1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 | # $Id: wuibase.py 70660 2018-01-21 16:18:58Z vboxsync $
3 |
4 | """
5 | Test Manager Web-UI - Base Classes.
6 | """
7 |
8 | __copyright__ = \
9 | """
10 | Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Oracle Corporation
11 |
12 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
13 | available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
14 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
15 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
16 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
17 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
18 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
19 |
20 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
21 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
22 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
23 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
24 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
25 |
26 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
27 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
28 | """
29 | __version__ = "$Revision: 70660 $"
30 |
31 |
32 | # Standard python imports.
33 | import os;
34 | import sys;
35 | import string;
36 |
37 | # Validation Kit imports.
38 | from common import webutils, utils;
39 | from testmanager import config;
40 | from testmanager.core.base import ModelDataBase, ModelLogicBase, TMExceptionBase;
41 | from testmanager.core.db import TMDatabaseConnection;
42 | from testmanager.core.systemlog import SystemLogLogic, SystemLogData;
43 | from testmanager.core.useraccount import UserAccountLogic
44 |
45 | # Python 3 hacks:
46 | if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
47 | unicode = str; # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
48 | long = int; # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
49 |
50 |
51 | class WuiException(TMExceptionBase):
52 | """
53 | For exceptions raised by Web UI code.
54 | """
55 | pass;
56 |
57 |
58 | class WuiDispatcherBase(object):
59 | """
60 | Base class for the Web User Interface (WUI) dispatchers.
61 |
62 | The dispatcher class defines the basics of the page (like base template,
63 | menu items, action). It is also responsible for parsing requests and
64 | dispatching them to action (POST) or/and content generators (GET+POST).
65 | The content returned by the generator is merged into the template and sent
66 | back to the webserver glue.
67 | """
68 |
69 | ## @todo possible that this should all go into presentation.
70 |
71 | ## The action parameter.
72 | ksParamAction = 'Action';
73 | ## The name of the default action.
74 | ksActionDefault = 'default';
75 |
76 | ## The name of the current page number parameter used when displaying lists.
77 | ksParamPageNo = 'PageNo';
78 | ## The name of the page length (list items) parameter when displaying lists.
79 | ksParamItemsPerPage = 'ItemsPerPage';
80 |
81 | ## The name of the effective date (timestamp) parameter.
82 | ksParamEffectiveDate = 'EffectiveDate';
83 |
84 | ## The name of the redirect-to (test manager relative url) parameter.
85 | ksParamRedirectTo = 'RedirectTo';
86 |
87 | ## The name of the list-action parameter (WuiListContentWithActionBase).
88 | ksParamListAction = 'ListAction';
89 |
90 | ## One or more columns to sort by.
91 | ksParamSortColumns = 'SortBy';
92 |
93 | ## The name of the change log enabled/disabled parameter.
94 | ksParamChangeLogEnabled = 'ChangeLogEnabled';
95 | ## The name of the parmaeter indicating the change log page number.
96 | ksParamChangeLogPageNo = 'ChangeLogPageNo';
97 | ## The name of the parameter indicate number of change log entries per page.
98 | ksParamChangeLogEntriesPerPage = 'ChangeLogEntriesPerPage';
99 |
100 | ## @name Dispatcher debugging parameters.
101 | ## {@
102 | ksParamDbgSqlTrace = 'DbgSqlTrace';
103 | ksParamDbgSqlExplain = 'DbgSqlExplain';
104 | ## List of all debugging parameters.
105 | kasDbgParams = (ksParamDbgSqlTrace, ksParamDbgSqlExplain,);
106 | ## @}
107 |
108 | ## Special action return code for skipping _generatePage. Useful for
109 | # download pages and the like that messes with the HTTP header and more.
110 | ksDispatchRcAllDone = 'Done - Page has been rendered already';
111 |
112 |
113 | def __init__(self, oSrvGlue, sScriptName):
114 | self._oSrvGlue = oSrvGlue;
115 | self._oDb = TMDatabaseConnection(self.dprint if config.g_kfWebUiSqlDebug else None, oSrvGlue = oSrvGlue);
116 | self._tsNow = None; # Set by getEffectiveDateParam.
117 | self._asCheckedParams = [];
118 | self._dParams = None; # Set by dispatchRequest.
119 | self._sAction = None; # Set by dispatchRequest.
120 | self._dDispatch = { self.ksActionDefault: self._actionDefault, };
121 |
122 | # Template bits.
123 | self._sTemplate = 'template-default.html';
124 | self._sPageTitle = '$$TODO$$'; # The page title.
125 | self._aaoMenus = []; # List of [sName, sLink, [ [sSideName, sLink], .. ] tuples.
126 | self._sPageFilter = ''; # The filter controls (optional).
127 | self._sPageBody = '$$TODO$$'; # The body text.
128 | self._dSideMenuFormAttrs = {}; # key/value with attributes for the side menu <form> tag.
129 | self._sRedirectTo = None;
130 | self._sDebug = '';
131 |
132 | # Debugger bits.
133 | self._fDbgSqlTrace = False;
134 | self._fDbgSqlExplain = False;
135 | self._dDbgParams = dict();
136 | for sKey, sValue in oSrvGlue.getParameters().iteritems():
137 | if sKey in self.kasDbgParams:
138 | self._dDbgParams[sKey] = sValue;
139 | if self._dDbgParams:
140 | from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiTmLink;
141 | WuiTmLink.kdDbgParams = self._dDbgParams;
142 |
143 | # Determine currently logged in user credentials
144 | self._oCurUser = UserAccountLogic(self._oDb).tryFetchAccountByLoginName(oSrvGlue.getLoginName());
145 |
146 | # Calc a couple of URL base strings for this dispatcher.
147 | self._sUrlBase = sScriptName + '?';
148 | if self._dDbgParams:
149 | self._sUrlBase += webutils.encodeUrlParams(self._dDbgParams) + '&';
150 | self._sActionUrlBase = self._sUrlBase + self.ksParamAction + '=';
151 |
152 |
153 | def _redirectPage(self):
154 | """
155 | Redirects the page to the URL given in self._sRedirectTo.
