1 | /********************************************************************
2 | * *
7 | * *
8 | * THE OggVorbis SOURCE CODE IS (C) COPYRIGHT 1994-2001 *
9 | * by the Xiph.Org Foundation https://xiph.org/ *
10 | * *
11 | ********************************************************************
12 |
13 | function: train a VQ codebook
14 |
15 | ********************************************************************/
16 |
17 | /* This code is *not* part of libvorbis. It is used to generate
18 | trained codebooks offline and then spit the results into a
19 | pregenerated codebook that is compiled into libvorbis. It is an
20 | expensive (but good) algorithm. Run it on big iron. */
21 |
22 | /* There are so many optimizations to explore in *both* stages that
23 | considering the undertaking is almost withering. For now, we brute
24 | force it all */
25 |
26 | #include <stdlib.h>
27 | #include <stdio.h>
28 | #include <math.h>
29 | #include <string.h>
30 |
31 | #include "vqgen.h"
32 | #include "bookutil.h"
33 |
34 | /* Codebook generation happens in two steps:
35 |
36 | 1) Train the codebook with data collected from the encoder: We use
37 | one of a few error metrics (which represent the distance between a
38 | given data point and a candidate point in the training set) to
39 | divide the training set up into cells representing roughly equal
40 | probability of occurring.
41 |
42 | 2) Generate the codebook and auxiliary data from the trained data set
43 | */
44 |
45 | /* Codebook training ****************************************************
46 | *
47 | * The basic idea here is that a VQ codebook is like an m-dimensional
48 | * foam with n bubbles. The bubbles compete for space/volume and are
49 | * 'pressurized' [biased] according to some metric. The basic alg
50 | * iterates through allowing the bubbles to compete for space until
51 | * they converge (if the damping is dome properly) on a steady-state
52 | * solution. Individual input points, collected from libvorbis, are
53 | * used to train the algorithm monte-carlo style. */
54 |
55 | /* internal helpers *****************************************************/
56 | #define vN(data,i) (data+v->elements*i)
57 |
58 | /* default metric; squared 'distance' from desired value. */
59 | float _dist(vqgen *v,float *a, float *b){
60 | int i;
61 | int el=v->elements;
62 | float acc=0.f;
63 | for(i=0;i<el;i++){
64 | float val=(a[i]-b[i]);
65 | acc+=val*val;
66 | }
67 | return sqrt(acc);
68 | }
69 |
70 | float *_weight_null(vqgen *v,float *a){
71 | return a;
72 | }
73 |
74 | /* *must* be beefed up. */
75 | void _vqgen_seed(vqgen *v){
76 | long i;
77 | for(i=0;i<v->entries;i++)
78 | memcpy(_now(v,i),_point(v,i),sizeof(float)*v->elements);
79 | v->seeded=1;
80 | }
81 |
82 | int directdsort(const void *a, const void *b){
83 | float av=*((float *)a);
84 | float bv=*((float *)b);
85 | return (av<bv)-(av>bv);
86 | }
87 |
88 | void vqgen_cellmetric(vqgen *v){
89 | int j,k;
90 | float min=-1.f,max=-1.f,mean=0.f,acc=0.f;
91 | long dup=0,unused=0;
92 | #ifdef NOISY
93 | int i;
94 | char buff[80];
95 | float spacings[v->entries];
96 | int count=0;
97 | FILE *cells;
98 | sprintf(buff,"cellspace%d.m",v->it);
99 | cells=fopen(buff,"w");
100 | #endif
101 |
102 | /* minimum, maximum, cell spacing */
103 | for(j=0;j<v->entries;j++){
104 | float localmin=-1.;
105 |
106 | for(k=0;k<v->entries;k++){
107 | if(j!=k){
108 | float this=_dist(v,_now(v,j),_now(v,k));
109 | if(this>0){
110 | if(v->assigned[k] && (localmin==-1 || this<localmin))
111 | localmin=this;
112 | }else{
113 | if(k<j){
114 | dup++;
115 | break;
116 | }
117 | }
118 | }
119 | }
120 | if(k<v->entries)continue;
121 |
122 | if(v->assigned[j]==0){
123 | unused++;
124 | continue;
125 | }
126 |
127 | localmin=v->max[j]+localmin/2; /* this gives us rough diameter */
128 | if(min==-1 || localmin<min)min=localmin;
129 | if(max==-1 || localmin>max)max=localmin;
130 | mean+=localmin;
131 | acc++;
132 | #ifdef NOISY
133 | spacings[count++]=localmin;
134 | #endif
135 | }
136 |
137 | fprintf(stderr,"cell diameter: %.03g::%.03g::%.03g (%ld unused/%ld dup)\n",
138 | min,mean/acc,max,unused,dup);
139 |
140 | #ifdef NOISY
141 | qsort(spacings,count,sizeof(float),directdsort);
142 | for(i=0;i<count;i++)
143 | fprintf(cells,"%g\n",spacings[i]);
144 | fclose(cells);
145 | #endif
146 |
147 | }
148 |
149 | /* External calls *******************************************************/
150 |
151 | /* We have two forms of quantization; in the first, each vector
152 | element in the codebook entry is orthogonal. Residues would use this
153 | quantization for example.
