/* | (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 All Rights Reserved. */ .unresolved { background-color: skyblue; } .noTemplate { background-color: yellow; } .base { background-color: #ffffff; } /* Add space for top level topics */ .nested0 { margin-top : 1em;} /* div with class=p is used for paragraphs that contain blocks, to keep the XHTML valid */ .p {margin-top: 1em} /* Default of italics to set apart figure captions */ .figcap { font-style: italic } .figdesc { font-style: normal } /* Use @frame to create frames on figures */ .figborder { border-style: solid; padding-left : 3px; border-width : 2px; padding-right : 3px; margin-top: 1em; border-color : Silver;} .figsides { border-left : 2px solid; padding-left : 3px; border-right : 2px solid; padding-right : 3px; margin-top: 1em; border-color : Silver;} .figtop { border-top : 2px solid; margin-top: 1em; border-color : Silver;} .figbottom { border-bottom : 2px solid; border-color : Silver;} .figtopbot { border-top : 2px solid; border-bottom : 2px solid; margin-top: 1em; border-color : Silver;} /* Most link groups are created with
. Ensure they have space before and after. */ .ullinks { list-style-type: none } .ulchildlink { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } .olchildlink { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } .linklist { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } .linklistwithchild { margin-top: 1em; margin-right: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 1em } .sublinklist { margin-top: 1em; margin-right: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 1em } .relconcepts { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } .reltasks { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } .relref { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } .relinfo { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } .breadcrumb { font-size : smaller; margin-bottom: 1em } .prereq { margin-right : 20px;} /* Set heading sizes, getting smaller for deeper nesting */ .topictitle1 { margin-top: 0pc; margin-bottom: .1em; font-size: 1.34em; } .topictitle2 { margin-top: 1pc; margin-bottom: .45em; font-size: 1.17em; } .topictitle3 { margin-top: 1pc; margin-bottom: .17em; font-size: 1.17em; font-weight: bold; } .topictitle4 { margin-top: .83em; font-size: 1.17em; font-weight: bold; } .topictitle5 { font-size: 1.17em; font-weight: bold; } .topictitle6 { font-size: 1.17em; font-style: italic; } .sectiontitle { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 0em; color: black; font-size: 1.17em; font-weight: bold;} .section { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } .example { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } /* All note formats have the same default presentation */ .note { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom : 1em;} .notetitle { font-weight: bold } .notelisttitle { font-weight: bold } .tip { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom : 1em;} .tiptitle { font-weight: bold } .fastpath { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom : 1em;} .fastpathtitle { font-weight: bold } .important { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom : 1em;} .importanttitle { font-weight: bold } .remember { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom : 1em;} .remembertitle { font-weight: bold } .restriction { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom : 1em;} .restrictiontitle { font-weight: bold } .attention { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom : 1em;} .attentiontitle { font-weight: bold } .dangertitle { font-weight: bold } .danger { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom : 1em;} .cautiontitle { font-weight: bold } .caution { font-weight: bold; margin-bottom : 1em; } /* Simple lists do not get a bullet */ ul.simple { list-style-type: none } /* Used on the first column of a table, when rowheader="firstcol" is used */ .firstcol { font-weight : bold;} /* Various basic phrase styles */ .bold { font-weight: bold; } .boldItalic { font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; } .italic { font-style: italic; } .underlined { text-decoration: underline; } .uicontrol { font-weight: bold; } .parmname { font-weight: bold; } .kwd { font-weight: bold; } .defkwd { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } .var { font-style : italic;} .shortcut { text-decoration: underline; } /* Default of bold for definition list terms */ .dlterm { font-weight: bold; } /* Use CSS to expand lists with @compact="no" */ .dltermexpand { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 1em; } *[compact="yes"]>li { margin-top: 0em;} *[compact="no"]>li { margin-top: .53em;} .liexpand { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } .sliexpand { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } .dlexpand { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } .ddexpand { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } .stepexpand { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } .substepexpand { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } /* Align images based on @align on topic/image */ div.imageleft { text-align: left } div.imagecenter { text-align: center } div.imageright { text-align: right } div.imagejustify { text-align: justify } pre.screen { padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; border: outset; background-color: #CCCCCC; margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom : 2px; white-space: pre}