1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 | # $Id: wuitestresult.py 79087 2019-06-11 11:58:28Z vboxsync $
3 |
4 | """
5 | Test Manager WUI - Test Results.
6 | """
7 |
8 | __copyright__ = \
9 | """
10 | Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Oracle Corporation
11 |
12 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
13 | available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
14 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
15 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
16 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
17 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
18 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
19 |
20 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
21 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
22 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
23 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
24 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
25 |
26 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
27 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
28 | """
29 | __version__ = "$Revision: 79087 $"
30 |
31 | # Python imports.
32 | import datetime;
33 |
34 | # Validation Kit imports.
35 | from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiContentBase, WuiListContentBase, WuiHtmlBase, WuiTmLink, WuiLinkBase, \
36 | WuiSvnLink, WuiSvnLinkWithTooltip, WuiBuildLogLink, WuiRawHtml, \
37 | WuiHtmlKeeper;
38 | from testmanager.webui.wuimain import WuiMain;
39 | from testmanager.webui.wuihlpform import WuiHlpForm;
40 | from testmanager.webui.wuiadminfailurereason import WuiFailureReasonAddLink, WuiFailureReasonDetailsLink;
41 | from testmanager.webui.wuitestresultfailure import WuiTestResultFailureDetailsLink;
42 | from testmanager.core.failurereason import FailureReasonData, FailureReasonLogic;
43 | from testmanager.core.report import ReportGraphModel, ReportModelBase;
44 | from testmanager.core.testbox import TestBoxData;
45 | from testmanager.core.testcase import TestCaseData;
46 | from testmanager.core.testset import TestSetData;
47 | from testmanager.core.testgroup import TestGroupData;
48 | from testmanager.core.testresultfailures import TestResultFailureData;
49 | from testmanager.core.build import BuildData;
50 | from testmanager.core import db;
51 | from testmanager import config;
52 | from common import webutils, utils;
53 |
54 |
55 | class WuiTestSetLink(WuiTmLink):
56 | """ Test set link. """
57 |
58 | def __init__(self, idTestSet, sName = WuiContentBase.ksShortDetailsLink, fBracketed = False):
59 | WuiTmLink.__init__(self, sName, WuiMain.ksScriptName,
60 | { WuiMain.ksParamAction: WuiMain.ksActionTestResultDetails,
61 | TestSetData.ksParam_idTestSet: idTestSet, }, fBracketed = fBracketed);
62 | self.idTestSet = idTestSet;
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 | class WuiTestResult(WuiContentBase):
67 | """Display test case result"""
68 |
69 | def __init__(self, fnDPrint = None, oDisp = None):
70 | WuiContentBase.__init__(self, fnDPrint = fnDPrint, oDisp = oDisp);
71 |
72 | # Cyclic import hacks.
73 | from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
74 | self.oWuiAdmin = WuiAdmin;
75 |
76 | def _toHtml(self, oObject):
77 | """Translate some object to HTML."""
78 | if isinstance(oObject, WuiHtmlBase):
79 | return oObject.toHtml();
80 | if db.isDbTimestamp(oObject):
81 | return webutils.escapeElem(self.formatTsShort(oObject));
82 | if db.isDbInterval(oObject):
83 | return webutils.escapeElem(self.formatIntervalShort(oObject));
84 | if utils.isString(oObject):
85 | return webutils.escapeElem(oObject);
86 | return webutils.escapeElem(str(oObject));
87 |
88 | def _htmlTable(self, aoTableContent):
89 | """Generate HTML code for table"""
90 | sHtml = u' <table class="tmtbl-testresult-details" width="100%%">\n';
91 |
92 | for aoSubRows in aoTableContent:
93 | if not aoSubRows:
94 | continue; # Can happen if there is no testsuit.
95 | oCaption = aoSubRows[0];
96 | sHtml += u' \n' \
97 | u' <tr class="tmtbl-result-details-caption">\n' \
98 | u' <td colspan="2">%s</td>\n' \
99 | u' </tr>\n' \
100 | % (self._toHtml(oCaption),);
101 |
102 | iRow = 0;
103 | for aoRow in aoSubRows[1:]:
104 | iRow += 1;
105 | sHtml += u' <tr class="%s">\n' % ('tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven',);
106 | if len(aoRow) == 1:
107 | sHtml += u' <td class="tmtbl-result-details-subcaption" colspan="2">%s</td>\n' \
108 | % (self._toHtml(aoRow[0]),);
109 | else:
110 | sHtml += u' <th scope="row">%s</th>\n' % (webutils.escapeElem(aoRow[0]),);
111 | if len(aoRow) > 2:
112 | sHtml += u' <td>%s</td>\n' % (aoRow[2](aoRow[1]),);
113 | else:
114 | sHtml += u' <td>%s</td>\n' % (self._toHtml(aoRow[1]),);
115 | sHtml += u' </tr>\n';
116 |
117 | sHtml += u' </table>\n';
118 |
119 | return sHtml
120 |
121 | def _highlightStatus(self, sStatus):
122 | """Return sStatus string surrounded by HTML highlight code """
123 | sTmp = '<font color=%s><b>%s</b></font>' \
124 | % ('red' if sStatus == 'failure' else 'green', webutils.escapeElem(sStatus.upper()))
125 | return sTmp
126 |
127 | def _anchorAndAppendBinaries(self, sBinaries, aoRows):
128 | """ Formats each binary (if any) into a row with a download link. """
129 | if sBinaries is not None:
130 | for sBinary in sBinaries.split(','):
131 | if not webutils.hasSchema(sBinary):
132 | sBinary = config.g_ksBuildBinUrlPrefix + sBinary;
133 | aoRows.append([WuiLinkBase(webutils.getFilename(sBinary), sBinary, fBracketed = False),]);
134 | return aoRows;
135 |
136 |
137 | def _formatEventTimestampHtml(self, tsEvent, tsLog, idEvent, oTestSet):
138 | """ Formats an event timestamp with a main log link. """
139 | tsEvent = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(tsEvent);
140 | #sFormattedTimestamp = u'%04u\u2011%02u\u2011%02u\u00a0%02u:%02u:%02uZ' \
141 | # % ( tsEvent.year, tsEvent.month, tsEvent.day,
142 | # tsEvent.hour, tsEvent.minute, tsEvent.second,);
143 | sFormattedTimestamp = u'%02u:%02u:%02uZ' \
144 | % ( tsEvent.hour, tsEvent.minute, tsEvent.second,);
145 | sTitle = u'#%u - %04u\u2011%02u\u2011%02u\u00a0%02u:%02u:%02u.%06uZ' \
146 | % ( idEvent, tsEvent.year, tsEvent.month, tsEvent.day,
147 | tsEvent.hour, tsEvent.minute, tsEvent.second, tsEvent.microsecond, );
148 | tsLog = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(tsLog);
149 | sFragment = u'%02u_%02u_%02u_%06u' % ( tsLog.hour, tsLog.minute, tsLog.second, tsLog.microsecond);
150 | return WuiTmLink(sFormattedTimestamp, '',
151 | { WuiMain.ksParamAction: WuiMain.ksActionViewLog,
152 | WuiMain.ksParamLogSetId: oTestSet.idTestSet, },
153 | sFragmentId = sFragment, sTitle = sTitle, fBracketed = False, ).toHtml();
154 |
155 | def _recursivelyGenerateEvents(self, oTestResult, sParentName, sLineage, iRow,
156 | iFailure, oTestSet, iDepth): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
157 | """
158 | Recursively generate event table rows for the result set.
