1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 | # $Id: usbgadget.py 60567 2016-04-19 11:15:23Z vboxsync $
3 | # pylint: disable=C0302
4 |
5 | """
6 | UTS (USB Test Service) client.
7 | """
8 | __copyright__ = \
9 | """
10 | Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Oracle Corporation
11 |
12 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
13 | available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
14 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
15 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
16 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
17 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
18 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
19 |
20 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
21 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
22 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
23 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
24 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
25 |
26 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
27 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
28 | """
29 | __version__ = "$Revision: 60567 $"
30 |
31 | # Standard Python imports.
32 | import array
33 | import errno
34 | import select
35 | import socket
36 | import threading
37 | import time
38 | import types
39 | import zlib
40 |
41 | # Validation Kit imports.
42 | from common import utils;
43 | from testdriver import base;
44 | from testdriver import reporter;
45 | from testdriver.base import TdTaskBase;
46 |
47 | ## @name USB gadget impersonation string constants.
48 | ## @{
49 | g_ksGadgetImpersonationInvalid = 'Invalid';
50 | g_ksGadgetImpersonationTest = 'Test';
51 | g_ksGadgetImpersonationMsd = 'Msd';
52 | g_ksGadgetImpersonationWebcam = 'Webcam';
53 | g_ksGadgetImpersonationEther = 'Ether';
54 | ## @}
55 |
56 | ## @name USB gadget type used in the UTS protocol.
57 | ## @{
58 | g_kiGadgetTypeTest = 1;
59 | ## @}
60 |
61 | ## @name USB gadget access methods used in the UTS protocol.
62 | ## @{
63 | g_kiGadgetAccessUsbIp = 1;
64 | ## @}
65 |
66 | #
67 | # Helpers for decoding data received from the UTS.
68 | # These are used both the Session and Transport classes.
69 | #
70 |
71 | def getU64(abData, off):
72 | """Get a U64 field."""
73 | return abData[off] \
74 | + abData[off + 1] * 256 \
75 | + abData[off + 2] * 65536 \
76 | + abData[off + 3] * 16777216 \
77 | + abData[off + 4] * 4294967296 \
78 | + abData[off + 5] * 1099511627776 \
79 | + abData[off + 6] * 281474976710656 \
80 | + abData[off + 7] * 72057594037927936;
81 |
82 | def getU32(abData, off):
83 | """Get a U32 field."""
84 | return abData[off] \
85 | + abData[off + 1] * 256 \
86 | + abData[off + 2] * 65536 \
87 | + abData[off + 3] * 16777216;
88 |
89 | def getU16(abData, off):
90 | """Get a U16 field."""
91 | return abData[off] \
92 | + abData[off + 1] * 256;
93 |
94 | def getU8(abData, off):
95 | """Get a U8 field."""
96 | return abData[off];
97 |
98 | def getSZ(abData, off, sDefault = None):
99 | """
100 | Get a zero-terminated string field.
101 | Returns sDefault if the string is invalid.
102 | """
103 | cchStr = getSZLen(abData, off);
104 | if cchStr >= 0:
105 | abStr = abData[off:(off + cchStr)];
106 | try:
107 | return abStr.tostring().decode('utf_8');
108 | except:
109 | reporter.errorXcpt('getSZ(,%u)' % (off));
110 | return sDefault;
111 |
112 | def getSZLen(abData, off):
113 | """
114 | Get the length of a zero-terminated string field, in bytes.
115 | Returns -1 if off is beyond the data packet or not properly terminated.
116 | """
117 | cbData = len(abData);
118 | if off >= cbData:
119 | return -1;
120 |
121 | offCur = off;
122 | while abData[offCur] != 0:
123 | offCur = offCur + 1;
124 | if offCur >= cbData:
125 | return -1;
126 |
127 | return offCur - off;
128 |
129 | def isValidOpcodeEncoding(sOpcode):
130 | """
131 | Checks if the specified opcode is valid or not.
132 | Returns True on success.
133 | Returns False if it is invalid, details in the log.
134 | """
136 | sSet2 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_ ";
137 | if len(sOpcode) != 8:
138 | reporter.error("invalid opcode length: %s" % (len(sOpcode)));
139 | return False;
140 | for i in range(0, 1):
141 | if sSet1.find(sOpcode[i]) < 0:
142 | reporter.error("invalid opcode char #%u: %s" % (i, sOpcode));
143 | return False;
144 | for i in range(2, 7):
145 | if sSet2.find(sOpcode[i]) < 0:
146 | reporter.error("invalid opcode char #%u: %s" % (i, sOpcode));
147 | return False;
148 | return True;
149 |
150 | #
151 | # Helper for encoding data sent to the UTS.
152 | #
153 |
154 | def u32ToByteArray(u32):
155 | """Encodes the u32 value as a little endian byte (B) array."""
156 | return array.array('B', \
157 | ( u32 % 256, \
158 | (u32 / 256) % 256, \
159 | (u32 / 65536) % 256, \
160 | (u32 / 16777216) % 256) );
161 |
162 | def u16ToByteArray(u16):
163 | """Encodes the u16 value as a little endian byte (B) array."""
164 | return array.array('B', \
165 | ( u16 % 256, \
166 | (u16 / 256) % 256) );
167 |
168 | def u8ToByteArray(uint8):
169 | """Encodes the u8 value as a little endian byte (B) array."""
170 | return array.array('B', (uint8 % 256));
171 |
172 | def zeroByteArray(cb):
173 | """Returns an array with the given size containing 0."""
174 | abArray = array.array('B', (0, ));
175 | cb = cb - 1;
176 | for i in range(cb): # pylint: disable=W0612
177 | abArray.append(0);
178 | return abArray;
179 |
180 | class TransportBase(object):
181 | """
182 | Base class for the transport layer.
183 | """
184 |
185 | def __init__(self, sCaller):
186 | self.sDbgCreated = '%s: %s' % (utils.getTimePrefix(), sCaller);
187 | self.fDummy = 0;
188 | self.abReadAheadHdr = array.array('B');
189 |
190 | def toString(self):
191 | """
192 | Stringify the instance for logging and debugging.
193 | """
194 | return '<%s: abReadAheadHdr=%s, sDbgCreated=%s>' % (type(self).__name__, self.abReadAheadHdr, self.sDbgCreated);
195 |
196 | def __str__(self):
197 | return self.toString();
198 |
199 | def cancelConnect(self):
200 | """
201 | Cancels any pending connect() call.
202 | Returns None;
203 | """
204 | return None;
205 |
206 | def connect(self, cMsTimeout):
207 | """
208 | Quietly attempts to connect to the UTS.
209 |
210 | Returns True on success.
211 | Returns False on retryable errors (no logging).
212 | Returns None on fatal errors with details in the log.
213 |
214 | Override this method, don't call super.
215 | """
216 | _ = cMsTimeout;
217 | return False;
218 |
219 | def disconnect(self, fQuiet = False):
220 | """
221 | Disconnect from the UTS.
222 |
223 | Returns True.
224 |
225 | Override this method, don't call super.
