/* $Id: scm.cpp 69349 2017-10-26 13:47:39Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * IPRT Testcase / Tool - Source Code Massager. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "scm.h" #include "scmdiff.h" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** The name of the settings files. */ #define SCM_SETTINGS_FILENAME ".scm-settings" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Option identifiers. * * @note The first chunk, down to SCMOPT_TAB_SIZE, are alternately set & * clear. So, the option setting a flag (boolean) will have an even * number and the one clearing it will have an odd number. * @note Down to SCMOPT_LAST_SETTINGS corresponds exactly to SCMSETTINGSBASE. */ typedef enum SCMOPT { SCMOPT_CONVERT_EOL = 10000, SCMOPT_NO_CONVERT_EOL, SCMOPT_CONVERT_TABS, SCMOPT_NO_CONVERT_TABS, SCMOPT_FORCE_FINAL_EOL, SCMOPT_NO_FORCE_FINAL_EOL, SCMOPT_FORCE_TRAILING_LINE, SCMOPT_NO_FORCE_TRAILING_LINE, SCMOPT_STRIP_TRAILING_BLANKS, SCMOPT_NO_STRIP_TRAILING_BLANKS, SCMOPT_STRIP_TRAILING_LINES, SCMOPT_NO_STRIP_TRAILING_LINES, SCMOPT_FIX_FLOWER_BOX_MARKERS, SCMOPT_NO_FIX_FLOWER_BOX_MARKERS, SCMOPT_FIX_TODOS, SCMOPT_NO_FIX_TODOS, SCMOPT_UPDATE_COPYRIGHT_YEAR, SCMOPT_NO_UPDATE_COPYRIGHT_YEAR, SCMOPT_EXTERNAL_COPYRIGHT, SCMOPT_NO_EXTERNAL_COPYRIGHT, SCMOPT_NO_UPDATE_LICENSE, SCMOPT_LICENSE_OSE_GPL, SCMOPT_LICENSE_OSE_DUAL_GPL_CDDL, SCMOPT_LICENSE_OSE_CDDL, SCMOPT_LICENSE_LGPL, SCMOPT_LICENSE_MIT, SCMOPT_LICENSE_BASED_ON_MIT, SCMOPT_LGPL_DISCLAIMER, SCMOPT_NO_LGPL_DISCLAIMER, SCMOPT_MIN_BLANK_LINES_BEFORE_FLOWER_BOX_MARKERS, SCMOPT_ONLY_SVN_DIRS, SCMOPT_NOT_ONLY_SVN_DIRS, SCMOPT_ONLY_SVN_FILES, SCMOPT_NOT_ONLY_SVN_FILES, SCMOPT_SET_SVN_EOL, SCMOPT_DONT_SET_SVN_EOL, SCMOPT_SET_SVN_EXECUTABLE, SCMOPT_DONT_SET_SVN_EXECUTABLE, SCMOPT_SET_SVN_KEYWORDS, SCMOPT_DONT_SET_SVN_KEYWORDS, SCMOPT_TAB_SIZE, SCMOPT_WIDTH, SCMOPT_TREAT_AS, SCMOPT_FILTER_OUT_DIRS, SCMOPT_FILTER_FILES, SCMOPT_FILTER_OUT_FILES, SCMOPT_LAST_SETTINGS = SCMOPT_FILTER_OUT_FILES, // SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_EOL, SCMOPT_DIFF_NO_IGNORE_EOL, SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_SPACE, SCMOPT_DIFF_NO_IGNORE_SPACE, SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_LEADING_SPACE, SCMOPT_DIFF_NO_IGNORE_LEADING_SPACE, SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_TRAILING_SPACE, SCMOPT_DIFF_NO_IGNORE_TRAILING_SPACE, SCMOPT_DIFF_SPECIAL_CHARS, SCMOPT_DIFF_NO_SPECIAL_CHARS, SCMOPT_END } SCMOPT; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ const char g_szTabSpaces[16+1] = " "; const char g_szAsterisks[255+1] = "****************************************************************************************************" "****************************************************************************************************" "*******************************************************"; const char g_szSpaces[255+1] = " " " " " "; static const char g_szProgName[] = "scm"; static const char *g_pszChangedSuff = ""; static bool g_fDryRun = true; static bool g_fDiffSpecialChars = true; static bool g_fDiffIgnoreEol = false; static bool g_fDiffIgnoreLeadingWS = false; static bool g_fDiffIgnoreTrailingWS = false; static int g_iVerbosity = 2;//99; //0; uint32_t g_uYear = 0; /**< The current year. */ /** @name Statistics * @{ */ static uint32_t g_cDirsProcessed = 0; static uint32_t g_cFilesProcessed = 0; static uint32_t g_cFilesModified = 0; static uint32_t g_cFilesSkipped = 0; static uint32_t g_cFilesNotInSvn = 0; static uint32_t g_cFilesNoRewriters = 0; static uint32_t g_cFilesBinaries = 0; /** @} */ /** The global settings. */ static SCMSETTINGSBASE const g_Defaults = { /* .fConvertEol = */ true, /* .fConvertTabs = */ true, /* .fForceFinalEol = */ true, /* .fForceTrailingLine = */ false, /* .fStripTrailingBlanks = */ true, /* .fStripTrailingLines = */ true, /* .fFixFlowerBoxMarkers = */ true, /* .cMinBlankLinesBeforeFlowerBoxMakers = */ 2, /* .fFixTodos = */ true, /* .fUpdateCopyrightYear = */ false, /* .fExternalCopyright = */ false, /* .fLgplDisclaimer = */ false, /* .enmUpdateLicense = */ kScmLicense_OseGpl, /* .fOnlySvnFiles = */ false, /* .fOnlySvnDirs = */ false, /* .fSetSvnEol = */ false, /* .fSetSvnExecutable = */ false, /* .fSetSvnKeywords = */ false, /* .cchTab = */ 8, /* .cchWidth = */ 130, /* .pszTreatAsName = */ NULL, /* .pszFilterFiles = */ (char *)"", /* .pszFilterOutFiles = */ (char *)"*.exe|*.com|20*-*-*.log", /* .pszFilterOutDirs = */ (char *)".svn|.hg|.git|CVS", }; /** Option definitions for the base settings. */ static RTGETOPTDEF g_aScmOpts[] = { { "--convert-eol", SCMOPT_CONVERT_EOL, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--no-convert-eol", SCMOPT_NO_CONVERT_EOL, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--convert-tabs", SCMOPT_CONVERT_TABS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--no-convert-tabs", SCMOPT_NO_CONVERT_TABS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--force-final-eol", SCMOPT_FORCE_FINAL_EOL, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--no-force-final-eol", SCMOPT_NO_FORCE_FINAL_EOL, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--force-trailing-line", SCMOPT_FORCE_TRAILING_LINE, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--no-force-trailing-line", SCMOPT_NO_FORCE_TRAILING_LINE, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--strip-trailing-blanks", SCMOPT_STRIP_TRAILING_BLANKS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--no-strip-trailing-blanks", SCMOPT_NO_STRIP_TRAILING_BLANKS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--strip-trailing-lines", SCMOPT_STRIP_TRAILING_LINES, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--strip-no-trailing-lines", SCMOPT_NO_STRIP_TRAILING_LINES, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--min-blank-lines-before-flower-box-makers", SCMOPT_MIN_BLANK_LINES_BEFORE_FLOWER_BOX_MARKERS, RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT8 }, { "--fix-flower-box-markers", SCMOPT_FIX_FLOWER_BOX_MARKERS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--no-fix-flower-box-markers", SCMOPT_NO_FIX_FLOWER_BOX_MARKERS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--fix-todos", SCMOPT_FIX_TODOS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--no-fix-todos", SCMOPT_NO_FIX_TODOS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--update-copyright-year", SCMOPT_UPDATE_COPYRIGHT_YEAR, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--no-update-copyright-year", SCMOPT_NO_UPDATE_COPYRIGHT_YEAR, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--external-copyright", SCMOPT_EXTERNAL_COPYRIGHT, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--no-external-copyright", SCMOPT_NO_EXTERNAL_COPYRIGHT, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--no-update-license", SCMOPT_NO_UPDATE_LICENSE, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--license-ose-gpl", SCMOPT_LICENSE_OSE_GPL, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--license-ose-dual", SCMOPT_LICENSE_OSE_DUAL_GPL_CDDL, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--license-ose-cddl", SCMOPT_LICENSE_OSE_CDDL, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--license-lgpl", SCMOPT_LICENSE_LGPL, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--license-mit", SCMOPT_LICENSE_MIT, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--license-based-on-mit", SCMOPT_LICENSE_BASED_ON_MIT, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--lgpl-disclaimer", SCMOPT_LGPL_DISCLAIMER, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--no-lgpl-disclaimer", SCMOPT_NO_LGPL_DISCLAIMER, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--only-svn-dirs", SCMOPT_ONLY_SVN_DIRS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--not-only-svn-dirs", SCMOPT_NOT_ONLY_SVN_DIRS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--only-svn-files", SCMOPT_ONLY_SVN_FILES, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--not-only-svn-files", SCMOPT_NOT_ONLY_SVN_FILES, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--set-svn-eol", SCMOPT_SET_SVN_EOL, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--dont-set-svn-eol", SCMOPT_DONT_SET_SVN_EOL, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--set-svn-executable", SCMOPT_SET_SVN_EXECUTABLE, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--dont-set-svn-executable", SCMOPT_DONT_SET_SVN_EXECUTABLE, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--set-svn-keywords", SCMOPT_SET_SVN_KEYWORDS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--dont-set-svn-keywords", SCMOPT_DONT_SET_SVN_KEYWORDS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--tab-size", SCMOPT_TAB_SIZE, RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT8 }, { "--width", SCMOPT_WIDTH, RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT8 }, { "--treat-as", SCMOPT_TREAT_AS, RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--filter-out-dirs", SCMOPT_FILTER_OUT_DIRS, RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--filter-files", SCMOPT_FILTER_FILES, RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--filter-out-files", SCMOPT_FILTER_OUT_FILES, RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, }; /** Consider files matching the following patterns (base names only). */ static const char *g_pszFileFilter = NULL; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_Makefile_kup[] = { rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_Makefile_kup }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_Makefile_kmk[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_SvnKeywords, rewrite_Copyright_HashComment, rewrite_Makefile_kmk }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_OtherMakefiles[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_SvnKeywords, rewrite_Copyright_HashComment, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_C_and_CPP[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_SvnKeywords, rewrite_Copyright_CstyleComment, rewrite_FixFlowerBoxMarkers, rewrite_Fix_C_and_CPP_Todos, rewrite_C_and_CPP }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_H_and_HPP[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_Copyright_CstyleComment, rewrite_C_and_CPP }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_RC[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_SvnKeywords, rewrite_Copyright_CstyleComment, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_DTrace[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_SvnKeywords, rewrite_Copyright_CstyleComment, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_DSL[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_SvnKeywords, rewrite_Copyright_CstyleComment, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_ASM[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_SvnKeywords, rewrite_Copyright_SemicolonComment, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_DEF[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_SvnKeywords, rewrite_Copyright_SemicolonComment, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_ShellScripts[] = { rewrite_ForceLF, rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_Copyright_HashComment, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_BatchFiles[] = { rewrite_ForceCRLF, rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_Copyright_RemComment, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_BasicScripts[] = { rewrite_ForceCRLF, rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_Copyright_TickComment, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_SedScripts[] = { rewrite_ForceLF, rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_Copyright_HashComment, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_Python[] = { /** @todo rewrite_ForceLFIfExecutable */ rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_SvnKeywords, rewrite_Copyright_PythonComment, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_Perl[] = { /** @todo rewrite_ForceLFIfExecutable */ rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_SvnKeywords, rewrite_Copyright_HashComment, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_ScmSettings[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_SvnKeywords, rewrite_Copyright_HashComment, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_Images[] = { rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_SvnBinary, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_Xslt[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_SvnKeywords, /** @todo copyright is in an XML comment. */ }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_Xml[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_SvnKeywords, /** @todo copyright is in an XML comment. */ }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_QtProject[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_SvnKeywords, rewrite_Copyright_HashComment, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_QtResourceFiles[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_SvnKeywords, /** @todo figure out copyright for Qt resource XML files. */ }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_QtTranslations[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_QtUiFiles[] = { rewrite_ForceNativeEol, rewrite_SvnNoExecutable, rewrite_SvnKeywords, /** @todo copyright is in an XML 'comment' element. */ }; static PFNSCMREWRITER const g_aRewritersFor_FileLists[] = /* both makefile and shell script */ { rewrite_ForceLF, rewrite_ExpandTabs, rewrite_StripTrailingBlanks, rewrite_AdjustTrailingLines, rewrite_Copyright_HashComment, }; #define SCM_CFG_ENTRY(a_aRewriters, a_fBinary, a_szFilePatterns) \ { RT_ELEMENTS(a_aRewriters), &a_aRewriters[0], a_fBinary, a_szFilePatterns } static SCMCFGENTRY const g_aConfigs[] = { SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_Makefile_kup, false, "Makefile.kup" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_Makefile_kmk, false, "*.kmk" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_OtherMakefiles, false, "Makefile" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_C_and_CPP, false, "*.c|*.cpp|*.C|*.CPP|*.cxx|*.cc|*.m|*.mm" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_H_and_HPP, false, "*.h|*.hpp" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_RC, false, "*.rc" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_ASM, false, "*.asm|*.mac|*.inc" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_DTrace, false, "*.d" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_DEF, false, "*.def" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_DSL, false, "*.dsl" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_ShellScripts, false, "*.sh|configure" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_BatchFiles, false, "*.bat|*.cmd|*.btm" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_BasicScripts, false, "*.vbs|*.vb" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_SedScripts, false, "*.sed" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_Python, false, "*.py" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_Perl, false, "*.pl" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_ScmSettings, false, "*.scm-settings" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_Images, true, "*.png|*.bmp|*.jpg|*.pnm|*.ico|*.icns" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_Xslt, false, "*.xsl" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_Xml, false, "*.xml" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_QtProject, false, "*.pro" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_QtResourceFiles, false, "*.qrc" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_QtTranslations, false, "*.ts" ), SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_QtUiFiles, false, "*.ui" ), /* Must be be last: */ SCM_CFG_ENTRY(g_aRewritersFor_FileLists, false, "files_*" ), }; /* -=-=-=-=-=- settings -=-=-=-=-=- */ /** * Init a settings structure with settings from @a pSrc. * * @returns IPRT status code * @param pSettings The settings. * @param pSrc The source settings. */ static int scmSettingsBaseInitAndCopy(PSCMSETTINGSBASE pSettings, PCSCMSETTINGSBASE pSrc) { *pSettings = *pSrc; int rc = RTStrDupEx(&pSettings->pszFilterFiles, pSrc->pszFilterFiles); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTStrDupEx(&pSettings->pszFilterOutFiles, pSrc->pszFilterOutFiles); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTStrDupEx(&pSettings->pszFilterOutDirs, pSrc->pszFilterOutDirs); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (pSrc->pszTreatAsName) rc = RTStrDupEx(&pSettings->pszTreatAsName, pSrc->pszTreatAsName); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) return VINF_SUCCESS; RTStrFree(pSettings->pszFilterOutDirs); } RTStrFree(pSettings->pszFilterOutFiles); } RTStrFree(pSettings->pszFilterFiles); } pSettings->pszFilterFiles = NULL; pSettings->pszFilterOutFiles = NULL; pSettings->pszFilterOutDirs = NULL; pSettings->pszTreatAsName = NULL; return rc; } /** * Init a settings structure. * * @returns IPRT status code * @param pSettings The settings. */ static int scmSettingsBaseInit(PSCMSETTINGSBASE pSettings) { return scmSettingsBaseInitAndCopy(pSettings, &g_Defaults); } /** * Deletes the settings, i.e. free any dynamically allocated content. * * @param pSettings The settings. */ static void scmSettingsBaseDelete(PSCMSETTINGSBASE pSettings) { if (pSettings) { Assert(pSettings->cchTab != UINT8_MAX); pSettings->cchTab = UINT8_MAX; RTStrFree(pSettings->pszFilterFiles); pSettings->pszFilterFiles = NULL; RTStrFree(pSettings->pszFilterOutFiles); pSettings->pszFilterOutFiles = NULL; RTStrFree(pSettings->pszFilterOutDirs); pSettings->pszFilterOutDirs = NULL; RTStrFree(pSettings->pszTreatAsName); pSettings->pszTreatAsName = NULL; } } /** * Processes a RTGetOpt result. * * @retval VINF_SUCCESS if handled. * @retval VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE if the option value was out of range. * @retval VERR_GETOPT_UNKNOWN_OPTION if the option was not recognized. * * @param pSettings The settings to change. * @param rc The RTGetOpt return value. * @param pValueUnion The RTGetOpt value union. * @param pchDir The absolute path to the directory relative * components in pchLine should be relative to. * @param cchDir The length of the @a pchDir string. */ static int scmSettingsBaseHandleOpt(PSCMSETTINGSBASE pSettings, int rc, PRTGETOPTUNION pValueUnion, const char *pchDir, size_t cchDir) { Assert(pchDir[cchDir - 1] == '/'); switch (rc) { case SCMOPT_CONVERT_EOL: pSettings->fConvertEol = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_NO_CONVERT_EOL: pSettings->fConvertEol = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_CONVERT_TABS: pSettings->fConvertTabs = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_NO_CONVERT_TABS: pSettings->fConvertTabs = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_FORCE_FINAL_EOL: pSettings->fForceFinalEol = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_NO_FORCE_FINAL_EOL: pSettings->fForceFinalEol = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_FORCE_TRAILING_LINE: pSettings->fForceTrailingLine = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_NO_FORCE_TRAILING_LINE: pSettings->fForceTrailingLine = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_STRIP_TRAILING_BLANKS: pSettings->fStripTrailingBlanks = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_NO_STRIP_TRAILING_BLANKS: pSettings->fStripTrailingBlanks = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_MIN_BLANK_LINES_BEFORE_FLOWER_BOX_MARKERS: pSettings->cMinBlankLinesBeforeFlowerBoxMakers = pValueUnion->u8; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_STRIP_TRAILING_LINES: pSettings->fStripTrailingLines = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_NO_STRIP_TRAILING_LINES: pSettings->fStripTrailingLines = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_FIX_FLOWER_BOX_MARKERS: pSettings->fFixFlowerBoxMarkers = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_NO_FIX_FLOWER_BOX_MARKERS: pSettings->fFixFlowerBoxMarkers = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_UPDATE_COPYRIGHT_YEAR: pSettings->fUpdateCopyrightYear = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_NO_UPDATE_COPYRIGHT_YEAR: pSettings->fUpdateCopyrightYear = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_EXTERNAL_COPYRIGHT: pSettings->fExternalCopyright = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_NO_EXTERNAL_COPYRIGHT: pSettings->fExternalCopyright = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_NO_UPDATE_LICENSE: pSettings->enmUpdateLicense = kScmLicense_LeaveAlone; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_LICENSE_OSE_GPL: pSettings->enmUpdateLicense = kScmLicense_OseGpl; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_LICENSE_OSE_DUAL_GPL_CDDL: pSettings->enmUpdateLicense = kScmLicense_OseDualGplCddl; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_LICENSE_OSE_CDDL: pSettings->enmUpdateLicense = kScmLicense_OseCddl; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_LICENSE_LGPL: pSettings->enmUpdateLicense = kScmLicense_Lgpl; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_LICENSE_MIT: pSettings->enmUpdateLicense = kScmLicense_Mit; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_LICENSE_BASED_ON_MIT: pSettings->enmUpdateLicense = kScmLicense_BasedOnMit; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_LGPL_DISCLAIMER: pSettings->fLgplDisclaimer = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_NO_LGPL_DISCLAIMER: pSettings->fLgplDisclaimer = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_ONLY_SVN_DIRS: pSettings->fOnlySvnDirs = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_NOT_ONLY_SVN_DIRS: pSettings->fOnlySvnDirs = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_ONLY_SVN_FILES: pSettings->fOnlySvnFiles = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_NOT_ONLY_SVN_FILES: pSettings->fOnlySvnFiles = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_SET_SVN_EOL: pSettings->fSetSvnEol = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_DONT_SET_SVN_EOL: pSettings->fSetSvnEol = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_SET_SVN_EXECUTABLE: pSettings->fSetSvnExecutable = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_DONT_SET_SVN_EXECUTABLE: pSettings->fSetSvnExecutable = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_SET_SVN_KEYWORDS: pSettings->fSetSvnKeywords = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_DONT_SET_SVN_KEYWORDS: pSettings->fSetSvnKeywords = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_TAB_SIZE: if ( pValueUnion->u8 < 1 || pValueUnion->u8 >= RT_ELEMENTS(g_szTabSpaces)) { RTMsgError("Invalid tab size: %u - must be in {1..%u}\n", pValueUnion->u8, RT_ELEMENTS(g_szTabSpaces) - 1); return VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE; } pSettings->cchTab = pValueUnion->u8; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_WIDTH: if (pValueUnion->u8 < 20 || pValueUnion->u8 > 200) { RTMsgError("Invalid width size: %u - must be in {20..200} range\n", pValueUnion->u8); return VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE; } pSettings->cchWidth = pValueUnion->u8; return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_TREAT_AS: if (pSettings->pszTreatAsName) { RTStrFree(pSettings->pszTreatAsName); pSettings->pszTreatAsName = NULL; } if (*pValueUnion->psz) { pSettings->pszTreatAsName = RTStrDup(pValueUnion->psz); if (!pSettings->pszTreatAsName) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } return VINF_SUCCESS; case SCMOPT_FILTER_OUT_DIRS: case SCMOPT_FILTER_FILES: case SCMOPT_FILTER_OUT_FILES: { char **ppsz = NULL; switch (rc) { case SCMOPT_FILTER_OUT_DIRS: ppsz = &pSettings->pszFilterOutDirs; break; case SCMOPT_FILTER_FILES: ppsz = &pSettings->pszFilterFiles; break; case SCMOPT_FILTER_OUT_FILES: ppsz = &pSettings->pszFilterOutFiles; break; } /* * An empty string zaps the current list. */ if (!*pValueUnion->psz) return RTStrATruncate(ppsz, 0); /* * Non-empty strings are appended to the pattern list. * * Strip leading and trailing pattern separators before attempting * to append it. If it's just separators, don't do anything. */ const char *pszSrc = pValueUnion->psz; while (*pszSrc == '|') pszSrc++; size_t cchSrc = strlen(pszSrc); while (cchSrc > 0 && pszSrc[cchSrc - 1] == '|') cchSrc--; if (!cchSrc) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* Append it pattern by pattern, turning settings-relative paths into absolute ones. */ for (;;) { const char *pszEnd = (const char *)memchr(pszSrc, '|', cchSrc); size_t cchPattern = pszEnd ? pszEnd - pszSrc : cchSrc; int rc2; if (*pszSrc == '/') rc2 = RTStrAAppendExN(ppsz, 3, "|", *ppsz && **ppsz != '\0' ? (size_t)1 : (size_t)0, pchDir, cchDir - 1, pszSrc, cchPattern); else rc2 = RTStrAAppendExN(ppsz, 2, "|", *ppsz && **ppsz != '\0' ? (size_t)1 : (size_t)0, pszSrc, cchPattern); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) return rc2; /* next */ cchSrc -= cchPattern; if (!cchSrc) return VINF_SUCCESS; cchSrc -= 1; pszSrc += cchPattern + 1; } /* not reached */ } default: return VERR_GETOPT_UNKNOWN_OPTION; } } /** * Parses an option string. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pBase The base settings structure to apply the options * to. * @param pszOptions The options to parse. * @param pchDir The absolute path to the directory relative * components in pchLine should be relative to. * @param cchDir The length of the @a pchDir string. */ static int scmSettingsBaseParseString(PSCMSETTINGSBASE pBase, const char *pszLine, const char *pchDir, size_t cchDir) { int cArgs; char **papszArgs; int rc = RTGetOptArgvFromString(&papszArgs, &cArgs, pszLine, RTGETOPTARGV_CNV_QUOTE_BOURNE_SH, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; RTGETOPTSTATE GetOptState; rc = RTGetOptInit(&GetOptState, cArgs, papszArgs, &g_aScmOpts[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aScmOpts), 0, 0 /*fFlags*/); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { while ((rc = RTGetOpt(&GetOptState, &ValueUnion)) != 0) { rc = scmSettingsBaseHandleOpt(pBase, rc, &ValueUnion, pchDir, cchDir); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } } RTGetOptArgvFree(papszArgs); } return rc; } /** * Parses an unterminated option string. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pBase The base settings structure to apply the options * to. * @param pchLine The line. * @param cchLine The line length. * @param pchDir The absolute path to the directory relative * components in pchLine should be relative to. * @param cchDir The length of the @a pchDir string. */ static int scmSettingsBaseParseStringN(PSCMSETTINGSBASE pBase, const char *pchLine, size_t cchLine, const char *pchDir, size_t cchDir) { char *pszLine = RTStrDupN(pchLine, cchLine); if (!pszLine) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; int rc = scmSettingsBaseParseString(pBase, pszLine, pchDir, cchDir); RTStrFree(pszLine); return rc; } /** * Verifies the options string. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pszOptions The options to verify . */ static int scmSettingsBaseVerifyString(const char *pszOptions) { SCMSETTINGSBASE Base; int rc = scmSettingsBaseInit(&Base); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = scmSettingsBaseParseString(&Base, pszOptions, "/", 1); scmSettingsBaseDelete(&Base); } return rc; } /** * Loads settings found in editor and SCM settings directives within the * document (@a pStream). * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pBase The settings base to load settings into. * @param pStream The stream to scan for settings directives. */ static int scmSettingsBaseLoadFromDocument(PSCMSETTINGSBASE pBase, PSCMSTREAM pStream) { /** @todo Editor and SCM settings directives in documents. */ RT_NOREF2(pBase, pStream); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Creates a new settings file struct, cloning @a pSettings. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param ppSettings Where to return the new struct. * @param pSettingsBase The settings to inherit from. */ static int scmSettingsCreate(PSCMSETTINGS *ppSettings, PCSCMSETTINGSBASE pSettingsBase) { PSCMSETTINGS pSettings = (PSCMSETTINGS)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(*pSettings)); if (!pSettings) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; int rc = scmSettingsBaseInitAndCopy(&pSettings->Base, pSettingsBase); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pSettings->pDown = NULL; pSettings->pUp = NULL; pSettings->paPairs = NULL; pSettings->cPairs = 0; *ppSettings = pSettings; return VINF_SUCCESS; } RTMemFree(pSettings); return rc; } /** * Destroys a settings structure. * * @param pSettings The settings structure to destroy. NULL is OK. */ static void scmSettingsDestroy(PSCMSETTINGS pSettings) { if (pSettings) { scmSettingsBaseDelete(&pSettings->Base); for (size_t i = 0; i < pSettings->cPairs; i++) { RTStrFree(pSettings->paPairs[i].pszPattern); RTStrFree(pSettings->paPairs[i].pszOptions); RTStrFree(pSettings->paPairs[i].pszRelativeTo); pSettings->paPairs[i].pszPattern = NULL; pSettings->paPairs[i].pszOptions = NULL; pSettings->paPairs[i].pszRelativeTo = NULL; } RTMemFree(pSettings->paPairs); pSettings->paPairs = NULL; RTMemFree(pSettings); } } /** * Adds a pattern/options pair to the settings structure. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pSettings The settings. * @param pchLine The line containing the unparsed pair. * @param cchLine The length of the line. * @param offColon The offset of the colon into the line. * @param pchDir The absolute path to the directory relative * components in pchLine should be relative to. * @param cchDir The length of the @a pchDir string. */ static int scmSettingsAddPair(PSCMSETTINGS pSettings, const char *pchLine, size_t cchLine, size_t offColon, const char *pchDir, size_t cchDir) { Assert(pchLine[offColon] == ':' && offColon < cchLine); Assert(pchDir[cchDir - 1] == '/'); /* * Split the string. */ size_t cchPattern = offColon; size_t cchOptions = cchLine - cchPattern - 1; /* strip spaces everywhere */ while (cchPattern > 0 && RT_C_IS_SPACE(pchLine[cchPattern - 1])) cchPattern--; while (cchPattern > 0 && RT_C_IS_SPACE(*pchLine)) cchPattern--, pchLine++; const char *pchOptions = &pchLine[offColon + 1]; while (cchOptions > 0 && RT_C_IS_SPACE(pchOptions[cchOptions - 1])) cchOptions--; while (cchOptions > 0 && RT_C_IS_SPACE(*pchOptions)) cchOptions--, pchOptions++; /* Quietly ignore empty patterns and empty options. */ if (!cchOptions || !cchPattern) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* * Prepair the pair and verify the option string. */ uint32_t iPair = pSettings->cPairs; if ((iPair % 32) == 0) { void *pvNew = RTMemRealloc(pSettings->paPairs, (iPair + 32) * sizeof(pSettings->paPairs[0])); if (!pvNew) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pSettings->paPairs = (PSCMPATRNOPTPAIR)pvNew; } pSettings->paPairs[iPair].pszPattern = RTStrDupN(pchLine, cchPattern); pSettings->paPairs[iPair].pszOptions = RTStrDupN(pchOptions, cchOptions); pSettings->paPairs[iPair].pszRelativeTo = RTStrDupN(pchDir, cchDir); int rc; if ( pSettings->paPairs[iPair].pszPattern && pSettings->paPairs[iPair].pszOptions && pSettings->paPairs[iPair].pszRelativeTo) rc = scmSettingsBaseVerifyString(pSettings->paPairs[iPair].pszOptions); else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; /* * If it checked out fine, expand any relative paths in the pattern. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { size_t cRelativePaths = 0; const char *pszSrc = pSettings->paPairs[iPair].pszPattern; for (;;) { if (*pszSrc == '/') cRelativePaths++; pszSrc = strchr(pszSrc, '|'); if (!pszSrc) break; pszSrc++; } if (cRelativePaths > 0) { char *pszNewPattern = RTStrAlloc(cchPattern + cRelativePaths * (cchDir - 1) + 1); if (pszNewPattern) { char *pszDst = pszNewPattern; pszSrc = pSettings->paPairs[iPair].pszPattern; for (;;) { if (*pszSrc == '/') { memcpy(pszDst, pchDir, cchDir); pszDst += cchDir; pszSrc += 1; } /* Look for the next relative path. */ const char *pszSrcNext = strchr(pszSrc, '|'); while (pszSrcNext && pszSrcNext[1] != '/') pszSrcNext = strchr(pszSrcNext, '|'); if (!pszSrcNext) break; /* Copy stuff between current and the next path. */ pszSrcNext++; memcpy(pszDst, pszSrc, pszSrcNext - pszSrc); pszDst += pszSrcNext - pszSrc; pszSrc = pszSrcNext; } /* Copy the final portion and replace the pattern. */ strcpy(pszDst, pszSrc); RTStrFree(pSettings->paPairs[iPair].pszPattern); pSettings->paPairs[iPair].pszPattern = pszNewPattern; } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) /* * Commit the pair. */ pSettings->cPairs = iPair + 1; else { RTStrFree(pSettings->paPairs[iPair].pszPattern); RTStrFree(pSettings->paPairs[iPair].pszOptions); RTStrFree(pSettings->paPairs[iPair].pszRelativeTo); } return rc; } /** * Loads in the settings from @a pszFilename. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pSettings Where to load the settings file. * @param pszFilename The file to load. */ static int scmSettingsLoadFile(PSCMSETTINGS pSettings, const char *pszFilename) { ScmVerbose(NULL, 3, "Loading settings file '%s'...