
source: vbox/trunk/src/VBox/ValidationKit/common/ 83357

Last change on this file since 83357 was 83357, checked in by vboxsync, 5 years ago

common/ Added a few functions of parsing and managing iso timestamps.

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File size: 81.6 KB
1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# $Id: 83357 2020-03-21 13:01:30Z vboxsync $
3# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
6Common Utility Functions.
9from __future__ import print_function;
11__copyright__ = \
13Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Oracle Corporation
15This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
16available from This file is free software;
17you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
18General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
19Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
20VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
21hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
23The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
24of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
25(CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
26VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
27CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
29You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
30terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
32__version__ = "$Revision: 83357 $"
35# Standard Python imports.
36import datetime;
37import os;
38import platform;
39import re;
40import stat;
41import subprocess;
42import sys;
43import time;
44import traceback;
45import unittest;
47if sys.platform == 'win32':
48 import ctypes;
49 import msvcrt; # pylint: disable=import-error
50 import win32api; # pylint: disable=import-error
51 import win32con; # pylint: disable=import-error
52 import win32console; # pylint: disable=import-error
53 import win32file; # pylint: disable=import-error
54 import win32process; # pylint: disable=import-error
55 import winerror; # pylint: disable=import-error
56 import pywintypes; # pylint: disable=import-error
58 import signal;
60# Python 3 hacks:
61if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
62 unicode = str; # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
63 xrange = range; # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
64 long = int; # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
68# Strings.
71def toUnicode(sString, encoding = None, errors = 'strict'):
72 """
73 A little like the python 2 unicode() function.
74 """
75 if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
76 if isinstance(sString, bytes):
77 return str(sString, encoding if encoding else 'utf-8', errors);
78 else:
79 if not isinstance(sString, unicode):
80 return unicode(sString, encoding if encoding else 'utf-8', errors);
81 return sString;
86# Output.
89def printOut(sString):
90 """
91 Outputs a string to standard output, dealing with python 2.x encoding stupidity.
92 """
93 sStreamEncoding = sys.stdout.encoding;
94 if sStreamEncoding is None: # Files, pipes and such on 2.x. (pylint is confused here)
95 sStreamEncoding = 'US-ASCII'; # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
96 if sStreamEncoding == 'UTF-8' or not isinstance(sString, unicode):
97 print(sString);
98 else:
99 print(sString.encode(sStreamEncoding, 'backslashreplace').decode(sStreamEncoding));
101def printErr(sString):
102 """
103 Outputs a string to standard error, dealing with python 2.x encoding stupidity.
104 """
105 sStreamEncoding = sys.stderr.encoding;
106 if sStreamEncoding is None: # Files, pipes and such on 2.x. (pylint is confused here)
107 sStreamEncoding = 'US-ASCII'; # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
108 if sStreamEncoding == 'UTF-8' or not isinstance(sString, unicode):
109 print(sString, file = sys.stderr);
110 else:
111 print(sString.encode(sStreamEncoding, 'backslashreplace').decode(sStreamEncoding), file = sys.stderr);
115# Host OS and CPU.
118def getHostOs():
119 """
120 Gets the host OS name (short).
122 See the KBUILD_OSES variable in kBuild/header.kmk for possible return values.
123 """
124 sPlatform = platform.system();
125 if sPlatform in ('Linux', 'Darwin', 'Solaris', 'FreeBSD', 'NetBSD', 'OpenBSD'):
126 sPlatform = sPlatform.lower();
127 elif sPlatform == 'Windows':
128 sPlatform = 'win';
129 elif sPlatform == 'SunOS':
130 sPlatform = 'solaris';
131 else:
132 raise Exception('Unsupported platform "%s"' % (sPlatform,));
133 return sPlatform;
135g_sHostArch = None;
137def getHostArch():
138 """
139 Gets the host CPU architecture.
141 See the KBUILD_ARCHES variable in kBuild/header.kmk for possible return values.
142 """
143 global g_sHostArch;
144 if g_sHostArch is None:
145 sArch = platform.machine();
146 if sArch in ('i386', 'i486', 'i586', 'i686', 'i786', 'i886', 'x86'):
147 sArch = 'x86';
148 elif sArch in ('AMD64', 'amd64', 'x86_64'):
149 sArch = 'amd64';
150 elif sArch == 'i86pc': # SunOS
151 if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
152 sArch = 'amd64';
153 else:
154 try:
155 sArch = str(processOutputChecked(['/usr/bin/isainfo', '-n',]));
156 except:
157 pass;
158 sArch = sArch.strip();
159 if sArch != 'amd64':
160 sArch = 'x86';
161 else:
162 raise Exception('Unsupported architecture/machine "%s"' % (sArch,));
163 g_sHostArch = sArch;
164 return g_sHostArch;
167def getHostOsDotArch():
168 """
169 Gets the 'os.arch' for the host.
170 """
171 return '%s.%s' % (getHostOs(), getHostArch());
174def isValidOs(sOs):
175 """
176 Validates the OS name.
177 """
178 if sOs in ('darwin', 'dos', 'dragonfly', 'freebsd', 'haiku', 'l4', 'linux', 'netbsd', 'nt', 'openbsd', \
179 'os2', 'solaris', 'win', 'os-agnostic'):
180 return True;
181 return False;
184def isValidArch(sArch):
185 """
186 Validates the CPU architecture name.
187 """
188 if sArch in ('x86', 'amd64', 'sparc32', 'sparc64', 's390', 's390x', 'ppc32', 'ppc64', \
189 'mips32', 'mips64', 'ia64', 'hppa32', 'hppa64', 'arm', 'alpha'):
190 return True;
191 return False;
193def isValidOsDotArch(sOsDotArch):
194 """
195 Validates the 'os.arch' string.
196 """
198 asParts = sOsDotArch.split('.');
199 if asParts.length() != 2:
200 return False;
201 return isValidOs(asParts[0]) \
202 and isValidArch(asParts[1]);
204def getHostOsVersion():
205 """
206 Returns the host OS version. This is platform.release with additional
207 distro indicator on linux.
208 """
209 sVersion = platform.release();
210 sOs = getHostOs();
211 if sOs == 'linux':
212 sDist = '';
213 try:
214 # try /etc/lsb-release first to distinguish between Debian and Ubuntu
215 oFile = open('/etc/lsb-release');
216 for sLine in oFile:
217 oMatch ='(?:DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION\s*=)\s*"*(.*)"', sLine);
218 if oMatch is not None:
219 sDist =;
220 except:
221 pass;
222 if sDist:
223 sVersion += ' / ' + sDist;
224 else:
225 asFiles = \
226 [
227 [ '/etc/debian_version', 'Debian v'],
228 [ '/etc/gentoo-release', '' ],
229 [ '/etc/oracle-release', '' ],
230 [ '/etc/redhat-release', '' ],
231 [ '/etc/SuSE-release', '' ],
232 ];
233 for sFile, sPrefix in asFiles:
234 if os.path.isfile(sFile):
235 try:
236 oFile = open(sFile);
237 sLine = oFile.readline();
238 oFile.close();
239 except:
240 continue;
241 sLine = sLine.strip()
242 if sLine:
243 sVersion += ' / ' + sPrefix + sLine;
244 break;
246 elif sOs == 'solaris':
247 sVersion = platform.version();
248 if os.path.isfile('/etc/release'):
249 try:
250 oFile = open('/etc/release');
251 sLast = oFile.readlines()[-1];
252 oFile.close();
253 sLast = sLast.strip();
254 if sLast:
255 sVersion += ' (' + sLast + ')';
256 except:
257 pass;
259 elif sOs == 'darwin':
260 sOsxVersion = platform.mac_ver()[0];
261 codenames = {"4": "Tiger",
262 "5": "Leopard",
263 "6": "Snow Leopard",
264 "7": "Lion",
265 "8": "Mountain Lion",
266 "9": "Mavericks",
267 "10": "Yosemite",
268 "11": "El Capitan",
269 "12": "Sierra",
270 "13": "High Sierra",
271 "14": "Unknown 14", }
272 sVersion += ' / OS X ' + sOsxVersion + ' (' + codenames[sOsxVersion.split('.')[1]] + ')'
274 elif sOs == 'win':
275 class OSVersionInfoEx(ctypes.Structure):
276 """ OSVERSIONEX """
277 kaFields = [
278 ('dwOSVersionInfoSize', ctypes.c_ulong),
279 ('dwMajorVersion', ctypes.c_ulong),
280 ('dwMinorVersion', ctypes.c_ulong),
281 ('dwBuildNumber', ctypes.c_ulong),
282 ('dwPlatformId', ctypes.c_ulong),
283 ('szCSDVersion', ctypes.c_wchar*128),
284 ('wServicePackMajor', ctypes.c_ushort),
285 ('wServicePackMinor', ctypes.c_ushort),
286 ('wSuiteMask', ctypes.c_ushort),
287 ('wProductType', ctypes.c_byte),
288 ('wReserved', ctypes.c_byte)]
289 _fields_ = kaFields # pylint: disable=invalid-name
291 def __init__(self):
292 super(OSVersionInfoEx, self).__init__()
293 self.dwOSVersionInfoSize = ctypes.sizeof(self)
295 oOsVersion = OSVersionInfoEx()
296 rc = ctypes.windll.Ntdll.RtlGetVersion(ctypes.byref(oOsVersion))
297 if rc == 0:
298 # Python platform.release() is not reliable for newer server releases
299 if oOsVersion.wProductType != 1:
300 if oOsVersion.dwMajorVersion == 10 and oOsVersion.dwMinorVersion == 0:
301 sVersion = '2016Server';
302 elif oOsVersion.dwMajorVersion == 6 and oOsVersion.dwMinorVersion == 3:
303 sVersion = '2012ServerR2';
304 elif oOsVersion.dwMajorVersion == 6 and oOsVersion.dwMinorVersion == 2:
305 sVersion = '2012Server';
306 elif oOsVersion.dwMajorVersion == 6 and oOsVersion.dwMinorVersion == 1:
307 sVersion = '2008ServerR2';
308 elif oOsVersion.dwMajorVersion == 6 and oOsVersion.dwMinorVersion == 0:
309 sVersion = '2008Server';
310 elif oOsVersion.dwMajorVersion == 5 and oOsVersion.dwMinorVersion == 2:
311 sVersion = '2003Server';
312 sVersion += ' build ' + str(oOsVersion.dwBuildNumber)
313 if oOsVersion.wServicePackMajor:
314 sVersion += ' SP' + str(oOsVersion.wServicePackMajor)
315 if oOsVersion.wServicePackMinor:
316 sVersion += '.' + str(oOsVersion.wServicePackMinor)
318 return sVersion;
320def getPresentCpuCount():
321 """
322 Gets the number of CPUs present in the system.
324 This differs from multiprocessor.cpu_count() and os.cpu_count() on windows in
325 that we return the active count rather than the maximum count. If we don't,
326 we will end up thinking testboxmem1 has 512 CPU threads, which it doesn't and
327 never will have.
329 @todo This is probably not exactly what we get on non-windows...
