1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 | # $Id: filearchiver.py 52776 2014-09-17 14:51:43Z vboxsync $
4 | # pylint: disable=C0301
5 |
6 | """
7 | A cronjob that compresses logs and other files, moving them to the
8 | g_ksZipFileAreaRootDir storage area.
9 | """
10 |
11 | __copyright__ = \
12 | """
13 | Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Oracle Corporation
14 |
15 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
16 | available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
17 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
18 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
19 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
20 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
21 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
22 |
23 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
24 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
25 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
26 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
27 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
28 |
29 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
30 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
31 | """
32 | __version__ = "$Revision: 52776 $"
33 |
34 | # Standard python imports
35 | import sys
36 | import os
37 | from optparse import OptionParser
38 | import time;
39 | import zipfile;
40 |
41 | # Add Test Manager's modules path
42 | g_ksTestManagerDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
43 | sys.path.append(g_ksTestManagerDir)
44 |
45 | # Test Manager imports
46 | from common import utils;
47 | from testmanager import config;
48 | from testmanager.core.db import TMDatabaseConnection;
49 | from testmanager.core.testset import TestSetData, TestSetLogic;
50 |
51 | class FileArchiverBatchJob(object): # pylint: disable=R0903
52 | """
53 | Log+files comp
54 | """
55 |
56 | def __init__(self, oOptions):
57 | """
58 | Parse command line
59 | """
60 | self.fVerbose = oOptions.fVerbose;
61 | self.sSrcDir = config.g_ksFileAreaRootDir;
62 | self.sDstDir = config.g_ksZipFileAreaRootDir;
63 | #self.oTestSetLogic = TestSetLogic(TMDatabaseConnection(self.dprint if self.fVerbose else None));
64 | self.oTestSetLogic = TestSetLogic(TMDatabaseConnection(None));
65 | self.fDryRun = oOptions.fDryRun;
66 |
67 | def dprint(self, sText):
68 | """ Verbose output. """
69 | if self.fVerbose:
70 | print sText;
71 | return True;
72 |
73 | def warning(self, sText):
74 | """Prints a warning."""
75 | print sText;
76 | return True;
77 |
78 | def _processTestSet(self, idTestSet, asFiles, sCurDir):
79 | """
80 | Worker for processDir.
81 | Same return codes as processDir.
82 | """
83 |
84 | sBaseFilename = os.path.join(sCurDir, 'TestSet-%d' % (idTestSet,));
85 | if sBaseFilename[0:2] == ('.' + os.path.sep):
86 | sBaseFilename = sBaseFilename[2:];
87 | sSrcFileBase = os.path.join(self.sSrcDir, sBaseFilename + '-');
88 |
89 | #
90 | # Skip the file if the test set is still running.
91 | # But delete them if the testset is not found.
92 | #
93 | oTestSet = self.oTestSetLogic.tryFetch(idTestSet);
94 | if oTestSet is not None and sBaseFilename != oTestSet.sBaseFilename:
95 | self.warning('TestSet %d: Deleting because sBaseFilename differs: "%s" (disk) vs "%s" (db)' \
96 | % (idTestSet, sBaseFilename, oTestSet.sBaseFilename,));
97 | oTestSet = None;
98 |
99 | if oTestSet is not None:
100 | if oTestSet.enmStatus == TestSetData.ksTestStatus_Running:
101 | self.dprint('Skipping test set #%d, still running' % (idTestSet,));
102 | return True;
103 |
104 | #
105 | # If we have a zip file already, don't try recreate it as we might
106 | # have had trouble removing the source files.
107 | #
108 | sDstDirPath = os.path.join(self.sDstDir, sCurDir);
109 | sZipFileNm = os.path.join(sDstDirPath, 'TestSet-%d.zip' % (idTestSet,));
110 | if not os.path.exists(sZipFileNm):
111 | #
112 | # Create zip file with all testset files as members.
113 | #
114 | self.dprint('TestSet %d: Creating %s...' % (idTestSet, sZipFileNm,));
115 | if not self.fDryRun:
116 |
117 | if not os.path.exists(sDstDirPath):
118 | os.makedirs(sDstDirPath, 0o755);
119 |
120 | utils.noxcptDeleteFile(sZipFileNm + '.tmp');
121 | oZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(sZipFileNm + '.tmp', 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64 = True);
122 |
123 | for sFile in asFiles:
124 | sSuff = os.path.splitext(sFile)[1];
125 | if sSuff in [ '.png', '.webm', '.gz', '.bz2', '.zip', '.mov', '.avi', '.mpg', '.gif', '.jpg' ]:
126 | ## @todo Consider storing these files outside the zip if they are a little largish.
127 | self.dprint('TestSet %d: Storing %s...' % (idTestSet, sFile));
128 | oZipFile.write(sSrcFileBase + sFile, sFile, zipfile.ZIP_STORED);
129 | else:
130 | self.dprint('TestSet %d: Deflating %s...' % (idTestSet, sFile));
131 | oZipFile.write(sSrcFileBase + sFile, sFile, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED);
132 |
133 | oZipFile.close();
134 |
135 | #
136 | # .zip.tmp -> .zip.