156 | """
157 | assert self._sRedirectTo;
158 | assert self._sPageBody is None;
159 | assert self._sPageTitle is None;
160 |
161 | self._oSrvGlue.setRedirect(self._sRedirectTo);
162 | return True;
163 |
164 | def _isMenuMatch(self, sMenuUrl, sActionParam):
165 | """ Overridable menu matcher. """
166 | return sMenuUrl is not None and sMenuUrl.find(sActionParam) > 0;
167 |
168 | def _isSideMenuMatch(self, sSideMenuUrl, sActionParam):
169 | """ Overridable side menu matcher. """
170 | return sSideMenuUrl is not None and sSideMenuUrl.find(sActionParam) > 0;
171 |
172 | def _generateMenus(self):
173 | """
174 | Generates the two menus, returning them as (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems).
175 | """
176 | fReadOnly = self.isReadOnlyUser();
177 |
178 | #
179 | # We use the action to locate the side menu.
180 | #
181 | aasSideMenu = None;
182 | for cchAction in range(len(self._sAction), 1, -1):
183 | sActionParam = '%s=%s' % (self.ksParamAction, self._sAction[:cchAction]);
184 | for aoItem in self._aaoMenus:
185 | if self._isMenuMatch(aoItem[1], sActionParam):
186 | aasSideMenu = aoItem[2];
187 | break;
188 | for asSubItem in aoItem[2]:
189 | if self._isMenuMatch(asSubItem[1], sActionParam):
190 | aasSideMenu = aoItem[2];
191 | break;
192 | if aasSideMenu is not None:
193 | break;
194 |
195 | #
196 | # Top menu first.
197 | #
198 | sTopMenuItems = '';
199 | for aoItem in self._aaoMenus:
200 | if aasSideMenu is aoItem[2]:
201 | sTopMenuItems += '<li class="current_page_item">';
202 | else:
203 | sTopMenuItems += '<li>';
204 | sTopMenuItems += '<a href="' + webutils.escapeAttr(aoItem[1]) + '">' \
205 | + webutils.escapeElem(aoItem[0]) + '</a></li>\n';
206 |
207 | #
208 | # Side menu (if found).
209 | #
210 | sActionParam = '%s=%s' % (self.ksParamAction, self._sAction);
211 | sSideMenuItems = '';
212 | if aasSideMenu is not None:
213 | for asSubItem in aasSideMenu:
214 | if asSubItem[1] is not None:
215 | if not asSubItem[2] or not fReadOnly:
216 | if self._isSideMenuMatch(asSubItem[1], sActionParam):
217 | sSideMenuItems += '<li class="current_page_item">';
218 | else:
219 | sSideMenuItems += '<li>';
220 | sSideMenuItems += '<a href="' + webutils.escapeAttr(asSubItem[1]) + '">' \
221 | + webutils.escapeElem(asSubItem[0]) + '</a></li>\n';
222 | else:
223 | sSideMenuItems += '<li class="subheader_item">' + webutils.escapeElem(asSubItem[0]) + '</li>';
224 | return (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems);
225 |
226 | def _generatePage(self):
227 | """
228 | Generates the page using _sTemplate, _sPageTitle, _aaoMenus, and _sPageBody.
229 | """
230 | assert self._sRedirectTo is None;
231 |
232 | #
233 | # Build the replacement string dictionary.
234 | #
235 |
236 | # Provide basic auth log out for browsers that supports it.
237 | sUserAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent();
238 | if (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Firefox') > 0) \
239 | or False:
240 | # Log in as the logout user in the same realm, the browser forgets
241 | # the old login and the job is done. (see apache sample conf)
242 | sLogOut = ' (<a href="%s://logout:logout@%s%slogout.py">logout</a>)' \
243 | % (self._oSrvGlue.getUrlScheme(), self._oSrvGlue.getUrlNetLoc(), self._oSrvGlue.getUrlBasePath());
244 | elif (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Safari') > 0) \
245 | or False:
246 | # For a 401, causing the browser to forget the old login. Works
247 | # with safari as well as the two above. Since safari consider the
248 | # above method a phishing attempt and displays a warning to that
249 | # effect, which when taken seriously aborts the logout, this method
250 | # is preferable, even if it throws logon boxes in the user's face
251 | # till he/she/it hits escape, because it always works.
252 | sLogOut = ' (<a href="logout2.py">logout</a>)'
253 | elif (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('MSIE') > 0) \
254 | or (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Chrome') > 0) \
255 | or False:
256 | ## There doesn't seem to be any way to make IE really log out
257 | # without using a cookie and systematically 401 accesses based on
258 | # some logout state associated with it. Not sure how secure that
259 | # can be made and we really want to avoid cookies. So, perhaps,
260 | # just avoid IE for now. :-)
261 | ## Chrome/21.0 doesn't want to log out either.
262 | sLogOut = ''
263 | else:
264 | sLogOut = ''
265 |
266 | # Prep Menus.
267 | (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems) = self._generateMenus();
268 |
269 | # The dictionary (max variable length is 28 chars (see further down)).
270 | dReplacements = {
271 | '@@PAGE_TITLE@@': self._sPageTitle,
272 | '@@LOG_OUT@@': sLogOut,
273 | '@@TESTMANAGER_VERSION@@': config.g_ksVersion,
274 | '@@TESTMANAGER_REVISION@@': config.g_ksRevision,
275 | '@@BASE_URL@@': self._oSrvGlue.getBaseUrl(),
276 | '@@TOP_MENU_ITEMS@@': sTopMenuItems,
277 | '@@SIDE_MENU_ITEMS@@': sSideMenuItems,
278 | '@@SIDE_FILTER_CONTROL@@': self._sPageFilter,
279 | '@@SIDE_MENU_FORM_ATTRS@@': '',
280 | '@@PAGE_BODY@@': self._sPageBody,
281 | '@@DEBUG@@': '',
282 | };
283 |
284 | # Side menu form attributes.
285 | if self._dSideMenuFormAttrs:
286 | dReplacements['@@SIDE_MENU_FORM_ATTRS@@'] = ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (sKey, webutils.escapeAttr(sValue))
287 | for sKey, sValue in self._dSideMenuFormAttrs.items()]);
288 |
289 | # Special current user handling.
290 | if self._oCurUser is not None:
291 | dReplacements['@@USER_NAME@@'] = self._oCurUser.sUsername;
292 | else:
293 | dReplacements['@@USER_NAME@@'] = 'unauthorized user "' + self._oSrvGlue.getLoginName() + '"';
294 |
295 | # Prep debug section.
