1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!-- This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project hosted on
2 | Sourceforge.net. See the accompanying license.txt file for
3 | applicable licenses.--><!-- (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006 All Rights Reserved. --><project name="DOST" default="init">
4 |
5 | <property file="${basedir}/local.properties"></property>
6 |
7 | <!-- Initialize DITA-OT base directory -->
8 | <dirname property="ant.file.DOST.dir" file="${ant.file.DOST}"></dirname>
9 | <condition property="dita.dir" value="${ant.file.DOST.dir}">
10 | <not>
11 | <isset property="dita.dir"></isset>
12 | </not>
13 | </condition>
14 | <condition property="dita.dir" value="${basedir}">
15 | <not>
16 | <isset property="dita.dir"></isset>
17 | </not>
18 | </condition>
19 |
20 | <path id="dost.class.path">
21 |
22 | <pathelement location="${dita.dir}${file.separator}plugins/org.dita.pdf2/lib/fo.jar"/>
23 | <pathelement location="${dita.dir}${file.separator}lib${file.separator}dost.jar"></pathelement>
24 | </path>
25 |
26 | <target name="init">
27 | <dita-ot-fail id="DOTA001F">
28 | <condition>
29 | <and>
30 | <not><equals arg1="${transtype}" arg2="xhtml" casesensitive="false"/></not><not><equals arg1="${transtype}" arg2="htmlhelp" casesensitive="false"/></not><not><equals arg1="${transtype}" arg2="tocjs" casesensitive="false"/></not><not><equals arg1="${transtype}" arg2="eclipsehelp" casesensitive="false"/></not><not><equals arg1="${transtype}" arg2="troff" casesensitive="false"/></not><not><equals arg1="${transtype}" arg2="eclipsecontent" casesensitive="false"/></not><not><equals arg1="${transtype}" arg2="legacypdf" casesensitive="false"/></not><not><equals arg1="${transtype}" arg2="javahelp" casesensitive="false"/></not><not><equals arg1="${transtype}" arg2="wordrtf" casesensitive="false"/></not><not><equals arg1="${transtype}" arg2="odt" casesensitive="false"/></not><not><equals arg1="${transtype}" arg2="pdf" casesensitive="false"/></not><not><equals arg1="${transtype}" arg2="pdf2" casesensitive="false"/></not><not><equals arg1="${transtype}" arg2="docbook" casesensitive="false"/></not>
31 | </and>
32 | </condition>
33 | <param name="1" value="${transtype}"></param>
34 | </dita-ot-fail>
35 | <condition property="transtarget" value="pdf2" else="${transtype}">
36 | <equals arg1="${transtype}" arg2="pdf" casesensitive="false"></equals>
37 | </condition>
38 | <condition property="clean.temp" value="true">
39 | <not><isset property="clean.temp"></isset></not>
40 | </condition>
41 | <condition property="clean-temp.skip">
42 | <isfalse value="${clean.temp}"></isfalse>
43 | </condition>
44 | <antcall>
45 | <target name="dita2${transtarget}"></target>
46 | <target name="clean-temp"></target>
47 | </antcall>
48 | </target>
49 |
50 | <property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.htmlhelp.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/org.dita.htmlhelp'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.base.dir' location='${dita.dir}'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.specialization.h2d.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/h2d'/><property name='dita.plugin.com.sophos.tocjs.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/com.sophos.tocjs'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.eclipsehelp.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/org.dita.eclipsehelp'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.specialization.dita11.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/org.dita.specialization.dita11'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.troff.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/org.dita.troff'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.eclipsecontent.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/org.dita.eclipsecontent'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.legacypdf.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/legacypdf'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.javahelp.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/org.dita.javahelp'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.specialization.eclipsemap.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/org.dita.specialization.eclipsemap'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.wordrtf.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/org.dita.wordrtf'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.xhtml.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/org.dita.xhtml'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.odt.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/org.dita.odt'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.specialization.dita132.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/org.dita.specialization.dita132'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.pdf.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/org.dita.pdf'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.pdf2.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/org.dita.pdf2'/><property name='dita.plugin.org.dita.docbook.dir' location='${dita.dir}\plugins/org.dita.docbook'/>
51 | <!--
52 | This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project hosted on
53 | Sourceforge.net. See the accompanying license.txt file for
54 | applicable licenses.
