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3 | <!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN"
4 | "concept.dtd">
5 | <?Pub Sty _display FontColor="red"?>
6 | <concept id="evaluating" xml:lang="en-us">
7 | <title>Evaluating the DITA Open Toolkit (Full Easy Install)</title>
8 | <titlealts>
9 | <navtitle>Evaluating the DITA Open Toolkit</navtitle>
10 | </titlealts>
11 | <abstract><shortdesc>The most common scenario for first users of the DITA Open Toolkit is to
12 | evaluate how it functions.</shortdesc>Previous versions of the Toolkit required a number of
13 | preliminary installation steps for components necessary both to run the base function and to
14 | show off additional output capabilities. For each release since DITA-OT 1.4.2, three versions of
15 | the Toolkit are available: the minimal package (contains core function only), standard package
16 | (minimal plus docs and demos), and a "full easy install package" that basically
17 | installs everything you need to enable quick and easy evaluation of the Toolkit. This topic
18 | deals with installing and using the full easy install package for the first time.</abstract>
19 | <conbody>
20 | <note>This topic explains how to use the Full Easy Install on Windows; the three versions are also
21 | available on all other supported platforms. For a description of all packages available, see
22 | <xref href="distribution_packages.dita"/></note>
23 | <p>Unzip or extract the "full_easy_install" zip file to a convenient directory, such as
24 | your C: drive's root directory. The package will create a directory such as
25 | <filepath>C:\DITA-OT<keyword keyref="release.version"/>\</filepath> that contains not only
26 | the usual Toolkit materials but also all the run-time components needed to run the Toolkit in
27 | a basic evaluation mode.</p>
28 | <p>Browse over to this new directory and double-click on the <filepath>startcmd.bat</filepath> file
29 | in that directory. A new <wintitle>Command Prompt</wintitle> window will open up, with the
30 | environment variables already set to enable the Toolkit to run within that shell.</p>
31 | <p>At the command prompt (usually <filepath>C:\DITA-OT<keyword keyref="release.version"
32 | />\</filepath> for this version), type "ant samples.web -f build_demo.xml". After
33 | a series of processing messages, there should be a new <filepath>out\</filepath> directory in
34 | the <filepath>DITA-OT<keyword keyref="release.version"/>\</filepath> directory that contains a
35 | folder with the resulting HTML output in it. Congratulations on creating your first example of
36 | DITA output!</p>
37 | <p>Now try the full set of transforms from a single command: <codeph>ant all -f
38 | build_demo.xml</codeph>. This command will process DITA samples in the toolkit into many of
39 | the supported output types for the Toolkit. After a much longer flurry of messages, the
40 | <filepath>out\</filepath> directory should have a number of folders in it, each with several
41 | deliverables produced by the Toolkit demos. If you happen to have the Microsoft Compiled HTML
42 | Help Workshop or the JavaHelp toolset installed for other work you have done with User
43 | Assistance, you might even get ready-to use CHM and JavaHelp output files. By comparing the
44 | outputs with the various source materials in the distribution, you can get an idea about how
45 | the processing
46 | works.<!-- That explanation is best found in the DITA Open Toolkit User Guide and at the <xref
47 | format="HTML" href="http://dita.xml.org/wiki/the-dita-open-toolkit" scope="external">DITA-OT
48 | Focus Area</xref>.--></p>
49 | <section><title>Demo targets</title><p>Here are the individual demo targets that you can try while evaluating the DITA Open Toolkit.
