1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 | # $Id: testset.py 61462 2016-06-04 01:21:11Z vboxsync $
3 |
4 | """
5 | Test Manager - TestSet.
6 | """
7 |
8 | __copyright__ = \
9 | """
10 | Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Oracle Corporation
11 |
12 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
13 | available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
14 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
15 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
16 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
17 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
18 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
19 |
20 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
21 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
22 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
23 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
24 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
25 |
26 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
27 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
28 | """
29 | __version__ = "$Revision: 61462 $"
30 |
31 |
32 | # Standard python imports.
33 | import os;
34 | import zipfile;
35 | import unittest;
36 |
37 | # Validation Kit imports.
38 | from common import utils;
39 | from testmanager import config;
40 | from testmanager.core import db;
41 | from testmanager.core.base import ModelDataBase, ModelDataBaseTestCase, ModelLogicBase, \
42 | TMExceptionBase, TMTooManyRows, TMRowNotFound;
43 | from testmanager.core.testbox import TestBoxData;
44 | from testmanager.core.testresults import TestResultFileDataEx;
45 |
46 |
47 | class TestSetData(ModelDataBase):
48 | """
49 | TestSet Data.
50 | """
51 |
52 | ## @name TestStatus_T
53 | # @{
54 | ksTestStatus_Running = 'running';
55 | ksTestStatus_Success = 'success';
56 | ksTestStatus_Skipped = 'skipped';
57 | ksTestStatus_BadTestBox = 'bad-testbox';
58 | ksTestStatus_Aborted = 'aborted';
59 | ksTestStatus_Failure = 'failure';
60 | ksTestStatus_TimedOut = 'timed-out';
61 | ksTestStatus_Rebooted = 'rebooted';
62 | ## @}
63 |
64 | ## List of relatively harmless (to testgroup/case) statuses.
65 | kasHarmlessTestStatuses = [ ksTestStatus_Skipped, ksTestStatus_BadTestBox, ksTestStatus_Aborted, ];
66 | ## List of bad statuses.
67 | kasBadTestStatuses = [ ksTestStatus_Failure, ksTestStatus_TimedOut, ksTestStatus_Rebooted, ];
68 |
69 | ksIdAttr = 'idTestSet';
70 |
71 | ksParam_idTestSet = 'TestSet_idTestSet';
72 | ksParam_tsConfig = 'TestSet_tsConfig';
73 | ksParam_tsCreated = 'TestSet_tsCreated';
74 | ksParam_tsDone = 'TestSet_tsDone';
75 | ksParam_enmStatus = 'TestSet_enmStatus';
76 | ksParam_idBuild = 'TestSet_idBuild';
77 | ksParam_idBuildCategory = 'TestSet_idBuildCategory';
78 | ksParam_idBuildTestSuite = 'TestSet_idBuildTestSuite';
79 | ksParam_idGenTestBox = 'TestSet_idGenTestBox';
80 | ksParam_idTestBox = 'TestSet_idTestBox';
81 | ksParam_idTestGroup = 'TestSet_idTestGroup';
82 | ksParam_idGenTestCase = 'TestSet_idGenTestCase';
83 | ksParam_idTestCase = 'TestSet_idTestCase';
84 | ksParam_idGenTestCaseArgs = 'TestSet_idGenTestCaseArgs';
85 | ksParam_idTestCaseArgs = 'TestSet_idTestCaseArgs';
86 | ksParam_idTestResult = 'TestSet_idTestResult';
87 | ksParam_sBaseFilename = 'TestSet_sBaseFilename';
88 | ksParam_iGangMemberNo = 'TestSet_iGangMemberNo';
89 | ksParam_idTestSetGangLeader = 'TestSet_idTestSetGangLeader';
90 |
91 | kasAllowNullAttributes = ['tsDone', 'idBuildTestSuite', 'idTestSetGangLeader' ];
92 | kasValidValues_enmStatus = [
93 | ksTestStatus_Running,
94 | ksTestStatus_Success,
95 | ksTestStatus_Skipped,
96 | ksTestStatus_BadTestBox,
97 | ksTestStatus_Aborted,
98 | ksTestStatus_Failure,
99 | ksTestStatus_TimedOut,
100 | ksTestStatus_Rebooted,
101 | ];
102 | kiMin_iGangMemberNo = 0;
103 | kiMax_iGangMemberNo = 1023;
104 |
105 |
106 | def __init__(self):
107 | ModelDataBase.__init__(self);
108 |
109 | #
110 | # Initialize with defaults.
