1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE task PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "task.dtd">
3 | <task id="installation-windows" platform="windows">
4 | <title>Installing the minimal or standard package on Windows</title>
5 | <shortdesc conref="conref-installing.dita#conref-installing/installing"/>
6 | <taskbody>
7 | <prereq
8 | conref="conref-installing.dita#conref-installing/installing-minimal-standard-package"/>
9 | <steps>
10 | <step>
11 | <cmd conref="conref-installing.dita#conref-installing/download-minimal-standard"/>
12 | <choicetable relcolwidth="1* 4*">
13 | <chhead>
14 | <choptionhd>Package</choptionhd>
15 | <chdeschd>File name</chdeschd>
16 | </chhead>
17 | <chrow>
18 | <choption>Minimal</choption>
19 | <chdesc><filepath>DITA-OT<keyword keyref="release.version"
20 | />_minimal_bin.zip</filepath></chdesc>
21 | </chrow>
22 | <chrow>
23 | <choption>Standard</choption>
24 | <chdesc><filepath>DITA-OT<keyword keyref="release.version"
25 | />_standard_bin.zip</filepath></chdesc>
26 | </chrow>
27 | </choicetable>
28 | <info conref="conref-installing.dita#conref-installing/recommend-stable-release"/>
29 | </step>
30 | <step>
31 | <cmd conref="conref-installing.dita#conref-installing/extract-contents"/>
32 | <stepxmp>For example, <filepath>C:\pkg\DITA-OT<keyword keyref="release.version"
33 | />.</filepath></stepxmp>
34 | </step>
35 | <step>
36 | <cmd>Verify that the <varname>JAVA_HOME</varname> environment variable is set. </cmd>
37 | <stepxmp>
38 | <codeblock>set JAVA_HOME=<JRE_dir></codeblock>
39 | </stepxmp>
40 | </step>
41 | <step>
42 | <cmd>Verify that the <varname>ANT_HOME</varname> environment variable is set. </cmd>
43 | <stepxmp>
44 | <codeblock>set ANT_HOME=<Ant_dir></codeblock>
45 | </stepxmp>
46 | </step>
47 | <step>
48 | <cmd>Verify that the <varname>PATH</varname> environment variable includes the Java
49 | and Ant executable files.</cmd>
50 | <stepxmp>
51 | <codeblock>set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%PATH%</codeblock>
52 | </stepxmp>
53 | </step>
54 | <step>
55 | <cmd>Set the <varname>DITA_HOME</varname> environment variable to point to the
56 | DITA-OT installation directory.</cmd>
57 | <stepxmp>
58 | <codeblock>set DITA_HOME=<DITA-OT_dir></codeblock>
59 | </stepxmp>
60 | </step>
61 | <step>
62 | <cmd>Set up the <varname>CLASSPATH</varname> environment variable.</cmd>
63 | <stepxmp>
64 | <codeblock>set CLASSPATH=%DITA_HOME%\lib\dost.jar;%CLASSPATH%
66 | set CLASSPATH=%DITA_HOME%\lib\resolver.jar;%CLASSPATH%
67 | set CLASSPATH=%DITA_HOME%\lib\commons-codec-<keyword keyref="tool.codec.version"/>.jar;%CLASSPATH%</codeblock>
68 | </stepxmp>
69 | </step>
70 | <step importance="optional">
71 | <cmd>If you use Ant, version 1.8 or later, set up the <varname>CLASSPATH</varname>
72 | environment variable to include Apache Xerces.</cmd>
73 | <stepxmp>
74 | <codeblock>set CLASSPATH=<xerces_dir>\xercesImpl.jar;<xerces_dir>\xml-apis.jar;%CLASSPATH%</codeblock>
75 | </stepxmp>
76 | </step>
77 | <step>
78 | <cmd>Set up the XSLT processor:</cmd>
79 | <choicetable relcolwidth="1.0* 4.0*">
80 | <chhead>
81 | <choptionhd>Processor</choptionhd>
82 | <chdeschd>Action</chdeschd>
83 | </chhead>
84 | <chrow>
85 | <choption>Saxon</choption>
86 | <chdesc>
87 | <p>Set up the <varname>CLASSPATH</varname> environment variable to
88 | include the Saxon JAR files, for
89 | example:<codeblock>set CLASSPATH=<saxon_dir>\saxon9.jar;<saxon_dir>\saxon9-dom.jar;%CLASSPATH%</codeblock></p>