154 |
155 | In the second, we have a sequence of monotonically increasing
156 | values that we wish to quantize as deltas (to save space). We
157 | still need to quantize so that absolute values are accurate. For
158 | example, LSP quantizes all absolute values, but the book encodes
159 | distance between values because each successive value is larger
160 | than the preceeding value. Thus the desired quantibits apply to
161 | the encoded (delta) values, not abs positions. This requires minor
162 | additional encode-side trickery. */
163 |
164 | void vqgen_quantize(vqgen *v,quant_meta *q){
165 |
166 | float maxdel;
167 | float mindel;
168 |
169 | float delta;
170 | float maxquant=((1<<q->quant)-1);
171 |
172 | int j,k;
173 |
174 | mindel=maxdel=_now(v,0)[0];
175 |
176 | for(j=0;j<v->entries;j++){
177 | float last=0.f;
178 | for(k=0;k<v->elements;k++){
179 | if(mindel>_now(v,j)[k]-last)mindel=_now(v,j)[k]-last;
180 | if(maxdel<_now(v,j)[k]-last)maxdel=_now(v,j)[k]-last;
181 | if(q->sequencep)last=_now(v,j)[k];
182 | }
183 | }
184 |
185 |
186 | /* first find the basic delta amount from the maximum span to be
187 | encoded. Loosen the delta slightly to allow for additional error
188 | during sequence quantization */
189 |
190 | delta=(maxdel-mindel)/((1<<q->quant)-1.5f);
191 |
192 | q->min=_float32_pack(mindel);
193 | q->delta=_float32_pack(delta);
194 |
195 | mindel=_float32_unpack(q->min);
196 | delta=_float32_unpack(q->delta);
197 |
198 | for(j=0;j<v->entries;j++){
199 | float last=0;
200 | for(k=0;k<v->elements;k++){
201 | float val=_now(v,j)[k];
202 | float now=rint((val-last-mindel)/delta);
203 |
204 | _now(v,j)[k]=now;
205 | if(now<0){
206 | /* be paranoid; this should be impossible */
207 | fprintf(stderr,"fault; quantized value<0\n");
208 | exit(1);
209 | }
210 |
211 | if(now>maxquant){
212 | /* be paranoid; this should be impossible */
213 | fprintf(stderr,"fault; quantized value>max\n");
214 | exit(1);
215 | }
216 | if(q->sequencep)last=(now*delta)+mindel+last;
217 | }
218 | }
219 | }
220 |
221 | /* much easier :-). Unlike in the codebook, we don't un-log log
222 | scales; we just make sure they're properly offset. */
223 | void vqgen_unquantize(vqgen *v,quant_meta *q){
224 | long j,k;
225 | float mindel=_float32_unpack(q->min);
226 | float delta=_float32_unpack(q->delta);
227 |
228 | for(j=0;j<v->entries;j++){
229 | float last=0.f;
230 | for(k=0;k<v->elements;k++){
231 | float now=_now(v,j)[k];
232 | now=fabs(now)*delta+last+mindel;
233 | if(q->sequencep)last=now;
234 | _now(v,j)[k]=now;
235 | }
236 | }
237 | }
238 |
239 | void vqgen_init(vqgen *v,int elements,int aux,int entries,float mindist,
240 | float (*metric)(vqgen *,float *, float *),
241 | float *(*weight)(vqgen *,float *),int centroid){
242 | memset(v,0,sizeof(vqgen));
243 |
244 | v->centroid=centroid;
245 | v->elements=elements;
246 | v->aux=aux;
247 | v->mindist=mindist;
248 | v->allocated=32768;
249 | v->pointlist=_ogg_malloc(v->allocated*(v->elements+v->aux)*sizeof(float));
250 |
251 | v->entries=entries;