296 | if self._sDebug == '':
297 | if config.g_kfWebUiSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlExplain:
298 | self._sDebug = '<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n%s\n' \
299 | % ( utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart,),
300 | self._oDb.debugHtmlReport(self._oSrvGlue.tsStart));
301 | elif config.g_kfWebUiProcessedIn:
302 | self._sDebug = '<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n' \
303 | % ( utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart,), );
304 | if config.g_kfWebUiDebugPanel:
305 | self._sDebug += self._debugRenderPanel();
306 | if self._sDebug != '':
307 | dReplacements['@@DEBUG@@'] = u'<div id="debug"><br><br><hr/>' \
308 | + (unicode(self._sDebug, errors='ignore') if isinstance(self._sDebug, str)
309 | else self._sDebug) \
310 | + u'</div>\n';
311 |
312 | #
313 | # Load the template.
314 | #
315 | oFile = open(os.path.join(self._oSrvGlue.pathTmWebUI(), self._sTemplate));
316 | sTmpl = oFile.read();
317 | oFile.close();
318 |
319 | #
320 | # Process the template, outputting each part we process.
321 | #
322 | offStart = 0;
323 | offCur = 0;
324 | while offCur < len(sTmpl):
325 | # Look for a replacement variable.
326 | offAtAt = sTmpl.find('@@', offCur);
327 | if offAtAt < 0:
328 | break;
329 | offCur = offAtAt + 2;
330 | if sTmpl[offCur] not in string.ascii_uppercase:
331 | continue;
332 | offEnd = sTmpl.find('@@', offCur, offCur+28);
333 | if offEnd <= 0:
334 | continue;
335 | offCur = offEnd;
336 | sReplacement = sTmpl[offAtAt:offEnd+2];
337 | if sReplacement in dReplacements:
338 | # Got a match! Write out the previous chunk followed by the replacement text.
339 | if offStart < offAtAt:
340 | self._oSrvGlue.write(sTmpl[offStart:offAtAt]);
341 | self._oSrvGlue.write(dReplacements[sReplacement]);
342 | # Advance past the replacement point in the template.
343 | offCur += 2;
344 | offStart = offCur;
345 | else:
346 | assert False, 'Unknown replacement "%s" at offset %s in %s' % (sReplacement, offAtAt, self._sTemplate );
347 |
348 | # The final chunk.
349 | if offStart < len(sTmpl):
350 | self._oSrvGlue.write(sTmpl[offStart:]);
351 |
352 | return True;
353 |
354 | #
355 | # Interface for WuiContentBase classes.
356 | #
357 |
358 | def getParameters(self):
359 | """
360 | Returns a (shallow) copy of the request parameter dictionary.
361 | """
362 | return self._dParams.copy();
363 |
364 | def getDb(self):
365 | """
366 | Returns the database connection.
367 | """
368 | return self._oDb;
369 |
370 | def getNow(self):
371 | """
372 | Returns the effective date.
373 | """
374 | return self._tsNow;
375 |
376 |
377 | #
378 | # Parameter handling.
379 | #
380 |
381 | def getStringParam(self, sName, asValidValues = None, sDefault = None, fAllowNull = False):
382 | """
383 | Gets a string parameter.
384 | Raises exception if not found and sDefault is None.
385 | """
386 | if sName in self._dParams:
387 | if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:
388 | self._asCheckedParams.append(sName);
389 | sValue = self._dParams[sName];
390 | if isinstance(sValue, list):
391 | raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" is given multiple times: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
392 | sValue = sValue.strip();
393 | elif sDefault is None and fAllowNull is not True:
394 | raise WuiException('%s is missing parameters: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName,));
395 | else:
396 | sValue = sDefault;
397 |
398 | if asValidValues is not None and sValue not in asValidValues:
399 | raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s" not in %s '
400 | % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, asValidValues));
401 | return sValue;
402 |
403 | def getBoolParam(self, sName, fDefault = None):
404 | """
405 | Gets a boolean parameter.
406 | Raises exception if not found and fDefault is None, or if not a valid boolean.
407 | """
408 | sValue = self.getStringParam(sName, [ 'True', 'true', '1', 'False', 'false', '0'],
409 | '0' if fDefault is None else str(fDefault));
410 | # HACK: Checkboxes doesn't return a value when unchecked, so we always
411 | # provide a default when dealing with boolean parameters.
412 | return sValue == 'True' or sValue == 'true' or sValue == '1';
413 |
414 | def getIntParam(self, sName, iMin = None, iMax = None, iDefault = None):
415 | """
416 | Gets a integer parameter.
417 | Raises exception if not found and iDefault is None, if not a valid int,
418 | or if outside the range defined by iMin and iMax.
419 | """
420 | if iDefault is not None and sName not in self._dParams:
421 | return iDefault;
422 |
423 | sValue = self.getStringParam(sName, None, None if iDefault is None else str(iDefault));
424 | try:
425 | iValue = int(sValue);
426 | except:
427 | raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s" cannot be convert to an integer'
428 | % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
429 |
430 | if (iMin is not None and iValue < iMin) \
431 | or (iMax is not None and iValue > iMax):
432 | raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value %d is out of range [%s..%s]'
433 | % (self._sAction, sName, iValue, iMin, iMax));
434 | return iValue;
435 |
436 | def getLongParam(self, sName, lMin = None, lMax = None, lDefault = None):
437 | """
438 | Gets a long integer parameter.
439 | Raises exception if not found and lDefault is None, if not a valid long,
440 | or if outside the range defined by lMin and lMax.
441 | """
442 | if lDefault is not None and sName not in self._dParams:
443 | return lDefault;
444 |
445 | sValue = self.getStringParam(sName, None, None if lDefault is None else str(lDefault));
446 | try:
447 | lValue = long(sValue);
448 | except:
449 | raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s" cannot be convert to an integer'
450 | % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
451 |
452 | if (lMin is not None and lValue < lMin) \
453 | or (lMax is not None and lValue > lMax):
454 | raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value %d is out of range [%s..%s]'
455 | % (self._sAction, sName, lValue, lMin, lMax));
456 | return lValue;
457 |
458 | def getTsParam(self, sName, tsDefault = None, fRequired = True):
459 | """
460 | Gets a timestamp parameter.
