1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 | # $Id: tdAudioTest.py 90653 2021-08-12 10:46:14Z vboxsync $
3 |
4 | """
5 | AudioTest test driver which invokes the VKAT (Validation Kit Audio Test)
6 | binary to perform the actual audio tests.
7 |
8 | The generated test set archive on the guest will be downloaded by TXS
9 | to the host for later audio comparison / verification.
10 | """
11 |
12 | __copyright__ = \
13 | """
14 | Copyright (C) 2021 Oracle Corporation
15 |
16 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
17 | available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
18 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
19 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
20 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
21 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
22 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
23 |
24 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
25 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
26 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
27 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
28 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
29 |
30 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
31 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
32 | """
33 | __version__ = "$Revision: 90653 $"
34 |
35 | # Standard Python imports.
36 | import os
37 | import sys
38 | import signal
39 | import subprocess
40 | import uuid
41 |
42 | # Only the main script needs to modify the path.
43 | try: __file__
44 | except: __file__ = sys.argv[0];
45 | g_ksValidationKitDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))));
46 | sys.path.append(g_ksValidationKitDir);
47 |
48 | # Validation Kit imports.
49 | from testdriver import reporter
50 | from testdriver import base
51 | from testdriver import vbox
52 | from testdriver import vboxtestvms
53 | from common import utils;
54 |
55 | # pylint: disable=unnecessary-semicolon
56 |
57 | class tdAudioTest(vbox.TestDriver):
58 | """
59 | Runs various audio tests.
60 | """
61 | def __init__(self):
62 | vbox.TestDriver.__init__(self);
63 | self.oTestVmSet = self.oTestVmManager.getSmokeVmSet('nat');
64 | self.asGstVkatPaths = [
65 | # Debugging stuff (SCP'd over to the guest).
66 | '/tmp/vkat',
67 | '/tmp/VBoxAudioTest',
68 | # Validation Kit .ISO.
69 | '${CDROM}/vboxvalidationkit/${OS/ARCH}/vkat${EXESUFF}',
70 | '${CDROM}/${OS/ARCH}/vkat${EXESUFF}',
71 | ## @odo VBoxAudioTest on Guest Additions?
72 | ];
73 | self.asTestsDef = [
74 | 'guest_tone_playback', 'guest_tone_recording'
75 | ];
76 | self.asTests = self.asTestsDef;
77 |
78 | # Enable audio debug mode.
79 | #
80 | # This is needed in order to load and use the Validation Kit audio driver,
81 | # which in turn is being used in conjunction with the guest side to record
82 | # output (guest is playing back) and injecting input (guest is recording).
83 | self.asOptExtraData = [
84 | 'VBoxInternal2/Audio/Debug/Enabled:true',
85 | ];
86 |
87 | # Name of the running VM to use for running the test driver. Optional, and None if not being used.
88 | self.sRunningVmName = None;
89 |
90 | def showUsage(self):
91 | """
92 | Shows the audio test driver-specific command line options.
93 | """
94 | fRc = vbox.TestDriver.showUsage(self);
95 | reporter.log('');
96 | reporter.log('tdAudioTest Options:');
97 | reporter.log(' --runningvmname <vmname>');
98 | reporter.log(' --audio-tests <s1[:s2[:]]>');
99 | reporter.log(' Default: %s (all)' % (':'.join(self.asTestsDef)));
100 | return fRc;
101 |
102 | def parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg):
103 | """
104 | Parses the audio test driver-specific command line options.
105 | """
106 | if asArgs[iArg] == '--runningvmname':
107 | iArg += 1;
108 | if iArg >= len(asArgs):
109 | raise base.InvalidOption('The "--runningvmname" needs VM name');
110 |
111 | self.sRunningVmName = asArgs[iArg];
112 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--audio-tests':
113 | iArg += 1;
114 | if asArgs[iArg] == 'all': # Nice for debugging scripts.
115 | self.asTests = self.asTestsDef;
116 | else:
117 | self.asTests = asArgs[iArg].split(':');
118 | for s in self.asTests:
119 | if s not in self.asTestsDef:
120 | raise base.InvalidOption('The "--audio-tests" value "%s" is not valid; valid values are: %s'
121 | % (s, ' '.join(self.asTestsDef)));
122 | else:
123 | return vbox.TestDriver.parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg);
124 | return iArg + 1;
125 |
126 | def actionVerify(self):
127 | """
128 | Verifies the test driver before running.
