The TocJS output type only supports ditamap files as input. Mandatory properties: args.input=<file> Path and name of the input file. transtype={docbook|eclipsecontent|eclipsehelp|htmlhelp|javahelp|legacypdf|odt|pdf|pdf2|tocjs|troff|wordrtf|xhtml} Transformation type. Optional properties: args.logdir=<dir> Log directory. args.draft={yes|no} Specify whether to output draft info. Default is "no".<file> File to be placed in the BODY running-footing area. args.hdr=<file> File to be placed in the BODY running-heading area. args.hdf=<file> File to be placed in the HEAD area. args.csspath=<file|url> Path for CSS reference. args.css=<file> User CSS file. args.cssroot=<dir> Root directory for user specified CSS file. args.copycss={yes|no} Copy user specified CSS files. Default is "no". args.indexshow={yes|no} Index entries should display within the body of the text itself. Default is "no". args.outext=<ext> Output file extension for generated XHTML files. Default is ".html". args.xsl=<file> XSLT file used to replace the default XSLT file. args.xsl.pdf=<file> XSLT file used to replace the default XSLT file when transforming PDF. args.odt.include.rellinks={none|all|nofamily} Determine which links are included in the ODT. Default is "none". args.javahelp.toc=<file> Root file name of the output javahelp toc file in javahelp transformation. Default is the name of the input ditamap file.<file> Root file name of the output javahelp map file in javahelp transformation. Default is the name of the input ditamap file. args.eclipsehelp.toc=<file> Root file name of the output eclipsehelp toc file in eclipsehelp transformation. Default is the name of the input ditamap file. args.eclipsecontent.toc=<file> Root file name of the output Eclipse content provider toc file in eclipsecontent transformation. Default is the name of the input ditamap file. args.debug={yes|no} Extra debug information should be included in the log. Default is "no". args.grammar.cache={yes|no} Use grammar pool caching when parsing dita files. Default is "yes". args.odt.img.embed={yes|no} Embedding images as binary data in ODT transform. Default is "yes". args.xhtml.toc=<file> Root file name of the output XHTML toc file in XHTML transformation. args.xhtml.classattr={yes|no} DITA element names and ancestry are included in XHTML class attributes. Default is "yes". args.gen.task.lbl={YES|NO} DITA Task sections should get headings. Default is "NO". artlbl={yes|no} Specify whether to output artwork filenames. basedir=<dir> Working directory. clean.temp={yes|no} Clean the temp directory before each build. Default is "yes". dita.dir=<dir> Toolkit's home directory. dita.temp.dir=<dir> Temporary directory. dita.extname=<ext> File extension name to be used in the temp directory. Default is ".xml". args.filter=<file> Name of the file that contains the filter/flaggin/revision information. generate.copy.outer={1|2|3} Specify how to deal with the overflowing dita/topic files. Default is "1".{true|false} Make dita processor only resolve dita/topic files which are referenced by primary ditamap files. Default is "false". out.dir=<dir> Output directory. outer.control={fail|warn|quiet} Respond to the overflowing dita/topic files. Default is "warn". Temporary FO file should be preserved in the output directory. Specify any value, such as "yes", to preserve the file. validate={true|false} Input files are validated. Default is "true".