159 |
160 | oTestResult is an object of the type TestResultDataEx.
161 | """
162 | # Hack: Replace empty outer test result name with (pretty) command line.
163 | if iRow == 1:
164 | sName = '';
165 | sDisplayName = sParentName;
166 | else:
167 | sName = oTestResult.sName if sParentName == '' else '%s, %s' % (sParentName, oTestResult.sName,);
168 | sDisplayName = webutils.escapeElem(sName);
169 |
170 | # Format error count.
171 | sErrCnt = '';
172 | if oTestResult.cErrors > 0:
173 | sErrCnt = ' (1 error)' if oTestResult.cErrors == 1 else ' (%d errors)' % oTestResult.cErrors;
174 |
175 | # Format bits for adding or editing the failure reason. Level 0 is handled at the top of the page.
176 | sChangeReason = '';
177 | if oTestResult.cErrors > 0 and iDepth > 0 and self._oDisp is not None and not self._oDisp.isReadOnlyUser():
178 | dTmp = {
179 | self._oDisp.ksParamAction: self._oDisp.ksActionTestResultFailureAdd if oTestResult.oReason is None else
180 | self._oDisp.ksActionTestResultFailureEdit,
181 | TestResultFailureData.ksParam_idTestResult: oTestResult.idTestResult,
182 | };
183 | sChangeReason = ' <a href="?%s" class="tmtbl-edit-reason" onclick="addRedirectToAnchorHref(this)">%s</a> ' \
184 | % ( webutils.encodeUrlParams(dTmp), WuiContentBase.ksShortEditLinkHtml );
185 |
186 | # Format the include in graph checkboxes.
187 | sLineage += ':%u' % (oTestResult.idStrName,);
188 | sResultGraph = '<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s%s" title="Include result in graph."/>' \
189 | % (WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, ReportGraphModel.ksTypeResult, sLineage,);
190 | sElapsedGraph = '';
191 | if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None:
192 | sElapsedGraph = '<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s%s" title="Include elapsed time in graph."/>' \
193 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, ReportGraphModel.ksTypeElapsed, sLineage);
194 |
195 |
196 | if not oTestResult.aoChildren \
197 | and len(oTestResult.aoValues) + len(oTestResult.aoMsgs) + len(oTestResult.aoFiles) == 0:
198 | # Leaf - single row.
199 | tsEvent = oTestResult.tsCreated;
200 | if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None:
201 | tsEvent += oTestResult.tsElapsed;
202 | sHtml = ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-leaf tmtbl-events-lvl%s tmstatusrow-%s" id="S%u">\n' \
203 | ' <td id="E%u">%s</td>\n' \
204 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
205 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
206 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
207 | ' <td colspan="2"%s>%s%s%s</td>\n' \
208 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
209 | ' </tr>\n' \
210 | % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth, oTestResult.enmStatus, oTestResult.idTestResult,
211 | oTestResult.idTestResult,
212 | self._formatEventTimestampHtml(tsEvent, oTestResult.tsCreated, oTestResult.idTestResult, oTestSet),
213 | sElapsedGraph,
214 | webutils.escapeElem(self.formatIntervalShort(oTestResult.tsElapsed)) if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None
215 | else '',
216 | sDisplayName,
217 | ' id="failure-%u"' % (iFailure,) if oTestResult.isFailure() else '',
218 | webutils.escapeElem(oTestResult.enmStatus), webutils.escapeElem(sErrCnt),
219 | sChangeReason if oTestResult.oReason is None else '',
220 | sResultGraph );
221 | iRow += 1;
222 | else:
223 | # Multiple rows.
224 | sHtml = ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-first tmtbl-events-lvl%s ">\n' \
225 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
226 | ' <td></td>\n' \
227 | ' <td></td>\n' \
228 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
229 | ' <td colspan="2">%s</td>\n' \
230 | ' <td></td>\n' \
231 | ' </tr>\n' \
232 | % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
233 | self._formatEventTimestampHtml(oTestResult.tsCreated, oTestResult.tsCreated,
234 | oTestResult.idTestResult, oTestSet),
235 | sDisplayName,
236 | 'running' if oTestResult.tsElapsed is None else '', );
237 | iRow += 1;
238 |
239 | # Depth. Check if our error count is just reflecting the one of our children.
240 | cErrorsBelow = 0;
241 | for oChild in oTestResult.aoChildren:
242 | (sChildHtml, iRow, iFailure) = self._recursivelyGenerateEvents(oChild, sName, sLineage,
243 | iRow, iFailure, oTestSet, iDepth + 1);
244 | sHtml += sChildHtml;
245 | cErrorsBelow += oChild.cErrors;
246 |
247 | # Messages.
248 | for oMsg in oTestResult.aoMsgs:
249 | sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-message tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
250 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
251 | ' <td></td>\n' \
252 | ' <td></td>\n' \
253 | ' <td colspan="3">%s: %s</td>\n' \
254 | ' <td></td>\n' \
255 | ' </tr>\n' \
256 | % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
257 | self._formatEventTimestampHtml(oMsg.tsCreated, oMsg.tsCreated, oMsg.idTestResultMsg, oTestSet),
258 | webutils.escapeElem(oMsg.enmLevel),
259 | webutils.escapeElem(oMsg.sMsg), );
260 | iRow += 1;
261 |
262 | # Values.
