1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 | # $Id: storagecfg.py 79593 2019-07-08 12:41:20Z vboxsync $
3 |
4 | """
5 | VirtualBox Validation Kit - Storage test configuration API.
6 | """
7 |
8 | __copyright__ = \
9 | """
10 | Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Oracle Corporation
11 |
12 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
13 | available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
14 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
15 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
16 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
17 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
18 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
19 |
20 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
21 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
22 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
23 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
24 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
25 |
26 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
27 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
28 | """
29 | __version__ = "$Revision: 79593 $"
30 |
31 | # Standard Python imports.
32 | import os;
33 | import re;
34 |
35 |
36 | class StorageDisk(object):
37 | """
38 | Class representing a disk for testing.
39 | """
40 |
41 | def __init__(self, sPath, fRamDisk = False):
42 | self.sPath = sPath;
43 | self.fUsed = False;
44 | self.fRamDisk = fRamDisk;
45 |
46 | def getPath(self):
47 | """
48 | Return the disk path.
49 | """
50 | return self.sPath;
51 |
52 | def isUsed(self):
53 | """
54 | Returns whether the disk is currently in use.
55 | """
56 | return self.fUsed;
57 |
58 | def isRamDisk(self):
59 | """
60 | Returns whether the disk objecthas a RAM backing.
61 | """
62 | return self.fRamDisk;
63 |
64 | def setUsed(self, fUsed):
65 | """
66 | Sets the used flag for the disk.
67 | """
68 | if fUsed:
69 | if self.fUsed:
70 | return False;
71 |
72 | self.fUsed = True;
73 | else:
74 | self.fUsed = fUsed;
75 |
76 | return True;
77 |
78 | class StorageConfigOs(object):
79 | """
80 | Base class for a single hosts OS storage configuration.
81 | """
82 |
83 | def _getDisksMatchingRegExpWithPath(self, sPath, sRegExp):
84 | """
85 | Adds new disks to the config matching the given regular expression.
86 | """
87 |
88 | lstDisks = [];
89 | oRegExp = re.compile(sRegExp);
90 | asFiles = os.listdir(sPath);
91 | for sFile in asFiles:
92 | if oRegExp.match(os.path.basename(sFile)) and os.path.exists(sPath + '/' + sFile):
93 | lstDisks.append(StorageDisk(sPath + '/' + sFile));
94 |
95 | return lstDisks;
96 |
97 | class StorageConfigOsSolaris(StorageConfigOs):
98 | """
99 | Class implementing the Solaris specifics for a storage configuration.
100 | """
101 |
102 | def __init__(self):
103 | StorageConfigOs.__init__(self);
104 | self.idxRamDisk = 0;
105 |
106 | def _getActivePoolsStartingWith(self, oExec, sPoolIdStart):
107 | """
108 | Returns a list of pools starting with the given ID or None on failure.
109 | """
110 | lstPools = None;
111 | fRc, sOutput, _ = oExec.execBinary('zpool', ('list', '-H'));
112 | if fRc:
113 | lstPools = [];
114 | asPools = sOutput.splitlines();
115 | for sPool in asPools:
116 | if sPool.startswith(sPoolIdStart):
117 | # Extract the whole name and add it to the list.
118 | asItems = sPool.split('\t');
119 | lstPools.append(asItems[0]);
120 | return lstPools;
121 |
122 | def _getActiveVolumesInPoolStartingWith(self, oExec, sPool, sVolumeIdStart):
123 | """
124 | Returns a list of active volumes for the given pool starting with the given
125 | identifier or None on failure.
126 | """
127 | lstVolumes = None;
128 | fRc, sOutput, _ = oExec.execBinary('zfs', ('list', '-H'));
129 | if fRc:
130 | lstVolumes = [];
131 | asVolumes = sOutput.splitlines();
132 | for sVolume in asVolumes:
133 | if sVolume.startswith(sPool + '/' + sVolumeIdStart):
134 | # Extract the whole name and add it to the list.
