1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 | # $Id: vboxwrappers.py 57968 2015-09-30 14:10:00Z vboxsync $
3 | # pylint: disable=C0302
4 |
5 | """
6 | VirtualBox Wrapper Classes
7 | """
8 |
9 | __copyright__ = \
10 | """
11 | Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Oracle Corporation
12 |
13 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
14 | available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
15 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
16 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
17 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
18 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
19 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
20 |
21 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
22 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
23 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
24 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
25 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
26 |
27 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
28 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
29 | """
30 | __version__ = "$Revision: 57968 $"
31 |
32 |
33 | # Standard Python imports.
34 | import array
35 | import os
36 | import socket
37 | import sys
38 |
39 | # Validation Kit imports.
40 | from common import utils;
41 | from testdriver import base;
42 | from testdriver import reporter;
43 | from testdriver import txsclient;
44 | from testdriver import vboxcon;
45 | from testdriver import vbox;
46 | from testdriver.base import TdTaskBase;
47 |
48 |
49 | def _ControllerNameToBus(sController):
50 | """ Translate a controller name to a storage bus. """
51 | if sController == "IDE Controller":
52 | iType = vboxcon.StorageBus_IDE;
53 | elif sController == "SATA Controller":
54 | iType = vboxcon.StorageBus_SATA;
55 | elif sController == "Floppy Controller":
56 | iType = vboxcon.StorageBus_Floppy;
57 | elif sController == "SAS Controller":
58 | iType = vboxcon.StorageBus_SAS;
59 | elif sController == "SCSI Controller":
60 | iType = vboxcon.StorageBus_SCSI;
61 | else:
62 | iType = vboxcon.StorageBus_Null;
63 | return iType;
64 |
65 | def _nameMachineState(eState):
66 | """ Gets the name (string) of a machine state."""
67 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_PoweredOff: return 'PoweredOff';
68 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Saved: return 'Saved';
69 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Teleported: return 'Teleported';
70 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Aborted: return 'Aborted';
71 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Running: return 'Running';
72 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Paused: return 'Paused';
73 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Stuck: return 'GuruMeditation';
74 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Teleporting: return 'Teleporting';
75 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_LiveSnapshotting: return 'LiveSnapshotting';
76 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Starting: return 'Starting';
77 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Stopping: return 'Stopping';
78 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Saving: return 'Saving';
79 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Restoring: return 'Restoring';
80 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_TeleportingPausedVM: return 'TeleportingPausedVM';
81 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_TeleportingIn: return 'TeleportingIn';
82 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_FaultTolerantSyncing: return 'FaultTolerantSyncing';
83 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_DeletingSnapshotOnline: return 'DeletingSnapshotOnline';
84 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_DeletingSnapshotPaused: return 'DeletingSnapshotPaused';
85 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_RestoringSnapshot: return 'RestoringSnapshot';
86 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_DeletingSnapshot: return 'DeletingSnapshot';
87 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_SettingUp: return 'SettingUp';
88 | return 'Unknown-%s' % (eState,);
89 |
90 |
91 | class VirtualBoxWrapper(object): # pylint: disable=R0903
92 | """
93 | Wrapper around the IVirtualBox object that adds some (hopefully) useful
94 | utility methods
95 |
96 | The real object can be accessed thru the o member. That said, members can
97 | be accessed directly as well.
98 | """
99 |
100 | def __init__(self, oVBox, oVBoxMgr, fpApiVer, oTstDrv):
101 | self.o = oVBox;
102 | self.oVBoxMgr = oVBoxMgr;
103 | self.fpApiVer = fpApiVer;
104 | self.oTstDrv = oTstDrv;
105 |
106 | def __getattr__(self, sName):
107 | # Try ourselves first.
108 | try:
109 | oAttr = self.__dict__[sName];
110 | except:
111 | #try:
112 | # oAttr = dir(self)[sName];
113 | #except AttributeError:
114 | oAttr = getattr(self.o, sName);
115 | return oAttr;
116 |
117 | #
118 | # Utilities.
119 | #
120 |
121 | def registerDerivedEventHandler(self, oSubClass, dArgs = None):
122 | """
123 | Create an instance of the given VirtualBoxEventHandlerBase sub-class
124 | and register it.
125 |
126 | The new instance is returned on success. None is returned on error.
127 | """
128 | dArgsCopy = dArgs.copy() if dArgs is not None else dict();
129 | dArgsCopy['oVBox'] = self;
130 | return oSubClass.registerDerivedEventHandler(self.oVBoxMgr, self.fpApiVer, oSubClass, dArgsCopy,
131 | self.o, 'IVirtualBox', 'IVirtualBoxCallback');
132 |
133 | def deleteHdByLocation(self, sHdLocation):
134 | """
135 | Deletes a disk image from the host, given it's location.
136 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
137 | """
138 | try:
139 | oIMedium = self.oVBox.findHardDisk(sHdLocation);
140 | except:
141 | try:
142 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.1:
143 | oIMedium = self.oVBox.openMedium(sHdLocation, vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk,
144 | vboxcon.AccessMode_ReadWrite, False);
145 | elif self.fpApiVer >= 4.0:
146 | oIMedium = self.oVBox.openMedium(sHdLocation, vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk,
147 | vboxcon.AccessMode_ReadWrite);
148 | else:
149 | oIMedium = self.oVBox.openHardDisk(sHdLocation, vboxcon.AccessMode_ReadOnly, False, "", False, "");
150 | except:
151 | return reporter.errorXcpt('failed to open hd "%s"' % (sHdLocation));
152 | return self.deleteHdByMedium(oIMedium)
153 |
154 | def deleteHdByMedium(self, oIMedium):
155 | """
156 | Deletes a disk image from the host, given an IMedium reference.
157 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
158 | """
159 | try: oProgressCom = oIMedium.deleteStorage();
160 | except: return reporter.errorXcpt('deleteStorage() for disk %s failed' % (oIMedium,));
161 | try: oProgress = ProgressWrapper(oProgressCom, self.oVBoxMgr, self.oTstDrv, 'delete disk %s' % (oIMedium.location));
162 | except: return reporter.errorXcpt();
163 | oProgress.wait();
164 | oProgress.logResult();
165 | return oProgress.isSuccess();
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 | class ProgressWrapper(TdTaskBase):
170 | """
171 | Wrapper around a progress object for making it a task and providing useful
172 | utility methods.
173 | The real progress object can be accessed thru the o member.
174 | """
175 |
176 | def __init__(self, oProgress, oVBoxMgr, oTstDrv, sName):
177 | TdTaskBase.__init__(self, utils.getCallerName());
178 | self.o = oProgress;
179 | self.oVBoxMgr = oVBoxMgr;
180 | self.oTstDrv = oTstDrv;
181 | self.sName = sName;
182 |
183 | def toString(self):
184 | return '<%s sName=%s, oProgress=%s >' \
185 | % (TdTaskBase.toString(self), self.sName, self.o);
186 |
187 | #
188 | # TdTaskBase overrides.
189 | #
190 |
191 | def pollTask(self, fLocked = False):
192 | """
193 | Overrides TdTaskBase.pollTask().
194 |
195 | This method returns False until the progress object has completed.
196 | """
197 | self.doQuickApiTest();
198 | try:
199 | try:
200 | if self.o.completed:
201 | return True;
202 | except:
203 | pass;
204 | finally:
205 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
206 | return False;
207 |
208 | def waitForTask(self, cMsTimeout = 0):
209 | """
210 | Overrides TdTaskBase.waitForTask().
211 | Process XPCOM/COM events while waiting.
212 | """
213 | msStart = base.timestampMilli();
214 | fState = self.pollTask(False);
215 | while not fState:
216 | cMsElapsed = base.timestampMilli() - msStart;
217 | if cMsElapsed > cMsTimeout:
218 | break;
219 | cMsToWait = cMsTimeout - cMsElapsed;
220 | if cMsToWait > 500:
221 | cMsToWait = 500;
222 | try:
223 | self.o.waitForCompletion(cMsToWait);
224 | except KeyboardInterrupt: raise;
225 | except: pass;
226 | fState = self.pollTask(False);
227 | return fState;
228 |
229 | #
230 | # Utility methods.
231 | #
232 |
233 | def isSuccess(self):
234 | """
235 | Tests if the progress object completed successfully.
236 | Returns True on success, False on failure or incomplete.
237 | """
238 | if not self.isCompleted():
239 | return False;
240 | return self.getResult() >= 0;
241 |
242 | def isCompleted(self):
243 | """
244 | Wrapper around IProgress.completed.
245 | """
246 | return self.pollTask();
247 |
248 | def isCancelable(self):
249 | """
250 | Wrapper around IProgress.cancelable.
251 | """
252 | try:
253 | fRc = self.o.cancelable;
254 | except:
255 | reporter.logXcpt();
256 | fRc = False;
257 | return fRc;
258 |
259 | def wasCanceled(self):
260 | """
261 | Wrapper around IProgress.canceled.
262 | """
263 | try:
264 | fRc = self.o.canceled;
265 | except:
266 | reporter.logXcpt(self.sName);
267 | fRc = False;
268 | return fRc;
269 |
270 | def cancel(self):
271 | """
272 | Wrapper around IProgress.cancel()
273 | Returns True on success, False on failure (logged as error).
274 | """
275 | try:
276 | self.o.cancel();
277 | except:
278 | reporter.errorXcpt(self.sName);
279 | return False;
280 | return True;
281 |
282 | def getResult(self):
283 | """
284 | Wrapper around IProgress.resultCode.
285 | """
286 | try:
287 | iRc = self.o.resultCode;
288 | except:
289 | reporter.logXcpt(self.sName);
290 | iRc = -1;
291 | return iRc;
292 |
293 | def getErrInfoResultCode(self):
294 | """
295 | Wrapper around IProgress.errorInfo.resultCode.
296 |
297 | Returns the string on success, -1 on bad objects (logged as error), and
298 | -2 on missing errorInfo object.
299 | """
300 | iRc = -1;
301 | try:
302 | oErrInfo = self.o.errorInfo;
303 | except:
304 | reporter.errorXcpt(self.sName);
305 | else:
306 | if oErrInfo is None:
307 | iRc = -2;
308 | else:
309 | try:
310 | iRc = oErrInfo.resultCode;
311 | except:
312 | reporter.errorXcpt();
313 | return iRc;
314 |
315 | def getErrInfoText(self):
316 | """
317 | Wrapper around IProgress.errorInfo.text.
318 |
319 | Returns the string on success, None on failure. Missing errorInfo is
320 | not logged as an error, all other failures are.
321 | """
322 | sText = None;
323 | try:
324 | oErrInfo = self.o.errorInfo;
325 | except:
326 | reporter.log2Xcpt(self.sName);
327 | else:
328 | if oErrInfo is not None:
329 | try:
330 | sText = oErrInfo.text;
331 | except:
332 | reporter.errorXcpt();
333 | return sText;
334 |
335 | def stringifyErrorInfo(self):
336 | """
337 | Formats IProgress.errorInfo into a string.
338 | """
339 | try:
340 | oErrInfo = self.o.errorInfo;
341 | except:
342 | reporter.logXcpt(self.sName);
343 | sErr = 'no error info';
344 | else:
345 | sErr = vbox.stringifyErrorInfo(oErrInfo);
346 | return sErr;
347 |
348 | def stringifyResult(self):
349 | """
350 | Stringify the result.
351 | """
352 | if self.isCompleted():
353 | if self.wasCanceled():
354 | sRet = 'Progress %s: Canceled, hrc=%s' % (self.sName, vbox.ComError.toString(self.getResult()));
355 | elif self.getResult() == 0:
356 | sRet = 'Progress %s: Success' % (self.sName,);
357 | elif self.getResult() > 0:
358 | sRet = 'Progress %s: Success (hrc=%s)' % (self.sName, vbox.ComError.toString(self.getResult()));
359 | else:
360 | sRet = 'Progress %s: Failed! %s' % (self.sName, self.stringifyErrorInfo());
361 | else:
362 | sRet = 'Progress %s: Not completed yet...' % (self.sName);
363 | return sRet;
364 |
365 | def logResult(self, fIgnoreErrors = False):
366 | """ Logs the result. """
367 | sText = self.stringifyResult();
368 | if self.isCompleted() and self.getResult() < 0 \
369 | and fIgnoreErrors is False:
370 | return reporter.error(sText);
371 | return reporter.log(sText);
372 |
373 | def waitOnProgress(self, cMsInterval = 1000):
374 | """
375 | See vbox.TestDriver.waitOnProgress.
376 | """
377 | self.doQuickApiTest();
378 | return self.oTstDrv.waitOnProgress(self.o, cMsInterval);
379 |
380 | def wait(self, cMsTimeout = 60000, fErrorOnTimeout = True, cMsInterval = 1000):
381 | """
382 | Wait on the progress object for a while.
383 |
384 | Returns the resultCode of the progress object if completed.
385 | Returns -1 on timeout, logged as error if fErrorOnTimeout is set.
386 | Returns -2 is the progress object is invalid or waitForCompletion
387 | fails (logged as errors).