226 | """
227 | _ = fQuiet;
228 | return True;
229 |
230 | def sendBytes(self, abBuf, cMsTimeout):
231 | """
232 | Sends the bytes in the buffer abBuf to the UTS.
233 |
234 | Returns True on success.
235 | Returns False on failure and error details in the log.
236 |
237 | Override this method, don't call super.
238 |
239 | Remarks: len(abBuf) is always a multiple of 16.
240 | """
241 | _ = abBuf; _ = cMsTimeout;
242 | return False;
243 |
244 | def recvBytes(self, cb, cMsTimeout, fNoDataOk):
245 | """
246 | Receive cb number of bytes from the UTS.
247 |
248 | Returns the bytes (array('B')) on success.
249 | Returns None on failure and error details in the log.
250 |
251 | Override this method, don't call super.
252 |
253 | Remarks: cb is always a multiple of 16.
254 | """
255 | _ = cb; _ = cMsTimeout; _ = fNoDataOk;
256 | return False;
257 |
258 | def isConnectionOk(self):
259 | """
260 | Checks if the connection is OK.
261 |
262 | Returns True if it is.
263 | Returns False if it isn't (caller should call diconnect).
264 |
265 | Override this method, don't call super.
266 | """
267 | return True;
268 |
269 | def isRecvPending(self, cMsTimeout = 0):
270 | """
271 | Checks if there is incoming bytes, optionally waiting cMsTimeout
272 | milliseconds for something to arrive.
273 |
274 | Returns True if there is, False if there isn't.
275 |
276 | Override this method, don't call super.
277 | """
278 | _ = cMsTimeout;
279 | return False;
280 |
281 | def sendMsgInt(self, sOpcode, cMsTimeout, abPayload = array.array('B')):
282 | """
283 | Sends a message (opcode + encoded payload).
284 |
285 | Returns True on success.
286 | Returns False on failure and error details in the log.
287 | """
288 | # Fix + check the opcode.
289 | if len(sOpcode) < 2:
290 | reporter.fatal('sendMsgInt: invalid opcode length: %d (\"%s\")' % (len(sOpcode), sOpcode));
291 | return False;
292 | sOpcode = sOpcode.ljust(8);
293 | if not isValidOpcodeEncoding(sOpcode):
294 | reporter.fatal('sendMsgInt: invalid opcode encoding: \"%s\"' % (sOpcode));
295 | return False;
296 |
297 | # Start construct the message.
298 | cbMsg = 16 + len(abPayload);
299 | abMsg = array.array('B');
300 | abMsg.extend(u32ToByteArray(cbMsg));
301 | abMsg.extend((0, 0, 0, 0)); # uCrc32
302 | try:
303 | abMsg.extend(array.array('B', \
304 | ( ord(sOpcode[0]), \
305 | ord(sOpcode[1]), \
306 | ord(sOpcode[2]), \
307 | ord(sOpcode[3]), \
308 | ord(sOpcode[4]), \
309 | ord(sOpcode[5]), \
310 | ord(sOpcode[6]), \
311 | ord(sOpcode[7]) ) ) );
312 | if len(abPayload) > 0:
313 | abMsg.extend(abPayload);
314 | except:
315 | reporter.fatalXcpt('sendMsgInt: packing problem...');
316 | return False;
317 |
318 | # checksum it, padd it and send it off.
319 | uCrc32 = zlib.crc32(abMsg[8:]);
320 | abMsg[4:8] = u32ToByteArray(uCrc32);
321 |
322 | while len(abMsg) % 16:
323 | abMsg.append(0);
324 |
325 | reporter.log2('sendMsgInt: op=%s len=%d to=%d' % (sOpcode, len(abMsg), cMsTimeout));
326 | return self.sendBytes(abMsg, cMsTimeout);
327 |
328 | def recvMsg(self, cMsTimeout, fNoDataOk = False):
329 | """
330 | Receives a message from the UTS.
331 |
332 | Returns the message three-tuple: length, opcode, payload.
333 | Returns (None, None, None) on failure and error details in the log.
334 | """
335 |
336 | # Read the header.
337 | if len(self.abReadAheadHdr) > 0:
338 | assert(len(self.abReadAheadHdr) == 16);
339 | abHdr = self.abReadAheadHdr;
340 | self.abReadAheadHdr = array.array('B');
341 | else:
342 | abHdr = self.recvBytes(16, cMsTimeout, fNoDataOk);
343 | if abHdr is None:
344 | return (None, None, None);
345 | if len(abHdr) != 16:
346 | reporter.fatal('recvBytes(16) returns %d bytes!' % (len(abHdr)));
347 | return (None, None, None);
348 |
349 | # Unpack and validate the header.
350 | cbMsg = getU32(abHdr, 0);
351 | uCrc32 = getU32(abHdr, 4);
352 | sOpcode = abHdr[8:16].tostring().decode('ascii');
353 |
354 | if cbMsg < 16:
355 | reporter.fatal('recvMsg: message length is out of range: %s (min 16 bytes)' % (cbMsg));
356 | return (None, None, None);
357 | if cbMsg > 1024*1024:
358 | reporter.fatal('recvMsg: message length is out of range: %s (max 1MB)' % (cbMsg));
359 | return (None, None, None);
360 | if not isValidOpcodeEncoding(sOpcode):
361 | reporter.fatal('recvMsg: invalid opcode \"%s\"' % (sOpcode));
362 | return (None, None, None);
363 |
364 | # Get the payload (if any), dropping the padding.
365 | abPayload = array.array('B');
366 | if cbMsg > 16:
367 | if cbMsg % 16:
368 | cbPadding = 16 - (cbMsg % 16);
369 | else:
370 | cbPadding = 0;
371 | abPayload = self.recvBytes(cbMsg - 16 + cbPadding, cMsTimeout, False);
372 | if abPayload is None:
373 | self.abReadAheadHdr = abHdr;
374 | if not fNoDataOk :
375 | reporter.log('recvMsg: failed to recv payload bytes!');
376 | return (None, None, None);
377 |
378 | while cbPadding > 0:
379 | abPayload.pop();
380 | cbPadding = cbPadding - 1;
381 |
382 | # Check the CRC-32.
383 | if uCrc32 != 0:
384 | uActualCrc32 = zlib.crc32(abHdr[8:]);
385 | if cbMsg > 16:
386 | uActualCrc32 = zlib.crc32(abPayload, uActualCrc32);
387 | uActualCrc32 = uActualCrc32 & 0xffffffff;
388 | if uCrc32 != uActualCrc32:
389 | reporter.fatal('recvMsg: crc error: expected %s, got %s' % (hex(uCrc32), hex(uActualCrc32)));
390 | return (None, None, None);
391 |
392 | reporter.log2('recvMsg: op=%s len=%d' % (sOpcode, len(abPayload)));
393 | return (cbMsg, sOpcode, abPayload);
394 |
395 | def sendMsg(self, sOpcode, cMsTimeout, aoPayload = ()):
396 | """
397 | Sends a message (opcode + payload tuple).
