1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <!-- This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project hosted on
3 | Sourceforge.net. See the accompanying license.txt file for
4 | applicable licenses.-->
5 | <!-- (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 All Rights Reserved. -->
6 |
7 | <strings xml:lang="it-it"> <!-- Italian -->
8 |
9 | <!-- various labels (not author controlled) -->
10 | <str name="Figure">Figura</str>
11 | <str name="Table">Tabella</str>
12 | <str name="Next topic">Argomento successivo</str>
13 | <str name="Previous topic">Argomento precedente</str>
14 | <str name="Parent topic">Argomento principale</str>
15 | <str name="Required cleanup">Correzione necessaria</str>
16 | <str name="Draft comment">Commento per la versione bozza</str>
17 | <str name="Option">Opzione</str>
18 | <str name="Description">Descrizione</str>
19 | <str name="Optional">Opzionale</str>
20 | <str name="Required">Richiesto</str>
21 | <str name="Skip visual syntax diagram">Salta diagramma di sintassi</str>
22 | <str name="Read syntax diagram">Leggi diagramma di sintassi</str>
23 | <str name="Start of change">Inizio modifica</str>
24 | <str name="End of change">Fine modifica</str>
25 | <str name="Index">Indice analitico</str>
26 | <str name="Special characters">Caratteri speciali</str>
27 | <str name="Numerics">Numerico</str>
28 | <str name="End notes">Note a pié di pagina</str>
29 | <str name="Artwork">Figura</str>
30 | <str name="Syntax">Sintassi</str>
31 | <str name="Type">Tipo</str>
32 | <str name="Value">Valore</str>
33 | <!-- Text that goes before a link to a topic -->
34 | <str name="intro-to-topic-link"></str>
35 |
36 | <!-- peril notice labels -->
37 | <str name="Note">Nota</str>
38 | <str name="Notes">Note</str>
39 | <str name="Tip">Suggerimento</str>
40 | <str name="Fastpath">Percorso di accesso rapido</str>
41 | <str name="Important">Importante</str>
42 | <str name="Attention">Attenzione</str>
43 | <str name="Caution">Avvertenza</str>
44 | <str name="Danger">Pericolo</str>
45 | <str name="Remember">Attenzione</str>
46 | <str name="Restriction">Limitazione</str>
47 | <str name="Warning">Avvertenza</str>
48 |
49 | <!-- default title text for section level generated sections -->
50 | <str name="Contents">Indice</str>
51 | <str name="Related concepts">Concetti correlati</str>
52 | <str name="Related tasks">Attività correlate</str>
53 | <str name="Related reference">Riferimenti correlati</str>
54 | <str name="Related information">Informazioni correlate</str>
55 |
56 | <str name="Prerequisite">Prerequisito</str>
57 | <str name="Prerequisites">Prerequisiti</str>
58 | <str name="or">oppure</str>
59 | <str name="figure-number-separator"> </str>
60 |
61 | <!--Task section labels -->
62 | <str name="task_context">Informazioni su questa attività</str>
63 | <str name="task_example">Esempio</str>
64 | <str name="task_prereq">Prima di iniziare</str>
65 | <str name="task_postreq">Operazioni successive</str>
66 | <str name="task_procedure">Procedura</str>
67 | <str name="task_results">Risultati</str>
68 |
69 | <str name="Copyright">Copyright</str>
70 |
71 | <!-- Symbols -->
72 | <str name="OpenQuote">"</str>
73 | <str name="CloseQuote">"</str>
74 | <str name="ColonSymbol">:</str>
75 |
76 | <!-- For odt transform -->
77 | <str name="On the page"> alla pagina </str>
78 | <str name="Related Links">Collegamenti correlati</str>
79 | <str name="List item">Voce di elenco.</str>
80 | <str name="Foot note">Piè di pagina.</str>
81 | <str name="Page"> pagina </str>
82 | <str name="Unordered List bullet">•</str>
83 |
84 | </strings>