# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # $Id: testfileset.py 79449 2019-07-01 15:51:32Z vboxsync $ # pylint: disable=too-many-lines """ Test File Set """ __copyright__ = \ """ Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Oracle Corporation This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. """ __version__ = "$Revision: 79449 $" # Standard Python imports. import os; import random; import string; import sys; import tarfile; import unittest; # Validation Kit imports. from common import utils; from common import pathutils; from testdriver import reporter; # Python 3 hacks: if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: xrange = range; # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name class TestFsObj(object): """ A file system object we created in for test purposes. """ def __init__(self, oParent, sPath, sName = None): self.oParent = oParent # type: TestDir self.sPath = sPath # type: str self.sName = sName # type: str if oParent: assert sPath.startswith(oParent.sPath); assert sName is None; self.sName = sPath[len(oParent.sPath) + 1:]; # Add to parent. oParent.aoChildren.append(self); oParent.dChildrenUpper[self.sName.upper()] = self; def buildPath(self, sRoot, sSep): """ Build the path from sRoot using sSep. This is handy for getting the path to an object in a different context (OS, path) than what it was generated for. """ if self.oParent: return self.oParent.buildPath(sRoot, sSep) + sSep + self.sName; return sRoot + sSep + self.sName; class TestFile(TestFsObj): """ A file object in the guest. """ def __init__(self, oParent, sPath, abContent): TestFsObj.__init__(self, oParent, sPath); self.abContent = abContent # type: bytearray self.cbContent = len(abContent); self.off = 0; def read(self, cbToRead): """ read() emulation. """ assert self.off <= self.cbContent; cbLeft = self.cbContent - self.off; if cbLeft < cbToRead: cbToRead = cbLeft; abRet = self.abContent[self.off:(self.off + cbToRead)]; assert len(abRet) == cbToRead; self.off += cbToRead; if sys.version_info[0] < 3: return bytes(abRet); return abRet; def equalFile(self, oFile): """ Compares the content of oFile with self.abContent. """ # Check the size first. try: cbFile = os.fstat(oFile.fileno()).st_size; except: return reporter.errorXcpt(); if cbFile != self.cbContent: return reporter.error('file size differs: %s, cbContent=%s' % (cbFile, self.cbContent)); # Compare the bytes next. offFile = 0; try: oFile.seek(offFile); except: return reporter.error('seek error'); while offFile < self.cbContent: cbToRead = self.cbContent - offFile; if cbToRead > 256*1024: cbToRead = 256*1024; try: abRead = oFile.read(cbToRead); except: return reporter.error('read error at offset %s' % (offFile,)); cbRead = len(abRead); if cbRead == 0: return reporter.error('premature end of file at offset %s' % (offFile,)); if not utils.areBytesEqual(abRead, self.abContent[offFile:(offFile + cbRead)]): return reporter.error('%s byte block at offset %s differs' % (cbRead, offFile,)); # Advance: offFile += cbRead; return True; @staticmethod def hexFormatBytes(abBuf): """ Formats a buffer/string/whatever as a string of hex bytes """ if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: if utils.isString(abBuf): try: abBuf = bytes(abBuf, 'utf-8'); except: pass; else: if utils.isString(abBuf): try: abBuf = bytearray(abBuf, 'utf-8'); # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type except: pass; sRet = ''; off = 0; for off, bByte in enumerate(abBuf): if off > 0: sRet += ' ' if off & 7 else '-'; if isinstance(bByte, int): sRet += '%02x' % (bByte,); else: sRet += '%02x' % (ord(bByte),); return sRet; def checkRange(self, cbRange, offFile = 0): """ Check if the specified range is entirely within the file or not. """ if offFile >= self.cbContent: return reporter.error('buffer @ %s LB %s is beyond the end of the file (%s bytes)!' % (offFile, cbRange, self.cbContent,)); if offFile + cbRange > self.cbContent: return reporter.error('buffer @ %s LB %s is partially beyond the end of the file (%s bytes)!' % (offFile, cbRange, self.cbContent,)); return True; def equalMemory(self, abBuf, offFile = 0): """ Compares the content of the given buffer with the file content at that file offset. Returns True if it matches, False + error logging if it does not match. """ if not abBuf: return True; if not self.checkRange(len(abBuf), offFile): return False; if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: if utils.areBytesEqual(abBuf, self.abContent[offFile:(offFile + len(abBuf))]): return True; else: if utils.areBytesEqual(abBuf, buffer(self.abContent, offFile, len(abBuf))): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable return True; reporter.error('mismatch with buffer @ %s LB %s (cbContent=%s)!' % (offFile, len(abBuf), self.cbContent,)); reporter.error(' type(abBuf): %s' % (type(abBuf),)); #if isinstance(abBuf, memoryview): # reporter.error(' nbytes=%s len=%s itemsize=%s type(obj)=%s' # % (abBuf.nbytes, len(abBuf), abBuf.itemsize, type(abBuf.obj),)); reporter.error('type(abContent): %s' % (type(self.abContent),)); offBuf = 0; cbLeft = len(abBuf); while cbLeft > 0: cbLine = min(16, cbLeft); abBuf1 = abBuf[offBuf:(offBuf + cbLine)]; abBuf2 = self.abContent[offFile:(offFile + cbLine)]; if not utils.areBytesEqual(abBuf1, abBuf2): try: sStr1 = self.hexFormatBytes(abBuf1); except: sStr1 = 'oops'; try: sStr2 = self.hexFormatBytes(abBuf2); except: sStr2 = 'oops'; reporter.log('%#10x: %s' % (offBuf, sStr1,)); reporter.log('%#10x: %s' % (offFile, sStr2,)); # Advance. offBuf += 16; offFile += 16; cbLeft -= 16; return False; class TestFileZeroFilled(TestFile): """ Zero filled test file. """ def __init__(self, oParent, sPath, cbContent): TestFile.__init__(self, oParent, sPath, bytearray(1)); self.cbContent = cbContent; def read(self, cbToRead): """ read() emulation. """ assert self.off <= self.cbContent; cbLeft = self.cbContent - self.off; if cbLeft < cbToRead: cbToRead = cbLeft; abRet = bytearray(cbToRead); assert len(abRet) == cbToRead; self.off += cbToRead; if sys.version_info[0] < 3: return bytes(abRet); return abRet; def equalFile(self, oFile): _ = oFile; assert False, "not implemented"; return False; def equalMemory(self, abBuf, offFile = 0): if not abBuf: return True; if not self.checkRange(len(abBuf), offFile): return False; if utils.areBytesEqual(abBuf, bytearray(len(abBuf))): return True; cErrors = 0; offBuf = 0 while offBuf < len(abBuf): bByte = abBuf[offBuf]; if not isinstance(bByte, int): bByte = ord(bByte); if bByte != 0: reporter.error('Mismatch @ %s/%s: %#x, expected 0!' % (offFile, offBuf, bByte,)); cErrors += 1; if cErrors > 32: return False; offBuf += 1; return cErrors == 0; class TestDir(TestFsObj): """ A file object in the guest. """ def __init__(self, oParent, sPath, sName = None): TestFsObj.__init__(self, oParent, sPath, sName); self.aoChildren = [] # type: list(TestFsObj) self.dChildrenUpper = {} # type: dict(str, TestFsObj) def contains(self, sName): """ Checks if the directory contains the given name. """ return sName.upper() in self.dChildrenUpper class TestFileSet(object): """ A generated set of files and directories for use in a test. Can be wrapped up into a tarball or written directly to the file system. """ ksReservedWinOS2 = '/\\"*:<>?