129 | """
130 | if self.sVBoxValidationKitIso is None or not os.path.isfile(self.sVBoxValidationKitIso):
131 | reporter.error('Cannot find the VBoxValidationKit.iso! (%s)'
132 | 'Please unzip a Validation Kit build in the current directory or in some parent one.'
133 | % (self.sVBoxValidationKitIso,) );
134 | return False;
135 | return vbox.TestDriver.actionVerify(self);
136 |
137 | def actionConfig(self):
138 | """
139 | Configures the test driver before running.
140 | """
141 | if not self.importVBoxApi(): # So we can use the constant below.
142 | return False;
143 |
144 | # Make sure that the Validation Kit .ISO is mounted
145 | # to find the VKAT (Validation Kit Audio Test) binary on it.
146 | assert self.sVBoxValidationKitIso is not None;
147 | return self.oTestVmSet.actionConfig(self, sDvdImage = self.sVBoxValidationKitIso);
148 |
149 | def actionExecute(self):
150 | """
151 | Executes the test driver.
152 | """
153 | if self.sRunningVmName is None:
154 | return self.oTestVmSet.actionExecute(self, self.testOneVmConfig);
155 | return self.actionExecuteOnRunnigVM();
156 |
157 | def actionExecuteOnRunnigVM(self):
158 | """
159 | Executes the tests in an already configured + running VM.
160 | """
161 | if not self.importVBoxApi():
162 | return False;
163 |
164 | fRc = True;
165 |
166 | oVirtualBox = self.oVBoxMgr.getVirtualBox();
167 | try:
168 | oVM = oVirtualBox.findMachine(self.sRunningVmName);
169 | if oVM.state != self.oVBoxMgr.constants.MachineState_Running:
170 | reporter.error("Machine '%s' is not in Running state" % (self.sRunningVmName));
171 | fRc = False;
172 | except:
173 | reporter.errorXcpt("Machine '%s' not found" % (self.sRunningVmName));
174 | fRc = False;
175 |
176 | if fRc:
177 | oSession = self.openSession(oVM);
178 | if oSession:
179 | # Tweak this to your likings.
180 | oTestVm = vboxtestvms.TestVm('runningvm', sKind = 'Ubuntu_64');
181 | (fRc, oTxsSession) = self.txsDoConnectViaTcp(oSession, 30 * 1000);
182 | if fRc:
183 | self.doTest(oTestVm, oSession, oTxsSession);
184 | else:
185 | reporter.error("Unable to open session for machine '%s'" % (self.sRunningVmName));
186 | fRc = False;
187 |
188 | del oVM;
189 | del oVirtualBox;
190 | return fRc;
191 |
192 | def getGstVkatLogFilePath(self, oTestVm):
193 | """
194 | Returns the log file path of VKAT running on the guest (daemonized).
195 | """
196 | return oTestVm.pathJoin(self.getGuestTempDir(oTestVm), 'vkat-guest-daemonized.log');
197 |
198 | def locateGstVkat(self, oSession, oTxsSession):
199 | """
200 | Returns guest side path to VKAT.
201 | """
202 | for sVkatPath in self.asGstVkatPaths:
203 | reporter.log2('Checking for VKAT at: %s ...' % (sVkatPath));
204 | if self.txsIsFile(oSession, oTxsSession, sVkatPath):
205 | return (True, sVkatPath);
206 | reporter.error('Unable to find guest VKAT in any of these places:\n%s' % ('\n'.join(self.asGstVkatPaths),));
207 | return (False, "");
208 |
209 | def killProcessByName(self, sProcName):
210 | """
211 | Kills processes by their name.
212 | """
213 | reporter.log('Trying to kill processes named "%s"' % (sProcName,));
214 | if sys.platform == 'win32':
215 | os.system('taskkill /IM "%s.exe" /F' % (sProcName));
216 | else: # Note: killall is not available on older Debians (requires psmisc).
217 | # Using the BSD syntax here; MacOS also should understand this.
218 | procPs = subprocess.Popen(['ps', 'ax'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE);
219 | out, _ = procPs.communicate();
220 | for sLine in out.decode("utf-8").splitlines():
221 | if sProcName in sLine:
222 | pid = int(sLine.split(None, 1)[0]);
223 | reporter.log2('Killing PID %d' % (pid,));
224 | os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL); # pylint: disable=no-member
225 |
226 | def killHstVkat(self):
227 | """
228 | Kills VKAT (VBoxAudioTest) on the host side.