461 | Raises exception if not found and fRequired is True.
462 | """
463 | if fRequired is False and sName not in self._dParams:
464 | return tsDefault;
465 |
466 | sValue = self.getStringParam(sName, None, None if tsDefault is None else str(tsDefault));
467 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateTs(sValue);
468 | if sError is not None:
469 | raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s": %s'
470 | % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, sError));
471 | return sValue;
472 |
473 | def getListOfIntParams(self, sName, iMin = None, iMax = None, aiDefaults = None):
474 | """
475 | Gets parameter list.
476 | Raises exception if not found and aiDefaults is None, or if any of the
477 | values are not valid integers or outside the range defined by iMin and iMax.
478 | """
479 | if sName in self._dParams:
480 | if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:
481 | self._asCheckedParams.append(sName);
482 |
483 | if isinstance(self._dParams[sName], list):
484 | asValues = self._dParams[sName];
485 | else:
486 | asValues = [self._dParams[sName],];
487 | aiValues = [];
488 | for sValue in asValues:
489 | try:
490 | iValue = int(sValue);
491 | except:
492 | raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s" cannot be convert to an integer'
493 | % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
494 |
495 | if (iMin is not None and iValue < iMin) \
496 | or (iMax is not None and iValue > iMax):
497 | raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value %d is out of range [%s..%s]'
498 | % (self._sAction, sName, iValue, iMin, iMax));
499 | aiValues.append(iValue);
500 | else:
501 | aiValues = aiDefaults;
502 |
503 | return aiValues;
504 |
505 | def getListOfStrParams(self, sName, asDefaults = None):
506 | """
507 | Gets parameter list.
508 | Raises exception if not found and asDefaults is None.
509 | """
510 | if sName in self._dParams:
511 | if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:
512 | self._asCheckedParams.append(sName);
513 |
514 | if isinstance(self._dParams[sName], list):
515 | asValues = [str(s).strip() for s in self._dParams[sName]];
516 | else:
517 | asValues = [str(self._dParams[sName]).strip(), ];
518 | elif asDefaults is None:
519 | raise WuiException('%s is missing parameters: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName,));
520 | else:
521 | asValues = asDefaults;
522 |
523 | return asValues;
524 |
525 | def getListOfTestCasesParam(self, sName, asDefaults = None): # too many local vars - pylint: disable=R0914
526 | """Get list of test cases and their parameters"""
527 | if sName in self._dParams:
528 | if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:
529 | self._asCheckedParams.append(sName)
530 |
531 | aoListOfTestCases = []
532 |
533 | aiSelectedTestCaseIds = self.getListOfIntParams('%s[asCheckedTestCases]' % sName, aiDefaults=[])
534 | aiAllTestCases = self.getListOfIntParams('%s[asAllTestCases]' % sName, aiDefaults=[])
535 |
536 | for idTestCase in aiAllTestCases:
537 | aiCheckedTestCaseArgs = \
538 | self.getListOfIntParams(
539 | '%s[%d][asCheckedTestCaseArgs]' % (sName, idTestCase),
540 | aiDefaults=[])
541 |
542 | aiAllTestCaseArgs = \
543 | self.getListOfIntParams(
544 | '%s[%d][asAllTestCaseArgs]' % (sName, idTestCase),
545 | aiDefaults=[])
546 |
547 | oListEntryTestCaseArgs = []
548 | for idTestCaseArgs in aiAllTestCaseArgs:
549 | fArgsChecked = True if idTestCaseArgs in aiCheckedTestCaseArgs else False
550 |
551 | # Dry run
552 | sPrefix = '%s[%d][%d]' % (sName, idTestCase, idTestCaseArgs,);
553 | self.getIntParam(sPrefix + '[idTestCaseArgs]', iDefault = -1,)
554 |
555 | sArgs = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + '[sArgs]', sDefault = '')
556 | cSecTimeout = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + '[cSecTimeout]', sDefault = '')
557 | cGangMembers = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + '[cGangMembers]', sDefault = '')
558 | cGangMembers = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + '[cGangMembers]', sDefault = '')
559 |
560 | oListEntryTestCaseArgs.append((fArgsChecked, idTestCaseArgs, sArgs, cSecTimeout, cGangMembers))
561 |
562 | sTestCaseName = self.getStringParam('%s[%d][sName]' % (sName, idTestCase), sDefault='')
563 |
564 | oListEntryTestCase = \
565 | (idTestCase,
566 | True if idTestCase in aiSelectedTestCaseIds else False,
567 | sTestCaseName,
568 | oListEntryTestCaseArgs)
569 |
570 | aoListOfTestCases.append(oListEntryTestCase)
571 |
572 | if aoListOfTestCases == []:
573 | if asDefaults is None:
574 | raise WuiException('%s is missing parameters: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName))
575 | aoListOfTestCases = asDefaults
576 |
577 | return aoListOfTestCases
578 |
579 | def getEffectiveDateParam(self, sParamName = None):
580 | """
581 | Gets the effective date parameter.
582 |
583 | Returns a timestamp suitable for database and url parameters.
584 | Returns None if not found or empty.
585 |
586 | The first call with sParamName set to None will set the internal _tsNow
587 | value upon successfull return.
588 | """
589 |
590 | sName = sParamName if sParamName is not None else WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamEffectiveDate
591 |
592 | if sName not in self._dParams:
593 | return None;
594 |
595 | if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:
596 | self._asCheckedParams.append(sName);
597 |
598 | sValue = self._dParams[sName];
599 | if isinstance(sValue, list):
600 | raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" is given multiple times: %s' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
601 | sValue = sValue.strip();
602 | if sValue == '':
603 | return None;
604 |
605 | #
606 | # Timestamp, just validate it and return.
607 | #
608 | if sValue[0] not in ['-', '+']:
609 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateTs(sValue);
610 | if sError is not None:
611 | raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" ("%s") is invalid: %s' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, sError));
612 | if sParamName is None and self._tsNow is None:
613 | self._tsNow = sValue;
614 | return sValue;
615 |
616 | #
617 | # Relative timestamp. Validate and convert it to a fixed timestamp.