90 | <p>Set up the <codeph>ANT_OPTS</codeph> environment variable, for
91 | example:
92 | <codeblock>set ANT_OPTS=%ANT_OPTS% -Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl</codeblock></p>
93 | </chdesc>
94 | </chrow>
95 | <chrow>
96 | <choption>Xalan</choption>
97 | <chdesc>Set up the <varname>CLASSPATH</varname> environment variable to
98 | include the Xalan JAR files, for example:
99 | <codeblock>set CLASSPATH=<xalan_dir>\xalan.jar;%CLASSPATH%</codeblock></chdesc>
100 | </chrow>
101 | </choicetable>
102 | </step>
103 | <step importance="optional">
104 | <cmd>For index processing, set up ICU for Java.</cmd>
105 | <stepxmp>
106 | <codeblock>set CLASSPATH=<icu4j_dir>\icu4j.jar;%CLASSPATH%</codeblock>
107 | </stepxmp>
108 | </step>
109 | <step importance="optional">
110 | <cmd>For JavaHelp, set the <varname>JHHOME</varname> environment variable.</cmd>
111 | <stepxmp>
112 | <codeblock>set JHHOME=<javahelp_dir></codeblock>
113 | </stepxmp>
114 | </step>
115 | <step importance="optional">
116 | <cmd>For HTML Help, add the installation directory for the HTML Help Workshop to the
117 | <filepath>local.properties</filepath> file as the <option>hhc.dir</option>
118 | property.</cmd>
119 | <stepxmp>
120 | <codeblock>hhc.dir=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\HTML Help Workshop</codeblock>
121 | </stepxmp>
122 | </step>
123 | <step importance="optional">
124 | <cmd>For PDF output, set up the XSL-FO processor:</cmd>
125 | <choicetable relcolwidth="1.0* 4.0*">
126 | <chhead>
127 | <choptionhd>Processor</choptionhd>
128 | <chdeschd>Action</chdeschd>
129 | </chhead>
130 | <chrow>
131 | <choption>FOP</choption>
132 | <chdesc>
133 | <p>Add the FOP installation directory to the
134 | <filepath>local.properties</filepath> file as the
135 | <option>fop.home</option> property, for
136 | example:<codeblock>fop.home=C:\\Program Files\\fop</codeblock></p>
137 | </chdesc>
138 | </chrow>
139 | <chrow>
140 | <choption>RenderX</choption>
141 | <chdesc>Add the RenderX installation directory to the
142 | <filepath>local.properties</filepath> file as the
143 | <option>xep.dir</option> property, for
144 | example:<codeblock>xep.dir=C:\\Program Files\\xep</codeblock></chdesc>
145 | </chrow>
146 | <chrow>
147 | <choption>Antenna House</choption>
148 | <chdesc>Add the AH Formatter installation directory to the
149 | <filepath>local.properties</filepath> file as the
150 | <option>axf.path</option> property, for
151 | example:<codeblock>axf.path=C:\\Program Files\\AHFormatterV6</codeblock></chdesc>
152 | </chrow>
153 | </choicetable>
154 | </step>
155 | <step>
156 | <cmd>Test the DITA-OT installation by transforming the sample files.</cmd>
157 | <info>The <filepath>samples\ant_sample directory</filepath> contains Ant scripts
158 | designed to build various output formats.</info>
159 | <stepxmp>
160 | <codeblock>C:\<varname>DITA-OT</varname><keyword keyref="release.version"/>>ant -f samples\ant_sample\sample_all.xml</codeblock>
161 | </stepxmp>
162 | <stepresult>The generated output is written to the
163 | <filepath><varname>DITA-dir</varname>\out\samples directory</filepath>.
164 | The following output formats are generated:<ul>
165 | <li>Docbook</li>
166 | <li>Eclipse help</li>
167 | <li>HTML Help</li>
168 | <li>ODT</li>
169 | <li>JavaHelp</li>
170 | <li>PDF</li>
171 | <li>TocJS</li>
172 | <li>TROFF</li>
173 | <li>XHTML</li>
174 | </ul></stepresult>
175 | </step>
176 | </steps>
177 | </taskbody>
178 | </task>