1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2010, v.4002-->
3 | <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN"
4 | "..\dtd\reference.dtd">
5 | <?Pub Sty _display FontColor="red"?>
6 | <reference id="limitations" xml:lang="en-us">
7 | <title>Known Limitations</title>
8 | <shortdesc>Below are some known limitations categorized by module
9 | within the current release of the DITA Open Toolkit.</shortdesc>
10 | <refbody>
11 | <section id="section_zly_11s_zf">
12 | <title>General</title>
13 | <ol>
14 | <li>Multiple instances of DITA-OT cannot be run in parallel in the same JVM. This is due to
15 | legacy code using static variables to store state.</li>
16 | </ol>
17 | </section>
18 | <section id="section_4pk_gjm_l2">
19 | <title>Pre-processing</title>
20 | </section>
21 | <section id="section_j1b_rjm_l2">
22 | <ol>
23 | <li>Filenames may not contain comma (',') characters.</li>
24 | <li>Topic references to DITA maps must use the <codeph>mapref</codeph> element or explicitly
25 | define the <codeph>format</codeph> attribute with value "ditamap".</li>
26 | </ol>
27 | </section>
28 | <section id="section_k1b_rjm_l2">
29 | <title>Transformation to Word RTF</title>
30 | <ol id="wordrtf-limitations">
31 | <li>You can change the styles of the output file by using tools in <tm tmclass="special"
32 | tmowner="Microsoft Corporation" tmtype="reg" trademark="Microsoft">Microsoft</tm> Word
33 | rather than specifying the styles before transforming.</li>
34 | <li>Flagging, revision bar and filtering are not supported in Word RTF output.</li>
35 | <li>Style attributes for table are not supported in Word RTF output.</li>
36 | <li>Complex cases dealing with tables in lists are not supported in Word RTF.</li>
37 | <li>There may be no output style applied on contents of some tags in Word RTF output
38 | compared with other output.</li>
39 | </ol>
40 | </section>
41 | <section> <title>HTML to DITA migration</title> <ol id="html2dita-limitations">
42 | <li>Since Xalan doesn't allow to set the public and system IDs
43 | dynamically using a variable, when Xalan is used as the default XSLT
44 | processor, the output will contain: <codeblock><!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "{$publicid}" "{$systemid}"></codeblock><p>Suggest
45 | to use Saxon as the processor to fix this problem. For other information
46 | on this problem, see the section "Other general migration notes"
47 | in the first developerWorks article.</p></li>
48 | </ol> </section>
49 | </refbody>
50 | </reference><?Pub Caret -1?>
51 | <?Pub *0000002456?>