1-data.py 66976 2017-05-19 12:23:32Z vboxsync $ ',
454 | ' * Do not edit!',
455 | ' */',
456 | '',
457 | '/*',
458 | ' * Copyright (C) 2017 Oracle Corporation',
459 | ' *',
460 | ' * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as',
461 | ' * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;',
462 | ' * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU',
463 | ' * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software',
464 | ' * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the',
465 | ' * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the',
466 | ' * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.',
467 | ' * ',
468 | ' * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms',
469 | ' * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0',
470 | ' * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the',
471 | ' * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the',
472 | ' * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.',
473 | ' * ',
474 | ' * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the',
475 | ' * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.',
476 | ' */',
477 | '',
478 | '',
479 | '#include "bs3-cpu-generated-1.h"',
480 | '',
481 | '',
482 | '#pragma data_seg ("BS3DATA16")',
483 | ];
484 |
485 | # Generate the g_achBs3Cg1Mnemonics array.
486 | asLines += [
487 | 'const char BS3_FAR_DATA g_achBs3Cg1Mnemonics[] = ',
488 | '{',
489 | ];
490 | fAdvanceMnemonic = True;
491 | for oInstr in self.aoInstructions:
492 | if fAdvanceMnemonic:
493 | asLines.append(' \"%s\"' % (oInstr.oInstr.sMnemonic,));
494 | fAdvanceMnemonic = oInstr.fAdvanceMnemonic;
495 | asLines += [
496 | '};',
497 | '',
498 | '',
499 | ];
500 |
501 | # Generate the g_abBs3Cg1Opcodes array.
502 | asLines += [
503 | 'const uint8_t BS3_FAR_DATA g_abBs3Cg1Opcodes[] = ',
504 | '{',
505 | ];
506 | for oInstr in self.aoInstructions:
507 | asLines.append(' ' + ', '.join(oInstr.asOpcodes) + ',');
508 | asLines += [
509 | '};',
510 | '',
511 | '',
512 | ];
513 |
514 | # Generate the g_abBs3Cg1Opcodes array.
515 | asLines += [
516 | 'const uint8_t BS3_FAR_DATA g_abBs3Cg1Operands[] = ',
517 | '{',
518 | ];
519 | cOperands = 0;
520 | for oInstr in self.aoInstructions:
521 | if oInstr.oInstr.aoOperands:
522 | cOperands += len(oInstr.oInstr.aoOperands);
523 | asLines.append(' ' + oInstr.getOperands() + ', /* %s */' % (oInstr.oInstr.sStats,));
524 | else:
525 | asLines.append(' /* none */');
526 | if not cOperands:
527 | asLines.append(' 0 /* dummy */');
528 | asLines += [
529 | '};',
530 | '',
531 | '',
532 | ];
533 |
534 | # Generate the g_abBs3Cg1Operands array.
535 | asLines += [
536 | 'const BS3CG1INSTR BS3_FAR_DATA g_aBs3Cg1Instructions[] = ',
537 | '{',
538 | ];
539 | for oInstr in self.aoInstructions:
540 | asLines.append(' {');
541 | asLines += oInstr.getInstructionEntry();
542 | asLines.append(' },');
543 | asLines += [
544 | '};',
545 | 'const uint16_t BS3_FAR_DATA g_cBs3Cg1Instructions = RT_ELEMENTS(g_aBs3Cg1Instructions);',
546 | '',
547 | '',
548 | ];
549 |
550 | # Generate the g_abBs3Cg1Tests array.
551 | asLines += [
552 | 'const uint8_t BS3_FAR_DATA g_abBs3Cg1Tests[] = ',
553 | '{',
554 | ];
555 | for oTests in self.aoTests:
556 | asLines.append(' /*');
557 | asLines.append(' * offTests=%s' % (oTests.offTests,));
558 | asLines.append(' * Instructions: %s' % (', '.join([oInstr.sStats for oInstr in oTests.aoInstructions]),));
559 | asLines.append(' */');
560 | asLines += oTests.asLines;
561 | asLines += [
562 | '};',
563 | '',
564 | ];
565 |
566 |
567 | #/** The test data that BS3CG1INSTR.
568 | # * In order to simplify generating these, we use a byte array. */
569 | #extern const uint8_t BS3_FAR_DATA g_abBs3Cg1Tests[];
570 |
571 |
572 | oOut.write('\n'.join(asLines));
573 | return True;
574 |
575 |
576 | def usage(self):
577 | """ Prints usage. """
578 | print('usage: bs3-cpu-generated-1-data.py [output file|-]');
579 | return 0;
580 |
581 | def main(self, asArgs):
582 | """
583 | C-like main function.
584 | Returns exit code.
585 | """
586 |
587 | #
588 | # Quick argument parsing.
589 | #
590 | if len(asArgs) == 1:
591 | sOutFile = '-';
592 | elif len(asArgs) != 2:
593 | print('syntax error! Expected exactly one argument.');
594 | return 2;
595 | elif asArgs[1] in [ '-h', '-?', '--help' ]:
596 | return self.usage();
597 | else:
598 | sOutFile = asArgs[1];
599 |
600 | #
601 | # Process the instructions specified in the IEM sources.
602 | #
603 | if self.processInstruction():
604 |
605 | #
606 | # Open the output file and generate the code.
607 | #
608 | if sOutFile == '-':
609 | oOut = sys.stdout;
610 | else:
611 | try:
612 | oOut = open(sOutFile, 'w');
613 | except Exception as oXcpt:
614 | print('error! Failed open "%s" for writing: %s' % (sOutFile, oXcpt,));
615 | return 1;
616 | if self.generateCode(oOut):
617 | return 0;
618 |
619 | return 1;
620 |
621 |
622 | if __name__ == '__main__':
623 | sys.exit(Bs3CpuGenerated1Generator().main(sys.argv));
624 |
625 |