\n", pszFilename); /* Turn filename into an absolute path and drop the filename. */ char szAbsPath[RTPATH_MAX]; int rc = RTPathAbs(pszFilename, szAbsPath, sizeof(szAbsPath)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTMsgError("%s: RTPathAbs -> %Rrc\n", pszFilename, rc); return rc; } RTPathChangeToUnixSlashes(szAbsPath, true); size_t cchDir = RTPathFilename(szAbsPath) - &szAbsPath[0]; /* Try open it.*/ SCMSTREAM Stream; rc = ScmStreamInitForReading(&Stream, pszFilename); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { SCMEOL enmEol; const char *pchLine; size_t cchLine; while ((pchLine = ScmStreamGetLine(&Stream, &cchLine, &enmEol)) != NULL) { /* Ignore leading spaces. */ while (cchLine > 0 && RT_C_IS_SPACE(*pchLine)) pchLine++, cchLine--; /* Ignore empty lines and comment lines. */ if (cchLine < 1 || *pchLine == '#') continue; /* What kind of line is it? */ const char *pchColon = (const char *)memchr(pchLine, ':', cchLine); if (pchColon) rc = scmSettingsAddPair(pSettings, pchLine, cchLine, pchColon - pchLine, szAbsPath, cchDir); else rc = scmSettingsBaseParseStringN(&pSettings->Base, pchLine, cchLine, szAbsPath, cchDir); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTMsgError("%s:%d: %Rrc\n", pszFilename, ScmStreamTellLine(&Stream), rc); break; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = ScmStreamGetStatus(&Stream); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) RTMsgError("%s: ScmStreamGetStatus- > %Rrc\n", pszFilename, rc); } ScmStreamDelete(&Stream); } else RTMsgError("%s: ScmStreamInitForReading -> %Rrc\n", pszFilename, rc); return rc; } #if 0 /* unused */ /** * Parse the specified settings file creating a new settings struct from it. * * @returns IPRT status code * @param ppSettings Where to return the new settings. * @param pszFilename The file to parse. * @param pSettingsBase The base settings we inherit from. */ static int scmSettingsCreateFromFile(PSCMSETTINGS *ppSettings, const char *pszFilename, PCSCMSETTINGSBASE pSettingsBase) { PSCMSETTINGS pSettings; int rc = scmSettingsCreate(&pSettings, pSettingsBase); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = scmSettingsLoadFile(pSettings, pszFilename, RTPathFilename(pszFilename) - pszFilename); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *ppSettings = pSettings; return VINF_SUCCESS; } scmSettingsDestroy(pSettings); } *ppSettings = NULL; return rc; } #endif /** * Create an initial settings structure when starting processing a new file or * directory. * * This will look for .scm-settings files from the root and down to the * specified directory, combining them into the returned settings structure. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param ppSettings Where to return the pointer to the top stack * object. * @param pBaseSettings The base settings we inherit from (globals * typically). * @param pszPath The absolute path to the new directory or file. */ static int scmSettingsCreateForPath(PSCMSETTINGS *ppSettings, PCSCMSETTINGSBASE pBaseSettings, const char *pszPath) { *ppSettings = NULL; /* try shut up gcc. */ /* * We'll be working with a stack copy of the path. */ char szFile[RTPATH_MAX]; size_t cchDir = strlen(pszPath); if (cchDir >= sizeof(szFile) - sizeof(SCM_SETTINGS_FILENAME)) return VERR_FILENAME_TOO_LONG; /* * Create the bottom-most settings. */ PSCMSETTINGS pSettings; int rc = scmSettingsCreate(&pSettings, pBaseSettings); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; /* * Enumerate the path components from the root and down. Load any setting * files we find. */ size_t cComponents = RTPathCountComponents(pszPath); for (size_t i = 1; i <= cComponents; i++) { rc = RTPathCopyComponents(szFile, sizeof(szFile), pszPath, i); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTPathAppend(szFile, sizeof(szFile), SCM_SETTINGS_FILENAME); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; RTPathChangeToUnixSlashes(szFile, true); if (RTFileExists(szFile)) { rc = scmSettingsLoadFile(pSettings, szFile); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) *ppSettings = pSettings; else scmSettingsDestroy(pSettings); return rc; } /** * Pushes a new settings set onto the stack. * * @param ppSettingsStack The pointer to the pointer to the top stack * element. This will be used as input and output. * @param pSettings The settings to push onto the stack. */ static void scmSettingsStackPush(PSCMSETTINGS *ppSettingsStack, PSCMSETTINGS pSettings) { PSCMSETTINGS pOld = *ppSettingsStack; pSettings->pDown = pOld; pSettings->pUp = NULL; if (pOld) pOld->pUp = pSettings; *ppSettingsStack = pSettings; } /** * Pushes the settings of the specified directory onto the stack. * * We will load any .scm-settings in the directory. A stack entry is added even * if no settings file was found. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param ppSettingsStack The pointer to the pointer to the top stack * element. This will be used as input and output. * @param pszDir The directory to do this for. */ static int scmSettingsStackPushDir(PSCMSETTINGS *ppSettingsStack, const char *pszDir) { char szFile[RTPATH_MAX]; int rc = RTPathJoin(szFile, sizeof(szFile), pszDir, SCM_SETTINGS_FILENAME); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTPathChangeToUnixSlashes(szFile, true); PSCMSETTINGS pSettings; rc = scmSettingsCreate(&pSettings, &(*ppSettingsStack)->Base); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (RTFileExists(szFile)) rc = scmSettingsLoadFile(pSettings, szFile); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { scmSettingsStackPush(ppSettingsStack, pSettings); return VINF_SUCCESS; } scmSettingsDestroy(pSettings); } } return rc; } /** * Pops a settings set off the stack. * * @returns The popped setttings. * @param ppSettingsStack The pointer to the pointer to the top stack * element. This will be used as input and output. */ static PSCMSETTINGS scmSettingsStackPop(PSCMSETTINGS *ppSettingsStack) { PSCMSETTINGS pRet = *ppSettingsStack; PSCMSETTINGS pNew = pRet ? pRet->pDown : NULL; *ppSettingsStack = pNew; if (pNew) pNew->pUp = NULL; if (pRet) { pRet->pUp = NULL; pRet->pDown = NULL; } return pRet; } /** * Pops and destroys the top entry of the stack. * * @param ppSettingsStack The pointer to the pointer to the top stack * element. This will be used as input and output. */ static void scmSettingsStackPopAndDestroy(PSCMSETTINGS *ppSettingsStack) { scmSettingsDestroy(scmSettingsStackPop(ppSettingsStack)); } /** * Constructs the base settings for the specified file name. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pSettingsStack The top element on the settings stack. * @param pszFilename The file name. * @param pszBasename The base name (pointer within @a pszFilename). * @param cchBasename The length of the base name. (For passing to * RTStrSimplePatternMultiMatch.) * @param pBase Base settings to initialize. */ static int scmSettingsStackMakeFileBase(PCSCMSETTINGS pSettingsStack, const char *pszFilename, const char *pszBasename, size_t cchBasename, PSCMSETTINGSBASE pBase) { ScmVerbose(NULL, 5, "scmSettingsStackMakeFileBase(%s, %.*s)\n", pszFilename, cchBasename, pszBasename); int rc = scmSettingsBaseInitAndCopy(pBase, &pSettingsStack->Base); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* find the bottom entry in the stack. */ PCSCMSETTINGS pCur = pSettingsStack; while (pCur->pDown) pCur = pCur->pDown; /* Work our way up thru the stack and look for matching pairs. */ while (pCur) { size_t const cPairs = pCur->cPairs; if (cPairs) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cPairs; i++) if ( RTStrSimplePatternMultiMatch(pCur->paPairs[i].pszPattern, RTSTR_MAX, pszBasename, cchBasename, NULL) || RTStrSimplePatternMultiMatch(pCur->paPairs[i].pszPattern, RTSTR_MAX, pszFilename, RTSTR_MAX, NULL)) { ScmVerbose(NULL, 5, "scmSettingsStackMakeFileBase: Matched '%s' : '%s'\n", pCur->paPairs[i].pszPattern, pCur->paPairs[i].pszOptions); rc = scmSettingsBaseParseString(pBase, pCur->paPairs[i].pszOptions, pCur->paPairs[i].pszRelativeTo, strlen(pCur->paPairs[i].pszRelativeTo)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } /* advance */ pCur = pCur->pUp; } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) scmSettingsBaseDelete(pBase); return rc; } /* -=-=-=-=-=- misc -=-=-=-=-=- */ /** * Prints the per file banner needed and the message level is