111 | # See the database for explanations of each of these fields.
112 | #
113 | self.idTestSet = None;
114 | self.tsConfig = None;
115 | self.tsCreated = None;
116 | self.tsDone = None;
117 | self.enmStatus = 'running';
118 | self.idBuild = None;
119 | self.idBuildCategory = None;
120 | self.idBuildTestSuite = None;
121 | self.idGenTestBox = None;
122 | self.idTestBox = None;
123 | self.idTestGroup = None;
124 | self.idGenTestCase = None;
125 | self.idTestCase = None;
126 | self.idGenTestCaseArgs = None;
127 | self.idTestCaseArgs = None;
128 | self.idTestResult = None;
129 | self.sBaseFilename = None;
130 | self.iGangMemberNo = 0;
131 | self.idTestSetGangLeader = None;
132 |
133 | def initFromDbRow(self, aoRow):
134 | """
135 | Internal worker for initFromDbWithId and initFromDbWithGenId as well as
136 | TestBoxSetLogic.
137 | """
138 |
139 | if aoRow is None:
140 | raise TMRowNotFound('TestSet not found.');
141 |
142 | self.idTestSet = aoRow[0];
143 | self.tsConfig = aoRow[1];
144 | self.tsCreated = aoRow[2];
145 | self.tsDone = aoRow[3];
146 | self.enmStatus = aoRow[4];
147 | self.idBuild = aoRow[5];
148 | self.idBuildCategory = aoRow[6];
149 | self.idBuildTestSuite = aoRow[7];
150 | self.idGenTestBox = aoRow[8];
151 | self.idTestBox = aoRow[9];
152 | self.idTestGroup = aoRow[10];
153 | self.idGenTestCase = aoRow[11];
154 | self.idTestCase = aoRow[12];
155 | self.idGenTestCaseArgs = aoRow[13];
156 | self.idTestCaseArgs = aoRow[14];
157 | self.idTestResult = aoRow[15];
158 | self.sBaseFilename = aoRow[16];
159 | self.iGangMemberNo = aoRow[17];
160 | self.idTestSetGangLeader = aoRow[18];
161 | return self;
162 |
163 |
164 | def initFromDbWithId(self, oDb, idTestSet):
165 | """
166 | Initialize the object from the database.
167 | """
168 | oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
169 | 'FROM TestSets\n'
170 | 'WHERE idTestSet = %s\n'
171 | , (idTestSet, ) );
172 | aoRow = oDb.fetchOne()
173 | if aoRow is None:
174 | raise TMRowNotFound('idTestSet=%s not found' % (idTestSet,));
175 | return self.initFromDbRow(aoRow);
176 |
177 |
178 | def openFile(self, sFilename, sMode = 'rb'):
179 | """
180 | Opens a file.
181 |
182 | Returns (oFile, cbFile, fIsStream) on success.
183 | Returns (None, sErrorMsg, None) on failure.
184 | Will not raise exceptions, unless the class instance is invalid.
185 | """
186 | assert sMode in [ 'rb', 'r', 'rU' ];
187 |
188 | # Try raw file first.
189 | sFile1 = os.path.join(config.g_ksFileAreaRootDir, self.sBaseFilename + '-' + sFilename);
190 | try:
191 | oFile = open(sFile1, sMode);
192 | return (oFile, os.fstat(oFile.fileno()).st_size, False);
193 | except Exception as oXcpt1:
194 | # Try the zip archive next.
195 | sFile2 = os.path.join(config.g_ksZipFileAreaRootDir, self.sBaseFilename + '.zip');
196 | try:
197 | oZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(sFile2, 'r');
198 | oFile = oZipFile.open(sFilename, sMode if sMode != 'rb' else 'r');
199 | cbFile = oZipFile.getinfo(sFilename).file_size;
200 | return (oFile, cbFile, True);
201 | except Exception as oXcpt2:
202 | # Construct a meaningful error message.
203 | try:
204 | if os.path.exists(sFile1):
205 | return (None, 'Error opening "%s": %s' % (sFile1, oXcpt1), None);
206 | if not os.path.exists(sFile2):
207 | return (None, 'File "%s" not found. [%s, %s]' % (sFilename, sFile1, sFile2,), None);
208 | return (None, 'Error opening "%s" inside "%s": %s' % (sFilename, sFile2, oXcpt2), None);
209 | except Exception as oXcpt3:
210 | return (None, 'OMG! %s; %s; %s' % (oXcpt1, oXcpt2, oXcpt3,), None);
211 | return (None, 'Code not reachable!', None);
212 |
213 | def createFile(self, sFilename, sMode = 'wb'):
214 | """
215 | Creates a new file.
