1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE map PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Map//EN" "map.dtd">
3 | <map>
4 | <title>Publishing</title>
5 | <topicref href="tranforming-dita-content.dita" navtitle="Transforming DITA content">
6 | <topicref href="AvailableTransforms.dita">
7 | <topicref href="dita2docbook.dita"/>
8 | <topicref href="dita2eclipsecontent.dita"/>
9 | <topicref href="dita2eclipsehelp.dita"/>
10 | <topicref href="dita2htmlhelp.dita" platform="windows"/>
11 | <topicref href="dita2legacypdf.dita" importance="deprecated"/>
12 | <topicref href="dita2odt.dita"/>
13 | <topicref href="dita2pdf.dita"/>
14 | <topicref href="dita2word.xml"/>
15 | <topicref href="dita2tocjs.dita"/>
16 | <topicref href="dita2troff.dita"/>
17 | <topicref href="dita2xhtml.dita"/>
18 | </topicref>
19 | <topicref href="DITA-ant.xml" navtitle="Running DITA-OT from Ant">
20 | <topicref href="ant.dita" navtitle="Ant overview"/>
21 | <topicref href="DITA-antuse.xml" navtitle="Building output using Ant"/>
22 | <topicref href="creating-an-ant-build-script.dita" navtitle="Creating an Ant build script"/>
23 | </topicref>
24 | <topicref href="DITA-javacmd.xml" navtitle="Running DITA-OT from the command-line tool">
25 | <topicref href="command-line-tool.dita" navtitle="Command-line tool"/>
26 | <topicref href="building-output-using-cl-tool.dita"
27 | navtitle="Building output using the command-line tool"/>
28 | </topicref>
29 | </topicref>
30 | </map>