388 | """
389 | msStart = base.timestampMilli();
390 | while True:
391 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
392 | self.doQuickApiTest();
393 | try:
394 | if self.o.completed:
395 | break;
396 | except:
397 | reporter.errorXcpt(self.sName);
398 | return -2;
399 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
400 |
401 | cMsElapsed = base.timestampMilli() - msStart;
402 | if cMsElapsed > cMsTimeout:
403 | if fErrorOnTimeout:
404 | reporter.error('Timing out after waiting for %u s on "%s"' % (cMsTimeout / 1000, self.sName))
405 | return -1;
406 |
407 | try:
408 | self.o.waitForCompletion(cMsInterval);
409 | except:
410 | reporter.errorXcpt(self.sName);
411 | return -2;
412 |
413 | try:
414 | rc = self.o.resultCode;
415 | except:
416 | rc = -2;
417 | reporter.errorXcpt(self.sName);
418 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
419 | return rc;
420 |
421 | def waitForOperation(self, iOperation, cMsTimeout = 60000, fErrorOnTimeout = True, cMsInterval = 1000, \
422 | fIgnoreErrors = False):
423 | """
424 | Wait for the completion of a operation.
425 |
426 | Negative iOperation values are relative to operationCount (this
427 | property may changed at runtime).
428 |
429 | Returns 0 if the operation completed normally.
430 | Returns -1 on timeout, logged as error if fErrorOnTimeout is set.
431 | Returns -2 is the progress object is invalid or waitForCompletion
432 | fails (logged as errors).
433 | Returns -3 if if the operation completed with an error, this is logged
434 | as an error.
435 | """
436 | msStart = base.timestampMilli();
437 | while True:
438 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
439 | self.doQuickApiTest();
440 | try:
441 | iCurrentOperation = self.o.operation;
442 | cOperations = self.o.operationCount;
443 | if iOperation >= 0:
444 | iRealOperation = iOperation;
445 | else:
446 | iRealOperation = cOperations + iOperation;
447 |
448 | if iCurrentOperation > iRealOperation:
449 | return 0;
450 | if iCurrentOperation == iRealOperation \
451 | and iRealOperation >= cOperations - 1 \
452 | and self.o.completed:
453 | if self.o.resultCode < 0:
454 | self.logResult(fIgnoreErrors);
455 | return -3;
456 | return 0;
457 | except:
458 | if fIgnoreErrors:
459 | reporter.logXcpt();
460 | else:
461 | reporter.errorXcpt();
462 | return -2;
463 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
464 |
465 | cMsElapsed = base.timestampMilli() - msStart;
466 | if cMsElapsed > cMsTimeout:
467 | if fErrorOnTimeout:
468 | if fIgnoreErrors:
469 | reporter.log('Timing out after waiting for %u s on "%s" operation %d' \
470 | % (cMsTimeout / 1000, self.sName, iOperation))
471 | else:
472 | reporter.error('Timing out after waiting for %u s on "%s" operation %d' \
473 | % (cMsTimeout / 1000, self.sName, iOperation))
474 | return -1;
475 |
476 | try:
477 | self.o.waitForOperationCompletion(iRealOperation, cMsInterval);
478 | except:
479 | if fIgnoreErrors:
480 | reporter.logXcpt(self.sName);
481 | else:
482 | reporter.errorXcpt(self.sName);
483 | return -2;
484 | # Not reached.
485 |
486 | def doQuickApiTest(self):
487 | """
488 | Queries everything that is stable and easy to get at and checks that
489 | they don't throw errors.
490 | """
491 | if True:
492 | try:
493 | iPct = self.o.operationPercent;
494 | sDesc = self.o.description;
495 | fCancelable = self.o.cancelable;
496 | cSecsRemain = self.o.timeRemaining;
497 | fCanceled = self.o.canceled;
498 | fCompleted = self.o.completed;
499 | iOp = self.o.operation;
500 | cOps = self.o.operationCount;
501 | iOpPct = self.o.operationPercent;
502 | sOpDesc = self.o.operationDescription;
503 | except:
504 | reporter.errorXcpt('%s: %s' % (self.sName, self.o,));
505 | return False;
506 | try:
507 | # Very noisy -- only enable for debugging purposes.
508 | #reporter.log2('%s: op=%u/%u/%s: %u%%; total=%u%% cancel=%s/%s compl=%s rem=%us; desc=%s' \
509 | # % (self.sName, iOp, cOps, sOpDesc, iOpPct, iPct, fCanceled, fCancelable, fCompleted, \
510 | # cSecsRemain, sDesc));
511 | _ = iPct; _ = sDesc; _ = fCancelable; _ = cSecsRemain; _ = fCanceled; _ = fCompleted; _ = iOp;
512 | _ = cOps; _ = iOpPct; _ = sOpDesc;
513 | except:
514 | reporter.errorXcpt();
515 | return False;
516 |
517 | return True;
518 |
519 |
520 | class SessionWrapper(TdTaskBase):
521 | """
522 | Wrapper around a machine session. The real session object can be accessed
523 | thru the o member (short is good, right :-).
524 | """
525 |
526 | def __init__(self, oSession, oVM, oVBox, oVBoxMgr, oTstDrv, fRemoteSession, sFallbackName = None, sLogFile = None):
527 | """
528 | Initializes the session wrapper.
529 | """
530 | TdTaskBase.__init__(self, utils.getCallerName());
531 | self.o = oSession;
532 | self.oVBox = oVBox;
533 | self.oVBoxMgr = oVBoxMgr;
534 | self.oVM = oVM; # Not the session machine. Useful backdoor...
535 | self.oTstDrv = oTstDrv;
536 | self.fpApiVer = oTstDrv.fpApiVer;
537 | self.fRemoteSession = fRemoteSession;
538 | self.sLogFile = sLogFile;
539 | self.oConsoleEventHandler = None;
540 | self.uPid = None;
541 |
542 | try:
543 | self.sName = oSession.machine.name;
544 | except:
545 | if sFallbackName is not None:
546 | self.sName = sFallbackName;
547 | else:
548 | try: self.sName = str(oSession.machine);
549 | except: self.sName = 'is-this-vm-already-off'
550 |
551 | try:
552 | self.sUuid = oSession.machine.id;
553 | except:
554 | self.sUuid = None;
555 |
556 | # Try cache the SessionPID.
557 | self.getPid();
558 |
559 | def __del__(self):
560 | """
561 | Destructor that makes sure the callbacks are deregistered and
562 | that the session is closed.
563 | """
564 | if self.oConsoleEventHandler is not None:
565 | self.oConsoleEventHandler.unregister();
566 | self.oConsoleEventHandler = None;
567 |
568 | if self.o is not None:
569 | try:
570 | self.close();
571 | reporter.log('close session %s' % (self.o));
572 | except:
573 | pass;
574 | self.o = None;
575 |
576 | TdTaskBase.__del__(self);
577 |
578 | def toString(self):
579 | return '<%s: sUuid=%s, sName=%s, uPid=%s, sDbgCreated=%s, fRemoteSession=%s, oSession=%s,' \
580 | ' oConsoleEventHandler=%s, oVM=%s >' \
581 | % (type(self).__name__, self.sUuid, self.sName, self.uPid, self.sDbgCreated, self.fRemoteSession,
582 | self.o, self.oConsoleEventHandler, self.oVM,);
583 |
584 | def __str__(self):
585 | return self.toString();
586 |
587 | #
588 | # TdTaskBase overrides.
589 | #
590 |
591 | def __pollTask(self):
592 | """ Internal poller """
593 | # Poll for events after doing the remote GetState call, otherwise we
594 | # might end up sleepless because XPCOM queues a cleanup event.
595 | try:
596 | try:
597 | eState = self.o.machine.state;
598 | except Exception, oXcpt:
599 | if vbox.ComError.notEqual(oXcpt, vbox.ComError.E_UNEXPECTED):
600 | reporter.logXcpt();
601 | return True;
602 | finally:
603 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
604 |
605 | # Switch
606 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Running:
607 | return False;
608 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Paused:
609 | return False;
610 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Teleporting:
611 | return False;
612 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_LiveSnapshotting:
613 | return False;
614 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Starting:
615 | return False;
616 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Stopping:
617 | return False;
618 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Saving:
619 | return False;
620 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_Restoring:
621 | return False;
622 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_TeleportingPausedVM:
623 | return False;
624 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_TeleportingIn:
625 | return False;
626 |
627 | # *Beeep* fudge!
628 | if self.fpApiVer < 3.2 \
629 | and eState == vboxcon.MachineState_PoweredOff \
630 | and self.getAgeAsMs() < 3000:
631 | return False;
632 |
633 | reporter.log('SessionWrapper::pollTask: eState=%s' % (eState));
634 | return True;
635 |
636 |
637 | def pollTask(self, fLocked = False):
638 | """
639 | Overrides TdTaskBase.pollTask().
640 |
641 | This method returns False while the VM is online and running normally.
642 | """
643 | fRc = self.__pollTask();
644 |
645 | # HACK ALERT: Lazily try registering the console event handler if
646 | # we're not ready.
647 | if not fRc and self.oConsoleEventHandler is None:
648 | self.registerEventHandlerForTask();
649 |
650 | # HACK ALERT: Lazily try get the PID and add it to the PID file.
651 | if not fRc and self.uPid is None:
652 | self.getPid();
653 |
654 | return fRc;
655 |
656 | def waitForTask(self, cMsTimeout = 0):
657 | """
658 | Overrides TdTaskBase.waitForTask().
659 | Process XPCOM/COM events while waiting.
660 | """
661 | msStart = base.timestampMilli();
662 | fState = self.pollTask(False);
663 | while not fState:
664 | cMsElapsed = base.timestampMilli() - msStart;
665 | if cMsElapsed > cMsTimeout:
666 | break;
667 | try: self.oVBoxMgr.waitForEvents(cMsTimeout - cMsElapsed);
668 | except KeyboardInterrupt: raise;
669 | except: pass;
670 | fState = self.pollTask(False);
671 | return fState;
672 |
673 | def setTaskOwner(self, oOwner):
674 | """
676 | Overrides TdTaskBase.setTaskOwner() so we can try call
677 | registerEventHandlerForTask() again when when the testdriver calls
678 | addTask() after VM has been spawned. Related to pollTask() above.
679 |
680 | The testdriver must not add the task too early for this to work!
681 | """
682 | if oOwner is not None:
683 | self.registerEventHandlerForTask()
684 | return TdTaskBase.setTaskOwner(self, oOwner);
685 |
686 |
687 | #
688 | # Task helpers.
689 | #
690 |
691 | def registerEventHandlerForTask(self):
692 | """
693 | Registers the console event handlers for working the task state.
694 | """
695 | if self.oConsoleEventHandler is not None:
696 | return True;
697 | self.oConsoleEventHandler = self.registerDerivedEventHandler(vbox.SessionConsoleEventHandler, {}, False);
698 | return self.oConsoleEventHandler is not None;
699 |
700 |
701 | def assertPoweredOff(self):
702 | """
703 | Asserts that the VM is powered off, reporting an error if not.
704 | Returns True if powered off, False + error msg if not.
705 | """
706 | try:
707 | try:
708 | eState = self.oVM.state;
709 | except Exception:
710 | reporter.errorXcpt();
711 | return True;
712 | finally:
713 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
714 |
715 | if eState == vboxcon.MachineState_PoweredOff:
716 | return True;
717 | reporter.error('Expected machine state "PoweredOff", machine is in the "%s" state instead.'
718 | % (_nameMachineState(eState),));
719 | return False;
720 |
721 |
722 | def getMachineStateWithName(self):
723 | """
724 | Gets the current machine state both as a constant number/whatever and
725 | as a human readable string. On error, the constants will be set to
726 | None and the string will be the error message.
727 | """
728 | try:
729 | eState = self.oVM.state;
730 | except:
731 | return (None, '[error getting state: %s]' % (self.oVBoxMgr.xcptToString(),));
732 | finally:
733 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
734 | return (eState, _nameMachineState(eState));
735 |
736 | def reportPrematureTermination(self, sPrefix = ''):
737 | """
738 | Reports a premature virtual machine termination.
739 | Returns False to facilitate simpler error paths.
740 | """
741 |
742 | reporter.error(sPrefix + 'The virtual machine terminated prematurely!!');
743 | (enmState, sStateNm) = self.getMachineStateWithName();
744 | reporter.error(sPrefix + 'Machine state: %s' % (sStateNm,));
745 |
746 | if enmState is not None \
747 | and enmState == vboxcon.MachineState_Aborted \
748 | and self.uPid is not None:
749 | #
750 | # Look for process crash info.
751 | #
752 | def addCrashFile(sLogFile, fBinary):
753 | """ processCollectCrashInfo callback. """
754 | reporter.addLogFile(sLogFile, 'crash/dump/vm' if fBinary else 'crash/report/vm');
755 | utils.processCollectCrashInfo(self.uPid, reporter.log, addCrashFile);
756 |
757 | return False;
758 |
759 |
760 |
761 | #
762 | # ISession / IMachine / ISomethingOrAnother wrappers.
763 | #
764 |
765 | def close(self):
766 | """
767 | Closes the session if it's open and removes it from the
768 | vbox.TestDriver.aoRemoteSessions list.
769 | Returns success indicator.
770 | """
771 | fRc = True;
772 | if self.o is not None:
773 | # Get the pid in case we need to kill the process later on.
774 | self.getPid();
775 |
776 | # Try close it.
777 | try:
778 | if self.fpApiVer < 3.3:
779 | self.o.close();
780 | else:
781 | self.o.unlockMachine();
782 | self.o = None;
783 | except KeyboardInterrupt:
784 | raise;
785 | except:
786 | # Kludge to ignore VBoxSVC's closing of our session when the
787 | # direct session closes / VM process terminates. Fun!
788 | try: fIgnore = self.o.state == vboxcon.SessionState_Unlocked;
789 | except: fIgnore = False;
790 | if not fIgnore:
791 | reporter.errorXcpt('ISession::unlockMachine failed on %s' % (self.o));
792 | fRc = False;
793 |
794 | # Remove it from the remote session list if applicable (not 100% clean).