55 |
56 | (C) Copyright Shawn McKenzie, 2007. All Rights Reserved.
57 |
59 | 20110817 RDA: Several changes:
60 | * Use property dita.plugin.com.sophos.tocjs.dir (remove hard-coded demo/ dir)
61 | * Original design only works if $output.file is set in an Ant file, and
62 | if XHTML is created independently. Refactoring to use that original
63 | processing when $output.file is specified; otherwise:
64 | 1) Return HTML files along with navigation
65 | 2) Return default frameset (with name based on map name)
66 | 3) Set $output.file to a default value of toctree.js
67 | 4) Return supporting JS and CSS files for the default frameset
68 | *-->
69 |
70 |
71 | <target name="dita2tocjs" depends="build-init, preprocess, tocjsInit, map2tocjs, topic2tocjs, tocjsDefaultOutput">
72 | </target>
73 |
74 |
75 | <target name="tocjsInit">
76 |
77 | <condition property="dita.plugin.com.sophos.tocjs.copydefaults" value="true">
78 |
79 | <not>
80 |
81 | <isset property="output.file"></isset>
82 | </not>
83 | </condition>
84 |
85 | <condition property="output.file" value="${output.dir}${file.separator}toctree.js">
86 |
87 | <not>
88 |
89 | <isset property="output.file"></isset>
90 | </not>
91 | </condition>
92 | </target>
93 |
94 |
95 | <target name="topic2tocjs" if="noMap">
96 |
97 | <antcall target="dita.map.tocjs">
98 | <!-- No real support for tocjs on a single topic, only for map -->
99 | </antcall>
100 |
101 | <echo>The TocJS output type only supports ditamap files as input.</echo>
102 | </target>
103 |
104 |
105 | <target name="map2tocjs" unless="noMap">
106 |
107 | <antcall target="dita.map.tocjs">
108 |
109 | <param name="input" value="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${user.input.file}"></param>
110 | </antcall>
111 | </target>
112 |
113 |
114 | <target name="dita.map.tocjs" description="generate merged for tocjs">
115 |
116 | <xslt in="${input}" out="${output.file}" style="${dita.plugin.com.sophos.tocjs.dir}/xsl/tocjs.xsl">
117 |
118 | <param name="contentwin" expression="${content.frame}" if="content.frame"></param>
119 |
120 | <param name="ditaext" expression="${dita.ext}" if="dita.ext"></param>
121 |
122 | <param name="htmlext" expression="${out.ext}"></param>
123 |
124 | <xmlcatalog refid="dita.catalog"></xmlcatalog>
125 | </xslt>
126 | </target>
127 |
128 |
129 | <target name="tocjsDefaultOutput" if="dita.plugin.com.sophos.tocjs.copydefaults">
130 | <!-- Create usable output for people trying tocjs for the first time -->
131 |
132 | <antcall target="tocjsDefaultXhtmlOutput"></antcall>
133 |
134 | <antcall target="tocjsDefaultFrameset"></antcall>
135 | <!-- Copy default JS and related files -->
136 |
137 | <copy todir="${output.dir}">
138 | <fileset dir="${dita.plugin.com.sophos.tocjs.dir}${file.separator}basefiles">
139 | <include name="**/*"></include></fileset></copy>
140 | </target>
141 |
142 |
143 | <target name="tocjsDefaultXhtmlOutput" depends="dita.map.xhtml, copy-revflag, copy-css , dita.topics.xhtml, dita.inner.topics.xhtml, dita.outer.topics.xhtml">
144 | <!-- Preprocess has already completed based on original dependencies;
145 | this target continues to XHTML for default output. Seems very
146 | indirect way to create the XHTML, so would like something better,
147 | but do not want to add new XHTML processing for people using
148 | the original dita2tocjs target. -->
149 | </target>
150 |
151 |
152 | <target name="tocjsDefaultFrameset" if="dita.plugin.com.sophos.tocjs.copydefaults">