252 | v->entrylist=_ogg_malloc(v->entries*v->elements*sizeof(float));
253 | v->assigned=_ogg_malloc(v->entries*sizeof(long));
254 | v->bias=_ogg_calloc(v->entries,sizeof(float));
255 | v->max=_ogg_calloc(v->entries,sizeof(float));
256 | if(metric)
257 | v->metric_func=metric;
258 | else
259 | v->metric_func=_dist;
260 | if(weight)
261 | v->weight_func=weight;
262 | else
263 | v->weight_func=_weight_null;
264 |
265 | v->asciipoints=tmpfile();
266 |
267 | }
268 |
269 | void vqgen_addpoint(vqgen *v, float *p,float *a){
270 | int k;
271 | for(k=0;k<v->elements;k++)
272 | fprintf(v->asciipoints,"%.12g\n",p[k]);
273 | for(k=0;k<v->aux;k++)
274 | fprintf(v->asciipoints,"%.12g\n",a[k]);
275 |
276 | if(v->points>=v->allocated){
277 | v->allocated*=2;
278 | v->pointlist=_ogg_realloc(v->pointlist,v->allocated*(v->elements+v->aux)*
279 | sizeof(float));
280 | }
281 |
282 | memcpy(_point(v,v->points),p,sizeof(float)*v->elements);
283 | if(v->aux)memcpy(_point(v,v->points)+v->elements,a,sizeof(float)*v->aux);
284 |
285 | /* quantize to the density mesh if it's selected */
286 | if(v->mindist>0.f){
287 | /* quantize to the mesh */
288 | for(k=0;k<v->elements+v->aux;k++)
289 | _point(v,v->points)[k]=
290 | rint(_point(v,v->points)[k]/v->mindist)*v->mindist;
291 | }
292 | v->points++;
293 | if(!(v->points&0xff))spinnit("loading... ",v->points);
294 | }
295 |
296 | /* yes, not threadsafe. These utils aren't */
297 | static int sortit=0;
298 | static int sortsize=0;
299 | static int meshcomp(const void *a,const void *b){
300 | if(((sortit++)&0xfff)==0)spinnit("sorting mesh...",sortit);
301 | return(memcmp(a,b,sortsize));
302 | }
303 |
304 | void vqgen_sortmesh(vqgen *v){
305 | sortit=0;
306 | if(v->mindist>0.f){
307 | long i,march=1;
308 |
309 | /* sort to make uniqueness detection trivial */
310 | sortsize=(v->elements+v->aux)*sizeof(float);
311 | qsort(v->pointlist,v->points,sortsize,meshcomp);
312 |
313 | /* now march through and eliminate dupes */
314 | for(i=1;i<v->points;i++){
315 | if(memcmp(_point(v,i),_point(v,i-1),sortsize)){
316 | /* a new, unique entry. march it down */
317 | if(i>march)memcpy(_point(v,march),_point(v,i),sortsize);
318 | march++;
319 | }
320 | spinnit("eliminating density... ",v->points-i);
321 | }
322 |
323 | /* we're done */
324 | fprintf(stderr,"\r%ld training points remining out of %ld"
325 | " after density mesh (%ld%%)\n",march,v->points,march*100/v->points);
326 | v->points=march;
327 |
328 | }
329 | v->sorted=1;
330 | }
331 |
332 | float vqgen_iterate(vqgen *v,int biasp){
333 | long i,j,k;
334 |
335 | float fdesired;
336 | long desired;
337 | long desired2;
338 |
339 | float asserror=0.f;
340 | float meterror=0.f;
341 | float *new;
342 | float *new2;
343 | long *nearcount;
344 | float *nearbias;
345 | #ifdef NOISY
346 | char buff[80];
347 | FILE *assig;
348 | FILE *bias;
349 | FILE *cells;
350 | sprintf(buff,"cells%d.m",v->it);
351 | cells=fopen(buff,"w");
352 | sprintf(buff,"assig%d.m",v->it);
353 | assig=fopen(buff,"w");
354 | sprintf(buff,"bias%d.m",v->it);