high enough. * * @param pState The rewrite state. * @param iLevel The required verbosity level. */ void ScmVerboseBanner(PSCMRWSTATE pState, int iLevel) { if (iLevel <= g_iVerbosity && !pState->fFirst) { RTPrintf("%s: info: --= Rewriting '%s' =--\n", g_szProgName, pState->pszFilename); pState->fFirst = true; } } /** * Prints a verbose message if the level is high enough. * * @param pState The rewrite state. Optional. * @param iLevel The required verbosity level. * @param pszFormat The message format string. Can be NULL if we * only want to trigger the per file message. * @param ... Format arguments. */ void ScmVerbose(PSCMRWSTATE pState, int iLevel, const char *pszFormat, ...) { if (iLevel <= g_iVerbosity) { if (pState && !pState->fFirst) { RTPrintf("%s: info: --= Rewriting '%s' =--\n", g_szProgName, pState->pszFilename); pState->fFirst = true; } RTPrintf(pState ? "%s: info: " : "%s: info: ", g_szProgName); va_list va; va_start(va, pszFormat); RTPrintfV(pszFormat, va); va_end(va); } } /** * Prints an error message. * * @returns false * @param pState The rewrite state. Optional. * @param rc The error code. * @param pszFormat The message format string. * @param ... Format arguments. */ bool ScmError(PSCMRWSTATE pState, int rc, const char *pszFormat, ...) { if (RT_SUCCESS(pState->rc)) pState->rc = rc; if (!pState->fFirst) { RTPrintf("%s: info: --= Rewriting '%s' =--\n", g_szProgName, pState->pszFilename); pState->fFirst = true; } va_list va; va_start(va, pszFormat); RTPrintf("%s: error: %s: %N", g_szProgName, pState->pszFilename, pszFormat, &va); va_end(va); return false; } /* -=-=-=-=-=- file and directory processing -=-=-=-=-=- */ /** * Processes a file. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pState The rewriter state. * @param pszFilename The file name. * @param pszBasename The base name (pointer within @a pszFilename). * @param cchBasename The length of the base name. (For passing to * RTStrSimplePatternMultiMatch.) * @param pBaseSettings The base settings to use. It's OK to modify * these. */ static int scmProcessFileInner(PSCMRWSTATE pState, const char *pszFilename, const char *pszBasename, size_t cchBasename, PSCMSETTINGSBASE pBaseSettings) { /* * Do the file level filtering. */ if ( pBaseSettings->pszFilterFiles && *pBaseSettings->pszFilterFiles && !RTStrSimplePatternMultiMatch(pBaseSettings->pszFilterFiles, RTSTR_MAX, pszBasename, cchBasename, NULL)) { ScmVerbose(NULL, 5, "skipping '%s': file filter mismatch\n", pszFilename); g_cFilesSkipped++; return VINF_SUCCESS; } if ( pBaseSettings->pszFilterOutFiles && *pBaseSettings->pszFilterOutFiles && ( RTStrSimplePatternMultiMatch(pBaseSettings->pszFilterOutFiles, RTSTR_MAX, pszBasename, cchBasename, NULL) || RTStrSimplePatternMultiMatch(pBaseSettings->pszFilterOutFiles, RTSTR_MAX, pszFilename, RTSTR_MAX, NULL)) ) { ScmVerbose(NULL, 5, "skipping '%s': filterd out\n", pszFilename); g_cFilesSkipped++; return VINF_SUCCESS; } if ( pBaseSettings->fOnlySvnFiles && !ScmSvnIsInWorkingCopy(pState)) { ScmVerbose(NULL, 5, "skipping '%s': not in SVN WC\n", pszFilename); g_cFilesNotInSvn++; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* * Try find a matching rewrite config for this filename. */ PCSCMCFGENTRY pCfg = NULL; if (!pBaseSettings->pszTreatAsName) { for (size_t iCfg = 0; iCfg < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aConfigs); iCfg++) if (RTStrSimplePatternMultiMatch(g_aConfigs[iCfg].pszFilePattern, RTSTR_MAX, pszBasename, cchBasename, NULL)) { pCfg = &g_aConfigs[iCfg]; break; } } else { size_t cchTreatAsName = strlen(pBaseSettings->pszTreatAsName); for (size_t iCfg = 0; iCfg < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aConfigs); iCfg++) if (RTStrSimplePatternMultiMatch(g_aConfigs[iCfg].pszFilePattern, RTSTR_MAX, pBaseSettings->pszTreatAsName, cchTreatAsName, NULL)) { pCfg = &g_aConfigs[iCfg]; break; } } if (!pCfg) { ScmVerbose(NULL, 2, "skipping '%s': no rewriters configured\n", pszFilename); g_cFilesNoRewriters++; return VINF_SUCCESS; } ScmVerbose(pState, 4, "matched \"%s\"\n", pCfg->pszFilePattern); /* * Create an input stream from the file and check that it's text. */ SCMSTREAM Stream1; int rc = ScmStreamInitForReading(&Stream1, pszFilename); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTMsgError("Failed to read '%s': %Rrc\n", pszFilename, rc); return rc; } if (ScmStreamIsText(&Stream1) || pCfg->fBinary) { ScmVerboseBanner(pState, 3); /* * Gather SCM and editor settings from the stream. */ rc = scmSettingsBaseLoadFromDocument(pBaseSettings, &Stream1); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { ScmStreamRewindForReading(&Stream1); /* * Create two more streams for output and push the text thru all the * rewriters, switching the two streams around when something is * actually rewritten. Stream1 remains unchanged. */ SCMSTREAM Stream2; rc = ScmStreamInitForWriting(&Stream2, &Stream1); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { SCMSTREAM Stream3; rc = ScmStreamInitForWriting(&Stream3, &Stream1); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { bool fModified = false; PSCMSTREAM pIn = &Stream1; PSCMSTREAM pOut = &Stream2; for (size_t iRw = 0; iRw < pCfg->cRewriters; iRw++) { pState->rc = VINF_SUCCESS; bool fRc = pCfg->papfnRewriter[iRw](pState, pIn, pOut, pBaseSettings); if (RT_FAILURE(pState->rc)) break; if (fRc) { PSCMSTREAM pTmp = pOut; pOut = pIn == &Stream1 ? &Stream3 : pIn; pIn = pTmp; fModified = true; } ScmStreamRewindForReading(pIn); ScmStreamRewindForWriting(pOut); } rc = pState->rc; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = ScmStreamGetStatus(&Stream1); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = ScmStreamGetStatus(&Stream2); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = ScmStreamGetStatus(&Stream3); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * If rewritten, write it back to disk. */ if (fModified && !pCfg->fBinary) { if (!g_fDryRun) { ScmVerbose(pState, 1, "writing modified file to \"%s%s\"\n", pszFilename, g_pszChangedSuff); rc = ScmStreamWriteToFile(pIn, "%s%s", pszFilename, g_pszChangedSuff); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) RTMsgError("Error writing '%s%s': %Rrc\n", pszFilename, g_pszChangedSuff, rc); } else { ScmVerboseBanner(pState, 1); ScmDiffStreams(pszFilename, &Stream1, pIn, g_fDiffIgnoreEol, g_fDiffIgnoreLeadingWS, g_fDiffIgnoreTrailingWS, g_fDiffSpecialChars, pBaseSettings->cchTab, g_pStdOut); ScmVerbose(pState, 2, "would have modified the file \"%s%s\"\n", pszFilename, g_pszChangedSuff); } g_cFilesModified++; } else if (fModified) rc = RTMsgErrorRc(VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Rewriters modified binary file! Impossible!"); /* * If pending SVN property changes, apply them. */ if (pState->cSvnPropChanges && RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (!g_fDryRun) { rc = ScmSvnApplyChanges(pState); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) RTMsgError("%s: failed to apply SVN property changes (%Rrc)\n", pszFilename, rc); } else ScmSvnDisplayChanges(pState); if (!fModified) g_cFilesModified++; } if (!fModified && !pState->cSvnPropChanges) ScmVerbose(pState, 3, "%s: no change\n", pszFilename); } else RTMsgError("%s: stream error %Rrc\n", pszFilename, rc); } ScmStreamDelete(&Stream3); } else RTMsgError("Failed to init stream for writing: %Rrc\n", rc); ScmStreamDelete(&Stream2); } else RTMsgError("Failed to init stream for writing: %Rrc\n", rc); } else RTMsgError("scmSettingsBaseLoadFromDocument: %Rrc\n", rc); } else { ScmVerbose(pState, 2, "not text file: \"%s\"\n", pszFilename); g_cFilesBinaries++; } ScmStreamDelete(&Stream1); return rc; } /** * Processes a file. * * This is just a wrapper for scmProcessFileInner for avoid wasting stack in the * directory recursion method. