1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE task PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "task.dtd">
3 | <task id="t-increasing-the-JVM">
4 | <title>Increasing Java memory allocation</title>
5 | <shortdesc>If you are working with large documents with extensive metadata or key references,
6 | you will need to increase the memory allocation for the Java process. You can do this from the
7 | command-line prompt for a specific session, or you can increase the value of the ANT_OPTS
8 | environmental variable.</shortdesc>
9 | <taskbody>
10 | <steps-unordered>
11 | <step>
12 | <cmd>To change the value for an specific session, from the command prompt, issue the
13 | following command:</cmd>
14 | <choicetable>
15 | <chhead>
16 | <choptionhd>Platform</choptionhd>
17 | <chdeschd>Command</chdeschd>
18 | </chhead>
19 | <chrow platform="windows">
20 | <choption>Windows</choption>
21 | <chdesc><codeph>set ANT_OPTS=%ANT_OPTS%
22 | -Xmx<varname>1024</varname>M</codeph></chdesc>
23 | </chrow>
24 | <chrow platform="unix">
25 | <choption>Linux/OS X</choption>
26 | <chdesc><codeph>export ANT_OPTS=$ANT_OPTS
27 | -Xmx<varname>1024</varname>M</codeph></chdesc>
28 | </chrow>
29 | </choicetable>
30 | <info><p>This increases the JVM memory allocation to 1024 megabytes. The amount of memory which can
31 | be allocated is limited by available system memory and the operating system.</p></info>
32 | </step>
33 | <step>
34 | <cmd>To persistently change the value, change the value allocated to the ANT_OPTS
35 | environment variable on your system. If you use the <filepath>startcmd</filepath> file
36 | from the Full Easy Install to set up a toolkit session, edit that file
37 | to change the value.</cmd>
38 | </step>
39 | </steps-unordered>
40 | </taskbody>
41 | </task>