1 | * Summary: string dictionary
2 | * Description: dictionary of reusable strings, just used to avoid
3 | * allocation and freeing operations.
4 | *
5 | * Copy: See Copyright for the status of this software.
6 | *
7 | * Author: Patrick Monnerat <pm@datasphere.ch>, DATASPHERE S.A.
8 |
9 | /if not defined(XML_DICT_H__)
10 | /define XML_DICT_H__
11 |
12 | * The dictionary.
13 |
14 | d xmlDictPtr s * based(######typedef######)
15 |
16 | /include "libxmlrpg/xmlversion"
17 | /include "libxmlrpg/xmlTypesC"
18 | /include "libxmlrpg/tree"
19 |
20 | * Initializer
21 |
22 | d xmlInitializeDict...
23 | d pr extproc('xmlInitializeDict')
24 | d like(xmlCint)
25 |
26 | * Constructor and destructor.
27 |
28 | d xmlDictCreate pr extproc('xmlDictCreate')
29 | d like(xmlDictPtr)
30 |
31 | d xmlDictSetLimit...
32 | d pr extproc('xmlDictSetLimit')
33 | d like(xmlCsize_t)
34 | d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
35 | d limit value like(xmlCsize_t)
36 |
37 | d xmlDictGetUsage...
38 | d pr extproc('xmlDictGetUsage')
39 | d like(xmlCsize_t)
40 | d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
41 |
42 | d xmlDictCreateSub...
43 | d pr extproc('xmlDictCreateSub')
44 | d like(xmlDictPtr)
45 | d sub value like(xmlDictPtr)
46 |
47 | d xmlDictReference...
48 | d pr extproc('xmlDictGetReference')
49 | d like(xmlCint)
50 | d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
51 |
52 | d xmlDictFree pr extproc('xmlDictFree')
53 | d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
54 |
55 | * Lookup of entry in the dictionary.
56 |
57 | d xmlDictLookup pr * extproc('xmlDictLookup') const xmlChar *
58 | d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
59 | d name * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
60 | d len value like(xmlCint)
61 |
62 | d xmlDictExists pr * extproc('xmlDictExists') const xmlChar *
63 | d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
64 | d name * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
65 | d len value like(xmlCint)
66 |
67 | d xmlDictQLookup pr * extproc('xmlDictQLookup') const xmlChar *
68 | d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
69 | d name * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
70 | d name * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
71 |
72 | d xmlDictOwns pr extproc('xmlDictOwns')
73 | d like(xmlCint)
74 | d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
75 | d str * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
76 |
77 | d xmlDictSize pr extproc('xmlDictSize')
78 | d like(xmlCint)
79 | d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
80 |
81 | * Cleanup function
82 |
83 | d xmlDictCleanup pr extproc('xmlDictCleanup')
84 |
85 | /endif ! XML_DICT_H__