618 | #
619 | chSign = sValue[0];
620 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateTs(sValue[1:]);
621 | if sError is not None:
622 | raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" ("%s") is invalid: %s' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, sError));
623 | if sValue[-6] in ['-', '+']:
624 | raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" ("%s") is a relative timestamp but incorrectly includes a time zone.'
625 | % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
626 | offTime = 11;
627 | if sValue[offTime - 1] != ' ':
628 | raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" ("%s") incorrect format.' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
629 | sInterval = 'P' + sValue[:(offTime - 1)] + 'T' + sValue[offTime:];
630 |
631 | self._oDb.execute('SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ' + chSign + ' \'' + sInterval + '\'::INTERVAL');
632 | oDate = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];
633 |
634 | sValue = str(oDate);
635 | if sParamName is None and self._tsNow is None:
636 | self._tsNow = sValue;
637 | return sValue;
638 |
639 | def getRedirectToParameter(self, sDefault = None):
640 | """
641 | Gets the special redirect to parameter if it exists, will Return default
642 | if not, with None being a valid default.
643 |
644 | Makes sure the it doesn't got offsite.
645 | Raises exception if invalid.
646 | """
647 | if sDefault is not None or self.ksParamRedirectTo in self._dParams:
648 | sValue = self.getStringParam(self.ksParamRedirectTo, sDefault = sDefault);
649 | cch = sValue.find("?");
650 | if cch < 0:
651 | cch = sValue.find("#");
652 | if cch < 0:
653 | cch = len(sValue);
654 | for ch in (':', '/', '\\', '..'):
655 | if sValue.find(ch, 0, cch) >= 0:
656 | raise WuiException('Invalid character (%c) in redirect-to url: %s' % (ch, sValue,));
657 | else:
658 | sValue = None;
659 | return sValue;
660 |
661 |
662 | def _checkForUnknownParameters(self):
663 | """
664 | Check if we've handled all parameters, raises exception if anything
665 | unknown was found.
666 | """
667 |
668 | if len(self._asCheckedParams) != len(self._dParams):
669 | sUnknownParams = '';
670 | for sKey in self._dParams:
671 | if sKey not in self._asCheckedParams:
672 | sUnknownParams += ' ' + sKey + '=' + str(self._dParams[sKey]);
673 | raise WuiException('Unknown parameters: ' + sUnknownParams);
674 |
675 | return True;
676 |
677 | def _assertPostRequest(self):
678 | """
679 | Makes sure that the request we're dispatching is a POST request.
680 | Raises an exception of not.
681 | """
682 | if self._oSrvGlue.getMethod() != 'POST':
683 | raise WuiException('Expected "POST" request, got "%s"' % (self._oSrvGlue.getMethod(),))
684 | return True;
685 |
686 | #
687 | # Client browser type.
688 | #
689 |
690 | ## @name Browser types.
691 | ## @{
692 | ksBrowserFamily_Unknown = 0;
693 | ksBrowserFamily_Gecko = 1;
694 | ksBrowserFamily_Webkit = 2;
695 | ksBrowserFamily_Trident = 3;
696 | ## @}
697 |
698 | ## @name Browser types.
699 | ## @{
700 | ksBrowserType_FamilyMask = 0xff;
701 | ksBrowserType_Unknown = 0;
702 | ksBrowserType_Firefox = (1 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Gecko;
703 | ksBrowserType_Chrome = (2 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Webkit;
704 | ksBrowserType_Safari = (3 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Webkit;
705 | ksBrowserType_IE = (4 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Trident;
706 | ## @}
707 |
708 | def getBrowserType(self):
709 | """
710 | Gets the browser type.
711 | The browser family can be extracted from this using ksBrowserType_FamilyMask.
712 | """
713 | sAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent();
714 | if sAgent.find('AppleWebKit/') > 0:
715 | if sAgent.find('Chrome/') > 0:
716 | return self.ksBrowserType_Chrome;
717 | if sAgent.find('Safari/') > 0:
718 | return self.ksBrowserType_Safari;
719 | return self.ksBrowserType_Unknown | self.ksBrowserFamily_Webkit;
720 | if sAgent.find('Gecko/') > 0:
721 | if sAgent.find('Firefox/') > 0:
722 | return self.ksBrowserType_Firefox;
723 | return self.ksBrowserType_Unknown | self.ksBrowserFamily_Gecko;
724 | return self.ksBrowserType_Unknown | self.ksBrowserFamily_Unknown;
725 |
726 | def isBrowserGecko(self, sMinVersion = None):
727 | """ Returns true if it's a gecko based browser. """
728 | if (self.getBrowserType() & self.ksBrowserType_FamilyMask) != self.ksBrowserFamily_Gecko:
729 | return False;
730 | if sMinVersion is not None:
731 | sAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent();
732 | sVersion = sAgent[sAgent.find('Gecko/')+6:].split()[0];
733 | if sVersion < sMinVersion:
734 | return False;
735 | return True;
736 |
737 | #
738 | # User related stuff.
739 | #
740 |
741 | def isReadOnlyUser(self):
742 | """ Returns true if the logged in user is read-only or if no user is logged in. """
743 | return self._oCurUser is None or self._oCurUser.fReadOnly;
744 |
745 |
746 | #
747 | # Debugging
748 | #
749 |
750 | def _debugProcessDispatch(self):
751 | """
752 | Processes any debugging parameters in the request and adds them to
753 | _asCheckedParams so they won't cause trouble in the action handler.
754 | """
755 |
756 | self._fDbgSqlTrace = self.getBoolParam(self.ksParamDbgSqlTrace, False);
757 | self._fDbgSqlExplain = self.getBoolParam(self.ksParamDbgSqlExplain, False);
758 |
759 | if self._fDbgSqlExplain:
760 | self._oDb.debugEnableExplain();
761 |
762 | return True;
763 |
764 | def _debugRenderPanel(self):
765 | """
766 | Renders a simple form for controlling WUI debugging.
767 |
768 | Returns the HTML for it.