263 | for oValue in oTestResult.aoValues:
264 | sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-value tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
265 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
266 | ' <td></td>\n' \
267 | ' <td></td>\n' \
268 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
269 | ' <td class="tmtbl-events-number">%s</td>\n' \
270 | ' <td class="tmtbl-events-unit">%s</td>\n' \
271 | ' <td><input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s%s:%u" title="Include value in graph."></td>\n' \
272 | ' </tr>\n' \
273 | % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
274 | self._formatEventTimestampHtml(oValue.tsCreated, oValue.tsCreated, oValue.idTestResultValue, oTestSet),
275 | webutils.escapeElem(oValue.sName),
276 | utils.formatNumber(oValue.lValue).replace(' ', ' '),
277 | webutils.escapeElem(oValue.sUnit),
278 | WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, ReportGraphModel.ksTypeValue, sLineage, oValue.idStrName, );
279 | iRow += 1;
280 |
281 | # Files.
282 | for oFile in oTestResult.aoFiles:
283 | if oFile.sMime in [ 'text/plain', ]:
284 | aoLinks = [
285 | WuiTmLink('%s (%s)' % (oFile.sFile, oFile.sKind), '',
286 | { self._oDisp.ksParamAction: self._oDisp.ksActionViewLog,
287 | self._oDisp.ksParamLogSetId: oTestSet.idTestSet,
288 | self._oDisp.ksParamLogFileId: oFile.idTestResultFile, },
289 | sTitle = oFile.sDescription),
290 | WuiTmLink('View Raw', '',
291 | { self._oDisp.ksParamAction: self._oDisp.ksActionGetFile,
292 | self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileSetId: oTestSet.idTestSet,
293 | self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileId: oFile.idTestResultFile,
294 | self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: False, },
295 | sTitle = oFile.sDescription),
296 | ]
297 | else:
298 | aoLinks = [
299 | WuiTmLink('%s (%s)' % (oFile.sFile, oFile.sKind), '',
300 | { self._oDisp.ksParamAction: self._oDisp.ksActionGetFile,
301 | self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileSetId: oTestSet.idTestSet,
302 | self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileId: oFile.idTestResultFile,
303 | self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: False, },
304 | sTitle = oFile.sDescription),
305 | ]
306 | aoLinks.append(WuiTmLink('Download', '',
307 | { self._oDisp.ksParamAction: self._oDisp.ksActionGetFile,
308 | self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileSetId: oTestSet.idTestSet,
309 | self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileId: oFile.idTestResultFile,
310 | self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: True, },
311 | sTitle = oFile.sDescription));
312 |
313 | sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-file tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
314 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
315 | ' <td></td>\n' \
316 | ' <td></td>\n' \
317 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
318 | ' <td></td>\n' \
319 | ' <td></td>\n' \
320 | ' <td></td>\n' \
321 | ' </tr>\n' \
322 | % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
323 | self._formatEventTimestampHtml(oFile.tsCreated, oFile.tsCreated, oFile.idTestResultFile, oTestSet),
324 | '\n'.join(oLink.toHtml() for oLink in aoLinks),);
325 | iRow += 1;
326 |
327 | # Done?
328 | if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None:
329 | tsEvent = oTestResult.tsCreated + oTestResult.tsElapsed;
330 | sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-final tmtbl-events-lvl%s tmstatusrow-%s" id="E%d">\n' \
331 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
332 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
333 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
334 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
335 | ' <td colspan="2"%s>%s%s%s</td>\n' \
336 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
337 | ' </tr>\n' \
338 | % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth, oTestResult.enmStatus, oTestResult.idTestResult,
339 | self._formatEventTimestampHtml(tsEvent, tsEvent, oTestResult.idTestResult, oTestSet),
340 | sElapsedGraph,
341 | webutils.escapeElem(self.formatIntervalShort(oTestResult.tsElapsed)),
342 | sDisplayName,
343 | ' id="failure-%u"' % (iFailure,) if oTestResult.isFailure() else '',
344 | webutils.escapeElem(oTestResult.enmStatus), webutils.escapeElem(sErrCnt),
345 | sChangeReason if cErrorsBelow < oTestResult.cErrors and oTestResult.oReason is None else '',
346 | sResultGraph);
347 | iRow += 1;
348 |
349 | # Failure reason.
350 | if oTestResult.oReason is not None:
351 | sReasonText = '%s / %s' % ( oTestResult.oReason.oFailureReason.oCategory.sShort,
352 | oTestResult.oReason.oFailureReason.sShort, );
353 | sCommentHtml = '';
354 | if oTestResult.oReason.sComment and oTestResult.oReason.sComment.strip():
355 | sCommentHtml = '<br>' + webutils.escapeElem(oTestResult.oReason.sComment.strip());
356 | sCommentHtml = sCommentHtml.replace('\n', '<br>');
357 |
358 | sDetailedReason = ' <a href="?%s" class="tmtbl-show-reason">%s</a>' \
359 | % ( webutils.encodeUrlParams({ self._oDisp.ksParamAction:
360 | self._oDisp.ksActionTestResultFailureDetails,
361 | TestResultFailureData.ksParam_idTestResult:
362 | oTestResult.idTestResult,}),
363 | WuiContentBase.ksShortDetailsLinkHtml,);
364 |
365 | sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-reason tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
366 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
367 | ' <td colspan="2">%s</td>\n' \
368 | ' <td colspan="3">%s%s%s%s</td>\n' \
369 | ' <td>%s</td>\n' \
370 | ' </tr>\n' \
371 | % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
372 | webutils.escapeElem(self.formatTsShort(oTestResult.oReason.tsEffective)),
373 | oTestResult.oReason.oAuthor.sUsername,
374 | webutils.escapeElem(sReasonText), sDetailedReason, sChangeReason,
375 | sCommentHtml,
376 | 'todo');
377 | iRow += 1;
378 |
379 | if oTestResult.isFailure():
380 | iFailure += 1;
381 |
382 | return (sHtml, iRow, iFailure);
383 |
384 |
385 | def _generateMainReason(self, oTestResultTree, oTestSet):
386 | """
387 | Generates the form for displaying and updating the main failure reason.
388 |
389 | oTestResultTree is an instance TestResultDataEx.
390 | oTestSet is an instance of TestSetData.
