1 | ===========================
2 | PNG: The Definitive Guide
3 | ===========================
4 |
5 | Source Code
6 |
7 | Chapters 13, 14 and 15 of "PNG: The Definitive Guide" discuss three free,
8 | cross-platform demo programs that show how to use the libpng reference
9 | library: rpng, rpng2 and wpng. rpng and rpng2 are viewers; the first is
10 | a very simple example that that shows how a standard file-viewer might use
11 | libpng, while the second is designed to process streaming data and shows
12 | how a web browser might be written. wpng is a simple command-line program
13 | that reads binary PGM and PPM files (the ``raw'' grayscale and RGB subsets
14 | of PBMPLUS/NetPBM) and converts them to PNG.
15 |
16 | The source code for all three demo programs currently compiles under
17 | Unix, OpenVMS, and 32-bit Windows. (Special thanks to Martin Zinser,
18 | zinser@decus.de, for making the necessary changes for OpenVMS and for
19 | providing an appropriate build script.) Build instructions can be found
20 | below.
21 |
22 | Files:
23 |
24 | README this file
25 | LICENSE terms of distribution and reuse (BSD-like)
26 |
27 | Makefile.unx Unix makefile
28 | Makefile.w32 Windows (MSVC) makefile
29 | makevms.com OpenVMS build script
30 |
31 | rpng-win.c Windows front end for the basic viewer
32 | rpng-x.c X Window System (Unix, OpenVMS) front end
33 | readpng.c generic back end for the basic viewer
34 | readpng.h header file for the basic viewer
35 |
36 | rpng2-win.c Windows front end for the progressive viewer
37 | rpng2-x.c X front end for the progressive viewer
38 | readpng2.c generic back end for the progressive viewer
39 | readpng2.h header file for the progressive viewer
40 |
41 | wpng.c generic (text) front end for the converter
42 | writepng.c generic back end for the converter
43 | writepng.h header file for the converter
44 |
45 | toucan.png transparent PNG for testing (by Stefan Schneider)
46 |
47 | Note that, although the programs are designed to be functional, their
48 | primary purpose is to illustrate how to use libpng to add PNG support to
49 | other programs. As such, their user interfaces are crude and definitely
50 | are not intended for everyday use.
51 |
52 | Please see http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/pngbook.html for further infor-
53 | mation and links to the latest version of the source code, and Chapters
54 | 13-15 of the book for detailed discussion of the three programs.
55 |
56 | Greg Roelofs
57 | newt@pobox.com
58 | 30 June 2001
59 |
60 |
62 |
63 | - Prerequisites (in order of compilation):
64 |
65 | - zlib http://www.gzip.org/zlib/
66 | - libpng http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html
67 | - pngbook http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/book/sources.html
68 |
69 | The pngbook demo programs are explicitly designed to demonstrate proper
70 | coding techniques for using the libpng reference library. As a result,
71 | you need to download and build both zlib (on which libpng depends) and
72 | libpng. A common build setup is to place the zlib, libpng and pngbook
73 | subdirectory trees ("folders") in the same parent directory. Then the
74 | libpng build can refer to files in ../zlib (or ..\zlib or [-.zlib]),
75 | and similarly for the pngbook build.
76 |
77 | Note that all three packages are designed to be built from a command
78 | line by default; those who wish to use a graphical or other integrated
79 | development environments are on their own.
80 |
81 |
82 | - Unix:
83 |
84 | Unpack the latest pngbook sources (which should correspond to this
85 | README file) into a directory and change into that directory.
86 |
87 | Copy Makefile.unx to Makefile and edit the PNG* and Z* variables
88 | appropriately (possibly also the X* variables if necessary).
89 |
90 | make
91 |
92 | There is no "install" target, so copy the three executables somewhere
93 | in your path or run them from the current directory. All three will
94 | print a basic usage screen when run without any command-line arguments;
95 | see the book for more details.
