1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE task PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "task.dtd">
3 | <task id="conref-task">
4 | <title>Conref file for tasks</title>
5 | <taskbody>
6 | <steps>
7 | <step id="run-startcmd">
8 | <cmd>Run the <filepath>startcmd</filepath> file that is applicable for your
9 | operating system.</cmd>
10 | <info>The <filepath>startcmd.bat</filepath> and <filepath>startcmd.sh</filepath>
11 | files are in the directory where you installed the DITA-OT.</info>
12 | </step>
13 | <step id="if-necessary-run-startcmd">
14 | <cmd>If necessary, run the <filepath>startcmd</filepath> file that is applicable for
15 | your operating system.</cmd>
16 | <info>You do not need to run the <filepath>startcmd</filepath> file if you already
17 | have a command-prompt or terminal window that was invoked by the
18 | <filepath>startcmd</filepath> file open.</info>
19 | </step>
20 | <step id="run-demo-build">
21 | <cmd id="run-the-following-command">From the DITA-OT shell, enter the following
22 | command:</cmd>
23 | <info id="run-demo-build-command">
24 | <codeblock>ant -f build_demo.xml</codeblock>
25 | </info>
26 | <stepresult>You receive the following
27 | prompt:<codeblock>[echo] Please enter the filename for the DITA map that you
28 | [echo] want to build including the directory path (if any).
29 | [echo] The filename must have the .ditamap extension.
30 | [echo] Note that relative paths that climb (..) are not supported yet.
31 | [echo] To build the sample, press return without entering anything.
32 | [input] The DITA map filename: [C:\DITA-OT1.6.M5\samples\hierarchy.ditamap]</codeblock></stepresult>
33 | </step>
34 | <step>
35 | <cmd/>
36 | <info>
37 | <ul id="basic-variables">
38 | <li><varname>input-file</varname> is the DITA map or DITA file that you want
39 | to process.</li>
40 | <li><varname>transformation-type</varname> is the transformation type.</li>
41 | <li><varname>parameter-name</varname> is the name of an optional
42 | parameter.</li>
43 | <li><varname>value</varname> is an applicable value for the optional
44 | parameter.</li>
45 | </ul>
46 | </info>
47 | <stepresult id="running-ditaot-results">If you do not specify an output directory,
48 | by default, the DITA-OT writes the output to the
49 | <filepath><varname>installation-directory</varname>\out</filepath>
50 | directory.</stepresult>
51 | </step>
52 | </steps>
53 | </taskbody>
54 | </task>