1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN"
3 | "reference.dtd">
4 | <reference id="errormessages" xml:lang="en-us">
5 | <title conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/title" conaction="pushreplace">DITA-OT error messages</title>
6 | <shortdesc conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/shortdesc" conaction="pushreplace">The error messages
7 | generated by the DITA Open Toolkit contain a message ID, severity information, and message text.
8 | This topic lists each error message generated by the toolkit and provides additional information
9 | that might be helpful in understanding and resolving the error condition.</shortdesc>
10 | <refbody>
11 | <section id="overview" conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/overview" conaction="pushreplace">
12 | <p>Each message ID is composed of a message prefix, a message number, and a letter that indicates
13 | the severity (I, W, E, or F). The toolkit uses the following severity scale:<dl>
14 | <dlentry>
15 | <dt>Informational (I)</dt>
16 | <dd>The toolkit encountered a condition of which you should be aware. For example, draft
17 | comments are enabled and will be rendered in the output.</dd>
18 | </dlentry>
19 | <dlentry>
20 | <dt>Warning (W)</dt>
21 | <dd>The toolkit encountered a problem that should be corrected. Processing will continue,
22 | but the output might not be as expected.</dd>
23 | </dlentry>
24 | <dlentry>
25 | <dt>Error (E)</dt>
26 | <dd>The toolkit encountered a more severe problem, and the output is affected. For example,
27 | some content is missing or invalid, or the content is not rendered in the output</dd>
28 | </dlentry>
29 | <dlentry>
30 | <dt>Fatal (F)</dt>
31 | <dd>The toolkit encountered a severe condition, processing stopped, and no output is
32 | generated.</dd>
33 | </dlentry>
34 | </dl></p>
35 | <!--<p>Plug-ins may be used to add additional messages into the toolkit; for more information, see the <xref href="../dev_ref/plugins-overview.dita">Developer reference</xref> section of the User Guide. If you would like to rebuild the documentation to include any newly integrated messages, just run the Ant build file <filepath>DITA-OT/doc/build.xml</filepath>. Running the following command will rebuild the PDF, XHTML, and HTML Help versions inside your <filepath>DITA-OT/doc/</filepath> directory:<codeblock>DITA-OT/doc/ant -f build.xml</codeblock></p>-->
36 | <!--<p>To generate only one type of output, run as follows:<ul><li>For XHTML: <codeph>DITA-OT/doc/ant -f build.xml build-html</codeph></li><li>For PDF: <codeph>DITA-OT/doc/ant -f build.xml build-pdf</codeph></li><li>For HTML Help: <codeph>DITA-OT/doc/ant -f build.xml build-htmlhelp</codeph></li></ul></p>-->
37 | </section>
38 | <simpletable>
39 | <sthead>
40 | <stentry>Individual cells in this table may be used to push additional
41 | explanations for any existing error message into the generated message
42 | topic.</stentry>
43 | </sthead>
44 | <strow>
45 | <stentry>To add additional explanation to any message, add the explanation to this
46 | table in a single sell, and set the the following attributes on the <stentry> tag:<ul>
47 | <li><codeph>conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/MESSAGEID-extra"</codeph> -- for example,
48 | use the following to add additional info to message DOTX001F:
49 | <codeph>conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX001F-extra"</codeph></li>
50 | <li><codeph>conaction="pushreplace"</codeph></li>
51 | </ul></stentry>
52 | </strow>
53 | <strow>
54 | <stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTA001F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Default transformation types
55 | that ship with the toolkit include xhtml, eclipsehelp, pdf (or pdf2), tocjs, htmlhelp, javahelp, odt, eclipsecontent, troff, docbook, and wordrtf.
