1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE reference
3 | PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN" "reference.dtd">
4 | <reference xmlns:ditaarch="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/" id="rel1.4" ditaarch:DITAArchVersion="1.2"><title>DITA OT release 1.4</title><abstract><shortdesc>Release 1.4 is a major release to add new functions, fulfill new
5 | requirements, make some function enhancements and fix bugs over release 1.3.1.</shortdesc>
6 | Available since August 1, 2007</abstract><refbody><section id="section_ruu_wdj_nc">
7 | <p> The DITA-OT Release 1.4 contains full support for the OASIS DITA 1.1 standard. This
8 | completes the preliminary support added in the 1.3 and 1.3.1 versions of the toolkit. New
9 | and improved items for 1.1 are listed under [Improvements] below. Support for the new
10 | bookmap standard is available in the latest version of the FO plug-in, which uses the
11 | "pdf2" transform type; it will be released together with or soon after the release of
12 | DITA-OT 1.4. The deprecated "pdf" transform type has not been updated for the new bookmap.
13 | Together with DITA 1.1 support, the toolkit development team has improved error reporting
14 | so that build failures are more accurately reported at the end of the build. Error
15 | handling will continue to improve in future releases. Release 1.4 comes in two versions.
16 | The full version contains several external packages that are useful or critical to running
17 | the toolkit, such as Xalan and the XML Catalog resolver. The smaller package contains only
18 | core toolkit code. NOTE ABOUT DEPRECATED CODE: changes for the new DITAVAL standard
19 | required a change to code in dita2htmlImpl.xsl. The "flagit" named template is deprecated
20 | and will not work with the new ditaval format. Overrides to this step should be updated to
21 | use "start-flagit" and "end-flagit". The flagit template will continue to work with the
22 | old ditaval but will generate a warning for each call. </p>
23 | </section><section id="section_xuu_wdj_nc">
24 | <title>Changes</title>
25 | <ol><li>
26 | <p>Release 1.4 improves the processing of DITA documents using XML Schemas. One was able
27 | to process these type of documents in Release 1.3.1 but it meant that the schema
28 | location had to have the ablsolute location of the schema in order for the Toolkit
29 | properly.</p>
30 | <p>DITA 1.1 introduces the use of URNs to normatively identify the schemas used for
31 | validation. The URNs have the following desing pattern
32 | "urn:oasis:names:tc:dita:xsd:<schemaDocument>:1.1". You should use these in as
33 | the value for the attribute xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation.</p>
34 | </li></ol>
35 | </section><section id="section_tra_ydj_nc">
36 | <title>13 Improvements</title>
37 | <ol><li>Support <title> in map </li><li>Ignore Index-base in default processing</li><li>Retrieve the link text from abstract element.</li><li>Format shortdesc in abstract appropriately</li><li>Add standard code to allow overrides to easily process generalized version of unknown
38 | and foreign element </li><li>Support @dir on every element</li><li>Refactor mapref resolution</li><li>Support generalization and re-specialization of unknown/foreign elements</li><li>Replace Move Index module with new Move Metadata module</li><li>New DITAVAL standard support</li><li>New chunk attribute support</li><li>Support XML Schema validated instance document processing using XML Catalogs</li></ol>
39 | </section><section id="section_vuo_ydj_nc">
40 | <title>17 SF Bugs Fixed</title>
41 | <ol><li>1700561 Null Pointer Exception on Missing domain= Attribute</li><li>1733264 pretty.xsl is broken</li><li>1619074 table in step screws up following steps for HTML generation</li><li>1728700 GenMapAndTopicList keeps filtering when called a second time</li><li>1732562 DitaWriter.java can duplicate @xtrf and @xtrc</li><li>1733108 Update Bookmap sample files to DITA 1.1</li><li>1706263 Conrefing from a map to topic is not working properly</li><li>1677620 Non-DITA file is treated as DITA in pre-process</li><li>1717471 Links show up more than once</li><li>1712543 gen-list-without-flagging : NullPointerException</li><li>1652892 Invalid hdr/ftr arg value causes build failure</li><li>1647950 PIs in DITA source are dropped in the processing pipeline</li><li>1644559 Force Toolkit to use private catalog to allow schemas to work properly</li><li>1642138 Move javamerge target out of build_template.xml</li><li>1643155 Map TOC is HTML even for transtype="xhtml"</li><li>1637564 topicpull breaks specializations of xref</li><li>1676968 Plugins adding to classpath break when basedir != dita.dir</li></ol>
42 | </section></refbody><related-links><linklist><desc>SourceForge bugs, patches, and RFEs listed above can be found in SourceForge Bugs,
43 | Patches, and RFE tracker pages</desc><link href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=132728&atid=725074" scope="external"><linktext>Bugs tracker</linktext></link><link href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=132728&atid=725076" scope="external"><linktext>Patches tracker</linktext></link><link href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=132728&atid=725077" scope="external"><linktext>RFE tracker</linktext></link></linklist></related-links></reference>