1 | /* $Id: nttimesources.cpp 96407 2022-08-22 17:43:14Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * Check the various time sources on Windows NT.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2009-2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
26 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
27 | * (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included
28 | * in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the
29 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
30 | *
31 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
32 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
33 | *
34 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0
35 | */
36 |
37 |
38 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
39 | * Header Files *
40 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
41 | #include <iprt/win/windows.h>
42 |
43 | #include <iprt/asm.h>
44 | #include <iprt/asm-amd64-x86.h>
45 | #include <iprt/errcore.h>
46 | #include <iprt/string.h>
47 | #include <iprt/test.h>
48 |
49 |
50 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
51 | * Structures and Typedefs *
52 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
53 | typedef struct _MY_KSYSTEM_TIME
54 | {
55 | ULONG LowPart;
56 | LONG High1Time;
57 | LONG High2Time;
59 |
60 | typedef struct _MY_KUSER_SHARED_DATA
61 | {
62 | ULONG TickCountLowDeprecated;
63 | ULONG TickCountMultiplier;
64 | volatile MY_KSYSTEM_TIME InterruptTime;
65 | volatile MY_KSYSTEM_TIME SystemTime;
66 | volatile MY_KSYSTEM_TIME TimeZoneBias;
67 | /* The rest is not relevant. */
69 |
70 | /** The fixed pointer to the user shared data. */
71 | #define MY_USER_SHARED_DATA ((MY_KUSER_SHARED_DATA *)0x7ffe0000)
72 |
73 | /** Spins until GetTickCount() changes. */
74 | static void SpinUntilTick(void)
75 | {
76 | /* spin till GetTickCount changes. */
77 | DWORD dwMsTick = GetTickCount();
78 | while (GetTickCount() == dwMsTick)
79 | /* nothing */;
80 | }
81 |
82 | /** Delay function that tries to return right after GetTickCount changed. */
83 | static void DelayMillies(DWORD dwMsStart, DWORD cMillies)
84 | {
85 | /* Delay cMillies - 1. */
86 | Sleep(cMillies - 1);
87 | while (GetTickCount() - dwMsStart < cMillies - 1U)
88 | Sleep(1);
89 |
90 | SpinUntilTick();
91 | }
92 |
93 |
94 | int main(int argc, char **argv)
95 | {
96 | RT_NOREF1(argv);
97 |
98 | /*
99 | * Init, create a test instance and "parse" arguments.
100 | */
101 | RTTEST hTest;
102 | int rc = RTTestInitAndCreate("nttimesources", &hTest);
103 | if (rc)
104 | return rc;
105 | if (argc > 1)
106 | {
107 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "Syntax error! no arguments expected");
108 | return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(hTest);
109 | }
110 |
111 | /*
112 | * Guess MHz using GetTickCount.
113 | */
114 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Guess MHz");
115 | DWORD dwTickStart, dwTickEnd, cMsTicks;
116 | uint64_t u64TscStart, u64TscEnd, cTscTicks;
117 |
118 | /* get a good start time. */
119 | SpinUntilTick();
120 | do
121 | {
122 | dwTickStart = GetTickCount();
123 | ASMCompilerBarrier();
124 | ASMSerializeInstruction();
125 | u64TscStart = ASMReadTSC();
126 | ASMCompilerBarrier();
127 | } while (GetTickCount() != dwTickStart);
128 |
129 | /* delay a good while. */
130 | DelayMillies(dwTickStart, 256);
131 |
132 | /* get a good end time. */
133 | do
134 | {
135 | dwTickEnd = GetTickCount();
136 | ASMCompilerBarrier();
137 | ASMSerializeInstruction();
138 | u64TscEnd = ASMReadTSC();
139 | ASMCompilerBarrier();
140 | } while (GetTickCount() != dwTickEnd);
141 | cMsTicks = dwTickEnd - dwTickStart;
142 | cTscTicks = u64TscEnd - u64TscStart;
143 |
144 | /* Calc an approximate TSC frequency:
145 | cTscTicks / uTscHz = cMsTicks / 1000
146 | 1 / uTscHz = (cMsTicks / 1000) / cTscTicks
147 | uTscHz = cTscTicks / (cMsTicks / 1000) */
148 | uint64_t u64TscHz = (long double)cTscTicks / ((long double)cMsTicks / 1000.0);
149 | if ( u64TscHz > _1M*3
150 | && u64TscHz < _1T)
151 | RTTestPrintf(hTest, RTTESTLVL_ALWAYS, "u64TscHz=%'llu", u64TscHz);
152 | else
153 | {
154 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "u64TscHz=%'llu - out of range", u64TscHz);
155 | u64TscHz = 0;
156 | }
157 |
158 |
159 | /*
160 | * Pit GetTickCount, InterruptTime, Performance Counters and TSC against each other.
