/* $Id: bs3-cmn-PagingProtect.c 60778 2016-05-02 08:37:50Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * BS3Kit - Bs3PagingProtect */ /* * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #include "bs3kit-template-header.h" #include "bs3-cmn-paging.h" #include #include /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #if 0 # define BS3PAGING_DPRINTF1(a) Bs3TestPrintf a #else # define BS3PAGING_DPRINTF1(a) do { } while (0) #endif #if 0 # define BS3PAGING_DPRINTF2(a) Bs3TestPrintf a #else # define BS3PAGING_DPRINTF2(a) do { } while (0) #endif static void *bs3PagingBuildPaeTable(uint64_t uTmpl, uint64_t cbIncrement, BS3MEMKIND enmKind, int *prc) { uint64_t BS3_FAR *pau64 = (uint64_t BS3_FAR *)Bs3MemAlloc(enmKind, _4K); if (pau64) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < _4K / sizeof(uint64_t); i++, uTmpl += cbIncrement) pau64[i] = uTmpl; } else *prc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; return pau64; } #undef bs3PagingGetLegacyPte BS3_CMN_DEF(X86PTE BS3_FAR *, bs3PagingGetLegacyPte,(RTCCUINTXREG cr3, uint32_t uFlat, bool fUseInvlPg, int *prc)) { X86PTE BS3_FAR *pPTE = NULL; #if TMPL_BITS == 16 uint32_t const uMaxAddr = BS3_MODE_IS_RM_OR_V86(g_bBs3CurrentMode) ? _1M - 1 : BS3_SEL_TILED_AREA_SIZE - 1; #else uint32_t const uMaxAddr = UINT32_MAX; #endif BS3PAGING_DPRINTF2(("bs3PagingGetLegacyPte: cr3=%RX32 uFlat=%RX32 uMaxAddr=%RX32\n", (uint32_t)cr3, uFlat, uMaxAddr)); *prc = VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE; if (cr3 <= uMaxAddr) { unsigned const iPde = (uFlat >> X86_PD_SHIFT) & X86_PD_MASK; PX86PD const pPD = (PX86PD)Bs3XptrFlatToCurrent(cr3 & X86_CR3_PAGE_MASK); BS3_ASSERT(pPD->a[iPde].b.u1Present); if (pPD->a[iPde].b.u1Present) { unsigned const iPte = (uFlat >> X86_PT_SHIFT) & X86_PT_MASK; BS3_ASSERT(pPD->a[iPde].b.u1Present); BS3PAGING_DPRINTF2(("bs3PagingGetLegacyPte: pPD=%p iPde=%#x: %#RX32\n", pPD, iPde, pPD->a[iPde])); if (pPD->a[iPde].b.u1Present) { if (!pPD->a[iPde].b.u1Size) { if (pPD->a[iPde].u <= uMaxAddr) pPTE = &((X86PT BS3_FAR *)Bs3XptrFlatToCurrent(pPD->a[iPde].u & ~(uint32_t)PAGE_OFFSET_MASK))->a[iPte]; else BS3PAGING_DPRINTF1(("bs3PagingGetLegacyPte: out of range! iPde=%#x: %#x\n", iPde, pPD->a[iPde].u)); } else { X86PT BS3_FAR *pPT; uint32_t uPte = (pPD->a[iPde].u & ~(uint32_t)(X86_PDE4M_PS | X86_PDE4M_G | X86_PDE4M_PG_HIGH_MASK)) \ | X86_PTE_D; if (pPD->a[iPde].b.u1Global) uPte |= X86_PTE_G; if (pPD->a[iPde].b.u1PAT) uPte |= X86_PTE_PAT; pPT = (X86PT BS3_FAR *)bs3PagingBuildPaeTable(RT_MAKE_U64(uPte, uPte | PAGE_SIZE), RT_MAKE_U64(PAGE_SIZE*2, PAGE_SIZE*2), uMaxAddr > _1M ? BS3MEMKIND_TILED : BS3MEMKIND_REAL, prc); BS3PAGING_DPRINTF2(("bs3PagingGetLegacyPte: Built pPT=%p uPte=%RX32\n", pPT, uPte)); if (pPT) { ASMAtomicUoWriteU32(&pPD->a[iPde].u, Bs3SelPtrToFlat(pPT) | ( pPD->a[iPde].u & ~(uint32_t)(X86_PTE_PG_MASK | X86_PDE4M_PS | X86_PDE4M_G | X86_PDE4M_D))); BS3PAGING_DPRINTF2(("bs3PagingGetLegacyPte: iPde=%#x: %#RX32\n", iPde, pPD->a[iPde].u)); if (fUseInvlPg) ASMInvalidatePage(uFlat); pPTE = &pPT->a[iPte]; } } } } } else BS3PAGING_DPRINTF1(("bs3PagingGetLegacyPte: out of range! cr3=%#x\n", cr3)); return pPTE; } /** * Get the PTE for an address, given a PAE or long mode CR3. * * @returns Pointer to the PTE on success, NULL on failure. * @param cr3 The CR3. * @param bMode Indicates whether it's PAE or long mode. * @param uFlat The address for which we want the PTE. * @param fUseInvlPg Whether we can use invalidate page when * replacing large pages. * @param prc Updated only on failure. */ #undef bs3PagingGetPte BS3_CMN_DEF(X86PTEPAE BS3_FAR *, bs3PagingGetPte,(RTCCUINTXREG cr3, uint8_t bMode, uint64_t uFlat, bool fUseInvlPg, int *prc)) { X86PTEPAE BS3_FAR *pPTE = NULL; #if TMPL_BITS == 16 uint32_t const uMaxAddr = BS3_MODE_IS_RM_OR_V86(g_bBs3CurrentMode) ? _1M - 1 : BS3_SEL_TILED_AREA_SIZE - 1; #else uintptr_t const uMaxAddr = ~(uintptr_t)0; #endif *prc = VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE; if ((cr3 & X86_CR3_AMD64_PAGE_MASK) <= uMaxAddr) { X86PDPAE BS3_FAR *pPD; if (BS3_MODE_IS_64BIT_SYS(bMode)) { unsigned const iPml4e = (uFlat >> X86_PML4_SHIFT) & X86_PML4_MASK; X86PML4 BS3_FAR *pPml4 = (X86PML4 BS3_FAR *)Bs3XptrFlatToCurrent(cr3 & X86_CR3_AMD64_PAGE_MASK); BS3_ASSERT(pPml4->a[iPml4e].n.u1Present); if ((pPml4->a[iPml4e].u & X86_PML4E_PG_MASK) <= uMaxAddr) { unsigned const iPdpte = (uFlat >> X86_PDPT_SHIFT) & X86_PDPT_MASK_AMD64; X86PDPT BS3_FAR *pPdpt = (X86PDPT BS3_FAR *)Bs3XptrFlatToCurrent(pPml4->a[iPml4e].u & X86_PML4E_PG_MASK); BS3_ASSERT(pPdpt->a[iPdpte].n.u1Present); if (!pPdpt->a[iPdpte].b.u1Size) { if ((pPdpt->a[iPdpte].u & X86_PDPE_PG_MASK) <= uMaxAddr) pPD = (X86PDPAE BS3_FAR *)Bs3XptrFlatToCurrent(pPdpt->a[iPdpte].u & ~(uint64_t)PAGE_OFFSET_MASK); else BS3PAGING_DPRINTF1(("bs3PagingGetPte: out of range! iPdpte=%#x: %RX64 max=%RX32\n", iPdpte, pPdpt->a[iPdpte].u, (uint32_t)uMaxAddr)); } else { /* Split 1GB