135 | asItems = sVolume.split('\t');
136 | lstVolumes.append(asItems[0]);
137 | return lstVolumes;
138 |
139 | def getDisksMatchingRegExp(self, sRegExp):
140 | """
141 | Returns a list of disks matching the regular expression.
142 | """
143 | return self._getDisksMatchingRegExpWithPath('/dev/dsk', sRegExp);
144 |
145 | def getMntBase(self):
146 | """
147 | Returns the mountpoint base for the host.
148 | """
149 | return '/pools';
150 |
151 | def createStoragePool(self, oExec, sPool, asDisks, sRaidLvl):
152 | """
153 | Creates a new storage pool with the given disks and the given RAID level.
154 | """
155 | sZPoolRaid = None;
156 | if len(asDisks) > 1 and (sRaidLvl == 'raid5' or sRaidLvl is None):
157 | sZPoolRaid = 'raidz';
158 |
159 | fRc = True;
160 | if sZPoolRaid is not None:
161 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zpool', ('create', '-f', sPool, sZPoolRaid,) + tuple(asDisks));
162 | else:
163 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zpool', ('create', '-f', sPool,) + tuple(asDisks));
164 |
165 | return fRc;
166 |
167 | def createVolume(self, oExec, sPool, sVol, sMountPoint, cbVol = None):
168 | """
169 | Creates and mounts a filesystem at the given mountpoint using the
170 | given pool and volume IDs.
171 | """
172 | fRc = True;
173 | if cbVol is not None:
174 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zfs', ('create', '-o', 'mountpoint='+sMountPoint, '-V', cbVol, sPool + '/' + sVol));
175 | else:
176 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zfs', ('create', '-o', 'mountpoint='+sMountPoint, sPool + '/' + sVol));
177 |
178 | return fRc;
179 |
180 | def destroyVolume(self, oExec, sPool, sVol):
181 | """
182 | Destroys the given volume.
183 | """
184 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zfs', ('destroy', sPool + '/' + sVol));
185 | return fRc;
186 |
187 | def destroyPool(self, oExec, sPool):
188 | """
189 | Destroys the given storage pool.
190 | """
191 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zpool', ('destroy', sPool));
192 | return fRc;
193 |
194 | def cleanupPoolsAndVolumes(self, oExec, sPoolIdStart, sVolIdStart):
195 | """
196 | Cleans up any pools and volumes starting with the name in the given
197 | parameters.
198 | """
199 | fRc = True;
200 | lstPools = self._getActivePoolsStartingWith(oExec, sPoolIdStart);
201 | if lstPools is not None:
202 | for sPool in lstPools:
203 | lstVolumes = self._getActiveVolumesInPoolStartingWith(oExec, sPool, sVolIdStart);
204 | if lstVolumes is not None:
205 | # Destroy all the volumes first
206 | for sVolume in lstVolumes:
207 | fRc2 = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zfs', ('destroy', sVolume));
208 | if not fRc2:
209 | fRc = fRc2;
210 |
211 | # Destroy the pool
212 | fRc2 = self.destroyPool(oExec, sPool);
213 | if not fRc2:
214 | fRc = fRc2;
215 | else:
216 | fRc = False;
217 | else:
218 | fRc = False;
219 |
220 | return fRc;
221 |
222 | def createRamDisk(self, oExec, cbRamDisk):
223 | """
224 | Creates a RAM backed disk with the given size.
225 | """
226 | oDisk = None;
227 | sRamDiskName = 'ramdisk%u' % (self.idxRamDisk,);
228 | fRc, _ , _ = oExec.execBinary('ramdiskadm', ('-a', sRamDiskName, str(cbRamDisk)));
229 | if fRc:
230 | self.idxRamDisk += 1;
231 | oDisk = StorageDisk('/dev/ramdisk/%s' % (sRamDiskName, ), True);
232 |
233 | return oDisk;
234 |
235 | def destroyRamDisk(self, oExec, oDisk):
236 | """
237 | Destroys the given ramdisk object.
238 | """
239 | sRamDiskName = os.path.basename(oDisk.getPath());
240 | return oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('ramdiskadm', ('-d', sRamDiskName));
241 |
242 | class StorageConfigOsLinux(StorageConfigOs):
243 | """
244 | Class implementing the Linux specifics for a storage configuration.