355 | bias=fopen(buff,"w");
356 | #endif
357 |
358 |
359 | if(v->entries<2){
360 | fprintf(stderr,"generation requires at least two entries\n");
361 | exit(1);
362 | }
363 |
364 | if(!v->sorted)vqgen_sortmesh(v);
365 | if(!v->seeded)_vqgen_seed(v);
366 |
367 | fdesired=(float)v->points/v->entries;
368 | desired=fdesired;
369 | desired2=desired*2;
370 | new=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(float)*v->entries*v->elements);
371 | new2=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(float)*v->entries*v->elements);
372 | nearcount=_ogg_malloc(v->entries*sizeof(long));
373 | nearbias=_ogg_malloc(v->entries*desired2*sizeof(float));
374 |
375 | /* fill in nearest points for entry biasing */
376 | /*memset(v->bias,0,sizeof(float)*v->entries);*/
377 | memset(nearcount,0,sizeof(long)*v->entries);
378 | memset(v->assigned,0,sizeof(long)*v->entries);
379 | if(biasp){
380 | for(i=0;i<v->points;i++){
381 | float *ppt=v->weight_func(v,_point(v,i));
382 | float firstmetric=v->metric_func(v,_now(v,0),ppt)+v->bias[0];
383 | float secondmetric=v->metric_func(v,_now(v,1),ppt)+v->bias[1];
384 | long firstentry=0;
385 | long secondentry=1;
386 |
387 | if(!(i&0xff))spinnit("biasing... ",v->points+v->points+v->entries-i);
388 |
389 | if(firstmetric>secondmetric){
390 | float temp=firstmetric;
391 | firstmetric=secondmetric;
392 | secondmetric=temp;
393 | firstentry=1;
394 | secondentry=0;
395 | }
396 |
397 | for(j=2;j<v->entries;j++){
398 | float thismetric=v->metric_func(v,_now(v,j),ppt)+v->bias[j];
399 | if(thismetric<secondmetric){
400 | if(thismetric<firstmetric){
401 | secondmetric=firstmetric;
402 | secondentry=firstentry;
403 | firstmetric=thismetric;
404 | firstentry=j;
405 | }else{
406 | secondmetric=thismetric;
407 | secondentry=j;
408 | }
409 | }
410 | }
411 |
412 | j=firstentry;
413 | for(j=0;j<v->entries;j++){
414 |
415 | float thismetric,localmetric;
416 | float *nearbiasptr=nearbias+desired2*j;
417 | long k=nearcount[j];
418 |
419 | localmetric=v->metric_func(v,_now(v,j),ppt);
420 | /* 'thismetric' is to be the bias value necessary in the current
421 | arrangement for entry j to capture point i */
422 | if(firstentry==j){
423 | /* use the secondary entry as the threshhold */
424 | thismetric=secondmetric-localmetric;
425 | }else{
426 | /* use the primary entry as the threshhold */
427 | thismetric=firstmetric-localmetric;
428 | }
429 |
430 | /* support the idea of 'minimum distance'... if we want the
431 | cells in a codebook to be roughly some minimum size (as with
432 | the low resolution residue books) */
433 |
434 | /* a cute two-stage delayed sorting hack */
435 | if(k<desired){
436 | nearbiasptr[k]=thismetric;
437 | k++;
438 | if(k==desired){
439 | spinnit("biasing... ",v->points+v->points+v->entries-i);
440 | qsort(nearbiasptr,desired,sizeof(float),directdsort);
441 | }
442 |
443 | }else if(thismetric>nearbiasptr[desired-1]){
444 | nearbiasptr[k]=thismetric;
445 | k++;
446 | if(k==desired2){
447 | spinnit("biasing... ",v->points+v->points+v->entries-i);