229 | """
230 | reporter.log('Killing stale/old VKAT processes ...');
231 | self.killProcessByName("vkat");
232 | self.killProcessByName("VBoxAudioTest");
233 |
234 | def getWinFirewallArgsDisable(self, sOsType):
235 | """
236 | Returns the command line arguments for Windows OSes
237 | to disable the built-in firewall (if any).
238 |
239 | If not supported, returns an empty array.
240 | """
241 | if sOsType == 'vista': # Vista and up.
242 | return (['netsh', 'advfirewall', 'set', 'allprofiles', 'state', 'off']);
243 | elif sOsType == 'xp': # pylint: disable=no-else-return
244 | # Older stuff (XP / 2003).
245 | return(['netsh', 'firewall', 'set', 'opmode', 'mode=DISABLE']);
246 | # Not supported / available.
247 | return [];
248 |
249 | def disableGstFirewall(self, oTestVm, oTxsSession):
250 | """
251 | Disables the firewall on a guest (if any).
252 |
253 | Needs elevated / admin / root privileges.
254 |
255 | Returns success status, not logged.
256 | """
257 | fRc = False;
258 |
259 | asArgs = [];
260 | sOsType = '';
261 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
262 | if oTestVm.sKind in ['WindowsNT4', 'WindowsNT3x']:
263 | sOsType = 'nt3x'; # Not supported, but define it anyway.
264 | elif oTestVm.sKind in ('Windows2000', 'WindowsXP', 'Windows2003'):
265 | sOsType = 'xp';
266 | else:
267 | sOsType = 'vista';
268 | asArgs = self.getWinFirewallArgsDisable(sOsType);
269 | else:
270 | sOsType = 'unsupported';
271 |
272 | reporter.log('Disabling firewall on guest (type: %s) ...' % (sOsType,));
273 |
274 | if asArgs:
275 | fRc = self.txsRunTest(oTxsSession, 'Disabling guest firewall', \
276 | oTestVm.pathJoin(self.getGuestSystemDir(oTestVm), asArgs[0]), asArgs);
277 | if not fRc:
278 | reporter.error('Disabling firewall on guest returned exit code error %d' % (self.getLastRcFromTxs(oTxsSession)));
279 | else:
280 | reporter.log('Firewall not available on guest, skipping');
281 | fRc = True; # Not available, just skip.
282 |
283 | return fRc;
284 |
285 | def disableHstFirewall(self):
286 | """
287 | Disables the firewall on the host (if any).
288 |
289 | Needs elevated / admin / root privileges.
290 |
291 | Returns success status, not logged.
292 | """
293 | fRc = False;
294 |
295 | asArgs = [];
296 | sOsType = sys.platform;
297 |
298 | if sOsType == 'win32':
299 | reporter.log('Disabling firewall on host (type: %s) ...' % (sOsType));
300 |
301 | ## @todo For now we ASSUME that we don't run (and don't support even) on old(er)
302 | # Windows hosts than Vista.
303 | asArgs = self.getWinFirewallArgsDisable('vista');
304 |
305 | if asArgs:
306 | oProcess = utils.sudoProcessPopen(asArgs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
307 | stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell = False, close_fds = False);
308 | if oProcess:
309 | sOut, sErr = oProcess.communicate();
310 |
311 | sOut = sOut.decode(sys.stdin.encoding);
312 | for sLine in sOut.split('\n'):
313 | reporter.log(sLine);
314 |
315 | sErr = sErr.decode(sys.stdin.encoding);
316 | for sLine in sErr.split('\n'):
317 | reporter.log(sLine);
318 |
319 | iExitCode = oProcess.poll();
320 | if iExitCode != 0:
321 | fRc = False;
322 | else:
323 | fRc = False;
324 |
325 | if not fRc:
326 | reporter.error('Disabling firewall on host returned exit code error %d' % iExitCode);
327 | else:
328 | reporter.log('Firewall not available on host, skipping ');
329 | fRc = True; # Not available, just skip.
330 |
331 | return fRc;
332 |
333 | def getLastRcFromTxs(self, oTxsSession):
334 | """
335 | Extracts the last exit code reported by TXS from a run before.