|\t\v\n\r\f\a\b'; ksReservedUnix = '/'; ksReservedTrailingWinOS2 = ' .'; ksReservedTrailingUnix = ''; ## @name Path style. ## @{ ## @} def __init__(self, fDosStyle, sBasePath, sSubDir, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments asCompatibleWith = None, # List of getHostOs values to the names must be compatible with. oRngFileSizes = xrange(0, 16384), oRngManyFiles = xrange(128, 512), oRngTreeFiles = xrange(128, 384), oRngTreeDepth = xrange(92, 256), oRngTreeDirs = xrange(2, 16), cchMaxPath = 230, cchMaxName = 230, uSeed = None): ## @name Parameters ## @{ self.fDosStyle = fDosStyle; self.sMinStyle = 'win' if fDosStyle else 'linux'; if asCompatibleWith is not None: for sOs in asCompatibleWith: assert sOs in ('win', 'os2', 'darwin', 'linux', 'solaris',), sOs; if 'os2' in asCompatibleWith: self.sMinStyle = 'os2'; elif 'win' in asCompatibleWith: self.sMinStyle = 'win'; self.sBasePath = sBasePath; self.sSubDir = sSubDir; self.oRngFileSizes = oRngFileSizes; self.oRngManyFiles = oRngManyFiles; self.oRngTreeFiles = oRngTreeFiles; self.oRngTreeDepth = oRngTreeDepth; self.oRngTreeDirs = oRngTreeDirs; self.cchMaxPath = cchMaxPath; self.cchMaxName = cchMaxName ## @} ## @name Charset stuff ## @todo allow more chars for unix hosts + guests. ## @todo include unicode stuff, except on OS/2 and DOS. ## @{ ## The filename charset. self.sFileCharset = string.printable; ## Set of characters that should not trail a guest filename. self.sReservedTrailing = self.ksReservedTrailingWinOS2; if self.sMinStyle in ('win', 'os2'): for ch in self.ksReservedWinOS2: self.sFileCharset = self.sFileCharset.replace(ch, ''); else: self.sReservedTrailing = self.ksReservedTrailingUnix; for ch in self.ksReservedUnix: self.sFileCharset = self.sFileCharset.replace(ch, ''); # More spaces and dot: self.sFileCharset += ' ...'; ## @} ## The root directory. self.oRoot = None # type: TestDir; ## An empty directory (under root). self.oEmptyDir = None # type: TestDir; ## A directory with a lot of files in it. self.oManyDir = None # type: TestDir; ## A directory with a mixed tree structure under it. self.oTreeDir = None # type: TestDir; ## Number of files in oTreeDir. self.cTreeFiles = 0; ## Number of directories under oTreeDir. self.cTreeDirs = 0; ## Number of other file types under oTreeDir. self.cTreeOthers = 0; ## All directories in creation order. self.aoDirs = [] # type: list(TestDir); ## All files in creation order. self.aoFiles = [] # type: list(TestFile); ## Path to object lookup. self.dPaths = {} # type: dict(str, TestFsObj); # # Do the creating. # self.uSeed = uSeed if uSeed is not None else utils.timestampMilli(); self.oRandom = random.Random(); self.oRandom.seed(self.uSeed); reporter.log('prepareGuestForTesting: random seed %s' % (self.uSeed,)); self.__createTestStuff(); def __createFilename(self, oParent, sCharset, sReservedTrailing): """ Creates a filename contains random characters from sCharset and together with oParent.sPath doesn't exceed the given max chars in length. """ ## @todo Consider extending this to take UTF-8 and UTF-16 encoding so we ## can safely use the full unicode range. Need to check how ## RTZipTarCmd handles file name encoding in general... if oParent: cchMaxName = self.cchMaxPath - len(oParent.sPath) - 1; else: cchMaxName = self.cchMaxPath - 4; if cchMaxName > self.cchMaxName: cchMaxName = self.cchMaxName; if cchMaxName <= 1: cchMaxName = 2; while True: cchName = self.oRandom.randrange(1, cchMaxName); sName = ''.join(self.oRandom.choice(sCharset) for _ in xrange(cchName)); if oParent is None or not oParent.contains(sName): if sName[-1] not in sReservedTrailing: if sName not in ('.', '..',): return sName; return ''; # never reached, but makes pylint happy. def