153 | <!-- Create the default frameset itself -->
154 |
155 | <condition property="out.ext" value=".html">
156 |
157 | <not>
158 |
159 | <isset property="out.ext"></isset>
160 | </not>
161 | </condition>
162 |
163 | <xslt basedir="${dita.temp.dir}" destdir="${output.dir}" includesfile="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${user.input.file.listfile}" extension="${out.ext}" style="${dita.plugin.com.sophos.tocjs.dir}${file.separator}xsl${file.separator}frameset.xsl">
164 |
165 | <excludesfile name="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${resourceonlyfile}" if="resourceonlyfile"></excludesfile>
166 |
167 | <param name="DITAEXT" expression="${dita.ext}" if="dita.ext"></param>
168 |
169 | <param name="OUTEXT" expression="${out.ext}" if="out.ext"></param>
170 |
171 | <param name="CSSPATH" expression="${CSSPATH}" if="csspath"></param>
172 |
173 | <xmlcatalog refid="dita.catalog"></xmlcatalog>
174 | </xslt>
175 | </target>
176 |
177 | <!-- This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project hosted on
178 | Sourceforge.net. See the accompanying license.txt file for
179 | applicable licenses.--><!-- (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006 All Rights Reserved. -->
180 |
181 |
182 | <target name="dita2legacypdf" depends="build-init, topic2legacypdf.init, preprocess, map2legacypdf, topic2legacypdf">
183 | </target>
184 |
185 |
186 | <target name="topic2legacypdf.init">
187 |
188 | <available classname="org.apache.fop.tools.anttasks.Fop" property="hasFOP">
189 |
190 | <classpath>
191 |
192 | <pathelement location="${dita.dir}/demo/legacypdf/lib/fop.jar"></pathelement>
193 | </classpath>
194 | </available>
195 | <!-- append a '.' to ${fo.img.ext} if ${args.fo.img.ext} not contains '.' -->
196 |
197 | <condition property="fo.img.ext" value=".${args.fo.img.ext}">
198 |
199 | <and>
200 |
201 | <isset property="args.fo.img.ext"></isset>
202 |
203 | <not>
204 |
205 | <contains string="${args.fo.img.ext}" substring="."></contains>
206 | </not>
207 | </and>
208 | </condition>
209 |
210 | <condition property="fo.img.ext" value="${args.fo.img.ext}">
211 |
212 | <and>
213 |
214 | <isset property="args.fo.img.ext"></isset>
215 |
216 | <contains string="${args.fo.img.ext}" substring="."></contains>
217 | </and>
218 | </condition>
219 | </target>
220 |
221 |
222 | <target name="topic2legacypdf" if="noMap">
223 |
224 | <antcall target="dita.topic.fo">
225 |
226 | <param name="input" value="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${user.input.file}"></param>
227 |
228 | <param name="output" value="${dita.map.output.dir}${file.separator}${dita.topic.filename.root}.fo"></param>
229 | </antcall>
230 |
231 | <antcall target="dita.fo2pdf">
232 |
233 | <param name="input" value="${dita.map.output.dir}${file.separator}${dita.topic.filename.root}.fo"></param>
234 |
235 | <param name="output" value="${dita.map.output.dir}${file.separator}${dita.topic.filename.root}.pdf"></param>
236 | </antcall>
237 | </target>
238 |
239 |
240 | <target name="map2legacypdf" unless="noMap">
241 |
242 | <antcall target="dita.map.fo">
243 |
244 | <param name="input" value="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${user.input.file}"></param>
245 |
246 | <param name="output" value="${dita.map.output.dir}${file.separator}${dita.map.filename.root}.fo"></param>
247 | </antcall>
248 |
249 | <antcall target="dita.fo2pdf">
250 |
