1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2010, v.4002-->
4 | "task.dtd">
5 | <?Pub Sty _display FontColor="red"?>
6 | <task id="setupant" xml:lang="en-us">
7 | <title>Setting up Ant</title>
8 | <shortdesc>This topic describes how to set up an Ant environment.</shortdesc>
9 | <taskbody>
10 | <prereq>The <xref href="DITA-installation.xml#installation/jdk">Java
11 | Development Kit (JDK)</xref> and <xref
12 | href="DITA-installation.xml#installation/xslt">XSLT processor</xref> should
13 | be installed before setting up Ant. </prereq>
14 | <context><note>The "Full Easy Install" version of the DITA-OT comes with the latest tested versions of Ant,
15 | Saxon (a common XSLT processor), and other tools like FOP. If you are using the "Full Easy
16 | Install" package, you may run the <filepath>startcmd.bat</filepath> batch file to set up an
17 | environment for all required libraries. When using this method, Java is the only tool that
18 | must be installed separately (it cannot be included in the DITA-OT due to licensing
19 | restrictions). For a full list of the tools that come in each DITA-OT package, see <xref
20 | format="html" href="http://dita.xml.org/wiki/dita-ot-packages" scope="external">DITA-OT
21 | Packages</xref>.</note><?Pub Caret -1?></context>
22 | <steps>
23 | <step><cmd>Download and extract the Ant package file (available on <xref
24 | format="html" href="http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi"
25 | scope="external"></xref>) into a directory of your choice.</cmd></step>
26 | <step><cmd>Set up environment variable.</cmd>
27 | <choices>
28 | <choice platform="windows">On a Windows platform, follow these steps: <ul>
29 | <li>Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable, if it is not already defined: <codeph>set
30 | JAVA_HOME=<jdk_dir></codeph></li>
31 | <li>Set the ANT_HOME environment variable: <codeph>set ANT_HOME=<ant_dir></codeph></li>
32 | <li>Add the Ant binary directory to the PATH environment variable: <codeph>set
33 | PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin</codeph></li>
34 | </ul></choice>
35 | <choice platform="linux osx">On Linux, follow these steps: <ul>
36 | <li>Set JAVA_HOME as follows: <codeph>export JAVA_HOME=<jdk_dir></codeph></li>
37 | <li>Set the ANT_HOME as follows: <codeph>export ANT_HOME=<ant_dir></codeph></li>
38 | <li>Add Ant to the PATH as follows: <codeph>export PATH=$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin</codeph></li>
39 | </ul></choice>
40 | </choices>
41 | </step>
42 | <step importance="optional"><cmd>If you have installed FOP to generate
43 | PDF output, see <xref href="DITA-installation.xml">DITA
44 | installation</xref> for additional information on setting it up. </cmd>
45 | </step>
46 | </steps>
47 | </taskbody>
48 | </task>
49 | <?Pub *0000002549?>