1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN" "reference.dtd">
3 | <reference id="ant-parameters-pdf2-transformation">
4 | <title>Ant parameters: PDF transformation</title>
5 | <titlealts>
6 | <navtitle>PDF</navtitle>
7 | </titlealts>
8 | <shortdesc>Certain parameters are specific to the PDF2 transformation.</shortdesc>
9 | <prolog>
10 | <metadata>
11 | <keywords>
12 | <indexterm>Ant <indexterm>parameters
13 | <indexterm>args.bookmap-order</indexterm><indexterm>args.fo.userconfig</indexterm><indexterm>args.gen.task.lbl</indexterm><indexterm>args.rellinks</indexterm><indexterm>args.xsl.pdf</indexterm><indexterm>custom.xep.config</indexterm><indexterm>customization.dir</indexterm><indexterm>pdf.formatter</indexterm><indexterm>publish.required.cleanup</indexterm><indexterm>retain.topic.fo</indexterm>
14 | </indexterm>
15 | </indexterm>
16 | <indexterm>XSLT
17 | parameters<indexterm>org.dita.pdf2.use-out-temp</indexterm><indexterm>publishRequiredCleanup</indexterm></indexterm>
18 | </keywords>
19 | </metadata>
20 | </prolog>
21 | <refbody>
22 | <table frame="all" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
23 | <title>Ant parameters: PDF transformation</title>
24 | <tgroup cols="2">
25 | <colspec colname="COLSPEC0" colwidth="1.50*"/>
26 | <colspec colname="COLSPEC3" colwidth="4*"/>
27 | <thead>
28 | <row>
29 | <entry>Parameters</entry>
30 | <entry>Description</entry>
31 | </row>
32 | </thead>
33 | <tbody>
34 | <row id="args.bookmap-order" rev="1.5.4">
35 | <entry><parmname>args.bookmap-order</parmname></entry>
36 | <entry id="args.bookmap-order.desc">Specifies if the frontmatter and backmatter content
37 | order is retained in bookmap. The allowed values are <option>retain</option> and
38 | <option>discard</option>; the default value is <option>discard</option>.</entry>
39 | </row>
40 | <row conref="conref-dita-ot-parameters.dita#conref-dita-ot-parameters/args.fo.userconfig">
41 | <entry/>
42 | </row>
43 | <row conref="conref-dita-ot-parameters.dita#conref-dita-ot-parameters/args.gen.task.lbl">
44 | <entry/>
45 | </row>
46 | <row conref="conref-dita-ot-parameters.dita#conref-dita-ot-parameters/args.rellinks">
47 | <entry/>
48 | </row>
49 | <row id="args.xsl.pdf">
50 | <entry><parmname>args.xsl.pdf</parmname></entry>
51 | <entry id="args.xsl.pdf.desc">Specifies an XSL file that is used to override the default
52 | XSL transformation
53 | (<filepath>plugins\org.dita.pdf2\xsl\fo\topic2fo_shell.xsl</filepath>). You must
54 | specify the fully qualified file name.</entry>
55 | </row>
56 | <row id="custom.xep.config">
57 | <entry><parmname>custom.xep.config</parmname></entry>
58 | <entry id="custom.xep.config.desc">Specifies the user configuration file for
59 | RenderX.</entry>
60 | </row>
61 | <row id="customization.dir" audience="xslt-customizer">
62 | <entry><parmname>customization.dir</parmname></entry>
63 | <entry>Specifies the customization directory.</entry>
64 | </row>
65 | <row id="pdf.formatter">
66 | <entry><parmname>pdf.formatter</parmname></entry>
67 | <entry>Specifies the XSL processor. The following values are supported:<ul>
68 | <li><option>ah</option> – Antenna House Formatter</li>
69 | <li><option>fop</option> (default) – Apache FOP</li>
70 | <li><option>xep</option> – RenderX XEP Engine</li>
71 | </ul>The full-easy-install package comes with Apache FOP; other XSL processors must be
72 | separately installed. </entry>
73 | </row>
74 | <row id="publish.required.cleanup" importance="deprecated">
75 | <entry><parmname>publish.required.cleanup</parmname></entry>
76 | <entry id="publish.required.cleanup.desc">Specifies whether draft-comment and
77 | required-cleanup elements are included in the output. The allowed values are
78 | <option>yes</option> and <option>no</option>; the default value is the value of the
79 | <parmname>args.draft</parmname> parameter. <ph audience="xslt-customizer"
80 | >Corresponds to XSLT parameter
81 | <parmname>publishRequiredCleanup</parmname>.</ph><note type="notice">This parameter
82 | is deprecated in favor of the <parmname>args.draft</parmname>
83 | parameter.</note></entry>
84 | </row>
85 | <row id="retain.topic.fo" audience="xslt-customizer" importance="deprecated">
86 | <entry><parmname>retain.topic.fo</parmname></entry>
87 | <entry id="retain.topic.fo.desc">Specifies whether to retain the generated FO file. The
88 | allowed values are <option>yes</option> and <option>no</option>; the default value is
89 | <option>no</option>. If the configuration property
90 | <parmname>org.dita.pdf2.use-out-temp</parmname> is set to <option>false</option>,
91 | this parameter is ignored.</entry>
92 | </row>
93 | </tbody>
94 | </tgroup>
95 | </table>
96 | </refbody>
97 | </reference>