1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2011, v.4002-->
3 | <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN"
4 | "reference.dtd">
5 | <?Pub Sty _display FontColor="red"?>
6 | <reference id="troubleshooting" xml:lang="en-us">
7 | <title>Other error messages</title>
8 | <shortdesc>In addition to error messages generated by the DITA Open
9 | Toolkit, you might also encounter error messages generated by
10 | Java or other tools.</shortdesc>
11 | <refbody>
12 | <!--
13 | <section id="section_rtj_4gj_wd">
14 | <title>Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored</title>
15 | <p>Caused by <codeph>org.apache.tools.ant.types.resolver.ApacheCatalogResolver</codeph> class
16 | not being available in Ant claspath.</p>
17 | <ol>
18 | <li>Check that <codeph>ANT_HOME</codeph> system variable is correctly set. </li>
19 | <li>Check that <filepath>$ANT_HOME/lib/ant-apache-resolver.jar</filepath> exists.</li>
20 | </ol>
21 | </section>
22 | <section id="section_gpl_dhj_wd">
23 | <title>List file dita.xml.properties or dita.list not found</title>
24 | <p> Encountered during preprocessing.</p>
25 | <ol>
26 | <li>Check that classpath contains <filepath>$DITA_HOME/lib/dost.jar</filepath>.</li>
27 | </ol>
28 | </section>
29 | -->
30 | <section id="section_stj_4gj_wd"> <title>Out of Memory error</title>
31 | <p>In some cases, you might receive a message stating the build
32 | has failed due to an <msgph>Out of Memory</msgph> error. Try the following
33 | approaches to resolve the problem:</p> <ol id="ol_rfb_c2p_qg">
34 | <li>(For custom-configured environments, not the DITA-OT Full Easy
35 | Install) If you use Xalan as the default XSLT processor,
36 | switch to Saxon.</li>
37 | <li>Increase the memory available to Java; see <xref
38 | href="increasing-the-jvm.dita"></xref>.</li>
39 | <li>Reduce memory consumption by setting the <option>generate-debug-attributes</option>
40 | option to <codeph>false</codeph>. This option is set in
41 | the <filepath>lib/configuration.properties</filepath> file.
42 | This will disable debug attribute generation (used to trace DITA-OT
43 | error messages back to source files) and will reduce memory consumption.</li>
44 | <li>Set <codeph>dita.preprocess.reloadstylesheet</codeph> Ant property
45 | to <codeph>true</codeph>. This will allow the XSLT processor
46 | to release memory when converting multiple files.</li>
47 | <li>Run the transformation again.</li>
48 | </ol> </section>
49 | <section> <title>java.io.IOException: Can't store Document</title>
50 | <p>After running a JavaHelp transformation, you may receive a <msgph>java.io.IOException:
51 | Can't store Document</msgph> message. </p> <p>This problem occurs
52 | when HTML files unrelated to the current transformation are found
53 | in the output directory. Delete the content of the output
54 | directory and run the transformation again.</p> </section>
55 | <!--<section><title>Failed to load message file</title><p>In some situations, the toolkit may fail to load the message file <filepath>messages.xml</filepath> and begin to throw exceptions.</p><p>To fix this problem, you need to check if the files <filepath>resource/messages.xml</filepath> and <filepath>resource/messages.dtd</filepath> exist in the toolkit. If not, please copy them from the toolkit's root directory.</p></section>-->
56 | <!--<section><title>Commas in file names</title><p>Commas in file names will cause trouble during the processing because Ant uses commas as a delimiter when processing batch files in a list. Please avoid using commas in the name of DITA files.</p></section>-->
57 | <section> <title>Stack Overflow error</title><p>If you receive an
58 | error about a stack memory overflow, increase the JVM and run the
59 | transformation again. See <xref href="increasing-the-jvm.dita"></xref>.</p><?Pub
60 | Caret 115?> </section>
61 | </refbody>
62 | </reference>
63 | <?Pub *0000003759?>