398 |
399 | Returns True on success.
400 | Returns False on failure and error details in the log.
401 | Returns None if you pass the incorrectly typed parameters.
402 | """
403 | # Encode the payload.
404 | abPayload = array.array('B');
405 | for o in aoPayload:
406 | try:
407 | if isinstance(o, basestring):
408 | # the primitive approach...
409 | sUtf8 = o.encode('utf_8');
410 | for i in range(0, len(sUtf8)):
411 | abPayload.append(ord(sUtf8[i]))
412 | abPayload.append(0);
413 | elif isinstance(o, types.LongType):
414 | if o < 0 or o > 0xffffffff:
415 | reporter.fatal('sendMsg: uint32_t payload is out of range: %s' % (hex(o)));
416 | return None;
417 | abPayload.extend(u32ToByteArray(o));
418 | elif isinstance(o, types.IntType):
419 | if o < 0 or o > 0xffffffff:
420 | reporter.fatal('sendMsg: uint32_t payload is out of range: %s' % (hex(o)));
421 | return None;
422 | abPayload.extend(u32ToByteArray(o));
423 | elif isinstance(o, array.array):
424 | abPayload.extend(o);
425 | else:
426 | reporter.fatal('sendMsg: unexpected payload type: %s (%s) (aoPayload=%s)' % (type(o), o, aoPayload));
427 | return None;
428 | except:
429 | reporter.fatalXcpt('sendMsg: screwed up the encoding code...');
430 | return None;
431 | return self.sendMsgInt(sOpcode, cMsTimeout, abPayload);
432 |
433 |
434 | class Session(TdTaskBase):
435 | """
436 | A USB Test Service (UTS) client session.
437 | """
438 |
439 | def __init__(self, oTransport, cMsTimeout, cMsIdleFudge, fTryConnect = False):
440 | """
441 | Construct a UTS session.
442 |
443 | This starts by connecting to the UTS and will enter the signalled state
444 | when connected or the timeout has been reached.
445 | """
446 | TdTaskBase.__init__(self, utils.getCallerName());
447 | self.oTransport = oTransport;
448 | self.sStatus = "";
449 | self.cMsTimeout = 0;
450 | self.fErr = True; # Whether to report errors as error.
451 | self.msStart = 0;
452 | self.oThread = None;
453 | self.fnTask = self.taskDummy;
454 | self.aTaskArgs = None;
455 | self.oTaskRc = None;
456 | self.t3oReply = (None, None, None);
457 | self.fScrewedUpMsgState = False;
458 | self.fTryConnect = fTryConnect;
459 |
460 | if not self.startTask(cMsTimeout, False, "connecting", self.taskConnect, (cMsIdleFudge,)):
461 | raise base.GenError("startTask failed");
462 |
463 | def __del__(self):
464 | """Make sure to cancel the task when deleted."""
465 | self.cancelTask();
466 |
467 | def toString(self):
468 | return '<%s fnTask=%s, aTaskArgs=%s, sStatus=%s, oTaskRc=%s, cMsTimeout=%s,' \
469 | ' msStart=%s, fTryConnect=%s, fErr=%s, fScrewedUpMsgState=%s, t3oReply=%s oTransport=%s, oThread=%s>' \
470 | % (TdTaskBase.toString(self), self.fnTask, self.aTaskArgs, self.sStatus, self.oTaskRc, self.cMsTimeout,
471 | self.msStart, self.fTryConnect, self.fErr, self.fScrewedUpMsgState, self.t3oReply, self.oTransport, self.oThread);
472 |
473 | def taskDummy(self):
474 | """Place holder to catch broken state handling."""
475 | raise Exception();
476 |
477 | def startTask(self, cMsTimeout, fIgnoreErrors, sStatus, fnTask, aArgs = ()):
478 | """
479 | Kicks of a new task.
480 |
481 | cMsTimeout: The task timeout in milliseconds. Values less than
482 | 500 ms will be adjusted to 500 ms. This means it is
483 | OK to use negative value.
484 | sStatus: The task status.
485 | fnTask: The method that'll execute the task.
486 | aArgs: Arguments to pass to fnTask.
487 |
488 | Returns True on success, False + error in log on failure.
489 | """
490 | if not self.cancelTask():
491 | reporter.maybeErr(not fIgnoreErrors, 'utsclient.Session.startTask: failed to cancel previous task.');
492 | return False;
493 |
494 | # Change status and make sure we're the
495 | self.lockTask();
496 | if self.sStatus != "":
497 | self.unlockTask();
498 | reporter.maybeErr(not fIgnoreErrors, 'utsclient.Session.startTask: race.');
499 | return False;
500 | self.sStatus = "setup";
501 | self.oTaskRc = None;
502 | self.t3oReply = (None, None, None);
503 | self.resetTaskLocked();
504 | self.unlockTask();
505 |
506 | self.cMsTimeout = max(cMsTimeout, 500);
507 | self.fErr = not fIgnoreErrors;
508 | self.fnTask = fnTask;
509 | self.aTaskArgs = aArgs;
510 | self.oThread = threading.Thread(target=self.taskThread, args=(), name=('UTS-%s' % (sStatus)));
511 | self.oThread.setDaemon(True);
512 | self.msStart = base.timestampMilli();
513 |
514 | self.lockTask();
515 | self.sStatus = sStatus;
516 | self.unlockTask();
517 | self.oThread.start();
518 |
519 | return True;
520 |
521 | def cancelTask(self, fSync = True):
522 | """
523 | Attempts to cancel any pending tasks.
524 | Returns success indicator (True/False).
525 | """
526 | self.lockTask();
527 |
528 | if self.sStatus == "":
529 | self.unlockTask();
530 | return True;
531 | if self.sStatus == "setup":
532 | self.unlockTask();
533 | return False;
534 | if self.sStatus == "cancelled":
535 | self.unlockTask();
536 | return False;
537 |
538 | reporter.log('utsclient: cancelling "%s"...' % (self.sStatus));
539 | if self.sStatus == 'connecting':
540 | self.oTransport.cancelConnect();
541 |
542 | self.sStatus = "cancelled";
543 | oThread = self.oThread;
544 | self.unlockTask();
545 |
546 | if not fSync:
547 | return False;
548 |
549 | oThread.join(61.0);
550 | return oThread.isAlive();
551 |
552 | def taskThread(self):
553 | """
554 | The task thread function.
555 | This does some housekeeping activities around the real task method call.
556 | """
557 | if not self.isCancelled():
558 | try:
559 | fnTask = self.fnTask;
560 | oTaskRc = fnTask(*self.aTaskArgs);
561 | except:
562 | reporter.fatalXcpt('taskThread', 15);
563 | oTaskRc = None;
564 | else:
565 | reporter.log('taskThread: cancelled already');
566 |
567 | self.lockTask();
568 |
569 | reporter.log('taskThread: signalling task with status "%s", oTaskRc=%s' % (self.sStatus, oTaskRc));
570 | self.oTaskRc = oTaskRc;
571 | self.oThread = None;
572 | self.sStatus = '';
573 | self.signalTaskLocked();
574 |
575 | self.unlockTask();
576 | return None;
577 |
578 | def isCancelled(self):
579 | """Internal method for checking if the task has been cancelled."""
