1 | $!------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | $! make "PNG: The Definitive Guide" demo programs (for X) under OpenVMS
3 | $!
4 | $! Script created by Martin Zinser for libpng; modified by Greg Roelofs
5 | $! for standalone pngbook source distribution.
6 | $!
7 | $!
8 | $! Set locations where zlib and libpng sources live.
9 | $!
10 | $ zpath = ""
11 | $ pngpath = ""
12 | $!
13 | $ if f$search("[---.zlib]zlib.h").nes."" then zpath = "[---.zlib]"
14 | $ if f$search("[--]png.h").nes."" then pngpath = "[--]"
15 | $!
16 | $ if f$search("[-.zlib]zlib.h").nes."" then zpath = "[-.zlib]"
17 | $ if f$search("[-.libpng]png.h").nes."" then pngpath = "[-.libpng]"
18 | $!
19 | $ if zpath .eqs. ""
20 | $ then
21 | $ write sys$output "zlib include not found. Exiting..."
22 | $ exit 2
23 | $ endif
24 | $!
25 | $ if pngpath .eqs. ""
26 | $ then
27 | $ write sys$output "libpng include not found. Exiting..."
28 | $ exit 2
29 | $ endif
30 | $!
31 | $! Look for the compiler used.
32 | $!
33 | $ ccopt="/include=(''zpath',''pngpath')"
34 | $ if f$getsyi("HW_MODEL").ge.1024
35 | $ then
36 | $ ccopt = "/prefix=all"+ccopt
37 | $ comp = "__decc__=1"
38 | $ if f$trnlnm("SYS").eqs."" then define sys sys$library:
39 | $ else
40 | $ if f$search("SYS$SYSTEM:DECC$COMPILER.EXE").eqs.""
41 | $ then
42 | $ if f$trnlnm("SYS").eqs."" then define sys sys$library:
43 | $ if f$search("SYS$SYSTEM:VAXC.EXE").eqs.""
44 | $ then
45 | $ comp = "__gcc__=1"
46 | $ CC :== GCC
47 | $ else
48 | $ comp = "__vaxc__=1"
49 | $ endif
50 | $ else
51 | $ if f$trnlnm("SYS").eqs."" then define sys decc$library_include:
52 | $ ccopt = "/decc/prefix=all"+ccopt
53 | $ comp = "__decc__=1"
54 | $ endif
55 | $ endif
56 | $ open/write lopt lib.opt
57 | $ write lopt "''pngpath'libpng.olb/lib"
58 | $ write lopt "''zpath'libz.olb/lib"
59 | $ close lopt
60 | $ open/write xopt x11.opt
61 | $ write xopt "sys$library:decw$xlibshr.exe/share"
62 | $ close xopt
63 | $!
64 | $! Build 'em.
65 | $!
66 | $ write sys$output "Compiling PNG book programs ..."
67 | $ CALL MAKE readpng.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' readpng" -
68 | readpng.c readpng.h
69 | $ CALL MAKE readpng2.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' readpng2" -
70 | readpng2.c readpng2.h
71 | $ CALL MAKE writepng.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' writepng" -
72 | writepng.c writepng.h
73 | $ write sys$output "Building rpng-x..."
74 | $ CALL MAKE rpng-x.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' rpng-x" -
75 | rpng-x.c readpng.h
76 | $ call make rpng-x.exe -
77 | "LINK rpng-x,readpng,lib.opt/opt,x11.opt/opt" -
78 | rpng-x.obj readpng.obj
79 | $ write sys$output "Building rpng2-x..."
80 | $ CALL MAKE rpng2-x.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' rpng2-x" -
81 | rpng2-x.c readpng2.h
82 | $ call make rpng2-x.exe -
83 | "LINK rpng2-x,readpng2,lib.opt/opt,x11.opt/opt" -
84 | rpng2-x.obj readpng2.obj
85 | $ write sys$output "Building wpng..."
86 | $ CALL MAKE wpng.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' wpng" -
87 | wpng.c writepng.h
88 | $ call make wpng.exe -
89 | "LINK wpng,writepng,lib.opt/opt" -
90 | wpng.obj writepng.obj
91 | $ exit
92 | $!
93 | $!
95 | $ V = 'F$Verify(0)
96 | $! P1 = What we are trying to make
97 | $! P2 = Command to make it
98 | $! P3 - P8 What it depends on
99 | $
100 | $ If F$Search(P1) .Eqs. "" Then Goto Makeit
101 | $ Time = F$CvTime(F$File(P1,"RDT"))
102 | $arg=3
103 | $Loop:
104 | $ Argument = P'arg
105 | $ If Argument .Eqs. "" Then Goto Exit
106 | $ El=0
107 | $Loop2:
108 | $ File = F$Element(El," ",Argument)
109 | $ If File .Eqs. " " Then Goto Endl
110 | $ AFile = ""
111 | $Loop3:
112 | $ OFile = AFile
113 | $ AFile = F$Search(File)
114 | $ If AFile .Eqs. "" .Or. AFile .Eqs. OFile Then Goto NextEl
115 | $ If F$CvTime(F$File(AFile,"RDT")) .Ges. Time Then Goto Makeit
116 | $ Goto Loop3
117 | $NextEL:
118 | $ El = El + 1
119 | $ Goto Loop2
120 | $EndL:
121 | $ arg=arg+1
122 | $ If arg .Le. 8 Then Goto Loop
123 | $ Goto Exit
124 | $
125 | $Makeit:
126 | $ VV=F$VERIFY(0)
127 | $ write sys$output P2
128 | $ 'P2
129 | $ VV='F$Verify(VV)
130 | $Exit:
131 | $ If V Then Set Verify