245 | """
246 |
247 | def __init__(self):
248 | StorageConfigOs.__init__(self);
249 | self.dSimplePools = { }; # Simple storage pools which don't use lvm (just one partition)
250 | self.dMounts = { }; # Pool/Volume to mountpoint mapping.
251 |
252 | def _getDmRaidLevelFromLvl(self, sRaidLvl):
253 | """
254 | Converts our raid level indicators to something mdadm can understand.
255 | """
256 | if sRaidLvl is None or sRaidLvl == 'raid0':
257 | return 'stripe';
258 | if sRaidLvl == 'raid5':
259 | return '5';
260 | if sRaidLvl == 'raid1':
261 | return 'mirror';
262 | return 'stripe';
263 |
264 | def getDisksMatchingRegExp(self, sRegExp):
265 | """
266 | Returns a list of disks matching the regular expression.
267 | """
268 | return self._getDisksMatchingRegExpWithPath('/dev/', sRegExp);
269 |
270 | def getMntBase(self):
271 | """
272 | Returns the mountpoint base for the host.
273 | """
274 | return '/mnt';
275 |
276 | def createStoragePool(self, oExec, sPool, asDisks, sRaidLvl):
277 | """
278 | Creates a new storage pool with the given disks and the given RAID level.
279 | """
280 | fRc = True;
281 | if len(asDisks) == 1 and sRaidLvl is None:
282 | # Doesn't require LVM, put into the simple pools dictionary so we can
283 | # use it when creating a volume later.
284 | self.dSimplePools[sPool] = asDisks[0];
285 | else:
286 | # If a RAID is required use dm-raid first to create one.
287 | asLvmPvDisks = asDisks;
288 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('mdadm', ('--create', '/dev/md0', '--assume-clean',
289 | '--level=' + self._getDmRaidLevelFromLvl(sRaidLvl),
290 | '--raid-devices=' + str(len(asDisks))) + tuple(asDisks));
291 | if fRc:
292 | # /dev/md0 is the only block device to use for our volume group.
293 | asLvmPvDisks = [ '/dev/md0' ];
294 |
295 | # Create a physical volume on every disk first.
296 | for sLvmPvDisk in asLvmPvDisks:
297 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('pvcreate', (sLvmPvDisk, ));
298 | if not fRc:
299 | break;
300 |
301 | if fRc:
302 | # Create volume group with all physical volumes included
303 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('vgcreate', (sPool, ) + tuple(asLvmPvDisks));
304 | return fRc;
305 |
306 | def createVolume(self, oExec, sPool, sVol, sMountPoint, cbVol = None):
307 | """
308 | Creates and mounts a filesystem at the given mountpoint using the
309 | given pool and volume IDs.
310 | """
311 | fRc = True;
312 | sBlkDev = None;
313 | if sPool in self.dSimplePools:
314 | sDiskPath = self.dSimplePools.get(sPool);
315 | if sDiskPath.find('zram') != -1:
316 | sBlkDev = sDiskPath;
317 | else:
318 | # Create a partition with the requested size
319 | sFdiskScript = ';\n'; # Single partition filling everything
320 | if cbVol is not None:
321 | sFdiskScript = ',' + str(cbVol // 512) + '\n'; # Get number of sectors
322 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('sfdisk', ('--no-reread', '--wipe', 'always', '-q', '-f', sDiskPath), \
323 | sFdiskScript);
324 | if fRc:
325 | if sDiskPath.find('nvme') != -1:
326 | sBlkDev = sDiskPath + 'p1';
327 | else:
328 | sBlkDev = sDiskPath + '1';
329 | else:
330 | if cbVol is None:
331 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('lvcreate', ('-l', '100%FREE', '-n', sVol, sPool));
332 | else:
333 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('lvcreate', ('-L', str(cbVol), '-n', sVol, sPool));
334 | if fRc:
335 | sBlkDev = '/dev/mapper' + sPool + '-' + sVol;
336 |
337 | if fRc is True and sBlkDev is not None:
338 | # Create a filesystem and mount it
339 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('mkfs.ext4', ('-F', '-F', sBlkDev,));
340 | fRc = fRc and oExec.mkDir(sMountPoint);
341 | fRc = fRc and oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('mount', (sBlkDev, sMountPoint));
342 | if fRc:
343 | self.dMounts[sPool + '/' + sVol] = sMountPoint;
344 | return fRc;
345 |
346 | def destroyVolume(self, oExec, sPool, sVol):
347 | """
348 | Destroys the given volume.