580 | self.lockTask();
581 | sStatus = self.sStatus;
582 | self.unlockTask();
583 | if sStatus == "cancelled":
584 | return True;
585 | return False;
586 |
587 | def hasTimedOut(self):
588 | """Internal method for checking if the task has timed out or not."""
589 | cMsLeft = self.getMsLeft();
590 | if cMsLeft <= 0:
591 | return True;
592 | return False;
593 |
594 | def getMsLeft(self, cMsMin = 0, cMsMax = -1):
595 | """Gets the time left until the timeout."""
596 | cMsElapsed = base.timestampMilli() - self.msStart;
597 | if cMsElapsed < 0:
598 | return cMsMin;
599 | cMsLeft = self.cMsTimeout - cMsElapsed;
600 | if cMsLeft <= cMsMin:
601 | return cMsMin;
602 | if cMsLeft > cMsMax and cMsMax > 0:
603 | return cMsMax
604 | return cMsLeft;
605 |
606 | def recvReply(self, cMsTimeout = None, fNoDataOk = False):
607 | """
608 | Wrapper for TransportBase.recvMsg that stashes the response away
609 | so the client can inspect it later on.
610 | """
611 | if cMsTimeout is None:
612 | cMsTimeout = self.getMsLeft(500);
613 | cbMsg, sOpcode, abPayload = self.oTransport.recvMsg(cMsTimeout, fNoDataOk);
614 | self.lockTask();
615 | self.t3oReply = (cbMsg, sOpcode, abPayload);
616 | self.unlockTask();
617 | return (cbMsg, sOpcode, abPayload);
618 |
619 | def recvAck(self, fNoDataOk = False):
620 | """
621 | Receives an ACK or error response from the UTS.
622 |
623 | Returns True on success.
624 | Returns False on timeout or transport error.
625 | Returns (sOpcode, sDetails) tuple on failure. The opcode is stripped
626 | and there are always details of some sort or another.
627 | """
628 | cbMsg, sOpcode, abPayload = self.recvReply(None, fNoDataOk);
629 | if cbMsg is None:
630 | return False;
631 | sOpcode = sOpcode.strip()
632 | if sOpcode == "ACK":
633 | return True;
634 | return (sOpcode, getSZ(abPayload, 16, sOpcode));
635 |
636 | def recvAckLogged(self, sCommand, fNoDataOk = False):
637 | """
638 | Wrapper for recvAck and logging.
639 | Returns True on success (ACK).
640 | Returns False on time, transport error and errors signalled by UTS.
641 | """
642 | rc = self.recvAck(fNoDataOk);
643 | if rc is not True and not fNoDataOk:
644 | if rc is False:
645 | reporter.maybeErr(self.fErr, 'recvAckLogged: %s transport error' % (sCommand));
646 | else:
647 | reporter.maybeErr(self.fErr, 'recvAckLogged: %s response was %s: %s' % (sCommand, rc[0], rc[1]));
648 | rc = False;
649 | return rc;
650 |
651 | def recvTrueFalse(self, sCommand):
652 | """
653 | Receives a TRUE/FALSE response from the UTS.
654 | Returns True on TRUE, False on FALSE and None on error/other (logged).
655 | """
656 | cbMsg, sOpcode, abPayload = self.recvReply();
657 | if cbMsg is None:
658 | reporter.maybeErr(self.fErr, 'recvAckLogged: %s transport error' % (sCommand));
659 | return None;
660 |
661 | sOpcode = sOpcode.strip()
662 | if sOpcode == "TRUE":
663 | return True;
664 | if sOpcode == "FALSE":
665 | return False;
666 | reporter.maybeErr(self.fErr, 'recvAckLogged: %s response was %s: %s' % \
667 | (sCommand, sOpcode, getSZ(abPayload, 16, sOpcode)));
668 | return None;
669 |
670 | def sendMsg(self, sOpcode, aoPayload = (), cMsTimeout = None):
671 | """
672 | Wrapper for TransportBase.sendMsg that inserts the correct timeout.
673 | """
674 | if cMsTimeout is None:
675 | cMsTimeout = self.getMsLeft(500);
676 | return self.oTransport.sendMsg(sOpcode, cMsTimeout, aoPayload);
677 |
678 | def asyncToSync(self, fnAsync, *aArgs):
679 | """
680 | Wraps an asynchronous task into a synchronous operation.
681 |
682 | Returns False on failure, task return status on success.
683 | """
684 | rc = fnAsync(*aArgs);
685 | if rc is False:
686 | reporter.log2('asyncToSync(%s): returns False (#1)' % (fnAsync));
687 | return rc;
688 |
689 | rc = self.waitForTask(self.cMsTimeout + 5000);
690 | if rc is False:
691 | reporter.maybeErrXcpt(self.fErr, 'asyncToSync: waitForTask failed...');
692 | self.cancelTask();
693 | #reporter.log2('asyncToSync(%s): returns False (#2)' % (fnAsync, rc));
694 | return False;
695 |
696 | rc = self.getResult();
697 | #reporter.log2('asyncToSync(%s): returns %s' % (fnAsync, rc));
698 | return rc;
699 |
700 | #
701 | # Connection tasks.
702 | #
703 |
704 | def taskConnect(self, cMsIdleFudge):
705 | """Tries to connect to the UTS"""
706 | while not self.isCancelled():
707 | reporter.log2('taskConnect: connecting ...');
708 | rc = self.oTransport.connect(self.getMsLeft(500));
709 | if rc is True:
710 | reporter.log('taskConnect: succeeded');
711 | return self.taskGreet(cMsIdleFudge);
712 | if rc is None:
713 | reporter.log2('taskConnect: unable to connect');
714 | return None;
715 | if self.hasTimedOut():
716 | reporter.log2('taskConnect: timed out');
717 | if not self.fTryConnect:
718 | reporter.maybeErr(self.fErr, 'taskConnect: timed out');
719 | return False;
720 | time.sleep(self.getMsLeft(1, 1000) / 1000.0);
721 | if not self.fTryConnect:
722 | reporter.maybeErr(self.fErr, 'taskConnect: cancelled');
723 | return False;
724 |
725 | def taskGreet(self, cMsIdleFudge):
726 | """Greets the UTS"""
727 | sHostname = socket.gethostname().lower();
728 | cbFill = 68 - len(sHostname) - 1;
729 | rc = self.sendMsg("HOWDY", ((1 << 16) | 0, 0x1, len(sHostname), sHostname, zeroByteArray(cbFill)));
730 | if rc is True:
731 | rc = self.recvAckLogged("HOWDY", self.fTryConnect);
732 | if rc is True:
733 | while cMsIdleFudge > 0:
734 | cMsIdleFudge -= 1000;
735 | time.sleep(1);
736 | else:
737 | self.oTransport.disconnect(self.fTryConnect);
738 | return rc;
739 |
740 | def taskBye(self):
741 | """Says goodbye to the UTS"""
742 | rc = self.sendMsg("BYE");
743 | if rc is True:
744 | rc = self.recvAckLogged("BYE");
745 | self.oTransport.disconnect();
746 | return rc;
747 |
748 | #
749 | # Gadget tasks.