769 | """
770 |
771 | sHtml = '<div id="debug-panel">\n' \
772 | ' <form id="debug-panel-form" type="get" action="#">\n';
773 |
774 | for sKey, oValue in self._dParams.iteritems():
775 | if sKey not in self.kasDbgParams:
776 | if hasattr(oValue, 'startswith'):
777 | sHtml += ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>\n' \
778 | % (webutils.escapeAttr(sKey), webutils.escapeAttrToStr(oValue),);
779 | else:
780 | for oSubValue in oValue:
781 | sHtml += ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>\n' \
782 | % (webutils.escapeAttr(sKey), webutils.escapeAttrToStr(oSubValue),);
783 |
784 | for aoCheckBox in (
785 | [self.ksParamDbgSqlTrace, self._fDbgSqlTrace, 'SQL trace'],
786 | [self.ksParamDbgSqlExplain, self._fDbgSqlExplain, 'SQL explain'], ):
787 | sHtml += ' <input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="1"%s />%s\n' \
788 | % (aoCheckBox[0], ' checked' if aoCheckBox[1] else '', aoCheckBox[2]);
789 |
790 | sHtml += ' <button type="submit">Apply</button>\n';
791 | sHtml += ' </form>\n' \
792 | '</div>\n';
793 | return sHtml;
794 |
795 |
796 | def _debugGetParameters(self):
797 | """
798 | Gets a dictionary with the debug parameters.
799 |
800 | For use when links are constructed from scratch instead of self._dParams.
801 | """
802 | return self._dDbgParams;
803 |
804 | #
805 | # Dispatching
806 | #
807 |
808 | def _actionDefault(self):
809 | """The default action handler, always overridden. """
810 | raise WuiException('The child class shall override WuiBase.actionDefault().')
811 |
812 | def _actionGenericListing(self, oLogicType, oListContentType):
813 | """
814 | Generic listing action.
815 |
816 | oLogicType implements fetchForListing.
817 | oListContentType is a child of WuiListContentBase.
818 | """
819 | tsEffective = self.getEffectiveDateParam();
820 | cItemsPerPage = self.getIntParam(self.ksParamItemsPerPage, iMin = 2, iMax = 9999, iDefault = 300);
821 | iPage = self.getIntParam(self.ksParamPageNo, iMin = 0, iMax = 999999, iDefault = 0);
822 | aiSortColumnsDup = self.getListOfIntParams(self.ksParamSortColumns,
823 | iMin = -getattr(oLogicType, 'kcMaxSortColumns', 0) + 1,
824 | iMax = getattr(oLogicType, 'kcMaxSortColumns', 0), aiDefaults = []);
825 | aiSortColumns = [];
826 | for iSortColumn in aiSortColumnsDup:
827 | if iSortColumn not in aiSortColumns:
828 | aiSortColumns.append(iSortColumn);
829 | self._checkForUnknownParameters();
830 |
831 | aoEntries = oLogicType(self._oDb).fetchForListing(iPage * cItemsPerPage, cItemsPerPage + 1, tsEffective, aiSortColumns);
832 | oContent = oListContentType(aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective,
833 | fnDPrint = self._oSrvGlue.dprint, oDisp = self, aiSelectedSortColumns = aiSortColumns);
834 | (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.show();
835 | return True;
836 |
837 | def _actionGenericFormAdd(self, oDataType, oFormType, sRedirectTo = None):
838 | """
839 | Generic add something form display request handler.
840 |
841 | oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
842 | oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
843 | """
844 | assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
845 | from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
846 | assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);
847 |
848 | oData = oDataType().initFromParams(oDisp = self, fStrict = False);
849 | sRedirectTo = self.getRedirectToParameter(sRedirectTo);
850 | self._checkForUnknownParameters();
851 |
852 | oForm = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Add, oDisp = self);
853 | oForm.setRedirectTo(sRedirectTo);
854 | (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oForm.showForm();
855 | return True
856 |
857 | def _actionGenericFormDetails(self, oDataType, oLogicType, oFormType, sIdAttr = None, sGenIdAttr = None): # pylint: disable=R0914
858 | """
859 | Generic handler for showing a details form/page.
860 |
861 | oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
862 | oLogicType may implement fetchForChangeLog.
863 | oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
864 | sIdParamName is the name of the ID parameter (not idGen!).
865 | """
866 | # Input.
867 | assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
868 | assert issubclass(oLogicType, ModelLogicBase);
869 | from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
870 | assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);
871 |
872 | if sIdAttr is None:
873 | sIdAttr = oDataType.ksIdAttr;
874 | if sGenIdAttr is None:
875 | sGenIdAttr = getattr(oDataType, 'ksGenIdAttr', None);
876 |
877 | # Parameters.
878 | idGenObject = -1;
879 | if sGenIdAttr is not None:
880 | idGenObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, 'ksParam_' + sGenIdAttr), 0, 0x7ffffffe, -1);
881 | if idGenObject != -1:
882 | idObject = tsNow = None;
883 | else:
884 | idObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, 'ksParam_' + sIdAttr), 0, 0x7ffffffe, -1);
885 | tsNow = self.getEffectiveDateParam();
886 | fChangeLog = self.getBoolParam(WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogEnabled, True);
887 | iChangeLogPageNo = self.getIntParam(WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogPageNo, 0, 9999, 0);
888 | cChangeLogEntriesPerPage = self.getIntParam(WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogEntriesPerPage, 2, 9999, 4);
889 | self._checkForUnknownParameters();
890 |
891 | # Fetch item and display it.
892 | if idGenObject == -1:
893 | oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idObject, tsNow);
894 | else:
895 | oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithGenId(self._oDb, idGenObject);
896 |
897 | oContent = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Show, oDisp = self);
898 | (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm();
899 |
900 | # Add change log if supported.
901 | if fChangeLog and hasattr(oLogicType, 'fetchForChangeLog'):
902 | (aoEntries, fMore) = oLogicType(self._oDb).fetchForChangeLog(getattr(oData, sIdAttr),
903 | iChangeLogPageNo * cChangeLogEntriesPerPage,
904 | cChangeLogEntriesPerPage ,
905 | tsNow);
906 | self._sPageBody += oContent.showChangeLog(aoEntries, fMore, iChangeLogPageNo, cChangeLogEntriesPerPage, tsNow);
907 | return True
908 |
909 | def _actionGenericDoRemove(self, oLogicType, sParamId, sRedirAction):
910 | """
911 | Delete entry (using oLogicType.removeEntry).
912 |
913 | oLogicType is a class that implements addEntry.
914 |
915 | sParamId is the name (ksParam_...) of the HTTP variable hold the ID of
916 | the database entry to delete.