330 """
332 if getHostOs() == 'win':
333 fnGetActiveProcessorCount = getattr(ctypes.windll.kernel32, 'GetActiveProcessorCount', None);
334 if fnGetActiveProcessorCount:
335 cCpus = fnGetActiveProcessorCount(ctypes.c_ushort(0xffff));
336 if cCpus > 0:
337 return cCpus;
339 import multiprocessing
340 return multiprocessing.cpu_count();
344# File system.
347def openNoInherit(sFile, sMode = 'r'):
348 """
349 Wrapper around open() that tries it's best to make sure the file isn't
350 inherited by child processes.
352 This is a best effort thing at the moment as it doesn't synchronizes with
353 child process spawning in any way. Thus it can be subject to races in
354 multithreaded programs.
355 """
357 # Python 3.4 and later automatically creates non-inherit handles. See PEP-0446.
358 uPythonVer = (sys.version_info[0] << 16) | (sys.version_info[1] & 0xffff);
359 if uPythonVer >= ((3 << 16) | 4):
360 oFile = open(sFile, sMode);
361 else:
362 try:
363 from fcntl import FD_CLOEXEC, F_GETFD, F_SETFD, fcntl; # pylint: disable=import-error
364 except:
365 # On windows, we can use the 'N' flag introduced in Visual C++ 7.0 or 7.1 with python 2.x.
366 if getHostOs() == 'win':
367 if uPythonVer < (3 << 16):
368 offComma = sMode.find(',');
369 if offComma < 0:
370 return open(sFile, sMode + 'N');
371 return open(sFile, sMode[:offComma] + 'N' + sMode[offComma:]); # pylint: disable=bad-open-mode
373 # Just in case.
374 return open(sFile, sMode);
376 oFile = open(sFile, sMode);
377 #try:
378 fcntl(oFile, F_SETFD, fcntl(oFile, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC);
379 #except:
380 # pass;
381 return oFile;
383def openNoDenyDeleteNoInherit(sFile, sMode = 'r'):
384 """
385 Wrapper around open() that tries it's best to make sure the file isn't
386 inherited by child processes.
388 This is a best effort thing at the moment as it doesn't synchronizes with
389 child process spawning in any way. Thus it can be subject to races in
390 multithreaded programs.
391 """
393 if getHostOs() == 'win':
394 # Need to use CreateFile directly to open the file so we can feed it FILE_SHARE_DELETE.
395 # pylint: disable=no-member,c-extension-no-member
396 fAccess = 0;
397 fDisposition = win32file.OPEN_EXISTING;
398 if 'r' in sMode or '+' in sMode:
399 fAccess |= win32file.GENERIC_READ;
400 if 'a' in sMode:
401 fAccess |= win32file.GENERIC_WRITE;
402 fDisposition = win32file.OPEN_ALWAYS;
403 elif 'w' in sMode:
404 fAccess = win32file.GENERIC_WRITE;
405 if '+' in sMode:
406 fDisposition = win32file.OPEN_ALWAYS;
407 fAccess |= win32file.GENERIC_READ;
408 else:
409 fDisposition = win32file.CREATE_ALWAYS;
410 if not fAccess:
411 fAccess |= win32file.GENERIC_READ;
412 fSharing = (win32file.FILE_SHARE_READ | win32file.FILE_SHARE_WRITE
413 | win32file.FILE_SHARE_DELETE);
414 hFile = win32file.CreateFile(sFile, fAccess, fSharing, None, fDisposition, 0, None);
415 if 'a' in sMode:
416 win32file.SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, win32file.FILE_END);
418 # Turn the NT handle into a CRT file descriptor.
419 hDetachedFile = hFile.Detach();
420 if fAccess == win32file.GENERIC_READ:
421 fOpen = os.O_RDONLY;
422 elif fAccess == win32file.GENERIC_WRITE:
423 fOpen = os.O_WRONLY;
424 else:
425 fOpen = os.O_RDWR;
426 # pulint: enable=no-member,c-extension-no-member
427 if 'a' in sMode:
428 fOpen |= os.O_APPEND;
429 if 'b' in sMode or 't' in sMode:
430 fOpen |= os.O_TEXT; # pylint: disable=no-member
431 fdFile = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(hDetachedFile, fOpen);
433 # Tell python to use this handle.
434 oFile = os.fdopen(fdFile, sMode);
435 else:
436 oFile = open(sFile, sMode);
438 # Python 3.4 and later automatically creates non-inherit handles. See PEP-0446.
439 uPythonVer = (sys.version_info[0] << 16) | (sys.version_info[1] & 0xffff);
440 if uPythonVer < ((3 << 16) | 4):
441 try:
442 from fcntl import FD_CLOEXEC, F_GETFD, F_SETFD, fcntl; # pylint: disable=import-error
443 except:
444 pass;
445 else:
446 fcntl(oFile, F_SETFD, fcntl(oFile, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC);
447 return oFile;
449def noxcptReadLink(sPath, sXcptRet, sEncoding = 'utf-8'):
450 """
451 No exceptions os.readlink wrapper.
452 """
453 try:
454 sRet = os.readlink(sPath); # pylint: disable=no-member
455 except:
456 return sXcptRet;
457 if hasattr(sRet, 'decode'):
458 sRet = sRet.decode(sEncoding, 'ignore');
459 return sRet;
461def readFile(sFile, sMode = 'rb'):
462 """
463 Reads the entire file.
464 """
465 oFile = open(sFile, sMode);
466 sRet =;
467 oFile.close();
468 return sRet;
470def noxcptReadFile(sFile, sXcptRet, sMode = 'rb', sEncoding = 'utf-8'):
471 """
472 No exceptions common.readFile wrapper.
473 """
474 try:
475 sRet = readFile(sFile, sMode);
476 except:
477 sRet = sXcptRet;
478 if sEncoding is not None and hasattr(sRet, 'decode'):
479 sRet = sRet.decode(sEncoding, 'ignore');
480 return sRet;
482def noxcptRmDir(sDir, oXcptRet = False):
483 """
484 No exceptions os.rmdir wrapper.
485 """
486 oRet = True;
487 try:
488 os.rmdir(sDir);
489 except:
490 oRet = oXcptRet;
491 return oRet;
493def noxcptDeleteFile(sFile, oXcptRet = False):
494 """
495 No exceptions os.remove wrapper.
496 """
497 oRet = True;
498 try:
499 os.remove(sFile);
500 except:
501 oRet = oXcptRet;
502 return oRet;
505def dirEnumerateTree(sDir, fnCallback, fIgnoreExceptions = True):
506 # type: (string, (string, stat) -> bool) -> bool
507 """
508 Recursively walks a directory tree, calling fnCallback for each.
510 fnCallback takes a full path and stat object (can be None). It
511 returns a boolean value, False stops walking and returns immediately.
513 Returns True or False depending on fnCallback.
514 Returns None fIgnoreExceptions is True and an exception was raised by listdir.
515 """
516 def __worker(sCurDir):
517 """ Worker for """
518 try:
519 asNames = os.listdir(sCurDir);
520 except:
521 if not fIgnoreExceptions:
522 raise;
523 return None;
524 rc = True;
525 for sName in asNames:
526 if sName not in [ '.', '..' ]:
527 sFullName = os.path.join(sCurDir, sName);
528 try: oStat = os.lstat(sFullName);
529 except: oStat = None;
530 if fnCallback(sFullName, oStat) is False:
531 return False;
532 if oStat is not None and stat.S_ISDIR(oStat.st_mode):
533 rc = __worker(sFullName);
534 if rc is False:
535 break;
536 return rc;
538 # Ensure unicode path here so listdir also returns unicode on windows.
539 ## @todo figure out unicode stuff on non-windows.
540 if sys.platform == 'win32':
541 sDir = unicode(sDir);
542 return __worker(sDir);
546def formatFileMode(uMode):
547 # type: (int) -> string
548 """
549 Format a st_mode value 'ls -la' fasion.
550 Returns string.
551 """
552 if stat.S_ISDIR(uMode): sMode = 'd';
553 elif stat.S_ISREG(uMode): sMode = '-';
554 elif stat.S_ISLNK(uMode): sMode = 'l';
555 elif stat.S_ISFIFO(uMode): sMode = 'p';
556 elif stat.S_ISCHR(uMode): sMode = 'c';
557 elif stat.S_ISBLK(uMode): sMode = 'b';
558 elif stat.S_ISSOCK(uMode): sMode = 's';
559 else: sMode = '?';
560 ## @todo sticky bits.
561 sMode += 'r' if uMode & stat.S_IRUSR else '-';
562 sMode += 'w' if uMode & stat.S_IWUSR else '-';
563 sMode += 'x' if uMode & stat.S_IXUSR else '-';
564 sMode += 'r' if uMode & stat.S_IRGRP else '-';
565 sMode += 'w' if uMode & stat.S_IWGRP else '-';
566 sMode += 'x' if uMode & stat.S_IXGRP else '-';
567 sMode += 'r' if uMode & stat.S_IROTH else '-';
568 sMode += 'w' if uMode & stat.S_IWOTH else '-';
569 sMode += 'x' if uMode & stat.S_IXOTH else '-';
570 sMode += ' ';
571 return sMode;
574def formatFileStat(oStat):
575 # type: (stat) -> string
576 """
577 Format a stat result 'ls -la' fasion (numeric IDs).
578 Returns string.
579 """
580 return '%s %3s %4s %4s %10s %s' \
581 % (formatFileMode(oStat.st_mode), oStat.st_nlink, oStat.st_uid, oStat.st_gid, oStat.st_size,
582 time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', time.localtime(oStat.st_mtime)), );
584## Good buffer for file operations.
585g_cbGoodBufferSize = 256*1024;
587## The original shutil.copyfileobj.
588g_fnOriginalShCopyFileObj = None;
590def __myshutilcopyfileobj(fsrc, fdst, length = g_cbGoodBufferSize):
591 """ shutil.copyfileobj with different length default value (16384 is slow with python 2.7 on windows). """
592 return g_fnOriginalShCopyFileObj(fsrc, fdst, length);
594def __installShUtilHacks(shutil):
595 """ Installs the shutil buffer size hacks. """
596 global g_fnOriginalShCopyFileObj;
597 if g_fnOriginalShCopyFileObj is None:
598 g_fnOriginalShCopyFileObj = shutil.copyfileobj;
599 shutil.copyfileobj = __myshutilcopyfileobj;
600 return True;
603def copyFileSimple(sFileSrc, sFileDst):
604 """
605 Wrapper around shutil.copyfile that simply copies the data of a regular file.
606 Raises exception on failure.
607 Return True for show.
608 """
609 import shutil;
610 __installShUtilHacks(shutil);
611 return shutil.copyfile(sFileSrc, sFileDst);
614def getDiskUsage(sPath):
615 """
616 Get free space of a partition that corresponds to specified sPath in MB.
618 Returns partition free space value in MB.
619 """
620 if platform.system() == 'Windows':
621 oCTypeFreeSpace = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0);
622 ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(ctypes.c_wchar_p(sPath), None, None,
623 ctypes.pointer(oCTypeFreeSpace));
624 cbFreeSpace = oCTypeFreeSpace.value;
625 else:
626 oStats = os.statvfs(sPath); # pylint: disable=no-member
627 cbFreeSpace = long(oStats.f_frsize) * oStats.f_bfree;
629 # Convert to MB
630 cMbFreeSpace = long(cbFreeSpace) / (1024 * 1024);
632 return cMbFreeSpace;
637# SubProcess.
