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5 | <title>The EXSLT C library for Gnome</title>
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11 | <h1 align="center">The EXSLT C library for Gnome</h1>
12 |
13 | <h1 style="text-align: center">libexslt</h1>
14 |
15 | <p>Libexslt is the <a href="http://www.exslt.org">EXSLT</a> C library
16 | developed for libxslt (a part of the Gnome project). Much of the
17 | initial work on the library was done by Thomas Broyer. EXSLT itself
18 | is a community initiative to provide extensions to XSLT.
19 |
20 | <p>This library is free software and can be reused in commercial applications
21 | (see the <a href="intro.html">intro</a>)</p>
22 |
23 | <p></p>
24 |
25 | <p>Logo designed by <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Marc Liyanage</a>.</p>
26 |
27 | <h2><a name="Introducti">Introduction</a></h2>
28 |
29 | <p>This document describes <a href="http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/">libxslt</a>,
30 | the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt">XSLT</a> C library developed for the
31 | <a href="http://www.gnome.org/">Gnome</a> project.</p>
32 |
33 | <p>Here are some key points about libxslt:</p>
34 | <ul>
35 | <li>Libxslt is a C implementation</li>
36 | <li>Libxslt is based on libxml for XML parsing, tree manipulation and XPath
37 | support</li>
38 | <li>It is written in plain C, making as few assumptions as possible, and
39 | sticking closely to ANSI C/POSIX for easy embedding. Should works on
40 | Linux/Unix/Windows.</li>
41 | <li>This library is released under the <a
42 | href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html">MIT
43 | Licence</a></li>
44 | <li>Though not designed primarily with performances in mind, libxslt seems
45 | to be a relatively fast processor.</li>
46 | </ul>
47 |
48 | <h2><a name="Documentat">Documentation</a></h2>
49 |
50 | <p>There are some on-line resources about using libxslt:</p>
51 | <ol>
52 | <li>Check the <a href="html/libxslt-lib.html#LIBXSLT-LIB">API
53 | documentation</a> automatically extracted from code comments (using
54 | the program apibuild.py, developed for libxml, together with the
55 | xsl script 'newapi.xsl' and the libxslt xsltproc program).</li>
56 | <li>Look at the <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xslt/">mailing-list
57 | archive</a>.</li>
58 | <li>Of course since libxslt is based on libxml, it's a good idea to at
59 | least read <a href="http://xmlsoft.org/">libxml description</a></li>
60 | </ol>
61 |
62 | <h2><a name="Reporting">Reporting bugs and getting help</a></h2>
63 |
64 | <p>Well, bugs or missing features are always possible, and I will make a
65 | point of fixing them in a timely fashion. The best way to report a bug is to
66 | use the <a href="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=libxslt">Gnome
67 | bug tracking database</a> (make sure to use the "libxslt" module name). I
68 | look at reports there regularly and it's good to have a reminder when a bug
69 | is still open. Be sure to specify that the bug is for the package libxslt.</p>
70 |
71 | <p>For small problems you can try to get help on IRC, the #xml channel on
72 | irc.gnome.org (port 6667) usually have a few person subscribed which may help
73 | (but there is no guarantee and if a real issue is raised it should go on the
74 | mailing-list for archival).</p>
75 |
76 | <p>There is also a mailing-list <a
77 | href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> for libxslt, with an <a
78 | href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xslt/">on-line archive</a>. To subscribe
79 | to this list, please visit the <a
80 | href="http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/xslt">associated Web</a> page
81 | and follow the instructions.</p>
82 |
83 | <p>Alternatively, you can just send the bug to the <a
84 | href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> list, if it's really libxslt
85 | related I will approve it.. Please do not send me mail directly especially
86 | for portability problem, it makes things really harder to track and in some
87 | cases I'm not the best person to answer a given question, ask the list
88 | instead. <strong>Do not send code, I won't debug it</strong> (but patches are
89 | really appreciated!).</p>
90 |
91 | <p>Check the following too <span style="color: #E50000">before
92 | posting</span>:</p>
93 | <ul>
94 | <li><a href="search.php">use the search engine</a> to get informations
95 | related to your problem.</li>
96 | <li>make sure you are <a href="ftp://xmlsoft.org/">using a recent
97 | version</a>, and that the problem still shows up in those</li>
98 | <li>check the <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xslt/">list
99 | archives</a> to see if the problem was reported already, in this case
100 | there is probably a fix available, similarly check the <a
101 | href="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=libxslt">registered
102 | open bugs</a></li>
103 | <li>make sure you can reproduce the bug with xsltproc, a very useful thing
104 | to do is run the transformation with -v argument and redirect the
105 | standard error to a file, then search in this file for the transformation
106 | logs just preceding the possible problem</li>
107 | <li>Please send the command showing the error as well as the input and
108 | stylesheet (as an attachment)</li>
109 | </ul>
110 |
111 | <p>Then send the bug with associated informations to reproduce it to the <a
112 | href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> list; if it's really libxslt
113 | related I will approve it. Please do not send mail to me directly, it makes