56 | Additional transformation types may be available if toolkit plug-ins are installed.</stentry>
57 | </strow>
58 | <strow>
59 | <stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTA002F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The input parameter
60 | was not specified, so there is no DITA or DITAMAP file to transform. Ensure the parameter
61 | is set properly; see <xref href="dita-ot_ant_properties.dita">DITA-OT Ant arguments</xref> or
62 | <xref href="dita-ot_java_properties.dita">DITA-OT Command line tool arguments</xref>
63 | if you are unsure how to specify the input file.</stentry>
64 | </strow>
65 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTA069F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Please ensure
66 | that the input file path and file name were entered correctly.</stentry></strow>
67 | <strow>
68 | <stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTA003F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">An alternate
69 | stylesheet was specified to run in place of the default XSLT output process, but that
70 | stylesheet could not be loaded. Please correct the parameter to specify a valid stylesheet.</stentry>
71 | </strow>
72 | <strow>
73 | <stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTA004F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This optional parameter is used
74 | to set an extension for DITA topic documents in the temporary processing directory. Only
75 | "dita", ".dita", "xml", or ".xml" are allowed.</stentry>
76 | </strow>
77 | <!--strow>
78 | <stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTA005W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">These two parameters
79 | were deprecated several releases ago; please use the <codeph>args.input</codeph> parameter instead.</stentry>
80 | </strow-->
81 | <strow>
82 | <stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTA006W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">If the CSSPATH uses an
83 | absolute path, it should be one that can still be accessed after the files are moved to
84 | another system (such as <codeph>http://www.example.org/</codeph>). Absolute paths on the
85 | local file system will be broken if the content is moved to a new system.</stentry>
86 | </strow>
87 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTA007E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The running footer file,
88 | which contains content to be added to the bottom of each XHTML output topic, cannot be located or read. This is
89 | usually caused by a typo in the parameter value. You should also ensure that the value is not specified
90 | with "file:" as a prefix.</stentry></strow>
91 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTA008E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The running header file,
92 | which contains content to be added to the top of each XHTML output topic, cannot be located or read. This is
93 | usually caused by a typo in the parameter value. You should also ensure that the value is not specified
94 | with "file:" as a prefix.</stentry></strow>
95 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTA009E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The running heading file,
96 | which contains content to be added to the <head> section of each XHTML output topic, cannot be located or read. This is
97 | usually caused by a typo in the parameter value. You should also ensure that the value is not specified
98 | with "file:" as a prefix.</stentry></strow>
99 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTA010E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">By default, the
100 | DITA-OT expects to find Apache FOP in the <filepath>fop/</filepath> directory inside of the PDF plug-in. If you
101 | are using an alternate renderer, or if you have placed FOP in a different directory, you will
102 | need to update your configuration accordingly.</stentry></strow>
103 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTA066F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">An alternate
104 | stylesheet was specified to run in place of the default XSL-FO output process, but that
105 | stylesheet could not be loaded. Please correct the parameter to specify a valid stylesheet.</stentry></strow>
106 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTA067W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This
107 | condition is ignored, as instructed in the OASIS DITA Standard.</stentry></strow>
108 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTA068W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This
109 | condition is ignored, as instructed in the OASIS DITA Standard.</stentry></strow>
110 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ001F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">See
111 | <xref href="dita-ot_java_properties.dita"></xref> for a list of available
112 | parameters and values.</stentry></strow>
113 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ002F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">See
114 | <xref href="dita-ot_java_properties.dita"></xref> for a list of available
115 | parameters and values.</stentry></strow>
116 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ003F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">See
117 | <xref href="dita-ot_java_properties.dita"></xref> for a list of available
118 | parameters and values.</stentry></strow>
119 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ004F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The
120 | transform was unable to create a temporary processing directory; this is usually caused by
121 | account control settings that prevent creating a temporary directory in the specified
122 | location. Please verify that you have permission to write to the default location, or
123 | specify an alternate temporary directory location. See <xref href="dita-ot_ant_properties.dita">DITA-OT Ant arguments</xref> or
124 | <xref href="dita-ot_java_properties.dita">DITA-OT Command line tool arguments</xref>
125 | for details on how to specify the temporary directory.</stentry></strow>
126 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ005F-extra" conaction="pushreplace"></stentry></strow>
127 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ006F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This message
128 | occurs when an Ant build calls a DITA-OT pipeline module directly instead
129 | of using the default call to that module. Please check that all parameters are set correctly
130 | in your Ant build. The syntax for extparam is "name1=value1;name2=value2".</stentry></strow>
131 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ007E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">If a condition
132 | is defined more than once (such as setting audience="all" to include, then resetting it to exclude),
133 | only the first definition will be used.</stentry></strow>
134 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ009E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The transform
135 | was unable to create files properly during the transform; results may not be as expected.</stentry></strow>
136 | <!-- 2012-06-08: seems these messages no longer exists in the code; commenting out. -->
137 | <!--<strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ010E-extra" conaction="pushreplace"></stentry></strow>
138 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ011E-extra" conaction="pushreplace"></stentry></strow>-->
139 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ012F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This message may
140 | indicate an invalid input file (such as accidentally specifying a PDF file as input rather
141 | than a DITA map file), an input file that uses elements which are not allowed, are not part
142 | or a DITA file that has errors and cannot be parsed as XML.