336 | Assumes that nothing else has been run on the same TXS session in the meantime.
337 | """
338 | iRc = 0;
339 | (_, sOpcode, abPayload) = oTxsSession.getLastReply();
340 | if sOpcode.startswith('PROC NOK '): # Extract process rc
341 | iRc = abPayload[0]; # ASSUMES 8-bit rc for now.
342 | return iRc;
343 |
344 | def startVkatOnGuest(self, oTestVm, oSession, oTxsSession):
345 | """
346 | Starts VKAT on the guest (running in background).
347 | """
348 | sPathTemp = self.getGuestTempDir(oTestVm);
349 | sPathAudioOut = oTestVm.pathJoin(sPathTemp, 'vkat-guest-out');
350 | sPathAudioTemp = oTestVm.pathJoin(sPathTemp, 'vkat-guest-temp');
351 |
352 | reporter.log('Guest audio test temp path is \"%s\"' % (sPathAudioOut));
353 | reporter.log('Guest audio test output path is \"%s\"' % (sPathAudioTemp));
354 |
355 | fRc, sVkatExe = self.locateGstVkat(oSession, oTxsSession);
356 | if fRc:
357 | reporter.log('Using VKAT on guest at \"%s\"' % (sVkatExe));
358 |
359 | aArgs = [ sVkatExe, 'test', '-vvvv', '--mode', 'guest', \
360 | '--tempdir', sPathAudioTemp, '--outdir', sPathAudioOut ];
361 | #
362 | # Start VKAT in the background (daemonized) on the guest side, so that we
363 | # can continue starting VKAT on the host.
364 | #
365 | aArgs.extend(['--daemonize']);
366 |
367 | #
368 | # Add own environment stuff.
369 | #
370 | aEnv = [];
371 |
372 | # Write the log file to some deterministic place so TxS can retrieve it later.
373 | sVkatLogFile = 'VKAT_RELEASE_LOG_DEST=file=' + self.getGstVkatLogFilePath(oTestVm);
374 | aEnv.extend([ sVkatLogFile ]);
375 |
376 | #
377 | # Execute.
378 | #
379 | fRc = self.txsRunTest(oTxsSession, 'Starting VKAT on guest', 15 * 60 * 1000,
380 | sVkatExe, aArgs, aEnv);
381 | if not fRc:
382 | reporter.error('VKAT on guest returned exit code error %d' % (self.getLastRcFromTxs(oTxsSession)));
383 | else:
384 | reporter.error('VKAT on guest not found');
385 |
386 | return fRc;
387 |
388 | def runTests(self, oTestVm, oSession, oTxsSession, sDesc, sTests):
389 | """
390 | Runs one or more tests using VKAT on the host, which in turn will
391 | communicate with VKAT running on the guest and the Validation Kit
392 | audio driver ATS (Audio Testing Service).
393 | """
394 | _ = oSession, oTxsSession;
395 | sTag = uuid.uuid4();
396 |
397 | sPathTemp = self.sScratchPath;
398 | sPathAudioOut = oTestVm.pathJoin(sPathTemp, 'vkat-host-out-%s' % (sTag));
399 | sPathAudioTemp = oTestVm.pathJoin(sPathTemp, 'vkat-host-temp-%s' % (sTag));
400 |
401 | reporter.log('Host audio test temp path is \"%s\"' % (sPathAudioOut));
402 | reporter.log('Host audio test output path is \"%s\"' % (sPathAudioTemp));
403 | reporter.log('Host audio test tag is \"%s\"' % (sTag));
404 |
405 | sVkatExe = self.getBinTool('vkat');
406 |
407 | reporter.log('Using VKAT on host at: \"%s\"' % (sVkatExe));
408 |
409 | # Build the base command line, exclude all tests by default.
410 | sArgs = '%s test -vvvv --mode host --tempdir %s --outdir %s -a' \
411 | % (sVkatExe, sPathAudioTemp, sPathAudioOut);
412 |
413 | # ... and extend it with wanted tests.
414 | sArgs += " " + sTests;
415 |
416 | fRc = True;
417 |
418 | reporter.testStart(sDesc);
419 |
420 | #
421 | # Let VKAT on the host run synchronously.