161 | */
163 | LARGE_INTEGER PrfStart, PrfEnd, cPrfTicks;
164 | LARGE_INTEGER IntStart, IntEnd, cIntTicks;
165 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 7; i++)
166 | {
167 | RTTestSubF(hTest, "The whole bunch - pass #%u", i + 1);
168 |
169 | if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&PrfHz))
170 | {
171 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "QueryPerformanceFrequency failed (%u)", GetLastError());
172 | return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(hTest);
173 | }
174 |
175 | /* get a good start time. */
176 | SpinUntilTick();
177 | do
178 | {
179 | IntStart.HighPart = MY_USER_SHARED_DATA->InterruptTime.High1Time;
180 | IntStart.LowPart = MY_USER_SHARED_DATA->InterruptTime.LowPart;
181 | dwTickStart = GetTickCount();
182 | if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&PrfStart))
183 | {
184 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "QueryPerformanceCounter failed (%u)", GetLastError());
185 | return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(hTest);
186 | }
187 | ASMCompilerBarrier();
188 | ASMSerializeInstruction();
189 | u64TscStart = ASMReadTSC();
190 | ASMCompilerBarrier();
191 | } while ( MY_USER_SHARED_DATA->InterruptTime.High2Time != IntStart.HighPart
192 | || MY_USER_SHARED_DATA->InterruptTime.LowPart != IntStart.LowPart
193 | || GetTickCount() != dwTickStart);
194 |
195 | /* delay a good while. */
196 | DelayMillies(dwTickStart, 256);
197 |
198 | /* get a good end time. */
199 | do
200 | {
201 | IntEnd.HighPart = MY_USER_SHARED_DATA->InterruptTime.High1Time;
202 | IntEnd.LowPart = MY_USER_SHARED_DATA->InterruptTime.LowPart;
203 | dwTickEnd = GetTickCount();
204 | if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&PrfEnd))
205 | {
206 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "QueryPerformanceCounter failed (%u)", GetLastError());
207 | return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(hTest);
208 | }
209 | ASMCompilerBarrier();
210 | ASMSerializeInstruction();
211 | u64TscEnd = ASMReadTSC();
212 | ASMCompilerBarrier();
213 | } while ( MY_USER_SHARED_DATA->InterruptTime.High2Time != IntEnd.HighPart
214 | || MY_USER_SHARED_DATA->InterruptTime.LowPart != IntEnd.LowPart
215 | || GetTickCount() != dwTickEnd);
216 |
217 | cMsTicks = dwTickEnd - dwTickStart;
218 | cTscTicks = u64TscEnd - u64TscStart;
219 | cIntTicks.QuadPart = IntEnd.QuadPart - IntStart.QuadPart;
220 | cPrfTicks.QuadPart = PrfEnd.QuadPart - PrfStart.QuadPart;
221 |
222 | /* Recalc to micro seconds. */
223 | uint64_t u64MicroSecMs = (uint64_t)cMsTicks * 1000;
224 | uint64_t u64MicroSecTsc = u64TscHz ? (long double)cTscTicks / (long double)u64TscHz * 1000000 : u64MicroSecMs;
225 | uint64_t u64MicroSecPrf = (long double)cPrfTicks.QuadPart / (long double)PrfHz.QuadPart * 1000000;
226 | uint64_t u64MicroSecInt = cIntTicks.QuadPart / 10; /* 100ns units*/
227 |
228 | /* check how much they differ using the millisecond tick count as the standard candle. */
229 | RTTestPrintf(hTest, RTTESTLVL_ALWAYS, " %9llu / %7lld us - GetTickCount\n", u64MicroSecMs, 0);
230 |
231 | int64_t off = u64MicroSecTsc - u64MicroSecMs;
232 | RTTestPrintf(hTest, RTTESTLVL_ALWAYS, " %9llu / %7lld us - TSC\n", u64MicroSecTsc, off);
233 | RTTEST_CHECK(hTest, RT_ABS(off) < 50000 /*us*/); /* some extra uncertainty with TSC. */
234 |
235 | off = u64MicroSecInt - u64MicroSecMs;
236 | RTTestPrintf(hTest, RTTESTLVL_ALWAYS, " %9llu / %7lld us - InterruptTime\n", u64MicroSecInt, off);
237 | RTTEST_CHECK(hTest, RT_ABS(off) < 25000 /*us*/);
238 |
239 | off = u64MicroSecPrf - u64MicroSecMs;
240 | RTTestPrintf(hTest, RTTESTLVL_ALWAYS, " %9llu / %7lld us - QueryPerformanceCounter\n", u64MicroSecPrf, off);
241 | RTTEST_CHECK(hTest, RT_ABS(off) < 25000 /*us*/);
242 | }
243 |
244 | return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(hTest);
245 | }
246 |