750 | #
751 |
752 | def taskGadgetCreate(self, iGadgetType, iGadgetAccess):
753 | """Creates a new gadget on UTS"""
754 | fRc = self.sendMsg("GDGTCRT", (iGadgetType, iGadgetAccess, 0, 0));
755 | if fRc is True:
756 | fRc = self.recvAckLogged("GDGTCRT");
757 | return fRc;
758 |
759 | def taskGadgetDestroy(self, iGadgetId):
760 | """Destroys the given gadget handle on UTS"""
761 | fRc = self.sendMsg("GDGTDTOR", (iGadgetId, zeroByteArray(12)));
762 | if fRc is True:
763 | fRc = self.recvAckLogged("GDGTDTOR");
764 | return fRc;
765 |
766 | def taskGadgetConnect(self, iGadgetId):
767 | """Connects the given gadget handle on UTS"""
768 | fRc = self.sendMsg("GDGTCNCT", (iGadgetId, zeroByteArray(12)));
769 | if fRc is True:
770 | fRc = self.recvAckLogged("GDGTCNCT");
771 | return fRc;
772 |
773 | def taskGadgetDisconnect(self, iGadgetId):
774 | """Disconnects the given gadget handle from UTS"""
775 | fRc = self.sendMsg("GDGTDCNT", (iGadgetId, zeroByteArray(12)));
776 | if fRc is True:
777 | fRc = self.recvAckLogged("GDGTDCNT");
778 | return fRc;
779 |
780 | #
781 | # Public methods - generic task queries
782 | #
783 |
784 | def isSuccess(self):
785 | """Returns True if the task completed successfully, otherwise False."""
786 | self.lockTask();
787 | sStatus = self.sStatus;
788 | oTaskRc = self.oTaskRc;
789 | self.unlockTask();
790 | if sStatus != "":
791 | return False;
792 | if oTaskRc is False or oTaskRc is None:
793 | return False;
794 | return True;
795 |
796 | def getResult(self):
797 | """
798 | Returns the result of a completed task.
799 | Returns None if not completed yet or no previous task.
800 | """
801 | self.lockTask();
802 | sStatus = self.sStatus;
803 | oTaskRc = self.oTaskRc;
804 | self.unlockTask();
805 | if sStatus != "":
806 | return None;
807 | return oTaskRc;
808 |
809 | def getLastReply(self):
810 | """
811 | Returns the last reply three-tuple: cbMsg, sOpcode, abPayload.
812 | Returns a None, None, None three-tuple if there was no last reply.
813 | """
814 | self.lockTask();
815 | t3oReply = self.t3oReply;
816 | self.unlockTask();
817 | return t3oReply;
818 |
819 | #
820 | # Public methods - connection.
821 | #
822 |
823 | def asyncDisconnect(self, cMsTimeout = 30000, fIgnoreErrors = False):
824 | """
825 | Initiates a disconnect task.
826 |
827 | Returns True on success, False on failure (logged).
828 |
829 | The task returns True on success and False on failure.
830 | """
831 | return self.startTask(cMsTimeout, fIgnoreErrors, "bye", self.taskBye);
832 |
833 | def syncDisconnect(self, cMsTimeout = 30000, fIgnoreErrors = False):
834 | """Synchronous version."""
835 | return self.asyncToSync(self.asyncDisconnect, cMsTimeout, fIgnoreErrors);
836 |
837 | #
838 | # Public methods - gadget API
839 | #
840 |
841 | def asyncGadgetCreate(self, iGadgetType, iGadgetAccess, cMsTimeout = 30000, fIgnoreErrors = False):
842 | """
843 | Initiates a gadget create task.
844 |
845 | Returns True on success, False on failure (logged).
846 |
847 | The task returns True on success and False on failure.
848 | """
849 | return self.startTask(cMsTimeout, fIgnoreErrors, "GadgetCreate", self.taskGadgetCreate, \
850 | (iGadgetType, iGadgetAccess));
851 |
852 | def syncGadgetCreate(self, iGadgetType, iGadgetAccess, cMsTimeout = 30000, fIgnoreErrors = False):
853 | """Synchronous version."""
854 | return self.asyncToSync(self.asyncGadgetCreate, iGadgetType, iGadgetAccess, cMsTimeout, fIgnoreErrors);
855 |
856 | def asyncGadgetDestroy(self, iGadgetId, cMsTimeout = 30000, fIgnoreErrors = False):
857 | """
858 | Initiates a gadget destroy task.
859 |
860 | Returns True on success, False on failure (logged).
861 |
862 | The task returns True on success and False on failure.
863 | """
864 | return self.startTask(cMsTimeout, fIgnoreErrors, "GadgetDestroy", self.taskGadgetDestroy, \
865 | (iGadgetId, ));
866 |
867 | def syncGadgetDestroy(self, iGadgetId, cMsTimeout = 30000, fIgnoreErrors = False):
868 | """Synchronous version."""
869 | return self.asyncToSync(self.asyncGadgetDestroy, iGadgetId, cMsTimeout, fIgnoreErrors);
870 |
871 | def asyncGadgetConnect(self, iGadgetId, cMsTimeout = 30000, fIgnoreErrors = False):
872 | """
873 | Initiates a gadget connect task.
874 |
875 | Returns True on success, False on failure (logged).
876 |
877 | The task returns True on success and False on failure.
878 | """
879 | return self.startTask(cMsTimeout, fIgnoreErrors, "GadgetConnect", self.taskGadgetConnect, \
880 | (iGadgetId, ));
881 |
882 | def syncGadgetConnect(self, iGadgetId, cMsTimeout = 30000, fIgnoreErrors = False):
883 | """Synchronous version."""
884 | return self.asyncToSync(self.asyncGadgetConnect, iGadgetId, cMsTimeout, fIgnoreErrors);
885 |
886 | def asyncGadgetDisconnect(self, iGadgetId, cMsTimeout = 30000, fIgnoreErrors = False):
887 | """
888 | Initiates a gadget disconnect task.
889 |
890 | Returns True on success, False on failure (logged).
891 |
892 | The task returns True on success and False on failure.
893 | """
894 | return self.startTask(cMsTimeout, fIgnoreErrors, "GadgetDisconnect", self.taskGadgetDisconnect, \
895 | (iGadgetId, ));
896 |
897 | def syncGadgetDisconnect(self, iGadgetId, cMsTimeout = 30000, fIgnoreErrors = False):
898 | """Synchronous version."""
899 | return self.asyncToSync(self.asyncGadgetDisconnect, iGadgetId, cMsTimeout, fIgnoreErrors);
900 |
901 |
902 | class TransportTcp(TransportBase):
903 | """
904 | TCP transport layer for the UTS client session class.