generateFilenameEx(self, cchMax = -1, cchMin = -1): """ Generates a filename according to the given specs. This is for external use, whereas __createFilename is for internal. Returns generated filename. """ assert cchMax == -1 or (cchMax >= 1 and cchMax > cchMin); if cchMin <= 0: cchMin = 1; if cchMax < cchMin: cchMax = self.cchMaxName; while True: cchName = self.oRandom.randrange(cchMin, cchMax + 1); sName = ''.join(self.oRandom.choice(self.sFileCharset) for _ in xrange(cchName)); if sName[-1] not in self.sReservedTrailing: if sName not in ('.', '..',): return sName; return ''; # never reached, but makes pylint happy. def __createTestDir(self, oParent, sDir, sName = None): """ Creates a test directory. """ oDir = TestDir(oParent, sDir, sName); self.aoDirs.append(oDir); self.dPaths[sDir] = oDir; return oDir; def __createTestFile(self, oParent, sFile): """ Creates a test file with random size up to cbMaxContent and random content. """ cbFile = self.oRandom.choice(self.oRngFileSizes); abContent = bytearray(self.oRandom.getrandbits(8) for _ in xrange(cbFile)); oFile = TestFile(oParent, sFile, abContent); self.aoFiles.append(oFile); self.dPaths[sFile] = oFile; return oFile; def __createTestStuff(self): """ Create a random file set that we can work on in the tests. Returns True/False. """ # # Create the root test dir. # sRoot = pathutils.joinEx(self.fDosStyle, self.sBasePath, self.sSubDir); self.oRoot = self.__createTestDir(None, sRoot, self.sSubDir); self.oEmptyDir = self.__createTestDir(self.oRoot, pathutils.joinEx(self.fDosStyle, sRoot, 'empty')); # # Create a directory with lots of files in it: # oDir = self.__createTestDir(self.oRoot, pathutils.joinEx(self.fDosStyle, sRoot, 'many')); self.oManyDir = oDir; cManyFiles = self.oRandom.choice(self.oRngManyFiles); for _ in xrange(cManyFiles): sName = self.__createFilename(oDir, self.sFileCharset, self.sReservedTrailing); self.__createTestFile(oDir, pathutils.joinEx(self.fDosStyle, oDir.sPath, sName)); # # Generate a tree of files and dirs. # oDir = self.__createTestDir(self.oRoot, pathutils.joinEx(self.fDosStyle, sRoot, 'tree')); uMaxDepth = self.oRandom.choice(self.oRngTreeDepth); cMaxFiles = self.oRandom.choice(self.oRngTreeFiles); cMaxDirs = self.oRandom.choice(self.oRngTreeDirs); self.oTreeDir = oDir; self.cTreeFiles = 0; self.cTreeDirs = 0; uDepth = 0; while self.cTreeFiles < cMaxFiles and self.cTreeDirs < cMaxDirs: iAction = self.oRandom.randrange(0, 2+1); # 0: Add a file: if iAction == 0 and self.cTreeFiles < cMaxFiles and len(oDir.sPath) < 230 - 2: sName = self.__createFilename(oDir, self.sFileCharset, self.sReservedTrailing); self.__createTestFile(oDir, pathutils.joinEx(self.fDosStyle, oDir.sPath, sName)); self.cTreeFiles += 1; # 1: Add a subdirector and descend into it: elif iAction == 1 and self.cTreeDirs < cMaxDirs and uDepth < uMaxDepth and len(oDir.sPath) < 220: sName = self.__createFilename(oDir, self.sFileCharset, self.sReservedTrailing); oDir = self.__createTestDir(oDir, pathutils.joinEx(self.fDosStyle, oDir.sPath, sName)); self.cTreeDirs += 1; uDepth += 1; # 2: Ascend to parent dir: elif iAction == 2 and uDepth > 0: oDir = oDir.oParent; uDepth -= 1; return True; def createTarball(self, sTarFileHst): """ Creates a tarball on the host. Returns success indicator. """ reporter.log('Creating tarball "%s" with test files for the guest...' % (sTarFileHst,)); cchSkip = len(self.sBasePath) + 1; # Open the tarball: try: oTarFile = tarfile.open(sTarFileHst, 'w:gz'); except: return reporter.errorXcpt('Failed to open new tar file: %s' % (sTarFileHst,)); # Directories: for oDir in self.aoDirs: sPath = oDir.sPath[cchSkip:]; if self.fDosStyle: sPath = sPath.replace('\\', '/'); oTarInfo = tarfile.TarInfo(sPath + '/'); oTarInfo.mode = 0o777; oTarInfo.type = tarfile.DIRTYPE; try: oTarFile.addfile(oTarInfo); except: return reporter.errorXcpt('Failed adding directory tarfile: %s' % (oDir.sPath,)); # Files: for oFile in self.aoFiles: sPath = oFile.sPath[cchSkip:]; if self.fDosStyle: sPath = sPath.replace('\\', '/'); oTarInfo = tarfile.TarInfo(sPath); oTarInfo.mode = 0o666; oTarInfo.size = len(oFile.abContent); oFile.off = 0; try: oTarFile.addfile(oTarInfo, oFile); except: return reporter.errorXcpt('Failed adding directory tarfile: %s' % (oFile.sPath,)); # Complete the tarball. try: oTarFile.close(); except: return reporter.errorXcpt('Error closing new tar file: %s' % (sTarFileHst,)); return True; def writeToDisk(self, sAltBase = None): """ Writes out the files to disk. Returns True on success, False + error logging on failure. """ # We only need to flip DOS slashes to unix ones, since windows & OS/2 can handle unix slashes. fDosToUnix = self.fDosStyle and os.path.sep != '\\'; # The directories: for oDir in self.aoDirs: sPath = oDir.sPath; if sAltBase: if fDosToUnix: sPath = sAltBase + sPath[len(self.sBasePath):].replace('\\', os.path.sep); else: sPath = sAltBase + sPath[len(self.sBasePath):]; elif fDosToUnix: sPath = sPath.replace('\\', os.path.sep); try: os.mkdir(sPath, 0o770); except: return reporter.errorXcpt('mkdir(%s) failed' % (sPath,)); # The files: for oFile in self.aoFiles: sPath = oFile.sPath; if sAltBase: if fDosToUnix: sPath = sAltBase + sPath[len(self.sBasePath):].replace('\\', os.path.sep); else: sPath = sAltBase + sPath[len(self.sBasePath):]; elif fDosToUnix: sPath = sPath.replace('\\', os.path.sep); try: oOutFile = open(sPath, 'wb'); except: return reporter.errorXcpt('open(%s, "wb") failed' % (sPath,)); try: if sys.version_info[0] < 3: oOutFile.write(bytes(oFile.abContent)); else: oOutFile.write(oFile.abContent); except: try: oOutFile.close(); except: pass; return reporter.errorXcpt('%s: write(%s bytes) failed' % (sPath, oFile.cbContent,)); try: oOutFile.close(); except: return reporter.errorXcpt('%s: close() failed' % (sPath,)); return True; def chooseRandomFile(self): """ Returns a random file. """ return self.aoFiles[self.oRandom.choice(xrange(len(self.aoFiles)))]; def chooseRandomDirFromTree(self, fLeaf = False, fNonEmpty = False): """ Returns a random directory from the tree (self.oTreeDir). """ while True: oDir = self.aoDirs[self.oRandom.choice(xrange(len(self.aoDirs)))]; # Check fNonEmpty requirement: if not fNonEmpty or oDir.aoChildren: # Check leaf requirement: if not fLeaf: for oChild in oDir.aoChildren: if isinstance(oChild, TestDir): continue; # skip it. # Return if in the tree: oParent = oDir.oParent; while oParent is not None: if oParent is self.oTreeDir: return oDir; oParent = oParent.oParent; return None; # make pylint happy # # Unit testing. # # pylint: disable=missing-docstring # pylint: disable=undefined-variable class TestFileSetUnitTests(unittest.TestCase): def testGeneral(self): oSet = TestFileSet(False, '/tmp', 'unittest'); self.assertTrue(isinstance(oSet.chooseRandomDirFromTree(), TestDir)); self.assertTrue(isinstance(oSet.chooseRandomFile(), TestFile)); def testHexFormatBytes(self): self.assertEqual(TestFile.hexFormatBytes(bytearray([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])), '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07-08 09'); self.assertEqual(TestFile.hexFormatBytes(memoryview(bytearray([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 16]))), '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07-08 09 0a 10'); if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(); # not reached.