251 | <param name="input" value="${dita.map.output.dir}${file.separator}${dita.map.filename.root}.fo"></param>
252 |
253 | <param name="output" value="${dita.map.output.dir}${file.separator}${dita.map.filename.root}.pdf"></param>
254 | </antcall>
255 | </target>
256 |
257 | <!-- Build XSL-FO output from ditamap -->
258 |
259 | <target name="dita.map.fo" description="Build XSL-FO output from ditamap">
260 |
261 | <condition property="args.xsl" value="${dita.plugin.org.dita.legacypdf.dir}${file.separator}dita2fo-shell.xsl">
262 |
263 | <not>
264 |
265 | <isset property="args.xsl"></isset>
266 | </not>
267 | </condition>
268 |
269 | <dirname file="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${user.input.file}" property="dita.merged.dir"></dirname>
270 |
271 | <xslt in="${input}" out="${dita.merged.dir}${file.separator}${dita.map.filename.root}_MERGED.xml" style="${dita.plugin.org.dita.legacypdf.dir}${file.separator}xslfo${file.separator}topicmerge.xsl">
272 | <!--<xmlcatalog refid="dita.catalog" />-->
273 | </xslt>
274 |
275 | <xslt in="${dita.merged.dir}${file.separator}${dita.map.filename.root}_MERGED.xml" out="${output}" style="${args.xsl}">
276 | <!--<xmlcatalog refid="dita.catalog" />-->
277 |
278 | <param name="output-related-links" expression="${args.fo.output.rel.links}" if="args.fo.output.rel.links"></param>
279 |
280 | <param name="DITAEXT" expression="${dita.ext}" if="dita.ext"></param>
281 |
282 | <param name="DRAFT" expression="${args.draft}" if="args.draft"></param>
283 |
284 | <param name="ARTLBL" expression="${args.artlbl}" if="args.artlbl"></param>
285 |
286 | <param name="dflt-ext" expression="${fo.img.ext}" if="fo.img.ext"></param>
287 | </xslt>
288 | </target>
289 |
290 | <!-- Build PDF from FO using FOP, need to include FOP, Avalon,
291 | and Batik relevant jar files in CLASSPATH -->
292 |
293 | <target name="dita.fo2pdf" if="hasFOP" description="Build PDF from FO using FOP">
294 |
295 | <taskdef name="fop" classname="org.apache.fop.tools.anttasks.Fop">
296 |
297 | <classpath>
298 |
299 | <fileset dir="${dita.plugin.org.dita.legacypdf.dir}/lib">
300 |
301 | <include name="*.jar"></include>
302 | </fileset>
303 |
304 | <fileset dir="${dita.dir}/lib">
305 |
306 | <include name="*.jar"></include>
307 | </fileset>
308 | </classpath>
309 | </taskdef>
310 |
311 | <antcall target="dita.fo2pdf.userconfig"></antcall>
312 |
313 | <antcall target="dita.fo2pdf.nouserconfig"></antcall>
314 | </target>
315 |
316 |
317 | <target name="dita.fo2pdf.userconfig" if="args.fo.userconfig">
318 |
319 | <fop format="application/pdf" basedir="${input}" fofile="${input}" outfile="${output}" messagelevel="info" userconfig="${args.fo.userconfig}">
320 | </fop>
321 | </target>
322 |
323 |
324 | <target name="dita.fo2pdf.nouserconfig" unless="args.fo.userconfig">
325 |
326 | <fop format="application/pdf" basedir="${input}" fofile="${input}" outfile="${output}" messagelevel="info">
327 | </fop>
328 | </target>
329 |
330 | <!-- Build XSL-FO output from dita topic -->
331 |
332 | <target name="dita.topic.fo" description="Build XSL-FO output from dita topic">
333 |
334 | <condition property="args.xsl" value="${dita.plugin.org.dita.legacypdf.dir}${file.separator}dita2fo-shell.xsl">
335 |
336 | <not>
337 |
338 | <isset property="args.xsl"></isset>
339 | </not>
340 | </condition>
341 |
342 | <xslt in="${input}" out="${output}" style="${args.xsl}">
343 | <!--<xmlcatalog refid="dita.catalog" />-->
344 |
