1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE map PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Map//EN" "map.dtd">
3 | <map>
4 | <title>DITA and DITA-OT resources</title>
5 | <topicref href="articles/dita-and-dita-ot-resources.dita" navtitle="DITA and DITA-OT resources">
6 | <topicref format="html" href="http://dita.xml.org/wiki/the-dita-open-toolkit"
7 | navtitle="Project page at dita.xml.org" scope="external">
8 | <topicmeta>
9 | <linktext>DITA-OT project page at dita.xml.org</linktext>
10 | <shortdesc>The DITA-OT project page at dita.xml.org provides news about the latest toolkit
11 | builds, plans for the next milestone release, and other rapidly-changing information. It also
12 | contains release notes for all past and upcoming releases.</shortdesc>
13 | </topicmeta>
14 | </topicref>
15 | <!--<topicref format="html" href="http://sourceforge.net/news/?group_id=132728" scope="external"><topicmeta><linktext>Project news for the DITA Open Toolkit</linktext><shortdesc>Short description needed</shortdesc></topicmeta></topicref>-->
16 | <topicref format="html" href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dita-users/"
17 | navtitle="Yahoo! dita-users group" scope="external">
18 | <topicmeta>
19 | <linktext>Yahoo! dita-users group</linktext>
20 | <shortdesc>This list-serv is a vital resource for the DITA community. People post regularly,
21 | both asking for and offering help. While the archived messages can be difficult to search, this
22 | is a treasure trove of information.</shortdesc>
23 | </topicmeta>
24 | </topicref>
25 | <topicref format="html" href="http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/dita/"
26 | navtitle="OASIS DITA Technical Committee " scope="external">
27 | <topicmeta>
28 | <linktext>Home page for the OASIS DITA Technical Committee</linktext>
29 | <shortdesc>The OASIS DITA Technical Committee develops the DITA standard.</shortdesc>
30 | </topicmeta>
31 | </topicref>
32 | <topicref href="articles/web-based-resources.dita" print="yes"/>
33 | <topicref href="articles/DITA-dWarticles.xml"/>
34 | </topicref>
35 | </map>