391 |
392 | """
393 | _ = oTestSet;
394 | sHtml = ' ';
395 |
396 | if oTestResultTree.isFailure() or oTestResultTree.cErrors > 0:
397 | sHtml += ' <h2>Failure Reason:</h2>\n';
398 | oData = oTestResultTree.oReason;
399 |
400 | # We need the failure reasons for the combobox.
401 | aoFailureReasons = FailureReasonLogic(self._oDisp.getDb()).fetchForCombo('Test Sheriff, you figure out why!');
402 | assert aoFailureReasons;
403 |
404 | # For now we'll use the standard form helper.
405 | sFormActionUrl = '%s?%s=%s' % ( self._oDisp.ksScriptName, self._oDisp.ksParamAction,
406 | WuiMain.ksActionTestResultFailureAddPost if oData is None else
407 | WuiMain.ksActionTestResultFailureEditPost )
408 | fReadOnly = not self._oDisp or self._oDisp.isReadOnlyUser();
409 | oForm = WuiHlpForm('failure-reason', sFormActionUrl,
410 | sOnSubmit = WuiHlpForm.ksOnSubmit_AddReturnToFieldWithCurrentUrl, fReadOnly = fReadOnly);
411 | oForm.addTextHidden(TestResultFailureData.ksParam_idTestResult, oTestResultTree.idTestResult);
412 | oForm.addTextHidden(TestResultFailureData.ksParam_idTestSet, oTestSet.idTestSet);
413 | if oData is not None:
414 | oForm.addComboBox(TestResultFailureData.ksParam_idFailureReason, oData.idFailureReason, 'Reason',
415 | aoFailureReasons,
416 | sPostHtml = u' ' + WuiFailureReasonDetailsLink(oData.idFailureReason).toHtml()
417 | + (u' ' + WuiFailureReasonAddLink('New', fBracketed = False).toHtml()
418 | if not fReadOnly else u''));
419 | oForm.addMultilineText(TestResultFailureData.ksParam_sComment, oData.sComment, 'Comment')
420 |
421 | oForm.addNonText(u'%s (%s), %s'
422 | % ( oData.oAuthor.sUsername, oData.oAuthor.sUsername,
423 | self.formatTsShort(oData.tsEffective),),
424 | 'Sheriff',
425 | sPostHtml = ' ' + WuiTestResultFailureDetailsLink(oData.idTestResult, "Show Details").toHtml() )
426 |
427 | oForm.addTextHidden(TestResultFailureData.ksParam_tsEffective, oData.tsEffective);
428 | oForm.addTextHidden(TestResultFailureData.ksParam_tsExpire, oData.tsExpire);
429 | oForm.addTextHidden(TestResultFailureData.ksParam_uidAuthor, oData.uidAuthor);
430 | oForm.addSubmit('Change Reason');
431 | else:
432 | oForm.addComboBox(TestResultFailureData.ksParam_idFailureReason, -1, 'Reason', aoFailureReasons,
433 | sPostHtml = ' ' + WuiFailureReasonAddLink('New').toHtml() if not fReadOnly else '');
434 | oForm.addMultilineText(TestResultFailureData.ksParam_sComment, '', 'Comment');
435 | oForm.addTextHidden(TestResultFailureData.ksParam_tsEffective, '');
436 | oForm.addTextHidden(TestResultFailureData.ksParam_tsExpire, '');
437 | oForm.addTextHidden(TestResultFailureData.ksParam_uidAuthor, '');
438 | oForm.addSubmit('Add Reason');
439 |
440 | sHtml += oForm.finalize();
441 | return sHtml;
442 |
443 |
444 | def showTestCaseResultDetails(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements
445 | oTestResultTree,
446 | oTestSet,
447 | oBuildEx,
448 | oValidationKitEx,
449 | oTestBox,
450 | oTestGroup,
451 | oTestCaseEx,
452 | oTestVarEx):
453 | """Show detailed result"""
454 | def getTcDepsHtmlList(aoTestCaseData):
455 | """Get HTML <ul> list of Test Case name items"""
456 | if aoTestCaseData:
457 | sTmp = '<ul>'
458 | for oTestCaseData in aoTestCaseData:
459 | sTmp += '<li>%s</li>' % (webutils.escapeElem(oTestCaseData.sName),);
460 | sTmp += '</ul>'
461 | else:
462 | sTmp = 'No items'
463 | return sTmp
464 |
465 | def getGrDepsHtmlList(aoGlobalResourceData):
466 | """Get HTML <ul> list of Global Resource name items"""
467 | if aoGlobalResourceData:
468 | sTmp = '<ul>'
469 | for oGlobalResourceData in aoGlobalResourceData:
470 | sTmp += '<li>%s</li>' % (webutils.escapeElem(oGlobalResourceData.sName),);
471 | sTmp += '</ul>'
472 | else:
473 | sTmp = 'No items'
474 | return sTmp
475 |
476 |
477 | asHtml = []
478 |
479 | from testmanager.webui.wuireport import WuiReportSummaryLink;
480 | tsReportEffectiveDate = None;
481 | if oTestSet.tsDone is not None:
482 | tsReportEffectiveDate = oTestSet.tsDone + datetime.timedelta(days = 4);
483 | if tsReportEffectiveDate >= self.getNowTs():
484 | tsReportEffectiveDate = None;
485 |
486 | # Test result + test set details.
