1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 | "task.dtd">
4 | <task id="rundemo" xml:lang="en-us">
5 | <title>Running the demo build</title>
6 | <shortdesc>After you install the full-easy-install package, run the demo build to see the type of
7 | output that is produced by the DITA Open Toolkit.</shortdesc>
8 | <taskbody>
9 | <steps>
10 | <step conref="../readme/conref-task.dita#conref-task/run-startcmd">
11 | <cmd/>
12 | </step>
13 | <step conref="../readme/conref-task.dita#conref-task/run-demo-build">
14 | <cmd/>
15 | </step>
16 | <step><cmd>Press <uicontrol>Enter</uicontrol>.</cmd>
17 | <stepresult>You receive the following
18 | prompt:<codeblock>[echo]
19 | [echo] Please enter the name of the output directory or press return
20 | [echo] to accept the default.
21 | [input] The output directory (out): [out]</codeblock></stepresult>
22 | </step>
23 | <step>
24 | <cmd>Press <uicontrol>Enter</uicontrol>.</cmd>
25 | <stepresult>You receive the following
26 | prompt:<codeblock>[echo] Please enter the type of output to generate.
27 | [echo] Options include: eclipse, tocjs, htmlhelp, javahelp, pdf, or web
28 | [echo] Use lowercase letters.
29 | [echo]
30 | [input] The output type: (eclipse, tocjs, htmlhelp, javahelp, pdf, [web], docbook)</codeblock></stepresult>
31 | </step>
32 | <step>
33 | <cmd>Press <uicontrol>Enter</uicontrol> to accept the default transformation type:
34 | <option>web</option>.</cmd>
35 | <info>This will build XHTML files from the DITA source.</info>
36 | <stepresult>You receive the following
37 | prompt:<codeblock>[echo] Ready to build C:\DITA-OT1.6.M5\samples\hierarchy.ditamap
38 | [echo] for web in out
39 | [echo]
40 | [input] Continue? (Y, [y], N, n)</codeblock></stepresult>
41 | </step>
42 | <step>
43 | <cmd>Press <uicontrol>Y</uicontrol> or <uicontrol>y</uicontrol> to start the DITA-OT
44 | transformation.</cmd>
45 | <stepresult>The DITA-OT logs information to the command-prompt or terminal window. At the end, you
46 | see the following
47 | information:<codeblock>prompt.output:
48 | [echo]
49 | [echo] output in the out directory
50 | [echo]
51 | [echo] Before rebuilding, please delete the output or the directory.
52 | BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: <varname>X</varname> minutes <varname>X</varname> seconds</codeblock></stepresult>
53 | </step>
54 | <step><cmd>Go to the <filepath>out/</filepath> directory and open the <filepath>toc.html</filepath> file
55 | in a Web browser.</cmd>
56 | <stepresult>
57 | <fig>
58 | <title>XHTML output for the sample files</title>
59 | <image href="images/xhtml-output.png" placement="break" align="left" scale="75">
60 | <alt>The garage sample files transformed to XHTML and viewed in a Web browser</alt>
61 | </image>
62 | </fig>
63 | </stepresult></step>
64 | </steps>
65 | <result>The DITA-OT transformed the<filepath> hierarchy.ditamap</filepath> file (located in the
66 | samples directory) to XHTML; it wrote the output to the <filepath>out/</filepath>
67 | directory.</result>
68 | </taskbody>
69 | </task>