640def _processFixPythonInterpreter(aPositionalArgs, dKeywordArgs):
641 """
642 If the "executable" is a python script, insert the python interpreter at
643 the head of the argument list so that it will work on systems which doesn't
644 support hash-bang scripts.
645 """
647 asArgs = dKeywordArgs.get('args');
648 if asArgs is None:
649 asArgs = aPositionalArgs[0];
651 if asArgs[0].endswith('.py'):
652 if sys.executable:
653 asArgs.insert(0, sys.executable);
654 else:
655 asArgs.insert(0, 'python');
657 # paranoia...
658 if dKeywordArgs.get('args') is not None:
659 dKeywordArgs['args'] = asArgs;
660 else:
661 aPositionalArgs = (asArgs,) + aPositionalArgs[1:];
662 return None;
664def processPopenSafe(*aPositionalArgs, **dKeywordArgs):
665 """
666 Wrapper for subprocess.Popen that's Ctrl-C safe on windows.
667 """
668 if getHostOs() == 'win':
669 if dKeywordArgs.get('creationflags', 0) == 0:
670 dKeywordArgs['creationflags'] = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP;
671 return subprocess.Popen(*aPositionalArgs, **dKeywordArgs);
673def processCall(*aPositionalArgs, **dKeywordArgs):
674 """
675 Wrapper around to deal with its absence in older
676 python versions.
677 Returns process exit code (see subprocess.poll).
678 """
679 assert dKeywordArgs.get('stdout') is None;
680 assert dKeywordArgs.get('stderr') is None;
681 _processFixPythonInterpreter(aPositionalArgs, dKeywordArgs);
682 oProcess = processPopenSafe(*aPositionalArgs, **dKeywordArgs);
683 return oProcess.wait();
685def processOutputChecked(*aPositionalArgs, **dKeywordArgs):
686 """
687 Wrapper around subprocess.check_output to deal with its absense in older
688 python versions.
690 Extra keywords for specifying now output is to be decoded:
691 sEncoding='utf-8
692 fIgnoreEncoding=True/False
693 """
694 sEncoding = dKeywordArgs.get('sEncoding');
695 if sEncoding is not None: del dKeywordArgs['sEncoding'];
696 else: sEncoding = 'utf-8';
698 fIgnoreEncoding = dKeywordArgs.get('fIgnoreEncoding');
699 if fIgnoreEncoding is not None: del dKeywordArgs['fIgnoreEncoding'];
700 else: fIgnoreEncoding = True;
702 _processFixPythonInterpreter(aPositionalArgs, dKeywordArgs);
703 oProcess = processPopenSafe(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *aPositionalArgs, **dKeywordArgs);
705 sOutput, _ = oProcess.communicate();
706 iExitCode = oProcess.poll();
708 if iExitCode != 0:
709 asArgs = dKeywordArgs.get('args');
710 if asArgs is None:
711 asArgs = aPositionalArgs[0];
712 print(sOutput);
713 raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(iExitCode, asArgs);
715 if hasattr(sOutput, 'decode'):
716 sOutput = sOutput.decode(sEncoding, 'ignore' if fIgnoreEncoding else 'strict');
717 return sOutput;
719g_fOldSudo = None;
720def _sudoFixArguments(aPositionalArgs, dKeywordArgs, fInitialEnv = True):
721 """
722 Adds 'sudo' (or similar) to the args parameter, whereever it is.
723 """
725 # Are we root?
726 fIsRoot = True;
727 try:
728 fIsRoot = os.getuid() == 0; # pylint: disable=no-member
729 except:
730 pass;
732 # If not, prepend sudo (non-interactive, simulate initial login).
733 if fIsRoot is not True:
734 asArgs = dKeywordArgs.get('args');
735 if asArgs is None:
736 asArgs = aPositionalArgs[0];
738 # Detect old sudo.
739 global g_fOldSudo;
740 if g_fOldSudo is None:
741 try:
742 sVersion = str(processOutputChecked(['sudo', '-V']));
743 except:
744 sVersion = '1.7.0';
745 sVersion = sVersion.strip().split('\n')[0];
746 sVersion = sVersion.replace('Sudo version', '').strip();
747 g_fOldSudo = len(sVersion) >= 4 \
748 and sVersion[0] == '1' \
749 and sVersion[1] == '.' \
750 and sVersion[2] <= '6' \
751 and sVersion[3] == '.';
753 asArgs.insert(0, 'sudo');
754 if not g_fOldSudo:
755 asArgs.insert(1, '-n');
756 if fInitialEnv and not g_fOldSudo:
757 asArgs.insert(1, '-i');
759 # paranoia...
760 if dKeywordArgs.get('args') is not None:
761 dKeywordArgs['args'] = asArgs;
762 else:
763 aPositionalArgs = (asArgs,) + aPositionalArgs[1:];
764 return None;
767def sudoProcessCall(*aPositionalArgs, **dKeywordArgs):
768 """
769 sudo (or similar) +
770 """
771 _processFixPythonInterpreter(aPositionalArgs, dKeywordArgs);
772 _sudoFixArguments(aPositionalArgs, dKeywordArgs);
773 return processCall(*aPositionalArgs, **dKeywordArgs);
775def sudoProcessOutputChecked(*aPositionalArgs, **dKeywordArgs):
776 """
777 sudo (or similar) + subprocess.check_output.
778 """
779 _processFixPythonInterpreter(aPositionalArgs, dKeywordArgs);
780 _sudoFixArguments(aPositionalArgs, dKeywordArgs);
781 return processOutputChecked(*aPositionalArgs, **dKeywordArgs);
783def sudoProcessOutputCheckedNoI(*aPositionalArgs, **dKeywordArgs):
784 """
785 sudo (or similar) + subprocess.check_output, except '-i' isn't used.
786 """
787 _processFixPythonInterpreter(aPositionalArgs, dKeywordArgs);
788 _sudoFixArguments(aPositionalArgs, dKeywordArgs, False);
789 return processOutputChecked(*aPositionalArgs, **dKeywordArgs);
791def sudoProcessPopen(*aPositionalArgs, **dKeywordArgs):
792 """
793 sudo (or similar) + processPopenSafe.
794 """
795 _processFixPythonInterpreter(aPositionalArgs, dKeywordArgs);
796 _sudoFixArguments(aPositionalArgs, dKeywordArgs);
797 return processPopenSafe(*aPositionalArgs, **dKeywordArgs);
801# Generic process stuff.
804def processInterrupt(uPid):
805 """
806 Sends a SIGINT or equivalent to interrupt the specified process.
807 Returns True on success, False on failure.
809 On Windows hosts this may not work unless the process happens to be a
810 process group leader.
811 """
812 if sys.platform == 'win32':
813 try:
814 win32console.GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(win32con.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT, # pylint: disable=no-member,c-extension-no-member
815 uPid);
816 fRc = True;
817 except:
818 fRc = False;
819 else:
820 try:
821 os.kill(uPid, signal.SIGINT);
822 fRc = True;
823 except:
824 fRc = False;
825 return fRc;
827def sendUserSignal1(uPid):
828 """
829 Sends a SIGUSR1 or equivalent to nudge the process into shutting down
830 (VBoxSVC) or something.
831 Returns True on success, False on failure or if not supported (win).
833 On Windows hosts this may not work unless the process happens to be a
834 process group leader.
835 """
836 if sys.platform == 'win32':
837 fRc = False;
838 else:
839 try:
840 os.kill(uPid, signal.SIGUSR1); # pylint: disable=no-member
841 fRc = True;
842 except:
843 fRc = False;
844 return fRc;
846def processTerminate(uPid):
847 """
848 Terminates the process in a nice manner (SIGTERM or equivalent).
849 Returns True on success, False on failure.
850 """
851 fRc = False;
852 if sys.platform == 'win32':
853 try:
854 hProcess = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_TERMINATE, # pylint: disable=no-member,c-extension-no-member
855 False, uPid);
856 except:
857 pass;
858 else:
859 try:
860 win32process.TerminateProcess(hProcess, # pylint: disable=no-member,c-extension-no-member
861 0x40010004); # DBG_TERMINATE_PROCESS
862 fRc = True;
863 except:
864 pass;
865 hProcess.Close(); #win32api.CloseHandle(hProcess)
866 else:
867 try:
868 os.kill(uPid, signal.SIGTERM);
869 fRc = True;
870 except:
871 pass;
872 return fRc;
874def processKill(uPid):
875 """
876 Terminates the process with extreme prejudice (SIGKILL).
877 Returns True on success, False on failure.
878 """
879 if sys.platform == 'win32':
880 fRc = processTerminate(uPid);
881 else:
882 try:
883 os.kill(uPid, signal.SIGKILL); # pylint: disable=no-member
884 fRc = True;
885 except:
886 fRc = False;
887 return fRc;
889def processKillWithNameCheck(uPid, sName):
890 """
891 Like processKill(), but checks if the process name matches before killing
892 it. This is intended for killing using potentially stale pid values.
894 Returns True on success, False on failure.
895 """
897 if processCheckPidAndName(uPid, sName) is not True:
898 return False;
899 return processKill(uPid);
902def processExists(uPid):
903 """
904 Checks if the specified process exits.
905 This will only work if we can signal/open the process.
907 Returns True if it positively exists, False otherwise.
908 """
909 if sys.platform == 'win32':
910 fRc = False;
911 # We try open the process for waiting since this is generally only forbidden in a very few cases.
912 try:
913 hProcess = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.SYNCHRONIZE, # pylint: disable=no-member,c-extension-no-member
914 False, uPid);
915 except pywintypes.error as oXcpt: # pylint: disable=no-member
916 if oXcpt.winerror == winerror.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED:
917 fRc = True;
918 except Exception as oXcpt:
919 pass;
920 else:
921 hProcess.Close();
922 fRc = True;
923 else:
924 try:
925 os.kill(uPid, 0);
926 fRc = True;
927 except: ## @todo check error code.