143 | You could also be using a specialized DITA document type that needs external plug-ins in order
144 | to be parsed correctly. The message issued by the XML parser should provide
145 | additional information to help diagnose the cause.</stentry></strow>
146 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ013E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This message may
147 | indicate a reference to an invalid file (such as accidentally referencing a PDF or unknown
148 | XML file as if it was DITA), a referenced file that uses elements which are not allowed,
149 | or a referenced DITA file that has errors and cannot be parsed as XML.
150 | You could also be using a specialized DITA document type that needs external plug-ins in order
151 | to be parsed correctly. The message issued by the XML parser should provide
152 | additional information to help diagnose the cause.</stentry></strow>
153 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ014W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">An empty
154 | <indexterm> element was found, and will appear in the index as ***. This
155 | index term should be removed from the source.</stentry></strow>
156 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ017F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The transform
157 | failed because the input file was not specified; log file names are based on the name
158 | of the input file, so no log could be generated.</stentry></strow>
159 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ020W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This will
160 | appear when one installed plug-in requires another in order to function correctly, but the
161 | required plug-in is not found. The installed plug-in will be ignored.</stentry></strow>
162 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ021W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This may
163 | appear if filter conditions on the root element of a topic cause the entire topic to be filtered
164 | out. To remove this message, you could place any filter conditions on the reference to this file,
165 | which will prevent the build from accessing this file.</stentry></strow>
166 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ022F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Either the
167 | input file or the ditaval file should change, otherwise your build is explicitly excluding all
168 | content.</stentry></strow>
169 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ023E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Check
170 | whether the image exists in the source location or already exists in the output directory.</stentry></strow>
171 | <!--<strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ024W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This is
172 | a legacy message and should no longer appear in logs.</stentry></strow>-->
173 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ025E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This message
174 | should only appear in the following cases: <ul>
175 | <li>Errors earlier in the transform prevented this step of the transform from running; correct any
176 | errors and try the build again.</li>
177 | <li>An Ant build or plug-in is directly calling the toolkit's topic merge
178 | module, and is doing so improperly; in this case the Ant build or plug-in needs to be fixed.</li>
179 | <li>In the past, problems have been encountered when calling this module with an absolute path;
180 | this should no longer be an issue, but may be fixed in older releases by updating the Ant build or plug-in.</li></ul></stentry></strow>
181 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ026E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This message
182 | should only appear if an Ant build or plug-in is directly calling the toolkit's topic merge
183 | module, or if earlier errors resulted in problems with some of the content.
184 | If the topic merge module is called correctly, then this indicates a program error
185 | that should be reported to the DITA-OT development team, at <xref keyref="dita-ot-issues"></xref>.</stentry></strow>
186 | <!-- 2012-06-08: This message no longer exists in the code; commenting out. -->
187 | <!--<strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ027W-extra" conaction="pushreplace"></stentry></strow>-->
188 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ028E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">When
189 | referencing a non-DITA file, the format attribute should indicate the type of file referenced
190 | (such as "html" for HTML topics or "pdf" for PDF files). Otherwise, the transform may attempt
191 | to parse the referenced document as a DITA topic.</stentry></strow>
192 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ029I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The domains
193 | attribute is used in specialized DITA documents to help determine which domain elements are legal.
194 | This message will only appear if DITA specialization was not defined properly.</stentry></strow>
195 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ030I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">All
196 | specialized DITA elements must define a class attribute to provide ancestry information.