487 | aoResultRows = [
488 | WuiHtmlKeeper([ WuiTmLink(oTestCaseEx.sName, self.oWuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
489 | { self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamAction: self.oWuiAdmin.ksActionTestCaseDetails,
490 | TestCaseData.ksParam_idTestCase: oTestCaseEx.idTestCase,
491 | self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamEffectiveDate: oTestSet.tsConfig, },
492 | fBracketed = False),
493 | WuiReportSummaryLink(ReportModelBase.ksSubTestCase, oTestCaseEx.idTestCase,
494 | tsNow = tsReportEffectiveDate, fBracketed = False),
495 | ]),
496 | ];
497 | if oTestCaseEx.sDescription:
498 | aoResultRows.append([oTestCaseEx.sDescription,]);
499 | aoResultRows.append([ 'Status:', WuiRawHtml('<span class="tmspan-status-%s">%s</span>'
500 | % (oTestResultTree.enmStatus, oTestResultTree.enmStatus,))]);
501 | if oTestResultTree.cErrors > 0:
502 | aoResultRows.append(( 'Errors:', oTestResultTree.cErrors ));
503 | aoResultRows.append([ 'Elapsed:', oTestResultTree.tsElapsed ]);
504 | cSecCfgTimeout = oTestCaseEx.cSecTimeout if oTestVarEx.cSecTimeout is None else oTestVarEx.cSecTimeout;
505 | cSecEffTimeout = cSecCfgTimeout * oTestBox.pctScaleTimeout / 100;
506 | aoResultRows.append([ 'Timeout:',
507 | '%s (%s sec)' % (utils.formatIntervalSeconds(cSecEffTimeout), cSecEffTimeout,) ]);
508 | if cSecEffTimeout != cSecCfgTimeout:
509 | aoResultRows.append([ 'Cfg Timeout:',
510 | '%s (%s sec)' % (utils.formatIntervalSeconds(cSecCfgTimeout), cSecCfgTimeout,) ]);
511 | aoResultRows += [
512 | ( 'Started:', WuiTmLink(self.formatTsShort(oTestSet.tsCreated), WuiMain.ksScriptName,
513 | { WuiMain.ksParamAction: WuiMain.ksActionResultsUnGrouped,
514 | WuiMain.ksParamEffectiveDate: oTestSet.tsCreated, },
515 | fBracketed = False) ),
516 | ];
517 | if oTestSet.tsDone is not None:
518 | aoResultRows += [ ( 'Done:',
519 | WuiTmLink(self.formatTsShort(oTestSet.tsDone), WuiMain.ksScriptName,
520 | { WuiMain.ksParamAction: WuiMain.ksActionResultsUnGrouped,
521 | WuiMain.ksParamEffectiveDate: oTestSet.tsDone, },
522 | fBracketed = False) ) ];
523 | else:
524 | aoResultRows += [( 'Done:', 'Still running...')];
525 | aoResultRows += [( 'Config:', oTestSet.tsConfig )];
526 | if oTestVarEx.cGangMembers > 1:
527 | aoResultRows.append([ 'Member No:', '#%s (of %s)' % (oTestSet.iGangMemberNo, oTestVarEx.cGangMembers) ]);
528 |
529 | aoResultRows += [
530 | ( 'Test Group:',
531 | WuiHtmlKeeper([ WuiTmLink(oTestGroup.sName, self.oWuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
532 | { self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamAction: self.oWuiAdmin.ksActionTestGroupDetails,
533 | TestGroupData.ksParam_idTestGroup: oTestGroup.idTestGroup,
534 | self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamEffectiveDate: oTestSet.tsConfig, },
535 | fBracketed = False),
536 | WuiReportSummaryLink(ReportModelBase.ksSubTestGroup, oTestGroup.idTestGroup,
537 | tsNow = tsReportEffectiveDate, fBracketed = False),
538 | ]), ),
539 | ];
540 | if oTestVarEx.sTestBoxReqExpr is not None:
541 | aoResultRows.append([ 'TestBox reqs:', oTestVarEx.sTestBoxReqExpr ]);
542 | elif oTestCaseEx.sTestBoxReqExpr is not None or oTestVarEx.sTestBoxReqExpr is not None:
543 | aoResultRows.append([ 'TestBox reqs:', oTestCaseEx.sTestBoxReqExpr ]);
544 | if oTestVarEx.sBuildReqExpr is not None:
545 | aoResultRows.append([ 'Build reqs:', oTestVarEx.sBuildReqExpr ]);
546 | elif oTestCaseEx.sBuildReqExpr is not None or oTestVarEx.sBuildReqExpr is not None:
547 | aoResultRows.append([ 'Build reqs:', oTestCaseEx.sBuildReqExpr ]);
548 | if oTestCaseEx.sValidationKitZips is not None and oTestCaseEx.sValidationKitZips != '@VALIDATIONKIT_ZIP@':
549 | aoResultRows.append([ 'Validation Kit:', oTestCaseEx.sValidationKitZips ]);
550 | if oTestCaseEx.aoDepTestCases:
551 | aoResultRows.append([ 'Prereq. Test Cases:', oTestCaseEx.aoDepTestCases, getTcDepsHtmlList ]);
552 | if oTestCaseEx.aoDepGlobalResources:
553 | aoResultRows.append([ 'Global Resources:', oTestCaseEx.aoDepGlobalResources, getGrDepsHtmlList ]);
554 |
555 | # Builds.
556 | aoBuildRows = [];
557 | if oBuildEx is not None:
558 | aoBuildRows += [
559 | WuiHtmlKeeper([ WuiTmLink('Build', self.oWuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
560 | { self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamAction: self.oWuiAdmin.ksActionBuildDetails,
561 | BuildData.ksParam_idBuild: oBuildEx.idBuild,
562 | self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamEffectiveDate: oTestSet.tsCreated, },
563 | fBracketed = False),
564 | WuiReportSummaryLink(ReportModelBase.ksSubBuild, oBuildEx.idBuild,
565 | tsNow = tsReportEffectiveDate, fBracketed = False), ]),
566 | ];
567 | self._anchorAndAppendBinaries(oBuildEx.sBinaries, aoBuildRows);
568 | aoBuildRows += [
569 | ( 'Revision:', WuiSvnLinkWithTooltip(oBuildEx.iRevision, oBuildEx.oCat.sRepository,
570 | fBracketed = False) ),
571 | ( 'Product:', oBuildEx.oCat.sProduct ),
572 | ( 'Branch:', oBuildEx.oCat.sBranch ),
573 | ( 'Type:', oBuildEx.oCat.sType ),
574 | ( 'Version:', oBuildEx.sVersion ),
575 | ( 'Created:', oBuildEx.tsCreated ),
576 | ];
577 | if oBuildEx.uidAuthor is not None:
578 | aoBuildRows += [ ( 'Author ID:', oBuildEx.uidAuthor ), ];
579 | if oBuildEx.sLogUrl is not None:
580 | aoBuildRows += [ ( 'Log:', WuiBuildLogLink(oBuildEx.sLogUrl, fBracketed = False) ), ];
581 |
582 | aoValidationKitRows = [];
583 | if oValidationKitEx is not None:
584 | aoValidationKitRows += [
585 | WuiTmLink('Validation Kit', self.oWuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
586 | { self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamAction: self.oWuiAdmin.ksActionBuildDetails,
587 | BuildData.ksParam_idBuild: oValidationKitEx.idBuild,
588 | self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamEffectiveDate: oTestSet.tsCreated, },
589 | fBracketed = False),
590 | ];
591 | self._anchorAndAppendBinaries(oValidationKitEx.sBinaries, aoValidationKitRows);
592 | aoValidationKitRows += [ ( 'Revision:', WuiSvnLink(oValidationKitEx.iRevision, fBracketed = False) ) ];
593 | if oValidationKitEx.oCat.sProduct != 'VBox TestSuite':
594 | aoValidationKitRows += [ ( 'Product:', oValidationKitEx.oCat.sProduct ), ];
595 | if oValidationKitEx.oCat.sBranch != 'trunk':
596 | aoValidationKitRows += [ ( 'Product:', oValidationKitEx.oCat.sBranch ), ];
597 | if oValidationKitEx.oCat.sType != 'release':
598 | aoValidationKitRows += [ ( 'Type:', oValidationKitEx.oCat.sType), ];
599 | if oValidationKitEx.sVersion != '0.0.0':
600 | aoValidationKitRows += [ ( 'Version:', oValidationKitEx.sVersion ), ];
601 | aoValidationKitRows += [
602 | ( 'Created:', oValidationKitEx.tsCreated ),
603 | ];
604 | if oValidationKitEx.uidAuthor is not None:
605 | aoValidationKitRows += [ ( 'Author ID:', oValidationKitEx.uidAuthor ), ];
606 | if oValidationKitEx.sLogUrl is not None:
607 | aoValidationKitRows += [ ( 'Log:', WuiBuildLogLink(oValidationKitEx.sLogUrl, fBracketed = False) ), ];
608 |
609 | # TestBox.