928 fRc = False;
929 return fRc;
931def processCheckPidAndName(uPid, sName):
932 """
933 Checks if a process PID and NAME matches.
934 """
935 fRc = processExists(uPid);
936 if fRc is not True:
937 return False;
939 if sys.platform == 'win32':
940 try:
941 from win32com.client import GetObject; # pylint: disable=import-error
942 oWmi = GetObject('winmgmts:');
943 aoProcesses = oWmi.InstancesOf('Win32_Process');
944 for oProcess in aoProcesses:
945 if long(oProcess.Properties_("ProcessId").Value) == uPid:
946 sCurName = oProcess.Properties_("Name").Value;
947 #reporter.log2('uPid=%s sName=%s sCurName=%s' % (uPid, sName, sCurName));
948 sName = sName.lower();
949 sCurName = sCurName.lower();
950 if os.path.basename(sName) == sName:
951 sCurName = os.path.basename(sCurName);
953 if sCurName == sName \
954 or sCurName + '.exe' == sName \
955 or sCurName == sName + '.exe':
956 fRc = True;
957 break;
958 except:
959 #reporter.logXcpt('uPid=%s sName=%s' % (uPid, sName));
960 pass;
961 else:
962 if sys.platform in ('linux2', 'linux', 'linux3', 'linux4', 'linux5', 'linux6'):
963 asPsCmd = ['/bin/ps', '-p', '%u' % (uPid,), '-o', 'fname='];
964 elif sys.platform in ('sunos5',):
965 asPsCmd = ['/usr/bin/ps', '-p', '%u' % (uPid,), '-o', 'fname='];
966 elif sys.platform in ('darwin',):
967 asPsCmd = ['/bin/ps', '-p', '%u' % (uPid,), '-o', 'ucomm='];
968 else:
969 asPsCmd = None;
971 if asPsCmd is not None:
972 try:
973 oPs = subprocess.Popen(asPsCmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE);
974 sCurName = oPs.communicate()[0];
975 iExitCode = oPs.wait();
976 except:
977 #reporter.logXcpt();
978 return False;
980 # ps fails with non-zero exit code if the pid wasn't found.
981 if iExitCode != 0:
982 return False;
983 if sCurName is None:
984 return False;
985 sCurName = sCurName.strip();
986 if not sCurName:
987 return False;
989 if os.path.basename(sName) == sName:
990 sCurName = os.path.basename(sCurName);
991 elif os.path.basename(sCurName) == sCurName:
992 sName = os.path.basename(sName);
994 if sCurName != sName:
995 return False;
997 fRc = True;
998 return fRc;
1000def processGetInfo(uPid, fSudo = False):
1001 """
1002 Tries to acquire state information of the given process.
1004 Returns a string with the information on success or None on failure or
1005 if the host is not supported.
1007 Note that the format of the information is host system dependent and will
1008 likely differ much between different hosts.
1009 """
1010 fRc = processExists(uPid);
1011 if fRc is not True:
1012 return None;
1014 sHostOs = getHostOs();
1015 if sHostOs in [ 'linux',]:
1016 sGdb = '/usr/bin/gdb';
1017 if not os.path.isfile(sGdb): sGdb = '/usr/local/bin/gdb';
1018 if not os.path.isfile(sGdb): sGdb = 'gdb';
1019 aasCmd = [
1020 [ sGdb, '-batch',
1021 '-ex', 'set pagination off',
1022 '-ex', 'thread apply all bt',
1023 '-ex', 'info proc mapping',
1024 '-ex', 'info sharedlibrary',
1025 '-p', '%u' % (uPid,), ],
1026 ];
1027 elif sHostOs == 'darwin':
1028 # LLDB doesn't work in batch mode when attaching to a process, at least
1029 # with macOS Sierra (10.12). GDB might not be installed. Use the sample
1030 # tool instead with a 1 second duration and 1000ms sampling interval to
1031 # get one stack trace. For the process mappings use vmmap.
1032 aasCmd = [
1033 [ '/usr/bin/sample', '-mayDie', '%u' % (uPid,), '1', '1000', ],
1034 [ '/usr/bin/vmmap', '%u' % (uPid,), ],
1035 ];
1036 elif sHostOs == 'solaris':
1037 aasCmd = [
1038 [ '/usr/bin/pstack', '%u' % (uPid,), ],
1039 [ '/usr/bin/pmap', '%u' % (uPid,), ],
1040 ];
1041 else:
1042 aasCmd = [];
1044 sInfo = '';
1045 for asCmd in aasCmd:
1046 try:
1047 if fSudo:
1048 sThisInfo = sudoProcessOutputChecked(asCmd);
1049 else:
1050 sThisInfo = processOutputChecked(asCmd);
1051 if sThisInfo is not None:
1052 sInfo += sThisInfo;
1053 except:
1054 pass;
1055 if not sInfo:
1056 sInfo = None;
1058 return sInfo;
1061class ProcessInfo(object):
1062 """Process info."""
1063 def __init__(self, iPid):
1064 self.iPid = iPid;
1065 self.iParentPid = None;
1066 self.sImage = None;
1067 self.sName = None;
1068 self.asArgs = None;
1069 self.sCwd = None;
1070 self.iGid = None;
1071 self.iUid = None;
1072 self.iProcGroup = None;
1073 self.iSessionId = None;
1075 def loadAll(self):
1076 """Load all the info."""
1077 sOs = getHostOs();
1078 if sOs == 'linux':
1079 sProc = '/proc/%s/' % (self.iPid,);
1080 if self.sImage is None: self.sImage = noxcptReadLink(sProc + 'exe', None);
1081 if self.sCwd is None: self.sCwd = noxcptReadLink(sProc + 'cwd', None);
1082 if self.asArgs is None: self.asArgs = noxcptReadFile(sProc + 'cmdline', '').split('\x00');
1083 #elif sOs == 'solaris': - doesn't work for root processes, suid proces, and other stuff.
1084 # sProc = '/proc/%s/' % (self.iPid,);
1085 # if self.sImage is None: self.sImage = noxcptReadLink(sProc + 'path/a.out', None);
1086 # if self.sCwd is None: self.sCwd = noxcptReadLink(sProc + 'path/cwd', None);
1087 else:
1088 pass;
1089 if self.sName is None and self.sImage is not None:
1090 self.sName = self.sImage;
1092 def windowsGrabProcessInfo(self, oProcess):
1093 """Windows specific loadAll."""
1094 try: self.sName = oProcess.Properties_("Name").Value;
1095 except: pass;
1096 try: self.sImage = oProcess.Properties_("ExecutablePath").Value;
1097 except: pass;
1098 try: self.asArgs = [oProcess.Properties_("CommandLine").Value]; ## @todo split it.
1099 except: pass;
1100 try: self.iParentPid = oProcess.Properties_("ParentProcessId").Value;
1101 except: pass;
1102 try: self.iSessionId = oProcess.Properties_("SessionId").Value;
1103 except: pass;
1104 if self.sName is None and self.sImage is not None:
1105 self.sName = self.sImage;
1107 def getBaseImageName(self):
1108 """
1109 Gets the base image name if available, use the process name if not available.
1110 Returns image/process base name or None.
1111 """
1112 sRet = self.sImage if self.sName is None else self.sName;
1113 if sRet is None:
1114 self.loadAll();
1115 sRet = self.sImage if self.sName is None else self.sName;
1116 if sRet is None:
1117 if not self.asArgs:
1118 return None;
1119 sRet = self.asArgs[0];
1120 if not sRet:
1121 return None;
1122 return os.path.basename(sRet);
1124 def getBaseImageNameNoExeSuff(self):
1125 """
1126 Same as getBaseImageName, except any '.exe' or similar suffix is stripped.
1127 """
1128 sRet = self.getBaseImageName();
1129 if sRet is not None and len(sRet) > 4 and sRet[-4] == '.':
1130 if (sRet[-4:]).lower() in [ '.exe', '.com', '.msc', '.vbs', '.cmd', '.bat' ]:
1131 sRet = sRet[:-4];
1132 return sRet;
1135def processListAll():
1136 """
1137 Return a list of ProcessInfo objects for all the processes in the system
1138 that the current user can see.
1139 """
1140 asProcesses = [];
1142 sOs = getHostOs();
1143 if sOs == 'win':
1144 from win32com.client import GetObject; # pylint: disable=import-error
1145 oWmi = GetObject('winmgmts:');
1146 aoProcesses = oWmi.InstancesOf('Win32_Process');
1147 for oProcess in aoProcesses:
1148 try:
1149 iPid = int(oProcess.Properties_("ProcessId").Value);
1150 except:
1151 continue;
1152 oMyInfo = ProcessInfo(iPid);
1153 oMyInfo.windowsGrabProcessInfo(oProcess);
1154 asProcesses.append(oMyInfo);
1155 return asProcesses;
1157 if sOs in [ 'linux', ]: # Not solaris, ps gets more info than /proc/.
1158 try:
1159 asDirs = os.listdir('/proc');
1160 except:
1161 asDirs = [];
1162 for sDir in asDirs:
1163 if sDir.isdigit():
1164 asProcesses.append(ProcessInfo(int(sDir),));
1165 return asProcesses;
1167 #
1168 # The other OSes parses the output from the 'ps' utility.
1169 #
1170 asPsCmd = [
1171 '/bin/ps', # 0
1172 '-A', # 1
1173 '-o', 'pid=', # 2,3
1174 '-o', 'ppid=', # 4,5
1175 '-o', 'pgid=', # 6,7
1176 '-o', 'sid=', # 8,9
1177 '-o', 'uid=', # 10,11
1178 '-o', 'gid=', # 12,13
1179 '-o', 'comm=' # 14,15
1180 ];
1182 if sOs == 'darwin':
1183 assert asPsCmd[9] == 'sid=';
1184 asPsCmd[9] = 'sess=';
1185 elif sOs == 'solaris':
1186 asPsCmd[0] = '/usr/bin/ps';
1188 try:
1189 sRaw = processOutputChecked(asPsCmd);
1190 except:
1191 return asProcesses;
1193 for sLine in sRaw.split('\n'):
1194 sLine = sLine.lstrip();
1195 if len(sLine) < 7 or not sLine[0].isdigit():
1196 continue;
1198 iField = 0;
1199 off = 0;
1200 aoFields = [None, None, None, None, None, None, None];
1201 while iField < 7:
1202 # Eat whitespace.
1203 while off < len(sLine) and (sLine[off] == ' ' or sLine[off] == '\t'):
1204 off += 1;
1206 # Final field / EOL.
1207 if iField == 6:
1208 aoFields[6] = sLine[off:];
1209 break;
1210 if off >= len(sLine):
1211 break;
1213 # Generic field parsing.
1214 offStart = off;
1215 off += 1;
1216 while off < len(sLine) and sLine[off] != ' ' and sLine[off] != '\t':
1217 off += 1;
1218 try:
1219 if iField != 3:
1220 aoFields[iField] = int(sLine[offStart:off]);
1221 else:
1222 aoFields[iField] = long(sLine[offStart:off], 16); # sess is a hex address.
1223 except:
1224 pass;
1225 iField += 1;
1227 if aoFields[0] is not None:
1228 oMyInfo = ProcessInfo(aoFields[0]);
1229 oMyInfo.iParentPid = aoFields[1];
1230 oMyInfo.iProcGroup = aoFields[2];
1231 oMyInfo.iSessionId = aoFields[3];
1232 oMyInfo.iUid = aoFields[4];
1233 oMyInfo.iGid = aoFields[5];
1234 oMyInfo.sName = aoFields[6];
1235 asProcesses.append(oMyInfo);
1237 return asProcesses;
1240def processCollectCrashInfo(uPid, fnLog, fnCrashFile):
1241 """
1242 Looks for information regarding the demise of the given process.
1243 """
1244 sOs = getHostOs();
1245 if sOs == 'darwin':
1246 #
1247 # On darwin we look for crash and diagnostic reports.
1248 #
1249 asLogDirs = [
1250 u'/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/',
1251 u'/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/',
1252 u'~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/',
1253 u'~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/',
1254 ];
1255 for sDir in asLogDirs:
1256 sDir = os.path.expanduser(sDir);
1257 if not os.path.isdir(sDir):
1258 continue;
1259 try:
1260 asDirEntries = os.listdir(sDir);
1261 except:
1262 continue;
1263 for sEntry in asDirEntries:
1264 # Only interested in .crash files.
