1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2010, v.4002-->
3 | <!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN"
4 | "concept.dtd">
5 | <concept id="newfeaturesinthedita1.1standard" xml:lang="en-us">
6 | <title>New features in the DITA 1.1 Standard</title>
7 | <shortdesc>DITA 1.1 was released as a public standard in 2007. The
8 | following items in the DITA 1.1 standard may be useful for users of
9 | the DITA Open Toolkit.</shortdesc>
10 | <conbody></conbody>
11 | <concept id="graphicscalingimprovement" xml:lang="en-us">
12 | <title>Graphic scaling improvement</title>
13 | <conbody>
14 | <p>Graphic scaling improvement is an enhanced feature that DITA Open
15 | Toolkit 1.3 provides. DITA OT 1.3 supports this feature
16 | in the transformation for different outputs, such
17 | as HTML, XHTML, PDF, and FO. This feature is not applicable
18 | in RTF output.<note rev="r5"><ul>
19 | <li>Because OASIS DITA 1.1 is not yet an approved standard as of the
20 | release of DITA OT 1.3, the functionality
21 | described here should be considered a <i>preview</i> capability. </li>
22 | <li>The specification and the defined functions that need to be supported
23 | can change by the time OASIS formally approves
24 | DITA 1.1.</li>
25 | </ul></note></p>
26 | <p>To implement this feature, you must first meet the following prerequisites:<ul>
27 | <li>Install and configure the DITA Open Toolkit 1.3 successfully. </li>
28 | <li>Ensure that the image file referred to by the <codeph><image></codeph> tag
29 | exists.</li>
30 | </ul></p>
31 | <p>In DITA 1.1, there are some attributes that you can use to set
32 | the actual display size of the pictures in the <codeph><image></codeph> tag,
33 | such as "width", "height", and so on. </p>
34 | <p>You can set the actual display size of the image in the output
35 | by taking the following steps:<ol>
36 | <li>Specify the height and width of the picture in the "height" and
37 | "width" attributes of the <codeph><image></codeph> tag,
38 | for example, <codeph><image height="80"
39 | width="60" href="a.jpg"/></codeph></li>
40 | <li rev="r3">(Optional) Specify the metric of the length in the height
41 | and width attributes fields, for example, <codeph><image
42 | height="80pc" width="60pc" href="a.jpg"/></codeph>.
43 | The metrics currently supported are: px, pc, pt,
44 | in, cm, mm, em. The default is px.<note rev="r3">If you do
45 | not specify the metric of the length,
46 | the toolkit will use the default metric, px. </note></li>
47 | <li>Run the transformation to generate the outputs, such as xhtml,
48 | HTML, and FO, that support graphic scaling. </li>
49 | </ol>In the final output, you can see the image displayed in the size
50 | that you expected. As in this example, the picture
51 | will be displayed by 80 pt in height and 60 pt in
52 | width.</p>
53 | <p rev="r1">You can also use the scaling function in setting the actual
54 | display size of the image in the output by taking
55 | the following steps:<ol>
56 | <li>Specify the height and width of the picture in the "height" and
57 | "width" attributes of the <codeph><image></codeph> tag,
58 | and the metric of the length.</li>
59 | <li>Specify the scale rate in the scale attribute after you specify
60 | the height and width for the image, for example, <codeph><image
61 | height="80pc" width="60pc" href="a.jpg"
62 | scale="0.8"/></codeph>. Scale="0.8" means the picture in the
63 | output will be displayed at 80% of the size that
64 | you specified by height and width. </li>
65 | <li>Run the transformation to generate the outputs that support image
66 | scaling, such as xhtml, HTML, and FO.</li>
67 | </ol>In the final output, you can see the image displayed in the size
68 | that you expected. As in this example, the picture
69 | will be displayed by 64 pt in height and 48 pt in
70 | width.</p>
71 | </conbody>
72 | </concept>
73 | <concept id="extensiblemetadataattributes" xml:lang="en-us">
74 | <title>Extensible metadata attributes</title>
75 | <conbody>
76 | <p> OASIS DITA 1.1 provides the DITA architects with an enhanced feature,
77 | extensible metadata attributes. If the architects
78 | want to achieve multiple purposes in one attribute,
79 | especially in a selective attribute, they can use
80 | the extensible metadata attributes.</p>
81 | <note rev="r5"><ul>
82 | <li>Because OASIS DITA 1.1 is not yet an approved standard as
83 | of the release of DITA OT 1.3, the functionality described
84 | here should be considered a <i>preview</i> capability. </li>
85 | <li>The specification and the defined functions that need to be supported
86 | can change by the time OASIS formally approves