197 | This message will only appear a specialized DITA element did not define a class attribute.</stentry></strow>
198 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ031I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This informational
199 | message is intended to help you catch filter conditions that may have been specified improperly;
200 | if the value is correct, no action is needed.</stentry></strow>
201 | <!-- 2012-06-08: This message no longer exists in the code; commenting out. -->
202 | <!--<strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ032E-extra" conaction="pushreplace"></stentry></strow>-->
203 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ033E-extra" conaction="pushreplace"></stentry></strow>
204 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ034F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">DITA processing
205 | is based on class attributes defined for every element. Usually these are defaulted in the DTD or
206 | Schema; if no DTD or Schema is used, the class attributes must be explicitly included in the
207 | map or topic.</stentry></strow>
208 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ035F-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This
209 | will appear when a topic is outside the scope of the map; for example, if the main input map references
210 | <filepath>"../other-directory/some.dita"</filepath>. The result would cause an output file to be
211 | created outside of the output directory. Please see <xref href="dita-ot_ant_properties.dita">DITA-OT Ant arguments (outer.control and generate.copy.outer)</xref> or
212 | <xref href="dita-ot_java_properties.dita">DITA-OT Command line tool arguments (/outercontrol and /generateouter)</xref> for more details.</stentry></strow>
213 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ036W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This
214 | will appear when a topic is outside the scope of the map; for example, if the main input map references
215 | <filepath>"../other-directory/some.dita"</filepath>. The result would cause an output file to be
216 | created outside of the output directory. Please see <xref href="dita-ot_ant_properties.dita">DITA-OT Ant arguments (outer.control and generate.copy.outer)</xref> or
217 | <xref href="dita-ot_java_properties.dita">DITA-OT Command line tool arguments (/outercontrol and /generateouter)</xref> for more details.</stentry></strow>
218 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ037W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">DITA processing
219 | is based on class attributes defined for every element. Usually these are defaulted in the DTD or
220 | Schema; if validation against the DTD or Schema is turned off, the class attributes must be explicitly included in the
221 | map or topic.</stentry></strow>
222 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ038E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This appears
223 | to indicate an error in creating specialized metadata elements. Please verify that the document
224 | type you are using is complete and complies with DITA Specialization rules.</stentry></strow>
225 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ039E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Please see
226 | the topic on <xref href="http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.2/os/spec/common/theconactionattribute.html" format="html"
227 | scope="external">Conref Push</xref> in the DITA specification for details on
228 | expected syntax for this function.</stentry></strow>
229 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ040E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Please see
230 | the topic on <xref href="http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.2/os/spec/common/theconactionattribute.html" format="html"
231 | scope="external">Conref Push</xref> in the DITA specification for details on
232 | expected syntax for this function.</stentry></strow>
233 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ041E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The conref
234 | attribute must be a URI reference to a DITA element. Please see the topic on
235 | <xref href="http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.2/os/spec/archSpec/uri-based-addressing.html" format="html" scope="external">URI-based
236 | addressing</xref> in the DITA specification for details on the expected syntax.</stentry></strow>
237 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ042E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The conref
238 | push function was used to replace a single element with two or more alternatives. Only one element may directly
239 | replace another using conref push. See <xref href="http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.2/os/spec/common/theconactionattribute.html" format="html"
240 | scope="external">Conref Push</xref> in the DITA specification for more information about
241 | the conref push "replace" function.</stentry></strow>
242 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ043W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The target
243 | for a conref push action does not exist; please make sure that the syntax is correct and that
244 | the target exists. See the topic on <xref href="http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.2/os/spec/archSpec/uri-based-addressing.html" format="html" scope="external">URI-based
245 | addressing</xref> in the DITA specification for details on the expected syntax. If the syntax
246 | is correct, it is possible that the target was filtered out of your build using a DITAVAL file.</stentry></strow>
247 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ044W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Please see
248 | the topic on <xref href="http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.2/os/spec/common/theconactionattribute.html" format="html"
249 | scope="external">Conref Push</xref> in the DITA specification for details on
250 | expected syntax for this function.</stentry></strow>
251 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ045I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">No response
252 | is needed if the keys are defined as expected; this is informational only, to help catch
253 | incorrectly defined keys.</stentry></strow>
254 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ046E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">See
255 | <xref href="http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.2/os/spec/common/theconkeyrefattribute.html" format="html" scope="external">the conkeyref definition</xref>
256 | for details on expected syntax and usage.</stentry></strow>
257 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ047I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This message
258 | is intended to help you locate incorrectly specified keys; if the key was specified correctly,
259 | this message may be ignored.</stentry></strow>
260 | <!--<strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ048I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This message
261 | is intended to help you locate incorrectly specified keys; if the key was specified correctly,
262 | this message may be ignored.</stentry></strow>-->
263 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ049W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">A DITA
264 | Subject Scheme map was used to limit values that are available to the specified attribute.
265 | Please correct the attribute so that it uses one of the allowed values.</stentry></strow>
266 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ050W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The
267 | Eclipse index will contain a value such as "See also otherEntry", but otherEntry does not exist in this index.