216 |
217 | Returns oFile on success.
218 | Returns sErrorMsg on failure.
219 | """
220 | assert sMode in [ 'wb', 'w', 'wU' ];
221 |
222 | # Try raw file first.
223 | sFile1 = os.path.join(config.g_ksFileAreaRootDir, self.sBaseFilename + '-' + sFilename);
224 | try:
225 | if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(sFile1)):
226 | os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(sFile1), 0o755);
227 | oFile = open(sFile1, sMode);
228 | except Exception as oXcpt1:
229 | return str(oXcpt1);
230 | return oFile;
231 |
232 | @staticmethod
233 | def findLogOffsetForTimestamp(sLogContent, tsTimestamp, offStart = 0, fAfter = False):
234 | """
235 | Log parsing utility function for finding the offset for the given timestamp.
236 |
237 | We ASSUME the log lines are prefixed with UTC timestamps on the format
238 | '09:43:55.789353'.
239 |
240 | Return index into the sLogContent string, 0 if not found.
241 | """
242 | # Turn tsTimestamp into a string compatible with what we expect to find in the log.
243 | oTsZulu = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(tsTimestamp);
244 | sWantedTs = oTsZulu.strftime('%H:%M:%S.%f');
245 | assert len(sWantedTs) == 15;
246 |
247 | # Now loop thru the string, line by line.
248 | offRet = offStart;
249 | off = offStart;
250 | while True:
251 | sThisTs = sLogContent[off : off + 15];
252 | if len(sThisTs) >= 15 \
253 | and sThisTs[2] == ':' \
254 | and sThisTs[5] == ':' \
255 | and sThisTs[8] == '.' \
256 | and sThisTs[14] in '0123456789':
257 | if sThisTs < sWantedTs:
258 | offRet = off;
259 | elif sThisTs == sWantedTs:
260 | if not fAfter:
261 | return off;
262 | offRet = off;
263 | else:
264 | if fAfter:
265 | offRet = off;
266 | break;
267 |
268 | # next line.
269 | off = sLogContent.find('\n', off);
270 | if off < 0:
271 | if fAfter:
272 | offRet = len(sLogContent);
273 | break;
274 | off += 1;
275 |
276 | return offRet;
277 |
278 | @staticmethod
279 | def extractLogSection(sLogContent, tsStart, tsLast):
280 | """
281 | Returns log section from tsStart to tsLast (or all if we cannot make sense of it).
282 | """
283 | offStart = TestSetData.findLogOffsetForTimestamp(sLogContent, tsStart);
284 | offEnd = TestSetData.findLogOffsetForTimestamp(sLogContent, tsLast, offStart, fAfter = True);
285 | return sLogContent[offStart : offEnd];
286 |
287 | @staticmethod
288 | def extractLogSectionElapsed(sLogContent, tsStart, tsElapsed):
289 | """
290 | Returns log section from tsStart and tsElapsed forward (or all if we cannot make sense of it).
291 | """
292 | tsStart = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(tsStart);
293 | tsLast = tsStart + tsElapsed;
294 | return TestSetData.extractLogSection(sLogContent, tsStart, tsLast);
295 |
296 |
297 |
298 | class TestSetLogic(ModelLogicBase):
299 | """
300 | TestSet logic.
301 | """
302 |
303 |
304 | def __init__(self, oDb):
305 | ModelLogicBase.__init__(self, oDb);
306 |
307 |
308 | def tryFetch(self, idTestSet):
309 | """
310 | Attempts to fetch a test set.
311 |
312 | Returns a TestSetData object on success.
313 | Returns None if no status was found.
314 | Raises exception on other errors.
315 | """
316 | self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
317 | 'FROM TestSets\n'
318 | 'WHERE idTestSet = %s\n',
319 | (idTestSet,));
320 | if self._oDb.getRowCount() == 0:
321 | return None;
322 | oData = TestSetData();
323 | return oData.initFromDbRow(self._oDb.fetchOne());
324 |
325 | def strTabString(self, sString, fCommit = False):
326 | """
327 | Gets the string table id for the given string, adding it if new.
328 | """
329 | ## @todo move this and make a stored procedure for it.