87 | DITA 1.1.</li>
88 | </ul></note>
89 | <example><title>Example</title><p>The following example illustrates
90 | how people of different roles use the extensible metadata
91 | attributes in DITA 1.1.</p><ul>
92 | <li>As a DITA architect of a team, you can perform the following actions:<p><ol>
93 | <li>Define new attributes that the team needs, for example, "proglanguage". </li>
94 | <li>Express each new attribute as a separate domain package, for example,
95 | proglanguage.mod, with the new attribute
96 | specialized from the "props" attribute.</li>
97 | <li>Integrate the domain packages into the authoring DTDs or schemas:
98 | <ol>
99 | <li> Redefine the "props" attribute entity to include the "proglanguage"
100 | attribute. Similarly, you can redefine
101 | element entities to integrate new domain elements.</li>
102 | <li rev="r4">Add the new attribute domain to the list of domains in
103 | the domains attribute, preceded by
104 | an "a", for example, <codeph>domains="a(props proglanguage)"</codeph>.</li>
105 | </ol></li>
106 | </ol></p></li>
107 | <li>As an author, you can perform the following actions: <ol>
108 | <li>Add values to the new attributes of an element.</li>
109 | <li>Define values in the DITA filter file.</li>
110 | <li>Transform the DITA source files to remove or flag the content
111 | based on the new attributes, for example,
112 | flagging all <codeph>proglanguage="Java"</codeph></li>
113 | </ol><p>After you perform these actions, another user can reuse the
114 | content. </p><p>A specialization-unaware trademarking
115 | tool requires generalization of the contributed
116 | content. If the user runs all the content through the tool,
117 | the content is processed and filtered against
118 | the new attributes after the generalization.
119 | The new attributes are now collapsed into the "props" attribute.
120 | <ol>
121 | <li>The generalization turned <codeph>proglanguage="Java"</codeph> into <codeph>props="proglanguage(Java)"</codeph>.</li>
122 | <li>The conditional processing transform recognizes the new form as
123 | equivalent to the old, and the instruction
124 | "<codeph>flag all proglanguage=java</codeph>"
125 | operates on either <codeph>props="proglanguage(Java)"</codeph> or <codeph>proglanguage="Java"</codeph>.</li>
126 | </ol></p></li>
127 | </ul></example>
128 | </conbody>
129 | </concept>
130 | <concept id="newelementabstract" xml:lang="en-us">
131 | <title>New element <abstract></title>
132 | <conbody>
133 | <p>You can now use a new element <abstract> in DITA topics. The <abstract>
134 | element can include complex markups besides the <shortdesc>
135 | element. You can put the <shortdesc> element inside
136 | the <abstract> element, together with many other
137 | elements. The following examples illustrate how you can use
138 | the <abstract> element.. </p>
139 | <p>If you use several <shortdesc> elements inside the <abstract>
140 | element, they will be concatenated when pulled for
141 | hover help. After you format the source files, the
142 | content inside the <abstract> element will be transformed
143 | into normal text. <note rev="r5"><ul>
144 | <li>Because OASIS DITA 1.1 is not yet an approved standard as of the
145 | release of DITA OT 1.3, the functionality
146 | described here should be considered a <i>preview</i> capability. </li>
147 | <li>The specification and the defined functions that need to be supported
148 | can change by the time OASIS formally approves
149 | DITA 1.1.</li>
150 | </ul></note></p>
151 | <example><title>Examples</title><p><lines><ph><b>Example 1</b></ph></lines>In
152 | DITA 1.0, you can only use the <shortdesc> element
153 | that cannot contain the <p> element. <codeblock> <shortdesc>This is a short description in DITA 1.0. It <b>cannot</b> contain paragraphs.</shortdesc></codeblock></p><p><lines><ph><b>Example 2</b></ph></lines>This
154 | example illustrates how you can use different
155 | elements besides <shortdesc> inside the <abstract>
156 | element, and apply different styles to the text inside
157 | the <abstract> element.<codeblock rev="r2"> <abstract>
158 | <shortdesc>This is the short description</shortdesc>
159 | <ol>
160 | <li>This is a <i>list</i>.</li>
161 | </ol>
162 | <p>This is a <b>paragraph</b>.</p>
163 | <codeblock>Here are some codes.</codeblock>
164 | <filepath>This is the file path.</filepath>
165 | </abstract></codeblock></p><p><lines><ph><b>Example 3</b></ph></lines>This
166 | example illustrates how you can use both
167 | the <shortdesc> element and plain text
168 | inside the <abstract> element.<codeblock> <abstract><shortdesc>This topic is about short description.</shortdesc>.