610 | aoTestBoxRows = [
611 | WuiHtmlKeeper([ WuiTmLink(oTestBox.sName, self.oWuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
612 | { self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamAction: self.oWuiAdmin.ksActionTestBoxDetails,
613 | TestBoxData.ksParam_idGenTestBox: oTestSet.idGenTestBox, },
614 | fBracketed = False),
615 | WuiReportSummaryLink(ReportModelBase.ksSubTestBox, oTestSet.idTestBox,
616 | tsNow = tsReportEffectiveDate, fBracketed = False), ]),
617 | ];
618 | if oTestBox.sDescription:
619 | aoTestBoxRows.append([oTestBox.sDescription, ]);
620 | aoTestBoxRows += [
621 | ( 'IP:', oTestBox.ip ),
622 | #( 'UUID:', oTestBox.uuidSystem ),
623 | #( 'Enabled:', oTestBox.fEnabled ),
624 | #( 'Lom Kind:', oTestBox.enmLomKind ),
625 | #( 'Lom IP:', oTestBox.ipLom ),
626 | ( 'OS/Arch:', '%s.%s' % (oTestBox.sOs, oTestBox.sCpuArch) ),
627 | ( 'OS Version:', oTestBox.sOsVersion ),
628 | ( 'CPUs:', oTestBox.cCpus ),
629 | ];
630 | if oTestBox.sCpuName is not None:
631 | aoTestBoxRows.append(['CPU Name', oTestBox.sCpuName.replace(' ', ' ')]);
632 | if oTestBox.lCpuRevision is not None:
633 | sMarch = oTestBox.queryCpuMicroarch();
634 | if sMarch is not None:
635 | aoTestBoxRows.append( ('CPU Microarch', sMarch) );
636 | uFamily = oTestBox.getCpuFamily();
637 | uModel = oTestBox.getCpuModel();
638 | uStepping = oTestBox.getCpuStepping();
639 | aoTestBoxRows += [
640 | ( 'CPU Family', '%u (%#x)' % ( uFamily, uFamily, ) ),
641 | ( 'CPU Model', '%u (%#x)' % ( uModel, uModel, ) ),
642 | ( 'CPU Stepping', '%u (%#x)' % ( uStepping, uStepping, ) ),
643 | ];
644 | asFeatures = [ oTestBox.sCpuVendor, ];
645 | if oTestBox.fCpuHwVirt is True: asFeatures.append(u'HW\u2011Virt');
646 | if oTestBox.fCpuNestedPaging is True: asFeatures.append(u'Nested\u2011Paging');
647 | if oTestBox.fCpu64BitGuest is True: asFeatures.append(u'64\u2011bit\u2011Guest');
648 | if oTestBox.fChipsetIoMmu is True: asFeatures.append(u'I/O\u2011MMU');
649 | aoTestBoxRows += [
650 | ( 'Features:', u' '.join(asFeatures) ),
651 | ( 'RAM size:', '%s MB' % (oTestBox.cMbMemory,) ),
652 | ( 'Scratch Size:', '%s MB' % (oTestBox.cMbScratch,) ),
653 | ( 'Scale Timeout:', '%s%%' % (oTestBox.pctScaleTimeout,) ),
654 | ( 'Script Rev:', WuiSvnLink(oTestBox.iTestBoxScriptRev, fBracketed = False) ),
655 | ( 'Python:', oTestBox.formatPythonVersion() ),
656 | ( 'Pending Command:', oTestBox.enmPendingCmd ),
657 | ];
658 |
659 | aoRows = [
660 | aoResultRows,
661 | aoBuildRows,
662 | aoValidationKitRows,
663 | aoTestBoxRows,
664 | ];
665 |
666 | asHtml.append(self._htmlTable(aoRows));
667 |
668 | #
669 | # Convert the tree to a list of events, values, message and files.
670 | #
671 | sHtmlEvents = '';
672 | sHtmlEvents += '<table class="tmtbl-events" id="tmtbl-events" width="100%">\n';
673 | sHtmlEvents += ' <tr class="tmheader">\n' \
674 | ' <th>When</th>\n' \
675 | ' <th></th>\n' \
676 | ' <th>Elapsed</th>\n' \
677 | ' <th>Event name</th>\n' \
678 | ' <th colspan="2">Value (status)</th>' \
679 | ' <th></th>\n' \
680 | ' </tr>\n';
681 | sPrettyCmdLine = ' \\<br> \n'.join(webutils.escapeElem(oTestCaseEx.sBaseCmd
682 | + ' '
683 | + oTestVarEx.sArgs).split() );
684 | (sTmp, _, cFailures) = self._recursivelyGenerateEvents(oTestResultTree, sPrettyCmdLine, '', 1, 0, oTestSet, 0);
685 | sHtmlEvents += sTmp;
686 |
687 | sHtmlEvents += '</table>\n'
688 |
689 | #
690 | # Put it all together.