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pszFilename The file name. * @param pszBasename The base name (pointer within @a pszFilename). * @param cchBasename The length of the base name. (For passing to * RTStrSimplePatternMultiMatch.) * @param pSettingsStack The settings stack (pointer to the top element). */ static int scmProcessFile(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszBasename, size_t cchBasename, PSCMSETTINGS pSettingsStack) { SCMSETTINGSBASE Base; int rc = scmSettingsStackMakeFileBase(pSettingsStack, pszFilename, pszBasename, cchBasename, &Base); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { SCMRWSTATE State; State.fFirst = false; State.pszFilename = pszFilename; State.cSvnPropChanges = 0; State.paSvnPropChanges = NULL; State.rc = VINF_SUCCESS; rc = scmProcessFileInner(&State, pszFilename, pszBasename, cchBasename, &Base); size_t i = State.cSvnPropChanges; while (i-- > 0) { RTStrFree(State.paSvnPropChanges[i].pszName); RTStrFree(State.paSvnPropChanges[i].pszValue); } RTMemFree(State.paSvnPropChanges); scmSettingsBaseDelete(&Base); g_cFilesProcessed++; } return rc; } /** * Tries to correct RTDIRENTRY_UNKNOWN. * * @returns Corrected type. * @param pszPath The path to the object in question. */ static RTDIRENTRYTYPE scmFigureUnknownType(const char *pszPath) { RTFSOBJINFO Info; int rc = RTPathQueryInfo(pszPath, &Info, RTFSOBJATTRADD_NOTHING); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTDIRENTRYTYPE_UNKNOWN; if (RTFS_IS_DIRECTORY(Info.Attr.fMode)) return RTDIRENTRYTYPE_DIRECTORY; if (RTFS_IS_FILE(Info.Attr.fMode)) return RTDIRENTRYTYPE_FILE; return RTDIRENTRYTYPE_UNKNOWN; } /** * Recurse into a sub-directory and process all the files and directories. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pszBuf Path buffer containing the directory path on * entry. This ends with a dot. This is passed * along when recursing in order to save stack space * and avoid needless copying. * @param cchDir Length of our path in pszbuf. * @param pEntry Directory entry buffer. This is also passed * along when recursing to save stack space. * @param pSettingsStack The settings stack (pointer to the top element). * @param iRecursion The recursion depth. This is used to restrict * the recursions. */ static int scmProcessDirTreeRecursion(char *pszBuf, size_t cchDir, PRTDIRENTRY pEntry, PSCMSETTINGS pSettingsStack, unsigned iRecursion) { int rc; Assert(cchDir > 1 && pszBuf[cchDir - 1] == '.'); /* * Make sure we stop somewhere. */ if (iRecursion > 128) { RTMsgError("recursion too deep: %d\n", iRecursion); return VINF_SUCCESS; /* ignore */ } /* * Check if it's excluded by --only-svn-dir. */ if (pSettingsStack->Base.fOnlySvnDirs) { if (!ScmSvnIsDirInWorkingCopy(pszBuf)) return VINF_SUCCESS; } g_cDirsProcessed++; /* * Try open and read the directory. */ PRTDIR pDir; rc = RTDirOpenFiltered(&pDir, pszBuf, RTDIRFILTER_NONE, 0); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTMsgError("Failed to enumerate directory '%s': %Rrc", pszBuf, rc); return rc; } for (;;) { /* Read the next entry. */ rc = RTDirRead(pDir, pEntry, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if (rc == VERR_NO_MORE_FILES) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; else RTMsgError("RTDirRead -> %Rrc\n", rc); break; } /* Skip '.' and '..'. */ if ( pEntry->szName[0] == '.' && ( pEntry->cbName == 1 || ( pEntry->cbName == 2 && pEntry->szName[1] == '.'))) continue; /* Enter it into the buffer so we've got a full name to work with when needed. */ if (pEntry->cbName + cchDir >= RTPATH_MAX) { RTMsgError("Skipping too long entry: %s", pEntry->szName); continue; } memcpy(&pszBuf[cchDir - 1], pEntry->szName, pEntry->cbName + 1); /* Figure the type. */ RTDIRENTRYTYPE enmType = pEntry->enmType; if (enmType == RTDIRENTRYTYPE_UNKNOWN) enmType = scmFigureUnknownType(pszBuf); /* Process the file or directory, skip the rest. */ if (enmType == RTDIRENTRYTYPE_FILE) rc = scmProcessFile(pszBuf, pEntry->szName, pEntry->cbName, pSettingsStack); else if (enmType == RTDIRENTRYTYPE_DIRECTORY) { /* Append the dot for the benefit of the pattern matching. */ if (pEntry->cbName + cchDir + 5 >= RTPATH_MAX) { RTMsgError("Skipping too deep dir entry: %s", pEntry->szName); continue; } memcpy(&pszBuf[cchDir - 1 + pEntry->cbName], "/.", sizeof("/.")); size_t cchSubDir = cchDir - 1 + pEntry->cbName + sizeof("/.") - 1; if ( !pSettingsStack->Base.pszFilterOutDirs || !*pSettingsStack->Base.pszFilterOutDirs || ( !RTStrSimplePatternMultiMatch(pSettingsStack->Base.pszFilterOutDirs, RTSTR_MAX, pEntry->szName, pEntry->cbName, NULL) && !RTStrSimplePatternMultiMatch(pSettingsStack->Base.pszFilterOutDirs, RTSTR_MAX, pszBuf, cchSubDir, NULL) ) ) { rc = scmSettingsStackPushDir(&pSettingsStack, pszBuf); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = scmProcessDirTreeRecursion(pszBuf, cchSubDir, pEntry, pSettingsStack, iRecursion + 1); scmSettingsStackPopAndDestroy(&pSettingsStack); } } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } RTDirClose(pDir); return rc; } /** * Process a directory tree. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pszDir The directory to start with. This is pointer to * a RTPATH_MAX sized buffer. */ static int scmProcessDirTree(char *pszDir, PSCMSETTINGS pSettingsStack) { /* * Setup the recursion. */ int rc = RTPathAppend(pszDir, RTPATH_MAX, "."); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTPathChangeToUnixSlashes(pszDir, true); RTDIRENTRY Entry; rc = scmProcessDirTreeRecursion(pszDir, strlen(pszDir), &Entry, pSettingsStack, 0); } else RTMsgError("RTPathAppend: %Rrc\n", rc); return rc; } /** * Processes a file or directory specified as an command line argument. * * @returns IPRT status code * @param pszSomething What we found in the command line arguments. * @param pSettingsStack The settings stack (pointer to the top element). */ static int scmProcessSomething(const char *pszSomething, PSCMSETTINGS pSettingsStack) { char szBuf[RTPATH_MAX]; int rc = RTPathAbs(pszSomething, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTPathChangeToUnixSlashes(szBuf, false /*fForce*/); PSCMSETTINGS pSettings; rc = scmSettingsCreateForPath(&pSettings, &pSettingsStack->Base, szBuf); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { scmSettingsStackPush(&pSettingsStack, pSettings); if (RTFileExists(szBuf)) { const char *pszBasename = RTPathFilename(szBuf); if (pszBasename) { size_t cchBasename = strlen(pszBasename); rc = scmProcessFile(szBuf, pszBasename, cchBasename, pSettingsStack); } else { RTMsgError("RTPathFilename: NULL\n"); rc = VERR_IS_A_DIRECTORY; } } else rc = scmProcessDirTree(szBuf, pSettingsStack); PSCMSETTINGS pPopped = scmSettingsStackPop(&pSettingsStack); Assert(pPopped == pSettings); RT_NOREF_PV(pPopped); scmSettingsDestroy(pSettings); } else RTMsgError("scmSettingsInitStack: %Rrc\n", rc); } else RTMsgError("RTPathAbs: %Rrc\n", rc); return rc; } /** * Print some stats. */ static void scmPrintStats(void) { ScmVerbose(NULL, 0, g_fDryRun ? "%u out of %u file%s in %u dir%s would be modified (%u without rewriter%s, %u binar%s, %u not in svn, %u skipped)\n" : "%u out of %u file%s in %u dir%s was modified (%u without rewriter%s, %u binar%s, %u not in svn, %u skipped)\n", g_cFilesModified, g_cFilesProcessed, g_cFilesProcessed == 1 ? "" : "s", g_cDirsProcessed, g_cDirsProcessed == 1 ? "" : "s", g_cFilesNoRewriters, g_cFilesNoRewriters == 1 ? "" : "s", g_cFilesBinaries, g_cFilesBinaries == 1 ? "y" : "ies", g_cFilesNotInSvn, g_cFilesSkipped); } static void usage(PCRTGETOPTDEF paOpts, size_t cOpts) { RTPrintf("VirtualBox Source Code Massager\n" "\n" "Usage: %s [options] \n" "\n" "Options:\n", g_szProgName); for (size_t i = 0; i < cOpts; i++) { size_t cExtraAdvance = 0; if ((paOpts[i].fFlags & RTGETOPT_REQ_MASK) == RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING) { cExtraAdvance = i + 1 < cOpts && ( strstr(paOpts[i+1].pszLong, "-no-") != NULL || strstr(paOpts[i+1].pszLong, "-not-") != NULL || strstr(paOpts[i+1].pszLong, "-dont-") != NULL || (paOpts[i].iShort == 'q' && paOpts[i+1].iShort == 'v') || (paOpts[i].iShort == 'd' && paOpts[i+1].iShort == 'D') ); if (cExtraAdvance) RTPrintf(" %s, %s\n", paOpts[i].pszLong, paOpts[i + 1].pszLong); else if (paOpts[i].iShort != SCMOPT_NO_UPDATE_LICENSE) RTPrintf(" %s\n", paOpts[i].pszLong); else { RTPrintf(" %s,\n" " %s,\n" " %s,\n" " %s,\n" " %s,\n" " %s,\n" " %s\n", paOpts[i].pszLong, paOpts[i + 1].pszLong, paOpts[i + 2].pszLong, paOpts[i + 3].pszLong, paOpts[i + 4].pszLong, paOpts[i + 5].pszLong, paOpts[i + 6].pszLong); cExtraAdvance = 6; } } else if ((paOpts[i].fFlags & RTGETOPT_REQ_MASK) == RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING) RTPrintf(" %s string\n", paOpts[i].pszLong); else RTPrintf(" %s value\n", paOpts[i].pszLong); switch (paOpts[i].iShort) { case 'd': case 'D': RTPrintf(" Default: --dry-run\n"); break; case 'f': RTPrintf(" Default: none\n"); break; case 'q': case 'v': RTPrintf(" Default: -vv\n"); break; case SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_EOL: RTPrintf(" Default: false\n"); break; case SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_SPACE: RTPrintf(" Default: false\n"); break; case SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_LEADING_SPACE: RTPrintf(" Default: false\n"); break; case SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_TRAILING_SPACE: RTPrintf(" Default: false\n"); break; case SCMOPT_DIFF_SPECIAL_CHARS: RTPrintf(" Default: true\n"); break; case SCMOPT_CONVERT_EOL: RTPrintf(" Default: %RTbool\n", g_Defaults.fConvertEol); break; case SCMOPT_CONVERT_TABS: RTPrintf(" Default: %RTbool\n", g_Defaults.fConvertTabs); break; case SCMOPT_FORCE_FINAL_EOL: RTPrintf(" Default: %RTbool\n", g_Defaults.fForceFinalEol); break; case SCMOPT_FORCE_TRAILING_LINE: RTPrintf(" Default: %RTbool\n", g_Defaults.fForceTrailingLine); break; case SCMOPT_STRIP_TRAILING_BLANKS: RTPrintf(" Default: %RTbool\n", g_Defaults.fStripTrailingBlanks); break; case SCMOPT_STRIP_TRAILING_LINES: RTPrintf(" Default: %RTbool\n", g_Defaults.fStripTrailingLines); break; case SCMOPT_FIX_FLOWER_BOX_MARKERS: RTPrintf(" Default: %RTbool\n", g_Defaults.fFixFlowerBoxMarkers); break; case SCMOPT_MIN_BLANK_LINES_BEFORE_FLOWER_BOX_MARKERS: RTPrintf(" Default: %u\n", g_Defaults.cMinBlankLinesBeforeFlowerBoxMakers); break; case SCMOPT_FIX_TODOS: RTPrintf(" Fix @todo statements so doxygen sees them. Default: %RTbool\n", g_Defaults.fFixTodos); break; case SCMOPT_UPDATE_COPYRIGHT_YEAR: RTPrintf(" Update the copyright year. Default: %RTbool\n", g_Defaults.fUpdateCopyrightYear); break; case SCMOPT_EXTERNAL_COPYRIGHT: RTPrintf(" Only external copyright holders. Default: %RTbool\n", g_Defaults.fExternalCopyright); break; case SCMOPT_NO_UPDATE_LICENSE: RTPrintf(" License selection. Default: --license-ose-gpl\n"); break; case SCMOPT_LGPL_DISCLAIMER: RTPrintf(" Include LGPL version disclaimer. Default: --no-lgpl-disclaimer\n"); break; case SCMOPT_ONLY_SVN_DIRS: RTPrintf(" Default: %RTbool\n", g_Defaults.fOnlySvnDirs); break; case SCMOPT_ONLY_SVN_FILES: RTPrintf(" Default: %RTbool\n", g_Defaults.fOnlySvnFiles); break; case SCMOPT_SET_SVN_EOL: RTPrintf(" Default: %RTbool\n", g_Defaults.fSetSvnEol); break; case SCMOPT_SET_SVN_EXECUTABLE: RTPrintf(" Default: %RTbool\n", g_Defaults.fSetSvnExecutable); break; case SCMOPT_SET_SVN_KEYWORDS: RTPrintf(" Default: %RTbool\n", g_Defaults.fSetSvnKeywords); break; case SCMOPT_TAB_SIZE: RTPrintf(" Default: %u\n", g_Defaults.cchTab); break; case SCMOPT_WIDTH: RTPrintf(" Default: %u\n", g_Defaults.cchWidth); break; case SCMOPT_TREAT_AS: RTPrintf(" For files not using the default extension.\n"); break; case SCMOPT_FILTER_OUT_DIRS: RTPrintf(" Default: %s\n", g_Defaults.pszFilterOutDirs); break; case SCMOPT_FILTER_FILES: RTPrintf(" Default: %s\n", g_Defaults.pszFilterFiles); break; case SCMOPT_FILTER_OUT_FILES: RTPrintf(" Default: %s\n", g_Defaults.pszFilterOutFiles); break; default: AssertMsgFailed(("i=%d %d %s\n", i, paOpts[i].iShort, paOpts[i].pszLong)); } i += cExtraAdvance; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return 1; /* * Init the current year. */ RTTIMESPEC Now; RTTIME Time; RTTimeExplode(&Time, RTTimeNow(&Now)); g_uYear = Time.i32Year; /* * Init the settings. */ PSCMSETTINGS pSettings; rc = scmSettingsCreate(&pSettings, &g_Defaults); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTMsgError("scmSettingsCreate: %Rrc\n", rc); return 1; } /* * Parse arguments and process input in order (because this is the only * thing that works at the moment). */ static RTGETOPTDEF s_aOpts[14 + RT_ELEMENTS(g_aScmOpts)] = { { "--dry-run", 'd', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--real-run", 'D', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--file-filter", 'f', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--quiet", 'q', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--verbose", 'v', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--diff-ignore-eol", SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_EOL, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--diff-no-ignore-eol", SCMOPT_DIFF_NO_IGNORE_EOL, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--diff-ignore-space", SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_SPACE, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--diff-no-ignore-space", SCMOPT_DIFF_NO_IGNORE_SPACE, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--diff-ignore-leading-space", SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_LEADING_SPACE, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--diff-no-ignore-leading-space", SCMOPT_DIFF_NO_IGNORE_LEADING_SPACE, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--diff-ignore-trailing-space", SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_TRAILING_SPACE, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--diff-no-ignore-trailing-space", SCMOPT_DIFF_NO_IGNORE_TRAILING_SPACE, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--diff-special-chars", SCMOPT_DIFF_SPECIAL_CHARS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--diff-no-special-chars", SCMOPT_DIFF_NO_SPECIAL_CHARS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, }; memcpy(&s_aOpts[RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOpts) - RT_ELEMENTS(g_aScmOpts)], &g_aScmOpts[0], sizeof(g_aScmOpts)); RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; RTGETOPTSTATE GetOptState; rc = RTGetOptInit(&GetOptState, argc, argv, &s_aOpts[0], RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOpts), 1, RTGETOPTINIT_FLAGS_OPTS_FIRST); AssertReleaseRCReturn(rc, 1); size_t cProcessed = 0; while ((rc = RTGetOpt(&GetOptState, &ValueUnion)) != 0) { switch (rc) { case 'd': g_fDryRun = true; break; case 'D': g_fDryRun = false; break; case 'f': g_pszFileFilter = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 'h': usage(s_aOpts, RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOpts)); return 1; case 'q': g_iVerbosity = 0; break; case 'v': g_iVerbosity++; break; case 'V': { /* The following is assuming that svn does it's job here. */ static const char s_szRev[] = "$Revision: 69349 $"; const char *psz = RTStrStripL(strchr(s_szRev, ' ')); RTPrintf("r%.*s\n", strchr(psz, ' ') - psz, psz); return 0; } case SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_EOL: g_fDiffIgnoreEol = true; break; case SCMOPT_DIFF_NO_IGNORE_EOL: g_fDiffIgnoreEol = false; break; case SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_SPACE: g_fDiffIgnoreTrailingWS = g_fDiffIgnoreLeadingWS = true; break; case SCMOPT_DIFF_NO_IGNORE_SPACE: g_fDiffIgnoreTrailingWS = g_fDiffIgnoreLeadingWS = false; break; case SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_LEADING_SPACE: g_fDiffIgnoreLeadingWS = true; break; case SCMOPT_DIFF_NO_IGNORE_LEADING_SPACE: g_fDiffIgnoreLeadingWS = false; break; case SCMOPT_DIFF_IGNORE_TRAILING_SPACE: g_fDiffIgnoreTrailingWS = true; break; case SCMOPT_DIFF_NO_IGNORE_TRAILING_SPACE: g_fDiffIgnoreTrailingWS = false; break; case SCMOPT_DIFF_SPECIAL_CHARS: g_fDiffSpecialChars = true; break; case SCMOPT_DIFF_NO_SPECIAL_CHARS: g_fDiffSpecialChars = false; break; case VINF_GETOPT_NOT_OPTION: { if (!g_fDryRun) { if (!cProcessed) { RTPrintf("%s: Warning! This program will make changes to your source files and\n" "%s: there is a slight risk that bugs or a full disk may cause\n" "%s: LOSS OF DATA. So, please make sure you have checked in\n" "%s: all your changes already. If you didn't, then don't blame\n" "%s: anyone for not warning you!\n" "%s:\n" "%s: Press any key to continue...\n", g_szProgName, g_szProgName, g_szProgName, g_szProgName, g_szProgName, g_szProgName, g_szProgName); RTStrmGetCh(g_pStdIn); } cProcessed++; } rc = scmProcessSomething(ValueUnion.psz, pSettings); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { scmPrintStats(); return RTEXITCODE_FAILURE; } break; } default: { int rc2 = scmSettingsBaseHandleOpt(&pSettings->Base, rc, &ValueUnion, "/", 1); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) break; if (rc2 != VERR_GETOPT_UNKNOWN_OPTION) return 2; return RTGetOptPrintError(rc, &ValueUnion); } } } scmPrintStats(); scmSettingsDestroy(pSettings); return 0; }