page. */ pPD = (X86PDPAE BS3_FAR *)bs3PagingBuildPaeTable(pPdpt->a[iPdpte].u, _2M, uMaxAddr > _1M ? BS3MEMKIND_TILED : BS3MEMKIND_REAL, prc); if (pPD) { ASMAtomicUoWriteU64(&pPdpt->a[iPdpte].u, Bs3SelPtrToFlat(pPD) | ( pPdpt->a[iPdpte].u & ~(uint64_t)(X86_PDPE_PG_MASK | X86_PDE4M_PS | X86_PDE4M_G | X86_PDE4M_D))); if (fUseInvlPg) ASMInvalidatePage(uFlat); } } } } //else if (uFlat <= UINT32_MAX) - fixme! else if (!(uFlat >> 32)) { unsigned const iPdpte = ((uint32_t)uFlat >> X86_PDPT_SHIFT) & X86_PDPT_MASK_PAE; X86PDPT BS3_FAR *pPdpt = (X86PDPT BS3_FAR *)Bs3XptrFlatToCurrent(cr3 & X86_CR3_PAE_PAGE_MASK); BS3_ASSERT(pPdpt->a[iPdpte].n.u1Present); if ((pPdpt->a[iPdpte].u & X86_PDPE_PG_MASK) <= uMaxAddr) pPD = (X86PDPAE BS3_FAR *)Bs3XptrFlatToCurrent(pPdpt->a[iPdpte].u & X86_PDPE_PG_MASK); else BS3PAGING_DPRINTF1(("bs3PagingGetPte: out of range! iPdpte=%#x: %RX64 max=%RX32\n", iPdpte, pPdpt->a[iPdpte].u, (uint32_t)uMaxAddr)); } else { pPD = NULL; BS3PAGING_DPRINTF1(("bs3PagingGetPte: out of range! uFlat=%#RX64 max=%RX32\n", uFlat, (uint32_t)uMaxAddr)); } if (pPD) { unsigned const iPte = (uFlat >> X86_PT_PAE_SHIFT) & X86_PT_PAE_MASK; unsigned const iPde = (uFlat >> X86_PD_PAE_SHIFT) & X86_PD_PAE_MASK; if (!pPD->a[iPde].b.u1Size) { if ((pPD->a[iPde].u & X86_PDE_PAE_PG_MASK) <= uMaxAddr) pPTE = &((X86PTPAE BS3_FAR *)Bs3XptrFlatToCurrent(pPD->a[iPde].u & ~(uint64_t)PAGE_OFFSET_MASK))->a[iPte]; else BS3PAGING_DPRINTF1(("bs3PagingGetPte: out of range! iPde=%#x: %RX64 max=%RX32\n", iPde, pPD->a[iPde].u, (uint32_t)uMaxAddr)); } else { /* Split 2MB page. */ X86PTPAE BS3_FAR *pPT; uint64_t uTmpl = pPD->a[iPde].u & ~(uint64_t)(X86_PDE4M_G | X86_PDE4M_PS | X86_PDE4M_PAT); if (!pPD->a[iPde].b.u1Global) uTmpl |= X86_PTE_G; if (!pPD->a[iPde].b.u1PAT) uTmpl |= X86_PTE_PAT; pPT = (X86PTPAE BS3_FAR *)bs3PagingBuildPaeTable(uTmpl, PAGE_SIZE, uMaxAddr > _1M ? BS3MEMKIND_TILED : BS3MEMKIND_REAL, prc); if (pPT) { ASMAtomicUoWriteU64(&pPD->a[iPde].u, Bs3SelPtrToFlat(pPT) | ( pPD->a[iPde].u & ~(uint64_t)(X86_PTE_PAE_PG_MASK | X86_PDE4M_PS | X86_PDE4M_G | X86_PDE4M_D))); if (fUseInvlPg) ASMInvalidatePage(uFlat); pPTE = &pPT->a[iPte]; } } } } else BS3PAGING_DPRINTF1(("bs3PagingGetPte: out of range! cr3=%#RX32 uMaxAddr=%#RX32\n", (uint32_t)cr3, (uint32_t)uMaxAddr)); return pPTE; } #undef Bs3PagingProtect BS3_CMN_DEF(int, Bs3PagingProtect,(uint64_t uFlat, uint64_t cb, uint64_t fSet, uint64_t fClear)) { #if ARCH_BITS == 16 if (!BS3_MODE_IS_V86(g_bBs3CurrentMode)) #endif { RTCCUINTXREG const cr3 = ASMGetCR3(); RTCCUINTXREG const cr4 = g_uBs3CpuDetected & BS3CPU_F_CPUID ? ASMGetCR4() : 0; bool const fLegacyPTs = !