691 | #
692 | sHtml = '<table class="tmtbl-testresult-details-base" width="100%">\n';
693 | sHtml += ' <tr>\n'
694 | sHtml += ' <td valign="top" width="20%%">\n%s\n</td>\n' % ' <br>\n'.join(asHtml);
695 |
696 | sHtml += ' <td valign="top" width="80%" style="padding-left:6px">\n';
697 | sHtml += self._generateMainReason(oTestResultTree, oTestSet);
698 |
699 | sHtml += ' <h2>Events:</h2>\n';
700 | sHtml += ' <form action="#" method="get" id="graph-form">\n' \
701 | ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>\n' \
702 | ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%u"/>\n' \
703 | ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%u"/>\n' \
704 | ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%u"/>\n' \
705 | ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%u"/>\n' \
706 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamAction, WuiMain.ksActionGraphWiz,
707 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTestBoxIds, oTestBox.idTestBox,
708 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizBuildCatIds, oBuildEx.idBuildCategory,
709 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTestCaseIds, oTestSet.idTestCase,
710 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizSrcTestSetId, oTestSet.idTestSet,
711 | );
712 | if oTestSet.tsDone is not None:
713 | sHtml += ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>\n' \
714 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamEffectiveDate, oTestSet.tsDone, );
715 | sHtml += ' <p>\n';
716 | sFormButton = '<button type="submit" onclick="%s">Show graphs</button>' \
717 | % ( webutils.escapeAttr('addDynamicGraphInputs("graph-form", "main", "%s", "%s");'
718 | % (WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizWidth, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizDpi, )) );
719 | sHtml += ' ' + sFormButton + '\n';
720 | sHtml += ' %s %s %s\n' \
721 | % ( WuiTmLink('Log File', '',
722 | { WuiMain.ksParamAction: WuiMain.ksActionViewLog,
723 | WuiMain.ksParamLogSetId: oTestSet.idTestSet,
724 | }),
725 | WuiTmLink('Raw Log', '',
726 | { WuiMain.ksParamAction: WuiMain.ksActionGetFile,
727 | WuiMain.ksParamGetFileSetId: oTestSet.idTestSet,
728 | WuiMain.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: False,
729 | }),
730 | WuiTmLink('Download Log', '',
731 | { WuiMain.ksParamAction: WuiMain.ksActionGetFile,
732 | WuiMain.ksParamGetFileSetId: oTestSet.idTestSet,
733 | WuiMain.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: True,
734 | }),
735 | );
736 | sHtml += ' </p>\n';
737 | if cFailures == 1:
738 | sHtml += ' <p>%s</p>\n' % ( WuiTmLink('Jump to failure', '#failure-0'), )
739 | elif cFailures > 1:
740 | sHtml += ' <p>Jump to failure: ';
741 | if cFailures <= 13:
742 | for iFailure in range(0, cFailures):
743 | sHtml += ' ' + WuiTmLink('#%u' % (iFailure,), '#failure-%u' % (iFailure,)).toHtml();
744 | else:
745 | for iFailure in range(0, 6):
746 | sHtml += ' ' + WuiTmLink('#%u' % (iFailure,), '#failure-%u' % (iFailure,)).toHtml();
747 | sHtml += ' ... ';
748 | for iFailure in range(cFailures - 6, cFailures):
749 | sHtml += ' ' + WuiTmLink('#%u' % (iFailure,), '#failure-%u' % (iFailure,)).toHtml();
750 | sHtml += ' </p>\n';
751 |
752 | sHtml += sHtmlEvents;
753 | sHtml += ' <p>' + sFormButton + '</p>\n';
754 | sHtml += ' </form>\n';
755 | sHtml += ' </td>\n';
756 |
757 | sHtml += ' </tr>\n';
758 | sHtml += '</table>\n';
759 |
760 | return ('Test Case result details', sHtml)
761 |
762 |
763 | class WuiGroupedResultList(WuiListContentBase):
764 | """
765 | WUI results content generator.
766 | """
767 |
768 | def __init__(self, aoEntries, cEntriesCount, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, fnDPrint, oDisp,
769 | aiSelectedSortColumns = None):
770 | """Override initialization"""
771 | WuiListContentBase.__init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective,
772 | sTitle = 'Ungrouped (%d)' % cEntriesCount, sId = 'results',
773 | fnDPrint = fnDPrint, oDisp = oDisp, aiSelectedSortColumns = aiSelectedSortColumns);
774 |
775 | self._cEntriesCount = cEntriesCount
776 |
777 | self._asColumnHeaders = [
778 | 'Start',
779 | 'Product Build',
780 | 'Kit',
781 | 'Box',
782 | 'OS.Arch',
783 | 'Test Case',
784 | 'Elapsed',
785 | 'Result',
786 | 'Reason',
787 | ];
788 | self._asColumnAttribs = ['align="center"', 'align="center"', 'align="center"',
789 | 'align="center"', 'align="center"', 'align="center"',
790 | 'align="center"', 'align="center"', 'align="center"',
791 | 'align="center"', 'align="center"', 'align="center"',
792 | 'align="center"', ];
793 |
794 |
795 | # Prepare parameter lists.