330 | self._oDb.execute('SELECT idStr\n'
331 | 'FROM TestResultStrTab\n'
332 | 'WHERE sValue = %s'
333 | , (sString,));
334 | if self._oDb.getRowCount() == 0:
335 | self._oDb.execute('INSERT INTO TestResultStrTab (sValue)\n'
336 | 'VALUES (%s)\n'
337 | 'RETURNING idStr\n'
338 | , (sString,));
339 | if fCommit:
340 | self._oDb.commit();
341 | return self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];
342 |
343 | def complete(self, idTestSet, sStatus, fCommit = False):
344 | """
345 | Completes the testset.
346 | Returns the test set ID of the gang leader, None if no gang involvement.
347 | Raises exceptions on database errors and invalid input.
348 | """
349 |
350 | assert sStatus != TestSetData.ksTestStatus_Running;
351 |
352 | #
353 | # Get the basic test set data and check if there is anything to do here.
354 | #
355 | oData = TestSetData().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idTestSet);
356 | if oData.enmStatus != TestSetData.ksTestStatus_Running:
357 | raise TMExceptionBase('TestSet %s is already completed as %s.' % (idTestSet, oData.enmStatus));
358 | if oData.idTestResult is None:
359 | raise self._oDb.integrityException('idTestResult is NULL for TestSet %u' % (idTestSet,));
360 |
361 | #
362 | # Close open sub test results, count these as errors.
363 | # Note! No need to propagate error counts here. Only one tree line will
364 | # have open sets, and it will go all the way to the root.
365 | #
366 | self._oDb.execute('SELECT idTestResult\n'
367 | 'FROM TestResults\n'
368 | 'WHERE idTestSet = %s\n'
369 | ' AND enmStatus = %s\n'
370 | ' AND idTestResult <> %s\n'
371 | 'ORDER BY idTestResult DESC\n'
372 | , (idTestSet, TestSetData.ksTestStatus_Running, oData.idTestResult));
373 | aaoRows = self._oDb.fetchAll();
374 | if len(aaoRows):
375 | idStr = self.strTabString('Unclosed test result', fCommit = fCommit);
376 | for aoRow in aaoRows:
377 | self._oDb.execute('UPDATE TestResults\n'
378 | 'SET enmStatus = \'failure\',\n'
379 | ' tsElapsed = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - tsCreated,\n'
380 | ' cErrors = cErrors + 1\n'
381 | 'WHERE idTestResult = %s\n'
382 | , (aoRow[0],));
383 | self._oDb.execute('INSERT INTO TestResultMsgs (idTestResult, idTestSet, idStrMsg, enmLevel)\n'
384 | 'VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, \'failure\'::TestResultMsgLevel_T)\n'
385 | , (aoRow[0], idTestSet, idStr,));
386 |
387 | #
388 | # If it's a success result, check it against error counters.
389 | #
390 | if sStatus not in TestSetData.kasBadTestStatuses:
391 | self._oDb.execute('SELECT COUNT(*)\n'
392 | 'FROM TestResults\n'
393 | 'WHERE idTestSet = %s\n'
394 | ' AND cErrors > 0\n'
395 | , (idTestSet,));
396 | cErrors = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];
397 | if cErrors > 0:
398 | sStatus = TestSetData.ksTestStatus_Failure;
399 |
400 | #
401 | # If it's an pure 'failure', check for timeouts and propagate it.
402 | #
403 | if sStatus == TestSetData.ksTestStatus_Failure:
404 | self._oDb.execute('SELECT COUNT(*)\n'
405 | 'FROM TestResults\n'
406 | 'WHERE idTestSet = %s\n'
407 | ' AND enmStatus = %s\n'
408 | , ( idTestSet, TestSetData.ksTestStatus_TimedOut, ));
409 | if self._oDb.fetchOne()[0] > 0:
410 | sStatus = TestSetData.ksTestStatus_TimedOut;
411 |
412 | #
413 | # Complete the top level test result and then the test set.