50 | Note that most are subcomponents of larger operations—you can use any of these
51 | individually.</p>
52 | <note>Earlier releases also contained demo targets for building the DITA 1.1 Language
53 | Specification, but that was removed in DITA-OT 1.5.2 because it was superseded by the DITA
54 | 1.2 specification.</note>
55 | <dl>
56 | <dlentry><dt>all</dt><dd>Build all output</dd></dlentry>
57 | <dlentry><dt>doc</dt><dd>Build the documentation</dd></dlentry>
58 | <dlentry><dt>doc.articles.chm</dt><dd>Build the articles of dita to Microsoft Compiled HTML Help</dd></dlentry>
59 | <dlentry><dt>doc.articles.pdf</dt><dd>Build the articles of dita to PDF</dd></dlentry>
60 | <dlentry><dt>doc.articles.web</dt><dd>Build the articles of dita to XHTML</dd></dlentry>
61 | <dlentry><dt>docbook</dt><dd>Transform the samples to DocBook</dd></dlentry>
62 | <dlentry><dt>prompt</dt><dd>Prompt to build anything</dd></dlentry>
63 | <dlentry><dt>samples</dt><dd>Build the sample output</dd></dlentry>
64 | <dlentry><dt>samples.eclipse</dt><dd>Build the samples for Eclipse</dd></dlentry>
65 | <dlentry><dt>samples.htmlhelp</dt><dd>Build the samples for Microsoft Compiled HTML Help</dd></dlentry>
66 | <dlentry><dt>samples.javahelp</dt><dd>Build the samples for JavaHelp</dd></dlentry>
67 | <dlentry><dt>samples.pdf</dt><dd>Build the samples as PDF</dd></dlentry>
68 | <dlentry><dt>samples.troff</dt><dd>Build the samples as troff</dd></dlentry>
69 | <dlentry><dt>samples.web</dt><dd>Build the samples to XHTML</dd></dlentry>
70 | <dlentry>
71 | <dt>clean</dt>
72 | <dd>Delete all output</dd>
73 | </dlentry>
74 | <dlentry>
75 | <dt>clean.doc</dt>
76 | <dd>Remove the documentation output</dd>
77 | </dlentry>
78 | <dlentry>
79 | <dt>clean.doc.articles</dt>
80 | <dd>Delete the articles directory in doc.</dd>
81 | </dlentry>
82 | <dlentry>
83 | <dt>clean.docbook</dt>
84 | <dd>Remove the docbook output</dd>
85 | </dlentry>
86 | <dlentry>
87 | <dt>clean.samples</dt>
88 | <dd>Remove the sample output</dd>
89 | </dlentry>
90 | <dlentry>
91 | <dt>clean.samples.eclipse</dt>
92 | <dd>Remove the sample Eclipse output</dd>
93 | </dlentry>
94 | <dlentry>
95 | <dt>clean.samples.htmlhelp</dt>
96 | <dd>Remove the sample Microsoft Compiled HTML Help output</dd>
97 | </dlentry>
98 | <dlentry>
99 | <dt>clean.samples.javahelp</dt>
100 | <dd>Remove the sample JavaHelp output</dd>
101 | </dlentry>
102 | <dlentry>
103 | <dt>clean.samples.pdf</dt>
104 | <dd>Remove the sample PDF output</dd>
105 | </dlentry>
106 | <dlentry>
107 | <dt>clean.samples.web</dt>
108 | <dd>Remove the sample XHTML output</dd>
109 | </dlentry>
110 | </dl>
111 | <p>If
112 | you do not specify a target for <filepath>build_demo.xml</filepath>,
113 | the default target is <codeph>prompt</codeph>. </p><p>You can also try your hand at modifying some of the sample scripts in the ant directory. These
114 | represent the kind of driver files that you would create for your own projects. You can
115 | easily adapt these to process your own test DITA files, for example. Call the other Ant
116 | samples after this example: </p><pre platform="windows">C:\DITA-OT<keyword keyref="release.version"/>>ant -f samples\ant_sample\sample_xhtml.xml</pre>
117 | <note>This is basically the same as running <codeph>ant samples.web -f build_demo.xml</codeph>, but
118 | intended for you to modify. </note><p>You
119 | will find the output for this exercise in the <filepath>samples/ant_sample/</filepath> directory
120 | itself. You can add parameters to the <filepath>sample_xhtml.xml</filepath> file
121 | to change where your outputs end up, and also to modify the build
122 | process in other ways. See the documentation for Ant parameters to
123 | learn more about processing options.</p></section>
124 | </conbody>
125 | <related-links>
126 | <link href="dita-ot_ant_properties.dita"/>
127 | </related-links>
128 | </concept>
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