917 |
918 | sRedirAction is what action to redirect to on success.
919 | """
920 | import cgitb;
921 |
922 | idEntry = self.getIntParam(sParamId, iMin = 1, iMax = 0x7ffffffe)
923 | fCascade = self.getBoolParam('fCascadeDelete', False);
924 | sRedirectTo = self.getRedirectToParameter(self._sActionUrlBase + sRedirAction);
925 | self._checkForUnknownParameters()
926 |
927 | try:
928 | if self.isReadOnlyUser():
929 | raise Exception('"%s" is a read only user!' % (self._oCurUser.sUsername,));
930 | self._sPageTitle = None
931 | self._sPageBody = None
932 | self._sRedirectTo = sRedirectTo;
933 | return oLogicType(self._oDb).removeEntry(self._oCurUser.uid, idEntry, fCascade = fCascade, fCommit = True);
934 | except Exception as oXcpt:
935 | self._oDb.rollback();
936 | self._sPageTitle = 'Unable to delete entry';
937 | self._sPageBody = str(oXcpt);
938 | if config.g_kfDebugDbXcpt:
939 | self._sPageBody += cgitb.html(sys.exc_info());
940 | self._sRedirectTo = None;
941 | return False;
942 |
943 | def _actionGenericFormEdit(self, oDataType, oFormType, sIdParamName = None, sRedirectTo = None):
944 | """
945 | Generic edit something form display request handler.
946 |
947 | oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
948 | oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
949 | sIdParamName is the name of the ID parameter (not idGen!).
950 | """
951 | assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
952 | from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
953 | assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);
954 |
955 | if sIdParamName is None:
956 | sIdParamName = getattr(oDataType, 'ksParam_' + oDataType.ksIdAttr);
957 | assert len(sIdParamName) > 1;
958 |
959 | tsNow = self.getEffectiveDateParam();
960 | idObject = self.getIntParam(sIdParamName, 0, 0x7ffffffe);
961 | sRedirectTo = self.getRedirectToParameter(sRedirectTo);
962 | self._checkForUnknownParameters();
963 | oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idObject, tsNow = tsNow);
964 |
965 | oContent = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Edit, oDisp = self);
966 | oContent.setRedirectTo(sRedirectTo);
967 | (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm();
968 | return True
969 |
970 | def _actionGenericFormEditL(self, oCoreObjectLogic, sCoreObjectIdFieldName, oWuiObjectLogic):
971 | """
972 | Generic modify something form display request handler.
973 |
974 | @param oCoreObjectLogic A *Logic class
975 |
976 | @param sCoreObjectIdFieldName Name of HTTP POST variable that
977 | contains object ID information
978 |
979 | @param oWuiObjectLogic Web interface renderer class
980 | """
981 |
982 | iCoreDataObjectId = self.getIntParam(sCoreObjectIdFieldName, 0, 0x7ffffffe, -1)
983 | self._checkForUnknownParameters();
984 |
985 | ## @todo r=bird: This will return a None object if the object wasn't found... Crash bang in the content generator
986 | # code (that's not logic code btw.).
987 | oData = oCoreObjectLogic(self._oDb).getById(iCoreDataObjectId)
988 |
989 | # Instantiate and render the MODIFY dialog form
990 | oContent = oWuiObjectLogic(oData, oWuiObjectLogic.ksMode_Edit, oDisp=self)
991 |
992 | (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm()
993 |
994 | return True
995 |
996 | def _actionGenericFormClone(self, oDataType, oFormType, sIdAttr, sGenIdAttr = None):
997 | """
998 | Generic clone something form display request handler.
999 |
1000 | oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
1001 | oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
1002 | sIdParamName is the name of the ID parameter.
1003 | sGenIdParamName is the name of the generation ID parameter, None if not applicable.
1004 | """
1005 | # Input.
1006 | assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
1007 | from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
1008 | assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);
1009 |
1010 | # Parameters.
1011 | idGenObject = -1;
1012 | if sGenIdAttr is not None:
1013 | idGenObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, 'ksParam_' + sGenIdAttr), 0, 0x7ffffffe, -1);
1014 | if idGenObject != -1:
1015 | idObject = tsNow = None;
1016 | else:
1017 | idObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, 'ksParam_' + sIdAttr), 0, 0x7ffffffe, -1);
1018 | tsNow = self.getEffectiveDateParam();
1019 | self._checkForUnknownParameters();
1020 |
1021 | # Fetch data and clear identifying attributes not relevant to the clone.
1022 | if idGenObject != -1:
1023 | oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithGenId(self._oDb, idGenObject);
1024 | else:
1025 | oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idObject, tsNow);
1026 |
1027 | setattr(oData, sIdAttr, None);
1028 | if sGenIdAttr is not None:
1029 | setattr(oData, sGenIdAttr, None);
1030 | oData.tsEffective = None;
1031 | oData.tsExpire = None;
1032 |
1033 | # Display form.
1034 | oContent = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Add, oDisp = self);
1035 | (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm()
1036 | return True
1037 |
1038 |
1039 | def _actionGenericFormPost(self, sMode, fnLogicAction, oDataType, oFormType, sRedirectTo, fStrict = True):
1040 | """
1041 | Generic POST request handling from a WuiFormContentBase child.
1042 |
1043 | oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
1044 | oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
1045 | fnLogicAction is a method taking a oDataType instance and uidAuthor as arguments.
1046 | """
1047 | assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
1048 | from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
1049 | assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);
1050 |
1051 | #
1052 | # Read and validate parameters.
1053 | #
1054 | oData = oDataType().initFromParams(oDisp = self, fStrict = fStrict);
1055 | sRedirectTo = self.getRedirectToParameter(sRedirectTo);
1056 | self._checkForUnknownParameters();
1057 | self._assertPostRequest();
1058 | if sMode == WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Add and getattr(oData, 'kfIdAttrIsForForeign', False):
1059 | enmValidateFor = oData.ksValidateFor_AddForeignId;
1060 | elif sMode == WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Add:
1061 | enmValidateFor = oData.ksValidateFor_Add;
1062 | else:
1063 | enmValidateFor = oData.ksValidateFor_Edit;
1064 | dErrors = oData.validateAndConvert(self._oDb, enmValidateFor);
1065 |
1066 | # Check that the user can do this.