795 | if fRc and self.fRemoteSession:
796 | try:
797 | if self in self.oTstDrv.aoRemoteSessions:
798 | reporter.log2('SessionWrapper::close: Removing myself from oTstDrv.aoRemoteSessions');
799 | self.oTstDrv.aoRemoteSessions.remove(self)
800 | except:
801 | reporter.logXcpt();
802 |
803 | if self.uPid is not None:
804 | self.oTstDrv.pidFileRemove(self.uPid);
805 |
806 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
807 | return fRc;
808 |
809 | def saveSettings(self, fClose = False):
810 | """
811 | Saves the settings and optionally closes the session.
812 | Returns success indicator.
813 | """
814 | try:
815 | try:
816 | self.o.machine.saveSettings();
817 | except:
818 | reporter.errorXcpt('saveSettings failed on %s' % (self.o));
819 | return False;
820 | finally:
821 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
822 | if fClose:
823 | return self.close();
824 | return True;
825 |
826 | def discardSettings(self, fClose = False):
827 | """
828 | Discards the settings and optionally closes the session.
829 | """
830 | try:
831 | try:
832 | self.o.machine.discardSettings();
833 | except:
834 | reporter.errorXcpt('discardSettings failed on %s' % (self.o));
835 | return False;
836 | finally:
837 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
838 | if fClose:
839 | return self.close();
840 | return True;
841 |
842 | def enableVirtEx(self, fEnable):
843 | """
844 | Enables or disables AMD-V/VT-x.
845 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
846 | """
847 | # Enable/disable it.
848 | fRc = True;
849 | try:
850 | self.o.machine.setHWVirtExProperty(vboxcon.HWVirtExPropertyType_Enabled, fEnable);
851 | except:
852 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set HWVirtExPropertyType_Enabled=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
853 | fRc = False;
854 | else:
855 | reporter.log('set HWVirtExPropertyType_Enabled=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
856 |
857 | # Force/unforce it.
858 | if fRc and hasattr(vboxcon, 'HWVirtExPropertyType_Force'):
859 | try:
860 | self.o.machine.setHWVirtExProperty(vboxcon.HWVirtExPropertyType_Force, fEnable);
861 | except:
862 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set HWVirtExPropertyType_Force=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
863 | fRc = False;
864 | else:
865 | reporter.log('set HWVirtExPropertyType_Force=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
866 | else:
867 | reporter.log('Warning! vboxcon has no HWVirtExPropertyType_Force attribute.');
868 | ## @todo Modify CFGM to do the same for old VBox versions?
869 |
870 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
871 | return fRc;
872 |
873 | def enableNestedPaging(self, fEnable):
874 | """
875 | Enables or disables nested paging..
876 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
877 | """
878 | ## @todo Add/remove force CFGM thing, we don't want fallback logic when testing.
879 | fRc = True;
880 | try:
881 | self.o.machine.setHWVirtExProperty(vboxcon.HWVirtExPropertyType_NestedPaging, fEnable);
882 | except:
883 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set HWVirtExPropertyType_NestedPaging=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
884 | fRc = False;
885 | else:
886 | reporter.log('set HWVirtExPropertyType_NestedPaging=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
887 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
888 | return fRc;
889 |
890 | def enableLongMode(self, fEnable):
891 | """
892 | Enables or disables LongMode.
893 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
894 | """
895 | # Supported.
896 | if self.fpApiVer < 4.2 or not hasattr(vboxcon, 'HWVirtExPropertyType_LongMode'):
897 | return True;
898 |
899 | # Enable/disable it.
900 | fRc = True;
901 | try:
902 | self.o.machine.setCPUProperty(vboxcon.CPUPropertyType_LongMode, fEnable);
903 | except:
904 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set CPUPropertyType_LongMode=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
905 | fRc = False;
906 | else:
907 | reporter.log('set CPUPropertyType_LongMode=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
908 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
909 | return fRc;
910 |
911 | def enablePae(self, fEnable):
912 | """
913 | Enables or disables PAE
914 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
915 | """
916 | fRc = True;
917 | try:
918 | if self.fpApiVer >= 3.2: # great, ain't it?
919 | self.o.machine.setCPUProperty(vboxcon.CPUPropertyType_PAE, fEnable);
920 | else:
921 | self.o.machine.setCpuProperty(vboxcon.CpuPropertyType_PAE, fEnable);
922 | except:
923 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set CPUPropertyType_PAE=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
924 | fRc = False;
925 | else:
926 | reporter.log('set CPUPropertyType_PAE=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
927 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
928 | return fRc;
929 |
930 | def enableIoApic(self, fEnable):
931 | """
932 | Enables or disables the IO-APIC
933 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
934 | """
935 | fRc = True;
936 | try:
937 | self.o.machine.BIOSSettings.IOAPICEnabled = fEnable;
938 | except:
939 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set BIOSSettings.IOAPICEnabled=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
940 | fRc = False;
941 | else:
942 | reporter.log('set BIOSSettings.IOAPICEnabled=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
943 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
944 | return fRc;
945 |
946 | def enableHpet(self, fEnable):
947 | """
948 | Enables or disables the HPET
949 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
950 | """
951 | fRc = True;
952 | try:
953 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.2:
954 | self.o.machine.HPETEnabled = fEnable;
955 | else:
956 | self.o.machine.hpetEnabled = fEnable;
957 | except:
958 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set HpetEnabled=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
959 | fRc = False;
960 | else:
961 | reporter.log('set HpetEnabled=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
962 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
963 | return fRc;
964 |
965 | def enableUsbHid(self, fEnable):
966 | """
967 | Enables or disables the USB HID
968 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
969 | """
970 | fRc = True;
971 | try:
972 | if fEnable:
973 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.3:
974 | cOhciCtls = self.o.machine.getUSBControllerCountByType(vboxcon.USBControllerType_OHCI);
975 | if cOhciCtls == 0:
976 | self.o.machine.AddUSBController('OHCI', vboxcon.USBControllerType_OHCI);
977 | else:
978 | self.o.machine.usbController.enabled = True;
979 |
980 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.2:
981 | self.o.machine.pointingHIDType = vboxcon.PointingHIDType_ComboMouse;
982 | self.o.machine.keyboardHIDType = vboxcon.KeyboardHIDType_ComboKeyboard;
983 | else:
984 | self.o.machine.pointingHidType = vboxcon.PointingHidType_ComboMouse;
985 | self.o.machine.keyboardHidType = vboxcon.KeyboardHidType_ComboKeyboard;
986 | else:
987 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.2:
988 | self.o.machine.pointingHIDType = vboxcon.PointingHIDType_PS2Mouse;
989 | self.o.machine.keyboardHIDType = vboxcon.KeyboardHIDType_PS2Keyboard;
990 | else:
991 | self.o.machine.pointingHidType = vboxcon.PointingHidType_PS2Mouse;
992 | self.o.machine.keyboardHidType = vboxcon.KeyboardHidType_PS2Keyboard;
993 | except:
994 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to change UsbHid to %s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
995 | fRc = False;
996 | else:
997 | reporter.log('changed UsbHid to %s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
998 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
999 | return fRc;
1000 |
1001 | def enableUsbOhci(self, fEnable):
1002 | """
1003 | Enables or disables the USB OHCI controller
1004 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
1005 | """
1006 | fRc = True;
1007 | try:
1008 | if fEnable:
1009 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.3:
1010 | cOhciCtls = self.o.machine.getUSBControllerCountByType(vboxcon.USBControllerType_OHCI);
1011 | if cOhciCtls == 0:
1012 | self.o.machine.AddUSBController('OHCI', vboxcon.USBControllerType_OHCI);
1013 | else:
1014 | self.o.machine.usbController.enabled = True;
1015 | else:
1016 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.3:
1017 | cOhciCtls = self.o.machine.getUSBControllerCountByType(vboxcon.USBControllerType_OHCI);
1018 | if cOhciCtls == 1:
1019 | self.o.machine.RemoveUSBController('OHCI');
1020 | else:
1021 | self.o.machine.usbController.enabled = False;
1022 | except:
1023 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to change OHCI to %s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
1024 | fRc = False;
1025 | else:
1026 | reporter.log('changed OHCI to %s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
1027 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1028 | return fRc;
1029 |
1030 | def enableUsbEhci(self, fEnable):
1031 | """
1032 | Enables or disables the USB EHCI controller, enables also OHCI if it is still disabled.
1033 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
1034 | """
1035 | fRc = True;
1036 | try:
1037 | if fEnable:
1038 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.3:
1039 | cOhciCtls = self.o.machine.getUSBControllerCountByType(vboxcon.USBControllerType_OHCI);
1040 | if cOhciCtls == 0:
1041 | self.o.machine.addUSBController('OHCI', vboxcon.USBControllerType_OHCI);
1042 |
1043 | cEhciCtls = self.o.machine.getUSBControllerCountByType(vboxcon.USBControllerType_EHCI);
1044 | if cEhciCtls == 0:
1045 | self.o.machine.addUSBController('EHCI', vboxcon.USBControllerType_EHCI);
1046 | else:
1047 | self.o.machine.usbController.enabled = True;
1048 | self.o.machine.usbController.enabledEHCI = True;
1049 | else:
1050 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.3:
1051 | cEhciCtls = self.o.machine.getUSBControllerCountByType(vboxcon.USBControllerType_EHCI);
1052 | if cEhciCtls == 1:
1053 | self.o.machine.RemoveUSBController('EHCI');
1054 | else:
1055 | self.o.machine.usbController.enabledEHCI = False;
1056 | except:
1057 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to change EHCI to %s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
1058 | fRc = False;
1059 | else:
1060 | reporter.log('changed EHCI to %s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
1061 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1062 | return fRc;
1063 |
1064 | def enableUsbXhci(self, fEnable):
1065 | """
1066 | Enables or disables the USB XHCI controller. Error information is logged.
1067 | """
1068 | fRc = True;
1069 | try:
1070 | if fEnable:
1071 | cXhciCtls = self.o.machine.getUSBControllerCountByType(vboxcon.USBControllerType_XHCI);
1072 | if cXhciCtls == 0:
1073 | self.o.machine.addUSBController('XHCI', vboxcon.USBControllerType_XHCI);
1074 | else:
1075 | cXhciCtls = self.o.machine.getUSBControllerCountByType(vboxcon.USBControllerType_XHCI);
1076 | if cXhciCtls == 1:
1077 | self.o.machine.RemoveUSBController('XHCI');
1078 | except:
1079 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to change XHCI to %s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
1080 | fRc = False;
1081 | else:
1082 | reporter.log('changed XHCI to %s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
1083 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1084 | return fRc;
1085 |
1086 | def setFirmwareType(self, eType):
1087 | """
1088 | Sets the firmware type.
1089 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
1090 | """
1091 | fRc = True;
1092 | try:
1093 | self.o.machine.firmwareType = eType;
1094 | except:
1095 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set firmwareType=%s for "%s"' % (eType, self.sName));
1096 | fRc = False;
1097 | else:
1098 | reporter.log('set firmwareType=%s for "%s"' % (eType, self.sName));
1099 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1100 | return fRc;
1101 |
1102 | def setupBootLogo(self, fEnable, cMsLogoDisplay = 0):
1103 | """
1104 | Sets up the boot logo. fEnable toggles the fade and boot menu
1105 | settings as well as the mode.
1106 | """
1107 | fRc = True;
1108 | try:
1109 | self.o.machine.BIOSSettings.logoFadeIn = not fEnable;
1110 | self.o.machine.BIOSSettings.logoFadeOut = not fEnable;
1111 | self.o.machine.BIOSSettings.logoDisplayTime = cMsLogoDisplay;
1112 | if fEnable:
1113 | self.o.machine.BIOSSettings.bootMenuMode = vboxcon.BIOSBootMenuMode_Disabled;
1114 | else:
1115 | self.o.machine.BIOSSettings.bootMenuMode = vboxcon.BIOSBootMenuMode_MessageAndMenu;
1116 | except:
1117 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set logoFadeIn/logoFadeOut/bootMenuMode=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
1118 | fRc = False;
1119 | else:
1120 | reporter.log('set logoFadeIn/logoFadeOut/bootMenuMode=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
1121 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1122 | return fRc;
1123 |
1124 | def setupVrdp(self, fEnable, uPort = None):
1125 | """
1126 | Configures VRDP.
1127 | """
1128 | fRc = True;
1129 | try:
1130 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.0:
1131 | self.o.machine.VRDEServer.enabled = fEnable;
1132 | else:
1133 | self.o.machine.VRDPServer.enabled = fEnable;
1134 | except:
1135 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set VRDEServer::enabled=%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, self.sName));
1136 | fRc = False;
1137 |
1138 | if uPort is not None and fRc:
1139 | try:
1140 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.0:
1141 | self.o.machine.VRDEServer.setVRDEProperty("TCP/Ports", str(uPort));
1142 | else:
1143 | self.o.machine.VRDPServer.ports = str(uPort);
1144 | except:
1145 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set VRDEServer::ports=%s for "%s"' % (uPort, self.sName));
1146 | fRc = False;
1147 | if fRc:
1148 | reporter.log('set VRDEServer.enabled/ports=%s/%s for "%s"' % (fEnable, uPort, self.sName));
1149 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1150 | return fRc;
1151 |
1152 | def getNicDriverNameFromType(self, eNicType):
1153 | """
1154 | Helper that translate the adapter type into a driver name.
