1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <!--
3 | | LICENSE: This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project hosted on
4 | | Sourceforge.net. See the accompanying license.txt file for
5 | | applicable licenses.
6 | *-->
7 | <!--
8 | | (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2006. All Rights Reserved.
9 | *-->
10 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN"
11 | "topic.dtd">
12 | <topic id="dbmap" xml:lang="en-us">
13 | <title>DITA maps and DocBook</title>
14 | <shortdesc>A DITA map can assemble content or define relationships between
15 | content in processable formats.</shortdesc>
16 | <body>
17 | <p>A DITA map can nest content or define relationships between content. The
18 | content can, of course, be DITA topics to take advantage of granular design,
19 | strong typing, and extensible markup. Content can also, however, be provided
20 | in a processable format such as HTML or XML by setting the format attribute
21 | and (for more precision within the format) the type attribute. </p>
22 | <p>In particular, a DITA map can compose a DocBook book or establish relationships
23 | between DocBook articles. (These alternatives were summarized at a high level
24 | in <xref format="html" href="http://www.oasis-open.org/events/symposium_2006/slides/Hennum.ppt"
25 | scope="external">http://www.oasis-open.org/events/symposium_2006/slides/Hennum.ppt</xref>).</p>
26 | </body>
27 | <topic id="dbcompose" xml:lang="en-us">
28 | <title>Book composition through a map</title>
29 | <shortdesc>A DITA map can define the nesting of the divisions that make up
30 | a DocBook book.</shortdesc>
31 | <body>
32 | <p>A DITA map can be specialized to introduce elements corresponding to the
33 | DocBook logical divisions such as book, chapter, section, and so on. The specialized
34 | elements can ensure that references to divisions are nested in the proper
35 | order, for example, so that a section reference doesn't nest a chapter reference.
36 | The DITA map can then be preprocessed to generate a DocBook book and then
37 | processed with DocBook tools.</p>
38 | </body>
39 | </topic>
40 | <topic id="ditaref" xml:lang="en-us">
41 | <title>Book content by reference to a map</title>
42 | <shortdesc>A DocBook book can be populated with content from to a DITA map.</shortdesc>
43 | <body>
44 | <p>This solution requires customizing DocBook by adding a single element that
45 | refers to DITA maps or topics. A DocBook book can then be preprocessed to
46 | replace the references with the result of converting the referenced DITA content
47 | to DocBook using the DITA-to-DocBook transform of the DITA Open Toolkit. This
48 | approach is described in more detail in Robert Anderson's article, <q>Implement
49 | a DITA publishing solution without abandoning your current publishing system
50 | investments</q> (see <xref format="html" href="http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-dita11/"
51 | scope="external"></xref>).</p>
52 | </body>
53 | </topic>
54 | <topic id="dbrelate" xml:lang="en-us">
55 | <title>Article relationships through a map</title>
56 | <shortdesc>A DITA map can express relationships between DocBook articles.</shortdesc>
57 | <body>
58 | <p>A DITA map can be specialized for convenience to add an element to refer
59 | to a DocBook article. The specialized map can express navigation or cross-referencing
60 | relationships between a DocBook article and other DocBook articles or DITA
61 | topics. A preprocess can then push the relationships into the DocBook articles.
62 | A light extension on the DocBook processing can then format the links during
63 | processing to XHTML. </p>
64 | </body>
65 | </topic>
66 | </topic>