1067 | sErrorMsg = None;
1068 | assert self._oCurUser is not None;
1069 | if self.isReadOnlyUser():
1070 | sErrorMsg = 'User %s is not allowed to modify anything!' % (self._oCurUser.sUsername,)
1071 |
1072 | if not dErrors and not sErrorMsg:
1073 | oData.convertFromParamNull();
1074 |
1075 | #
1076 | # Try do the job.
1077 | #
1078 | try:
1079 | fnLogicAction(oData, self._oCurUser.uid, fCommit = True);
1080 | except Exception as oXcpt:
1081 | self._oDb.rollback();
1082 | oForm = oFormType(oData, sMode, oDisp = self);
1083 | oForm.setRedirectTo(sRedirectTo);
1084 | sErrorMsg = str(oXcpt) if not config.g_kfDebugDbXcpt else '\n'.join(utils.getXcptInfo(4));
1085 | (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oForm.showForm(sErrorMsg = sErrorMsg);
1086 | else:
1087 | #
1088 | # Worked, redirect to the specified page.
1089 | #
1090 | self._sPageTitle = None;
1091 | self._sPageBody = None;
1092 | self._sRedirectTo = sRedirectTo;
1093 | else:
1094 | oForm = oFormType(oData, sMode, oDisp = self);
1095 | oForm.setRedirectTo(sRedirectTo);
1096 | (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oForm.showForm(dErrors = dErrors, sErrorMsg = sErrorMsg);
1097 | return True;
1098 |
1099 | def _actionGenericFormAddPost(self, oDataType, oLogicType, oFormType, sRedirAction, fStrict=True):
1100 | """
1101 | Generic add entry POST request handling from a WuiFormContentBase child.
1102 |
1103 | oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
1104 | oLogicType is a class that implements addEntry.
1105 | oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
1106 | sRedirAction is what action to redirect to on success.
1107 | """
1108 | assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
1109 | assert issubclass(oLogicType, ModelLogicBase);
1110 | from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
1111 | assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);
1112 |
1113 | oLogic = oLogicType(self._oDb);
1114 | return self._actionGenericFormPost(WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Add, oLogic.addEntry, oDataType, oFormType,
1115 | '?' + webutils.encodeUrlParams({self.ksParamAction: sRedirAction}), fStrict=fStrict)
1116 |
1117 | def _actionGenericFormEditPost(self, oDataType, oLogicType, oFormType, sRedirAction, fStrict = True):
1118 | """
1119 | Generic edit POST request handling from a WuiFormContentBase child.
1120 |
1121 | oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
1122 | oLogicType is a class that implements addEntry.
1123 | oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
1124 | sRedirAction is what action to redirect to on success.
1125 | """
1126 | assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
1127 | assert issubclass(oLogicType, ModelLogicBase);
1128 | from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
1129 | assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);
1130 |
1131 | oLogic = oLogicType(self._oDb);
1132 | return self._actionGenericFormPost(WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Edit, oLogic.editEntry, oDataType, oFormType,
1133 | '?' + webutils.encodeUrlParams({self.ksParamAction: sRedirAction}),
1134 | fStrict = fStrict);
1135 |
1136 | def _unauthorizedUser(self):
1137 | """
1138 | Displays the unauthorized user message (corresponding record is not
1139 | present in DB).
1140 | """
1141 |
1142 | sLoginName = self._oSrvGlue.getLoginName();
1143 |
1144 | # Report to system log
1145 | oSystemLogLogic = SystemLogLogic(self._oDb);
1146 | oSystemLogLogic.addEntry(SystemLogData.ksEvent_UserAccountUnknown,
1147 | 'Unknown user (%s) attempts to access from %s'
1148 | % (sLoginName, self._oSrvGlue.getClientAddr()),
1149 | 24, fCommit = True)
1150 |
1151 | # Display message.
1152 | self._sPageTitle = 'User not authorized'
1153 | self._sPageBody = """
1154 | <p>Access denied for user <b>%s</b>.
1155 | Please contact an admin user to set up your access.</p>
1156 | """ % (sLoginName,)
1157 | return True;
1158 |
1159 | def dispatchRequest(self):
1160 | """
1161 | Dispatches a request.
1162 | """
1163 |
1164 | #
1165 | # Get the parameters and checks for duplicates.
1166 | #
1167 | try:
1168 | dParams = self._oSrvGlue.getParameters();
1169 | except Exception as oXcpt:
1170 | raise WuiException('Error retriving parameters: %s' % (oXcpt,));
1171 |
1172 | for sKey in dParams.keys():
1173 |
1174 | # Take care about strings which may contain unicode characters: convert percent-encoded symbols back to unicode.
1175 | for idxItem, _ in enumerate(dParams[sKey]):
1176 | dParams[sKey][idxItem] = dParams[sKey][idxItem].decode('utf-8')
1177 |
1178 | if not len(dParams[sKey]) > 1:
1179 | dParams[sKey] = dParams[sKey][0];
1180 | self._dParams = dParams;
1181 |
1182 | #
1183 | # Figure out the requested action and validate it.
1184 | #
1185 | if self.ksParamAction in self._dParams:
1186 | self._sAction = self._dParams[self.ksParamAction];
1187 | self._asCheckedParams.append(self.ksParamAction);
1188 | else:
1189 | self._sAction = self.ksActionDefault;
1190 |
1191 | if isinstance(self._sAction, list) or self._sAction not in self._dDispatch:
1192 | raise WuiException('Unknown action "%s" requested' % (self._sAction,));
1193 |
1194 | #
1195 | # Call action handler and generate the page (if necessary).
1196 | #
1197 | if self._oCurUser is not None:
1198 | self._debugProcessDispatch();
1199 | if self._dDispatch[self._sAction]() is self.ksDispatchRcAllDone:
1200 | return True;
1201 | else:
1202 | self._unauthorizedUser();
1203 |
1204 | if self._sRedirectTo is None:
1205 | self._generatePage();
1206 | else:
1207 | self._redirectPage();
1208 | return True;
1209 |
1210 |
1211 | def dprint(self, sText):
1212 | """ Debug printing. """
1213 | if config.g_kfWebUiDebug and True:
1214 | self._oSrvGlue.dprint(sText);