169 | Short description is very important, so read more.</abstract></codeblock></p></example>
170 | </conbody>
171 | </concept>
172 | <concept id="newelementdata" xml:lang="en-us">
173 | <title>New element <data></title>
174 | <conbody>
175 | <p>In DITA 1.1, you can use new element, <data>. This element and
176 | the content inside it is ignored in the transformation
177 | process of DITA files.<note rev="r5"><ul>
178 | <li>Because OASIS DITA 1.1 is not yet an approved standard as of the
179 | release of DITA OT 1.3, the functionality
180 | described here should be considered a <i>preview</i> capability. </li>
181 | <li>The specification and the defined functions that need to be supported
182 | can change by the time OASIS formally approves
183 | DITA 1.1.</li>
184 | </ul></note></p>
185 | <p>As an author, when you create DITA files, you can add the <data>
186 | element, and put content inside it. When you transform
187 | the DITA files to the output that you want, the transformation
188 | ignores the <data> element and any content inside. </p>
189 | <p rev="r3">As a specializer, when you specialize the <data> element,
190 | and put information inside the specialized element,
191 | you can create a transform override to use the information. </p>
192 | </conbody>
193 | </concept>
194 | <concept id="indexing" xml:lang="en-us">
195 | <title>Indexing</title>
196 | <conbody>
197 | <p>DITA 1.1 supports the following new indexing elements:<ul>
198 | <li><index-see></li>
199 | <li><index-see-also></li>
200 | <li><index-sort-as></li>
201 | <li><index-range-start></li>
202 | <li><index-range-end></li>
203 | </ul><note rev="r5"><ul>
204 | <li>Because OASIS DITA 1.1 is not yet an approved standard as of the
205 | release of DITA OT 1.3, the functionality described
206 | here should be considered a <i>preview</i> capability. </li>
207 | <li>The specification and the defined functions that need to be supported
208 | can change by the time OASIS formally approves
209 | DITA 1.1.</li>
210 | </ul></note></p>
211 | <section><title>See and See Also indexing elements</title><p>In DITA
212 | 1.0, you cannot specify the <see> and <see also>
213 | index entries by using the current <indexterm>
214 | element. The DITA1.1 standard introduces the following
215 | new child elements for <indexterm> that support this functionality:</p><ul>
216 | <li>index-see</li>
217 | <li>index-see-also</li>
218 | </ul><p>For example, you can add an index entry, as illustrated in
219 | the following text in the DITA source file: <codeblock><indexterm>computer
220 | <index-see>monitor</index-see>
221 | <index-see-also>Illustration</index-see-also>
222 | </indexterm>
223 | </codeblock>Then, if you generate a PDF output
224 | with the indexing function enabled, you can see
225 | the following index entries in the PDF output:<screen>
226 | computer 43
227 | See monitor
228 | See also Illustration</screen>The "monitor"
229 | and "Illustration" entries after "see" and "see
230 | also" will not be links to the "monitor" and "Illustration"
231 | index entries in a PDF output.</p><required-cleanup><!--Deleted per Marshall--><p>If you generate HTML output using the same source file, you can get the following index entries; however, instead of displaying page numbers, the HTML file display the terms after "see" and "see also" as hyperlinks. The "Illustration" hyperlink points to the index entry for "Illustration" under "I".<screen><u>Computer</u>
232 | See <u>monitor</u>
233 | See also <u>Illustration</u>
234 | </screen></p></required-cleanup><p rev="r2">Index
235 | entries will only be processed when you generate
236 | HTMLHelp and JavaHelp. For HTMLHelp and JavaHelp, the index
237 | contains an entry that uses the text "See xxx" or
238 | "See also xxx". The "See xxx" or "See also
239 | xxx" index entries<ph rev="r3"> will link to their parent
240 | index term.</ph> <note rev="r3"><ul>
241 | <li>For HTML output, indexing is ignored. </li>
242 | <li>For PDF output, you must enable indexing using the FO plugin provided
243 | by Idiom. </li>
244 | </ul></note></p><p>For example, if you put the following content in
245 | the source file, <codeblock><indexterm>computer
246 | <index-see>monitor</index-see>
247 | </indexterm></codeblock> the
248 | output is as follows: <screen>
249 | computer
250 | See monitor</screen></p></section>
251 | <section><title>Sort order indexing elements</title><p>With the DITA
252 | 1.1 standard, you can specify a sort phrase and sort
253 | index entries under the sort phrase. This feature
254 | provides you with the flexibility to sort an index entry in a
255 | different way. Typically you can disregard insignificant
256 | leading text, such as punctuation or words like "the"
257 | or "a". If you want to sort <data> under the letter
258 | D rather than the character "<", you can include such an entry
259 | under both the punctuation heading and the letter
260 | D. Thus, there can be two index entry directives differentiated
261 | only by the sort order. </p><p>For example, if
262 | you put the following content in the source file,<codeblock rev="r3"> <indexterm>data<index-sort-as>key</index-sort-as></indexterm>
263 | <indexterm>indextest<index-sort-as>abc</index-sort-as></indexterm>
264 | </codeblock> the output should be:<msgblock>
265 | indextest
266 | data</msgblock></p><p rev="r3">If you have
267 | written an XML book with many punctuation-laden
268 | entries in its index, you can use the <index-sort-as>
269 | element to specify how the sorting method
270 | of the entries if the punctuation marks are eliminated.
