1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN"
3 | "topic.dtd">
4 | <topic id="bugfixguidelines" xml:lang="en-us">
5 | <title>Due diligence for submission of bug fixes and patches from
6 | non-committers</title>
7 | <titlealts>
8 | <navtitle>Bug fix guidelines</navtitle>
9 | </titlealts>
10 | <shortdesc>Any organization or individual may submit bug fixes using
11 | a github "pull request", generally tied to a specific report in the
12 | project's issue tracker.</shortdesc>
13 | <body>
14 | <p>Before committing code from a bug fix or patch provided by a third
15 | party who has not signed a current contribution form for the project,
16 | Committers should ask the following questions and follow up as appropriate
17 | in order to ensure that the code can be contributed to the project: </p>
18 | <ul>
19 | <li>What is your name and who is your employer?</li>
20 | <li>Did you write the code that you wish to contribute to the DITA
21 | Open Toolkit project? (If the contributor says no, the code
22 | should not become a “Contribution” to the project. The contributor
23 | may be asked to identify the complete details of the code’s source
24 | and of any licenses or restrictions applicable to the code, but the
25 | work should be conspicuously marked as “Submitted on behalf of a third-party:
26 | [name of contributor]”.)</li>
27 | <li>Do you have the right to grant the copyright and patent licenses
28 | for the contribution that are set forth in the CPL version 1.0 license
29 | and Apache License version 2.0?</li>
30 | <li>Does your employer have any rights to code that you have written,
31 | for example, through your contract for employment? If so, has your
32 | employer given you permission to contribute the code on its behalf
33 | or waived its rights in the code?</li>
34 | <li>Are you aware of any third-party licenses or other restrictions
35 | (such as related patents or trademarks) that could apply to your contribution?
36 | If so, what are they?</li>
37 | </ul>
38 | </body>
39 | </topic>