1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN" "reference.dtd">
3 | <reference id="ant-parameters-eclipse-help-transformation.dita">
4 | <title>Ant parameters: Eclipse help transformation</title>
5 | <titlealts>
6 | <navtitle>Eclipse help</navtitle>
7 | </titlealts>
8 | <shortdesc>Certain parameters are specific to the Eclipse help transformation.</shortdesc>
9 | <prolog>
10 | <metadata>
11 | <keywords>
12 | <indexterm>Ant<indexterm>parameters<indexterm>args.eclipsehelp.toc</indexterm><indexterm>args.eclipse.country</indexterm><indexterm>args.eclipse.language</indexterm><indexterm>args.eclipse.provider</indexterm><indexterm>args.eclipse.version</indexterm><indexterm>args.eclipse.symbolic.name</indexterm></indexterm></indexterm>
13 | </keywords>
14 | </metadata>
15 | </prolog>
16 | <refbody>
17 | <table colsep="1" frame="all" rowsep="1">
18 | <title>Ant parameters: Eclipse help transformation</title>
19 | <tgroup cols="2">
20 | <colspec colname="COLSPEC0" colwidth="1.50*"/>
21 | <colspec colname="COLSPEC3" colwidth="4*"/>
22 | <thead>
23 | <row>
24 | <entry>Parameters</entry>
25 | <entry>Description</entry>
26 | </row>
27 | </thead>
28 | <tbody>
29 | <row id="args.eclipsehelp.toc">
30 | <entry><parmname>args.eclipsehelp.toc</parmname></entry>
31 | <entry id="args.eclipsehelp.toc.desc">Specifies the name of the TOC file.</entry>
32 | </row>
33 | <row id="args.eclipse.country">
34 | <entry><parmname>args.eclipse.country</parmname></entry>
35 | <entry id="args.eclipse.country.desc">Specifies the region for the language that is
36 | specified by the <parmname>args.eclipse.language</parmname> parameter. For example,
37 | <option>us</option>, <option>ca</option>, and <option>gb</option> would clarify a
38 | value of <option>en</option> set for the <parmname>args.eclipse.language</parmname>
39 | parameter. The content will be moved into the appropriate directory structure for an
40 | Eclipse fragment.<draft-comment author="Kristen James Eberlein" time="11 August 2012"
41 | >What does "The content will be moved into the appropriate directory structure for
42 | an Eclipse fragment" mean?</draft-comment></entry>
43 | </row>
44 | <row id="args.eclipse.language">
45 | <entry><parmname>args.eclipse.language</parmname></entry>
46 | <entry id="args.eclipse.language.desc">Specifies the base language for translated
47 | content, such as <option>en</option> for English. This parameter is a prerequisite for
48 | the <parmname>args.eclipse.country</parmname> parameter. The content will be moved
49 | into the appropriate directory structure for an Eclipse fragment.</entry>
50 | </row>
51 | <row id="args.eclipse.provider">
52 | <entry><parmname>args.eclipse.provider</parmname></entry>
53 | <entry id="args.eclipse.provider.desc">Specifies the name of the person or organization
54 | that provides the Eclipse help. The default value is <option>DITA</option>. <note
55 | type="tip">The toolkit ignores the value of this parameter when it processes an
56 | Eclipse map.</note>
57 | </entry>
58 | </row>
59 | <row id="args.eclipse.version">
60 | <entry><parmname>args.eclipse.version</parmname></entry>
61 | <entry id="args.eclipse.version.desc">Specifies the version number to include in the
62 | output. The default value is <option>0.0.0</option>.<note type="tip">The toolkit
63 | ignores the value of this parameter when it processes an Eclipse map.</note></entry>
64 | </row>
65 | <row id="args.eclipse.symbolic.name">
66 | <entry><parmname>args.eclipse.symbolic.name</parmname></entry>
67 | <entry id="args.eclipse.symbolic.name.desc"> Specifies the symbolic name (aka plugin ID)
68 | in the output for an Eclipse Help project. The @id value from the DITA map or the
69 | Eclipse map collection (Eclipse help specialization) is the symbolic name for the
70 | plugin in Eclipse. The default value is <option>org.sample.help.doc</option>.<note
71 | type="tip">The toolkit ignores the value of this parameter when it processes an
72 | Eclipse map.</note><draft-comment author="Kristen James Eberlein"
73 | time="11 August 2012">I'm not clear what this means. Is the default value for the
74 | <parmname>args.eclipse.symbolic.name</parmname> parameter the value of the @id
75 | attribute on the <map> or <plugin> element, if provided, and the
76 | <option>org.sample.help.doc</option> if there is not a value for the @id attribute
77 | or the <parmname>args.eclipse.symbolic.name</parmname> parameter?
78 | </draft-comment></entry>
79 | </row>
80 | </tbody>
81 | </tgroup>
82 | </table>
83 | </refbody>
84 | </reference>