1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <!-- This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project hosted on
3 | Sourceforge.net. See the accompanying license.txt file for
4 | applicable licenses.-->
5 | <!-- (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 All Rights Reserved. -->
6 |
7 | <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN" "reference.dtd">
8 | <reference id="testing" xml:lang="en-us">
9 | <title>Testing some tweaks</title>
10 | <refbody>
11 | <section>
12 | <p>This section makes use of several tweak-controllable features. It
13 | contains a draft comment, a required cleanup container, a figure whose
14 | title can be shifted over or under the figure upon output, and a
15 | section title that can be augmented with a graphical information
16 | navigation icon or <i>ing</i> (see <i>do-place-ing</i> under
17 | <i>behavior</i>).</p>
18 | <note type="note">This document will appear differently depending on
19 | which stylesheet you use. If you view or process the document with a
20 | standard shell (<i>dita2xhtml.xsl</i> or <i>dita2fo_shell.xsl</i>), the
21 | special features will not be turned on. But if you process it into HTML
22 | (or view it directly in Internet Explorer 6.0) using the
23 | <i>myoverrides.xsl</i> demo stylesheet, the special features will be
24 | enabled, resulting in different output styles. </note>
25 | <note type="tip">If you code your note type as <i>tip</i> and turn on the
26 | <i>do-place-ing</i> behavior, as with this note, the output should
27 | include a graphical icon alongside the text label.</note>
28 | <draft-comment>The following footnote is unrelated to the current
29 | discussion. However, we are exploring both draft-comment and
30 | required-cleanup markup here. Draft comments allow authors to share
31 | comments between levels of a draft. Required cleanup sequesters
32 | potentially faulty contents from output.</draft-comment>
33 | <fn callout="^">This is a footnote with a special callout character.</fn>
34 | <fig frame="all">
35 | <title>This is a <i>wild</i> title</title>
36 | <desc>A good <i>figure</i> doesn't need a thousand words unless it
37 | is a technical description, in which case you probably can't say
38 | enough.</desc>
39 | <image href="articles/image/basediag.gif"></image>
40 | </fig>
41 | </section>
42 | </refbody>
43 | </reference>