448 | qsort(nearbiasptr,desired2,sizeof(float),directdsort);
449 | k=desired;
450 | }
451 | }
452 | nearcount[j]=k;
453 | }
454 | }
455 |
456 | /* inflate/deflate */
457 |
458 | for(i=0;i<v->entries;i++){
459 | float *nearbiasptr=nearbias+desired2*i;
460 |
461 | spinnit("biasing... ",v->points+v->entries-i);
462 |
463 | /* due to the delayed sorting, we likely need to finish it off....*/
464 | if(nearcount[i]>desired)
465 | qsort(nearbiasptr,nearcount[i],sizeof(float),directdsort);
466 |
467 | v->bias[i]=nearbiasptr[desired-1];
468 |
469 | }
470 | }else{
471 | memset(v->bias,0,v->entries*sizeof(float));
472 | }
473 |
474 | /* Now assign with new bias and find new midpoints */
475 | for(i=0;i<v->points;i++){
476 | float *ppt=v->weight_func(v,_point(v,i));
477 | float firstmetric=v->metric_func(v,_now(v,0),ppt)+v->bias[0];
478 | long firstentry=0;
479 |
480 | if(!(i&0xff))spinnit("centering... ",v->points-i);
481 |
482 | for(j=0;j<v->entries;j++){
483 | float thismetric=v->metric_func(v,_now(v,j),ppt)+v->bias[j];
484 | if(thismetric<firstmetric){
485 | firstmetric=thismetric;
486 | firstentry=j;
487 | }
488 | }
489 |
490 | j=firstentry;
491 |
492 | #ifdef NOISY
493 | fprintf(cells,"%g %g\n%g %g\n\n",
494 | _now(v,j)[0],_now(v,j)[1],
495 | ppt[0],ppt[1]);
496 | #endif
497 |
498 | firstmetric-=v->bias[j];
499 | meterror+=firstmetric;
500 |
501 | if(v->centroid==0){
502 | /* set up midpoints for next iter */
503 | if(v->assigned[j]++){
504 | for(k=0;k<v->elements;k++)
505 | vN(new,j)[k]+=ppt[k];
506 | if(firstmetric>v->max[j])v->max[j]=firstmetric;
507 | }else{
508 | for(k=0;k<v->elements;k++)
509 | vN(new,j)[k]=ppt[k];
510 | v->max[j]=firstmetric;
511 | }
512 | }else{
513 | /* centroid */
514 | if(v->assigned[j]++){
515 | for(k=0;k<v->elements;k++){
516 | if(vN(new,j)[k]>ppt[k])vN(new,j)[k]=ppt[k];
517 | if(vN(new2,j)[k]<ppt[k])vN(new2,j)[k]=ppt[k];
518 | }
519 | if(firstmetric>v->max[firstentry])v->max[j]=firstmetric;
520 | }else{
521 | for(k=0;k<v->elements;k++){
522 | vN(new,j)[k]=ppt[k];
523 | vN(new2,j)[k]=ppt[k];
524 | }
525 | v->max[firstentry]=firstmetric;
526 | }
527 | }
528 | }
529 |
530 | /* assign midpoints */
531 |
532 | for(j=0;j<v->entries;j++){
533 | #ifdef NOISY
534 | fprintf(assig,"%ld\n",v->assigned[j]);
535 | fprintf(bias,"%g\n",v->bias[j]);
536 | #endif
537 | asserror+=fabs(v->assigned[j]-fdesired);
538 | if(v->assigned[j]){
539 | if(v->centroid==0){
540 | for(k=0;k<v->elements;k++)
541 | _now(v,j)[k]=vN(new,j)[k]/v->assigned[j];
542 | }else{
543 | for(k=0;k<v->elements;k++)
544 | _now(v,j)[k]=(vN(new,j)[k]+vN(new2,j)[k])/2.f;
545 | }
546 | }
547 | }
548 |
549 | asserror/=(v->entries*fdesired);
550 |
551 | fprintf(stderr,"Pass #%d... ",v->it);
552 | fprintf(stderr,": dist %g(%g) metric error=%g \n",
553 | asserror,fdesired,meterror/v->points);
554 | v->it++;
555 |
556 | free(new);
557 | free(nearcount);
558 | free(nearbias);
559 | #ifdef NOISY
560 | fclose(assig);
561 | fclose(bias);
562 | fclose(cells);
563 | #endif
564 | return(asserror);
565 | }
566 |