349 | """
350 | # Unmount first
351 | sMountPoint = self.dMounts[sPool + '/' + sVol];
352 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('umount', (sMountPoint,));
353 | self.dMounts.pop(sPool + '/' + sVol);
354 | oExec.rmDir(sMountPoint);
355 | if sPool in self.dSimplePools:
356 | # Wipe partition table
357 | sDiskPath = self.dSimplePools.get(sPool);
358 | if sDiskPath.find('zram') == -1:
359 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('sfdisk', ('--no-reread', '--wipe', 'always', '-q', '-f', '--delete', \
360 | sDiskPath));
361 | else:
362 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('lvremove', (sPool + '/' + sVol,));
363 | return fRc;
364 |
365 | def destroyPool(self, oExec, sPool):
366 | """
367 | Destroys the given storage pool.
368 | """
369 | fRc = True;
370 | if sPool in self.dSimplePools:
371 | self.dSimplePools.pop(sPool);
372 | else:
373 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('vgremove', (sPool,));
374 | return fRc;
375 |
376 | def cleanupPoolsAndVolumes(self, oExec, sPoolIdStart, sVolIdStart):
377 | """
378 | Cleans up any pools and volumes starting with the name in the given
379 | parameters.
380 | """
381 | # @todo: Needs implementation, for LVM based configs a similar approach can be used
382 | # as for Solaris.
383 | _ = oExec;
384 | _ = sPoolIdStart;
385 | _ = sVolIdStart;
386 | return True;
387 |
388 | def createRamDisk(self, oExec, cbRamDisk):
389 | """
390 | Creates a RAM backed disk with the given size.
391 | """
392 | # Make sure the ZRAM module is loaded.
393 | oDisk = None;
394 | fRc = oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('modprobe', ('zram',));
395 | if fRc:
396 | fRc, sOut, _ = oExec.execBinary('zramctl', ('--raw', '-f', '-s', str(cbRamDisk)));
397 | if fRc:
398 | oDisk = StorageDisk(sOut.rstrip(), True);
399 |
400 | return oDisk;
401 |
402 | def destroyRamDisk(self, oExec, oDisk):
403 | """
404 | Destroys the given ramdisk object.
405 | """
406 | return oExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('zramctl', ('-r', oDisk.getPath()));
407 |
408 | ## @name Host disk config types.
409 | ## @{
410 | g_ksDiskCfgStatic = 'StaticDir';
411 | g_ksDiskCfgRegExp = 'RegExp';
412 | g_ksDiskCfgList = 'DiskList';
413 | ## @}
414 |
415 | class DiskCfg(object):
416 | """
417 | Host disk configuration.
418 | """
419 |
420 | def __init__(self, sTargetOs, sCfgType, oDisks):
421 | self.sTargetOs = sTargetOs;
422 | self.sCfgType = sCfgType;
423 | self.oDisks = oDisks;
424 |
425 | def getTargetOs(self):
426 | return self.sTargetOs;
427 |
428 | def getCfgType(self):
429 | return self.sCfgType;
430 |
431 | def isCfgStaticDir(self):
432 | return self.sCfgType == g_ksDiskCfgStatic;
433 |
434 | def isCfgRegExp(self):
435 | return self.sCfgType == g_ksDiskCfgRegExp;
436 |
437 | def isCfgList(self):
438 | return self.sCfgType == g_ksDiskCfgList;
439 |
440 | def getDisks(self):
441 | return self.oDisks;
442 |
443 | class StorageCfg(object):
444 | """
445 | Storage configuration helper class taking care of the different host OS.