414 | #
415 | self._oDb.execute('UPDATE TestResults\n'
416 | 'SET cErrors = (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(cErrors), 0)\n'
417 | ' FROM TestResults\n'
418 | ' WHERE idTestResultParent = %s)\n'
419 | 'WHERE idTestResult = %s\n'
420 | 'RETURNING cErrors\n'
421 | , (oData.idTestResult, oData.idTestResult));
422 | cErrors = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];
423 | if cErrors == 0 and sStatus in TestSetData.kasBadTestStatuses:
424 | self._oDb.execute('UPDATE TestResults\n'
425 | 'SET cErrors = 1\n'
426 | 'WHERE idTestResult = %s\n'
427 | , (oData.idTestResult,));
428 | elif cErrors > 0 and sStatus not in TestSetData.kasBadTestStatuses:
429 | sStatus = TestSetData.ksTestStatus_Failure; # Impossible.
430 | self._oDb.execute('UPDATE TestResults\n'
431 | 'SET enmStatus = %s,\n'
432 | ' tsElapsed = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - tsCreated\n'
433 | 'WHERE idTestResult = %s\n'
434 | , (sStatus, oData.idTestResult,));
435 |
436 | self._oDb.execute('UPDATE TestSets\n'
437 | 'SET enmStatus = %s,\n'
438 | ' tsDone = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\n'
439 | 'WHERE idTestSet = %s\n'
440 | , (sStatus, idTestSet,));
441 |
442 | self._oDb.maybeCommit(fCommit);
443 | return oData.idTestSetGangLeader;
444 |
445 | def completeAsAbandond(self, idTestSet, fCommit = False):
446 | """
447 | Completes the testset as abandoned if necessary.
448 |
449 | See scenario #9:
450 | file://../../docs/AutomaticTestingRevamp.html#cleaning-up-abandond-testcase
451 |
452 | Returns True if successfully completed as abandond, False if it's already
453 | completed, and raises exceptions under exceptional circumstances.
454 | """
455 |
456 | #
457 | # Get the basic test set data and check if there is anything to do here.
458 | #
459 | oData = self.tryFetch(idTestSet);
460 | if oData is None:
461 | return False;
462 | if oData.enmStatus != TestSetData.ksTestStatus_Running:
463 | return False;
464 |
465 | if oData.idTestResult is not None:
466 | #
467 | # Clean up test results, adding a message why they failed.
468 | #
469 | self._oDb.execute('UPDATE TestResults\n'
470 | 'SET enmStatus = \'failure\',\n'
471 | ' tsElapsed = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - tsCreated,\n'
472 | ' cErrors = cErrors + 1\n'
473 | 'WHERE idTestSet = %s\n'
474 | ' AND enmStatus = \'running\'::TestStatus_T\n'
475 | , (idTestSet,));
476 |
477 | idStr = self.strTabString('The test was abandond by the testbox', fCommit = fCommit);
478 | self._oDb.execute('INSERT INTO TestResultMsgs (idTestResult, idTestSet, idStrMsg, enmLevel)\n'
479 | 'VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, \'failure\'::TestResultMsgLevel_T)\n'
480 | , (oData.idTestResult, idTestSet, idStr,));
481 |
482 | #
483 | # Complete the testset.
484 | #
485 | self._oDb.execute('UPDATE TestSets\n'
486 | 'SET enmStatus = \'failure\',\n'
487 | ' tsDone = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\n'
488 | 'WHERE idTestSet = %s\n'
489 | ' AND enmStatus = \'running\'::TestStatus_T\n'
490 | , (idTestSet,));
491 |
492 | self._oDb.maybeCommit(fCommit);
493 | return True;
494 |
495 | def completeAsGangGatheringTimeout(self, idTestSet, fCommit = False):
496 | """
497 | Completes the testset with a gang-gathering timeout.
498 | Raises exceptions on database errors and invalid input.
499 | """
500 | #
501 | # Get the basic test set data and check if there is anything to do here.
502 | #
503 | oData = TestSetData().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idTestSet);
504 | if oData.enmStatus != TestSetData.ksTestStatus_Running:
505 | raise TMExceptionBase('TestSet %s is already completed as %s.' % (idTestSet, oData.enmStatus));
506 | if oData.idTestResult is None:
507 | raise self._oDb.integrityException('idTestResult is NULL for TestSet %u' % (idTestSet,));
508 |
509 | #
510 | # Complete the top level test result and then the test set.