268 | The index reference will be broken unless this plug-in is <i>always</i> loaded into Eclipse with
269 | another plug-in that defines otherEntry as an index term.</stentry></strow>
270 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ051E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The target for
271 | a coderef element, which specifies an external text-based file, could not be located or loaded. Please
272 | verify that the reference is correct.<p>Note that for security reasons, references to code samples outside of the scope
273 | of the map directory are not supported by default, as this could allow a reference to access and
274 | display any restricted or hidden file on the system. If you are certain that the path is valid and
275 | the file should be loaded, the current workaround is to set a parameter to allow
276 | these references. See <xref href="dita-ot_ant_properties.dita">DITA-OT Ant arguments (outer.control and generate.copy.outer)</xref> or
277 | <xref href="dita-ot_java_properties.dita">DITA-OT Command line tool arguments (/outercontrol and /generateouter)</xref> for details.</p></stentry></strow>
278 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ052E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The DITA-OT
279 | supports a special syntax on coderef elements to specify the character set of the target
280 | document. See <xref href="../dev_ref/extended-functionality.dita"></xref> for details
281 | on the expected syntax.</stentry></strow>
282 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTJ053W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">By default,
283 | the DITA-OT supports the extensions "dita" and "xml" for DITA topics, as mandated by the
284 | DITA Specification. Please verify that your topics use one of these extensions, or configure
285 | the toolkit to allow additional extensions.</stentry></strow>
286 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX001W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This build
287 | uses generated text, such as the phrase "Related information" (which is generated above many
288 | link groups). The toolkit was unable to locate the string <varname>%1</varname> for your
289 | specified language, so the string will appear in the default language. This generally indicates
290 | that the toolkit's strings needs to be updated to support your language, or that your language
291 | setting is incorrect.</stentry></strow>
292 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX002W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The Eclipse
293 | help system requires a title in the project files generated from your map. Please add
294 | a title to your input map to get valid Eclipse help output.</stentry></strow>
295 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX003I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Eclipse uses
296 | anchor references to connect with other TOC files. For this to work in content generated
297 | from a DITA map, the anchorref element must reference either an existing Eclipse TOC XML file,
298 | or another DITA map (which will presumably also be converted to an Eclipse TOC).</stentry></strow>
299 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX004I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Eclipse builds use
300 | DITA's <navref> element to pull in other Eclipse TOC files. The build found a <navref>
301 | element that does not reference any other file; the element will be ignored.</stentry></strow>
302 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX005E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">To remove
303 | this message, provide a navigation title for the referenced object in the map or topic,
304 | or ensure that you are referencing a valid local DITA target.</stentry></strow>
305 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX006E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Set the
306 | format attribute to identify the format of the file. If the reference is to a DITA document,
307 | ensure that the document uses a valid DITA extension (default supported extensions are "dita" and "xml").</stentry></strow>
308 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX007I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The HTML Help compiler
309 | will only include some types of information in the compiled CHM file; the current reference will not be included.</stentry></strow>
310 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX008W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">To fix the table
311 | of contents, specify a navigation title in your map or ensure that the referenced file is local and
312 | can be accessed. <ph conref="DITA-messages-details.xml#errormessages/changeExtension"></ph></stentry></strow>
313 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX008E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Ensure that the
314 | file exists and can be read. <ph conref="DITA-messages-details.xml#errormessages/changeExtension"></ph></stentry></strow>
315 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX009W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">No title was
316 | found in the specified topic, so the table of contents will use the indicated fallback value for this topic.</stentry></strow>
317 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX010E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The conref
318 | attribute must be a URI reference to an existing DITA element. Please see the topic on
319 | <xref href="http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.2/os/spec/archSpec/uri-based-addressing.html" format="html" scope="external">URI-based
320 | addressing</xref> in the DITA specification for details on the expected syntax. <ph id="changeExtension">Note that the name
321 | of the file in this message may have be changed to use a standard dita topic file extension ('.dita' or '.xml'),
322 | instead of the original extension used by the file; it may also include a path to the temporary directory rather than to the original.</ph><p>If the target element
323 | exists in your source file, check to make sure it is not filtered out of the build with a DITAVAL file (which
324 | will remove the target before conref processing runs).</p></stentry></strow>
325 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX011W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">When pulling content
326 | with a conref attribute, you may only pull from a single element, but the target ID appears twice
327 | in the referenced topic. <ph conref="DITA-messages-details.xml#errormessages/changeExtension"></ph></stentry></strow>
328 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX012W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This message
329 | is deprecated and should no longer appear in any logs.</stentry></strow>
330 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX013E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This may
331 | appear if (for example) you have a <codeph><ph></codeph> element that references another phrase,
332 | but that phrase itself contains a reference to the original. This will result in an infinite loop.
