1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE task PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "task.dtd">
3 | <task id="conref-installing">
4 | <title>Conref file: Installing</title>
5 | <shortdesc id="installing"> If you already have locally-installed copies of Ant and the other
6 | required tools, install either the minimal or standard package. </shortdesc>
7 | <taskbody>
8 | <prereq id="installing-minimal-standard-package">
9 | <p>Ensure that you have the following prerequisite software installed:<ul>
10 | <li>Ant, version <keyword keyref="tool.ant.version.min"/> or later</li>
11 | <li>Java runtime environment or development kit, version <keyword
12 | keyref="tool.java.version"/> or later</li>
13 | <li>XSLT processor. You can use either Saxon, version <keyword
14 | keyref="tool.saxon.version"/> or later, or Xalan-J, version <keyword
15 | keyref="tool.xalan.version"/> or later.</li>
16 | </ul></p>
17 | <p>In addition, determine the specific DITA-OT transformations that you intend to
18 | support and ensure that you have the prerequisite software installed for them.</p>
19 | <p>For more information, see <xref href="prerequisite-software.dita"/> and <xref
20 | href="DITA-tested.xml">Tested platforms and tools</xref>.</p>
21 | </prereq>
22 | <steps>
23 | <step>
24 | <cmd id="download-minimal-standard">Download the minimal or standard package from
25 | <xref keyref="download.dita-ot.current-release">SourceForge</xref>.</cmd>
26 | <info id="recommend-stable-release">For production use, we recommend that you use
27 | the latest stable release.</info>
28 | </step>
29 | <step>
30 | <cmd id="extract-contents">Extract the contents of the package into an installation
31 | directory.</cmd>
32 | </step>
33 | </steps>
34 | </taskbody>
35 | </task>