1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2010, v.4002-->
3 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN"
4 | "topic.dtd">
5 | <?Pub Sty _display FontColor="red"?>
6 | <?Pub Inc?>
7 | <topic id="ditausingxform" xml:lang="en-us">
8 | <title>Using DITA transforms</title>
9 | <shortdesc>The core transforms of the DITA Open Toolkit represent an implementation of all
10 | processing defined by OASIS in the DITA specification.</shortdesc>
11 | <body>
12 | <section id="preprocess"> <title>Pre-process</title><?Pub
13 | Caret -2?><p>A pre-process is done before the main transformation. The input of the pre-process is dita files
14 | (maps and topics) and the output of the pre-process is often referred to as "normalized"
15 | dita files. The pre-process stage resolves several common DITA behaviors, such as resolving
16 | conref attributes, resolving keyref values, and adding links based on the hierarchy and
17 | relationship tables in a map. The normalized dita files are in a temporary directory. Most
18 | DITA transforms use this common pre-process setup.</p></section>
19 | <section> <title>Available core transforms</title><p>A core DITA transform is the basic set of templates that support all the elements of a topic.
20 | This set is the basis for the following processing of any specialized element. Core
21 | transforms handle one topic instance, or nested set of topics, at a time. The DITA Open
22 | Toolkit provides several core transforms:</p>
23 | <dl id="core-tranforms">
24 | <dlentry>
25 | <dt>PDF</dt>
26 | <dd>PDF output is based on a plug-in that produces XSL-FO output. The XSL-FO output may be
27 | converted to PDF using an open source tools (Apache FOP) or using commercial tools such
28 | as RenderX or Antenna House Formatter. This transformation type replaced an older demo
29 | PDF transform, and is often called "PDF2".</dd>
30 | </dlentry>
31 | <dlentry>
32 | <dt>XHTML</dt>
33 | <dd>XHTML output is supported together with a variety of XHTML-based navigation types.
34 | Navigation is not required. The XHTML output contains class values based on the DITA
35 | elements so CSS files may be used to customize the output style.</dd>
36 | </dlentry>
37 | <dlentry>
38 | <dt>Eclipse Help</dt>
39 | <dd>Eclipse output is an XHTML based format that also produces navigation and index files
40 | for use with Eclipse information centers.</dd>
41 | </dlentry>
42 | <dlentry>
43 | <dt>TocJS</dt>
44 | <dd>The TocJS transformation type includes XHTML output along with JavaScript based frames
45 | for navigation, including TOC sections that expand and collapse.</dd>
46 | </dlentry>
47 | <dlentry platform="windows">
48 | <dt>HTML Help</dt>
49 | <dd>Microsoft Compiled HTML Help output produces a compiled help
50 | (<filepath>.chm</filepath>) file with the XHTML topics, table of contents, and
51 | index.</dd>
52 | </dlentry>
53 | <dlentry>
54 | <dt>Java Help</dt>
55 | <dd>Java Help includes a table of contents and index for use with the Java Help
56 | platform.</dd>
57 | </dlentry>
58 | <dlentry rev="1.5.2">
59 | <dt>OpenDocument (ODT)</dt>
60 | <dd>ODT is a document format based on the ODF standard, for use with tools like Open
61 | Office. Support for ODT was added in DITA-OT 1.5.2.</dd>
62 | </dlentry>
63 | <dlentry>
64 | <dt>Rich Text Format (RTF)</dt>
65 | <dd>RTF output is supported for basic content, but complex markup and some advanced
66 | features of DITA may not be supported.</dd>
67 | </dlentry>
68 | <dlentry>
69 | <dt>troff</dt>
70 | <dd>troff based man pages are supported; one man page is generated for each input topic. Note
71 | that tables are not supported by this transformation type.</dd>
72 | </dlentry>
73 | </dl> </section>
74 | <!--
75 | <section> <title>Available special output formats</title><p>Additional
76 | map-driven tools support transforming sets of topics into
77 | special output formats, including:<dl><dlentry>
78 | <dt>map2eclipsehelp (map2eclipse.xsl)</dt>
79 | <dd>This transform generates table of content for help contents
80 | in Eclipse.</dd>
81 | </dlentry><dlentry>
82 | <dt>Web page (map2htmtoc.xsl)</dt>
83 | <dd>This transform generates a set of web pages with an index
84 | page that is ready to place on a Web site.</dd>
85 | </dlentry><dlentry>
86 | <dt>map2htmlhelp (map2hhc.xsl map2hhp.xsl)</dt>
87 | <dd>This transform generates hhc and hhp file for the compilation
88 | of Html Help.</dd>
89 | </dlentry><dlentry>
90 | <dt>map2javahelp (map2JavaHelpToc.xsl map2JavaHelpMap.xsl)</dt>
91 | <dd>This transform generates table of content and jhm file
92 | for Java Help.</dd>
93 | </dlentry></dl></p> </section>
94 | -->
95 | <section> <title>Invoke the complete transformation</title>
96 | <p>The complete transformation including pre-process can be executed by an Ant script. There
97 | are some examples of simple Ant scripts in the directory
98 | <filepath>samples/ant_sample</filepath>.</p>
99 | </section>
100 | </body>
101 | <related-links>
102 | <link href="DITA-ant.xml"/>
103 | </related-links>
104 | </topic>
105 | <?Pub *0000003228?>