Known Limitations Below are some known limitations categorized by module within the current release of the DITA Open Toolkit.
  1. Multiple instances of DITA-OT cannot be run in parallel in the same JVM. This is due to legacy code using static variables to store state.
  1. Filenames may not contain comma (',') characters.
  2. Topic references to DITA maps must use the mapref element or explicitly define the format attribute with value "ditamap".
Transformation to Word RTF
  1. You can change the styles of the output file by using tools in Microsoft Word rather than specifying the styles before transforming.
  2. Flagging, revision bar and filtering are not supported in Word RTF output.
  3. Style attributes for table are not supported in Word RTF output.
  4. Complex cases dealing with tables in lists are not supported in Word RTF.
  5. There may be no output style applied on contents of some tags in Word RTF output compared with other output.
HTML to DITA migration
  1. Since Xalan doesn't allow to set the public and system IDs dynamically using a variable, when Xalan is used as the default XSLT processor, the output will contain: <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "{$publicid}" "{$systemid}">

    Suggest to use Saxon as the processor to fix this problem. For other information on this problem, see the section "Other general migration notes" in the first developerWorks article.