511 | #
512 | self._oDb.execute('UPDATE TestResults\n'
513 | 'SET enmStatus = \'failure\',\n'
514 | ' tsElapsed = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - tsCreated,\n'
515 | ' cErrors = cErrors + 1\n'
516 | 'WHERE idTestSet = %s\n'
517 | ' AND enmStatus = \'running\'::TestStatus_T\n'
518 | , (idTestSet,));
519 |
520 | idStr = self.strTabString('Gang gathering timed out', fCommit = fCommit);
521 | self._oDb.execute('INSERT INTO TestResultMsgs (idTestResult, idTestSet, idStrMsg, enmLevel)\n'
522 | 'VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, \'failure\'::TestResultMsgLevel_T)\n'
523 | , (oData.idTestResult, idTestSet, idStr,));
524 |
525 | self._oDb.execute('UPDATE TestSets\n'
526 | 'SET enmStatus = \'failure\',\n'
527 | ' tsDone = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\n'
528 | 'WHERE idTestSet = %s\n'
529 | , (idTestSet,));
530 |
531 | self._oDb.maybeCommit(fCommit);
532 | return True;
533 |
534 | def createFile(self, oTestSet, sName, sMime, sKind, sDesc, cbFile, fCommit = False): # pylint: disable=R0914
535 | """
536 | Creates a file and associating with the current test result record in
537 | the test set.
538 |
539 | Returns file object that the file content can be written to.
540 | Raises exception on database error, I/O errors, if there are too many
541 | files in the test set or if they take up too much disk space.
542 |
543 | The caller (testboxdisp.py) is expected to do basic input validation,
544 | so we skip that and get on with the bits only we can do.
545 | """
546 |
547 | #
548 | # Furhter input and limit checks.
549 | #
550 | if oTestSet.enmStatus != TestSetData.ksTestStatus_Running:
551 | raise TMExceptionBase('Cannot create files on a test set with status "%s".' % (oTestSet.enmStatus,));
552 |
553 | self._oDb.execute('SELECT TestResultStrTab.sValue\n'
554 | 'FROM TestResultFiles,\n'
555 | ' TestResults,\n'
556 | ' TestResultStrTab\n'
557 | 'WHERE TestResults.idTestSet = %s\n'
558 | ' AND TestResultFiles.idTestResult = TestResults.idTestResult\n'
559 | ' AND TestResultStrTab.idStr = TestResultFiles.idStrFile\n'
560 | , ( oTestSet.idTestSet,));
561 | if self._oDb.getRowCount() + 1 > config.g_kcMaxUploads:
562 | raise TMExceptionBase('Uploaded too many files already (%d).' % (self._oDb.getRowCount(),));
563 |
564 | dFiles = {}
565 | cbTotalFiles = 0;
566 | for aoRow in self._oDb.fetchAll():
567 | dFiles[aoRow[0].lower()] = 1; # For determining a unique filename further down.
568 | sFile = os.path.join(config.g_ksFileAreaRootDir, oTestSet.sBaseFilename + '-' + aoRow[0]);
569 | try:
570 | cbTotalFiles += os.path.getsize(sFile);
571 | except:
572 | cbTotalFiles += config.g_kcMbMaxUploadSingle * 1048576;
573 | if (cbTotalFiles + cbFile + 1048575) / 1048576 > config.g_kcMbMaxUploadTotal:
574 | raise TMExceptionBase('Will exceed total upload limit: %u bytes + %u bytes > %s MiB.' \
575 | % (cbTotalFiles, cbFile, config.g_kcMbMaxUploadTotal));
576 |
577 | #
578 | # Create a new file.
579 | #
580 | self._oDb.execute('SELECT idTestResult\n'
581 | 'FROM TestResults\n'
582 | 'WHERE idTestSet = %s\n'
583 | ' AND enmStatus = \'running\'::TestStatus_T\n'
584 | 'ORDER BY idTestResult DESC\n'
585 | 'LIMIT 1\n'
586 | % ( oTestSet.idTestSet, ));
587 | if self._oDb.getRowCount() < 1:
588 | raise TMExceptionBase('No open test results - someone committed a capital offence or we ran into a race.');
589 | idTestResult = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];
590 |
591 | if sName.lower() in dFiles:
592 | # Note! There is in theory a race here, but that's something the
593 | # test driver doing parallel upload with non-unique names
594 | # should worry about. The TD should always avoid this path.