905 | """
906 |
907 | def __init__(self, sHostname, uPort):
908 | """
909 | Save the parameters. The session will call us back to make the
910 | connection later on its worker thread.
911 | """
912 | TransportBase.__init__(self, utils.getCallerName());
913 | self.sHostname = sHostname;
914 | self.uPort = uPort if uPort is not None else 6042;
915 | self.oSocket = None;
916 | self.oWakeupW = None;
917 | self.oWakeupR = None;
918 | self.fConnectCanceled = False;
919 | self.fIsConnecting = False;
920 | self.oCv = threading.Condition();
921 | self.abReadAhead = array.array('B');
922 |
923 | def toString(self):
924 | return '<%s sHostname=%s, uPort=%s, oSocket=%s,'\
925 | ' fConnectCanceled=%s, fIsConnecting=%s, oCv=%s, abReadAhead=%s>' \
926 | % (TransportBase.toString(self), self.sHostname, self.uPort, self.oSocket,
927 | self.fConnectCanceled, self.fIsConnecting, self.oCv, self.abReadAhead);
928 |
929 | def __isInProgressXcpt(self, oXcpt):
930 | """ In progress exception? """
931 | try:
932 | if isinstance(oXcpt, socket.error):
933 | try:
934 | if oXcpt[0] == errno.EINPROGRESS:
935 | return True;
936 | except: pass;
937 | # Windows?
938 | try:
939 | if oXcpt[0] == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
940 | return True;
941 | except: pass;
942 | except:
943 | pass;
944 | return False;
945 |
946 | def __isWouldBlockXcpt(self, oXcpt):
947 | """ Would block exception? """
948 | try:
949 | if isinstance(oXcpt, socket.error):
950 | try:
951 | if oXcpt[0] == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
952 | return True;
953 | except: pass;
954 | try:
955 | if oXcpt[0] == errno.EAGAIN:
956 | return True;
957 | except: pass;
958 | except:
959 | pass;
960 | return False;
961 |
962 | def __isConnectionReset(self, oXcpt):
963 | """ Connection reset by Peer or others. """
964 | try:
965 | if isinstance(oXcpt, socket.error):
966 | try:
967 | if oXcpt[0] == errno.ECONNRESET:
968 | return True;
969 | except: pass;
970 | try:
971 | if oXcpt[0] == errno.ENETRESET:
972 | return True;
973 | except: pass;
974 | except:
975 | pass;
976 | return False;
977 |
978 | def _closeWakeupSockets(self):
979 | """ Closes the wakup sockets. Caller should own the CV. """
980 | oWakeupR = self.oWakeupR;
981 | self.oWakeupR = None;
982 | if oWakeupR is not None:
983 | oWakeupR.close();
984 |
985 | oWakeupW = self.oWakeupW;
986 | self.oWakeupW = None;
987 | if oWakeupW is not None:
988 | oWakeupW.close();
989 |
990 | return None;
991 |
992 | def cancelConnect(self):
993 | # This is bad stuff.
994 | self.oCv.acquire();
995 | reporter.log2('TransportTcp::cancelConnect: fIsConnecting=%s oSocket=%s' % (self.fIsConnecting, self.oSocket));
996 | self.fConnectCanceled = True;
997 | if self.fIsConnecting:
998 | oSocket = self.oSocket;
999 | self.oSocket = None;
1000 | if oSocket is not None:
1001 | reporter.log2('TransportTcp::cancelConnect: closing the socket');
1002 | oSocket.close();
1003 |
1004 | oWakeupW = self.oWakeupW;
1005 | self.oWakeupW = None;
1006 | if oWakeupW is not None:
1007 | reporter.log2('TransportTcp::cancelConnect: wakeup call');
1008 | try: oWakeupW.send('cancelled!\n');
1009 | except: reporter.logXcpt();
1010 | try: oWakeupW.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR);
1011 | except: reporter.logXcpt();
1012 | oWakeupW.close();
1013 | self.oCv.release();
1014 |
1015 | def _connectAsClient(self, oSocket, oWakeupR, cMsTimeout):
1016 | """ Connects to the UTS server as client. """
1017 |
1018 | # Connect w/ timeouts.
1019 | rc = None;
1020 | try:
1021 | oSocket.connect((self.sHostname, self.uPort));
1022 | rc = True;
1023 | except socket.error, e:
1024 | iRc = e[0];
1025 | if self.__isInProgressXcpt(e):
1026 | # Do the actual waiting.
1027 | reporter.log2('TransportTcp::connect: operation in progress (%s)...' % (e,));
1028 | try:
1029 | ttRc = select.select([oWakeupR], [oSocket], [oSocket, oWakeupR], cMsTimeout / 1000.0);
1030 | if len(ttRc[1]) + len(ttRc[2]) == 0:
1031 | raise socket.error(errno.ETIMEDOUT, 'select timed out');
1032 | iRc = oSocket.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_ERROR);
1033 | rc = iRc == 0;
1034 | except socket.error, e:
1035 | iRc = e[0];
1036 | except:
1037 | iRc = -42;
1038 | reporter.fatalXcpt('socket.select() on connect failed');
1039 |
1040 | # pylint: disable=R0916
1041 | if rc is True:
1042 | pass;
1043 | elif iRc == errno.ECONNREFUSED \
1044 | or iRc == errno.EHOSTUNREACH \
1045 | or iRc == errno.EINTR \
1046 | or iRc == errno.ENETDOWN \
1047 | or iRc == errno.ENETUNREACH \
1048 | or iRc == errno.ETIMEDOUT:
1049 | rc = False; # try again.
1050 | else:
1051 | if iRc != errno.EBADF or not self.fConnectCanceled:
1052 | reporter.fatalXcpt('socket.connect((%s,%s)) failed; iRc=%s' % (self.sHostname, self.uPort, iRc));
1053 | reporter.log2('TransportTcp::connect: rc=%s iRc=%s' % (rc, iRc));
1054 | # pylint: enable=R0916
1055 | except:
1056 | reporter.fatalXcpt('socket.connect((%s,%s)) failed' % (self.sHostname, self.uPort));
1057 | return rc;
1058 |
1059 |
1060 | def connect(self, cMsTimeout):
1061 | # Create a non-blocking socket.
1062 | reporter.log2('TransportTcp::connect: cMsTimeout=%s sHostname=%s uPort=%s' % (cMsTimeout, self.sHostname, self.uPort));
1063 | try:
1064 | oSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0);
1065 | except:
1066 | reporter.fatalXcpt('socket.socket() failed');
1067 | return None;
1068 | try:
1069 | oSocket.setblocking(0);
1070 | except:
1071 | oSocket.close();
1072 | reporter.fatalXcpt('socket.socket() failed');
1073 | return None;
1074 |
1075 | # Create wakeup socket pair for unix (select doesn't wake up on socket close on Linux).
1076 | oWakeupR = None;
1077 | oWakeupW = None;
1078 | if hasattr(socket, 'socketpair'):
1079 | try: (oWakeupR, oWakeupW) = socket.socketpair(); # pylint: disable=E1101
1080 | except: reporter.logXcpt('socket.socketpair() failed');
1081 |
1082 | # Update the state.