446 | """
447 |
448 | def __init__(self, oExec, oDiskCfg):
449 | self.oExec = oExec;
450 | self.lstDisks = [ ]; # List of disks present in the system.
451 | self.dPools = { }; # Dictionary of storage pools.
452 | self.dVols = { }; # Dictionary of volumes.
453 | self.iPoolId = 0;
454 | self.iVolId = 0;
455 | self.oDiskCfg = oDiskCfg;
456 |
457 | fRc = True;
458 | oStorOs = None;
459 | if oDiskCfg.getTargetOs() == 'solaris':
460 | oStorOs = StorageConfigOsSolaris();
461 | elif oDiskCfg.getTargetOs() == 'linux':
462 | oStorOs = StorageConfigOsLinux(); # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
463 | elif not oDiskCfg.isCfgStaticDir(): # For unknown hosts we only a static testing directory we don't care about setting up.
464 | fRc = False;
465 |
466 | if fRc:
467 | self.oStorOs = oStorOs;
468 | if oDiskCfg.isCfgRegExp():
469 | self.lstDisks = oStorOs.getDisksMatchingRegExp(oDiskCfg.getDisks());
470 | elif oDiskCfg.isCfgList():
471 | # Assume a list of of disks and add.
472 | for sDisk in oDiskCfg.getDisks():
473 | self.lstDisks.append(StorageDisk(sDisk));
474 |
475 | def __del__(self):
476 | self.cleanup();
477 |
478 | def cleanup(self):
479 | """
480 | Cleans up any created storage configs.
481 | """
482 |
483 | if not self.oDiskCfg.isCfgStaticDir():
484 | # Destroy all volumes first.
485 | for sMountPoint in self.dVols.keys(): # pylint: disable=consider-iterating-dictionary
486 | self.destroyVolume(sMountPoint);
487 |
488 | # Destroy all pools.
489 | for sPool in self.dPools.keys(): # pylint: disable=consider-iterating-dictionary
490 | self.destroyStoragePool(sPool);
491 |
492 | self.dVols.clear();
493 | self.dPools.clear();
494 | self.oDiskCfg = None;
495 | self.iPoolId = 0;
496 | self.iVolId = 0;
497 |
498 | def getRawDisk(self):
499 | """
500 | Returns a raw disk device from the list of free devices for use.
501 | """
502 |
503 | for oDisk in self.lstDisks:
504 | if oDisk.isUsed() is False:
505 | oDisk.setUsed(True);
506 | return oDisk.getPath();
507 |
508 | return None;
509 |
510 | def getUnusedDiskCount(self):
511 | """
512 | Returns the number of unused disks.
513 | """
514 |
515 | cDisksUnused = 0;
516 | for oDisk in self.lstDisks:
517 | if not oDisk.isUsed():
518 | cDisksUnused += 1;
519 |
520 | return cDisksUnused;
521 |
522 | def createStoragePool(self, cDisks = 0, sRaidLvl = None,
523 | cbPool = None, fRamDisk = False):
524 | """
525 | Create a new storage pool
526 | """
527 | lstDisks = [ ];
528 | fRc = True;
529 | sPool = None;
530 |
531 | if not self.oDiskCfg.isCfgStaticDir():
532 | if fRamDisk:
533 | oDisk = self.oStorOs.createRamDisk(self.oExec, cbPool);
534 | if oDisk is not None:
535 | lstDisks.append(oDisk);
536 | cDisks = 1;
537 | else:
538 | if cDisks == 0:
539 | cDisks = self.getUnusedDiskCount();
540 |
541 | for oDisk in self.lstDisks:
542 | if not oDisk.isUsed():
543 | oDisk.setUsed(True);
544 | lstDisks.append(oDisk);
545 | if len(lstDisks) == cDisks:
546 | break;
547 |
548 | # Enough drives to satisfy the request?