595 | sOrgName = sName;
596 | for i in range(2, config.g_kcMaxUploads + 6):
597 | sName = '%s-%s' % (i, sName,);
598 | if sName not in dFiles:
599 | break;
600 | sName = None;
601 | if sName is None:
602 | raise TMExceptionBase('Failed to find unique name for %s.' % (sOrgName,));
603 |
604 | self._oDb.execute('INSERT INTO TestResultFiles(idTestResult, idTestSet, idStrFile, idStrDescription,\n'
605 | ' idStrKind, idStrMime)\n'
606 | 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n'
607 | , ( idTestResult,
608 | oTestSet.idTestSet,
609 | self.strTabString(sName),
610 | self.strTabString(sDesc),
611 | self.strTabString(sKind),
612 | self.strTabString(sMime),
613 | ));
614 |
615 | oFile = oTestSet.createFile(sName, 'wb');
616 | if utils.isString(oFile):
617 | raise TMExceptionBase('Error creating "%s": %s' % (sName, oFile));
618 | self._oDb.maybeCommit(fCommit);
619 | return oFile;
620 |
621 | def getGang(self, idTestSetGangLeader):
622 | """
623 | Returns an array of TestBoxData object representing the gang for the given testset.
624 | """
625 | self._oDb.execute('SELECT TestBoxes.*\n'
626 | 'FROM TestBoxes, TestSets\n'
627 | 'WHERE TestSets.idTestSetGangLeader = %s\n'
628 | ' AND TestSets.idGenTestBox = TestBoxes.idGenTestBox\n'
629 | 'ORDER BY iGangMemberNo ASC\n'
630 | , (idTestSetGangLeader,));
631 | aaoRows = self._oDb.fetchAll();
632 | aoTestBoxes = [];
633 | for aoRow in aaoRows:
634 | aoTestBoxes.append(TestBoxData().initFromDbRow(aoRow));
635 | return aoTestBoxes;
636 |
637 | def getFile(self, idTestSet, idTestResultFile):
638 | """
639 | Gets the TestResultFileEx corresponding to idTestResultFile.
640 |
641 | Raises an exception if the file wasn't found, doesn't belong to
642 | idTestSet, and on DB error.
643 | """
644 | self._oDb.execute('SELECT TestResultFiles.*,\n'
645 | ' StrTabFile.sValue AS sFile,\n'
646 | ' StrTabDesc.sValue AS sDescription,\n'
647 | ' StrTabKind.sValue AS sKind,\n'
648 | ' StrTabMime.sValue AS sMime\n'
649 | 'FROM TestResultFiles,\n'
650 | ' TestResultStrTab AS StrTabFile,\n'
651 | ' TestResultStrTab AS StrTabDesc,\n'
652 | ' TestResultStrTab AS StrTabKind,\n'
653 | ' TestResultStrTab AS StrTabMime,\n'
654 | ' TestResults\n'
655 | 'WHERE TestResultFiles.idTestResultFile = %s\n'
656 | ' AND TestResultFiles.idStrFile = StrTabFile.idStr\n'
657 | ' AND TestResultFiles.idStrDescription = StrTabDesc.idStr\n'
658 | ' AND TestResultFiles.idStrKind = StrTabKind.idStr\n'
659 | ' AND TestResultFiles.idStrMime = StrTabMime.idStr\n'
660 | ' AND TestResults.idTestResult = TestResultFiles.idTestResult\n'
661 | ' AND TestResults.idTestSet = %s\n'
662 | , ( idTestResultFile, idTestSet, ));
663 | return TestResultFileDataEx().initFromDbRow(self._oDb.fetchOne());
664 |
665 |
666 | def getById(self, idTestSet):
667 | """
668 | Get TestSet table record by its id
669 | """
670 | self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
671 | 'FROM TestSets\n'
672 | 'WHERE idTestSet=%s\n',
673 | (idTestSet,))
674 |
675 | aRows = self._oDb.fetchAll()
676 | if len(aRows) not in (0, 1):
677 | raise TMTooManyRows('Found more than one test sets with the same credentials. Database structure is corrupted.')
678 | try:
679 | return TestSetData().initFromDbRow(aRows[0])
680 | except IndexError:
681 | return None
682 |
683 |
684 | def fetchOrphaned(self):
685 | """
686 | Returns a list of TestSetData objects of orphaned test sets.
687 |
688 | A test set is orphaned if tsDone is NULL and the testbox has created
689 | one or more newer testsets.