1265 _, sSuff = os.path.splitext(sEntry);
1266 if sSuff != '.crash':
1267 continue;
1269 # The pid can be found at the end of the first line.
1270 sFull = os.path.join(sDir, sEntry);
1271 try:
1272 oFile = open(sFull, 'r');
1273 sFirstLine = oFile.readline();
1274 oFile.close();
1275 except:
1276 continue;
1277 if len(sFirstLine) <= 4 or sFirstLine[-2] != ']':
1278 continue;
1279 offPid = len(sFirstLine) - 3;
1280 while offPid > 1 and sFirstLine[offPid - 1].isdigit():
1281 offPid -= 1;
1282 try: uReportPid = int(sFirstLine[offPid:-2]);
1283 except: continue;
1285 # Does the pid we found match?
1286 if uReportPid == uPid:
1287 fnLog('Found crash report for %u: %s' % (uPid, sFull,));
1288 fnCrashFile(sFull, False);
1289 elif sOs == 'win':
1290 #
1291 # Getting WER reports would be great, however we have trouble match the
1292 # PID to those as they seems not to mention it in the brief reports.
1293 # Instead we'll just look for crash dumps in C:\CrashDumps (our custom
1294 # location - see the windows readme for the testbox script) and what
1295 # the MSDN article lists for now.
1296 #
1297 # It's been observed on Windows server 2012 that the dump files takes
1298 # the form: <processimage>.<decimal-pid>.dmp
1299 #
1300 asDmpDirs = [
1301 u'%SystemDrive%/CrashDumps/', # Testboxes.
1302 u'%LOCALAPPDATA%/CrashDumps/', # MSDN example.
1303 u'%WINDIR%/ServiceProfiles/LocalServices/', # Local and network service.
1304 u'%WINDIR%/ServiceProfiles/NetworkSerices/',
1305 u'%WINDIR%/ServiceProfiles/',
1306 u'%WINDIR%/System32/Config/SystemProfile/', # System services.
1307 ];
1308 sMatchSuffix = '.%u.dmp' % (uPid,);
1310 for sDir in asDmpDirs:
1311 sDir = os.path.expandvars(sDir);
1312 if not os.path.isdir(sDir):
1313 continue;
1314 try:
1315 asDirEntries = os.listdir(sDir);
1316 except:
1317 continue;
1318 for sEntry in asDirEntries:
1319 if sEntry.endswith(sMatchSuffix):
1320 sFull = os.path.join(sDir, sEntry);
1321 fnLog('Found crash dump for %u: %s' % (uPid, sFull,));
1322 fnCrashFile(sFull, True);
1324 else:
1325 pass; ## TODO
1326 return None;
1330# Time.
1334# The following test case shows how time.time() only have ~ms resolution
1335# on Windows (tested W10) and why it therefore makes sense to try use
1336# performance counters.
1338# Note! We cannot use time.clock() as the timestamp must be portable across
1339# processes. See timeout testcase problem on win hosts (no logs).
1340# Also, time.clock() was axed in python 3.8 (
1342#import sys;
1343#import time;
1344#from common import utils;
1346#atSeries = [];
1347#for i in xrange(1,160):
1348# if i == 159: time.sleep(10);
1349# atSeries.append((utils.timestampNano(), long(time.clock() * 1000000000), long(time.time() * 1000000000)));
1351#tPrev = atSeries[0]
1352#for tCur in atSeries:
1353# print 't1=%+22u, %u' % (tCur[0], tCur[0] - tPrev[0]);
1354# print 't2=%+22u, %u' % (tCur[1], tCur[1] - tPrev[1]);
1355# print 't3=%+22u, %u' % (tCur[2], tCur[2] - tPrev[2]);
1356# print '';
1357# tPrev = tCur
1359#print 't1=%u' % (atSeries[-1][0] - atSeries[0][0]);
1360#print 't2=%u' % (atSeries[-1][1] - atSeries[0][1]);
1361#print 't3=%u' % (atSeries[-1][2] - atSeries[0][2]);
1363g_fWinUseWinPerfCounter = sys.platform == 'win32';
1364g_fpWinPerfCounterFreq = None;
1365g_oFuncwinQueryPerformanceCounter = None;
1367def _winInitPerfCounter():
1368 """ Initializes the use of performance counters. """
1369 global g_fWinUseWinPerfCounter, g_fpWinPerfCounterFreq, g_oFuncwinQueryPerformanceCounter
1371 uFrequency = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0);
1372 if ctypes.windll.kernel32.QueryPerformanceFrequency(ctypes.byref(uFrequency)):
1373 if uFrequency.value >= 1000:
1374 #print 'uFrequency = %s' % (uFrequency,);
1375 #print 'type(uFrequency) = %s' % (type(uFrequency),);
1376 g_fpWinPerfCounterFreq = float(uFrequency.value);
1378 # Check that querying the counter works too.
1379 global g_oFuncwinQueryPerformanceCounter
1380 g_oFuncwinQueryPerformanceCounter = ctypes.windll.kernel32.QueryPerformanceCounter;
1381 uCurValue = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0);
1382 if g_oFuncwinQueryPerformanceCounter(ctypes.byref(uCurValue)):
1383 if uCurValue.value > 0:
1384 return True;
1385 g_fWinUseWinPerfCounter = False;
1386 return False;
1388def _winFloatTime():
1389 """ Gets floating point time on windows. """
1390 if g_fpWinPerfCounterFreq is not None or _winInitPerfCounter():
1391 uCurValue = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0);
1392 if g_oFuncwinQueryPerformanceCounter(ctypes.byref(uCurValue)):
1393 return float(uCurValue.value) / g_fpWinPerfCounterFreq;
1394 return time.time();
1396def timestampNano():
1397 """
1398 Gets a nanosecond timestamp.
1399 """
1400 if g_fWinUseWinPerfCounter is True:
1401 return long(_winFloatTime() * 1000000000);
1402 return long(time.time() * 1000000000);
1404def timestampMilli():
1405 """
1406 Gets a millisecond timestamp.
1407 """
1408 if g_fWinUseWinPerfCounter is True:
1409 return long(_winFloatTime() * 1000);
1410 return long(time.time() * 1000);
1412def timestampSecond():
1413 """
1414 Gets a second timestamp.
1415 """
1416 if g_fWinUseWinPerfCounter is True:
1417 return long(_winFloatTime());
1418 return long(time.time());
1420def secondsSinceUnixEpoch():
1421 """
1422 Returns unix time, floating point second count since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
1423 """
1424 ## ASSUMES This returns unix epoch time on all systems we care about...
1425 return time.time();
1427def getTimePrefix():
1428 """
1429 Returns a timestamp prefix, typically used for logging. UTC.
1430 """
1431 try:
1432 oNow = datetime.datetime.utcnow();
1433 sTs = '%02u:%02u:%02u.%06u' % (oNow.hour, oNow.minute, oNow.second, oNow.microsecond);
1434 except:
1435 sTs = 'getTimePrefix-exception';
1436 return sTs;
1438def getTimePrefixAndIsoTimestamp():
1439 """
1440 Returns current UTC as log prefix and iso timestamp.
1441 """
1442 try:
1443 oNow = datetime.datetime.utcnow();
1444 sTsPrf = '%02u:%02u:%02u.%06u' % (oNow.hour, oNow.minute, oNow.second, oNow.microsecond);
1445 sTsIso = formatIsoTimestamp(oNow);
1446 except:
1447 sTsPrf = sTsIso = 'getTimePrefix-exception';
1448 return (sTsPrf, sTsIso);
1450class UtcTzInfo(datetime.tzinfo):
1451 """UTC TZ Info Class"""
1452 def utcoffset(self, _):
1453 return datetime.timedelta(0);
1454 def tzname(self, _):
1455 return "UTC";
1456 def dst(self, _):
1457 return datetime.timedelta(0);
1459class GenTzInfo(datetime.tzinfo):
1460 """Generic TZ Info Class"""
1461 def __init__(self, offInMin):
1462 datetime.tzinfo.__init__(self);
1463 self.offInMin = offInMin;
1464 def utcoffset(self, _):
1465 return datetime.timedelta(minutes = self.offInMin);
1466 def tzname(self, _):
1467 if self.offInMin >= 0:
1468 return "+%02d%02d" % (self.offInMin // 60, self.offInMin % 60);
1469 return "-%02d%02d" % (-self.offInMin // 60, -self.offInMin % 60);
1470 def dst(self, _):
1471 return datetime.timedelta(0);
1473def formatIsoTimestamp(oNow):
1474 """Formats the datetime object as an ISO timestamp."""
1475 assert oNow.tzinfo is None or isinstance(oNow.tzinfo, UtcTzInfo);
1476 sTs = '%s.%09uZ' % (oNow.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), oNow.microsecond * 1000);
1477 return sTs;
1479def getIsoTimestamp():
1480 """Returns the current UTC timestamp as a string."""
1481 return formatIsoTimestamp(datetime.datetime.utcnow());
1483def convertDateTimeToZulu(oDateTime):
1484 """ Converts oDateTime to zulu time if it has timezone info. """
1485 if oDateTime.tzinfo is not None:
1486 oDateTime = oDateTime.astimezone(UtcTzInfo());
1487 else:
1488 oDateTime = oDateTime.replace(tzinfo = UtcTzInfo());
1489 return oDateTime;
1491def parseIsoTimestamp(sTs):
1492 """
1493 Parses a typical ISO timestamp, returing a datetime object, reasonably
1494 forgiving, but will throw weird indexing/conversion errors if the input
1495 is malformed.
1496 """
1497 # YYYY-MM-DD
1498 iYear = int(sTs[0:4]);
1499 assert(sTs[4] == '-');
1500 iMonth = int(sTs[5:7]);
1501 assert(sTs[7] == '-');
1502 iDay = int(sTs[8:10]);
1504 # Skip separator
1505 sTime = sTs[10:];
1506 while sTime[0] in 'Tt \t\n\r':
1507 sTime = sTime[1:];
1509 # HH:MM:SS
1510 iHour = int(sTime[0:2]);
1511 assert(sTime[2] == ':');
1512 iMin = int(sTime[3:5]);
1513 assert(sTime[5] == ':');
1514 iSec = int(sTime[6:8]);
1516 # Fraction?
1517 offTime = 8;
1518 iMicroseconds = 0;
1519 if offTime < len(sTime) and sTime[offTime] in '.,':
1520 offTime += 1;
1521 cchFraction = 0;
1522 while offTime + cchFraction < len(sTime) and sTime[offTime + cchFraction] in '0123456789':
1523 cchFraction += 1;
1524 if cchFraction > 0:
1525 iMicroseconds = int(sTime[offTime : (offTime + cchFraction)]);
1526 offTime += cchFraction;
1527 while cchFraction < 6:
1528 iMicroseconds *= 10;
1529 cchFraction += 1;
1530 while cchFraction > 6:
1531 iMicroseconds = iMicroseconds // 10;
1532 cchFraction -= 1;
1534 # Naive?