(cr4 & X86_CR4_PAE); bool const fUseInvlPg = (g_uBs3CpuDetected & BS3CPU_TYPE_MASK) >= BS3CPU_80486 && ( cb < UINT64_C(16)*PAGE_SIZE || (cr4 & X86_CR4_PGE)); unsigned cEntries; int rc; /* * Adjust the range parameters. */ cb += uFlat & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK; cb = RT_ALIGN_64(cb, PAGE_SIZE); uFlat &= ~(uint64_t)PAGE_OFFSET_MASK; fSet &= ~X86_PTE_PAE_PG_MASK; fClear &= ~X86_PTE_PAE_PG_MASK; BS3PAGING_DPRINTF1(("Bs3PagingProtect: uFlat=%RX64 cb=%RX64 fSet=%RX64 fClear=%RX64 %s %s\n", uFlat, cb, fSet, fClear, fLegacyPTs ? "legacy" : "pae/amd64", fUseInvlPg ? "invlpg" : "reload-cr3")); if (fLegacyPTs) { /* * Legacy page tables. */ while ((uint32_t)cb > 0) { PX86PTE pPte = BS3_CMN_FAR_NM(bs3PagingGetLegacyPte)(cr3, (uint32_t)uFlat, fUseInvlPg, &rc); if (!pPte) return rc; cEntries = X86_PG_ENTRIES - ((uFlat >> X86_PT_SHIFT) & X86_PT_MASK); while (cEntries-- > 0 && cb > 0) { pPte->u &= ~(uint32_t)fClear; pPte->u |= (uint32_t)fSet; if (fUseInvlPg) ASMInvalidatePage(uFlat); pPte++; uFlat += PAGE_SIZE; cb -= PAGE_SIZE; } } } else { /* * Long mode or PAE page tables (at this level they are the same). */ while (cb > 0) { PX86PTEPAE pPte = BS3_CMN_FAR_NM(bs3PagingGetPte)(cr3, g_bBs3CurrentMode, uFlat, fUseInvlPg, &rc); if (!pPte) return rc; cEntries = X86_PG_ENTRIES - ((uFlat >> X86_PT_PAE_SHIFT) & X86_PT_PAE_MASK); while (cEntries-- > 0 && cb > 0) { pPte->u &= ~fClear; pPte->u |= fSet; if (fUseInvlPg) ASMInvalidatePage(uFlat); pPte++; uFlat += PAGE_SIZE; cb -= PAGE_SIZE; } } } /* * Flush the TLB if we didn't use INVLPG above. */ BS3PAGING_DPRINTF2(("Bs3PagingProtect: reloading cr3=%RX32\n", (uint32_t)cr3)); //if (!fUseInvlPg) ASMSetCR3(cr3); BS3PAGING_DPRINTF2(("Bs3PagingProtect: reloaded cr3=%RX32\n", (uint32_t)cr3)); } #if ARCH_BITS == 16 /* * We can do this stuff in v8086 mode. */ else return Bs3SwitchFromV86To16BitAndCallC((FPFNBS3FAR)Bs3PagingProtect_f16, sizeof(uint64_t)*4, uFlat, cb, fSet, fClear); #endif return VINF_SUCCESS; } #undef Bs3PagingProtectPtr BS3_CMN_DEF(int, Bs3PagingProtectPtr,(void *pv, size_t cb, uint64_t fSet, uint64_t fClear)) { #if ARCH_BITS == 16 return BS3_CMN_NM(Bs3PagingProtect)(Bs3SelPtrToFlat(pv), cb, fSet, fClear); #else return BS3_CMN_NM(Bs3PagingProtect)((uintptr_t)pv, cb, fSet, fClear); #endif }