345 | <param name="output-related-links" expression="${args.fo.output.rel.links}" if="args.fo.output.rel.links"></param>
346 |
347 | <param name="DITAEXT" expression="${dita.ext}" if="dita.ext"></param>
348 |
349 | <param name="DRAFT" expression="${args.draft}" if="args.draft"></param>
350 |
351 | <param name="ARTLBL" expression="${args.artlbl}" if="args.artlbl"></param>
352 |
353 | <param name="dflt-ext" expression="${fo.img.ext}" if="fo.img.ext"></param>
354 | </xslt>
355 | </target>
356 |
357 | <!-- This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project hosted on
358 | Sourceforge.net. See the accompanying license.txt file for
359 | applicable licenses.--><!--
360 | | (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2006. All Rights Reserved.
361 | *-->
362 |
363 | <!--property name="dita.eclipse.plugin" value="no"/-->
364 |
365 |
366 | <!--
367 | This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project.
368 | See the accompanying license.txt file for applicable licenses.
369 | -->
370 |
371 | <import file="plugins/org.dita.xhtml/build_general.xml"></import>
372 |
373 | <import file="plugins/org.dita.xhtml/build_dita2xhtml.xml"></import>
374 | <!--
375 | This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project.
376 | See the accompanying license.txt file for applicable licenses.
377 | -->
378 |
379 | <import file="plugins/org.dita.htmlhelp/build_dita2htmlhelp.xml"></import>
380 | <!--
381 | This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project.
382 | See the accompanying license.txt file for applicable licenses.
383 | -->
384 |
385 | <import file="plugins/org.dita.base/build_init.xml"></import>
386 |
387 | <import file="plugins/org.dita.base/build_preprocess.xml"></import>
388 | <!--
389 | This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project.
390 | See the accompanying license.txt file for applicable licenses.
391 | -->
392 |
393 | <import file="plugins/org.dita.eclipsehelp/build_dita2eclipsehelp.xml"></import>
394 | <!--
395 | This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project.
396 | See the accompanying license.txt file for applicable licenses.
397 | -->
398 |
399 | <import file="plugins/org.dita.troff/build_dita2troff.xml"></import>
400 | <!--
401 | This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project.
402 | See the accompanying license.txt file for applicable licenses.
403 | -->
404 |
405 | <import file="plugins/org.dita.eclipsecontent/build_dita2eclipsecontent.xml"></import>
406 | <!--
407 | This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project.
408 | See the accompanying license.txt file for applicable licenses.
409 | -->
410 |
411 | <import file="plugins/org.dita.javahelp/build_dita2javahelp.xml"></import>
412 | <!--
413 | This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project.
414 | See the accompanying license.txt file for applicable licenses.
415 | -->
416 |
417 | <import file="plugins/org.dita.wordrtf/build_dita2wordrtf.xml"></import>
418 | <!--
419 | This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project.
420 | See the accompanying license.txt file for applicable licenses.
421 | -->
422 |
423 | <import file="plugins/org.dita.odt/build_dita2odt.xml"></import>
424 |
425 |
426 |
427 | <import file="plugins/org.dita.pdf2/build.xml"></import>
428 |
429 | <!--
430 | This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project.
431 | See the accompanying license.txt file for applicable licenses.