96 |
97 |
98 | - Windows:
99 |
100 | Unpack the latest pngbook sources (which should correspond to this
101 | README file) into a folder, open a "DOS shell" or "command prompt"
102 | or equivalent command-line window, and cd into the folder where you
103 | unpacked the source code.
104 |
105 | For MSVC, set up the necessary environment variables by invoking
106 |
107 | %devstudio%\vc\bin\vcvars32.bat
108 |
109 | where where %devstudio% is the installation directory for MSVC /
110 | DevStudio. If you get "environment out of space" errors under 95/98,
111 | create a desktop shortcut with "c:\windows\command.com /e:4096" as
112 | the program command line and set the working directory to the pngbook
113 | directory. Then double-click to open the new DOS-prompt window with
114 | a bigger environment and retry the commands above.
115 |
116 | Copy Makefile.w32 to Makefile and edit the PNGPATH and ZPATH variables
117 | appropriately (possibly also the "INC" and "LIB" variables if needed).
118 | Note that the names of the dynamic and static libpng and zlib libraries
119 | used in the makefile may change in later releases of the libraries.
120 | Also note that, as of libpng version 1.0.5, MSVC DLL builds do not work.
121 | This makefile therefore builds statically linked executables, but if
122 | the DLL problems ever get fixed, uncommenting the appropriate PNGLIB
123 | and ZLIB lines will build dynamically linked executables instead.
124 |
125 | Do the build by typing
126 |
127 | nmake
128 |
129 | The result should be three executables: rpng-win.exe, rpng2-win.exe,
130 | and wpng.exe. Copy them somewhere in your PATH or run them from the
131 | current folder. Like the Unix versions, the two windowed programs
132 | (rpng and rpng2) now display a usage screen in a console window when
133 | invoked without command-line arguments; this is new behavior as of
134 | the June 2001 release. Note that the programs use the Unix-style "-"
135 | character to specify options, instead of the more common DOS/Windows
136 | "/" character. (For example: "rpng2-win -bgpat 4 foo.png", not
137 | "rpng2-win /bgpat 4 foo.png")
138 |
139 |
140 | - OpenVMS:
141 |
142 | Unpack the pngbook sources into a subdirectory and change into that
143 | subdirectory.
144 |
145 | Edit makevms.com appropriately, specifically the zpath and pngpath
146 | variables.
147 |
148 | @makevms
149 |
150 | To run the programs, they probably first need to be set up as "foreign
151 | symbols," with "disk" and "dir" set appropriately:
152 |
153 | $ rpng == "$disk:[dir]rpng-x.exe"
154 | $ rpng2 == "$disk:[dir]rpng2-x.exe"
155 | $ wpng == "$disk:[dir]wpng.exe"
156 |
157 | All three will print a basic usage screen when run without any command-
158 | line arguments; see the book for more details. Note that the options
159 | style is Unix-like, i.e., preceded by "-" rather than "/".
160 |
161 |
163 |
164 | rpng is a simple PNG viewer that can display transparent PNGs with a
165 | specified background color; for example,
166 |
167 | rpng -bgcolor #ff0000 toucan.png
168 |
169 | would display the image with a red background. rpng2 is a progressive
170 | viewer that simulates a web browser in some respects; it can display
171 | images against either a background color or a dynamically generated
172 | background image. For example:
173 |
174 | rpng2 -bgpat 16 toucan.png
175 |
176 | wpng is a purely command-line image converter from binary PBMPLUS/NetPBM
177 | format (.pgm or .ppm) to PNG; for example,
178 |
179 | wpng -time < toucan.ppm > toucan.png
180 |
181 | would convert the specified PPM file (using redirection) to PNG, auto-
182 | matically setting the PNG modification-time chunk.
183 |
184 | All options can be abbreviated to the shortest unique value; for example,
185 | "-bgc" for -bgcolor (versus "-bgp" for -bgpat), or "-g" for -gamma.