333 | The toolkit will stop following the conref trail when this is detected; you will need to correct
334 | the reference in your source files. <ph conref="DITA-messages-details.xml#errormessages/changeExtension"></ph></stentry></strow>
335 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX014E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The conref
336 | attribute must be a URI reference to a DITA element. Please see the topic on
337 | <xref href="http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.2/os/spec/archSpec/uri-based-addressing.html" format="html" scope="external">URI-based
338 | addressing</xref> in the DITA specification for details on the expected syntax.</stentry></strow>
339 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX015E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The conref
340 | attribute must be a URI reference to a DITA element. Please see the topic on
341 | <xref href="http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.2/os/spec/archSpec/uri-based-addressing.html" format="html" scope="external">URI-based
342 | addressing</xref> in the DITA specification for details on the expected syntax. <ph conref="DITA-messages-details.xml#errormessages/changeExtension"></ph></stentry></strow>
343 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX016W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This warning
344 | is intended to catch instances where a non-DITA format setting unexpectedly cascades to a
345 | DITA topic, which will prevent the topic from being processed. To remove this message, set
346 | the format attribute directly on the indicated reference. <ph conref="DITA-messages-details.xml#errormessages/changeExtension"></ph></stentry></strow>
347 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX017E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Found a value such as
348 | <xref href="">link text</xref>. The empty href attribute is not serving a purpose and has caused
349 | problems with some tools in the past; you should remove the attribute entirely or specify a value.</stentry></strow>
350 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX018I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The type
351 | attribute in DITA is intended to describe the type of the target; for example, a reference to a
352 | concept topic may use type="concept". Generally, this attribute
353 | is optional, and the DITA-OT build will automatically determine the value during processing. In this
354 | case, the type attribute lists a more general type than what is actually found. This is not an error
355 | but may result in unexpected sorting for links to this topic.</stentry></strow>
356 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX019W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The type
357 | attribute in DITA is intended to describe the type of the target; for example, a reference to a
358 | concept topic may use type="concept". Generally, this attribute
359 | is optional, and the DITA-OT build will automatically determine the value during processing. In
360 | this case, the specified type value does not match the target, which may cause your links to
361 | sort inappropriately.</stentry></strow>
362 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX020E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The DITA-OT is only able
363 | to dynamically retrieve titles when the target is a local (not peer or external) DITA resource.</stentry></strow>
364 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX021E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The DITA-OT is only able
365 | to dynamically retrieve titles when the target is a local DITA resource.</stentry></strow>
366 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX022W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The build
367 | was unable to get a title from the referenced topic; instead, a navigation title will be
368 | created based on the specified <linktext> element inside of <topicmeta>.</stentry></strow>
369 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX023W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">If the target is
370 | a local DITA topic, ensure the reference is correct and the topic is available. Otherwise, provide a
371 | navigation title, and ensure the scope and format attributes are set appropriately.</stentry></strow>
372 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX024E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The DITA-OT is only able
373 | to dynamically retrieve titles and link text when the target is a local (not peer or external) DITA resource.</stentry></strow>
374 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX025E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The DITA-OT is only able
375 | to dynamically retrieve titles when the target is a local DITA resource.</stentry></strow>
376 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX026W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The referenc to this document
377 | did not specify any link text for generated map-based links; the navigation title will be used as fallback.</stentry></strow>
378 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX027W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The referenced file
379 | did not specify any link text for generated map-based links, and no fallback text could be located. Any links
380 | generated from this reference will have incorrect link text.</stentry></strow>
381 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX028E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The link
382 | or cross reference has no target specified and will not generate a link.</stentry></strow>
383 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX029I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The type
384 | attribute in DITA is intended to describe the type of the target; for example, a reference to a
385 | concept topic may use type="concept". Generally, this attribute
386 | is optional, and the DITA-OT build will automatically determine the value during processing. In this
387 | case, the type attribute lists a more general type than what is actually found. This is not an error
388 | but may result in unexpected sorting for links to this topic.</stentry></strow>
389 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX030W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The type
390 | attribute in DITA is intended to describe the type of the target; for example, a reference to a
391 | concept topic may use type="concept". Generally, this attribute
392 | is optional, and the DITA-OT build will automatically determine the value during processing. In
393 | this case, the specified type value does not match the target, which may cause your links to
394 | sort inappropriately.</stentry></strow>
395 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX031E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The build
396 | attempted to access the specified file in order to retrive a title or short description, but the
397 | file could not be found. If the file exists, it is possible that a DITAVAL file was used to remove
398 | the file's contents from the build. Be aware that the path information above may not match the link in your topic.</stentry></strow>
399 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX032E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">When a link
400 | or cross reference does not have content, the build will attempt to pull the target's title for use
401 | as link text. If the target is unavailable, be sure to set the scope attribute to an appropriate value.