1155 | """
1156 | if eNicType == vboxcon.NetworkAdapterType_Am79C970A \
1157 | or eNicType == vboxcon.NetworkAdapterType_Am79C973:
1158 | sName = 'pcnet';
1159 | elif eNicType == vboxcon.NetworkAdapterType_I82540EM \
1160 | or eNicType == vboxcon.NetworkAdapterType_I82543GC \
1161 | or eNicType == vboxcon.NetworkAdapterType_I82545EM:
1162 | sName = 'e1000';
1163 | elif eNicType == vboxcon.NetworkAdapterType_Virtio:
1164 | sName = 'virtio-net';
1165 | else:
1166 | reporter.error('Unknown adapter type "%s" (VM: "%s")' % (eNicType, self.sName));
1167 | sName = 'pcnet';
1168 | return sName;
1169 |
1170 | def setupNatForwardingForTxs(self, iNic = 0, iHostPort = 5042):
1171 | """
1172 | Sets up NAT forwarding for port 5042 if applicable, cleans up if not.
1173 | """
1174 | try:
1175 | oNic = self.o.machine.getNetworkAdapter(iNic);
1176 | except:
1177 | reporter.errorXcpt('getNetworkAdapter(%s) failed for "%s"' % (iNic, self.sName));
1178 | return False;
1179 |
1180 | # Nuke the old setup for all possible adapter types (in case we're
1181 | # called after it changed).
1182 | for sName in ('pcnet', 'e1000', 'virtio-net'):
1183 | for sConfig in ('VBoxInternal/Devices/%s/%u/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config' % (sName, iNic), \
1184 | 'VBoxInternal/Devices/%s/%u/LUN#0/Config' % (sName, iNic)):
1185 | try:
1186 | self.o.machine.setExtraData('%s/txs/Protocol' % (sConfig), '');
1187 | self.o.machine.setExtraData('%s/txs/HostPort' % (sConfig), '');
1188 | self.o.machine.setExtraData('%s/txs/GuestPort' % (sConfig), '');
1189 | except:
1190 | reporter.errorXcpt();
1191 |
1192 | # Set up port forwarding if NAT attachment.
1193 | try:
1194 | eAttType = oNic.attachmentType;
1195 | except:
1196 | reporter.errorXcpt('attachmentType on %s failed for "%s"' % (iNic, self.sName));
1197 | return False;
1198 | if eAttType != vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_NAT:
1199 | return True;
1200 |
1201 | try:
1202 | eNicType = oNic.adapterType;
1203 | fTraceEnabled = oNic.traceEnabled;
1204 | except:
1205 | reporter.errorXcpt('attachmentType/traceEnabled on %s failed for "%s"' % (iNic, self.sName));
1206 | return False;
1207 |
1208 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.1:
1209 | try:
1210 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.2:
1211 | oNatEngine = oNic.NATEngine;
1212 | else:
1213 | oNatEngine = oNic.natDriver;
1214 | except:
1215 | reporter.errorXcpt('Failed to get INATEngine data on "%s"' % (self.sName));
1216 | return False;
1217 | try: oNatEngine.removeRedirect('txs');
1218 | except: pass;
1219 | try:
1220 | oNatEngine.addRedirect('txs', vboxcon.NATProtocol_TCP, '', '%s' % (iHostPort), '', '5042');
1221 | except:
1222 | reporter.errorXcpt('Failed to add a addRedirect redirect on "%s"' % (self.sName));
1223 | return False;
1224 |
1225 | else:
1226 | sName = self.getNicDriverNameFromType(eNicType);
1227 | if fTraceEnabled:
1228 | sConfig = 'VBoxInternal/Devices/%s/%u/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config' % (sName, iNic)
1229 | else:
1230 | sConfig = 'VBoxInternal/Devices/%s/%u/LUN#0/Config' % (sName, iNic)
1231 |
1232 | try:
1233 | self.o.machine.setExtraData('%s/txs/Protocol' % (sConfig), 'TCP');
1234 | self.o.machine.setExtraData('%s/txs/HostPort' % (sConfig), '%s' % (iHostPort));
1235 | self.o.machine.setExtraData('%s/txs/GuestPort' % (sConfig), '5042');
1236 | except:
1237 | reporter.errorXcpt('Failed to set NAT extra data on "%s"' % (self.sName));
1238 | return False;
1239 | return True;
1240 |
1241 | def setNicType(self, eType, iNic = 0):
1242 | """
1243 | Sets the NIC type of the specified NIC.
1244 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
1245 | """
1246 | try:
1247 | try:
1248 | oNic = self.o.machine.getNetworkAdapter(iNic);
1249 | except:
1250 | reporter.errorXcpt('getNetworkAdapter(%s) failed for "%s"' % (iNic, self.sName));
1251 | return False;
1252 | try:
1253 | oNic.adapterType = eType;
1254 | except:
1255 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set NIC type on slot %s to %s for VM "%s"' % (iNic, eType, self.sName));
1256 | return False;
1257 | finally:
1258 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1259 |
1260 | if not self.setupNatForwardingForTxs(iNic):
1261 | return False;
1262 | reporter.log('set NIC type on slot %s to %s for VM "%s"' % (iNic, eType, self.sName));
1263 | return True;
1264 |
1265 | def setNicTraceEnabled(self, fTraceEnabled, sTraceFile, iNic = 0):
1266 | """
1267 | Sets the NIC trace enabled flag and file path.
1268 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
1269 | """
1270 | try:
1271 | try:
1272 | oNic = self.o.machine.getNetworkAdapter(iNic);
1273 | except:
1274 | reporter.errorXcpt('getNetworkAdapter(%s) failed for "%s"' % (iNic, self.sName));
1275 | return False;
1276 | try:
1277 | oNic.traceEnabled = fTraceEnabled;
1278 | oNic.traceFile = sTraceFile;
1279 | except:
1280 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set NIC trace flag on slot %s to %s for VM "%s"' \
1281 | % (iNic, fTraceEnabled, self.sName));
1282 | return False;
1283 | finally:
1284 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1285 |
1286 | if not self.setupNatForwardingForTxs(iNic):
1287 | return False;
1288 | reporter.log('set NIC trace on slot %s to "%s" (path "%s") for VM "%s"' %
1289 | (iNic, fTraceEnabled, sTraceFile, self.sName));
1290 | return True;
1291 |
1292 | def getDefaultNicName(self, eAttachmentType):
1293 | """
1294 | Return the default network / interface name for the NIC attachment type.
1295 | """
1296 | sRetName = '';
1297 | if eAttachmentType == vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_Bridged:
1298 | if self.oTstDrv.sDefBridgedNic is not None:
1299 | sRetName = self.oTstDrv.sDefBridgedNic;
1300 | else:
1301 | sRetName = 'eth0';
1302 | try:
1303 | aoHostNics = self.oVBoxMgr.getArray(self.oVBox.host, 'networkInterfaces');
1304 | for oHostNic in aoHostNics:
1305 | if oHostNic.interfaceType == vboxcon.HostNetworkInterfaceType_Bridged \
1306 | and oHostNic.status == vboxcon.HostNetworkInterfaceStatus_Up:
1307 | sRetName = oHostNic.name;
1308 | break;
1309 | except:
1310 | reporter.errorXcpt();
1311 | elif eAttachmentType == vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_HostOnly:
1312 | try:
1313 | aoHostNics = self.oVBoxMgr.getArray(self.oVBox.host, 'networkInterfaces');
1314 | for oHostNic in aoHostNics:
1315 | if oHostNic.interfaceType == vboxcon.HostNetworkInterfaceType_HostOnly:
1316 | if oHostNic.status == vboxcon.HostNetworkInterfaceStatus_Up:
1317 | sRetName = oHostNic.name;
1318 | break;
1319 | if sRetName == '':
1320 | sRetName = oHostNic.name;
1321 | except:
1322 | reporter.errorXcpt();
1323 | if sRetName == '':
1324 | sRetName = 'HostInterfaceNetwork-vboxnet0';
1325 | elif eAttachmentType == vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_Internal:
1326 | sRetName = 'VBoxTest';
1327 | elif eAttachmentType == vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_NAT:
1328 | sRetName = '';
1329 | else:
1330 | reporter.error('eAttachmentType=%s is not known' % (eAttachmentType));
1331 | return sRetName;
1332 |
1333 | def setNicAttachment(self, eAttachmentType, sName = None, iNic = 0):
1334 | """
1335 | Sets the attachment type of the specified NIC.
1336 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
1337 | """
1338 | try:
1339 | oNic = self.o.machine.getNetworkAdapter(iNic);
1340 | except:
1341 | reporter.errorXcpt('getNetworkAdapter(%s) failed for "%s"' % (iNic, self.sName));
1342 | return False;
1343 |
1344 | try:
1345 | if eAttachmentType is not None:
1346 | try:
1347 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.1:
1348 | oNic.attachmentType = eAttachmentType;
1349 | else:
1350 | if eAttachmentType == vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_NAT:
1351 | oNic.attachToNAT();
1352 | elif eAttachmentType == vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_Bridged:
1353 | oNic.attachToBridgedInterface();
1354 | elif eAttachmentType == vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_Internal:
1355 | oNic.attachToInternalNetwork();
1356 | elif eAttachmentType == vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_HostOnly:
1357 | oNic.attachToHostOnlyInterface();
1358 | else:
1359 | raise base.GenError("eAttachmentType=%s is invalid" % (eAttachmentType));
1360 | except:
1361 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set the attachment type on slot %s to %s for VM "%s"' \
1362 | % (iNic, eAttachmentType, self.sName));
1363 | return False;
1364 | else:
1365 | try:
1366 | eAttachmentType = oNic.attachmentType;
1367 | except:
1368 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to get the attachment type on slot %s for VM "%s"' % (iNic, self.sName));
1369 | return False;
1370 | finally:
1371 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1372 |
1373 | if sName is not None:
1374 | # Resolve the special 'default' name.
1375 | if sName == 'default':
1376 | sName = self.getDefaultNicName(eAttachmentType);
1377 |
1378 | # The name translate to different attributes depending on the
1379 | # attachment type.
1380 | try:
1381 | if eAttachmentType == vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_Bridged:
1382 | ## @todo check this out on windows, may have to do a
1383 | # translation of the name there or smth IIRC.
1384 | try:
1385 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.1:
1386 | oNic.bridgedInterface = sName;
1387 | else:
1388 | oNic.hostInterface = sName;
1389 | except:
1390 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set the hostInterface property on slot %s to "%s" for VM "%s"' \
1391 | % (iNic, sName, self.sName));
1392 | return False;
1393 | elif eAttachmentType == vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_HostOnly:
1394 | try:
1395 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.1:
1396 | oNic.hostOnlyInterface = sName;
1397 | else:
1398 | oNic.hostInterface = sName;
1399 | except:
1400 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set the internalNetwork property on slot %s to "%s" for VM "%s"' \
1401 | % (iNic, sName, self.sName));
1402 | return False;
1403 | elif eAttachmentType == vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_Internal:
1404 | try:
1405 | oNic.internalNetwork = sName;
1406 | except:
1407 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set the internalNetwork property on slot %s to "%s" for VM "%s"' \
1408 | % (iNic, sName, self.sName));
1409 | return False;
1410 | elif eAttachmentType == vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_NAT:
1411 | try:
1412 | oNic.NATNetwork = sName;
1413 | except:
1414 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set the NATNetwork property on slot %s to "%s" for VM "%s"' \
1415 | % (iNic, sName, self.sName));
1416 | return False;
1417 | finally:
1418 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1419 |
1420 | if not self.setupNatForwardingForTxs(iNic):
1421 | return False;
1422 | reporter.log('set NIC type on slot %s to %s for VM "%s"' % (iNic, eAttachmentType, self.sName));
1423 | return True;
1424 |
1425 | def setNicMacAddress(self, sMacAddr, iNic = 0):
1426 | """
1427 | Sets the MAC address of the specified NIC.
1428 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
1429 | """
1430 |
1431 | # Resolve missing MAC address prefix
1432 | cchMacAddr = len(sMacAddr)
1433 | if cchMacAddr > 0 and cchMacAddr < 12:
1434 | sHostName = ''
1435 | try:
1436 | sHostName = socket.getfqdn()
1437 | sHostIP = socket.gethostbyname(sHostName)
1438 | abHostIP = socket.inet_aton(sHostIP)
1439 | if ord(abHostIP[0]) == 127 \
1440 | or ord(abHostIP[0]) == 169 and ord(abHostIP[1]) == 254 \
1441 | or ord(abHostIP[0]) == 192 and ord(abHostIP[1]) == 168 and ord(abHostIP[2]) == 56:
1442 | reporter.log('warning: host IP for "%s" is %s, most likely not unique.' % (sHostName, sHostIP))
1443 | except:
1444 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to determine the host IP for "%s".' % (sHostName,))
1445 | abHostIP = array.array('B', (0x80, 0x86, 0x00, 0x00)).tostring()
1446 | sDefaultMac = '%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X' \
1447 | % (0x02, ord(abHostIP[0]), ord(abHostIP[1]), ord(abHostIP[2]), ord(abHostIP[3]), iNic)
1448 | sMacAddr = sDefaultMac[0:(12 - cchMacAddr)] + sMacAddr
1449 |
1450 | # Get the NIC object and try set it address.
1451 | try:
1452 | oNic = self.o.machine.getNetworkAdapter(iNic);
1453 | except:
1454 | reporter.errorXcpt('getNetworkAdapter(%s) failed for "%s"' % (iNic, self.sName));
1455 | return False;
1456 |
1457 | try:
1458 | oNic.MACAddress = sMacAddr;
1459 | except:
1460 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set the MAC address on slot %s to "%s" for VM "%s"' \
1461 | % (iNic, sMacAddr, self.sName));
1462 | return False;
1463 |
1464 | reporter.log('set MAC address on slot %s to %s for VM "%s"' % (iNic, sMacAddr, self.sName));
1465 | return True;
1466 |
1467 | def setRamSize(self, cMB):
1468 | """
1469 | Set the RAM size of the VM.