422 | #
423 | procVkat = subprocess.Popen(sArgs, \
424 | stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True);
425 | if procVkat:
426 | reporter.log('VKAT on host started');
427 |
428 | out, err = procVkat.communicate();
429 | rc = procVkat.poll();
430 |
431 | out = out.decode(sys.stdin.encoding);
432 | for line in out.split('\n'):
433 | reporter.log(line);
434 |
435 | err = err.decode(sys.stdin.encoding);
436 | for line in err.split('\n'):
437 | reporter.log(line);
438 |
439 | reporter.log('VKAT on host ended with exit code %d' % rc);
440 | if rc != 0:
441 | reporter.testFailure('VKAT on the host failed');
442 | fRc = False;
443 | else:
444 | reporter.testFailure('VKAT on the host failed to start');
445 | fRc = False;
446 |
447 | reporter.testDone();
448 |
449 | return fRc;
450 |
451 | def doTest(self, oTestVm, oSession, oTxsSession):
452 | """
453 | Executes the specified audio tests.
454 | """
455 |
456 | # Disable any OS-specific firewalls preventing VKAT / ATS to run.
457 | self.disableHstFirewall();
458 | self.disableGstFirewall(oTestVm, oTxsSession);
459 |
460 | # First try to kill any old VKAT / VBoxAudioTest processes lurking around on the host.
461 | # Might happen because of former (aborted) runs.
462 | self.killHstVkat();
463 |
464 | reporter.log("Active tests: %s" % (self.asTests,));
465 |
466 | fRc = self.startVkatOnGuest(oTestVm, oSession, oTxsSession);
467 | if fRc:
468 | #
469 | # Execute the tests using VKAT on the guest side (in guest mode).
470 | #
471 | if "guest_tone_playback" in self.asTests:
472 | fRc = self.runTests(oTestVm, oSession, oTxsSession, 'Guest audio playback', '-i0');
473 | if "guest_tone_recording" in self.asTests:
474 | fRc = fRc and self.runTests(oTestVm, oSession, oTxsSession, 'Guest audio recording', '-i1');
475 |
476 | #
477 | # Retrieve log files for diagnosis.
478 | #
479 | self.txsDownloadFiles(oSession, oTxsSession,
480 | [ ( self.getGstVkatLogFilePath(oTestVm),
481 | 'vkat-guest-daemonized-%s.log' % (oTestVm.sVmName,),),
482 | ],
483 | fIgnoreErrors = True);
484 |
485 | return fRc;
486 |
487 | def testOneVmConfig(self, oVM, oTestVm):
488 | """
489 | Runs tests using one specific VM config.
490 | """
491 |
492 | self.logVmInfo(oVM);
493 |
494 | if oTestVm.isWindows() \
495 | and oTestVm.sKind in ('WindowsNT4', 'Windows2000'): # Too old for DirectSound and WASAPI backends.
496 | reporter.log('Audio testing skipped, not implemented/available for that OS yet.');
497 | return True;
498 |
499 | fRc = False;
500 |
501 | # Reconfigure the VM.
502 | oSession = self.openSession(oVM);
503 | if oSession is not None:
504 | # Set extra data.
505 | for sExtraData in self.asOptExtraData:
506 | sKey, sValue = sExtraData.split(':');
507 | reporter.log('Set extradata: %s => %s' % (sKey, sValue));
508 | fRc = oSession.setExtraData(sKey, sValue) and fRc;
509 |
510 | # Save the settings.
511 | fRc = fRc and oSession.saveSettings();
512 | fRc = oSession.close() and fRc;
513 |
514 | reporter.testStart('Waiting for TXS');
515 | oSession, oTxsSession = self.startVmAndConnectToTxsViaTcp(oTestVm.sVmName,
516 | fCdWait = True,
517 | cMsTimeout = 3 * 60 * 1000,
518 | sFileCdWait = '${OS/ARCH}/vkat${EXESUFF}');
519 | reporter.testDone();
520 |
521 | if oSession is not None:
522 | self.addTask(oTxsSession);
523 |
524 | fRc = self.doTest(oTestVm, oSession, oTxsSession);
525 |
526 | # Cleanup.
527 | self.removeTask(oTxsSession);
528 | self.terminateVmBySession(oSession);
529 |
530 | return fRc;
531 |
532 | def onExit(self, iRc):
533 | """
534 | Exit handler for this test driver.
535 | """
536 | return vbox.TestDriver.onExit(self, iRc);
537 |
538 | if __name__ == '__main__':
539 | sys.exit(tdAudioTest().main(sys.argv))