402 | If the target does not have a title (such as when linking to a paragraph), be sure to provide
403 | link text inside the cross reference.</stentry></strow>
404 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX033E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">An <xref>
405 | element specifies type="li", which indicates a link to a list item, but the item number could
406 | not be determined to use as link text. Please specify link text inside the reference, or ensure
407 | that you are referencing an available list item.</stentry></strow>
408 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX034E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The cross reference
409 | goes to a list item in an unordered list. The process could not automatically generate link text because
410 | the list item is not numbered. Please provide link text within the cross reference.</stentry></strow>
411 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX035E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">An <xref>
412 | element specifies type="fn", which indicates a link to a footnote, but the footnote number could
413 | not be determined to use as link text. Please specify link text inside the reference, or ensure
414 | that you are referencing an available footnote.</stentry></strow>
415 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX036E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">An <xref>
416 | element specifies type="dlentry", which indicates a link to a definition list entry, but the term could
417 | not be located to use as link text. Please specify link text inside the reference, or ensure
418 | that you are referencing an available definition list entry</stentry></strow>
419 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX037W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">No title
420 | was found for the current document, so the XHTML output file will set the <title>
421 | to "***". This value generally appears in the title bar at the top of a browser.</stentry></strow>
422 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX038I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The
423 | <object> element in XHTML does not support using longdescref for accessibility.
424 | To make the object accessible, you may need to add text before or after the element.
425 | You may also be able to handle it with a <param> element inside the object.</stentry></strow>
426 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX039W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This message is
427 | generated when creating draft output in order to help you locate all topics that need to be cleaned
428 | up; the cleanup items will appear in your output with styling that makes it stand out.
429 | The content will be hidden when the draft parameter is not active.</stentry></strow>
430 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX040I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This message is
431 | generated when creating draft output in order to help you locate all topics that have draft comments.
432 | Each comment will appear in your XHTML output; the comments will be hidden when the draft parameter is not active.</stentry></strow>
433 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX041W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Because
434 | of the way XML and DITA are defined, it is generally not possible to prohibit adding a second title
435 | to a section during editing (or to force that title to come first). However, the DITA specification states that only one title should
436 | be used in a section. When multiple titles are found, only the first one will appear in the output.</stentry></strow>
437 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX042I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">If it is important
438 | to flag this piece of information, try placing a flag on the block element that contains your phrase.
439 | If you just want to have an image next to the phrase, you may place an image directly into the document.</stentry></strow>
440 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX043I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The DITA-OT is able
441 | to remove duplicate links in most cases. However, if two links to the same resource use different
442 | attributes or link text, it is possible for them to appear together. For example, if the same
443 | link shows up with role="next" and again with no specified role, it may show up as both the "Next topic"
444 | link and as a related link. Note that links generated from a <reltable> in a DITA Map will
445 | have the role attribute set to "friend".</stentry></strow>
446 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX044E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The
447 | <area> element in an image map must provide a link target for the specified area.
448 | Please add an <xref> element as a child of <area> and ensure that it
449 | specifies a link target.</stentry></strow>
450 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX045W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Cross
451 | reference text inside the <area> element is used to provide accessibility for
452 | screen readers that can identify different areas of an image map. If text cannot be
453 | retrieved automatically by referencing a DITA element, it should be specified directly
454 | in the cross reference.</stentry></strow>
455 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX046W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The specified
456 | value was passed as-is through to the area element in the XHTML.</stentry></strow>
457 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX047W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The area
458 | element is intended to define a region in an image map; coordinates must be specified
459 | in order to define that region.</stentry></strow>
460 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX048I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The build will
461 | not look for peer or external topics before compiling your CHM file, so they may not be included.