1470 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
1471 | """
1472 | fRc = True;
1473 | try:
1474 | self.o.machine.memorySize = cMB;
1475 | except:
1476 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set the RAM size of "%s" to %s' % (self.sName, cMB));
1477 | fRc = False;
1478 | else:
1479 | reporter.log('set the RAM size of "%s" to %s' % (self.sName, cMB));
1480 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1481 | return fRc;
1482 |
1483 | def setVRamSize(self, cMB):
1484 | """
1485 | Set the RAM size of the VM.
1486 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
1487 | """
1488 | fRc = True;
1489 | try:
1490 | self.o.machine.VRAMSize = cMB;
1491 | except:
1492 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set the VRAM size of "%s" to %s' % (self.sName, cMB));
1493 | fRc = False;
1494 | else:
1495 | reporter.log('set the VRAM size of "%s" to %s' % (self.sName, cMB));
1496 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1497 | return fRc;
1498 |
1499 | def setCpuCount(self, cCpus):
1500 | """
1501 | Set the number of CPUs.
1502 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
1503 | """
1504 | fRc = True;
1505 | try:
1506 | self.o.machine.CPUCount = cCpus;
1507 | except:
1508 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set the CPU count of "%s" to %s' % (self.sName, cCpus));
1509 | fRc = False;
1510 | else:
1511 | reporter.log('set the CPU count of "%s" to %s' % (self.sName, cCpus));
1512 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1513 | return fRc;
1514 |
1515 | def ensureControllerAttached(self, sController):
1516 | """
1517 | Makes sure the specified controller is attached to the VM, attaching it
1518 | if necessary.
1519 | """
1520 | try:
1521 | try:
1522 | self.o.machine.getStorageControllerByName(sController);
1523 | except:
1524 | iType = _ControllerNameToBus(sController);
1525 | try:
1526 | self.o.machine.addStorageController(sController, iType);
1527 | reporter.log('added storage controller "%s" (type %s) to %s' % (sController, iType, self.sName));
1528 | except:
1529 | reporter.errorXcpt('addStorageController("%s",%s) failed on "%s"' % (sController, iType, self.sName) );
1530 | return False;
1531 | finally:
1532 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1533 | return True;
1534 |
1535 | def setStorageControllerPortCount(self, sController, iPortCount):
1536 | """
1537 | Set maximum ports count for storage controller
1538 | """
1539 | try:
1540 | oCtl = self.o.machine.getStorageControllerByName(sController)
1541 | oCtl.portCount = iPortCount
1542 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents()
1543 | reporter.log('set controller "%s" port count to value %d' % (sController, iPortCount))
1544 | return True
1545 | except:
1546 | reporter.log('unable to set storage controller "%s" ports count to %d' % (sController, iPortCount))
1547 |
1548 | return False
1549 |
1550 | def setBootOrder(self, iPosition, eType):
1551 | """
1552 | Set guest boot order type
1553 | @param iPosition boot order position
1554 | @param eType device type (vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk,
1555 | vboxcon.DeviceType_DVD, vboxcon.DeviceType_Floppy)
1556 | """
1557 | try:
1558 | self.o.machine.setBootOrder(iPosition, eType)
1559 | except:
1560 | return reporter.errorXcpt('Unable to set boot order.')
1561 |
1562 | reporter.log('Set boot order [%d] for device %s' % (iPosition, str(eType)))
1563 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1564 |
1565 | return True
1566 |
1567 | def setStorageControllerType(self, eType, sController = "IDE Controller"):
1568 | """
1569 | Similar to ensureControllerAttached, except it will change the type.
1570 | """
1571 | try:
1572 | oCtl = self.o.machine.getStorageControllerByName(sController);
1573 | except:
1574 | iType = _ControllerNameToBus(sController);
1575 | try:
1576 | oCtl = self.o.machine.addStorageController(sController, iType);
1577 | reporter.log('added storage controller "%s" (type %s) to %s' % (sController, iType, self.sName));
1578 | except:
1579 | reporter.errorXcpt('addStorageController("%s",%s) failed on "%s"' % (sController, iType, self.sName) );
1580 | return False;
1581 | try:
1582 | oCtl.controllerType = eType;
1583 | except:
1584 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set controller type of "%s" on "%s" to %s' % (sController, self.sName, eType) );
1585 | return False;
1586 | reporter.log('set controller type of "%s" on "%s" to %s' % (sController, self.sName, eType) );
1587 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1588 | return True;
1589 |
1590 | def attachDvd(self, sImage = None, sController = "IDE Controller", iPort = 1, iDevice = 0):
1591 | """
1592 | Attaches a DVD drive to a VM, optionally with an ISO inserted.
1593 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
1594 | """
1595 | # Input validation.
1596 | if sImage is not None and not self.oTstDrv.isResourceFile(sImage)\
1597 | and not os.path.isabs(sImage): ## fixme - testsuite unzip ++
1598 | reporter.fatal('"%s" is not in the resource set' % (sImage));
1599 | return None;
1600 |
1601 | if not self.ensureControllerAttached(sController):
1602 | return False;
1603 |
1604 | # Find/register the image if specified.
1605 | oImage = None;
1606 | sImageUuid = "";
1607 | if sImage is not None:
1608 | sFullName = self.oTstDrv.getFullResourceName(sImage)
1609 | try:
1610 | oImage = self.oVBox.findDVDImage(sFullName);
1611 | except:
1612 | try:
1613 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.1:
1614 | oImage = self.oVBox.openMedium(sFullName, vboxcon.DeviceType_DVD, vboxcon.AccessMode_ReadOnly, False);
1615 | elif self.fpApiVer >= 4.0:
1616 | oImage = self.oVBox.openMedium(sFullName, vboxcon.DeviceType_DVD, vboxcon.AccessMode_ReadOnly);
1617 | else:
1618 | oImage = self.oVBox.openDVDImage(sFullName, "");
1619 | except vbox.ComException, oXcpt:
1620 | if oXcpt.errno != -1:
1621 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to open DVD image "%s" xxx' % (sFullName));
1622 | else:
1623 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to open DVD image "%s" yyy' % (sFullName));
1624 | return False;
1625 | except:
1626 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to open DVD image "%s"' % (sFullName));
1627 | return False;
1628 | try:
1629 | sImageUuid = oImage.id;
1630 | except:
1631 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to get the UUID of "%s"' % (sFullName));
1632 | return False;
1633 |
1634 | # Attach the DVD.
1635 | fRc = True;
1636 | try:
1637 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.0:
1638 | self.o.machine.attachDevice(sController, iPort, iDevice, vboxcon.DeviceType_DVD, oImage);
1639 | else:
1640 | self.o.machine.attachDevice(sController, iPort, iDevice, vboxcon.DeviceType_DVD, sImageUuid);
1641 | except:
1642 | reporter.errorXcpt('attachDevice("%s",%s,%s,HardDisk,"%s") failed on "%s"' \
1643 | % (sController, iPort, iDevice, sImageUuid, self.sName) );
1644 | fRc = False;
1645 | else:
1646 | reporter.log('attached DVD to %s, image="%s"' % (self.sName, sImage));
1647 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1648 | return fRc;
1649 |
1650 | def attachHd(self, sHd, sController = "IDE Controller", iPort = 0, iDevice = 0, fImmutable = True, fForceResource = True):
1651 | """
1652 | Attaches a HD to a VM.
1653 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
1654 | """
1655 | # Input validation.
1656 | if fForceResource and not self.oTstDrv.isResourceFile(sHd):
1657 | reporter.fatal('"%s" is not in the resource set' % (sHd,));
1658 | return None;
1659 |
1660 | if not self.ensureControllerAttached(sController):
1661 | return False;
1662 |
1663 | # Find the HD, registering it if necessary (as immutable).
1664 | if fForceResource:
1665 | sFullName = self.oTstDrv.getFullResourceName(sHd);
1666 | else:
1667 | sFullName = sHd;
1668 | try:
1669 | oHd = self.oVBox.findHardDisk(sFullName);
1670 | except:
1671 | try:
1672 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.1:
1673 | oHd = self.oVBox.openMedium(sFullName, vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk, vboxcon.AccessMode_ReadOnly, False);
1674 | elif self.fpApiVer >= 4.0:
1675 | oHd = self.oVBox.openMedium(sFullName, vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk, vboxcon.AccessMode_ReadOnly);
1676 | else:
1677 | oHd = self.oVBox.openHardDisk(sFullName, vboxcon.AccessMode_ReadOnly, False, "", False, "");
1678 | except:
1679 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to open hd "%s"' % (sFullName));
1680 | return False;
1681 | try:
1682 | if fImmutable:
1683 | oHd.type = vboxcon.MediumType_Immutable;
1684 | else:
1685 | oHd.type = vboxcon.MediumType_Normal;
1686 | except:
1687 | if fImmutable:
1688 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set hd "%s" immutable' % (sHd));
1689 | else:
1690 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set hd "%s" normal' % (sHd));
1691 | return False;
1692 |
1693 | # Attach it.
1694 | fRc = True;
1695 | try:
1696 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.0:
1697 | self.o.machine.attachDevice(sController, iPort, iDevice, vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk, oHd);
1698 | else:
1699 | self.o.machine.attachDevice(sController, iPort, iDevice, vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk, oHd.id);
1700 | except:
1701 | reporter.errorXcpt('attachDevice("%s",%s,%s,HardDisk,"%s") failed on "%s"' \
1702 | % (sController, iPort, iDevice, oHd.id, self.sName) );
1703 | fRc = False;
1704 | else:
1705 | reporter.log('attached "%s" to %s' % (sHd, self.sName));
1706 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1707 | return fRc;
1708 |
1709 | def createBaseHd(self, sHd, sFmt = "VDI", cb = 10*1024*1024*1024):
1710 | """
1711 | Creates a base HD.
1712 | Returns Medium object on success and None on failure. Error information is logged.
1713 | """
1714 | try:
1715 | if self.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
1716 | oHd = self.oVBox.createMedium(sFmt, sHd, vboxcon.AccessMode_ReadWrite, vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk);
1717 | else:
1718 | oHd = self.oVBox.createHardDisk(sFmt, sHd);
1719 | oProgressXpcom = oHd.createBaseStorage(cb, (vboxcon.MediumVariant_Standard, ))
1720 | oProgress = ProgressWrapper(oProgressXpcom, self.oVBoxMgr, self.oTstDrv, 'create base disk %s' % (sHd));
1721 | oProgress.wait();
1722 | oProgress.logResult();
1723 | except:
1724 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to create base hd "%s"' % (sHd));
1725 | oHd = None
1726 |
1727 | return oHd;
1728 |
1729 | def createDiffHd(self, oParentHd, sHd, sFmt = "VDI"):
1730 | """
1731 | Creates a differencing HD.
1732 | Returns Medium object on success and None on failure. Error information is logged.
1733 | """
1734 | try:
1735 | if self.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
1736 | oHd = self.oVBox.createMedium(sFmt, sHd, vboxcon.AccessMode_ReadWrite, vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk);
1737 | else:
1738 | oHd = self.oVBox.createHardDisk(sFmt, sHd);
1739 | oProgressXpcom = oParentHd.createDiffStorage(oHd, (vboxcon.MediumVariant_Standard, ))
1740 | oProgress = ProgressWrapper(oProgressXpcom, self.oVBoxMgr, self.oTstDrv, 'create diff disk %s' % (sHd));
1741 | oProgress.wait();
1742 | oProgress.logResult();
1743 | except:
1744 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to create diff hd "%s"' % (sHd));
1745 | oHd = None
1746 |
1747 | return oHd;
1748 |
1749 | def createAndAttachHd(self, sHd, sFmt = "VDI", sController = "IDE Controller", cb = 10*1024*1024*1024, \
1750 | iPort = 0, iDevice = 0, fImmutable = True):
1751 | """
1752 | Creates and attaches a HD to a VM.
1753 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
1754 | """
1755 | if not self.ensureControllerAttached(sController):
1756 | return False;
1757 |
1758 | oHd = self.createBaseHd(sHd, sFmt, cb)
1759 | if oHd is None:
1760 | return False;
1761 |
1762 | fRc = True;
1763 | try:
1764 | if fImmutable:
1765 | oHd.type = vboxcon.MediumType_Immutable;
1766 | else:
1767 | oHd.type = vboxcon.MediumType_Normal;
1768 | except:
1769 | if fImmutable:
1770 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set hd "%s" immutable' % (sHd));
1771 | else:
1772 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set hd "%s" normal' % (sHd));
1773 | fRc = False;
1774 |
1775 | # Attach it.
1776 | if fRc is True:
1777 | try:
1778 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.0:
1779 | self.o.machine.attachDevice(sController, iPort, iDevice, vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk, oHd);
1780 | else:
1781 | self.o.machine.attachDevice(sController, iPort, iDevice, vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk, oHd.id);
1782 | except:
1783 | reporter.errorXcpt('attachDevice("%s",%s,%s,HardDisk,"%s") failed on "%s"' \
1784 | % (sController, iPort, iDevice, oHd.id, self.sName) );
1785 | fRc = False;
1786 | else:
1787 | reporter.log('attached "%s" to %s' % (sHd, self.sName));
1788 |
1789 | # Delete disk in case of an error
1790 | if fRc is False:
1791 | try:
1792 | oProgressCom = oHd.deleteStorage();
1793 | except:
1794 | reporter.errorXcpt('deleteStorage() for disk %s failed' % (sHd,));
1795 | else:
1796 | oProgress = ProgressWrapper(oProgressCom, self.oVBoxMgr, self.oTstDrv, 'delete disk %s' % (sHd));
1797 | oProgress.wait();
1798 | oProgress.logResult();
1799 |
1800 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1801 | return fRc;
1802 |
1803 | def detachHd(self, sController = "IDE Controller", iPort = 0, iDevice = 0):
1804 | """
1805 | Detaches a HD, if attached, and returns a reference to it (IMedium).