549 | if len(lstDisks) == cDisks:
550 | # Create a list of all device paths
551 | lstDiskPaths = [ ];
552 | for oDisk in lstDisks:
553 | lstDiskPaths.append(oDisk.getPath());
554 |
555 | # Find a name for the pool
556 | sPool = 'pool' + str(self.iPoolId);
557 | self.iPoolId += 1;
558 |
559 | fRc = self.oStorOs.createStoragePool(self.oExec, sPool, lstDiskPaths, sRaidLvl);
560 | if fRc:
561 | self.dPools[sPool] = lstDisks;
562 | else:
563 | self.iPoolId -= 1;
564 | else:
565 | fRc = False;
566 |
567 | # Cleanup in case of error.
568 | if not fRc:
569 | for oDisk in lstDisks:
570 | oDisk.setUsed(False);
571 | if oDisk.isRamDisk():
572 | self.oStorOs.destroyRamDisk(self.oExec, oDisk);
573 | else:
574 | sPool = 'StaticDummy';
575 |
576 | return fRc, sPool;
577 |
578 | def destroyStoragePool(self, sPool):
579 | """
580 | Destroys the storage pool with the given ID.
581 | """
582 |
583 | fRc = True;
584 |
585 | if not self.oDiskCfg.isCfgStaticDir():
586 | lstDisks = self.dPools.get(sPool);
587 | if lstDisks is not None:
588 | fRc = self.oStorOs.destroyPool(self.oExec, sPool);
589 | if fRc:
590 | # Mark disks as unused
591 | self.dPools.pop(sPool);
592 | for oDisk in lstDisks:
593 | oDisk.setUsed(False);
594 | if oDisk.isRamDisk():
595 | self.oStorOs.destroyRamDisk(self.oExec, oDisk);
596 | else:
597 | fRc = False;
598 |
599 | return fRc;
600 |
601 | def createVolume(self, sPool, cbVol = None):
602 | """
603 | Creates a new volume from the given pool returning the mountpoint.
604 | """
605 |
606 | fRc = True;
607 | sMountPoint = None;
608 | if not self.oDiskCfg.isCfgStaticDir():
609 | if sPool in self.dPools:
610 | sVol = 'vol' + str(self.iVolId);
611 | sMountPoint = self.oStorOs.getMntBase() + '/' + sVol;
612 | self.iVolId += 1;
613 | fRc = self.oStorOs.createVolume(self.oExec, sPool, sVol, sMountPoint, cbVol);
614 | if fRc:
615 | self.dVols[sMountPoint] = (sVol, sPool);
616 | else:
617 | self.iVolId -= 1;
618 | else:
619 | fRc = False;
620 | else:
621 | sMountPoint = self.oDiskCfg.getDisks();
622 |
623 | return fRc, sMountPoint;
624 |
625 | def destroyVolume(self, sMountPoint):
626 | """
627 | Destroy the volume at the given mount point.
628 | """
629 |
630 | fRc = True;
631 | if not self.oDiskCfg.isCfgStaticDir():
632 | sVol, sPool = self.dVols.get(sMountPoint);
633 | if sVol is not None:
634 | fRc = self.oStorOs.destroyVolume(self.oExec, sPool, sVol);
635 | if fRc:
636 | self.dVols.pop(sMountPoint);
637 | else:
638 | fRc = False;
639 |
640 | return fRc;
641 |
642 | def mkDirOnVolume(self, sMountPoint, sDir, fMode = 0o700):
643 | """
644 | Creates a new directory on the volume pointed to by the given mount point.
645 | """
646 | return self.oExec.mkDir(sMountPoint + '/' + sDir, fMode);
647 |
648 | def cleanupLeftovers(self):
649 | """
650 | Tries to cleanup any leftover pools and volumes from a failed previous run.
651 | """
652 | if not self.oDiskCfg.isCfgStaticDir():
653 | return self.oStorOs.cleanupPoolsAndVolumes(self.oExec, 'pool', 'vol');
654 |
655 | fRc = True;
656 | for sEntry in os.listdir(self.oDiskCfg.getDisks()):
657 | fRc = fRc and self.oExec.rmTree(os.path.join(self.oDiskCfg.getDisks(), sEntry));
658 |
659 | return fRc;