114 | things really hard to track and in some cases I am not the best person to
115 | answer a given question, ask on the list.</p>
116 |
117 | <p>To <span style="color: #E50000">be really clear about support</span>:</p>
118 | <ul>
119 | <li>Support or help <span style="color: #E50000">request MUST be sent to
120 | the list or on bugzilla</span> in case of problems, so that the Question
121 | and Answers can be shared publicly. Failing to do so carries the implicit
122 | message "I want free support but I don't want to share the benefits with
123 | others" and is not welcome. I will automatically Carbon-Copy the
124 | [email protected] mailing list for any technical reply made about libxml2 or
125 | libxslt.</li>
126 | <li>There is <span style="color: #E50000">no garantee for support</span>,
127 | if your question remains unanswered after a week, repost it, making sure
128 | you gave all the detail needed and the informations requested.</li>
129 | <li>Failing to provide informations as requested or double checking first
130 | for prior feedback also carries the implicit message "the time of the
131 | library maintainers is less valuable than my time" and might not be
132 | welcome.</li>
133 | </ul>
134 |
135 | <p>Of course, bugs reports with a suggested patch for fixing them will
136 | probably be processed faster.</p>
137 |
138 | <p>If you're looking for help, a quick look at <a
139 | href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xslt/">the list archive</a> may actually
140 | provide the answer, I usually send source samples when answering libxslt
141 | usage questions. The <a
142 | href="html/libxslt-lib.html#LIBXSLT-LIB">auto-generated documentation</a> is
143 | not as polished as I would like (I need to learn more about Docbook), but
144 | it's a good starting point.</p>
145 |
146 | <h2><a name="help">How to help</a></h2>
147 |
148 | <p>You can help the project in various ways, the best thing to do first is to
149 | subscribe to the mailing-list as explained before, check the <a
150 | href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xslt/">archives </a>and the <a
151 | href="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=libxslt">Gnome bug
152 | database:</a>:</p>
153 | <ol>
154 | <li>provide patches when you find problems</li>
155 | <li>provide the diffs when you port libxslt to a new platform. They may not
156 | be integrated in all cases but help pinpointing portability problems
157 | and</li>
158 | <li>provide documentation fixes (either as patches to the code comments or
159 | as HTML diffs).</li>
160 | <li>provide new documentations pieces (translations, examples, etc ...)</li>
161 | <li>Check the TODO file and try to close one of the items</li>
162 | <li>take one of the points raised in the archive or the bug database and
163 | provide a fix. <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Get in touch with me
164 | </a>before to avoid synchronization problems and check that the suggested
165 | fix will fit in nicely :-)</li>
166 | </ol>
167 |
168 | <h2><a name="Downloads">Downloads</a></h2>
169 |
170 | <p>The latest versions of libxslt can be found on <a
171 | href="ftp://xmlsoft.org/">xmlsoft.org</a> (<a
172 | href="ftp://speakeasy.rpmfind.net/pub/libxml/">Seattle</a>, <a
173 | href="ftp://fr.rpmfind.net/pub/libxml/">France</a>) or on the <a
174 | href="ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/MIRRORS.html">Gnome FTP server</a> as a
175 | <a href="ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/libxslt/1.1/">source
176 | archive</a>, Antonin Sprinzl also provides <a
177 | href="ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/pub/libxml/">a mirror in Austria</a>. (NOTE that
178 | you need the <a href="http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/libxml2.html">libxml2</a>,
179 | <a href="http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/libxml2-devel.html">libxml2-devel</a>,
180 | <a href="http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/libxslt.html">libxslt</a> and <a
181 | href="http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/libxslt-devel.html">libxslt-devel</a>
182 | packages installed to compile applications using libxslt.) <a
183 | href="mailto:[email protected]">Igor Zlatkovic</a> is now the maintainer of
184 | the Windows port, <a
185 | href="http://www.zlatkovic.com/projects/libxml/index.html">he provides
186 | binaries</a>. <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Gary Pennington</a>
187 | provides <a href="http://garypennington.net/libxml2/">Solaris binaries</a>.
188 | <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Steve Ball</a> provides <a
189 | href="http://www.zveno.com/open_source/libxml2xslt.html">Mac Os X
190 | binaries</a>.</p>
191 |
192 | <p><a name="Contribs">Contribs:</a></p>
193 |
194 | <p>I do accept external contributions, especially if compiling on another
195 | platform, get in touch with me to upload the package. I will keep them in the
196 | <a href="ftp://xmlsoft.org/contribs/">contrib directory</a></p>
197 |
198 | <p>Libxslt is also available from CVS:</p>
199 | <ul>
200 | <li><p>The <a
201 | href="http://cvs.gnome.org/bonsai/rview.cgi?cvsroot=/cvs/gnome&dir=libxslt">Gnome
202 | CVS base</a>. Check the <a
203 | href="http://developer.gnome.org/tools/cvs.html">Gnome CVS Tools</a>
204 | page; the CVS module is <b>libxslt</b>.</p>
205 | </li>
206 | <li><a href="ftp://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/cvs-snapshot.tar.gz">daily snapshots
207 | from CVS</a> are also provided</li>
208 | </ul>
209 |
210 | <p></p>
211 |
212 | <p><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Daniel Veillard</a></p>
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