462 | If you are referencing an actual HTML file that will not be available, it cannot be included in the project,
463 | and you should set the toc attribute to "no" on your topicref element. Otherwise, check to be sure
464 | your HTML file was included in the CHM; if it was not, you will need to place it in the correct
465 | location with your other output files and recompile.</stentry></strow>
466 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX049I-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The PDF, ODT, and RTF output
467 | processes cannot automatically convert non-DITA content into DITA in order to merge it with
468 | the rest of your content. The referenced items are ignored.</stentry></strow>
469 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX050W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Eclipse requires
470 | that an ID be specified when creating an Eclipse Help project; the toolkit expects to locate
471 | that ID on the root element of your input map.</stentry></strow>
472 | <!--Commenting out 051 as it no longer exists in our code (likely removed several releases ago) -->
473 | <!--<strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX051W-extra" conaction="pushreplace"></stentry></strow>-->
474 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX052W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The toolkit
475 | is attempting to add generated text, such as the string "Related information" that appears
476 | above links. The requested string could not be found in any language. Your output may contain a meaningful string,
477 | or it may contain a code that was intended to map to a string. This likely indicates an error in a
478 | plug-in or XSL override; either the string was requested incorrectly, or you will need to provide
479 | a mapping for the string in all of the languages you require.</stentry></strow>
480 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX053E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This will
481 | occur if a map references another map, and then that second map (or another further nested map)
482 | references the original map. The result is an infinite nesting of maps; please correct
483 | the chain of map references to remove circular reference.</stentry></strow>
484 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX054W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This will
485 | occur when a DITAVAL file contains multiple styling rules that apply to the same element.</stentry></strow>
486 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX055W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The "flagit"
487 | named template was deprecated in DITA-OT version 1.4, when the OASIS standard formalized the
488 | DITAVAL syntax. The template is removed in DITA-OT 1.6. Stylesheets
489 | that used this template need to be updated.</stentry></strow>
490 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX056W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The build
491 | attempted to access the specified file in order to retrive a title or short description, but the
492 | file could not be found. If the file exists, it is possible that a DITAVAL file was used to remove
493 | the file's contents from the build. Another possibility is that the file is located outside of the scope of the main
494 | input directory, and was not available because the <xref href="dita-ot_ant_properties.dita">onlytopic.in.map</xref> or
495 | <xref href="dita-ot_java_properties.dita">/onlytopicinmap</xref> parameter was specified.
496 | Be aware that the path information above may not match the link in your topic.</stentry></strow>
497 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX057W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The link appears
498 | to use valid syntax to reference a DITA element, but that element cannot be found. Please verify that
499 | the element exists, and is not removed from the build by DITAVAL based filtering.</stentry></strow>
500 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX058W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Processing
501 | for terms, acronyms, or abbreviated forms will associate the key from the element's keyref attribute
502 | with a glossentry (glossary entry) topic. This message will appear if the key was defined, but was not associated
503 | with a glossentry topic. The process will try to use the best available fallback (usually the title of the
504 | referenced topic).</stentry></strow>
505 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX060W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Processing
506 | for abbreviated form elements will associate the key from the element's keyref attribute
507 | with a glossentry (glossary entry) topic. This message will appear if the key was defined, but was not associated
508 | with a glossentry topic. This element is only supported with keys that are associated with glossary topics; the
509 | element will not generate any output. Please correct the reference, or use a different element to reference
510 | your topic.</stentry></strow>
511 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX061W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">According
512 | to the DITA Specification, references from maps should either go to DITA Maps, DITA Topics,
513 | or any non-DITA resource. References below the topic level should only be made from
514 | cross references (using <xref> or similar) inside of a topic. For details, see the href attribute description in
515 | the OASIS standard's definition of the <xref
516 | href="http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.2/os/spec/langref/topicref.html" format="html" scope="external">topicref element</xref>.</stentry></strow>
517 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX063W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This will
518 | appear when generating PDF or ODT output that includes a link to a local topic, but the referenced topic is
519 | not part of the map itself. This will result in a broken link. You should include the topic in your map
520 | or remove the link from the build.</stentry></strow>
521 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX064W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">The copy-to
522 | attribute is used to copy a topic over a document that already exists. Please make sure that any
523 | copy-to attributes use a unique name so that the copy will not overwrite existing content.</stentry></strow>
524 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX065W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">Two different
525 | topics are copied to the same location using copy-to; as a result, one of these files would be over-written.
526 | Only the first instance of this copy-to value will be recognized.
527 | Please correct the use of copy-to attributes.</stentry></strow>
528 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX066W-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This message
529 | indicates that your custom XSLT or plug-ins rely on templates that will be removed in an
530 | upcoming release. Typically this occurs when a named template has been converted to a mode template;
531 | any code that uses the deprecated template should be updated.</stentry></strow>
532 | <strow><stentry conref="DITA-messages.xml#msgs/DOTX067E-extra" conaction="pushreplace">This PDF build
533 | uses generated text, such as the phrase "Related information" (which is generated above many
534 | link groups). The toolkit was unable to locate the string <varname>%1</varname> for your
535 | specified language, so the string will appear in the default language. This generally indicates
536 | that the toolkit's strings needs to be updated to support your language, or that your language
537 | setting is incorrect.</stentry></strow>
538 | </simpletable>
539 | </refbody>
540 | </reference>