1535 if offTime >= len(sTime):
1536 return datetime.datetime(iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMin, iSec, iMicroseconds);
1538 # Zulu?
1539 if offTime >= len(sTime) or sTime[offTime] in 'Zz':
1540 return datetime.datetime(iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMin, iSec, iMicroseconds, tzinfo = UtcTzInfo());
1542 # Some kind of offset afterwards, and strptime is useless. sigh.
1543 if sTime[offTime] in '+-':
1544 chSign = sTime[offTime];
1545 offTime += 1;
1546 cMinTz = int(sTime[offTime : (offTime + 2)]) * 60;
1547 offTime += 2;
1548 if offTime < len(sTime) and sTime[offTime] in ':':
1549 offTime += 1;
1550 if offTime + 2 <= len(sTime):
1551 cMinTz += int(sTime[offTime : (offTime + 2)]);
1552 offTime += 2;
1553 assert offTime == len(sTime);
1554 if chSign == '-':
1555 cMinTz = -cMinTz;
1556 return datetime.datetime(iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMin, iSec, iMicroseconds, tzinfo = GenTzInfo(cMinTz));
1557 assert False, sTs;
1558 return datetime.datetime(iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMin, iSec, iMicroseconds);
1560def normalizeIsoTimestampToZulu(sTs):
1561 """
1562 Takes a iso timestamp string and normalizes it (basically parseIsoTimestamp
1563 + convertDateTimeToZulu + formatIsoTimestamp).
1564 Returns ISO tiemstamp string.
1565 """
1566 return formatIsoTimestamp(convertDateTimeToZulu(parseIsoTimestamp(sTs)));
1568def getLocalHourOfWeek():
1569 """ Local hour of week (0 based). """
1570 oNow =;
1571 return (oNow.isoweekday() - 1) * 24 + oNow.hour;
1574def formatIntervalSeconds(cSeconds):
1575 """ Format a seconds interval into a nice 01h 00m 22s string """
1576 # Two simple special cases.
1577 if cSeconds < 60:
1578 return '%ss' % (cSeconds,);
1579 if cSeconds < 3600:
1580 cMins = cSeconds // 60;
1581 cSecs = cSeconds % 60;
1582 if cSecs == 0:
1583 return '%sm' % (cMins,);
1584 return '%sm %ss' % (cMins, cSecs,);
1586 # Generic and a bit slower.
1587 cDays = cSeconds // 86400;
1588 cSeconds %= 86400;
1589 cHours = cSeconds // 3600;
1590 cSeconds %= 3600;
1591 cMins = cSeconds // 60;
1592 cSecs = cSeconds % 60;
1593 sRet = '';
1594 if cDays > 0:
1595 sRet = '%sd ' % (cDays,);
1596 if cHours > 0:
1597 sRet += '%sh ' % (cHours,);
1598 if cMins > 0:
1599 sRet += '%sm ' % (cMins,);
1600 if cSecs > 0:
1601 sRet += '%ss ' % (cSecs,);
1602 assert sRet; assert sRet[-1] == ' ';
1603 return sRet[:-1];
1605def formatIntervalSeconds2(oSeconds):
1606 """
1607 Flexible input version of formatIntervalSeconds for use in WUI forms where
1608 data is usually already string form.
1609 """
1610 if isinstance(oSeconds, (int, long)):
1611 return formatIntervalSeconds(oSeconds);
1612 if not isString(oSeconds):
1613 try:
1614 lSeconds = long(oSeconds);
1615 except:
1616 pass;
1617 else:
1618 if lSeconds >= 0:
1619 return formatIntervalSeconds2(lSeconds);
1620 return oSeconds;
1622def parseIntervalSeconds(sString):
1623 """
1624 Reverse of formatIntervalSeconds.
1626 Returns (cSeconds, sError), where sError is None on success.
1627 """
1629 # We might given non-strings, just return them without any fuss.
1630 if not isString(sString):
1631 if isinstance(sString, (int, long)) or sString is None:
1632 return (sString, None);
1633 ## @todo time/date objects?
1634 return (int(sString), None);
1636 # Strip it and make sure it's not empty.
1637 sString = sString.strip();
1638 if not sString:
1639 return (0, 'Empty interval string.');
1641 #
1642 # Split up the input into a list of 'valueN, unitN, ...'.
1643 #
1644 # Don't want to spend too much time trying to make re.split do exactly what
1645 # I need here, so please forgive the extra pass I'm making here.
1646 #
1647 asRawParts = re.split(r'\s*([0-9]+)\s*([^0-9,;]*)[\s,;]*', sString);
1648 asParts = [];
1649 for sPart in asRawParts:
1650 sPart = sPart.strip();
1651 if sPart:
1652 asParts.append(sPart);
1653 if not asParts:
1654 return (0, 'Empty interval string or something?');
1656 #
1657 # Process them one or two at the time.
1658 #
1659 cSeconds = 0;
1660 asErrors = [];
1661 i = 0;
1662 while i < len(asParts):
1663 sNumber = asParts[i];
1664 i += 1;
1665 if sNumber.isdigit():
1666 iNumber = int(sNumber);
1668 sUnit = 's';
1669 if i < len(asParts) and not asParts[i].isdigit():
1670 sUnit = asParts[i];
1671 i += 1;
1673 sUnitLower = sUnit.lower();
1674 if sUnitLower in [ 's', 'se', 'sec', 'second', 'seconds' ]:
1675 pass;
1676 elif sUnitLower in [ 'm', 'mi', 'min', 'minute', 'minutes' ]:
1677 iNumber *= 60;
1678 elif sUnitLower in [ 'h', 'ho', 'hou', 'hour', 'hours' ]:
1679 iNumber *= 3600;
1680 elif sUnitLower in [ 'd', 'da', 'day', 'days' ]:
1681 iNumber *= 86400;
1682 elif sUnitLower in [ 'w', 'week', 'weeks' ]:
1683 iNumber *= 7 * 86400;
1684 else:
1685 asErrors.append('Unknown unit "%s".' % (sUnit,));
1686 cSeconds += iNumber;
1687 else:
1688 asErrors.append('Bad number "%s".' % (sNumber,));
1689 return (cSeconds, None if not asErrors else ' '.join(asErrors));
1691def formatIntervalHours(cHours):
1692 """ Format a hours interval into a nice 1w 2d 1h string. """
1693 # Simple special cases.
1694 if cHours < 24:
1695 return '%sh' % (cHours,);
1697 # Generic and a bit slower.
1698 cWeeks = cHours / (7 * 24);
1699 cHours %= 7 * 24;
1700 cDays = cHours / 24;
1701 cHours %= 24;
1702 sRet = '';
1703 if cWeeks > 0:
1704 sRet = '%sw ' % (cWeeks,);
1705 if cDays > 0:
1706 sRet = '%sd ' % (cDays,);
1707 if cHours > 0:
1708 sRet += '%sh ' % (cHours,);
1709 assert sRet; assert sRet[-1] == ' ';
1710 return sRet[:-1];
1712def parseIntervalHours(sString):
1713 """
1714 Reverse of formatIntervalHours.
1716 Returns (cHours, sError), where sError is None on success.
1717 """
1719 # We might given non-strings, just return them without any fuss.
1720 if not isString(sString):
1721 if isinstance(sString, (int, long)) or sString is None:
1722 return (sString, None);
1723 ## @todo time/date objects?
1724 return (int(sString), None);
1726 # Strip it and make sure it's not empty.
1727 sString = sString.strip();
1728 if not sString:
1729 return (0, 'Empty interval string.');
1731 #
1732 # Split up the input into a list of 'valueN, unitN, ...'.
1733 #
1734 # Don't want to spend too much time trying to make re.split do exactly what
1735 # I need here, so please forgive the extra pass I'm making here.
1736 #
1737 asRawParts = re.split(r'\s*([0-9]+)\s*([^0-9,;]*)[\s,;]*', sString);
1738 asParts = [];
1739 for sPart in asRawParts:
1740 sPart = sPart.strip();
1741 if sPart:
1742 asParts.append(sPart);
1743 if not asParts:
1744 return (0, 'Empty interval string or something?');
1746 #
1747 # Process them one or two at the time.
1748 #
1749 cHours = 0;
1750 asErrors = [];
1751 i = 0;
1752 while i < len(asParts):
1753 sNumber = asParts[i];
1754 i += 1;
1755 if sNumber.isdigit():
1756 iNumber = int(sNumber);
1758 sUnit = 'h';
1759 if i < len(asParts) and not asParts[i].isdigit():
1760 sUnit = asParts[i];
1761 i += 1;
1763 sUnitLower = sUnit.lower();
1764 if sUnitLower in [ 'h', 'ho', 'hou', 'hour', 'hours' ]:
1765 pass;
1766 elif sUnitLower in [ 'd', 'da', 'day', 'days' ]:
1767 iNumber *= 24;
1768 elif sUnitLower in [ 'w', 'week', 'weeks' ]:
1769 iNumber *= 7 * 24;
1770 else:
1771 asErrors.append('Unknown unit "%s".' % (sUnit,));
1772 cHours += iNumber;
1773 else:
1774 asErrors.append('Bad number "%s".' % (sNumber,));
1775 return (cHours, None if not asErrors else ' '.join(asErrors));
1779# Introspection.
1782def getCallerName(oFrame=None, iFrame=2):
1783 """
1784 Returns the name of the caller's caller.
1785 """
1786 if oFrame is None:
1787 try:
1788 raise Exception();
1789 except:
1790 oFrame = sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_back;
1791 while iFrame > 1:
1792 if oFrame is not None:
1793 oFrame = oFrame.f_back;
1794 iFrame = iFrame - 1;
1795 if oFrame is not None:
1796 sName = '%s:%u' % (oFrame.f_code.co_name, oFrame.f_lineno);
1797 return sName;
1798 return "unknown";
1801def getXcptInfo(cFrames = 1):
1802 """
1803 Gets text detailing the exception. (Good for logging.)
1804 Returns list of info strings.
1805 """
1807 #
1808 # Try get exception info.
1809 #
1810 try:
1811 oType, oValue, oTraceback = sys.exc_info();
1812 except:
1813 oType = oValue = oTraceback = None;
1814 if oType is not None:
1816 #
1817 # Try format the info
1818 #
1819 asRet = [];
1820 try:
1821 try:
1822 asRet = asRet + traceback.format_exception_only(oType, oValue);
1823 asTraceBack = traceback.format_tb(oTraceback);
1824 if cFrames is not None and cFrames <= 1:
1825 asRet.append(asTraceBack[-1]);
1826 else:
1827 asRet.append('Traceback:')
1828 for iFrame in range(min(cFrames, len(asTraceBack))):
1829 asRet.append(asTraceBack[-iFrame - 1]);
1830 asRet.append('Stack:')
1831 asRet = asRet + traceback.format_stack(oTraceback.tb_frame.f_back, cFrames);
1832 except:
1833 asRet.append('internal-error: Hit exception #2! %s' % (traceback.format_exc(),));
1835 if not asRet:
1836 asRet.append('No exception info...');
1837 except:
1838 asRet.append('internal-error: Hit exception! %s' % (traceback.format_exc(),));
1839 else:
1840 asRet = ['Couldn\'t find exception traceback.'];
1841 return asRet;
1844def getObjectTypeName(oObject):
1845 """
1846 Get the type name of the given object.
1847 """
1848 if oObject is None:
1849 return 'None';
1851 # Get the type object.
