1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
2 | <!--
3 | | LICENSE: This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project hosted on
4 | | Sourceforge.net. See the accompanying license.txt file for
5 | | applicable licenses.
6 | *-->
7 | <!--
8 | | (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2006. All Rights Reserved.
9 | *-->
10 | <project name="dbdita" default="all" basedir="..\..">
11 | <import file="${basedir}${file.separator}integrator.xml"/>
12 |
13 | <!-- IMPORTANT: edit dbdita.properties to set to the DocBook tool directory.
14 | -->
15 | <property file="${basedir}${file.separator}demo${file.separator}dbdita${file.separator}dbdita.properties"/>
16 |
17 | <target name="all" depends="makeDBCatalog, makeDBToolWrapper, integrate">
18 | <echo>
19 | Please identify the location of the DocBook XSLT tools by editing
20 | the properties file in:
21 |
22 | ${basedir}${file.separator}demo${file.separator}dbdita${file.separator}dbdita.properties
23 |
24 | After doing so, rerun this Ant file to integrate the plugin.
25 | (If you have already set the properties, please ignore this reminder.)
26 | </echo>
27 | </target>
28 |
29 | <target name="setDBDTDPathType" if="dbdtd.dir">
30 | <condition property="isURIDBDTDPath" value="true">
31 | <contains string="${dbdtd.dir}" substring="http://"/>
32 | </condition>
33 | <condition property="isWindowsDBDTDPath" value="true">
34 | <and>
35 | <not><isset property="isURIDBDTDPath"/></not>
36 | <os family="windows"/>
37 | </and>
38 | </condition>
39 | <condition property="isUnixDBDTDPath" value="true">
40 | <and>
41 | <not><isset property="isURIDBDTDPath"/></not>
42 | <os family="unix"/>
43 | </and>
44 | </condition>
45 | <condition property="isOtherDBDTDPath" value="true">
46 | <and>
47 | <not><isset property="isURIDBDTDPath"/></not>
48 | <not><isset property="isWindowsDBDTDPath"/></not>
49 | <not><isset property="isUnixDBDTDPath"/></not>
50 | </and>
51 | </condition>
52 | </target>
53 |
54 | <target name="URIDBDTDPath" if="isURIDBDTDPath">
55 | <property name="dbdtd.uri" value="${dbdtd.dir}"/>
56 | </target>
57 |
58 | <target name="windowsDBDTDPath" if="isWindowsDBDTDPath">
59 | <pathconvert targetos="unix" property="dbdtd.winix">
60 | <path path="${dbdtd.dir}"/>
61 | </pathconvert>
62 | <property name="dbdtd.uri" value="file:///${dbdtd.winix}"/>
63 | </target>
64 |
65 | <target name="UNIXDBDTDPath" if="isUNIXDBDTDPath">
66 | <property name="dbdtd.uri" value="file://${dbdtd.dir}"/>
67 | </target>
68 |
69 | <target name="otherDBDTDPath" if="isOtherDBDTDPath">
70 | <property name="dbdtd.uri" value="file://${dbdtd.dir}"/>
71 | </target>
72 |
73 | <target name="makeDBCatalog"
74 | depends="setDBDTDPathType, URIDBDTDPath, windowsDBDTDPath, UNIXDBDTDPath, otherDBDTDPath">
75 | <copy overwrite="true"
76 | file="${basedir}${file.separator}demo${file.separator}dbdita${file.separator}catalog-dita_TEMPLATE.xml"
77 | toFile="${basedir}${file.separator}demo${file.separator}dbdita${file.separator}catalog-dita.xml">
78 | <filterset>
79 | <filter token="dbdtd.dir" value="${dbdtd.uri}"/>
80 | </filterset>
81 | </copy>
82 | </target>
83 |
84 | <target name="setDBToolPathType">
85 | <condition property="isURIDBToolPath" value="true">
86 | <contains string="${dbtool.dir}" substring="http://"/>
87 | </condition>
88 | <condition property="isWindowsDBToolPath" value="true">
89 | <and>
90 | <not><isset property="isURIDBToolPath"/></not>
91 | <os family="windows"/>
92 | </and>
93 | </condition>
94 | <condition property="isUnixDBToolPath" value="true">
95 | <and>
96 | <not><isset property="isURIDBToolPath"/></not>
97 | <os family="unix"/>
98 | </and>
99 | </condition>
100 | <condition property="isOtherDBToolPath" value="true">
101 | <and>
102 | <not><isset property="isURIDBToolPath"/></not>
103 | <not><isset property="isWindowsDBToolPath"/></not>
104 | <not><isset property="isUnixDBToolPath"/></not>
105 | </and>
106 | </condition>
107 | </target>
108 |
109 | <target name="URIDBToolPath" if="isURIToolPath">
110 | <property name="dbtool.uri" value="${dbtool.dir}"/>
111 | </target>
112 |
113 | <target name="windowsDBToolPath" if="isWindowsDBToolPath">
114 | <pathconvert targetos="unix" property="dbtool.winix">
115 | <path path="${dbtool.dir}"/>
116 | </pathconvert>
117 | <property name="dbtool.uri" value="file:///${dbtool.winix}"/>
118 | </target>
119 |
120 | <target name="UNIXDBToolPath" if="isUNIXDBToolPath">
121 | <property name="dbtool.uri" value="file://${dbtool.dir}"/>
122 | </target>
123 |
124 | <target name="otherDBToolPath" if="isOtherDBToolPath">
125 | <property name="dbtool.uri" value="file://${dbtool.dir}"/>
126 | </target>
127 |
128 | <target name="makeDBToolWrapper"
129 | depends="setDBToolPathType, URIDBToolPath, windowsDBToolPath, UNIXDBToolPath, otherDBToolPath"
130 | if="dbtool.dir">
131 | <copy overwrite="true"
132 | file="${basedir}${file.separator}demo${file.separator}dbdita${file.separator}dbMap${file.separator}xsl${file.separator}dbrelated_TEMPLATE.xsl"
133 | toFile="${basedir}${file.separator}demo${file.separator}dbdita${file.separator}dbMap${file.separator}xsl${file.separator}dbrelated.xsl">
134 | <filterset>
135 | <filter token="dbtool.dir" value="${dbtool.uri}"/>
136 | </filterset>
137 | </copy>
138 | </target>
139 |
140 | </project>