271 | For example, <codeph><data></codeph> is always
272 | displayed as an entry <data> in the
273 | index term under the letter D; otherwise, all the entries with punctuations
274 | will be sorted under "<". </p><p>Here
275 | is another example. In a translation
276 | project, a document needs to be translated into Japanese. Many
277 | of the index entries contain kanji,
278 | which need to be sorted in phonetic order. The translators,
279 | who can understand the language and see
280 | the entry in its context, can insert
281 | the <codeph><index-sort-as></codeph> elements into the <codeph><indexterm></codeph> elements
282 | as part of their localization work. </p></section>
283 | <section><title>Page-range indexing elements</title><p>In DITA OT
284 | 1.3, you can indicate page ranges instead of individual
285 | references over consecutive pages. Page ranges indicate
286 | where the index entry links to an extended discussion
287 | that goes over a number of pages. This is typically manifested
288 | as a page range like 34-36. This is distinguished
289 | from individual references over consecutive pages
290 | (34, 35, 36). The page-range indexing function is enabled when you
291 | use the FO plugin.</p><p>For example, you can add
292 | a page spanning index entry: <codeblock><indexterm>DITA<index-range-start/></indexterm></codeblock>.
293 | Later in the same topic, you can add a range terminating marker: <indexterm>DITA<index-range-end/></indexterm>.
294 | This spans 4 pages on the paper, as illustrated
295 | in the following example.<screen>DITA, 46-49</screen><note>If
296 | you generate HTMLHelp, JavaHelp, and XHTML outputs,
297 | the page-range indexing elements are ignored. </note> </p></section>
298 | <section><title>Supporting ICU in index sorting</title><p>With enabled
299 | ICU interface, DITA Open Toolkit 1.3 helps you get
300 | correctly sorted index output for different languages. </p><p>During
301 | normal transformation, the toolkit tries to find
302 | if there are ICU classes inside the <codeph>classpath</codeph> element.
303 | If ICU exists, the toolkit uses ICU's Collator
304 | class to do the comparing and sorting work. If
305 | no ICU is found, the toolkit will use JDK's Collator class
306 | to do the comparing and sorting work. <ph rev="r2">ICU
307 | is packed in the big package in DITA OT 1.3</ph></p></section>
308 | </conbody>
309 | </concept>
310 | <concept id="unknown" xml:lang="en-us">
311 | <title>Supporting foreign content vocabulary</title>
312 | <conbody>
313 | <p>In DITA 1.1, you can use the <unknown> element to incorporate
314 | existing standard vocabularies for special content,
315 | like MathML and SVG, as inline objects. <note rev="r5"><ul>
316 | <li>Because OASIS DITA 1.1 is not yet an approved standard as of the
317 | release of DITA OT 1.3, the functionality
318 | described here should be considered a <i>preview</i> capability. </li>
319 | <li>The specification and the defined functions that need to be supported
320 | can change by the time OASIS formally approves
321 | DITA 1.1.</li>
322 | </ul></note></p>
323 | <p>As an author, when you create DITA files, you can add the <unknown>
324 | element, and put content inside it. The <unknown>
325 | element and any content inside it is ignored when
326 | you transform the DITA files to your desired output. </p>
327 | <p id="r" rev="r3">As a specializer, when you specialize the <unknown>
328 | element, and then put information inside the specialized
329 | element, you can create a transform override that
330 | allows the information to appear correctly in the
331 | output. </p>
332 | </conbody>
333 | </concept>
334 | </concept><?Pub Caret -3?>
335 | <?Pub *0000020395?>