1806 |
1807 | In order to delete the detached medium, the caller must first save
1808 | the changes made in this session.
1809 |
1810 | Returns (fRc, oHd), where oHd is None unless fRc is True, and fRc is
1811 | your standard success indicator. Error information is logged.
1812 | """
1813 |
1814 | # What's attached?
1815 | try:
1816 | oHd = self.o.machine.getMedium(sController, iPort, iDevice);
1817 | except:
1818 | if self.oVBoxMgr.xcptIsOurXcptKind() \
1819 | and self.oVBoxMgr.xcptIsEqual(None, self.oVBoxMgr.constants.VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND):
1820 | reporter.log('No HD attached (to %s %s:%s)' % (sController, iPort, iDevice));
1821 | return (True, None);
1822 | return (reporter.errorXcpt('Error getting media at port %s, device %s, on %s.'
1823 | % (iPort, iDevice, sController)), None);
1824 | # Detach it.
1825 | try:
1826 | self.o.machine.detachDevice(sController, iPort, iDevice);
1827 | except:
1828 | return (reporter.errorXcpt('detachDevice("%s",%s,%s) failed on "%s"' \
1829 | % (sController, iPort, iDevice, self.sName) ), None);
1830 | reporter.log('detached HD ("%s",%s,%s) from %s' % (sController, iPort, iDevice, self.sName));
1831 | return (True, oHd);
1832 |
1833 | def attachFloppy(self, sFloppy, sController = "Floppy Controller", iPort = 0, iDevice = 0):
1834 | """
1835 | Attaches a floppy image to a VM.
1836 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
1837 | """
1838 | # Input validation.
1839 | ## @todo Fix this wrt to bootsector-xxx.img from the validationkit.zip.
1840 | ##if not self.oTstDrv.isResourceFile(sFloppy):
1841 | ## reporter.fatal('"%s" is not in the resource set' % (sFloppy));
1842 | ## return None;
1843 |
1844 | if not self.ensureControllerAttached(sController):
1845 | return False;
1846 |
1847 | # Find the floppy image, registering it if necessary (as immutable).
1848 | sFullName = self.oTstDrv.getFullResourceName(sFloppy);
1849 | try:
1850 | oFloppy = self.oVBox.findFloppyImage(sFullName);
1851 | except:
1852 | try:
1853 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.1:
1854 | oFloppy = self.oVBox.openMedium(sFullName, vboxcon.DeviceType_Floppy, vboxcon.AccessMode_ReadOnly, False);
1855 | elif self.fpApiVer >= 4.0:
1856 | oFloppy = self.oVBox.openMedium(sFullName, vboxcon.DeviceType_Floppy, vboxcon.AccessMode_ReadOnly);
1857 | else:
1858 | oFloppy = self.oVBox.openFloppyImage(sFullName, "");
1859 | except:
1860 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to open floppy "%s"' % (sFullName));
1861 | return False;
1862 | ## @todo the following works but causes trouble below (asserts in main).
1863 | #try:
1864 | # oFloppy.type = vboxcon.MediumType_Immutable;
1865 | #except:
1866 | # reporter.errorXcpt('failed to make floppy "%s" immutable' % (sFullName));
1867 | # return False;
1868 |
1869 | # Attach it.
1870 | fRc = True;
1871 | try:
1872 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.0:
1873 | self.o.machine.attachDevice(sController, iPort, iDevice, vboxcon.DeviceType_Floppy, oFloppy);
1874 | else:
1875 | self.o.machine.attachDevice(sController, iPort, iDevice, vboxcon.DeviceType_Floppy, oFloppy.id);
1876 | except:
1877 | reporter.errorXcpt('attachDevice("%s",%s,%s,Floppy,"%s") failed on "%s"' \
1878 | % (sController, iPort, iDevice, oFloppy.id, self.sName) );
1879 | fRc = False;
1880 | else:
1881 | reporter.log('attached "%s" to %s' % (sFloppy, self.sName));
1882 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1883 | return fRc;
1884 |
1885 | def setupNic(self, sType, sXXX):
1886 | """
1887 | Attaches a HD to a VM.
1888 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
1889 | """
1890 | if sType == "PCNet": enmType = vboxcon.NetworkAdapterType_Am79C973;
1891 | elif sType == "PCNetOld": enmType = vboxcon.NetworkAdapterType_Am79C970A;
1892 | elif sType == "E1000": enmType = vboxcon.NetworkAdapterType_I82545EM; # MT Server
1893 | elif sType == "E1000Desk": enmType = vboxcon.NetworkAdapterType_I82540EM; # MT Desktop
1894 | elif sType == "E1000Srv2": enmType = vboxcon.NetworkAdapterType_I82543GC; # T Server
1895 | elif sType == "Virtio": enmType = vboxcon.NetworkAdapterType_Virtio;
1896 | else:
1897 | reporter.error('Invalid NIC type: "%s" (sXXX=%s)' % (sType, sXXX));
1898 | return False;
1899 | ## @todo Implement me!
1900 | if enmType is not None: pass
1901 | return True;
1902 |
1903 | def setupPreferredConfig(self): # pylint: disable=R0914
1904 | """
1905 | Configures the VM according to the preferences of the guest type.
1906 | """
1907 | try:
1908 | sOsTypeId = self.o.machine.OSTypeId;
1909 | except:
1910 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to obtain the OSTypeId for "%s"' % (self.sName));
1911 | return False;
1912 |
1913 | try:
1914 | oOsType = self.oVBox.getGuestOSType(sOsTypeId);
1915 | except:
1916 | reporter.errorXcpt('getGuestOSType("%s") failed for "%s"' % (sOsTypeId, self.sName));
1917 | return False;
1918 |
1919 | # get the attributes.
1920 | try:
1921 | #sFamilyId = oOsType.familyId;
1922 | #f64Bit = oOsType.is64Bit;
1923 | fIoApic = oOsType.recommendedIOAPIC;
1924 | fVirtEx = oOsType.recommendedVirtEx;
1925 | cMBRam = oOsType.recommendedRAM;
1926 | cMBVRam = oOsType.recommendedVRAM;
1927 | #cMBHdd = oOsType.recommendedHDD;
1928 | eNicType = oOsType.adapterType;
1929 | if self.fpApiVer >= 3.2:
1930 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.2:
1931 | fPae = oOsType.recommendedPAE;
1932 | fUsbHid = oOsType.recommendedUSBHID;
1933 | fHpet = oOsType.recommendedHPET;
1934 | eStorCtlType = oOsType.recommendedHDStorageController;
1935 | else:
1936 | fPae = oOsType.recommendedPae;
1937 | fUsbHid = oOsType.recommendedUsbHid;
1938 | fHpet = oOsType.recommendedHpet;
1939 | eStorCtlType = oOsType.recommendedHdStorageController;
1940 | eFirmwareType = oOsType.recommendedFirmware;
1941 | else:
1942 | fPae = False;
1943 | fUsbHid = False;
1944 | fHpet = False;
1945 | eFirmwareType = -1;
1946 | eStorCtlType = vboxcon.StorageControllerType_PIIX4;
1947 | except:
1948 | reporter.errorXcpt('exception reading IGuestOSType(%s) attribute' % (sOsTypeId));
1949 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1950 | return False;
1951 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
1952 |
1953 | # Do the setting. Continue applying settings on error in case the
1954 | # caller ignores the return code
1955 | fRc = True;
1956 | if not self.enableIoApic(fIoApic): fRc = False;
1957 | if not self.enableVirtEx(fVirtEx): fRc = False;
1958 | if not self.enablePae(fPae): fRc = False;
1959 | if not self.setRamSize(cMBRam): fRc = False;
1960 | if not self.setVRamSize(cMBVRam): fRc = False;
1961 | if not self.setNicType(eNicType, 0): fRc = False;
1962 | if self.fpApiVer >= 3.2:
1963 | if not self.setFirmwareType(eFirmwareType): fRc = False;
1964 | if not self.enableUsbHid(fUsbHid): fRc = False;
1965 | if not self.enableHpet(fHpet): fRc = False;
1966 | if eStorCtlType == vboxcon.StorageControllerType_PIIX3 \
1967 | or eStorCtlType == vboxcon.StorageControllerType_PIIX4 \
1968 | or eStorCtlType == vboxcon.StorageControllerType_ICH6:
1969 | if not self.setStorageControllerType(eStorCtlType, "IDE Controller"):
1970 | fRc = False;
1971 |
1972 | return fRc;
1973 |
1974 | def addUsbDeviceFilter(self, sName, sVendorId, sProductId):
1975 | """
1976 | Creates a USB device filter and inserts it into the VM.
1977 | Returns True on success.
1978 | Returns False on failure (logged).
1979 | """
1980 | fRc = True;
1981 |
1982 | try:
1983 | usbDevFilter = self.o.machine.USBDeviceFilters.createDeviceFilter(sName);
1984 | usbDevFilter.active = True;
1985 | usbDevFilter.vendorId = sVendorId;
1986 | usbDevFilter.productId = sProductId;
1987 | try:
1988 | self.o.machine.USBDeviceFilters.insertDeviceFilter(0, usbDevFilter);
1989 | except:
1990 | reporter.errorXcpt('insertDeviceFilter(%s) failed on "%s"' \
1991 | % (0, self.sName) );
1992 | fRc = False;
1993 | else:
1994 | reporter.log('inserted USB device filter "%s" to %s' % (sName, self.sName));
1995 | except:
1996 | reporter.errorXcpt('createDeviceFilter("%s") failed on "%s"' \
1997 | % (sName, self.sName) );
1998 | fRc = False;
1999 | return fRc;
2000 |
2001 | def getGuestPropertyValue(self, sName):
2002 | """
2003 | Gets a guest property value.
2004 | Returns the value on success, None on failure (logged).
2005 | """
2006 | try:
2007 | sValue = self.o.machine.getGuestPropertyValue(sName);
2008 | except:
2009 | reporter.errorXcpt('IMachine::getGuestPropertyValue("%s") failed' % (sName));
2010 | return None;
2011 | return sValue;
2012 |
2013 | def setGuestPropertyValue(self, sName, sValue):
2014 | """
2015 | Sets a guest property value.
2016 | Returns the True on success, False on failure (logged).
2017 | """
2018 | try:
2019 | self.o.machine.setGuestPropertyValue(sName, sValue);
2020 | except:
2021 | reporter.errorXcpt('IMachine::setGuestPropertyValue("%s","%s") failed' % (sName, sValue));
2022 | return False;
2023 | return True;
2024 |
2025 | def delGuestPropertyValue(self, sName):
2026 | """
2027 | Deletes a guest property value.
2028 | Returns the True on success, False on failure (logged).
2029 | """
2030 | try:
2031 | oMachine = self.o.machine;
2032 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.2:
2033 | oMachine.deleteGuestProperty(sName);
2034 | else:
2035 | oMachine.setGuestPropertyValue(sName, '');
2036 | except:
2037 | reporter.errorXcpt('Unable to delete guest property "%s"' % (sName,));
2038 | return False;
2039 | return True;
2040 |
2041 | def setExtraData(self, sKey, sValue):
2042 | """
2043 | Sets extra data.
2044 | Returns the True on success, False on failure (logged).
2045 | """
2046 | try:
2047 | self.o.machine.setExtraData(sKey, sValue);
2048 | except:
2049 | reporter.errorXcpt('IMachine::setExtraData("%s","%s") failed' % (sKey, sValue));
2050 | return False;
2051 | return True;
2052 |
2053 | def getExtraData(self, sKey):
2054 | """
2055 | Gets extra data.
2056 | Returns value on success, None on failure.
2057 | """
2058 | try:
2059 | sValue = self.o.machine.getExtraData(sKey)
2060 | except:
2061 | reporter.errorXcpt('IMachine::setExtraData("%s","%s") failed' % (sKey, sValue))
2062 | return None
2063 | return sValue
2064 |
2065 | def setupTeleporter(self, fEnabled=True, uPort = 6500, sAddress = '', sPassword = ''):
2066 | """
2067 | Sets up the teleporter for the VM.
2068 | Returns True on success, False on failure (logged).
2069 | """
2070 | try:
2071 | self.o.machine.teleporterAddress = sAddress;
2072 | self.o.machine.teleporterPort = uPort;
2073 | self.o.machine.teleporterPassword = sPassword;
2074 | self.o.machine.teleporterEnabled = fEnabled;
2075 | except:
2076 | reporter.errorXcpt('setupTeleporter(%s, %s, %s, %s)' % (fEnabled, sPassword, uPort, sAddress));
2077 | return False;
2078 | return True;
2079 |
2080 | def enableTeleporter(self, fEnable=True):
2081 | """
2082 | Enables or disables the teleporter of the VM.
2083 | Returns True on success, False on failure (logged).
2084 | """
2085 | try:
2086 | self.o.machine.teleporterEnabled = fEnable;
2087 | except:
2088 | reporter.errorXcpt('IMachine::teleporterEnabled=%s failed' % (fEnable));
2089 | return False;
2090 | return True;
2091 |
2092 | def teleport(self, sHostname = 'localhost', uPort = 6500, sPassword = 'password', cMsMaxDowntime = 250):
2093 | """
2094 | Wrapper around the IConsole::teleport() method.