432 | -->
433 |
434 | <import file="plugins/org.dita.docbook/build_dita2docbook.xml"></import>
435 |
436 |
437 | <target name="help">
438 | <echo level="info">Mandatory properties:</echo>
439 | <echo level="info"></echo>
440 | <echo level="info"> args.input=<file></echo>
441 | <echo level="info"> Path and name of the input file.</echo>
442 | <echo level="info"></echo>
443 | <echo level="info"> transtype={docbook|eclipsecontent|eclipsehelp|htmlhelp|javahelp|legacypdf|odt|pdf|pdf2|tocjs|troff|wordrtf|xhtml}</echo>
444 | <echo level="info"> Transformation type.</echo>
445 | <echo level="info"></echo>
446 | <echo level="info">Optional properties:</echo>
447 | <echo level="info"></echo>
448 | <echo level="info"> args.logdir=<dir></echo>
449 | <echo level="info"> Log directory.</echo>
450 | <echo level="info"></echo>
451 | <echo level="info"> args.draft={yes|no}</echo>
452 | <echo level="info"> Specify whether to output draft info. Default is "no".</echo>
453 | <echo level="info"></echo>
454 | <echo level="info"> args.ftr=<file></echo>
455 | <echo level="info"> File to be placed in the BODY running-footing area.</echo>
456 | <echo level="info"></echo>
457 | <echo level="info"> args.hdr=<file></echo>
458 | <echo level="info"> File to be placed in the BODY running-heading area.</echo>
459 | <echo level="info"></echo>
460 | <echo level="info"> args.hdf=<file></echo>
461 | <echo level="info"> File to be placed in the HEAD area.</echo>
462 | <echo level="info"></echo>
463 | <echo level="info"> args.csspath=<file|url></echo>
464 | <echo level="info"> Path for CSS reference.</echo>
465 | <echo level="info"></echo>
466 | <echo level="info"> args.css=<file></echo>
467 | <echo level="info"> User CSS file.</echo>
468 | <echo level="info"></echo>
469 | <echo level="info"> args.cssroot=<dir></echo>
470 | <echo level="info"> Root directory for user specified CSS file.</echo>
471 | <echo level="info"></echo>
472 | <echo level="info"> args.copycss={yes|no}</echo>
473 | <echo level="info"> Copy user specified CSS files. Default is "no".</echo>
474 | <echo level="info"></echo>
475 | <echo level="info"> args.indexshow={yes|no}</echo>
476 | <echo level="info"> Index entries should display within the body of the text itself. Default is "no".</echo>
477 | <echo level="info"></echo>
478 | <echo level="info"> args.outext=<ext></echo>
479 | <echo level="info"> Output file extension for generated XHTML files. Default is ".html".</echo>
480 | <echo level="info"></echo>
481 | <echo level="info"> args.xsl=<file></echo>
482 | <echo level="info"> XSLT file used to replace the default XSLT file.</echo>
483 | <echo level="info"></echo>
484 | <echo level="info"> args.xsl.pdf=<file></echo>
485 | <echo level="info"> XSLT file used to replace the default XSLT file when transforming PDF.</echo>
486 | <echo level="info"></echo>
487 | <echo level="info"> args.odt.include.rellinks={none|all|nofamily}</echo>
488 | <echo level="info"> Determine which links are included in the ODT. Default is "none".</echo>
489 | <echo level="info"></echo>
490 | <echo level="info"> args.javahelp.toc=<file></echo>
491 | <echo level="info"> Root file name of the output javahelp toc file in javahelp transformation. Default is the name of the input ditamap file.</echo>
492 | <echo level="info"></echo>
493 | <echo level="info"> args.javahelp.map=<file></echo>
494 | <echo level="info"> Root file name of the output javahelp map file in javahelp transformation. Default is the name of the input ditamap file.</echo>
495 | <echo level="info"></echo>
496 | <echo level="info"> args.eclipsehelp.toc=<file></echo>
497 | <echo level="info"> Root file name of the output eclipsehelp toc file in eclipsehelp transformation. Default is the name of the input ditamap file.</echo>
498 | <echo level="info"></echo>