1083 | self.oCv.acquire();
1084 | rc = None;
1085 | if not self.fConnectCanceled:
1086 | self.oSocket = oSocket;
1087 | self.oWakeupW = oWakeupW;
1088 | self.oWakeupR = oWakeupR;
1089 | self.fIsConnecting = True;
1090 | self.oCv.release();
1091 |
1092 | # Try connect.
1093 | if oWakeupR is None:
1094 | oWakeupR = oSocket; # Avoid select failure.
1095 | rc = self._connectAsClient(oSocket, oWakeupR, cMsTimeout);
1096 | oSocket = None;
1097 |
1098 | # Update the state and cleanup on failure/cancel.
1099 | self.oCv.acquire();
1100 | if rc is True and self.fConnectCanceled:
1101 | rc = False;
1102 | self.fIsConnecting = False;
1103 |
1104 | if rc is not True:
1105 | if self.oSocket is not None:
1106 | self.oSocket.close();
1107 | self.oSocket = None;
1108 | self._closeWakeupSockets();
1109 | self.oCv.release();
1110 |
1111 | reporter.log2('TransportTcp::connect: returning %s' % (rc,));
1112 | return rc;
1113 |
1114 | def disconnect(self, fQuiet = False):
1115 | if self.oSocket is not None:
1116 | self.abReadAhead = array.array('B');
1117 |
1118 | # Try a shutting down the socket gracefully (draining it).
1119 | try:
1120 | self.oSocket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR);
1121 | except:
1122 | if not fQuiet:
1123 | reporter.error('shutdown(SHUT_WR)');
1124 | try:
1125 | self.oSocket.setblocking(0); # just in case it's not set.
1126 | sData = "1";
1127 | while len(sData) > 0:
1128 | sData = self.oSocket.recv(16384);
1129 | except:
1130 | pass;
1131 |
1132 | # Close it.
1133 | self.oCv.acquire();
1134 | try: self.oSocket.setblocking(1);
1135 | except: pass;
1136 | self.oSocket.close();
1137 | self.oSocket = None;
1138 | else:
1139 | self.oCv.acquire();
1140 | self._closeWakeupSockets();
1141 | self.oCv.release();
1142 |
1143 | def sendBytes(self, abMsg, cMsTimeout):
1144 | if self.oSocket is None:
1145 | reporter.error('TransportTcp.sendBytes: No connection.');
1146 | return False;
1147 |
1148 | # Try send it all.
1149 | try:
1150 | cbSent = self.oSocket.send(abMsg);
1151 | if cbSent == len(abMsg):
1152 | return True;
1153 | except Exception, oXcpt:
1154 | if not self.__isWouldBlockXcpt(oXcpt):
1155 | reporter.errorXcpt('TranportTcp.sendBytes: %s bytes' % (len(abMsg)));
1156 | return False;
1157 | cbSent = 0;
1158 |
1159 | # Do a timed send.
1160 | msStart = base.timestampMilli();
1161 | while True:
1162 | cMsElapsed = base.timestampMilli() - msStart;
1163 | if cMsElapsed > cMsTimeout:
1164 | reporter.error('TranportTcp.sendBytes: %s bytes timed out (1)' % (len(abMsg)));
1165 | break;
1166 |
1167 | # wait.
1168 | try:
1169 | ttRc = select.select([], [self.oSocket], [self.oSocket], (cMsTimeout - cMsElapsed) / 1000.0);
1170 | if len(ttRc[2]) > 0 and len(ttRc[1]) == 0:
1171 | reporter.error('TranportTcp.sendBytes: select returned with exception');
1172 | break;
1173 | if len(ttRc[1]) == 0:
1174 | reporter.error('TranportTcp.sendBytes: %s bytes timed out (2)' % (len(abMsg)));
1175 | break;
1176 | except:
1177 | reporter.errorXcpt('TranportTcp.sendBytes: select failed');
1178 | break;
1179 |
1180 | # Try send more.
1181 | try:
1182 | cbSent += self.oSocket.send(abMsg[cbSent:]);
1183 | if cbSent == len(abMsg):
1184 | return True;
1185 | except Exception, oXcpt:
1186 | if not self.__isWouldBlockXcpt(oXcpt):
1187 | reporter.errorXcpt('TranportTcp.sendBytes: %s bytes' % (len(abMsg)));
1188 | break;
1189 |
1190 | return False;
1191 |
1192 | def __returnReadAheadBytes(self, cb):
1193 | """ Internal worker for recvBytes. """
1194 | assert(len(self.abReadAhead) >= cb);
1195 | abRet = self.abReadAhead[:cb];
1196 | self.abReadAhead = self.abReadAhead[cb:];
1197 | return abRet;
1198 |
1199 | def recvBytes(self, cb, cMsTimeout, fNoDataOk):
1200 | if self.oSocket is None:
1201 | reporter.error('TransportTcp.recvBytes(%s,%s): No connection.' % (cb, cMsTimeout));
1202 | return None;
1203 |
1204 | # Try read in some more data without bothering with timeout handling first.
1205 | if len(self.abReadAhead) < cb:
1206 | try:
1207 | abBuf = self.oSocket.recv(cb - len(self.abReadAhead));
1208 | if len(abBuf) > 0:
1209 | self.abReadAhead.extend(array.array('B', abBuf));
1210 | except Exception, oXcpt:
1211 | if not self.__isWouldBlockXcpt(oXcpt):
1212 | reporter.errorXcpt('TranportTcp.recvBytes: 0/%s bytes' % (cb,));
1213 | return None;
1214 |
1215 | if len(self.abReadAhead) >= cb:
1216 | return self.__returnReadAheadBytes(cb);
1217 |
1218 | # Timeout loop.
1219 | msStart = base.timestampMilli();
1220 | while True:
1221 | cMsElapsed = base.timestampMilli() - msStart;
1222 | if cMsElapsed > cMsTimeout:
1223 | if not fNoDataOk or len(self.abReadAhead) > 0:
1224 | reporter.error('TranportTcp.recvBytes: %s/%s bytes timed out (1)' % (len(self.abReadAhead), cb));
1225 | break;
1226 |
1227 | # Wait.
1228 | try:
1229 | ttRc = select.select([self.oSocket], [], [self.oSocket], (cMsTimeout - cMsElapsed) / 1000.0);
1230 | if len(ttRc[2]) > 0 and len(ttRc[0]) == 0:
1231 | reporter.error('TranportTcp.recvBytes: select returned with exception');
1232 | break;
1233 | if len(ttRc[0]) == 0:
1234 | if not fNoDataOk or len(self.abReadAhead) > 0:
1235 | reporter.error('TranportTcp.recvBytes: %s/%s bytes timed out (2) fNoDataOk=%s'
1236 | % (len(self.abReadAhead), cb, fNoDataOk));
1237 | break;
1238 | except:
1239 | reporter.errorXcpt('TranportTcp.recvBytes: select failed');
1240 | break;
1241 |
1242 | # Try read more.