2095 | Returns a progress object on success, None on failure (logged).
2096 | """
2097 | reporter.log2('"%s"::teleport(%s,%s,%s,%s)...' % (self.sName, sHostname, uPort, sPassword, cMsMaxDowntime));
2098 | try:
2099 | oProgress = self.o.console.teleport(sHostname, uPort, sPassword, cMsMaxDowntime)
2100 | except:
2101 | reporter.errorXcpt('IConsole::teleport(%s,%s,%s,%s) failed' % (sHostname, uPort, sPassword, cMsMaxDowntime));
2102 | return None;
2103 | return ProgressWrapper(oProgress, self.oVBoxMgr, self.oTstDrv, 'teleport %s' % (self.sName,));
2104 |
2105 | def getOsType(self):
2106 | """
2107 | Gets the IGuestOSType interface for the machine.
2108 |
2109 | return IGuestOSType interface on success, None + errorXcpt on failure.
2110 | No exceptions raised.
2111 | """
2112 | try:
2113 | sOsTypeId = self.o.machine.OSTypeId;
2114 | except:
2115 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to obtain the OSTypeId for "%s"' % (self.sName));
2116 | return None;
2117 |
2118 | try:
2119 | oOsType = self.oVBox.getGuestOSType(sOsTypeId);
2120 | except:
2121 | reporter.errorXcpt('getGuestOSType("%s") failed for "%s"' % (sOsTypeId, self.sName));
2122 | return None;
2123 |
2124 | return oOsType;
2125 |
2126 | def setOsType(self, sNewTypeId):
2127 | """
2128 | Changes the OS type.
2129 |
2130 | returns True on success, False + errorXcpt on failure.
2131 | No exceptions raised.
2132 | """
2133 | try:
2134 | self.o.machine.OSTypeId = sNewTypeId;
2135 | except:
2136 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to set the OSTypeId for "%s" to "%s"' % (self.sName, sNewTypeId));
2137 | return False;
2138 | return True;
2139 |
2140 |
2141 | def setParavirtProvider(self, iProvider):
2142 | """
2143 | Sets a paravirtualisation provider.
2144 | Returns the True on success, False on failure (logged).
2145 | """
2146 | try:
2147 | self.o.machine.paravirtProvider = iProvider
2148 | except:
2149 | reporter.errorXcpt('Unable to set paravirtualisation provider "%s"' % (iProvider,))
2150 | return False;
2151 | return True;
2152 |
2153 |
2154 |
2155 | #
2156 | # IConsole wrappers.
2157 | #
2158 |
2159 | def powerOff(self, fFudgeOnFailure = True):
2160 | """
2161 | Powers off the VM.
2162 |
2163 | Returns True on success.
2164 | Returns False on IConsole::powerDown() failure.
2165 | Returns None if the progress object returns failure.
2166 | """
2167 | try:
2168 | oProgress = self.o.console.powerDown();
2169 | except:
2170 | reporter.logXcpt('IConsole::powerDown failed on %s' % (self.sName));
2171 | if fFudgeOnFailure:
2172 | self.oTstDrv.waitOnDirectSessionClose(self.oVM, 5000); # fudge
2173 | self.waitForTask(1000); # fudge
2174 | return False;
2175 |
2176 | rc = self.oTstDrv.waitOnProgress(oProgress);
2177 | if rc < 0:
2178 | self.close();
2179 | if fFudgeOnFailure:
2180 | vbox.reportError(oProgress, 'powerDown for "%s" failed' % (self.sName));
2181 | self.oTstDrv.waitOnDirectSessionClose(self.oVM, 5000); # fudge
2182 | return None;
2183 |
2184 | # Wait for the VM to really power off or we'll fail to open a new session to it.
2185 | self.oTstDrv.waitOnDirectSessionClose(self.oVM, 5000); # fudge
2186 | return self.waitForTask(30 * 1000); # fudge
2187 |
2188 | def restoreSnapshot(self, oSnapshot, fFudgeOnFailure = True):
2189 | """
2190 | Restores the given snapshot.
2191 |
2192 | Returns True on success.
2193 | Returns False on IMachine::restoreSnapshot() failure.
2194 | Returns None if the progress object returns failure.
2195 | """
2196 | try:
2197 | if self.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
2198 | oProgress = self.o.machine.restoreSnapshot(oSnapshot);
2199 | else:
2200 | oProgress = self.o.console.restoreSnapshot(oSnapshot);
2201 | except:
2202 | reporter.logXcpt('IMachine::restoreSnapshot failed on %s' % (self.sName));
2203 | if fFudgeOnFailure:
2204 | self.oTstDrv.waitOnDirectSessionClose(self.oVM, 5000); # fudge
2205 | self.waitForTask(1000); # fudge
2206 | return False;
2207 |
2208 | rc = self.oTstDrv.waitOnProgress(oProgress);
2209 | if rc < 0:
2210 | self.close();
2211 | if fFudgeOnFailure:
2212 | vbox.reportError(oProgress, 'restoreSnapshot for "%s" failed' % (self.sName));
2213 | return None;
2214 |
2215 | return self.waitForTask(30 * 1000);
2216 |
2217 | def deleteSnapshot(self, oSnapshot, fFudgeOnFailure = True, cMsTimeout = 30 * 1000):
2218 | """
2219 | Deletes the given snapshot merging the diff image into the base.
2220 |
2221 | Returns True on success.
2222 | Returns False on IMachine::deleteSnapshot() failure.
2223 | """
2224 | try:
2225 | if self.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
2226 | oProgressCom = self.o.machine.deleteSnapshot(oSnapshot);
2227 | else:
2228 | oProgressCom = self.o.console.deleteSnapshot(oSnapshot);
2229 | oProgress = ProgressWrapper(oProgressCom, self.oVBoxMgr, self.oTstDrv, 'Delete Snapshot %s' % (oSnapshot));
2230 | oProgress.wait(cMsTimeout);
2231 | oProgress.logResult();
2232 | except:
2233 | reporter.logXcpt('IMachine::deleteSnapshot failed on %s' % (self.sName));
2234 | if fFudgeOnFailure:
2235 | self.oTstDrv.waitOnDirectSessionClose(self.oVM, 5000); # fudge
2236 | self.waitForTask(1000); # fudge
2237 | return False;
2238 |
2239 | return True;
2240 |
2241 | def takeSnapshot(self, sName, sDescription = '', fPause = True, fFudgeOnFailure = True, cMsTimeout = 30 * 1000):
2242 | """
2243 | Takes a snapshot with the given name
2244 |
2245 | Returns True on success.
2246 | Returns False on IMachine::takeSnapshot() or VM state change failure.
2247 | """
2248 | try:
2249 | if fPause is True \
2250 | and self.oVM.state is vboxcon.MachineState_Running:
2251 | self.o.console.pause();
2252 | if self.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
2253 | (oProgressCom, _) = self.o.machine.takeSnapshot(sName, sDescription, True);
2254 | else:
2255 | oProgressCom = self.o.console.takeSnapshot(sName, sDescription);
2256 | oProgress = ProgressWrapper(oProgressCom, self.oVBoxMgr, self.oTstDrv, 'Take Snapshot %s' % (sName));
2257 | oProgress.wait(cMsTimeout);
2258 | oProgress.logResult();
2259 | except:
2260 | reporter.logXcpt('IMachine::takeSnapshot failed on %s' % (self.sName));
2261 | if fFudgeOnFailure:
2262 | self.oTstDrv.waitOnDirectSessionClose(self.oVM, 5000); # fudge
2263 | self.waitForTask(1000); # fudge
2264 | return False;
2265 |
2266 | if fPause is True \
2267 | and self.oVM.state is vboxcon.MachineState_Paused:
2268 | self.o.console.resume();
2269 |
2270 | return True;
2271 |
2272 | def findSnapshot(self, sName):
2273 | """
2274 | Returns the snapshot object with the given name
2275 |
2276 | Returns snapshot object on success.
2277 | Returns None if there is no snapshot with the given name.
2278 | """
2279 | return self.oVM.findSnapshot(sName);
2280 |
2281 | def takeScreenshot(self, sFilename, iScreenId=0):
2282 | """
2283 | Take screenshot from the given display and save it to specified file.
2284 |
2285 | Returns True on success
2286 | Returns False on failure.
2287 | """
2288 | try:
2289 | if self.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
2290 | iWidth, iHeight, _, _, _, _ = self.o.console.display.getScreenResolution(iScreenId)
2291 | aPngData = self.o.console.display.takeScreenShotToArray(iScreenId, iWidth, iHeight,
2292 | vboxcon.BitmapFormat_PNG)
2293 | else:
2294 | iWidth, iHeight, _, _, _ = self.o.console.display.getScreenResolution(iScreenId)
2295 | aPngData = self.o.console.display.takeScreenShotPNGToArray(iScreenId, iWidth, iHeight)
2296 | except:
2297 | reporter.logXcpt("Unable to take screenshot")
2298 | return False
2299 |
2300 | oFile = open(sFilename, 'wb')
2301 | oFile.write(aPngData)
2302 | oFile.close()
2303 |
2304 | return True
2305 |
2306 | #
2307 | # Other methods.
2308 | #
2309 |
2310 | def getPrimaryIp(self):
2311 | """
2312 | Tries to obtain the primary IP address of the guest via the guest
2313 | properties.
2314 |
2315 | Returns IP address on success.
2316 | Returns empty string on failure.
2317 | """
2318 | sIpAddr = self.getGuestPropertyValue('/VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/0/V4/IP');
2319 | if vbox.isIpAddrValid(sIpAddr):
2320 | return sIpAddr;
2321 | return '';
2322 |
2323 | def getPid(self):
2324 | """
2325 | Gets the process ID for the direct session unless it's ourselves.
2326 | """
2327 | if self.uPid is None and self.o is not None and self.fRemoteSession:
2328 | try:
2329 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.2:
2330 | uPid = self.o.machine.sessionPID;
2331 | else:
2332 | uPid = self.o.machine.sessionPid;
2333 | if uPid != os.getpid() and uPid != 0xffffffff:
2334 | self.uPid = uPid;
2335 | except Exception, oXcpt:
2336 | if vbox.ComError.equal(oXcpt, vbox.ComError.E_UNEXPECTED):
2337 | try:
2338 | if self.fpApiVer >= 4.2:
2339 | uPid = self.oVM.sessionPID;
2340 | else:
2341 | uPid = self.oVM.sessionPid;
2342 | if uPid != os.getpid() and uPid != 0xffffffff:
2343 | self.uPid = uPid;
2344 | except:
2345 | reporter.log2Xcpt();
2346 | else:
2347 | reporter.log2Xcpt();
2348 | if self.uPid is not None:
2349 | reporter.log2('getPid: %u' % (self.uPid,));
2350 | self.oTstDrv.pidFileAdd(self.uPid);
2351 | return self.uPid;
2352 |
2353 | def addLogsToReport(self, cReleaseLogs = 1):
2354 | """
2355 | Retrieves and adds the release and debug logs to the test report.
2356 | """
2357 | fRc = True;
2358 |
2359 | # Add each of the requested release logs to the report.
2360 | for iLog in range(0, cReleaseLogs):
2361 | try:
2362 | if self.fpApiVer >= 3.2:
2363 | sLogFile = self.oVM.queryLogFilename(iLog);
2364 | elif iLog > 0:
2365 | sLogFile = '%s/VBox.log' % (self.oVM.logFolder,);
2366 | else:
2367 | sLogFile = '%s/VBox.log.%u' % (self.oVM.logFolder, iLog);
2368 | except:
2369 | reporter.logXcpt('iLog=%s' % (iLog,));
2370 | fRc = False;
2371 | else:
2372 | if sLogFile is not None and sLogFile != '': # the None bit is for a 3.2.0 bug.
2373 | reporter.addLogFile(sLogFile, 'log/release/vm', '%s #%u' % (self.sName, iLog),
2374 | sAltName = '%s-%s' % (self.sName, os.path.basename(sLogFile),));
2375 |
2376 | # Now for the hardened windows startup log.
2377 | try:
2378 | sLogFile = os.path.join(self.oVM.logFolder, 'VBoxStartup.log');
2379 | except:
2380 | reporter.logXcpt();
2381 | fRc = False;
2382 | else:
2383 | if os.path.isfile(sLogFile):
2384 | reporter.addLogFile(sLogFile, 'log/release/vm', '%s startup log' % (self.sName, ),
2385 | sAltName = '%s-%s' % (self.sName, os.path.basename(sLogFile),));
2386 |
2387 | # Now for the debug log.
2388 | if self.sLogFile is not None and os.path.isfile(self.sLogFile):
2389 | reporter.addLogFile(self.sLogFile, 'log/debug/vm', '%s debug' % (self.sName, ),
2390 | sAltName = '%s-%s' % (self.sName, os.path.basename(self.sLogFile),));
2391 |
2392 | return fRc;
2393 |
2394 | def registerDerivedEventHandler(self, oSubClass, dArgs = None, fMustSucceed = True):
2395 | """
2396 | Create an instance of the given ConsoleEventHandlerBase sub-class and
2397 | register it.
2398 |
2399 | The new instance is returned on success. None is returned on error.
2400 | """
2401 |
2402 | # We need a console object.
2403 | try:
2404 | oConsole = self.o.console;
2405 | except Exception, oXcpt:
2406 | if fMustSucceed or vbox.ComError.notEqual(oXcpt, vbox.ComError.E_UNEXPECTED):
2407 | reporter.errorXcpt('Failed to get ISession::console for "%s"' % (self.sName, ));
2408 | return None;
2409 |
2410 | # Add the base class arguments.