1852 try:
1853 oType = type(oObject);
1854 except:
1855 return 'type-throws-exception';
1857 # Python 2.x only: Handle old-style object wrappers.
1858 if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
1859 try:
1860 from types import InstanceType; # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
1861 if oType == InstanceType:
1862 oType = oObject.__class__;
1863 except:
1864 pass;
1866 # Get the name.
1867 try:
1868 return oType.__name__;
1869 except:
1870 return '__type__-throws-exception';
1873def chmodPlusX(sFile):
1874 """
1875 Makes the specified file or directory executable.
1876 Returns success indicator, no exceptions.
1878 Note! Symbolic links are followed and the target will be changed.
1879 """
1880 try:
1881 oStat = os.stat(sFile);
1882 except:
1883 return False;
1884 try:
1885 os.chmod(sFile, oStat.st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH);
1886 except:
1887 return False;
1888 return True;
1892# TestSuite stuff.
1895def isRunningFromCheckout(cScriptDepth = 1):
1896 """
1897 Checks if we're running from the SVN checkout or not.
1898 """
1900 try:
1901 sFile = __file__;
1902 cScriptDepth = 1;
1903 except:
1904 sFile = sys.argv[0];
1906 sDir = os.path.abspath(sFile);
1907 while cScriptDepth >= 0:
1908 sDir = os.path.dirname(sDir);
1909 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(sDir, 'Makefile.kmk')) \
1910 or os.path.exists(os.path.join(sDir, 'Makefile.kup')):
1911 return True;
1912 cScriptDepth -= 1;
1914 return False;
1918# Bourne shell argument fun.
1922def argsSplit(sCmdLine):
1923 """
1924 Given a bourne shell command line invocation, split it up into arguments
1925 assuming IFS is space.
1926 Returns None on syntax error.
1927 """
1928 ## @todo bourne shell argument parsing!
1929 return sCmdLine.split(' ');
1931def argsGetFirst(sCmdLine):
1932 """
1933 Given a bourne shell command line invocation, get return the first argument
1934 assuming IFS is space.
1935 Returns None on invalid syntax, otherwise the parsed and unescaped argv[0] string.
1936 """
1937 asArgs = argsSplit(sCmdLine);
1938 if not asArgs:
1939 return None;
1941 return asArgs[0];
1944# String helpers.
1947def stricmp(sFirst, sSecond):
1948 """
1949 Compares to strings in an case insensitive fashion.
1951 Python doesn't seem to have any way of doing the correctly, so this is just
1952 an approximation using lower.
1953 """
1954 if sFirst == sSecond:
1955 return 0;
1956 sLower1 = sFirst.lower();
1957 sLower2 = sSecond.lower();
1958 if sLower1 == sLower2:
1959 return 0;
1960 if sLower1 < sLower2:
1961 return -1;
1962 return 1;
1965def versionCompare(sVer1, sVer2):
1966 """
1967 Compares to version strings in a fashion similar to RTStrVersionCompare.
1968 """
1970 ## @todo implement me!!
1972 if sVer1 == sVer2:
1973 return 0;
1974 if sVer1 < sVer2:
1975 return -1;
1976 return 1;
1979def formatNumber(lNum, sThousandSep = ' '):
1980 """
1981 Formats a decimal number with pretty separators.
1982 """
1983 sNum = str(lNum);
1984 sRet = sNum[-3:];
1985 off = len(sNum) - 3;
1986 while off > 0:
1987 off -= 3;
1988 sRet = sNum[(off if off >= 0 else 0):(off + 3)] + sThousandSep + sRet;
1989 return sRet;
1992def formatNumberNbsp(lNum):
1993 """
1994 Formats a decimal number with pretty separators.
1995 """
1996 sRet = formatNumber(lNum);
1997 return unicode(sRet).replace(' ', u'\u00a0');
2000def isString(oString):
2001 """
2002 Checks if the object is a string object, hiding difference between python 2 and 3.
2004 Returns True if it's a string of some kind.
2005 Returns False if not.
2006 """
2007 if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
2008 return isinstance(oString, str);
2009 return isinstance(oString, basestring); # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
2012def hasNonAsciiCharacters(sText):
2013 """
2014 Returns True is specified string has non-ASCII characters, False if ASCII only.
2015 """
2016 if isString(sText):
2017 for ch in sText:
2018 if ord(ch) >= 128:
2019 return True;
2020 else:
2021 # Probably byte array or some such thing.
2022 for ch in sText:
2023 if ch >= 128 or ch < 0:
2024 return True;
2025 return False;
2029# Unpacking.
2032def unpackZipFile(sArchive, sDstDir, fnLog, fnError = None, fnFilter = None):
2033 # type: (string, string, (string) -> None, (string) -> None, (string) -> bool) -> list[string]
2034 """
2035 Worker for unpackFile that deals with ZIP files, same function signature.
2036 """
2037 import zipfile
2038 if fnError is None:
2039 fnError = fnLog;
2041 fnLog('Unzipping "%s" to "%s"...' % (sArchive, sDstDir));
2043 # Open it.
2044 try: oZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(sArchive, 'r')
2045 except Exception as oXcpt:
2046 fnError('Error opening "%s" for unpacking into "%s": %s' % (sArchive, sDstDir, oXcpt,));
2047 return None;
2049 # Extract all members.
2050 asMembers = [];
2051 try:
2052 for sMember in oZipFile.namelist():
2053 if fnFilter is None or fnFilter(sMember) is not False:
2054 if sMember.endswith('/'):
2055 os.makedirs(os.path.join(sDstDir, sMember.replace('/', os.path.sep)), 0x1fd); # octal: 0775 (python 3/2)
2056 else:
2057 oZipFile.extract(sMember, sDstDir);
2058 asMembers.append(os.path.join(sDstDir, sMember.replace('/', os.path.sep)));
2059 except Exception as oXcpt:
2060 fnError('Error unpacking "%s" into "%s": %s' % (sArchive, sDstDir, oXcpt));
2061 asMembers = None;
2063 # close it.
2064 try: oZipFile.close();
2065 except Exception as oXcpt:
2066 fnError('Error closing "%s" after unpacking into "%s": %s' % (sArchive, sDstDir, oXcpt));
2067 asMembers = None;
2069 return asMembers;
2072## Set if we've replaced tarfile.copyfileobj with __mytarfilecopyfileobj already.
2073g_fTarCopyFileObjOverriddend = False;
2075def __mytarfilecopyfileobj(src, dst, length = None, exception = OSError, bufsize = None):
2076 """ tarfile.copyfileobj with different buffer size (16384 is slow on windows). """
2077 _ = bufsize;
2078 if length is None:
2079 __myshutilcopyfileobj(src, dst, g_cbGoodBufferSize);
2080 elif length > 0:
2081 cFull, cbRemainder = divmod(length, g_cbGoodBufferSize);
2082 for _ in xrange(cFull):
2083 abBuffer =;
2084 dst.write(abBuffer);
2085 if len(abBuffer) != g_cbGoodBufferSize:
2086 raise exception('unexpected end of source file');
2087 if cbRemainder > 0:
2088 abBuffer =;
2089 dst.write(abBuffer);
2090 if len(abBuffer) != cbRemainder:
2091 raise exception('unexpected end of source file');
2094def unpackTarFile(sArchive, sDstDir, fnLog, fnError = None, fnFilter = None):
2095 # type: (string, string, (string) -> None, (string) -> None, (string) -> bool) -> list[string]
2096 """
2097 Worker for unpackFile that deals with tarballs, same function signature.
2098 """
2099 import shutil;
2100 import tarfile;
2101 if fnError is None:
2102 fnError = fnLog;
2104 fnLog('Untarring "%s" to "%s"...' % (sArchive, sDstDir));
2106 #
2107 # Default buffer sizes of 16384 bytes is causing too many syscalls on Windows.
2108 # 60%+ speedup for python 2.7 and 50%+ speedup for python 3.5, both on windows with PDBs.
2109 # 20%+ speedup for python 2.7 and 15%+ speedup for python 3.5, both on windows skipping PDBs.
2110 #
2111 if True is True: # pylint: disable=comparison-with-itself
2112 __installShUtilHacks(shutil);
2113 global g_fTarCopyFileObjOverriddend;
2114 if g_fTarCopyFileObjOverriddend is False:
2115 g_fTarCopyFileObjOverriddend = True;
2116 #if sys.hexversion < 0x03060000:
2117 tarfile.copyfileobj = __mytarfilecopyfileobj;
2119 #
2120 # Open it.
2121 #
2122 # Note! We not using 'r:*' because we cannot allow seeking compressed files!
2123 # That's how we got a 13 min unpack time for VBoxAll on windows (hardlinked pdb).
2124 #
2125 try:
2126 if sys.hexversion >= 0x03060000:
2127 oTarFile =, 'r|*', bufsize = g_cbGoodBufferSize, copybufsize = g_cbGoodBufferSize);
2128 else:
2129 oTarFile =, 'r|*', bufsize = g_cbGoodBufferSize);
2130 except Exception as oXcpt:
2131 fnError('Error opening "%s" for unpacking into "%s": %s' % (sArchive, sDstDir, oXcpt,));
2132 return None;
2134 # Extract all members.
2135 asMembers = [];
2136 try:
2137 for oTarInfo in oTarFile:
2138 try:
2139 if fnFilter is None or fnFilter( is not False:
2140 if oTarInfo.islnk():
2141 # Links are trouble, especially on Windows. We must avoid the falling that will end up seeking
2142 # in the compressed tar stream. So, fall back on shutil.copy2 instead.
2143 sLinkFile = os.path.join(sDstDir,'/').replace('/', os.path.sep));
2144 sLinkTarget = os.path.join(sDstDir, oTarInfo.linkname.rstrip('/').replace('/', os.path.sep));
2145 sParentDir = os.path.dirname(sLinkFile);
2146 try: os.unlink(sLinkFile);
2147 except: pass;
2148 if sParentDir and not os.path.exists(sParentDir):
2149 os.makedirs(sParentDir);
2150 try:, sLinkFile);
2151 except: shutil.copy2(sLinkTarget, sLinkFile);
2152 else:
2153 if oTarInfo.isdir():
2154 # Just make sure the user (we) got full access to dirs. Don't bother getting it 100% right.
2155 oTarInfo.mode |= 0x1c0; # (octal: 0700)
2156 oTarFile.extract(oTarInfo, sDstDir);
2157 asMembers.append(os.path.join(sDstDir,'/', os.path.sep)));
2158 except Exception as oXcpt:
2159 fnError('Error unpacking "%s" member "%s" into "%s": %s' % (sArchive,, sDstDir, oXcpt));
2160 for sAttr in [ 'name', 'linkname', 'type', 'mode', 'size', 'mtime', 'uid', 'uname', 'gid', 'gname' ]:
2161 fnError('Info: %8s=%s' % (sAttr, getattr(oTarInfo, sAttr),));
2162 for sFn in [ 'isdir', 'isfile', 'islnk', 'issym' ]:
2163 fnError('Info: %8s=%s' % (sFn, getattr(oTarInfo, sFn)(),));
2164 asMembers = None;
2165 break;
2166 except Exception as oXcpt:
2167 fnError('Error unpacking "%s" into "%s": %s' % (sArchive, sDstDir, oXcpt));
2168 asMembers = None;
2170 #
2171 # Finally, close it.