1243 | try:
1244 | abBuf = self.oSocket.recv(cb - len(self.abReadAhead));
1245 | if len(abBuf) == 0:
1246 | reporter.error('TranportTcp.recvBytes: %s/%s bytes (%s) - connection has been shut down'
1247 | % (len(self.abReadAhead), cb, fNoDataOk));
1248 | self.disconnect();
1249 | return None;
1250 |
1251 | self.abReadAhead.extend(array.array('B', abBuf));
1252 |
1253 | except Exception, oXcpt:
1254 | reporter.log('recv => exception %s' % (oXcpt,));
1255 | if not self.__isWouldBlockXcpt(oXcpt):
1256 | if not fNoDataOk or not self.__isConnectionReset(oXcpt) or len(self.abReadAhead) > 0:
1257 | reporter.errorXcpt('TranportTcp.recvBytes: %s/%s bytes (%s)' % (len(self.abReadAhead), cb, fNoDataOk));
1258 | break;
1259 |
1260 | # Done?
1261 | if len(self.abReadAhead) >= cb:
1262 | return self.__returnReadAheadBytes(cb);
1263 |
1264 | #reporter.log('recv => None len(self.abReadAhead) -> %d' % (len(self.abReadAhead), ));
1265 | return None;
1266 |
1267 | def isConnectionOk(self):
1268 | if self.oSocket is None:
1269 | return False;
1270 | try:
1271 | ttRc = select.select([], [], [self.oSocket], 0.0);
1272 | if len(ttRc[2]) > 0:
1273 | return False;
1274 |
1275 | self.oSocket.send(array.array('B')); # send zero bytes.
1276 | except:
1277 | return False;
1278 | return True;
1279 |
1280 | def isRecvPending(self, cMsTimeout = 0):
1281 | try:
1282 | ttRc = select.select([self.oSocket], [], [], cMsTimeout / 1000.0);
1283 | if len(ttRc[0]) == 0:
1284 | return False;
1285 | except:
1286 | pass;
1287 | return True;
1288 |
1289 |
1290 | class UsbGadget(object):
1291 | """
1292 | USB Gadget control class using the USBT Test Service to talk to the external
1293 | board behaving like a USB device.
1294 | """
1295 |
1296 | def __init__(self):
1297 | self.oUtsSession = None;
1298 | self.sImpersonation = g_ksGadgetImpersonationInvalid;
1299 | self.idGadget = None;
1300 | self.iBusId = None;
1301 | self.iDevId = None;
1302 | self.iUsbIpPort = None;
1303 |
1304 | def clearImpersonation(self):
1305 | """
1306 | Removes the current impersonation of the gadget.
1307 | """
1308 | fRc = True;
1309 |
1310 | if self.idGadget is not None:
1311 | fRc = self.oUtsSession.syncGadgetDestroy(self.idGadget);
1312 | self.idGadget = None;
1313 | self.iBusId = None;
1314 | self.iDevId = None;
1315 |
1316 | return fRc;
1317 |
1318 | def disconnectUsb(self):
1319 | """
1320 | Disconnects the USB gadget from the host. (USB connection not network
1321 | connection used for control)
1322 | """
1323 | return self.oUtsSession.syncGadgetDisconnect(self.idGadget);
1324 |
1325 | def connectUsb(self):
1326 | """
1327 | Connect the USB gadget to the host.
1328 | """
1329 | return self.oUtsSession.syncGadgetConnect(self.idGadget);
1330 |
1331 | def impersonate(self, sImpersonation):
1332 | """
1333 | Impersonate a given device.
1334 | """
1335 |
1336 | # Clear any previous impersonation
1337 | self.clearImpersonation();
1338 | self.sImpersonation = sImpersonation;
1339 |
1340 | fRc = False;
1341 | if sImpersonation == g_ksGadgetImpersonationTest:
1342 | fDone = self.oUtsSession.syncGadgetCreate(g_kiGadgetTypeTest, g_kiGadgetAccessUsbIp);
1343 | if fDone is True and self.oUtsSession.isSuccess():
1344 | # Get the gadget ID.
1345 | _, _, abPayload = self.oUtsSession.getLastReply();
1346 |
1347 | fRc = True;
1348 | self.idGadget = getU32(abPayload, 16);
1349 | self.iBusId = getU32(abPayload, 20);
1350 | self.iDevId = getU32(abPayload, 24);
1351 | else:
1352 | reporter.log('Invalid or unsupported impersonation');
1353 |
1354 | return fRc;
1355 |
1356 | def getUsbIpPort(self):
1357 | """
1358 | Returns the port the USB/IP server is listening on if requested,
1359 | None if USB/IP is not supported.
1360 | """
1361 | return self.iUsbIpPort;
1362 |
1363 | def getGadgetBusAndDevId(self):
1364 | """
1365 | Returns the bus ad device ID of the gadget as a tuple.
1366 | """
1367 | return (self.iBusId, self.iDevId);
1368 |
1369 | def connectTo(self, cMsTimeout, sHostname, uPort = None, fUsbIpSupport = True, cMsIdleFudge = 0):
1370 | """
1371 | Connects to the specified target device.
1372 | Returns True on Success.
1373 | Returns False otherwise.
1374 | """
1375 | fRc = True;
1376 |
1377 | # @todo
1378 | if fUsbIpSupport is False:
1379 | return False;
1380 |
1381 | reporter.log2('openTcpSession(%s, %s, %s, %s)' % \
1382 | (cMsTimeout, sHostname, uPort, cMsIdleFudge));
1383 | try:
1384 | oTransport = TransportTcp(sHostname, uPort);
1385 | self.oUtsSession = Session(oTransport, cMsTimeout, cMsIdleFudge);
1386 |
1387 | if self.oUtsSession is not None:
1388 | fDone = self.oUtsSession.waitForTask(30*1000);
1389 | print 'connect: waitForTask -> %s, result %s' % (fDone, self.oUtsSession.getResult());
1390 | if fDone is True and self.oUtsSession.isSuccess():
1391 | # Parse the reply.
1392 | _, _, abPayload = self.oUtsSession.getLastReply();
1393 |
1394 | if getU32(abPayload, 20) is g_kiGadgetAccessUsbIp:
1395 | fRc = True;
1396 | self.iUsbIpPort = getU32(abPayload, 24);
1397 | else:
1398 | reporter.log('Gadget doesn\'t support access over USB/IP despite being requested');
1399 | fRc = False;
1400 | else:
1401 | fRc = False;
1402 | else:
1403 | fRc = False;
1404 | except:
1405 | reporter.errorXcpt(None, 15);
1406 | return False;
1407 |
1408 | return fRc;
1409 |
1410 | def disconnectFrom(self):
1411 | """
1412 | Disconnects from the target device.
1413 | """
1414 | fRc = True;
1415 |
1416 | self.clearImpersonation();
1417 | if self.oUtsSession is not None:
1418 | fRc = self.oUtsSession.syncDisconnect();
1419 |
1420 | return fRc;
1421 |