2411 | dArgsCopy = dArgs.copy() if dArgs is not None else dict();
2412 | dArgsCopy['oSession'] = self;
2413 | dArgsCopy['oConsole'] = oConsole;
2414 | sLogSuffix = 'on %s' % (self.sName,)
2415 | return oSubClass.registerDerivedEventHandler(self.oVBoxMgr, self.fpApiVer, oSubClass, dArgsCopy,
2416 | oConsole, 'IConsole', 'IConsoleCallback',
2417 | fMustSucceed = fMustSucceed, sLogSuffix = sLogSuffix);
2418 |
2419 | def enableVmmDevTestingPart(self, fEnabled, fEnableMMIO = False):
2420 | """
2421 | Enables the testing part of the VMMDev.
2422 |
2423 | Returns True on success and False on failure. Error information is logged.
2424 | """
2425 | fRc = True;
2426 | try:
2427 | self.o.machine.setExtraData('VBoxInternal/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/TestingEnabled',
2428 | '1' if fEnabled else '');
2429 | self.o.machine.setExtraData('VBoxInternal/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/TestingMMIO',
2430 | '1' if fEnableMMIO and fEnabled else '');
2431 | except:
2432 | reporter.errorXcpt('VM name "%s", fEnabled=%s' % (self.sName, fEnabled));
2433 | fRc = False;
2434 | else:
2435 | reporter.log('set VMMDevTesting=%s for "%s"' % (fEnabled, self.sName));
2436 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
2437 | return fRc;
2438 |
2439 | #
2440 | # Test eXecution Service methods.
2441 | #
2442 |
2443 | def txsConnectViaTcp(self, cMsTimeout = 10*60000, sIpAddr = None, sMacAddr = None, fNatForwardingForTxs = False):
2444 | """
2445 | Connects to the TXS using TCP/IP as transport. If no IP or MAC is
2446 | addresses are specified, we'll get the IP from the guest additions.
2447 |
2448 | Returns a TxsConnectTask object on success, None + log on failure.
2449 | """
2450 | # If the VM is configured with a NAT interface, connect to local host.
2451 | fReversedSetup = False;
2452 | fUseNatForTxs = False;
2453 | if sIpAddr == None:
2454 | try:
2455 | oNic = self.oVM.getNetworkAdapter(0);
2456 | if oNic.attachmentType == vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_NAT:
2457 | fUseNatForTxs = True;
2458 | except:
2459 | reporter.errorXcpt();
2460 | return None;
2461 | if fUseNatForTxs:
2462 | fReversedSetup = not fNatForwardingForTxs;
2463 | sIpAddr = '';
2464 |
2465 | # Kick off the task.
2466 | try:
2467 | oTask = TxsConnectTask(self, cMsTimeout, sIpAddr, sMacAddr, fReversedSetup);
2468 | except:
2469 | reporter.errorXcpt();
2470 | oTask = None;
2471 | return oTask;
2472 |
2473 | def txsTryConnectViaTcp(self, cMsTimeout, sHostname, fReversed = False):
2474 | """
2475 | Attempts to connect to a TXS instance.
2476 |
2477 | Returns True if a connection was established, False if not (only grave
2478 | failures are logged as errors).
2479 |
2480 | Note! The timeout is more of a guideline...
2481 | """
2482 |
2483 | if sHostname is None or sHostname.strip() == '':
2484 | raise base.GenError('Empty sHostname is not implemented yet');
2485 |
2486 | oTxsSession = txsclient.tryOpenTcpSession(cMsTimeout, sHostname, fReversedSetup = fReversed,
2487 | cMsIdleFudge = cMsTimeout / 2);
2488 | if oTxsSession is None:
2489 | return False;
2490 |
2491 | # Wait for the connect task to time out.
2492 | self.oTstDrv.addTask(oTxsSession);
2493 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
2494 | oRc = self.oTstDrv.waitForTasks(cMsTimeout);
2495 | self.oTstDrv.removeTask(oTxsSession);
2496 | if oRc != oTxsSession:
2497 | if oRc is not None:
2498 | reporter.log('oRc=%s, expected %s' % (oRc, oTxsSession));
2499 | self.oTstDrv.processPendingEvents();
2500 | oTxsSession.cancelTask(); # this is synchronous
2501 | return False;
2502 |
2503 | # Check the status.
2504 | reporter.log2('TxsSession is ready, isSuccess() -> %s.' % (oTxsSession.isSuccess(),));
2505 | if not oTxsSession.isSuccess():
2506 | return False;
2507 |
2508 | reporter.log2('Disconnecting from TXS...');
2509 | return oTxsSession.syncDisconnect();
2510 |
2511 |
2512 |
2513 | class TxsConnectTask(TdTaskBase):
2514 | """
2515 | Class that takes care of connecting to a VM.
2516 | """
2517 |
2518 | class TxsConnectTaskVBoxCallback(vbox.VirtualBoxEventHandlerBase):
2519 | """ Class for looking for IPv4 address changes on interface 0."""
2520 | def __init__(self, dArgs):
2521 | vbox.VirtualBoxEventHandlerBase.__init__(self, dArgs); # pylint: disable=W0233
2522 | self.oParentTask = dArgs['oParentTask'];
2523 | self.sMachineId = dArgs['sMachineId'];
2524 |
2525 | def onGuestPropertyChange(self, sMachineId, sName, sValue, sFlags):
2526 | """Look for IP address."""
2527 | reporter.log2('onGuestPropertyChange(,%s,%s,%s,%s)' % (sMachineId, sName, sValue, sFlags));
2528 | if sMachineId == self.sMachineId \
2529 | and sName == '/VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/0/V4/IP':
2530 | self.oParentTask._setIp(sValue); # pylint: disable=W0212
2531 |
2532 |
2533 | def __init__(self, oSession, cMsTimeout, sIpAddr, sMacAddr, fReversedSetup):
2534 | TdTaskBase.__init__(self, utils.getCallerName());
2535 | self.cMsTimeout = cMsTimeout;
2536 | self.sIpAddr = None;
2537 | self.sNextIpAddr = None;
2538 | self.sMacAddr = sMacAddr;
2539 | self.fReversedSetup = fReversedSetup;
2540 | self.oVBox = oSession.oVBox;
2541 | self.oVBoxEventHandler = None;
2542 | self.oTxsSession = None;
2543 | self.fpApiVer = oSession.fpApiVer;
2544 |
2545 | # Skip things we don't implement.
2546 | if sMacAddr is not None:
2547 | reporter.error('TxsConnectTask does not implement sMacAddr yet');
2548 | raise base.GenError();
2549 |
2550 | reporter.log2('TxsConnectTask: sIpAddr=%s fReversedSetup=%s' % (sIpAddr, fReversedSetup))
2551 | if fReversedSetup is True:
2552 | self._openTcpSession(sIpAddr, fReversedSetup = True);
2553 | elif sIpAddr is not None and sIpAddr.strip() != '':
2554 | self._openTcpSession(sIpAddr, cMsIdleFudge = 5000);
2555 | else:
2556 | #
2557 | # If we've got no IP address, register callbacks that listens for
2558 | # the primary network adaptor of the VM to set a IPv4 guest prop.
2559 | # Note! The order in which things are done here is kind of important.
2560 | #
2561 |
2562 | # 0. The caller zaps the property before starting the VM.
2563 | #try:
2564 | # oSession.delGuestPropertyValue('/VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/0/V4/IP');
2565 | #except:
2566 | # reporter.logXcpt();
2567 |
2568 | # 1. Register the callback / event listener object.
2569 | dArgs = {'oParentTask':self, 'sMachineId':oSession.o.machine.id};
2570 | self.oVBoxEventHandler = self.oVBox.registerDerivedEventHandler(self.TxsConnectTaskVBoxCallback, dArgs);
2571 |
2572 | # 2. Query the guest properties.
2573 | try:
2574 | sIpAddr = oSession.getGuestPropertyValue('/VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/0/V4/IP');
2575 | except:
2576 | reporter.errorXcpt('IMachine::getGuestPropertyValue("/VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/0/V4/IP") failed');
2577 | self._deregisterEventHandler();
2578 | raise;
2579 | else:
2580 | if sIpAddr is not None:
2581 | self._setIp(sIpAddr);
2582 | # end __init__
2583 |
2584 | def __del__(self):
2585 | """ Make sure we deregister the callback. """
2586 | self._deregisterEventHandler();
2587 | return TdTaskBase.__del__(self);
2588 |
2589 | def toString(self):
2590 | return '<%s cMsTimeout=%s, sIpAddr=%s, sNextIpAddr=%s, sMacAddr=%s, fReversedSetup=%s,' \
2591 | ' oTxsSession=%s oVBoxEventHandler=%s, oVBox=%s>' \
2592 | % (TdTaskBase.toString(self), self.cMsTimeout, self.sIpAddr, self.sNextIpAddr, self.sMacAddr, self.fReversedSetup,
2593 | self.oTxsSession, self.oVBoxEventHandler, self.oVBox);
2594 |
2595 | def _deregisterEventHandler(self):
2596 | """Deregisters the event handler."""
2597 | fRc = True;
2598 | if self.oVBoxEventHandler is not None:
2599 | fRc = self.oVBoxEventHandler.unregister();
2600 | self.oVBoxEventHandler = None;
2601 | return fRc;
2602 |
2603 | def _setIp(self, sIpAddr, fInitCall = False):
2604 | """Called when we get an IP. Will create a TXS session and signal the task."""
2605 | sIpAddr = sIpAddr.strip();
2606 |
2607 | if sIpAddr is not None \
2608 | and sIpAddr != '':
2609 | if vbox.isIpAddrValid(sIpAddr) or fInitCall:
2610 | try:
2611 | for s in sIpAddr.split('.'):
2612 | i = int(s);
2613 | if str(i) != s:
2614 | raise Exception();
2615 | except:
2616 | reporter.fatalXcpt();
2617 | else:
2618 | self._openTcpSession(sIpAddr, cMsIdleFudge = 5000);
2619 | return None;
2620 |
2621 | reporter.log('TxsConnectTask: Ignoring Bad ip "%s"' % (sIpAddr));
2622 | else:
2623 | reporter.log2('TxsConnectTask: Ignoring empty ip "%s"' % (sIpAddr));
2624 | return None;
2625 |
2626 | def _openTcpSession(self, sIpAddr, uPort = None, fReversedSetup = False, cMsIdleFudge = 0):
2627 | """
2628 | Calls txsclient.openTcpSession and switches our task to reflect the
2629 | state of the subtask.
2630 | """
2631 | self.oCv.acquire();
2632 | if self.oTxsSession is None:
2633 | reporter.log2('_openTcpSession: sIpAddr=%s, uPort=%d, fReversedSetup=%s' % \
2634 | (sIpAddr, uPort if uPort is not None else 0, fReversedSetup));
2635 | self.sIpAddr = sIpAddr;
2636 | self.oTxsSession = txsclient.openTcpSession(self.cMsTimeout, sIpAddr, uPort, \
2637 | fReversedSetup, cMsIdleFudge);
2638 | self.oTxsSession.setTaskOwner(self);
2639 | else:
2640 | self.sNextIpAddr = sIpAddr;
2641 | reporter.log2('_openTcpSession: sNextIpAddr=%s' % (sIpAddr,));
2642 | self.oCv.release();
2643 | return None;
2644 |
2645 | def notifyAboutReadyTask(self, oTxsSession):
2646 | """
2647 | Called by the TXS session task when it's done.
2648 |
2649 | We'll signal the task completed or retry depending on the result.
2650 | """
2651 |
2652 | self.oCv.acquire();
2653 |
2654 | # Disassociate ourselves with the session (avoid cyclic ref)
2655 | oTxsSession.setTaskOwner(None);
2656 | fSuccess = oTxsSession.isSuccess();
2657 | if self.oTxsSession is not None:
2658 | if not fSuccess:
2659 | self.oTxsSession = None;
2660 | if fSuccess and self.fReversedSetup:
2661 | self.sIpAddr = oTxsSession.oTransport.sHostname;
2662 | else:
2663 | fSuccess = False;
2664 |
2665 | # Signal done, or retry?
2666 | if fSuccess \
2667 | or self.fReversedSetup \
2668 | or self.getAgeAsMs() >= self.cMsTimeout:
2669 | self.signalTaskLocked();
2670 | else:
2671 | sIpAddr = self.sNextIpAddr if self.sNextIpAddr is not None else self.sIpAddr;
2672 | self._openTcpSession(sIpAddr, cMsIdleFudge = 5000);
2673 |
2674 | self.oCv.release();
2675 | return True;
2676 |
2677 | #
2678 | # Public methods
2679 | #
2680 |
2681 | def getResult(self):
2682 | """
2683 | Returns the connected TXS session object on success.
2684 | Returns None on failure or if the task has not yet completed.
2685 | """
2686 | self.oCv.acquire();
2687 | oTxsSession = self.oTxsSession;
2688 | self.oCv.release();
2689 |
2690 | if oTxsSession is not None and not oTxsSession.isSuccess():
2691 | oTxsSession = None;
2692 | return oTxsSession;
2693 |
2694 | def cancelTask(self):
2695 | """ Cancels the task. """
2696 | self.oCv.acquire();
2697 | if not self.fSignalled:
2698 | oTxsSession = self.oTxsSession;
2699 | if oTxsSession is not None:
2700 | self.oCv.release();
2701 | oTxsSession.setTaskOwner(None);
2702 | oTxsSession.cancelTask();
2703 | oTxsSession.waitForTask(1000);
2704 | self.oCv.acquire();
2705 | self.signalTaskLocked();
2706 | self.oCv.release();
2707 | return True;
2708 |