1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 | "task.dtd">
4 | <task id="runmore" xml:lang="en-us">
5 | <title>Building your own content using the demo build</title>
6 | <shortdesc>You can use the demo build to generate output for your own DITA content.</shortdesc>
7 | <taskbody>
8 | <steps>
9 | <step conref="../readme/conref-task.dita#conref-task/if-necessary-run-startcmd">
10 | <cmd/>
11 | </step>
12 | <step>
13 | <cmd conref="../readme/conref-task.dita#conref-task/run-the-following-command"/>
14 | <info conref="../readme/conref-task.dita#conref-task/run-demo-build-command"/>
15 | </step>
16 | <step><cmd>When prompted, type the name of a map.</cmd>
17 | <info>You must specify the path for the DITA map. You either can specify a fully qualified file
18 | name, for example, <userinput>C:\DITA-OT1.6.M5\doc\userguide.ditamap</userinput>, or you can
19 | specify a relative path, for example, <userinput>doc\userguide.ditamap</userinput></info>
20 | </step>
21 | <step><cmd>When prompted, type the name of the output directory.</cmd></step>
22 | <step><cmd>When prompted, type the value for the transformation type.</cmd>
23 | <choicetable>
24 | <chhead>
25 | <choptionhd>Ouput format</choptionhd>
26 | <chdeschd>Value</chdeschd>
27 | </chhead>
28 | <chrow>
29 | <choption>Docbook</choption>
30 | <chdesc>docbook</chdesc>
31 | </chrow>
32 | <chrow>
33 | <choption>Eclipse help</choption>
34 | <chdesc>eclipse</chdesc>
35 | </chrow>
36 | <chrow>
37 | <choption>HTML help</choption>
38 | <chdesc>htmlhelp</chdesc>
39 | </chrow>
40 | <chrow>
41 | <choption>PDF</choption>
42 | <chdesc>pdf</chdesc>
43 | </chrow>
44 | <chrow>
45 | <choption>XHTML</choption>
46 | <chdesc>web</chdesc>
47 | </chrow>
48 | <chrow>
49 | <choption>XHTML with a JavaScript frame set</choption>
50 | <chdesc>tocjs</chdesc>
51 | </chrow>
52 | </choicetable></step>
53 | <step><cmd>When prompted, press <uicontrol>Enter</uicontrol> to start the transformation.</cmd></step>
54 | </steps>
55 | <result><p>The DITA-OT generates output for the specified DITA content. It runs the transformation that you
56 | specified, and writes the output to the directory that you specified.</p></result>
57 | <postreq>
58 | <p>Explore invoking the DITA-OT from either Ant or the command-line tool. This enables you to
59 | specify a wider array of parameters than those supported by the demo build.</p>
60 | <p>Using Ant or the command-line tool, you can perform the following tasks (and more):<ul>
61 | <li>Add a custom CSS file to the transformation</li>
62 | <li>Generate labels for the sections of task topics</li>
63 | <li>Specify that draft comments are included in the output</li>
64 | <li>Turn on "Related link" sections in a PDF file</li>
65 | </ul></p>
66 | </postreq>
67 | </taskbody>
68 | </task>