137 | #
138 | utils.noxcptDeleteFile(sZipFileNm);
139 | os.rename(sZipFileNm + '.tmp', sZipFileNm);
140 |
141 | #else: Dry run.
142 | else:
143 | self.dprint('TestSet %d: zip file exists already (%s)' % (idTestSet, sZipFileNm,));
144 |
145 | #
146 | # Delete the files.
147 | #
148 | fRc = True;
149 | if self.fVerbose:
150 | self.dprint('TestSet %d: deleting file: %s' % (idTestSet, asFiles));
151 | if not self.fDryRun:
152 | for sFile in asFiles:
153 | if utils.noxcptDeleteFile(sSrcFileBase + sFile) is False:
154 | self.warning('TestSet %d: Failed to delete "%s" (%s)' % (idTestSet, sFile, sSrcFileBase + sFile,));
155 | fRc = False;
156 |
157 | return fRc;
158 |
159 |
160 | def processDir(self, sCurDir):
161 | """
162 | Process the given directory (relative to sSrcDir and sDstDir).
163 | Returns success indicator.
164 | """
165 | if self.fVerbose:
166 | self.dprint('processDir: %s' % (sCurDir,));
167 |
168 | #
169 | # Sift thought the directory content, collecting subdirectories and
170 | # sort relevant files by test set.
171 | # Generally there will either be subdirs or there will be files.
172 | #
173 | asSubDirs = [];
174 | dTestSets = {};
175 | sCurPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.sSrcDir, sCurDir));
176 | for sFile in os.listdir(sCurPath):
177 | if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(sCurPath, sFile)):
178 | if sFile not in [ '.', '..' ]:
179 | asSubDirs.append(sFile);
180 | elif sFile.startswith('TestSet-'):
181 | # Parse the file name. ASSUMES 'TestSet-%d-filename' format.
182 | iSlash1 = sFile.find('-');
183 | iSlash2 = sFile.find('-', iSlash1 + 1);
184 | if iSlash2 <= iSlash1:
185 | self.warning('Bad filename (1): "%s"' % (sFile,));
186 | continue;
187 |
188 | try: idTestSet = int(sFile[(iSlash1 + 1):iSlash2]);
189 | except:
190 | self.warning('Bad filename (2): "%s"' % (sFile,));
191 | if self.fVerbose:
192 | self.dprint('\n'.join(utils.getXcptInfo(4)));
193 | continue;
194 |
195 | if idTestSet <= 0:
196 | self.warning('Bad filename (3): "%s"' % (sFile,));
197 | continue;
198 |
199 | if iSlash2 + 2 >= len(sFile):
200 | self.warning('Bad filename (4): "%s"' % (sFile,));
201 | continue;
202 | sName = sFile[(iSlash2 + 1):];
203 |
204 | # Add it.
205 | if idTestSet not in dTestSets:
206 | dTestSets[idTestSet] = [];
207 | asTestSet = dTestSets[idTestSet];
208 | asTestSet.append(sName);
209 |
210 | #
211 | # Test sets.
212 | #
213 | fRc = True;
214 | for idTestSet in dTestSets:
215 | try:
216 | if self._processTestSet(idTestSet, dTestSets[idTestSet], sCurDir) is not True:
217 | fRc = False;
218 | except:
219 | self.warning('TestSet %d: Exception in _processTestSet:\n%s' % (idTestSet, '\n'.join(utils.getXcptInfo()),));
220 | fRc = False;
221 |
222 | #
223 | # Sub dirs.
224 | #
225 | for sSubDir in asSubDirs:
226 | if self.processDir(os.path.join(sCurDir, sSubDir)) is not True:
227 | fRc = False;
228 |
229 | #
230 | # Try Remove the directory iff it's not '.' and it's been unmodified
231 | # for the last 24h (race protection).
232 | #
233 | if sCurDir != '.':
234 | try:
235 | fpModTime = float(os.path.getmtime(sCurPath));
236 | if fpModTime + (24*3600) <= time.time():
237 | if utils.noxcptRmDir(sCurPath) is True:
238 | self.dprint('Removed "%s".' % (sCurPath,));
239 | except:
240 | pass;
241 |
242 | return fRc;
243 |
244 | @staticmethod
245 | def main():
246 | """ C-style main(). """
247 | #
248 | # Parse options.
249 | #
250 | oParser = OptionParser();
251 | oParser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest = 'fVerbose', action = 'store_true', default = False,
252 | help = 'Verbose output.');
253 | oParser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest = 'fVerbose', action = 'store_false', default = False,
254 | help = 'Quiet operation.');
255 | oParser.add_option('-d', '--dry-run', dest = 'fDryRun', action = 'store_true', default = False,
256 | help = 'Dry run, do not make any changes.');
257 | (oOptions, asArgs) = oParser.parse_args()
258 | if asArgs != []:
259 | oParser.print_help();
260 | return 1;
261 |
262 | #
263 | # Do the work.
264 | #
265 | oBatchJob = FileArchiverBatchJob(oOptions);
266 | fRc = oBatchJob.processDir('.');
267 | return 0 if fRc is True else 1;
268 |
269 | if __name__ == '__main__':
270 | sys.exit(FileArchiverBatchJob.main());
271 |