2172 #
2173 try: oTarFile.close();
2174 except Exception as oXcpt:
2175 fnError('Error closing "%s" after unpacking into "%s": %s' % (sArchive, sDstDir, oXcpt));
2176 asMembers = None;
2178 return asMembers;
2181def unpackFile(sArchive, sDstDir, fnLog, fnError = None, fnFilter = None):
2182 # type: (string, string, (string) -> None, (string) -> None, (string) -> bool) -> list[string]
2183 """
2184 Unpacks the given file if it has a know archive extension, otherwise do
2185 nothing.
2187 fnLog & fnError both take a string parameter.
2189 fnFilter takes a member name (string) and returns True if it's included
2190 and False if excluded.
2192 Returns list of the extracted files (full path) on success.
2193 Returns empty list if not a supported archive format.
2194 Returns None on failure. Raises no exceptions.
2195 """
2196 sBaseNameLower = os.path.basename(sArchive).lower();
2198 #
2199 # Zip file?
2200 #
2201 if sBaseNameLower.endswith('.zip'):
2202 return unpackZipFile(sArchive, sDstDir, fnLog, fnError, fnFilter);
2204 #
2205 # Tarball?
2206 #
2207 if sBaseNameLower.endswith('.tar') \
2208 or sBaseNameLower.endswith('.tar.gz') \
2209 or sBaseNameLower.endswith('.tgz') \
2210 or sBaseNameLower.endswith('.tar.bz2'):
2211 return unpackTarFile(sArchive, sDstDir, fnLog, fnError, fnFilter);
2213 #
2214 # Cannot classify it from the name, so just return that to the caller.
2215 #
2216 fnLog('Not unpacking "%s".' % (sArchive,));
2217 return [];
2221# Misc.
2223def areBytesEqual(oLeft, oRight):
2224 """
2225 Compares two byte arrays, strings or whatnot.
2227 returns true / false accordingly.
2228 """
2230 # If both are None, consider them equal (bogus?):
2231 if oLeft is None and oRight is None:
2232 return True;
2234 # If just one is None, they can't match:
2235 if oLeft is None or oRight is None:
2236 return False;
2238 # If both have the same type, use the compare operator of the class:
2239 if type(oLeft) is type(oRight):
2240 #print('same type: %s' % (oLeft == oRight,));
2241 return oLeft == oRight;
2243 # On the offchance that they're both strings, but of different types.
2244 if isString(oLeft) and isString(oRight):
2245 #print('string compare: %s' % (oLeft == oRight,));
2246 return oLeft == oRight;
2248 #
2249 # See if byte/buffer stuff that can be compared directory. If not convert
2250 # strings to bytes.
2251 #
2252 # Note! For 2.x, we must convert both sides to the buffer type or the
2253 # comparison may fail despite it working okay in test cases.
2254 #
2255 if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
2256 if isinstance(oLeft, (bytearray, memoryview, bytes)) and isinstance(oRight, (bytearray, memoryview, bytes)): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
2257 return oLeft == oRight;
2259 if isString(oLeft):
2260 try: oLeft = bytes(oLeft, 'utf-8');
2261 except: pass;
2262 if isString(oRight):
2263 try: oRight = bytes(oRight, 'utf-8');
2264 except: pass;
2265 else:
2266 if isinstance(oLeft, (bytearray, buffer)) and isinstance(oRight, (bytearray, buffer)): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
2267 if isinstance(oLeft, bytearray):
2268 oLeft = buffer(oLeft); # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type,undefined-variable
2269 else:
2270 oRight = buffer(oRight); # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type,undefined-variable
2271 #print('buf/byte #1 compare: %s (%s vs %s)' % (oLeft == oRight, type(oLeft), type(oRight),));
2272 return oLeft == oRight;
2274 if isString(oLeft):
2275 try: oLeft = bytearray(oLeft, 'utf-8'); # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
2276 except: pass;
2277 if isString(oRight):
2278 try: oRight = bytearray(oRight, 'utf-8'); # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
2279 except: pass;
2281 # Check if we now have the same type for both:
2282 if type(oLeft) is type(oRight):
2283 #print('same type now: %s' % (oLeft == oRight,));
2284 return oLeft == oRight;
2286 # Check if we now have buffer/memoryview vs bytes/bytesarray again.
2287 if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
2288 if isinstance(oLeft, (bytearray, memoryview, bytes)) and isinstance(oRight, (bytearray, memoryview, bytes)): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
2289 return oLeft == oRight;
2290 else:
2291 if isinstance(oLeft, (bytearray, buffer)) and isinstance(oRight, (bytearray, buffer)): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
2292 if isinstance(oLeft, bytearray):
2293 oLeft = buffer(oLeft); # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type,undefined-variable
2294 else:
2295 oRight = buffer(oRight); # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type,undefined-variable
2296 #print('buf/byte #2 compare: %s (%s vs %s)' % (oLeft == oRight, type(oLeft), type(oRight),));
2297 return oLeft == oRight;
2299 # Do item by item comparison:
2300 if len(oLeft) != len(oRight):
2301 #print('different length: %s vs %s' % (len(oLeft), len(oRight)));
2302 return False;
2303 i = len(oLeft);
2304 while i > 0:
2305 i = i - 1;
2307 iElmLeft = oLeft[i];
2308 if not isinstance(iElmLeft, int) and not isinstance(iElmLeft, long):
2309 iElmLeft = ord(iElmLeft);
2311 iElmRight = oRight[i];
2312 if not isinstance(iElmRight, int) and not isinstance(iElmRight, long):
2313 iElmRight = ord(iElmRight);
2315 if iElmLeft != iElmRight:
2316 #print('element %d differs: %x %x' % (i, iElmLeft, iElmRight,));
2317 return False;
2318 return True;
2322# Unit testing.
2325# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
2326# pylint: disable=undefined-variable
2327class BuildCategoryDataTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
2328 def testIntervalSeconds(self):
2329 self.assertEqual(parseIntervalSeconds(formatIntervalSeconds(3600)), (3600, None));
2330 self.assertEqual(parseIntervalSeconds(formatIntervalSeconds(1209438593)), (1209438593, None));
2331 self.assertEqual(parseIntervalSeconds('123'), (123, None));
2332 self.assertEqual(parseIntervalSeconds(123), (123, None));
2333 self.assertEqual(parseIntervalSeconds(99999999999), (99999999999, None));
2334 self.assertEqual(parseIntervalSeconds(''), (0, 'Empty interval string.'));
2335 self.assertEqual(parseIntervalSeconds('1X2'), (3, 'Unknown unit "X".'));
2336 self.assertEqual(parseIntervalSeconds('1 Y3'), (4, 'Unknown unit "Y".'));
2337 self.assertEqual(parseIntervalSeconds('1 Z 4'), (5, 'Unknown unit "Z".'));
2338 self.assertEqual(parseIntervalSeconds('1 hour 2m 5second'), (3725, None));
2339 self.assertEqual(parseIntervalSeconds('1 hour,2m ; 5second'), (3725, None));
2341 def testZuluNormalization(self):
2342 self.assertEqual(normalizeIsoTimestampToZulu('2011-01-02T03:34:25.000000000Z'), '2011-01-02T03:34:25.000000000Z');
2343 self.assertEqual(normalizeIsoTimestampToZulu('2011-01-02T03:04:25-0030'), '2011-01-02T03:34:25.000000000Z');
2344 self.assertEqual(normalizeIsoTimestampToZulu('2011-01-02T03:04:25+0030'), '2011-01-02T02:34:25.000000000Z');
2345 self.assertEqual(normalizeIsoTimestampToZulu('2020-03-20T20:47:39,832312863+01:00'), '2020-03-20T19:47:39.832312000Z');
2346 self.assertEqual(normalizeIsoTimestampToZulu('2020-03-20T20:47:39,832312863-02:00'), '2020-03-20T22:47:39.832312000Z');
2348 def testHasNonAsciiChars(self):
2349 self.assertEqual(hasNonAsciiCharacters(''), False);
2350 self.assertEqual(hasNonAsciiCharacters('asdfgebASDFKJ@#$)(!@#UNASDFKHB*&$%&)@#(!)@(#!(#$&*#$&%*Y@#$IQWN---00;'), False);
2351 self.assertEqual(hasNonAsciiCharacters('\x80 '), True);
2352 self.assertEqual(hasNonAsciiCharacters('\x79 '), False);
2353 self.assertEqual(hasNonAsciiCharacters(u'12039889y!@#$%^&*()0-0asjdkfhoiuyweasdfASDFnvV'), False);
2354 self.assertEqual(hasNonAsciiCharacters(u'\u0079'), False);
2355 self.assertEqual(hasNonAsciiCharacters(u'\u0080'), True);
2356 self.assertEqual(hasNonAsciiCharacters(u'\u0081 \u0100'), True);
2357 self.assertEqual(hasNonAsciiCharacters(b'\x20\x20\x20'), False);
2358 self.assertEqual(hasNonAsciiCharacters(b'\x20\x81\x20'), True);
2360 def testAreBytesEqual(self):
2361 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(None, None), True);
2362 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(None, ''), False);
2363 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual('', ''), True);
2364 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual('1', '1'), True);
2365 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual('12345', '1234'), False);
2366 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual('1234', '1234'), True);
2367 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual('1234', b'1234'), True);
2368 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(b'1234', b'1234'), True);
2369 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(b'1234', '1234'), True);
2370 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(b'1234', bytearray([0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34])), True);
2371 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual('1234', bytearray([0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34])), True);
2372 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(u'1234', bytearray([0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34])), True);
2373 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(bytearray([0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34]), bytearray([0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34])), True);
2374 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(bytearray([0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34]), '1224'), False);
2375 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(bytearray([0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34]), bytearray([0x31,0x32,0x32,0x34])), False);
2376 if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
2377 pass;
2378 else:
2379 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(buffer(bytearray([0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34]), 1),
2380 bytearray([0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34])), True);
2381 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(buffer(bytearray([0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34]), 1),
2382 bytearray([0x99,0x32,0x32,0x34])), False);
2383 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(buffer(bytearray([0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34]), 1),
2384 buffer(bytearray([0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x34]), 0, 4)), True);
2385 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(buffer(bytearray([0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34]), 1),
2386 buffer(bytearray([0x99,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x34]), 0, 4)), False);
2387 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(buffer(bytearray([0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34]), 1), b'1234'), True);
2388 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(buffer(bytearray([0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34]), 1), '1234'), True);
2389 self.assertEqual(areBytesEqual(buffer(bytearray([0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34]), 1), u'1234'), True);
2391if __name__ == '__main__':
2392 unittest.main();
2393 # not reached.
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