499 | <echo level="info"> args.eclipsecontent.toc=<file></echo>
500 | <echo level="info"> Root file name of the output Eclipse content provider toc file in eclipsecontent transformation. Default is the name of the input ditamap file.</echo>
501 | <echo level="info"></echo>
502 | <echo level="info"> args.debug={yes|no}</echo>
503 | <echo level="info"> Extra debug information should be included in the log. Default is "no".</echo>
504 | <echo level="info"></echo>
505 | <echo level="info"> args.grammar.cache={yes|no}</echo>
506 | <echo level="info"> Use grammar pool caching when parsing dita files. Default is "yes".</echo>
507 | <echo level="info"></echo>
508 | <echo level="info"> args.odt.img.embed={yes|no}</echo>
509 | <echo level="info"> Embedding images as binary data in ODT transform. Default is "yes".</echo>
510 | <echo level="info"></echo>
511 | <echo level="info"> args.xhtml.toc=<file></echo>
512 | <echo level="info"> Root file name of the output XHTML toc file in XHTML transformation.</echo>
513 | <echo level="info"></echo>
514 | <echo level="info"> args.xhtml.classattr={yes|no}</echo>
515 | <echo level="info"> DITA element names and ancestry are included in XHTML class attributes. Default is "yes".</echo>
516 | <echo level="info"></echo>
517 | <echo level="info"> args.gen.task.lbl={YES|NO}</echo>
518 | <echo level="info"> DITA Task sections should get headings. Default is "NO".</echo>
519 | <echo level="info"></echo>
520 | <echo level="info"> artlbl={yes|no}</echo>
521 | <echo level="info"> Specify whether to output artwork filenames.</echo>
522 | <echo level="info"></echo>
523 | <echo level="info"> basedir=<dir></echo>
524 | <echo level="info"> Working directory.</echo>
525 | <echo level="info"></echo>
526 | <echo level="info"> clean.temp={yes|no}</echo>
527 | <echo level="info"> Clean the temp directory before each build. Default is "yes".</echo>
528 | <echo level="info"></echo>
529 | <echo level="info"> dita.dir=<dir></echo>
530 | <echo level="info"> Toolkit's home directory.</echo>
531 | <echo level="info"></echo>
532 | <echo level="info"> dita.temp.dir=<dir></echo>
533 | <echo level="info"> Temporary directory.</echo>
534 | <echo level="info"></echo>
535 | <echo level="info"> dita.extname=<ext></echo>
536 | <echo level="info"> File extension name to be used in the temp directory. Default is ".xml".</echo>
537 | <echo level="info"></echo>
538 | <echo level="info"> args.filter=<file></echo>
539 | <echo level="info"> Name of the file that contains the filter/flaggin/revision information.</echo>
540 | <echo level="info"></echo>
541 | <echo level="info"> generate.copy.outer={1|2|3}</echo>
542 | <echo level="info"> Specify how to deal with the overflowing dita/topic files. Default is "1".</echo>
543 | <echo level="info"></echo>
544 | <echo level="info"> onlytopic.in.map={true|false}</echo>
545 | <echo level="info"> Make dita processor only resolve dita/topic files which are referenced by primary ditamap files. Default is "false".</echo>
546 | <echo level="info"></echo>
547 | <echo level="info"> out.dir=<dir></echo>
548 | <echo level="info"> Output directory.</echo>
549 | <echo level="info"></echo>
550 | <echo level="info"> outer.control={fail|warn|quiet}</echo>
551 | <echo level="info"> Respond to the overflowing dita/topic files. Default is "warn".</echo>
552 | <echo level="info"></echo>
553 | <echo level="info"> retain.topic.fo</echo>
554 | <echo level="info"> Temporary FO file should be preserved in the output directory. Specify any value, such as "yes", to preserve the file.</echo>
555 | <echo level="info"></echo>
556 | <echo level="info"> validate={true|false}</echo>
557 | <echo level="info"> Input files are validated. Default is "true".</echo>
558 | </target>
559 |
560 | </project>