690 | """
691 |
692 | self._oDb.execute('SELECT TestSets.*\n'
693 | 'FROM TestSets,\n'
694 | ' (SELECT idTestSet, idTestBox FROM TestSets WHERE tsDone is NULL) AS t\n'
695 | 'WHERE TestSets.idTestSet = t.idTestSet\n'
696 | ' AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM TestSets st\n'
697 | ' WHERE st.idTestBox = t.idTestBox AND st.idTestSet > t.idTestSet)\n'
698 | ' AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM TestBoxStatuses tbs\n'
699 | ' WHERE tbs.idTestBox = t.idTestBox AND tbs.idTestSet = t.idTestSet)\n'
700 | 'ORDER by TestSets.idTestBox, TestSets.idTestSet'
701 | );
702 | aoRet = [];
703 | for aoRow in self._oDb.fetchAll():
704 | aoRet.append(TestSetData().initFromDbRow(aoRow));
705 | return aoRet;
706 |
707 |
708 | #
709 | # The virtual test sheriff interface.
710 | #
711 |
712 | def fetchBadTestBoxIds(self, cHoursBack = 2, tsNow = None):
713 | """
714 | Fetches a list of test box IDs which returned bad-testbox statuses in the
715 | given period (tsDone).
716 | """
717 | if tsNow is None:
718 | tsNow = self._oDb.getCurrentTimestamp();
719 | self._oDb.execute('SELECT DISTINCT idTestBox\n'
720 | 'FROM TestSets\n'
721 | 'WHERE TestSets.enmStatus = \'bad-testbox\'\n'
722 | ' AND tsDone <= %s\n'
723 | ' AND tsDone > (%s - interval \'%s hours\')\n'
724 | , ( tsNow, tsNow, cHoursBack,));
725 | return [aoRow[0] for aoRow in self._oDb.fetchAll()];
726 |
727 | def fetchSetsForTestBox(self, idTestBox, cHoursBack = 2, tsNow = None):
728 | """
729 | Fetches the TestSet rows for idTestBox for the given period (tsDone), w/o running ones.
730 |
731 | Returns list of TestSetData sorted by tsDone in descending order.
732 | """
733 | if tsNow is None:
734 | tsNow = self._oDb.getCurrentTimestamp();
735 | self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
736 | 'FROM TestSets\n'
737 | 'WHERE TestSets.idTestBox = %s\n'
738 | ' AND tsDone IS NOT NULL\n'
739 | ' AND tsDone <= %s\n'
740 | ' AND tsDone > (%s - interval \'%s hours\')\n'
741 | 'ORDER by tsDone DESC\n'
742 | , ( idTestBox, tsNow, tsNow, cHoursBack,));
743 | return self._dbRowsToModelDataList(TestSetData);
744 |
745 | def fetchFailedSetsWithoutReason(self, cHoursBack = 2, tsNow = None):
746 | """
747 | Fetches the TestSet failure rows without any currently (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
748 | not tsNow) assigned failure reason.
749 |
750 | Returns list of TestSetData sorted by tsDone in descending order.
751 |
752 | Note! Includes bad-testbox sets too as it can be useful to analyze these
753 | too even if we normally count them in the 'skipped' category.
754 | """
755 | if tsNow is None:
756 | tsNow = self._oDb.getCurrentTimestamp();
757 | self._oDb.execute('SELECT TestSets.*\n'
758 | 'FROM TestSets\n'
759 | ' LEFT OUTER JOIN TestResultFailures\n'
760 | ' ON TestResultFailures.idTestSet = TestSets.idTestSet\n'
761 | ' AND TestResultFailures.tsExpire = \'infinity\'::TIMESTAMP\n'
762 | 'WHERE TestSets.tsDone IS NOT NULL\n'
763 | ' AND TestSets.enmStatus IN ( %s, %s, %s, %s )\n'
764 | ' AND TestSets.tsDone <= %s\n'
765 | ' AND TestSets.tsDone > (%s - interval \'%s hours\')\n'
766 | ' AND TestResultFailures.idTestSet IS NULL\n'
767 | 'ORDER by tsDone DESC\n'
768 | , ( TestSetData.ksTestStatus_Failure, TestSetData.ksTestStatus_TimedOut,
769 | TestSetData.ksTestStatus_Rebooted, TestSetData.ksTestStatus_BadTestBox,
770 | tsNow,
771 | tsNow, cHoursBack,));
772 | return self._dbRowsToModelDataList(TestSetData);
773 |
774 |
775 |
776 | #
777 | # Unit testing.
778 | #
779 |
780 | # pylint: disable=C0111
781 | class TestSetDataTestCase(ModelDataBaseTestCase):
782 | def setUp(self):
783 | self.aoSamples = [TestSetData(),];
784 |
785 | if __name__ == '__main__':
786 | unittest.main();
787 | # not reached.
788 |