796 | self._dTestBoxLinkParams = self._oDisp.getParameters();
797 | self._dTestBoxLinkParams[WuiMain.ksParamAction] = WuiMain.ksActionResultsGroupedByTestBox;
798 |
799 | self._dTestCaseLinkParams = self._oDisp.getParameters();
800 | self._dTestCaseLinkParams[WuiMain.ksParamAction] = WuiMain.ksActionResultsGroupedByTestCase;
801 |
802 | self._dRevLinkParams = self._oDisp.getParameters();
803 | self._dRevLinkParams[WuiMain.ksParamAction] = WuiMain.ksActionResultsGroupedByBuildRev;
804 |
805 |
806 |
807 | def _formatListEntry(self, iEntry):
808 | """
809 | Format *show all* table entry
810 | """
811 | oEntry = self._aoEntries[iEntry];
812 |
813 | from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
814 | from testmanager.webui.wuireport import WuiReportSummaryLink;
815 |
816 | oValidationKit = None;
817 | if oEntry.idBuildTestSuite is not None:
818 | oValidationKit = WuiTmLink('r%s' % (oEntry.iRevisionTestSuite,),
819 | WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
820 | { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildDetails,
821 | BuildData.ksParam_idBuild: oEntry.idBuildTestSuite },
822 | fBracketed = False);
823 |
824 | aoTestSetLinks = [];
825 | aoTestSetLinks.append(WuiTmLink(oEntry.enmStatus,
826 | WuiMain.ksScriptName,
827 | { WuiMain.ksParamAction: WuiMain.ksActionTestResultDetails,
828 | TestSetData.ksParam_idTestSet: oEntry.idTestSet },
829 | fBracketed = False));
830 | if oEntry.cErrors > 0:
831 | aoTestSetLinks.append(WuiRawHtml('-'));
832 | aoTestSetLinks.append(WuiTmLink('%d error%s' % (oEntry.cErrors, '' if oEntry.cErrors == 1 else 's', ),
833 | WuiMain.ksScriptName,
834 | { WuiMain.ksParamAction: WuiMain.ksActionTestResultDetails,
835 | TestSetData.ksParam_idTestSet: oEntry.idTestSet },
836 | sFragmentId = 'failure-0', fBracketed = False));
837 |
838 |
839 | self._dTestBoxLinkParams[WuiMain.ksParamGroupMemberId] = oEntry.idTestBox;
840 | self._dTestCaseLinkParams[WuiMain.ksParamGroupMemberId] = oEntry.idTestCase;
841 | self._dRevLinkParams[WuiMain.ksParamGroupMemberId] = oEntry.iRevision;
842 |
843 | sTestBoxTitle = u'';
844 | if oEntry.sCpuVendor is not None:
845 | sTestBoxTitle += 'CPU vendor:\t%s\n' % ( oEntry.sCpuVendor, );
846 | if oEntry.sCpuName is not None:
847 | sTestBoxTitle += 'CPU name:\t%s\n' % ( ' '.join(oEntry.sCpuName.split()), );
848 | if oEntry.sOsVersion is not None:
849 | sTestBoxTitle += 'OS version:\t%s\n' % ( oEntry.sOsVersion, );
850 | asFeatures = [];
851 | if oEntry.fCpuHwVirt is True: asFeatures.append(u'HW\u2011Virt');
852 | if oEntry.fCpuNestedPaging is True: asFeatures.append(u'Nested\u2011Paging');
853 | if oEntry.fCpu64BitGuest is True: asFeatures.append(u'64\u2011bit\u2011Guest');
854 | #if oEntry.fChipsetIoMmu is True: asFeatures.append(u'I/O\u2011MMU');
855 | sTestBoxTitle += u'CPU features:\t' + u', '.join(asFeatures);
856 |
857 | # Testcase
858 | if oEntry.sSubName:
859 | sTestCaseName = '%s / %s' % (oEntry.sTestCaseName, oEntry.sSubName,);
860 | else:
861 | sTestCaseName = oEntry.sTestCaseName;
862 |
863 | # Reason:
864 | aoReasons = [];
865 | for oIt in oEntry.aoFailureReasons:
866 | sReasonTitle = 'Reason: \t%s\n' % ( oIt.oFailureReason.sShort, );
867 | sReasonTitle += 'Category:\t%s\n' % ( oIt.oFailureReason.oCategory.sShort, );
868 | sReasonTitle += 'Assigned:\t%s\n' % ( self.formatTsShort(oIt.tsFailureReasonAssigned), );
869 | sReasonTitle += 'By User: \t%s\n' % ( oIt.oFailureReasonAssigner.sUsername, );
870 | if oIt.sFailureReasonComment:
871 | sReasonTitle += 'Comment: \t%s\n' % ( oIt.sFailureReasonComment, );
872 | if oIt.oFailureReason.iTicket is not None and oIt.oFailureReason.iTicket > 0:
873 | sReasonTitle += 'xTracker:\t#%s\n' % ( oIt.oFailureReason.iTicket, );
874 | for i, sUrl in enumerate(oIt.oFailureReason.asUrls):
875 | sUrl = sUrl.strip();
876 | if sUrl:
877 | sReasonTitle += 'URL#%u: \t%s\n' % ( i, sUrl, );
878 | aoReasons.append(WuiTmLink(oIt.oFailureReason.sShort, WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
879 | { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionFailureReasonDetails,
880 | FailureReasonData.ksParam_idFailureReason: oIt.oFailureReason.idFailureReason },
881 | sTitle = sReasonTitle));
882 |
883 | return [
884 | oEntry.tsCreated,
885 | [ WuiTmLink('%s %s (%s)' % (oEntry.sProduct, oEntry.sVersion, oEntry.sType,),
886 | WuiMain.ksScriptName, self._dRevLinkParams, sTitle = '%s' % (oEntry.sBranch,), fBracketed = False),
887 | WuiSvnLinkWithTooltip(oEntry.iRevision, 'vbox'), ## @todo add sRepository TestResultListingData
888 | WuiTmLink(self.ksShortDetailsLink, WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
889 | { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildDetails,
890 | BuildData.ksParam_idBuild: oEntry.idBuild },
891 | fBracketed = False),
892 | ],
893 | oValidationKit,
894 | [ WuiTmLink(oEntry.sTestBoxName, WuiMain.ksScriptName, self._dTestBoxLinkParams, fBracketed = False,
895 | sTitle = sTestBoxTitle),
896 | WuiTmLink(self.ksShortDetailsLink, WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
897 | { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionTestBoxDetails,
898 | TestBoxData.ksParam_idTestBox: oEntry.idTestBox },
899 | fBracketed = False),
900 | WuiReportSummaryLink(ReportModelBase.ksSubTestBox, oEntry.idTestBox, fBracketed = False), ],
901 | '%s.%s' % (oEntry.sOs, oEntry.sArch),
902 | [ WuiTmLink(sTestCaseName, WuiMain.ksScriptName, self._dTestCaseLinkParams, fBracketed = False,
903 | sTitle = (oEntry.sBaseCmd + ' ' + oEntry.sArgs) if oEntry.sArgs else oEntry.sBaseCmd),
904 | WuiTmLink(self.ksShortDetailsLink, WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
905 | { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionTestCaseDetails,
906 | TestCaseData.ksParam_idTestCase: oEntry.idTestCase },
907 | fBracketed = False),
908 | WuiReportSummaryLink(ReportModelBase.ksSubTestCase, oEntry.idTestCase, fBracketed = False), ],
909 | oEntry.tsElapsed,
910 | aoTestSetLinks,
911 | aoReasons
912 | ];